Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Feb 1931, p. 2

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Her lovin Russcll Nesbitt has Will live it. Ars. H. Willson, Schooy Col chool Club held a iv Jparty at the school iw here were about sixty en tables for euchre and other rs, avis being suce winning the gentleman oe Tooley received : Mrs, P. 08s Allman' won the Other games played, art was fortunate ucky numb the an and Was brough tied Save the King, OFTy to report Merl: < Harris Michael . has sia Luke on, also Miss Gladys Ok 0 the house i th tl _ Trouble Ay single h here, ¢ co Comes to Seems to Hunking rece on Friday that Yery ill and |] ; ler recovery, faioe, king so received word from Yery ill in the Fosnia roto, A i ji. Ww m. Smith is hop ¢ from pital after her operation JEG Glover in Toros i ight with a bowling clu Hovind hundred and thirty-eight we " ent at Sunday schoo « S fhe Bibla' ) on Sund; IXty-one in arold Winger, 4 aymond Goyne a ir. P. Timmins c) + On the theme the "Bible" "Plan of worghi y J fa ary departine; Donald Edwar } . his ne service is just , received weil Ewan ratulations to Mr, ag 3 Olsely on the gift of 4 son far, COLUMBUS NEws (Mrs. T, Cook, Con Columbus, Fel i respondent) iionthly meeting of the W.M.S home' or Nunes aY siternoon the e e nats, HM Pascoe. si 4 : members being present, The eel gure esac from 91st Psalm A ea y Mrs. F, Goodman, and Mis pt ' sang a solo after | ascoe Rave a very ji | " inter. | 1§ on In, hod «8 fr roblems in Sin uatsial wd Rue | i The Live Wire Class 'of 'the gis | Ui raining tpl RA AYERST--In loving memory™® this | | An my desrmmyr then das. Mary, \. | cinity vison Aye Up" in the church rn ured | £f y Feb. 2y evening 27th. a yo is Sadly mge crowd attended wo) © sale on"Wednesday of tig Grass sports a new car. CRAWFOI Women's Association are hav- of BAWy, old time supper and conceit AWAY Jfarch 17th. Particulars later. One'yeas \W, A, Ormiston underwent an | The location for appendicitis in Oshawa More fospital last week. Glad to report dle is doing wells = Mr, Ross Murison, St. Thomas, was called home on Monday to see his @emother, who is very low, suffering "rom a severe stroke, = Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe of Bowmanville spent the week-end at | $heir home here. ely ---------- RAGLAN NEWS "¢ (Miss Allie Avery, Correspondent) 'Raglan, Feb, 24--Mr, J. Milligan of "Goodwood and Mr, Fred Davidson of . 4%oronto, were recent visitors of Mr, © rand Mrs, E. Tummonds, oA box social and concert under the #fuspices of the Sunday School will # be held in the hall on Saturday ev- 'ening, Feb, 28th, Ladies with boxes RH be admitted free. Mr Win Maw of Whitby will be the auction seer. We are very pleased to haye r. Maw with us again, as he has en here on former occasions, A wod programme is being provided. Fhe ladies of the community that are ot bringing boxes are requested to ring cake or tarts, 4 © Mr, and Mrs, Ray Way and daughe ter of Oshawa, were week-end guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. 'Stacey. % Mr. Leonard Caird had the misfor- 'tune to fall and sprain his wrist, t Miss Marguerite Miller, Oshawa, was a week-end guest with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Miller, 4 Born: To Mr. and Mrs Franklin - = Nottingham on Tuesday, Feb, 17th, a | = © daughter, Congratulatiops, A number of the farmers are tak- ing advantage of the good weather © © and sleighing in preparing their wood A Tr 8 fo 2 3 The following is a correction of a 'Wisprint which appeared in last week Hhens regarding the drama "Wanted oA Wife'. The names omitted were ate, Ctabbe, Idest daughter, play, by Allie AY ry. . Mable Crabbe, davgbter, played by Jean gon, Mist. Susie Bray visited with My, d Mrs, Norman Hughson secontly. Sorty to . report that Mr. 1). , is again under Doctor mes Moore's care, and confined to s bed, A speedy recovery is hoped / . Biffy Marion Shon don, Corres- ira. nde LADIES' BRIDGE PA g4.~Mr, and Spring Fashion Show at Jack 'and Hotel, Wednesday aff@r. and Mrs, March 4th, by Lock' ille, spent ¥ A Correspond t Feb, 28 ~The gr riday evening present; elev- the consolation in having the tickets and re. Refreshments N Vable evening | par y singing | was helq at whooping with the Fly, anyone | Mp, the banner, nd Bill Goyne of ass oA begii- Mrs, | with Mp, J Comb N x J February meetin ; | obrus afternoon. i Programme Was given vonne Trimble told gp story to the children, Rg were given hy Charlie Ww B Y Snowden, and p "velyn Evang and They aa. A pretty 80ng wag with uniors and the meetin m hind R, ¥ymn and the Miz and Mrs, Tyan Ber, Mr, Gates, Rw Mildred spent the week-eng oh ents, Mr, ang Mrs. Franik cuchre sful in Mrs, naster Ethel | Stephens ow Srown, reastle, I party and oh, (Mrs, J, 23.--A miscellaneous u e 10 ho | Mrs, Stephens, "Hilloren, on Friday ey \ when 150 Yeains, Februar Fa y 2 and nfin- ham whoge ! Clare mily [the end of I Fame rey rooms were fer I with gppj ittle | white Aid I takeg pl hy tastefully Py Jlowers, & huge pi trom the collh a Which wag g 1 ) 1s the bride-elect ag she ne n the corner of the for the | had been espe. | her, following Arranged f Toronto Friday | wheeled in a | beautify] and ere | freshmentg wi iy, | evening was dancing unt ~ 1te Is, Ww kard's v, 1 ung Ladle: Uniteq Chureh, hold party on Saturday 88 of a jolly skating | evening, Feb, 21 to herwards returning ie re refreshments were servo 3 oamunity Hall a al Ac W, Glenne Y atten wedding of Migs Margaracd Ea 8 of Oshawa on Saturday, a" I ; Mr. and Mpg: onday in Torgny, A!" spent Linor Muckey ' ! Corres. A ponden)y ©' CTs | ot Boni beh, Ear t Perry, ASiting bie of Mr, aod Sip siting a Mr. and Mrs, AreKen son, of Toronte spen pndrie and h t the week. umbe Sana. iy ii I of boyg ty } Y attended thy Jes) 3 Toronto on go . . this vi- st. et Gatheviockey game Files oe "Jeturday eveaing - oI Porothy Vipond, cf 'Tor- pent the week-end at Ler | (Missy K Bell, the C. Hanna spent the week- | end with friends in Hamilton. Mr, 8. Ireland spent the week- {end at his home in Toronto, The ladies of Brooklin churches | chserved their day of prayer ut | the St. Thomas Anglican church. | Mrs. Nind took charge of the de- | votional part, | The W.M.8. of the United church | held thelr meeting at the home of | Mrs. Ratcliffe, the president, Mrs, | Jull presiding. After the devo- | tional and business part of the | meeting a splendid paper was giv. en on Japan by Mrs. Grigg. Mrs, C. 8. Thompson sang a very pleas. ing solo which was enjoyed. Beethoven Lodge No. 166 1.0.0, F., were at home to over 260 of their friends in the Township Hall on Friday evening February 18. The Hall was gally decorated | with Valentine streamers, hearts, flags and balloons. Progressive cuchre was played until 10.30, the prize winners being Mrs. Beare and | Mr, H. Ashton, first prizes. Miss Mary Dryden and Mr, G. Bowman, low points prizes, A dainty lunch was then served, after which old and young people enjoyed dancing | to the strains of Billy Holes' pop- ular orchestra of West Hill, Mrs, G, Jones won the ladies' lucky number prize and Mrs, Stacey won | the spot dance prize. Many were present from Port Perry, Oshawa, | Whitby, Ashburn, Myrtle, Solum. bus, Kinsale and Greenwood, The splendid social evening ended with | "Good Night Ladies" and "God Save the King," about 2 a.m. af- ter all had enjoyed a delightfully | sociable time. ! BROUGHAM (Mrs, T. C. Brown, Correspondent) Brougham, Feb, 23~Dr. Ryman Barclay spent Sunday with his peo- pl Cc, Mrs. Bert. Harvey spent several s in Toronto this wee re are good goods east and west and the Brock Rd. is also in good shape at present. Scarcity of water is being felt keen- ly by many farmers. Those who have to draw water for stock are very an- xious for Spring. ; : Russel Gray is now able to sit up a little cach day. While playing Scott meeting on leader, Mr. ed pn setident right han i Draws was 3 visitor in Tor- onts during the week. Mr, Bert, Harvey spent last week in Toronto with fri ' 1. and Mrs, wer he a the 1 et d ie fon. A et ene the King wa 0 3 mes at the boy tiday evening the McWhirter sustain- eaking a bone in his 1 7 evenin . sg thicet oy With he; SURPRISE PARTY jim fe ves AT NEWGAS Enjoyable Function Held Home of Mr. and Mrs, Correspondent) riends aud neighbors | 88 Alleen Gra- | 4 Aproaching marriage = Will T, Baker, | filled with | ™ room which the Orono rink, | Mr. and to Newcastle | | BROOKLIN NEws was | of aa Next Sunday the Elders I Profs ew ---- ody Clarenont W ere Fated after which all Hopi The Brougham served refreshments. x and fami, spent a bi : their am foli i ih paid his people 4 : hy. i oh ie Wilsons and Mrs, ed the funeral on thr uncle, My ie Kiwick. pies oi, Wilson and fanily have the sympathy of theie friends in thc | they have nto, | sustained. Sat- any women the ered at the hr the World Wom. an's Day of Prayer, The ya: | and appropriate Program was follow- | ed closely, Mes John Phillips, Pres. | ident Jeng 3 prayers from our shut-in y Mrs. Holtby brought : all Se tthe nour petitions 3 or world peace and the extenc: f or Kingdom, extension of w9HAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 193! | | Eunice Harris as speclal dramatic | Where the Mountains of Mourne reader. The great hit of the show, | "The Flapper Chorus" consists of Prominent business men Who aot the part of famous college girl | types. One hundred local people {are taking part in this thrilling event, On Friday afternoon, Feb. 27, ladies of the W.C.T.U. are having a sale of home made cooking In the Public Library. Born--To Mr. and Mrs, J. RE, Jackson on Montay, Feb. 23, a daughter. The Women's World Day of Prayer, an interdenominational service, was well observed on Fri- day in Port Perey, when about seventy women, representing the three local churches, assembled in St, John's Presbyterlan Church, where the international program was carried out, The address was given by Mrs, Annand, Others taking leading parts in tho ser. vice were, Mrs. T. W. McLean, Mrs. G. A. Woods, Mrs. 8. Farm- er, Mrs, Nelll Wilkinson, Mrs, W, C. Wilson, Mrs. C, L. Vickery, Mrs. B, Smallman and Mrs, E. A. Walk- er. Mrs, Orde prseided at the or- gan, The A.Y.P.A. of the Church of The board of manager nt of the church held a business meeting at the 1.C Brown home Friday afternooy Attendance at Church yi Sund uv] School is being wel) maintained A powerful message was deliv red by | our pastor on Suna 1st : f those Who sit at bictured- by the trongly emphasize J SOLINA | I'he woes | Zion as ease in Anos, were | rm" Oth, { arres ul Wolina, Feb, 21. on A , John Baker and Mrs, MeKos- spent an afternoon with Miss i Reynolds at Iampton. LW. T Tavior, Mpa. E.R. of, Master Bruce, visited with | md Mee, Ernest Larmer, stock, d "and. Mre, | ace Tink, on M od | Bl Will Mountjoy, land Willa, Kedron, visit- th Mrs. A. 1.. Pascoe, Evelyn Tink and Ruth | ok ment. Sunday with | ndmoth or, Mrs. Thos. Pas- | mplon, also thelr cousins, | Marjory and Edith Pascoe, | d Mn, J. T. Rundle visit- 0d Mrs, Thos. Scott, Ked- or | Ma MeK thet d | cop, Missal | Mp id Hozarth spent a day Mary Hogarth, d Mra. Frank Orchard, I, went Thursday with ir. John Baker, Orgs the Lost Heir par- tion Wednesday, 25th | Mp, *| with N 1 Mr, y | Ennigkj Don't ty at th of Febru | Mr. an@ Ve, Hy / b . gh Annis visit- n With Be father, Mr, John 9 eon, Of linlskillen, mr, fits, 8.. EK. Werry re- cently Mr, and Mrs, H. : m. Sunday. Sg! at Eldad was con- | | ducted by I superintendent, My, A. P. McKe ek. Mr, ian lor read tj { There wag o lossy ior the day: | | Rev. Mr. Bj mdance of 86, Sermon gp, gave a thoughtful C. "und | Apost the Hcven Lamps or .4@ church will be ordained, , There gathered some 69 young people of Eldad and Zion circuits to onjoy a social evening in Jl dad basement. The Zion young pecple put on a splendid program of musleal and literary numbers, after which the Eldad people put | McClintock in Lindsay. the Ascension held a Vulentine party on Monday, Feb, Iith, A very enjoyable programmo was given which was followed by 'ames after which came the usual happy climax--supper bringing a oiiv evening to a close, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Woods wera 'n Toronto on Saturday, Miss Jean Cawler, of Toronto, fpent the week-end with Lor par- ents, Mrs. Wm. Cook returned home lest night after spending several days with her daughter, Mrs, W, The Misses May, Dorothy and Jean Cockburn, Ross and Raymond Cockburn, Mr. Spencer Short, and the Misses Heleh Potter and May Venns, all of Toronto, were week- end guests at the home of Mr, J. C. Cockburn, Mr, George Palmer, of Orillia, wai home for-a few days recently. Mrs. A. H. Rose was in Toronto for several days last week Mrr, Sparrow, of Toronto, was the guest of her mother, Mrs, W. | S. Short, last week, PRIVATE NURSES FINDIT DIFFICULT T0 OBTAIN WORK Problems Discussed at Con- vention Held in | i Monizeal. ind dif Montreal, Que.-----At the recent Provincial Convention of Nurses held in the city, speaking before the private duty section Miss Catherine | de Nuly Fraser, R.N.,, asked: "Where are we drifting?" She gt. ed the present situation, wherein private duty nurses found it dif- cult, in many cases, to obtain ém- sloyment. This was only one prob- tem and there were many calling tor olution. The opportunity of nrganizing some form of service not - ° cn some contests and served re- fro<hments, The young people's leagiie moet- ing was opened Ly Miss Evelyn Tink. using hymn 1, followed by praved by Rev, Mr, Bleck. Minn of Inst meeting were road and ap proved: hymn 385 was used; de voticnal was taken by Mrs. isaac Hardy, Acts Sth chap... 27-85th verses; piano solo, Miss Mae West. lake; topie,- Mr, C, E, Shortridge on 'The Romance of the Last Cru- sade': vocal solo, Mrs. John Ba- ker, "Come Bing To Me: reading by Will Nicholls, "Are You Seek- ing the Best of the Bargain; plano solo, Mrs, Everett Cryder- man"; reading by Mr, Hobbs, "Jape Brown." Mr. John Baker was in Niagara Falls on Tuesday, MANY ATTENDED GIRLS FUNERAL Port Perry People Pay Last Tributes to Victin of Accident (Miss M, Cockburn, Correspondent) Port Perry, Feb, 23.--The United Church was, filled to eap- acity on Thursday, Feb, 19, when the funeral service was held for the -late Miss ~ Dorothy Miller, young High School student who lost her life as the result of an automobile aceldent. The service was conducted by Rev, R. T. Rich- lards assisted by the Rev. Mr. Denny, who gave the address, The choir sang several beautiful hymns und. Miss Bernice Leask sang a solo. The manydlovely. floral trib- utes were significant of the esteem in which Miss Miller wag held, Six High School students, Storey Beare, Beverley Smallman, M, Wil- Hams, Allan Smith, Tom Harris and. Wm, Cawker acted as pall- bearers. The sincere sympathy of the community goes out to the family in their sad bereavement. Miss Mabel Ryan returned home yesterday after being four weeks in the Oshawa Hospital, where she underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis, We hope she will con- tinue to improve in health and will soon be able to be about again, On Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week 'The College Flappers"', a modern comedy, is to be presented at the Town Hall, Port Perry, under the auspices of the Canadian Legion, Post 91, Pro- coeds to be used for the Commun-~ ity Fund. In addition to the play there are several - choruses, The Milkmaid Chorus, The Collegiate requiring as extensive training ae | "ivan by hospital schools had been | mieged, and Trained Attendant: | tad peen organized independent Hy. 3 | * Miss Mary Mathewson, R.N., de clured private duty nursing erperi | ence to be an asset in public health [nursing. Two per cent. of the | yopulation wera 111 at all times, | 'at only 15 per cent. of patients were able to pay for private nurs- ig, which was where the public vealth nurse wag required. Educa- tional work along preventive lines |was algo part of the function of 'wa latter, As there are 18,0068 registered nurses in the Dominion | nd only 7,786 in the Association, |ihere was need of adventuring a- long the lines of increased interest and membership in the three pro. | vinces in which registration and | membership are separated. In Que- | sec and five other provinces, regls- {tration implies membership in the nrovincial and national Organise pay, But out of the offices comes And sick of the sight sweep down to the sea. [We 80 to the "Motors" day after "mn ay, Thinking by Easter we'll have a Mr, | Wilcox, i Says "Sorry boys" and the office he locks. We know ho would start us but what can he do? There's hundreds of us, and he's | just work for two. If he had work for me, Oh I wish it could be, Where the Mountaing of Mourne sweep down to the sea. Now we can't grow potatoes or barley or wheat But we're all on the lookout for something to eat, We're sick of rellef, soup kitchens hard times, of those workless bread lines, We'd like steak 'and onlons, fried | ham and eggs, A nice big fat chicken with "Five or six" legs, But if I had enough money I'd far sooner he Where tho Mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea. ~IRISH, LISTENED IN ON GAME Hundreds of local radia frne letras ed in on the broadcast of the el citing Port Colborne-Marlbor.s se. ior OHA. battle last night. | cheering and yelling of the gre crowd at the game could be plain) heard and as the game went inj overtime some of the radio enthu lasts got almost as excited as t spectators in the arena. Th POLICE CIRCLES QUIET Things have lecn very quiet : lice circles dure the past two days. ! were empty with the exception of Burn's February Footwear Sale $189 Ladies' Ties; Straps and Pumps, mostly black. Some browns, low, Cuban, or high heels. All sizes are in the lot. Regularly priced $4.00 to $7.00, Exceptional value. A store full of other unusual Sale Values THE BURNS CO., LTD. OSHAWA one or two lodgers who were glad to spend the night here while en routu to points unknown, [No offences of any kind occurred in po- | yesterday or last night and the cells SILK LINGERIE GO ON SALE AT BARGAIN PRICES 1300 PIECES RUN-PROOF SALE STARTS THURSDAY 900 Non-Run Bloomers, Fancy A Panties and Vests Sc Coloi. Peach, Pink, White, Nile, Mauve, ivixe, Black. Worth $1 regularly. Gon Sale, each, ......... 400 SUIT 5; NONRUN PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED PHONE 2595 FOR PROMPT SERVICE tious. | What Others Say| A PARODY TO THE MOUNTAINS | oF MOUNRE | Now this land of Canada is & won- derful place, Where all unemployed hard times do face. With never a murmur they smile through it all, Yery soon they expect that good times will fall, : At least when I asked them that's what they told me That some day we workless will have a fine 'Spree' 'well I'd far sooner be, Where the Mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea, Now over in England they make such a 'Fuss' They say t** 'ominions are wnii- | ing for us, . | Now wiry « .. you gO ther: a... «+ start life anew, There's work there for 'everyone and also for you, 80 we bado farewcll to relations "and friends ! : We think that in Capada our , troubles will end, But don't you belleve it, just take it from me, Stay where the Mountains of Mourne sweep down to 'the soa, Ob, whilst here in Canada the ru- mours you hear, It's enough to make anyone 'fly' to the beer, They say there'll be lots of work "very soon, But I'd rather belfove there's a man in the moon, We all ask for work trom meoming But if they can't give us work, [§ J All First quality that would sil ordinarily $3.95. Go on Sale, uit $1.9 boxes. 500 FAST COLOR Sunny Fr New Print Dresses. Crisp from wi | Made from vat dye fabrics guaranteed washing qualities. SIMPLY A MARVEL AT THE RICE! Sikes Wear, Accommodation "Make up table and pho Lock at 2428 for reservation SEF ' o # N - - . Chorus, the Sailor Breezing Along py rus and the eant in ges of Miss till night, the angwe wT here's es tats | § Alt

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