5 sli Jo THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1931 _. PAGE EIGHT 5 ' Kingston Juniors Beaten by - Only Goal of Game, Giving We Oshawa Edge in Playoffs Juniors Played Thrilling 'Game of Hockey on Sat- _urday Night Before Larg- + est Crowd of Season, With 'Lortie and Peterson the Scoring the only goal of the gum, he Oshawa Juniors on Saturday cven- ng secured a slim lead to take with them to Kingston for the return e in the OH.A. playoffs tonight. he game was played before one of ihe largest crowds that .has been present at the local arena this seas ton, there being about 2,000 present. The locals had just about the edge an the play that the score indicates. hey had several more tries at the Kingston net than did the visitors, and onlyismart work by Gowsell pre- vented the Motor City team from hav- ing a considerably larger lead than they did. The game was one-of the fastest the local juniors' have ever played, both teams keeping up the gruelling pace until well into the third period, Lortie and Peterson were the he- roes of the night, combining to score the winning goal almost exactly half way through the game, Peterson car- ried the puck down tlien passed to Tortie, who shoved it past Gowsell from in front of the net, Graboski richly earned a couple of goals on his performance, turning in the best ex- hibition of back-checking and gen- eral attack of any man on the ice. Blake shone as one of the Kingston 'ieading lights, Corrigan and Thurlby also making their efforts felt, On two occasions Blake seemed due for a sure score, having a chance to shoot from close to the net, but on both occasions Hurst made sensation. al saves. It was Hurst's scventh shutout of the season, and he is de- serving of much of the credit for the local team's victory. The game opened very fast, and the crowd soon warmed up as the spec- tators had thrill-after thrill from near- oals, The locals seemed to have a ht edge on the play in this per« a although no scoring was done by either team. Roberts, Graboski and Amey were penalized in 'quick suc- cession, all for tripping, the trio be- ing in the box at the same time, Hurst made a half dozen sensational saves as the Limestone City boys bored in then the Graboski-Peterson- Authors combination got in some work that kept ' Gowsell stepping. Broad was penalized for slashing, Blomely made two smart efforts in close succession, but without any re- sults, and the period ended 0-0, Although they pressed the play, the Oshawa boys scemed to lack fin- ish just after the second period op- ened but soon settled down to busi- ness. Peterson drew well-merited ap- plause when he went through the Kingston defence after taking a pass from Bradd, shooting from the side, but Gowsell saved by a hair's breadth Corrigan was penalized for tripping Peterson, Lortie netted the only 'goal on a pass from Peterson as a result of a perfect combination play. Petgrson carried the puck down the side to be- hind the net, then passed out to Lor- tie who was in front of the goal and scored easily. Hurst prevented Blake from equalizing a minute later after the Kingston player carried the puck through the entire Oshawa team and it looked like a sure goal, Corrigan drew another trip to the hoosegow for spilling Lortie, The Motor City boys kept the visitors. bottled "up within their own defence area while Corrigan was off but could not score, due chiefly to Gowsell's smart stop- ping, and the second period ended 1-0, Drinkie was penalized for tripping soon after the third period opened and the casterners made a desperate effort to tie the score, but without success. Graboski and Lortie made two spectacular tries in quick succes sion, losing out in their efforts when (iowsell saved sensationally, Doug. Maundrell was penalized for tripping, but, even with their one-man advan- tage Kingston could not lengthen out hg goose-egg, and the game ended The teams: Kingston--Goal, Gowsell; defence, Roberts and Blake; centre, Mathe- son; rw, Card; Lw., Thurlby; subs, Blomely, Amey and Corrigan. Oshawa--Goal, Hurst; defence, D. Maundrell and Lortic; centre, Drin- kle; raw, Bradd; Lw., Peterson; subs, Grobowski, Authors, C. Maundreil, Referee--Bert Hedges, Toronto. SUMMARY First Period No score: penalties--Roberts, Grab- oski, Amey, Broad. Second Period Oshawa---Lortie (Peterson) 9.00. Penalties--Corrigan (2). Third Period Penalties-- Drinlle, No score. D. Maundrell, Six Teams | Left After Tonight Toronto, Feb, 23---Two O.HA., jun- ior playdown games will be staged in Toronto to-night, West Toronto and Toronto Canoe Club will 'battle it ont at the Arena Gardens. Owen Sound Greys and Mimico will bg opponents at Ravina, In their first engagement, A West Toronto and Red Ringers played a 3- 3 all tie and there was little to cheese between the city rivals. The success. ful team is slated to play Oshawa or Kingston in the next round. After to-night's games throughout O.H.A. territory, only six teams of the 87 which entered the junior series in Noyember will be left in the run- ning for the championship, won last year by West Toronto, STRATFORD INDIANS GAIN LEAD Stratford, Feb. 23.--In a game that bristled with action from the initial face-off to the final gong, Stratford Indians Saturday night obtained a two-goal lead over Ac- ton in the third round of the O.H. A. Intermediate play-downs, the score being 3-1, THIRD GAME NEEDED Windsor, Feb. 23.--Playing a 1-1 draw here on Saturday night, Windsor Tech Alumpf and Strat- ford Midgets will go to Lendof to- night with an even score in thelr second round of the junior O.H.A. playdowns. In the first game of the series the teams deadlocked with a two-all score on Thursday night in Stratford. LUEVELAND TIE Cleveland, Feu. 23.--Two unas- sisted goals produced in a ten- minute overtime period were the only scores of a tie International Teague hockey game here Satur- day between the second place Windsor Bulldogs and the cham- pion Cleveland Indians who occupy fourth place. WINDSOR ROLAND Ww. ProBUCTION CHESTER MORRIS mez A startling my- stery drama that will amaze with its thrilling ac- plots and plots tiom, New Martin TUESDAY Shown at 2.30, 7 and 9 Regular Prices | players who were RENE LORTIE Star of the Oshawa Junior O.H.A. toam, figured largely in the 1.0 victory over Kingston on Satur. day night, Australian Cricket "Strike" Is Ended Melbourne, Australia, Feb, 23.--The dispute between the Queenland play- ers and the Queenland Cricket Asso- ciation has ended in the vindication of the playbrs, whose suspensions were lifted immediately. The trouble arose when the play- ers while on tour ignored the instruc. tions of the selectors and set up a players' selection committee of their own, which chose the team for the match against Victoria last Decems ber, For this action, seven of them, in- cluding the captain, F. J. Gough, were "suspended The raatter did not end there, hows ever, for f of the nonssuspended cd dor the last Shefticld Shield mateh dropped out apparently in sympathy, Things became so bad that for the return match against Victoria only two regular players would turn out, the rest being colts, It was decided the rules should be altered to provide for the selection of touring teams by a playing commit- tee to be choscit by the selectors, Hockey Records NATIONAL Canadian Section YW LaF APs. Canadiens ,..... 3522 8 ST Maple Leafs ....34 17 11 ¢ 74 08 40 Americans ,...36 14 14 ¥ 45 65 36 Montreal ado 0 78S WY b 8 21 57010819 had YE | APs. 113 72 51 i 80 58 41 vl 73 38 7 8 78 37 JS5142 9 Boston Chicago Rangers Detroit . Philadelphia INTERNATIONAL PW. LT. F A Pts. Juffalo .......3821 10 438 50 52 Windsor 919 14 Pittsburgh 39 10 14 London 38 I8 Cleveland W817 10 Detroit gt 1 © I Syracuse cooredB 8 LY YR 8 41 y Uh RO 4U 1 70 9 29 i 85124 22 CANADIAN-AMERICAN PW, Le For A Pts. A024 5 1120 67 9 5 95 57 41 Springlicld Providence ondd 8.0 Boston .... wl 18 271 87 22 Philadelphia ...3: 9 20 3 61 89 21 New Haven Jl B20 3410219 Hockey iesults The score of hockey games play od during the week-end were as follows: National League Maple Leafs 4 Boston ......2 Canadiens ...6 Americans ...4 Ottawa 4 Montreal .....3 sRangery .... Philadelphia ..1 o-sDetroit .. I Chicago International League oBuffalo ....2 Pittsburg .....4 oCleveland ..1 Windsor .....1 o-8 Pittsburg .0 Syracuse .....0 s~-Sunday; 0---Overtime Sufl- day { Canadian-American Boston .....4 Philadelphia Springfield ,.6 Providence ... sNew Haven 4 Springfield .. American League Kansas City 1 Minneapolis sChicago .». 3 Tnlea ........ sKansas City 2 Minneapolis OHA, Intérmediate Stratford ....3 Acton .......! Chatham' ,..:3 LaSalle ...... 0 O.H.A, Junior ZWindsor Tech, 1 Stratford ....1 zRound. in tied 8-3. Oshawa ++.1 Kingston ....! » LLL 91 44 { 47 86 40 | rival GPORT RAPSHIOTg Will It Be Enough? Will that one goal lead secured' by the Oshawa Juniors on night be enough to carry them through té the néxt round of the O.H.A.Y playoffs? That was the question on the lips of every hockey fan as he left the Arena after seeing one of the greatest games of the year, The Frontenacs did well to hold the Oshawa boys down to that singlc goal, and with the advantage of a home crowd and home ice at the Jock Harty Arena tonight, there is no telling what might happen, Any- way, the fans are behind the juniors one hundred per cent, and will be waiting_anxiously for the scores of tonight's game. * . " Vv * . Not Much of a Handicap There is no reason, however, why the Oshawa, boys should go down and out tonight, The size of the ice surface at the Jock Harty Arena is about on a par with that at the Hambly ice-palace, so that there is no advantage to the Frantenacs in that respect. The only differenec will be in the crowd, Saturday night, the Oshawa boys had plenty of vocal support and the Kingston boys had none. Tonight it will be the other way around, and the Kingston team will have every encourage- ment to go out and win. much, but to juniors it might » N To an experienced team this would not. mean mean a great deal. It Has Been Done However, things like this have been done before. The Hamilton Pats, after losing to Woodstock by one goal, in their own rink, went back to the Industrial City and won there by three goals to one. So the Oshawa kids have every reason to go out and feel they can win the round, home or away. In any case, it will be another gruelling hoc- key game, and whichever teams wins, it will know it has been in a battle, . . . And What's Next? Just look at what is ahead of the Oshawa Juniors if they win tonight, The O.H.A, has drawn the winner of this round against the Toronto Canoe Club or West Toronto, the first game to be played in either Oshawa or Kingston on Thursday, with the return game at Toronto on Saturday night, are in it What a series this will be, no matter which two teams So there is all the greater incentive for the local kids to step on the gas tonight and come home victors on the round, Pats. Home Again After their great victory over Kitchener Silverwoods on Friday last, the Oshawa Pats. should have a great crowd to cheer them on at the Arena tonight, when the Kitchener team comes down here thirsting for revenge. The Pats, have struck a winning stride, and are now looking for an opportunity to get up in the league standing. The boys have a new spirit in their play, and if they do not beat Kitchener in tonight's game, it will not be for want of trying » . M Courageous Basketeers The O.C.V.I, basketball team made a gallant effort at Peterboro on Saturday, and fell just short ot overcoming the five-goal deficit which they had to face. One more basket would have tied up the round, but that one basktt refused to come, and the Petes emerge victory by a margin of two points, having won at Oshawa'by 25 to 20, and lost to Ohawa at Peerboro by 24 to 21. The Oshata boys put up a great fight, and «hile defeated on the round, were by no means disgraced. i Saturday | ED. DRINKLE One of the reliables of the Oshawa Junior O.H.A. team, promises another win in Kingston tonight. NATIONALS SOCCER CLUB HELD VERY SUCCESSFUL SOCIAL About 70 couples attended a so- cial and danco in the Rotary Hall on Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Nationals Soccer Club, The affair was a great guc- cess from every standpoint, The ladies supplied refreshmonts and light supper was served dur- ing the evening. Songs were ren- dered by George Walsh who has been of great service and a great booster for the Nats. Club, and Peter Gow, alto a hard working member, The main objective of this so- cial was the formati.u of a ladies' auxiliary. It was very gratifying that the club was successful in en- listing the support of a large num- ber of ladies present and an or- ganization meeting will be held in the club rooms above the Bank of Commerce on Wednesday evening 26th at 8 p.m., when an executive will be formed, RANGERS REGAIN THIRD PLACE New York, Feb. 23.--The recent spurt of the Philadlephia Quak- ers ended last night after their record winning streak of one vie tory and a tie as the New York Rangers trounced the National Hockey League's tallenders by a 6 to 1 score. The victory, the sixth the Rangers have scorcll over Philadelphia this season, put New York into third place in the Am- orican division, a point ahead of Detroit, FALCONS TIE HAWKS Detroit, Ieb, 23.--A pair of long shots that escaped the goals ord bhrou ht pn oont a 1-to-1 over timo tle 'eotween the Detroit Fale eons and Chicago's hardy Black Hawis In wu hard, fast National Hockey Leosue match here last night. The tle game, coupled with a victory by the New York Range ers over Philadelphia, dropped the Falcons into fourth place in the American section of the league. IORS SECURE ONE-GOAL LEAD -- PATS PLAY AT HOME TONIGHT Oshawa Patricias Started on Winning Streak, Hope to Beat Silverwoods Tonight Local Pro. Team Determined excellent chance of being, not only in to Stick to Oshawa and Will Make Supreme Effort to Land a Place in Ontario Hockey League Playoffs It's now just one week ago since we predicted that the Oshawa Pats, would soon be drawing record crowds, because they were launching out on a new campaign ofr the purpose of obtaining points, a playoff berth and bigger gate receipts. Since the Pats, started this drive, they have played two games, one at home and the other away and they lave been successful in garnering four points. Tonight, at the Oshawa Arena, should see the fuls filling of another of their objects, namely, a bigger gate receipt, It was a tough break for the Pats. to lose the two points which they were first awarded by Stratford's default but the Pats did not become disheart- ened but got the points back, at Kit- chener's expense. The difficulties which had existed, have all been straightened away and the Pats, are now working in perfect harmony to obtain a common goal, We promised that the Pats, were going after points and they have responded by winning their last two games, we foretold a much better brand of hockey and the Pats. have lived up to all expecta. tions, as shown by their convincing victory in Kitchener. The Pats, have one more thing to strive for, namely, a playoff berth, which can only be oh tained by winning points and playing ooad hockey, At'the present time, the Pats, are only five points from first place and there are three teams tied Oshawa and Stratford have played two less games than the other teams, It can readily be seen that the Oshawa Patricias have an for second, MAROONS TIE SENATORS Ottawa, Feb, 28.---Scoring twice In the last half of the third period Montreal Maroons held Ottawa Senators to a 3 all tie here Satur- day night after the locals had out- played them for 50 minutes and out scored them § to 1, Looking much superior to the Maroons the Senators had the game well In hand when they scored their third goal a minute after the third period started. Try- ing to conserve their lead, they threw up a defensive screen, play- Ing right into the hands of the visitors, who penned Dave Gill's men in thelr own end of the rink for the remainder of the session. a playoff position, but at the top of | the heap, within two weeks' time. Then. again, there have been ru. mors that the Pats, would be leaving Oshawa, It might interest local hockey fans to know, that the Pats, were asked to play their remaining games in Brantford and the offer was an attractive one,.but the Oshawa Pats, refused. They have had a tough time and are just beginning to find their feet but they are sticking to Oshawa. If ever a team deserved support, the Pats, do but now they have got past the deserving stage, Now they are earning support, hy means of their fine sportsmanship and their able fight for a playoff posi« tion, Kitchener Silverwoods are a stube born, fighting bunch of puck-chasers who never know when to quit, On their last trip to Oshawa, they over- came: a three-goal lead to win out, 4 to J. They will be out for revenge for the crushing defeat of Friday night and a real, rip-tearing hockey game is assured for tonight. The Pats. are only four points from a playoff berth, as the first four teams play off, and they must win tonight, They are playing: great hockey and led by the two Oshawa boys, Harry Lott and Bill Joyce, they are sweep- ing cyverything before them, Tven if Kitchener does emerge vies torious tonight, and the Pats, will not allow that if they can help, the spec. tators are assured of a real battle and when the puck is faced off, there should be on hand, one of the best crowds yet to witness the Pats, in action. The game is called for 830 pa. sharp and the adthission prices are the same as usual, Rush seats, 35¢ and reserved seats,' 50c and 75c, Come out and cheer the Oshawa Pats, on in their fight for a playoff berth, Yoo CARTW LumpLR (© made Suits © Scotland Wobllen Mills 8. ROTISHY Manager ' J CANADIEN GVERCOME BIG LEAD Montreal, Ieb, 23.--Canadiens saw the New York Americans jump into a four-goanl lead in the first period of thelr National Hockey League encounter here Saturday night, and then pulled themselves together and came from behind to score a 6-4 victory. The Flying Frenchmen rattled in three goals in the firet, tied the score in the second period, and then put the game on fce with a brace of gov's In the last session. HTARS, JACKNIS IN SCORELESS TIE Syracuse, Feb, 23.--The Syra- cuse Stars and Pittshurg Yellow Jackets fought through three per- fods and ten minuocts of overtime last night to a scéoroeloss draw that hod 4,000 customers wildly exe cited, It was the first scoreless game of the season here, and des- pite the absence of 'scores it was & battle of desporate and fast-mov- ing attacks all the way, with the goalies. Joe Ironstone and Abbie Cox, flashing like beacons In a storm, We make constitutions by day and your hospitality ruins them by night. | =~The Maharajah of Alwar, The present system has broken down, and until. something is done to reform our machine of government today, wé shall go on drifting down- | Lill, Sir Oswald Mosley. O.C.V.l. Basketball Team 'Wins at Peterboro, But Loses Round by Two Points | Oshawa Boys Made Tre: come Five-Point Defeat, But Just Fell Short, Scor Favor Making a desperate effort to overcome the five-point lead which Peterboro gained in the game here @ week ago, the 0.C. and V.1. has- ketball team succceded In defeat- ing the Peterboro Collegiate Cag- ers 24-21 in an exciting contest played in the Peterborp Collegiate MARCH gymnasium, Saturday afternoon, but lost the round and the group championship by two points, 1t was one of the fastest games of the series and was witnessed by a Jarke 0 team. The 0.C. & V.1, boys display some dazzling combination and had Peterboro Collegiate outfit fighting with their backs to the Being 24 to 21 in Their, o> > wall most of the time, Oshawa's defence stood up well against the mendous Effort to Over-' i:tacks of the homestors and took uavantage of every favorable op- portunity to feed the forward line with passes. Henderson at eontre way well supported by Shelenkoff, left forward snd Andison, right forward. "Andison was very effec- tive in his shooting on Satfrday while it must be stated however, that every member of the local team, including the subs, turned' in a fine game. MacDonald, who made such a fine showing when Peterboro play- ed here, showed up well but was outclassed by Armstrong. ul Zorhere 2 now Sham pion, of the group and go, op ip o play- offs of the Central Ontario Secon. day School Association. he line-up of the teams is as follows: -- é i Peterboro--Centre, MacDonald; forwards, Ward and Armstrong; 'guards, Stanger and Reynolds. Oshawa --- Centre, Henderson; forwards. Shelenkoft an dison; yards Henley and Hicks; subs, bul and Young. PIPE TOBACCO SMOKERS t. * 20 2° PRIZE CONTEST-4S There is still time to win a prize by writing a letter, telling in simple language, your frank opimion of Tuxret pipe tobacco. Get a package of this good, eool smoking tobacco --test it in your pipe--and then, in your own way, give the reasons why you like it. The letter must be written on one side of the sheet only, and signed plainly with the writer's name and address. AR letters become the property of Imperial Tobacco Ce. of Canada, Limited. All entries must be accompanied by a wrapper from s package of Turret pipe tabaces. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limiged, will not enter into any correspondence whatsoever regarding any entry in this contest. The decision of the judges will be final. The Contest closes 'February 28th, 1931. (Employes of Imperial Tobacco Co. of Canada, Limited, excluded from this contest.] TURRET PIPE TOBACCO Send all laters to--Turret Pipe Tobacco-- : P, 0. Box 1314, Montreal. | f | |