Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Feb 1931, p. 8

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Ee mana oS JE SL HE el A) THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played yesterday resulted as follows: O. H. A. Junior | Newmarket ..1 Owen Sound .. \ OHA. Intermediate tRM.C. .. Camp Borden .. sRound tied, 3-3. Ontario League xKitchener ..3 Stratford .. xOvertime, xNiagara Malls PAGE EIGHT S SHOW EFFECTS OF HARD GRIND Juniors Second Game Will be Played at Toronto on a MARCH Sth and 6th 8nd ANNUAL PRESENTATION % PA Galt Terriers Get Revenge; Defeat Oshawa Patricias JI' THE Collegiate Student Players Featuring TWO ONE-ACT PLAYS "THE FLORIST SHOP" ed Guelph «oad Snapshots PORT . 7to4 in Hard Fought Battle Considerable Feeling Shown by Players and Twenty Penalties Were Handed Out--Pats Playing Third Game in Three Successive Nights Galt, YFeb. 26.--Oshawa Pats paid their farewell visit here last night and took a 7 to 4 trimming in a game that was fast and marks ed by considerable ill-feeling be- * Lween the teams, probably since it was their last meeting, Referee Geo. Penny handed out 20 penal ties, evenly divided and could have handgd out' many more. In the dying moments there were two tree-for-alls, with Megatfin and Colquhoun, the insitgators for which they drew down major pen- alties. They were no sooner parted from one melee and started on thelr 'way to thé hoosegow when they clinched again, However, not a fan stepped on the ice, letting the players settlo their own battle. It was a heavy storing affair, that pleased. The Terriers play- ed rings around the visitors in the first two periods, holding thew scoreless while they ran in' six goals. Then in the last period the visitors took advantage of loose defensive play on the locals' part and ran in four counters in quick succession to make things injerest- ing. Pats Kept Busy Lott and Joyce were the plek of the visitors, who were playing their third game in as many nights. The Terriers turned in thelr best performance in weeks. Courtney in the nets was great, while Pusle on the defence did some nice rushing. He scored a goal and gave two as- sists. On the front line Tab John- son played his best game since Joining the Terriers, getting two goals and two assists, Frost and Sellers also played nice hockey and Maloney showed a nice come- back, showing lots of aggressive- ness. Oshawa--Goal, Faught; defence, Davey and Gilmore; centre, Lott; wings, Hamel and McIlwain; subs, Joyce, Stanhope, Colquhoun and MeMillan, Galt----Goal, Courtney; defence, Wedgewood and FPusle; centre, Sellars; wings, Johnson and Frost; subs, Megaffin, Maloney, Martin and White. Referee--G, ~ Ponny, Niagara Falls. ' The Summary: First Period 1. Galt ..Johnson (Pusie) .. 3.2 Ye CAREW TUAVIRIC | "POX. NEWS" i a "DON'T LEAVE HOME" Comedy ; |NEXT ATTRACTION ; "PAINTED DESERT" 2. Galt ..Frose (Johnson) ,., 3.00 8. Galt J... Pusio uiies 18 4. Galt ..Johnson (Pusie) ,, 6.02 Second Period 5. Galt \ . Maloney (White) ..9.27 6. Galt Sellars (Frost John- BOR) sivsinnsansn 3.07 Third Period 7. Oshawa Hamel (Lott) 8. Oshawa McIlwaine (Da- vey) LEAN Neen, 9. Oshawa Lott (Hamel) 10. Oshawa Joyce (Colqu-~ © hOWUD) sevssvsaneas Jd2 11, Galt artin (Maloney) 1.00 Penalties--Frist period, Hamel, Davey (2), Joyce, Wedgewood and Pusie (2); second period, Davey, Martin, Frost and Gilmore; third period, Megatfin (2), White (2), Gilmore, Wedgewood, Lott Mecll- waine and Colquhoun, GREYHOUNDS WIN CUP Sault Ste, Marie, Feb. 26.---For the fourth Nme in succession Soo Greyhounds haye captured the Me- Namara Cup, emblematic of the championship of the Southern group of the N.O.H.A. junior ser- jes. They won this trophy and the right to enter the association finals here last night, when they defeated the Sudbury Wolves 3 to 0 in a game played on slow fce. Soo won the round 4 to 0, having secured a 1-to-0 victory in Sudbury last weok. Cambridge Crew Lowers Record Honley, England, Feb, 26.-- Cambridge University's boat crew showed their heels to a record yesterday and surprised them- selves in the course of.a brisk practice workout, The Light Blues rowed the quarter-mile between Gatehamp- ton ferry and Gatebhampton rall- way bridge in 46 strokes, and in 1 minute 11 seconds, This con- stituted a record for the distance, surpassing Oxford's time of one minute 16 seconds last year, The Cambridge crew showed great im- provement throughout their prac- tice, 6.11 4.19 6.30 Cen S. Africa Wins Series of Tests Durban, South Africa, Feb, 26. ---By virtue of their victory in the first test cricket match with Eng- land, South Africa yesterday wou the rubber af the serles of five games, The balance of the match- es including the fifth, which end- ed today, were draws, South Africa comes out on top for the third time out of 14 test match series. A great gap separ ates their present success and the last. South Africa won three out of five games with Leveson-Gow- ers' visiting team 21 years ago. South Africa has yet to win the rubber in tests in England. |Marlboros and Port Colborne Play in Toronto Toronto, Feb. 26. -- Marlboros and Port Colborne will endeavor to break the deadlock which exists in their O.H.A. senior semi-final round as a result of two tie games, in a sudden death affair at the Arena Gardens on Saturday after- noon, The game will begin at 3 o'clock: This was decided by the O.'L.A. yesterday with both clubs consent- ing to the arrangements. Marl- boros, of course, favored the Arenn as the venue for the big battle, but not any more so than the Ports who are strongly of 'he opinion that they can play better hockey In the Mutual street enclosure than in their own rink or in the home of the Hamilton Tigers. England and U.S. Picked for Finals London, Feb, 26,--~Great Britain and the United States will clush in the inter-zonme final of the Davis Cup play next summer, Ona Dritish tennis expert predicted yesterday. For the first time in years Pri- tain expectssbig things of her Da- vis Cyp team. The youthful and erratic stars who have always wiit- od in the heat of international com- petition in the past have now been seasoned by a series of tours in foreign territory. CANADA'S IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY , The growth of the iron and steel industry in Camada is shown by stat- istical records, According to the cen- us of 1870 there were then 4,000 firms n the iron and steel industry employ- ing 27666 men, and having a capital investment of 9.3 million dollars, B 1900 the industry had expanded unt it employed 34, people and pro duced goods valued at about 48,000, 000 dollars, The development he- tween 1900 and the war was practi- cally continuous, and in 1928 the to- tal output rose to 609,632,999 dollars, with 119,19 men employed 'and 4 salary list of 168,320,038: dofars, : POTATO HARVEST OF 193% The preliminary estimate of the total yield of toes in Canada in 1930 is 49,160 cewt, from 574,500 acres, or 856 cwt, per acre, as com- pared with 39,930, ewt. from 543, 727 acres or 734 ewt. per acre in 19% Jee TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT Tonight will tell the tale, to a large extent, as to the chances ofthe Osh- awa junior team figuring in the OH, A, finals, The West Toronto juniors, bearing Q. H. A. championship hon- ors trom last season, will be here, Mand it looks like the battle of the sea- son, The Oshawa kids are ready, fit for a hard grind, and confident that when the final whistle blows they will be out in front by a substantial mar. Jin. ¥ » L » HOW RUMORS SPREAD Yesterday provided a wonlerful ex- ample of how false ruomrs spread, Some one imagined that he had heard over the radio that Marlboros and Port Colborne were to stage their playoff game here, and the rum- or spread like wildfire, We were kept busy the rest of the day answer- ing telephone calls on the subject, which, after all, was only a piece of holony, and got the hockey fans ex- cited to no purpose at all, > . LJ] THE PATS. HOME TOMORROW It was hardly to be expected that the Pats. would be in the best of shape at Galt last night, with three games on successive nights, "There are limits to what can be expected of a hockey team, and the Pats. showed real gameness in playing at all. They lost in a Donnybrook type of game, but were not disgraced, and they should be given a warm welcome home tomorrow night, when they play the Niagara Falls Cataracts, The Pats. have by no means given up hope of getting into the playoffs, and will put up a strong fight to win te morrow night . . » AUXILIARY ORGANIED At a meeting held in the Oshawa Club Rooms last night, a Ladies Auxiliary to the Nationals Seccer Club was organized, and the follow ing officers elected: President, Mrs. Davies; vice-president, Mrs. Gow: secretary, Miss Agnes Sloan; treas urer, Miss Sadie Sloan. It was ar- ranged to hold 'a social evening in the Oshawa Club Rooms on Saturday night, to meet new members and friends, . LJ LJ THIS SHOULD BE GOOD The intermediate playoff game be- tween Camp Borden and RM.C. on Saturday night should be good. It would be hard to find two more even- ly-matched teams, and the fans who like to sce .fast and clever hockey will be sure to attend this one, even although there is no locab team in- volved, and 48,090,980 cwt, from 553,707 acres or 86.5 cwt. per acre, the average for the five years 1921-28. Dy provinces, the average yields in cwt, per acre are, in order, as follows: New Bruns- wick 115.7; Nova Scotia 113.0: Prince Edward Island, 1050: British Colum- bia 92.0; Alberta 86.7; Manitoba 85.7; Ontario 784; Quebec 780; Saskatche- wan 634, CANADIAN INDIAN FIELD : CROPS The total area under field crops on the Indian reserves in Canada in 1930 is returned as 201,185 acres, The acreages sown to the principal field crops were as follows: wheat 42420; oats 35,801; barley 7838; rye 2,949; peas, 745; beans 748; buckwheat 911; mixed grains 1,028; corn for husking 1,052; potatoes 5188; turnips, ete, 811; land for hay 31,716; alfalfa 1,751; grain hay 1411. The acreage under pastitre was 39,839 and in fallow 23, Tailor- | i Sully $25.00 ! *cotland Woollen Mills 8. RUTISH, Manager After a maze of rumors and counter-rumors,, mostly centred on the possibility that Marlboros and Port Colborne would play oft thelr senior O.H.A. semi-final game at the local arena, the air has been clearad, and the situation clarified. The Ports and Dukes will not play here, but will meet at the Arena Gardens, Toronto, on Saturday afternoon, This throws back the second of the playoff games be- tween Oshawa juniors and West Toronto, and this will now be played on Monday night at the Arena Gardens, Toronto, The first game is being played tonight at the Oshawa Arena, with the local Monday Night of Next Week| youngsters ready for au hard bat- tle, and datermined that they will overcome the strong Toronto team and secure a lead that will carry them through the second game, Everything points to a great crowd at the Arena tonight, and there will be thrills and excitement aplenty as these two strong teams battle for the supremacy, Reputa- tions count for nothing in the jun- for series, and the Oshawa boys will go at their opponents tonight as if It were just another game, and will give the best they have. For the benefit of those unable to go to the Arena, The Times will announce the period scores as quickly as they are available. LEADING SCORERS OF ONTARIO PRO. LEAGUE (Including games of February 14) Pen. in G A Pts Min, Randle, Guelph , 30 14 Quesnel, Strat, .. 24 (toodwillie, G'lph 23 Rice, Guelph ,.. McLeod, N, Falls | A. Moore, Guelph Sellars, Galt ... Joyce, Oshawa . Baetz, Kitchener Daughen, Guelph Pusie, Galt Lott, Oshawa Heller, Kitch. .. Schnarr, Kich, .. | Manners, N. Falls Walker, Strat, .. Martin, Galt ..., Barnes, Kitchener Laroche, N, Falls Kelterborn, Strat, D. Hamel, Kitch, Carmody, Guelph Megaffin, Galt .. Stanhope, Osh'wa H. Hamel, Osh, . B. Morrison, G'ph. Killoran, Strat, . 0 Westwick, N. F. Lowry, N., Falls . Maloney, Galt .. Osborne, Kitch, Saundercook, St. Sullivan, N. Falls Kuntz, N. "alls , Kontner, Guelph I. Morrigen, St'd, Foxworthy, G'ph. Currie, Calt ' Matte, N. "alls . McMillan, Osh'wa Yankowski, St'd. Lickley, Kitch. Roth, Stratford Green, Oshawa, . White, Galt Davey, Oshawa . Wedgewood, Galt Gilmour, Oshawa M, Moore, N, F, Kwasnie, N. Falls Johnson, Galt . Brown, Kitchener Klliott, Strat, . McCully, Strat, . Allaire, Kitch, Colquhoun, Osh, Murphy, Strat. . Clapper, Galt ... Achtznor, Cue'ph R. 8mith, N, F, . King, Oshawa McIlwaine, Osh, Frost, Galt .... 0 X~-Major penalties, BS 23 CO ms a == La] Eo " AB amd rE 1 BRON ASOD CE gle x >" = -- re 2 BC 13 $3 Se ae Tt ROR RIIW ~~ EN FE TRY FR ORME REA SRE RRNA RAS ea 3 TIT 33 -- 3 po BO = SIT~=oS > © th a 02 gg NO Phil Eduard Has Retained Title New York, Feb. 26.---Phil Nd- wards, Canadian negro star, of Hanllton, Ontario, retained his 600 yards American title at the National track championships here last night, leading Sera Martin, of France, world 800-metre record holder, to the tape by a step. Alox., Wilson, of Montreal, run- ning under the colors of the Uni- versity of Notre Dame, South Bend, was third, only a step he- hind Martin. It was a sensational finish to a thrilling race that had the crowd of 12,000 in an uproar of excitement, Edward's time was 1,12 6-10, considerod fast for the track, Walker Wins | From Risko in Ten Rounds Miami, Feb. 26. Mickey Walk- er, the black-halired fighting Irish- man who holds the world's middle. welght crown, spotted Johnny Ris- ko nearly 30 pounds last night and handed the Cleveland heavy- weight a beating in ten bruising rounds in the feature bout of "Pa" Stribling"s elaborate fistlc festival under the palms, Due chiefly to a furious finish in the last two rounds, In which he punched Roly-Poly Johnny groggy wiht vicious left hooks to the head and body. Mickey received the unanimous decision of the three Miam| judges. Risko, weighing 194 pounds to Walker's 166%, made his big ad- vantage in poundage useful ag he mauled Walker throughout the first half of the fight but Johnny | tired and was a mark at the finish | for Mickey's sharpshooting left, Walker looked the more battle. scarred, due chiefly to a nasty gash over his left eye, sustained when Johnny connected with a wild right in the sixth round, but Mickey was much the fresher and better, fighter at the finish, Cadets to Meet | Camp Borden Here| Saturday Night Oshawa hockey fans are going to have another opportunity to see the erack R.M.C. intermediate team in action. The Cadets having tied their round in the Intermediate semi-finals with Camp Borden, a | deciding game on neutral ice is necessary, and the Oshawa Arena has been given the call, The game will be played here on Saturday | night, and it will be a great hoc- | key struggle from start to finish, 4 as the teams have proven to be very evenly matched. The Cadets made a great impression on the few fans who attended the game | ngainst Marhkam here a week ago, | and it is lkely that the hockey | supporters of Oshawa will be more generous in thelr attendance this week. Ehren | WEEK-END SPECIALS 68 King Street West At the Dominion Clothing Co. WE DELIVER Phone 2141 CLOTH SHIRTS. ........ Wsenasdidinin wavinniininn N PT Pair . MEN'S BLUE WORK Each BOYS' MEDIUM WEIGHT 9p DRAWERS, 3 doz. only. Garment & JC MEN'S ENGLISH BROAD- MEN'S PYJAMAS AND NIGHTSHIRTS Broadcloth and Flannelette. Each MEN'S FANCY DRESS SOX. SHIRTS, 55 c ET Pry Pr Pr PPE RA " 2 for $1.00 MEN'S COTTONADE WORK/ PANTS, Pat .......c.......cinnis +1. 69c Pair . 5¢ 19¢ MEN'S & BOYS' OXFORDS. CHILDREN'S RUBBERS. MEN'S GREY WORSTED MEN'S NAVY BLUE CHINCHILLA & MELTON OVERCOATS. To cleat. .c.ocoonsns veirciiesirnnss BOYS' BLUE MELTON OVERCOATS .........cccoooirvims MEN'S SAMPLE FELT HATS $1 95 Regular $4.95. LL IT TT Te . $1.95 49c $10 $8.50 $2.75 68 King Street West Buy Now and Always at the Dominion Clothing Co. Phone 2141 xOvertime, 7 Oshawa (vee td HOCKEY RECORDS ONTARIO P.W.LTF Galt Kitchener Guelph ... Niagara Stratford Oshawa This "VN Friday--Niagara_ Falls at Oshawa, Galt at Guelph, Kitchener at Strat. fogd. - ONE GOAL LEAD Nowmarket, Feb, 26,--~In a jun- for O.H.A. third-round game play- night, gained a one-goal lead to take to Owen Sound on Friday night for fixture, ed here last the return Ing 1 to 0. The ice was not in good condi- tion, being somewhat sloppy was difficult, the third period it was almost im- puck-carrying Falls . : 5 LA 2 81 8 03 79 2 "THE CRIMSON COCOANUT" IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE GLEE CLUB AND ORCHESTRA TICKETS 50c EACH Procurable from any O.C.V.I, Student 74 73 25 3 68 68 25 TIRE 1 10 SL TRA 1 IRA RA TAA --__--" rd A pe gare e 27770 4 2Nn N22 Newmarkot be- the score and In possible to play combination. FREE Radio Tubes Tested Geo. C. Allchin Limited Simcoe Street North Phone 1438 FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Merchandise displayed in an orderly manner to assist in your selections is another example of the way in which the Superior Chain Store makes more casy the probe femus that confront the housewife. The fresh and canned foods and other articles making up your stockn-trade are carefully grouped and prominently priced for your convenience, We know that you will enjoy shopping at a Superior Chain Store, and remember, we deliver, ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING MARCH 4TH, 1931 kin, large 2% size 2 for 25¢ Royal York Tea, 4's 28¢ 1's 860 Egg-O Heady Mixed Cake, per pkg. 23c Benson's Corn Starch per pkg. 12¢ SUNERA THE VITAMIN CEREAYL "You'll like it" per pkge JEWEL SHORTENING 'For Better Baking" 2 1s. 25¢ Carnation Milk FROM CONTENTED COWS Tall Size 2 tor 21¢C Creamery Butter ib. bp. 35C Granulated Sugar 6 . 3§5C [ Cholce Pump- MACARONI Ready-Cut 2 New Pack No. 4 Seive. No. 2 Size. Standard Peas 2 for I5¢c ibs, I5¢ Old Cheddar Cheese per ib. 40¢ GILLETT"S LYE Finest Red Cohoe Salmon LENTEN SPECIAL! Choice Pitted Dates Tall Size Per Tin PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Don't Have Red Hands per pkg. 23¢ Licorice Allisorts Chateau Pasteurized Cheese Wholesome and Nutritious 1t Spreads or Slices Bon Ami, Cake or Tin 121. J@g 121 I§¢ Weston's Fancy Biscuits per ». 2X7c Aylmer Soups All Varieties Except Chicken. Per Tin, 9c Shirritf's' Jelly Powders 3 and tumbler 25C Good Morning MARMALADE 16-0z, Aylmer Pure Singapore Sliced Pjne~ apple 2 Ibs. 28¢ each 14¢ 2 tins 280 1's, cach Hawes' Floor Wax For Spring Cleaning 43¢ Venos Cough Syrup STOP THA perbottle - ~- WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS

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