AGE FOURTEEN 1931 Eastern Ontario News | 'ant: Modern Phone System N: ee, ---- Councillor Wilson ught up the question of 'an auto- tic telephone system at a recent neil meeting and moved that re- ntations be made to the Bell one Co. regarding more mod- n system for the residents of Na- ee and that a report be given to council. Abolish Franchise gston.-- Freshmen will not be wed to vote at the next AMS. ection if the proposal of the stu- ts executive of Queen's Univer- ity is approved. At a special meet- of Te Alma Mater Society exe al- Tax Arrears Reduced Lindsay.~Within . the past two months,over $14,734.05 in back taxes Las been collected, leaving about $93, 000 altogether in back taxes, This shows a ever, and it is expected that the treasurer's monthly reports will show more results as time goes on, Admit Burglaries h Peterboro.--Pleading guilty to a charge of burglary in police court Arthus McDonald and a juvenile, 14 years of age, were remanded one week for sentence, Another youth, Donald Gibbons, 18, who was arrest- McDonald, on charges in with the nightly burg- tive called recently to cc rations designed to cure present- election evils, this was one of proposals put torth. jaw Mill Burned : : "Port Hope -- Fire practically de- royed a saw mill two miles south of e village of Warsaw and owned by lan Payne. The engine was salvag- and Mr, Payne contemplates start- jng work again this week although "his saw and a quantity of railway ties mber and trees were destroyed. 45th Anniversary : Port Hope. ~~ About thirty-five friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Philander Hannah, at Per- rytown, to celebrate the forty-fifth anniversary of their redding. They were presented with two beautiful chairs. Becomes Hospital Manager Brockville--Frank Row, of Brock- ville, for the past 11 years in a simi- lar position at McMaster University, Toronto, has been appointed business "manager of the Brockville General Hospital, in succession to George E. Purkis, who has resigned, but who will retain his office as treasurer of Board of Governors, New Governor-General of Canada comes of a distinguished lineage. Some 'advertising manager is sure to ask if it is classified or display. -- . Woodstock Sentinel-Review, Specials for Friday and Saturday at the Store Chocolate Cake each ,... Orange Cake, each 1 8 Cc Date Sandwiches Kad aeheinia 18¢ Doughnuts, doz, "os 18¢ Monney's Bakery | - St. W. = To ER laries in this cits pleade not guilty and elected trial by judge. Joseoh and Gerald McClure, who were ar- 'rested in Hamilton are being brought to this city to face similar charges. Grant for Reunion Lindsay.--At the town council meeting a deputation from the 109th Battalion Old Boys' Association wait- ed on the council, and were given a grant of $250 towards the reunion of the battalion here on May 23, 24 and 25. Fully 500 of the old boys are expected, ; Sentence Suspended. Lindsay.--Pleading guilty in police court, Chester Tryon and' William Robins, who live near Bracebridge, appeared before Magistrate G. A. Jordan and were put on two years suspended sentence on a charge of stealing three dead beaver, seven rats and one mink, worth over $170, the property of Longford Reserve, Limited. Quarrying Continued Smiths Falls--~The Town Council has decided to continue operations at the municipal quarry for another two weeks, to provide relief for unem- ployed. Aware of the plan to dis- continue quarrying, a large delegation of unemployed waited on council, Ottawa Daylight Time Ottawa. ~Ottawa will observe day- light saving time for five months this year. By order of city council the capital will go on fast time April 26 and continue to purloin an extra hour of daylight until Sept. 27, Artillery Instructs Infantry, Kingston,--For the first time since 1776 the artillery at Tete De Pont Barracks is giving instruction and training to the infantry. When the R.CA. took over the Imperial Army in Canada in 1771 they conducted the first school of instruction, and carried on until 1776, when the R.C.R. was formed and took over their own school. Lodge's Anniversary Belleville, -- Belleville Lodge No. 1004 Loyal Order of Moose held their 10th snivéfsary in the form of an open meeting, he Ladies Chapter No, 435, Junior Order No. 31, piet members from Trenton, Picton and Kingston lodges were in attendance. DEPENDABLE zation TO THE ONE yuo SEEKS HEALTH se Note Our representative S. L. PASEN will be in Oshawa All Day Friday, March 6th at 752 Gifford Street Phone 1145W He will be pleased to interview anyone FREE OF CHARGE who desires in. formation about our FAMOUS HER- BAL REMEDIES for various Human Allments. Your Health is assured if you get back to Nature for Help. Our Herbal Remedies have been before the public since 1888, and our organ. has advanced to the stage where we now maintain 25 OF OUR OWN HERBAL STORES IN ONTARIO as well throughout Canada. If you are ailing, 'see him while he is in Oshawa and get started on the path back to Health, as distributing agencies UNA DR. TH BALSAM REMEDIES LIMITED CUT STOVE LENGTH AND GUARANTEED DRY ALSO D&H Cone-Cleaned Anthracite ~ SOLVAY DUSTLESS COKE | POCAHONTAS. SIZED CANNEL ocd deal of progress, how- | TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET Produce - Eggs, extras, per doz. Do., firsts; per doz. . Do., Pullet extras . Butter, dairy, per 1b. 0.28 Do., croamery per lb. 0.36 Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, 6 bunches ... «.. Beets, 2 bunches .... Onions, dry 11-qt. b'k't Cabbage sco sssrvnns Cauliflower +. «+ «ov 0.10 Spinach, peck «ie vvee os Mushrooms, per pound 0.40 Leat Lettuce, three for ... Head lettuce 3 bunches ... Parsley, per bunch .. 0.05 Onions, bunch, 3 for v Cress, three for .. Celery, head ..... Oranges, per dozen . Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, each ... Lemons, per doz. ... Bananas, per dozen .. Apples, bus, ....... Do.,, Snows, 6-qt. . ... Cal. green peas 6-qt. bk, ... Eggplant, each ..... Green poppers Cranberries, qt. . Sweet potatoes, wa Pumpkins, each ..... 0.1 Squash, each 0.1 Parsnips, basket .... Beets, basket ......s oo Peppers, each +. «uve Herbs, bunch .... Radishes, bunch Brocoll, bunch Kale, 2 for . Rhubarb, 3 bunches .. Chicory, 2 heads .... Endive, 1b. «cvviiann 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.82 CRON) DR "oe 0.05 Soe + SA. * 5 5 ses aes esse eee coocooooooooosoACooMO OD: CRIN O HOS LAW HIENOD CUO oIaGiItiocISoICITITIgITIOVD CRY TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- turned, fresh extras, 26 to 27¢; fresh. firsts, 23 to 24c¢; seconds, 17 to 18ec, * Butter--No, 1, Ontarlo/cream- ery solids, 313 to 32¢; No. 2, 30% to 3c. Churning cream---Special, 31 to 32¢; No. 1, 30 to Slc; Nofl 2, 27 to 28ec. Cheese--~No. 1 Iarge, colored, jaraiiised and government graded, ec. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows:-- Paultry-- Dressed "A" Grade Alive Select M.T, Spring chickens, © bs. cach .... 20 28 Over 6 to 6 lbs, 25 23 ech 'vy .. .. Over 4 to 44 lbs. each 4 lbs. each an under Fasted hens, 6 to 6 22 20 "e 8. Over 4 to 6 Ibs. Of ss trues Over 33 to 4 Ibs. each .. . ve us. 18 Under 8% Ibs. . 13 Do., 8 to 12 Ibs. 82 Do., under 8 lbs. 28 Old turkeys ..... 21 Geese, market prices Old roosters, over b lbs. ea, .... White ducklings, over 6 lbs. ea. Over 4 to 6 Ibs. each «... «4. Muscovio ducks, over b 1bs. 4 to 6 lbs. Guinea fowl, 14 20 23 20 pafr 4. i... Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the foil- lowing prices: Eggs--TFresh extras, in cartons, 34c; fresh' extras, loose, 81 to 82¢; firsts, 20c; seconds, 22¢; pul- let extras, 26¢c, Butter--No., 1 Creamery, prints, 34c; No. 2 creamery, prints, 23c. Cheese--New, large, 16¢c; twins 164c; triplets, 16%e¢; stiltons, 2lc, Old large, 24c; twins, 24 %e; stiltons, 27¢. CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 4, -- Advances were general yesterday morning throughout the list of eggs with all grades of cash registering gains of from % to 134. Likewise all fu- tures moved sharply upward for substantial net gains. Such a sharp rally at this season of the year is somewhat unusual and is expected to éncourage heavy deliveries on IF Your Ears Ring With Head Noises If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double srength), and add to it 3% pint of hot water and a little sugar, Take a tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick re- let from the distressing head noises, Clogged nostrils shoulda open, breathing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat, It is easy to prepare, costs little, and is pleasant to take, Any- one who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give, this pres- eription a trial, Just Ask For a Box of MCcOY'S Cod Tdver Extract Tablets Do you want to gain nds of good solid flesh and at he same time increase your energy and vigor? One skinny woman gairied 9 pounds in 20 days--her skin is bewitching--' free from pimples--60 tablets 60 cents at Jury & Lovell- Ltd, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, and druggists everywhere--~now you know how to WEI T . 'Produce in the Commercial Markets current options. After drastic de- cline, the butter market appeared to have at least temporarily right- ed itseif. Volume of March futures somewhat limited, although prices moved quickly upward for daily gains of approximately %. Offer- Ings unusually light throughout call, Open commitments --- March fresh oggs, 1; March storage, £0; April storage, 133; November, 70. Butter, June, 30; March, 357. Po- tatoes, March, 8; April, 93. Two "market receipts -- Butter, today, 33,316; last year, 32,124. Rags today, 54,042; last year, 74,- Chicago spot market ---- Butter, extras, 27)c; standards, 27¢; tone steady. Eggs, fresh firsts, 19¢; tone, firm. As a usual thing, those who desire to deprive the press of the news are those who accomplish the least--~ Owen Sound Sun-Times. King Zog, of Albania, escaped an assassin"s bullet, probably by the highly recommended plan of Zig Zag. ~Port Arthur News-Chronicle, Y AMERICAN HOMES ARE IDEAL, BUT WHERE IS DAD? Ellen Wilkinson Gives Gist of Impressions Gained | On Tour he------ New York, March 5.--~American homes are the most comfortable in the world, but "where is father?" --such was the gist of impressions gained during her recent lecture tour of the United States, broadcast the other night from London by Miss El- len Wilkinson, Labor member of Parliament. Miss Wilkinson, a tiny woman with flery red hair who has been nick-named "Red Ellen" because of her advanced Socialist views passed four weeks in the United States early this year and "found the most marvellous hostesses wherever 1 went. "The American woman," she said, "understands better than any other the meaning of the word 'com- tort. } . 8 "No matter whether I stayed at the home of a millionaire, the home of a Methodist minister, or the home of a socialist secretary and his wife, everything was so comfortable. I blessed America's contribution to civilization , . . . "The domestic gadgets in simplest American homes fill me with envy, I am in favor of 'press the button' housekeeping. We are generally about ten years behind the times. The typical Englishman is a strong being who takes a cold bath in the morning and talks about it for the rest of the day, But America means bathrooms. These jolly little taps in the walls did just delightful things, "Still, IT simply could not under: stand why, when American homes are so comfortable, American hus bands seem to spend so little time in them. Why, if you are asked to stay in American homes, de you 80 rarely see the husband? There are intelli- pent. daughters; gay, good-looking sons, but where is father? American youngsters in their 'early to bed' stage must think of father as the voice at the other end of the tele- phone, for father is always working. Perhaps ope of the effects of the present depression will be to intro- duce these hard-working - husbands to their charming families. "In America, it seems possible to collect large numbers of women (for lectures) at any hour of the day. But why aren't these intelligent, active-minded women in politics to at least the same extent that they are in England? Na R ED ROSE TEA | ACWOICE BLENDS = Red Label & Orange Fekoe much earlier. There is much' real quality in American women, and yet there are only two women in Con- gress and no immediate possibilities of getting any more." Miss Wilkinson confesses that she had been unable to "get on at all" with American newspaper men, "who seemed to regard me as someone who would blow up unless very care- fully handled," but she offered a "vote of thanks for all they did for me" to the newspaper women of the United States. "I would have had a marvellous time in America," she said, "if I could have shut my eyes They won their votesto the breadlines." Her most amusing experience, Miss Wilkinson said, was at a Greenwich Village party "where they made gin in the bathroom. I said, innocently, 'in England it has to be kept three years before it can be sold. How long will you keep this?" 'If we are lucky, about three minutes,' I was told. I still remember how I man- aged to avoid drinking that stuff." ------------------------------------ Some of these days President Hoover will get, what he wants from the United States senate by telling the senators that he doesn't want it. ~--Buffalo Courier-Express. 972 50c Size Milk of M 3 Tooth Paste Both for 39¢ COME Daug Stores Celebrate Their 21° Rexall Birthday Just 21 Years ago seven Rexall products were manufactured and shipped to the first Rexall Drug Store in Canada, while to-day more than 3000 trade marked items are manufactured for exclusive sale in 972 Rexall Drug Stores in Canada. We have cut our birthday cake and offer you a slicein these many specials. HELP YOURSELF CANADA IN 35¢c Rexall SHAVING LOTION Fruit Saline Mild Lasalive COMPACTS 65¢ DUSKA LIPSTICKS 50¢c PEPTONA A Rel Spring Tonic IMPORTED RUSSIAN MINERAL OIL 16 oz. bot. H%¢ 32 ox. bot. $1.29 BOs FACE POWDER and 50¢ Vial DUSKA PERFUME 6 Cakes for 25¢ Portfolio PAPER and ENVELOPES JONTEEL SPECIAL 50c box of JONTEEL Cold Cream Face Powder That Stays On 80c jar Jonteel Combination Cream $1.00 VALUE ror? 50c Chocolate covered Maraschino Cherries pos 49¢ Chocolate Peppermint Patties LINEN FINISH Writing Pad and Bot 25¢ LAXATIVE BROMIDE QUININE TABLETS Lae 19¢ A. S. A. 50c Vial of the new popular odor JASMINE Perfume Cara Nome Sweet Pea Jasmine FREE with a $1.00 box of JASMINE Face Powder Purse Vials Horehound Stick 5¢ Horehound Leaves Ib. 19¢ $1.00 bottle TABLETS For Cold or Headache 24 tabs for 19¢ 100 tabs for 49¢ COUGHS a 25¢ box For Hoarseness or Hacking Coughs 50c bot, Rexall Bronchial Syrup A Fine Combination to Beat a Cold ror" B0c nd COLDS Imported OLIVE OIL F 4 hl LADY FAIR RUBBER GLOVES Keep the hands soft A.B.5.&C. LAXATIVE 19¢ ILASOL LOTION To keep hands and face soft smoot 35cm 59¢ Rum, Honey and Cod Liver Oil 6oz.bottle . . DOC =] 140z. bottle . $1.00 Bandage and bottle of Triodine ror: 39¢ FOR Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil 2eSize . « » 19¢ 4 wa 38¢ tin Langlois Powder For After Shaving A Man's Birthday Special 80c tube of Langlois Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream Lavender Talcum KING ST. E. PHONE 28 "WHERE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY Gale is on till Maroh 14 Jury & Lovell SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 68 Go) iy, IF A Family Bitthday Special Mi 31 Tooth Paste Mi 31 Antiseptis Mouth 25¢ Tooth Brush 10¢ Celluloid Tooth "= $1.10 VALUE ALL FOR 69¢ 25c size bot. ee) 5 Wash and Gargle Brush Case