Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Feb 1931, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1931 \ PAGE SEVEN The Whitby Daily Times and sews will be rectived at the Whitly Branch Office: at Gazette and Chronicle.~Telephone 23. After os Hours--Phone 358 'REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON Gas Concern Said to be Seeking Franchise in The Town of Whitby Representatives Visited Whitby Recently and Approached Town Officials--Would Lay Gas Mains on Local Streets and Employ Local Labor -- Expected That Company Will Interview Town Council at an Early Date Representatives of a large gas manufacturing and distributing con- cern, with headquarters in the United States, recently paid a visit to Whitby and talked with some members of the Council regarding the securing of a franchise to lay mains on the streets and sell gas for lighting and cooking purposes, The who were accompanied by Mz. Frank L. Mason, of Oshawa, a mem- ber of the Public Utility Commis. gion of that city, are said to have been connected with the company which is' now seeking to.purchase the gas plant at Oshawa. Employ Local Labor Although the proposal of the gas concern has not come officially be- fore the Council, it is learned that the men promised to employ only lo- cal labor while gas mains were be- ing laid on local streets, also to ex- pend several thousand dollars in the town while the mains were being laid. They would be extended from Oshawa, it was learned, Something was said about the establishment of a coke plant in Oshawa, from which, it was pointed out, Whitby might benefit, If the gas com urposes seek- ing a franchise fs Whitby, it is im- probable that anything will be done until the Yelohayors of Oshawa on March 21 decide if they want to sell the Hlant there now being eperated by the Public Utility Commission, and Sorshased by that body from the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission. Compete With P, U. C. While a great many citizens be- lieve that gas would be an asset to the town in more ways than one, there are others who think that the company would be a strong com- petitor of the Publie Utility Come mission in the matter of power sup- ply for lighting and cooking. There are many electric ranges In the town, and the bringing of gas to Whitby would open u a sale for gas ranges and cooking plates, which might take revenue from the local Commission. Some years ago another Ameri- can Corgpany approached the town with a view to getting a franchise, but while negotiations were under- taken with the Council nothing came of the proposition. Plant for Bowmanville Down in Bowmanville the Utili- ties Power and Light Corporation of Chicago is seeking a franchise for the establishment of a gas plant in that town. The company's represent. atives will meet the Town Couneil on March 2nd. The eompany is one of the largest of its kind in the world, and 18 an international utilities cor- poration operat: electric, water and gas plants in Great Britain and the United States. The mpd Jrosise to expend thousands of dol- ars in the town, and to employ men permanently in the operation of their plant. The proposition is looks ed upon with much favor in Bow. manville, RELIEF BILLS IN JANUARY WERE LESS THAN IN 1930 Relief Organization of Valu- able Assistance to the Council The amount of money expended by the' Town of Whitby, through the Relief Committee of the Council, during the month of January, 1081, was considerably less than in the same month last year, according to figures obtained in the town clerk's office. The town will therefore be unable to collect anything from the government for excgss relief. Pres- ent indications are that the month of February will show similar re- sults, as the number of applicants for relief is not so great. Last win- ter the town expended as high as $300 a month on relief. There + are several contributing factors to the lower Council relief bills this year. One is that local re- lief organizations are giving atten- tion to more calls than ever before. These include the Whitby Post of the Canadian Legion, Christmas Cheer and Welfare Fund, Samaritan Committee of the V.O.N,, and vari- ous church and fraternal organiza. tions. Most men will go to one or all of these organizations rather than apply to the town. Another factor is the amount of work provided by the town for needy men. Fhe average man out of work, it hag been found, prefers a job to a dole, It is expected, however, that with work slowing up, the demands for relief on the town will become reater, As a matter of fact they Pho become greater during the past ten days. HOME-MADE SOAP Five pounds grease, 1 can lye, quart cold water, 1 cup borax. Put lve into galvanized pail (I use old bread mixer) and guralully pour in cold water, stir till dissolved. Put rease on stove to melt, but don't et it get hot. When lye mixture has cooled, pour into strained grease, stir- ring till well mixed, then add sifted borax and stir for 10 minutes. Pour into paper-lined pans and when set mark off in cakes. Let stand till morning, when it can be packed away to harden. Any kind pl grease can be used. { Enjoy the Comfort of ©" Restful Light ~ 4 IVE a man a pipe he can smoke + . a book he can read . . and light that's soft, yet , What more can he ask of a restful hour! ' Mazda Lamps add to the pleasure of any story. They cannot glare + + their light is always soft and kind to the eyes. And they give the full value of the eurrent consumed, EDISON 1-150 MAZDA ACEC LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT inn ¢ | 'For fale By THE BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP Oshawa, Ont. has been able to carry on. Teacher "Skinny" Nervous, Gains Pep 14 Lbs. in 3 Weeks St. Aurelie, P.Q.--'""Was nervous, exhausted, So skinny, was ped tier, teacher. "Tried Ironized Yeast. Gained 14 lbs, in 8 weeks. Now healthy and happy." Teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurs- es, mothers, ministers all write of gaing of 6 to 15 Ibs, in 8 weeks with new Ironized Yeast, Blemish. ed skin clears, "Nerves," constip- ation, indigestion go overnight. New pep first day. Ironized Yeast is two great tonles In one. Weight-building brewer's Yeast plus strengthening, blood-enh- riching Iron. Many times more effective than unmedicated yeast Results in half the time, Don't be 'skinny', weak, nerv ous, in danger of serious ills, Take these pleasant little tablets. No yeasty taste; no gas. If not de- lighted with quick gains, manufact. urer refunds money. Get Ironjzed Yeast from druggist today. el rassed," says Miss Alphonsine For- | gh WHITBY POST SANADIAN LEGIO! The ar mesting for the eleg- tion of officers schedul on March 5th has been postponed until March 2th, Lew Lloyd and the Melody Boys are ppesiing at the Town Hall on March 6th, Thursday next, under the auspices of Whitby 'Branch of the Legion, and the proceeds of their ow will to the Legion funds. The meeting of the 12th promises to be one of special interest to all members, Notice of motion which was introduced at the last meeting should create Considerable discus- tion of officers for the ensuing year, that has yet been held in the Le- gion club rooms. on the city streets preparing for a heavy thaw, The ice, which has formed along the sides of the street until in some instonces ft {8 higher than the sidewalk, is be ing cut down and drains made along the curbs to carry oft the great tomorrow. New pounds quick. surplus water, Hold Confe To discuss the question of milk pas: teurization in \Whithy, a joint con. ference of the Town Council and Board of Health has been called for I'riday evening of this week in the couneil chamber at eight o'clock, Citi zens interested are.invited to attend Dr. McNabb director of the labo atories of the Provincial Department of Health and A. E. Berry, directors of the Sanitary Engineering Division, will be on hand to speak and give any necessary information, The Whitby Board of Health, as previously pointed out in these col- umns, has recommended through the M.O.H. that a bylaw be passed by the council compelling all milk ven- dors in Whitby to sell only a pas- teurized product. At present 75 per cent, of milk delivered in the town is pasteurized, and the Board. feci that it should be general owing to the increasing danger from contamiii- ution through disease in cattle herds As the question is a very important cne, Council feels that before any ae tion is taken it should get all the tacts, The Board of Health can only recommend the bylaw, the Council alone can pass it, Representatives from the city of Belleville, where the question is also a live one, are coming up to WTithy on Friday night to attend the meet. ing, 4s they too are seeking informa tion which the government officials are able to give BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL WFETING Will Be Held on March 4th in All Saints' Church Next Wednesday evening, March 4th, in All Saints' Church, the an- nual meeting of the Whitby Branch of the Bible Society will be held, at 8 o'clock. The speaker of the even. ing will. be Rev, J. R. P. Sclater, one of the outstanding preachers of the eity of Toronto, A large attendance is hoped for, as all the local churches which support the Bible Society are co-operating in this meeting. The annual election of of- fears will take place at this meet- ng. BUTCHERS STILL LEADING IN THE TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUE The Butchers still retain the su premacy in the Whitby Town Hoc key League, with the Tuxis run- ning for second place, Thera are only a few games now to be played before the championship fs docid- ed. On Tuesday night the ice was #0 soft at Burn's Arena that two scheduled games could not be played. JUNIOR HOCKEY TEAM OFFICIAL DESERVES CREDIT Tho financing of the Junior Hockey team which played in the O.H.A. for Whithy this year has been no easy task. It never was, The team this year received very little support, the attendance at the games being discouraging to the team managers. To Jack J, King, gocrotary-treasurer and managor, is due much credit for piloting the team out of its fl nancial difficulties. Old bills have been pald op and new expenditures nearly all met. Mr. King takes a great deal of Interest in junior hockey and it is largely due to his efforts that the team this year f the support given junior hockey this year is any criterion of the future, the team management might as well shut up shop, WHITBY CRIBBAGE CLUB HAS OVER FORTY MEMBERS The game of cribbage is popular in Whitby. A club Just recently formed is blossoming like a June rose, and now boasts over forty members, It has been necessary to move the club playing quarters to the Cotincil Chamber, where many great battles are being fought, oy Friday Evening on rence on Milk Pasteurization v In a recent contest 'the first | prize went to Sidney Hilliard, well | | enowa traffic officer, who broke all speed records in a race with | Frank Threadgold and J. Frank | | Boothe, Sad to relate, however, | {tha fact that after carrying ofl the honors Sid was challenged by in mere woman and badly beaten. The woman had the last word in | this case. Boothe and Threadgold were tled for second place and played off Threadgold winning, Some fine prizes have heen put up tor competition, REPORT ON WHITBY MILK SUPPLY A report from the provincial Board of Health Laboratories on The battle for the local champion ship is wagi Quantrill an ed to be held | games have been score is eveh, draws, with eight more to play. Capt Best was lea one time and looked like a winner when the Chief came on with a real burst of speed and tied the score. No fobs about it, checkers are mov- 5 PIN. BOWLING AT THE HOSPITAL A few surprises were sprung dur- ing last week's sion and it, together with the elec-|tario Hospital an cleared after some hot contests it followed by some special refresh-|was found that the Lakesides (cot- McClelland, 663. ments in the form of fish and chips, [tages should produce a night ual to any |tion, Leafs (farm) four, while the Hawks (pavilion) put over a nice win to tak ints from the Robins (Admin), he most important game was when Kingston.--Workmen are busy [the Senators {cotta (Infirmary) clashed with first posi- | Culley 192, BE. M. tion at stake; but the Senators again proved themselves though the Owls gave them a battle their best wasn't took the slam for the count of four, the former team rolling the highest score of the week with a total of k who occupy the cellar posi- a Preparing Drainage [+ honors for the week's highest score of 729, and 311 Records made during the first half of series are as follows: fiercely Capt, Bet. played and the wits each and two 672; ames at the On- the strong-going or the full count of d swam e three masters and To E. Humphrey goes the for the highest Scores over 275. Cunni etween Chief | 387, 286, 281;° R. McNee, 358-388; Twelve | Ci Rycroft, 348-268; 309; D. Melntyre 808; F. hries, 801, 20d; J. 300; R. Thorndyke, 290; T. Rea, 289, ng by two games at |286, 278; J. Greer, 286; W. Ratcliffe 283;. 8. Jardine, 283; F. Ing, 282; D, itheek, 282, 277; J. O'Neill, 281, 3 games over 660--R. McNee, 017, 667; J. Cunningham, 776, 770, 743, 690; C. Rycroft, 773, 709; T. Rea, 763, 696, 660; J. McClelland 712; F\ Ing, 709, 704; E. Humphries, 6986, D. Birbeck, 692; S. 686; D. Thachuk, 668; Dr. Gi H. Ste- when the smoke | venson, 666; I. Dewsbury, 6568; R. McIntyre, 666; J. Smythe, 6566; S. Averages to February 21, 1981 J. Cunningham 225, ¥. Maguire 218, R. MecNee 206, J. Wilson 204, |Doull 166, S. Rosser 197, Tr| Ghee 166, A, Hamilton 165, R. McMinn 165, J. Ashby 163, Dr. N, L. Walker 163, J. McGregor 161, R. Pryce 202, A. Dean 196, D. Birbeck 195, D. Tha- chuk 194; J. Hamilton 194, Dr. J. N, 8) and the Owls | Senn 104, D. McLean 193, R. Mec- M. Lomax 192, J.| Walsh 160, J. O'Neill 160, 8. Kirk | Beaches 9 12 Dr. J. McGeoch|159, A. Herd 159, W. Nicholson 161, | Ranger: 10 11 C. Rich 149, F, A. Nixon 146, Dx. J. | po Ser Webster 143, A. McLeod 148, Dr. G. H. Stevenson 142, R. VanHorne 141, | Cubs : 71 G. Hutchinson 141, Dr. 8. R. Mont. | Hawks Waterhouse 190, 188, H. Rorbinson 187, E. Humph- rey 187, J. Johnston 186, J. McClel- ood enough and land 186, D, Platt 185, S. McClel- land 182, L. Dewsbury 182, 8S. Jar- dine 181, Smythe 179, C. Russell 178, L. Har- ris 178, R. Dyer 177, W. Ratcliffe |llwaine 112, 1756, R. McIntyre 175, T. Rea 174, G. Stott 14, C. Thorndyke 173, T. Munroe 173, M. Kerr 172, F. Ing 172, 8. Watson 170, | Senators 94 20 6 Vaughan 169, J.'Owls 21 4 Ww. RF J. Greer 160, E. ham, D. Thachuk,$ Hum» Sleightholm, you Jardine, It gives more pleasure than thought tea could give Harden Ryeroft 174, R. 180, J.|gomery 138, J. J. Kiernan 184, L. Bell 121, W. Kilpatrick 116, A, Mec- League Standin Following is Lost Points, Total Pins 18 games. 12,86 18,33 13,26! 12,438 12,348 12,644 Whitney 166, D. Me- Gill 166, Dr. F. C.|Leafs 12 Robins 11 10 S. Roduck 161, B. (Falcons 9 '| Rovers 10 11 rT 14 8 Lakesides 21 6 16 7 Senators, 2440, Highest Ind. Score 3 games--E Humphrey, of Beaches, 729. 27 18,739 Highest Ind. Score, 1 game--E 7 19 13,264 | Humphrey, of Beaches, 311. to Feb, 21, 1931 eam, Played, Won, samples of milk taken recently from ny in Whitby is ag follows: : Bacteria Butter count Fat % 1,000,000 3.8 2,000 6.0 1,300 3.h Name of Dairy Vaseletky Dairy Hawes Dalry Scott's Dairy Heaton's Dairy 6,000 3.8 | Hillerest Dairy 5,000 3.6 | The above report was received by Dr, Chas, F, McGillivray, Medical Officer of Health, ANNUAL DERATE FOR F.K.T. SHIEL On Monday night, March 9th, the annual debate between Almonds and Whitby for the F.K.T. shield will be staged. The subject of debate is as follows: Resolved that 'Heredity has more influence on human chars acter than environment." Wm, Jack jon, Kathryn Thompson, of Whitby, for the affirmative; Lucien Michaud, Leila "Richardson, of Almonds, for the negative, . CASTLE CHAPTER MEETING The February meeting of the Castle Chapter Alumnae was held in the College drawing room Monda afternoon. The President, Mrs. Hol- liday, presided. After the regular business Miss Helen Johnston play- ed delightfully. Mrs. Kempthorne gave & very interesting paper on Music, mentioning the wonderful treat Whitby had had in having two programs from the English oys' Choir. Mrs, Bascom gave a fascin. | ating account of the life, stories and plays of Sir James M. Barrie. Mrs, Carscallen poured tea, NOTED PREACHER COMING The pulpit of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church on Sunday will be occupied by the Rey. Dr. W, H. Kan- nawin, secretary of the church Sun- day School Board, and an outstand- {ing minister of the Presbyterian | Church, Dr, Kannawin will, it is ex- pected, preach at both services, and in the afternoon will address the |, Sunday School. CHECKERS ARE MOVING Neilsons unbeatables lived up to their boast, they conquered" It was a very file match and a most enjoyable social affair, The local team was short of Mr. Geo, "Whitelaw, also Mr. Bure gess of Oshawa, With the assistance of these two strong players the score would no doubt have been quite dif« fetent, The players and scores were as follows: Whitby Toronta Neilsons Won i Won 1«-N, McGee 3 Mr, Flannigan--0 2-~T. Best 1 Mr. Drury--1 1H, Quantrill 2 Mr. Buttery=1 2-W. Stone l Mt, Hoar--1 1-15, Britton Mr. Stevenson=3 0-W, Ellis . Mr, Ashton--4 0--W. Broughton Mr, Buschlen--3 2-01, Collins Mr, Bertram=2 0-5, Murdoch 3 Mr. North--1 4<MacLaren Mr. Wilkiamge( 1=Wood Mr, Harris-=3 14 11 19 Girl of 10 Gained 7 Pounds in 27 Days With McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets She writes--""1 just finished taking 2 boxes of McCoy's--I am 10 years of age---before taking 1 welg 64 pounds-~1 now weigh 61 pounds." Mother: If your little one needs more welght----more energy---rosy cheeks and good appetite, put your faith in McCoy' ry them for 28 days--If you" are not delighted-- money back--G0 tablets 60 cents at Jury & Lovel] 1td., T. B, Mitchell, "They came, they saw, | W. H, Karn, or any dru any. whereiejust' ask for Mol Ay r, -- . $ STR es 77) Hy SN X we . i RN " od 'FOUNDER'S WEEK. This week your A'& P Store gives itself over to the celebration of Founders' Week. We would like you, as a customer, $6 know some thing about the ideals of service which we honor om this occasion. Here are three of the most Important: 4 ¥ "Serviee"--=To HELP the customer--to offer suggestions--but never to importune to buy. To be courteous under all circumstances, ' 7 he | 'J To 1 ints as g stones to better service , . . 7 4 " a mail 2d and to remember that the A & P customer is always right. To make customer is dissatisfied. rl "Quality"=To offer good whol 4 J of quality in foodstuffs. rather lose a sale than to sell a product that would "lose" a cash refund eve! arg t, where foods, the imp To search the markets for the best. To "Value"--To ask prices that are fair in relation to cost. customers the benefit of savings resulting from the large purchases which ON SUCH IDEALS AS THESE A & P HAS BUILT A STRUC- TURE OF SERVICE THAT IS APPRECIATED BY OVER 5,000,000 HOUSEWIVES. ; Founders' Week is celebrated by exten values to which your attention is particularly invited. To offer variety for every taste. To give "s good-will and fi their patronage makes possible. WE THANK YOU. It has been clearly demonstrated to us that the people of Ontario have appreciated the saving on BREAD introduced by A & P last week. Your acceptance of this saving has enabled us to reach a new Ligh record in bread production. ra«rencore BREAD AT OUR NEW LOW FULL J opNcE REGULAR PRICE WRAPPED LOAF ' MEAZXS 'The meat you buy at A & P markets 15 special) for quality~and you will never find them at higher . for A & Ms advertising price Is for woe ib. D0e SMALL LINKS ib. 20e¢ Ib. 28¢ BLICED OR CENTRE OUTS, Ib, 30c. than advertised the best cuts of meat. PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS HOLLY FARM BREAKFAST SAUSAGE PEAMEALED BACK BACON BY THE PIECE FISH Make Your Nearest A & P Store Your Headquarters for Fish During Lenten Season. LARGE FANCY BLUEPOINT (BULK) OYSTERS rin 49- FOR STEWING OR FRYING FRESH ATLANTIC COD TASTY BOWING iy, 1 4 SILVERBRIGHT SALMON =... 14¢ WINTER-CAUGHT WHITEFISH 14 ib, 17 -- ------ Eggs accepted In exchange for merchandise or cash FRESH OR SMOKED FILLETS at all A & P Stores. * SPECIAL!=A & P CHERRY CAKE ib. 20 FRESH DAILY AT ALL A & P STORES A SPECIAL TREAT FOR ALL Nelectod rices ' A & Ms widespread reputation for fine eggs is due to the eare with which they are selected EG 4 S Ris ESIRANE™ cantons DoOZ. 32. FRESH FIRSTS (IN CARTONS), DOZEN, 3le. FANCY SMOKED BREAKFAST : BACON «nz 23 CHOICE QUALITY SUNSET BRAND-AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! T0 MATO ES 12 ii A REAL FOUNDER'S WEEK SPECIAL . GLARK'S LOOSE, DOZ., Me 1.00 mg CHUCK VERY FINEST QUALITY AVAILABLE A & P BEEF-- THE LOWE SHOULDER sant pond neni PORK HAMS Half or Whole Ib. 19- SHOULDERS ree wm. 15¢ BUTTS ST PRICE IN MANY YEARS ROASTS VeryLean 1». 1@e Jelly Rolls 2125 JEWEL BRAND Shortening, 1-lb. Print 11c FANCY BLUE ROBE : Rice .......... 4 lbs. 23c THOMPSON'S SERDLESS Raisins .......... |b. 10c SPECIAL B-NTRING Brooms ........ Each 27c EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED Milk ............ Tin 17¢ 'Sardines FOR LENTEN SALADS . Lobster. ... No. Ya Tin 29¢ NO. % TIN, fre FOR A LOVELY SKIN USE Palmolive Soap, 6 cAxes' 35¢ AT A VERY LOW PRICE NO. 2 Pineapple crusuen 24nd 47c Libby's, Delmonte, or King of Hawail A Lenten Treal--at a Great Saving Sis 2 TINS 2c McCORMICK'S CREAMY CHOCOLATE Cookies .......... lb. AL © Coftess are guarad to be the t Grades Grown--8 This Week 8 O'CLOCK 31. ¢ Selling Migh Grade Coffee in rg Ha Toe "connelsseur's Favorite BOKAR i 41e 44-LB. TIN, 21e , Fresh Fruits and Daily at Our Stores PRESH GREEN TEXAS SPINACH 3 1.25: ONIONS: 7 we. 25¢ ORANGES vo-. 27 "GRAPEFRUIT 4tor2%¢ CABBAGE 213. i 22 King $4 W.--Grocery Manager--G. Newsom e. Meat Manager--H, F. Ashbury~Phone 3170 29 Simcoe S.--Grocery Manager---F, GC West. Meat Manager---=D. Fisher. Phone 2643 WE DELIVER--EXTRA CHARGE 15¢ THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA Cod . OF CANADA, Highest Team Score 3 games-- ET

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