THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1931 PAGE NINE If It Is To Be Bought Or Sold - Times Classified Ads Will Do It hoo BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries Public. Ete Conveyancing ana general prac tice in Law, Office 7% Simcoe South, Oshawa. Phone 4. G. Conant, B.A, LLB.; A. F. An. B.A., LL.B. INCLAI of Comuiatcs Building. P! N Ay rister, Solicttor, Notary Public Conveyancer. Money to loan. Of fice HAT King St. East, Oshawa Phone 445. Residence phone 837 R TON Fraser, Barristers, etc, Bank of Commerce Bldg. Louis s. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Over Dewland's Store. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Resi dence 3473W. R AND H EYS BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc., 2414 Simcoe St. N. Phone 8160. Money to Loan. ALEX C. HA B.A. R ter, etc. Conveyancing and general practice. 221% King St. East. Phone 3237. (tr) A. PAR AR TER ete. Money to loan. Alger Bldg opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. NK S. BBS, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey: ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office Phone 2996. = Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone 2050. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Hezlewood, special attention to 'Surgery and X-Ray. Dr. Harper, special attention to child- ren's Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun- day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. East, corner Vie- toria' St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C. M L.R.C.P. and 8, Edinburgh Phy- sician, Surgeon and Obstetrician Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone jozo. residence 14 Cadillac Ave. ape 3166. TRI STET- Ty Parsidlan and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and diseases peculiar to women Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North. Phone 303. ROW. GRAHAM, "M.D., B.Sc., L.M. C.C., physician surgeon, obstetrician 8 years post graduate. Special at- tention to maternity work, Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resi- dence Phone 3020. (Dec. 24-1 mo - M K.C., BAN Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: sett's. Bk attention to X-ray work, Gas :xtraction, Nurse in at dane Phune 2 House 1312 R. H. M. COO 9 SIMCOE §1 wort over Mitchell's Drug Store. tras for extraction. Phone 54. DR. J. F. BROCK, DENTIST, 16 Simcoe St. N., over Dewland's. Phone 1057. Res. 292W. Evenings by ap- wintment. DR. LA AID, DR. DAVIES, Dentists, 37 King St. E., Special at- tention to gas extraction and X-ray work. Nuite in attendance. Phone 1243 and 864 For Rent VILT! A APARTMENTS - AT new lt w 'rentals; electric refrigeration electric stove, washing machine and Shyer Apoly superintendent, Phone (53tf) SIMCOE MA NOR -- AND five ; roof suites, electric stoves refrigeratio laundry, conveniences. Apply superintendent, phone 2671, (85tf) THRE ND 4 M APART- ments. Modi to * the minute. Phone 1550 or 2347W. * « (132tf) FOR OMS, bath, electric stove and other con- in busi section. New a, Veterinary BR. W. D. FORSYTHE, Vas. Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Specializes lameness. Troraton's Corners. Phone 202-2, (9 mar o) Optometrist CH TUCK, OP OMETRIST SPE- cialist in muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care und Eye Strain, The Child and Its De- velopment, Disney Blogs opposite Post Offite Phone 151 (18 jan _e) e) = Humane "Society OFFICE: BYNG ST. TBL. 1617W. Mrs. R. B. Smith, Presi. dent. Tel. 2014. (18 jan e) ~ Building Supplies CINDERS, SAND AND GRAVEL for sale--To insure prompt delivery. place orders in advance of delivery dite. W. Borrc wdale. Phone 1618. ~ Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 542 Sim- cue street, north, Phone 210] and 10W. CSHAWA BURIAL CO, M. F Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. a (4tf) Spirella WITH THE NEW LINES OF fashions Spirella solves your prob- lem. Cull Mrs. Blatter, Manager. Phone 2189M. (13 mar ¢) DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The oldest Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Reputable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consul R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attend ed to an to and your interests protected. © Transportation Contracting ONTRA G. = C plastering, olectric or alterations. Phone 139 for estimates (13tf) Veterinary Surgeon R. SHIRLE VETERINARIA Specialist, Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King Wesdt. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m., for consultation and treat- ment of diseases of car, nose and throdt only. Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97. Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and sold 188 Bloor street east. Phone 1617M. (25 dee tf) Architects 8. C. STENHOUSE Architectural work. Second floor Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496 Res. phone 909J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects. Simcoe St. 8 Over Felt Bros. Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. ). SULLEY. Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. S, Osh awa, Ont . Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patron age solicited. torer WILBUR, TAUNTON. Ont., arm and house sale specialty. Terms, low. Phone Oshawa 1648 r 2-4. (28 mar ¢) Hemstitching C EATING, RE pairs and alterations, dressmak- "buttons and buttonholes The Bei Shop, 26% .8. Phone 56." ¢..- (Jan. 6-1 mc BEATING, AL ., hose 'repaired. (Dress per a Specialty). Our work 1s |' town, Daintimatd , 4 iW, St. Phone 1948W. : (11 mar ¢) blie speaking. Private or in class iy ie terms phone Lois Mundy. Fo. 35 or 312 GENERAL foremost Psychologist, reliable ad- v'7~ on bu"iness, loss, "health, {n- '| Prices. right, work suaranited 3065 CARTAGE AND STORAGE, Coleman's, 85 Bond west. Specialists in: furniture moving. Storage ware- house and moving van equipment Phone 82. BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE - General cartage and household rurni- ture moving. Special attention to Commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave., Oshawa, Phone 1618. (dec 10 if OVING LOCAL, G tance cartage. day or night. rates freely given. ¥. McQuaid. Phone 2423W. 115 Annis St, (28 feb cy Beauty 'Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop. Specialists in perman ent, finger and marcel wash Per- manent wave prices $5, $7.50, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Cul- ture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Sin.coe street north. EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and shampoo $1 Phone 2968. MARCELLING 35, FINGER Waving 50c, hair cutting 25¢ at La Parisienne Beauty Parlors. Ask for Miss Robbins. Phone 71. (10 mar c¢) Offered for $35.00 per month. Apply Box 106 Times, (26 jan tf) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms, comfortable, for light housekeeping. Phone 3338W. (13 feb tf) FOR RENT--14 AORE FARM, house and barn. 4 miles from Osh. awa, Apply 575 Osha (19 mar c) FOR RENT--38 ROOMED APART- ment, furnished or unfurnished, also garage, 388 Nassau St, or phone 2546J. (43¢c) FOR RENT--HOUSE ON ATHOLL street and two others, conveni- ences. Immediate possession, Ap- ply A. Pascoe, 260 Athol street east, (44¢) FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM flat, nicely furnished or partly furnished, every convenience, elec- tricity and gas, also garage. Apply 21 Warren Ave. (440) TO RENT--SIX ROOMED HOUSE on Alma Street. Oak floors down- stairs. All conveniences. Large garden. Phone 1257TW. (44c) TO RENT--FURNISHED 3 ROOM: ed apartment, heat, light and water, near Motors. Immediate possession. Also 4 garages. Apply 97 Colborne ft. East, (440) 6' ROOMED HOUSE RENT TO J All conveniences. Newly decorated. Low rental," Apply 271 Jarvis St. (45¢) FOR RENT--OSHAWA BOULE- vard $25. Willlam St., . furnished $560. Elgin St $35. Summerville, $20. Store and house, King St., effort. BE who rings doors be'.s looks Ing for a job, a ron or any desired objective follows a slow, circuitous Want-Ad columns not only locate these prospects. for you but also assure an immediate interview with an interested prospect at the greatest saving of time and route indeed. Our Telephone 35 Rates for Classified Ads First insertion--11§ cents per word. Minimum charge for one insertion 80c. Each subsequent tive insertion word. Three consecutive Inscre tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions (0c. Box number 10¢ additional. Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less, 10 consecn- 1¢ per $30. Alice St., $25. Buckingham, $20. Choice of others, Murdoch, 27 Warren Ave. (45a) FOR RENT -- 2 housekeeping rooms electricity and water, 1452M. (45¢) FOR RENT--5 ROOM TUNGA- low, north, modern, all conveni- ences, immed ate possession. Apply 29 p Buckingham Ave. (450) Phone to 'Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT---10 ACRES house and barn on Bloor St. 1% mile west of city. Apply 66 Second Ave, (46a) For Sale or Exchange FURNISHED | with heat, | cents 4 word per month for each additional word. Phone 35 | Ask for Classified Ad Department | CERTIFIED RADIOTRICIAN RE- pairs, all models of radio, power pacts, eliminators, at reasonable prices, work guaranteed. Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, I repair what others fail lo fix. (20 mar ec) GOOD USED PIANOS AND PLAY- er pianos taken in exchange on radios. See John Meagher, 92 Sim- coe St. North. Phone 371W. (17 mar c) Personal No Notices T0 WHOM IT MAY' CONCERN: TAKE NOTICE that Jean Dun- can Nicolls, my wife, has left my bed and board and that I will not be responsible for any debts incur- red by her in my name. CHARLES GEORGE NICOLLS, 161 Park Rd., South, Oshawa, Ont. (45a) REM ing Co., 155 olny a. "South See our stock of fabric remnants for portiers, cushions and re-up holstering purposes by plece or and furniture. ship guaranteed. ence, Expert 25 years' exper)- (6 mar ¢) DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE. Experts in permanent, finger and marcel waves, Permanent waves $5, $10, $15. 30c marcels, 25° trims given by Miss Duquette Phone 38, over Ward's store, (27 feb ¢) Music HERBERT C. | RENEER, AT.CM Organist and Choirmaster of King Street Church will accept pupils in nano, pipe organ and vocal music #) William Street, East. Phone 2896. Sept. 2 tf) LEONA LR AM Supervisor of Music, 052 Carnegie Avenue, 2578F. {Aug 25 tf) PRACTICAL NURSE, MATER: ity work, Excellent seferences, Mrs. Borrowdale. Phone 1 18 30 feb ¢) reference, maternity, 'Invalid, gon- eral nursing. Will assist with housework. - Charges moderate. Phone 3033J. i LA "© Work Wanted i GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP. erhanger, painting and graining. t Pine Pine Avenue e ~ Money to Loan _ \ommonimon: FIV PROPER t and faring, Ki Apply A. J. ing St. rr Fast Service vestments, Marriage, Melva's Psy- SALES AND cu zal advice, guides to success and a ment. 20 years' ence in public school teaching. Short time only, 102 Albert St. Phone TW. (46¢c TR STARION BE. ROSS, AT.0M., WILL accept pupils in voice production and sioging. Phone No. 6. £12 mar ¢) )" SERVICE PLATE k Batteries, car or radio bat- os charged, 75¢, Called for and delivered. H. Platt, 317 Celina. Phone 16567. (10 mar - D with rental $1.00, Repaired ang rebuilt. Called for and delivered. Prompt service. fan) Bligdon, 20 'Mill St, Plone Dec, 30-1 mo) Painting. and Decorating BRANTON AND POWERS, PAP- erhangers, painters on hardwood 585. finishing, Phone {44c) Furniture Repaired. FURNITURE REPAIRED AND re upholstered, draperies made to order. Geo. A. Constable. 27 Bond St. East. Phone 3322J. (Feb. 4-1 mo) Motor Cars FOR SALE---ONE FORD COUPH Good condition, Apply 1338 Glad. stone Ave. (44D) Pets and [Livestock BABY CHICKS, HATCHING eggs, custom hatching Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Write or phone for catalogue 1327J. Oshawa Hatchery & Poultry Farm, 144 Park Road North, Oshawa, (21 mar ¢) yard, Get our prices on atitomobite | workman and experts | OSH. AWA RADIO SERVICE--RE- pairs on radios, power packs and el- iminators. Tubes tested and supplied radio pol s for sale. Batteries charg- ed and repaired. Phone 3350) Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East. (19 mar e) WITH YOUR Get your tubes John Meagher, 92 Sim- Phone 371W, EARL'S RADIO REPAIRS ON all sects, We sell tubes, batteries, transformers, coils, atc Also short wave apparatus, Karl Fowler, 201 French St. Phone 18{6W. (9 mar ¢) WESTMOUNT RADIO SiUDIOS, efficient service, all makes of radio's power pacts and elimina. tors, tules tested and supplied. Phone 271 SF. (7 mar c) Real Estate fo for Sale 716 RENTS BU NGALO JUST OFF Ung St. W. Ideal location. Apply 16 Rosehill Bivd, Phone 3033J. (411) A DANDY LITTLE HOME- 1 VE sot to sell my little home, a brick tere, 5b rooms, bath and fur- nace. I paid $3800 and through i wances will gell it for $3100 with a small cash payment. Box 155 Times. (21 feb tf) 76 ACRES FOR SALE OR TRADE 70 acres plough land, 5 acres bush, good buildings, Pickering township, $8500. Will trade for Oshawa property suitable for store. Box 153, Pimes. 21 feb tf) OWNER DROPS $500--IF SOLD this week, will sell home which cost $4500 for $3500 and with only $500 cash. 5 rooms and sum- mer kitchen, all conveniencse, gar- age. $30 a month pays for it. Box 152 Times, (21 feb tf) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West. Your pat- THE TROUBLE radio may be tubes. tested free. voe: North | MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Slabs $3.50 per load. Also bone dr body wood. Waterous Meek Limited, Phone 1288 apr 26tf) WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL- ues in rebuilt Underwoods. They are as serviceable as when new--at less than half the cost. Sent for your ap- roval. Address "Underwpod," 135 ictoria St., Toronto. oct 19, 31) FOR SALE = PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, v 'nishes, etc, in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King St. West. (Apr. 25 tf) FOR SALE -- DRY HARDWOOD $15 per cord. Dry tamahack $12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St East, Phone 1774M, = (9 jan th SECOND HAND SKA.JES, COM plete outfit $1.60 up. Skates sharp ened and repaired. 12 Richgond St. East, (8 jan 1- mo, FOR SALE--HARD AND SOFT wood Slabs also dry body wood Fred Bailey. Phone 698W, (22 feb ¢) GET MY FRICES FOR GOOD wood. W. H. Thompson. 607 King St, W. Phone 742J. (28 feb ¢) SPECIAL SALE OF HONEY AT Anderson's Honey Store, next to Davidson's Shoe Store, Simcoe north, Phone 1250, (30 feb.c) FOR SALE --ONE ENGLISH wicker pram in perfect condition. Phone 1749. Will gell reasonable. (43¢c) AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF THE FARM stock and implements of Cecil C. Fulling, Taunton, Lot 35, Con, b, Township of Darlington, Saturday, February 28th, Sale at one o'clock sharp. J. W. Balson, clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (45-47- 49) Help 'Wanted--Male CIVIL, SERVICE, THE M. C. C. Civil Service School is the oldest correspondence school in Canada, specializing in preparing candi- dates by mail for the Canadian Civil Service, Get ready for the Spring examinations for positions as Letter Carriers, Mall Clerks, Customs Clerks, Stenographers, Typists, etc. Booklet free on re- quest. The M. C, C, Ltd,, Toronto 10, REAR 32 85 a8 41 44 47 50) Notice of Registration of By-law Notice is hereby given that By- law No. 2051 was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 16th day of February, 1931, providing for the issue of deben- trres to the amount of $7,146.26 to pay the City's share for an addi- tion to the County Registry Office, and that such by-law was register- ed in the registry office of Whitby in the County of Ontario, on the 19th day of February, 1931. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first phblication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Mated the 23rd day of February, 1931, ¥. E. HARE, Clerk. (452-512-572) Agents Wanted RELTABLH PARTY WANTED TO handle Watking Products in Osh- awa, Customers established, Excel- lent opportunity for right man. Write at once. The J. R. Watkins Cotfipany, 749 Craig St. West, Montreal. ronage is solicited, (45 47 51 53 57 69) | Time Table | WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE Effective on and after October Sth, 1030) . * (Standard Time) 12.25 ne m. pm, TH nm, 4.00 p.m, . 648 p.m, East Arrive Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 7.20 a.m, 8.20 a.m, Pao ges 83 shes tL Eps ESmupmamnEoonn 258 Rss88BR8EE 8 88 Oe TPPPPTTIrTer? 3p2353238822 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leav Arrive Bowmanville O: Oshava Whitby 45 Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m, 10.45 a.m, 12.15 p.m 3.00 p.m, 5.00 p.m 7.00 y nd 8.30 p.m, 11 00 p.m. 10.45 p.m. 11.30 p. connect 4, Whitby with Times marked Linjiy dnises, to val) Occasion pecial Busses fo ra! casions Remsonel ble Rates and Careful Drivers T, GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILY. E, PHONE 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street k Rone an CANADIAN NAT 1ONAL FALLWAYS lective Januar (tac da d To Eastbound ept Sunday Yaiiv, e fShepnitcm except Sunday, except Sunday. except Seturday gerd "Westbound b arly, eacept Sunday hv i I" di iy. Daily, . Daily, 7.04 > .m. Daily, 8.02 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ective January 11, 1931 (Standard Time) except Sunday. except Sunday, AnOo i. 2B53%0R Eastbound Daily. Daily, Daily, Daily, Daily. Daily. Westbound Daily. . Daily, Daily, except Sunday. Daily,, Daily, GRAY COACH LINES Elective September 28th, 1930 me) except. Sunday NumNay ==Nowe BREINER CREESE yphes oll of 8 B5533 paanas d Time Leave Yoronts 2% AM m?.30 1% 8.20 2.30 2.30 3.3 10,30 4.30 11.30 30 6.3) 27.30 £8.30 29.30 bil. 0 m--Except Sunday, s--Saturday i s and } 5 ~Sundava oulvk ¥ Bolidsys, only, ___ Tenders Weoted CITY OF OSHAWA SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned up until 12 o'clock noon oaturday, February 28th, 1081, for the collection of garbage in the City of Oshawa, Ontario, for the year 1931-32, Envelopes containing tenders must be plainly marked "Tender for Garbage Collection". Full information may be had at the office of the undersigned, (Sgd.) ¥. E. HARE, City Clerk. (45¢) "SCHOOLBOY'S TRAGIC F FATE Irvine--Alexander Irvine, 6, of 17 Dalrymple Drive, was knocked down and killed instantly by a 'bus while on his way home from school. The right front wheel passed over the boy's head, although the driver swerved rapidly and drew up in about the length of the bus, EN Busses ssseg The port of Vancouver, on the Pacific coast of Canada. saw an in- crease in shipping during 1930. The aggregate tonnage of vessls entering the port was12,700,000 tons, an increase of nearly one mil- lion tons over the previous year. More than 63,000,000 bushels of grain were exported from the port. | a ITALIAN RICE Rice has been cultivated in Italy since the fifteenth century, and that country now leads Europe in the pro- | duction of that cereal, 673,000 metric tons being raised last year. POST OFFICE EFFICIENCY At the New York Post Office, an average of 350,000 pieces of misdirect- ed mail are handled daily; about 80,- 000 pieces of mail are received with- out any street address. More than 12,000 young men and women of the rural parts of Ontario have attended the winter short courses in farming and domestic science provided by the Ontario Govt. this winter. Classes have been conducted in every county. It is my opinion that, so long as the world is what it is, there is no cure for war--Admiral William V. Pratt, chief of naval operations, BEST SELLER Last year's so-called "best seller" among the new books reachied the total of 1,325,000 while the Bible con- Hed to lead with 30,000,000 copies sol The gold discovery in Bannockburn township in Matachewan district, On- tario, would apeam to be of import- ance, Canada's known mineral resources comprise almost every variety of min- eral, many of the deposits being suf- ficiently large to be of world import- ances Based on the handling of 3,000 tons of ore a day, the Hudson Bay mine at Flin Flon, will produce 30 million pounds of copper and 50 million pounds of zinc a year. Diamond drilling on the Ashley- Garvey property shows comercial ore over a sloping width at a depth of about 200 fect. The Otisse adjoins the Ashley-Garvey property and norths of that is the Brookland where they claim to have picked up the main Ashley vein. Gold production in Manitoba prov- ince is being maintained at the rate of about $40,000 a month, A promising discovery of lead-zine- silver has been made north of Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, . Eleven cirloads of a special qual- ity. Canadian wheat have recently been shipped from central Saskatche- wan destined for China. The grain has been shipped from four points in Saskatchewan, namely, Melville, Ca- na, Dernic and Canora, and' will be sacked at Vancouver before being loaded on ships for the Orient. The best teacher is the man who does not deprive boys of the feeling that they have done something for themselves, or shake their occasion al conviction that they have done something good.--Mr. J. F, Roxburgh Writer describes a moustache as "recoil pad for a kiss." Wellthey { do say it's a ticklish proposition. -- | Border Cities Star. | Pity the poor working girl[--She never knows where the next pair of chiffon stockings is coming from.-- Buffalo Courier-Express, Ireland defeated England at rugby. So "Twickenham Ferry" sounded more like "Wearin" o' the Green." Brantford Expositor, Co-operative associations in Can ada numbered 1,095 in 1930 with a total membership of 690,685. In 1929 there were 936 of these or- ganizations which reported 512,835 members. They include grain growers, dairy farmers and fruit and vegetable growers in the east ern provinces. . Enrollment in the Saskatchewan Government's correspondence school has now passed the 5,000 mark, according to information re- celved from the office of Premier J. T. M. Anderson, Minister of Ed- ucation. Applications are still coming in, as rcany as 43 being re- ceived in one day, and up to the presemt the department has been able to handle all applications. 106 a EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always POTATOES 90 Ib, bag New Brunswick ......$1.10 Ontario ....covvs serrrrs 1.00 Hogg & Lytle Ltd. Doe CART W LUMBER (0 Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price (oii 00000...8088 Chevrolet Coach, 28 model PrICE c.vvviveieee. $388 ONTARIO MOTOR 99 Simcoe Street South PHONE 22 For Your Drug THOMPSON'S EYESIGHT SPECIALIST exclusively fn muscle anomalie eyesight and glasses, 1516=Phone--1516 Disaty Block « Opposite Post Office REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch js not giving satisfaction we can' repair and make it tell the correct time, D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads 80 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 180 COAL COAL Phone 103 W.J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly 'Delivered ROYAL YORK var Tea Half Pound 28 Pg. At all Superior Stores Men's Grey Worsted ne oe $10.00 Dominion Clothing Co. 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler "12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH " BRINGING UP FATHER BY GEO. McMANUS po NEEDLES AND PING ~NEEDLES AND PINS = | HAVE A TERRIBLE EARACHE + AND MAGGIE MAS A DATE. WITH HER SINGING TEACHER SW . Ro Ey