Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Feb 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1931 'Ontario and Durham County News | JURTIGE COUPLE "GIVEN SURPRISE Dacha Party Was Held at Home of Mr. and Mrs. (Mrs, W. Courtice, Green Villa" Saturday twenty-four of the "I go, Oshawa, Club, spent in evening S. S. Brooks Rr. Courtice, Correspond- ent Feb, evening last, of playing cards. was a singing 18.~--""Middle the beautiful home of Mr, and Mrs, S. 8. Brooks was the scene of a real surprise on when you go" which Mrs, " Brooks is a member, gathered in thir home to spend the evening. 8 first part of the evening was A very unique contest put on during the contest when two coples of twelve selec- tions of music were passed around, pne copy to a lady and the other to a gentleman and when a num- In |r mme-- T | GUARANTEED | ot Water Bottles Only 98c § different colors At Karn's Drug Store LE ---- vw Next P. 0. hone 378 ber of music was called for the lady and gentleman who had that number had to sing it together which caused a good deal of merri. ment. The winners of the first prize for singing were Mr. Frank Mason and Mrs. Barrowclough, Mr, Mason winning a large bottle of olives and Mrs. DBarrowclough a smaller bottle. Two other win. ners were Mr, Brooks and Mrs, Walls, and Sidney did sure let out in "God Save the King." Several funny selections were also given during the evening by Mr. Albert Cox, one of the city's leading solo- Ists, Then to wind up the even- ing's entertainment .the ladles served a real oyster supper with all kinds of cake, pies, tarts, etc, to tempt the appetite, It was in- deed a very happy evening and Mr. and Mrs, Brooks though really taken by surprise were as usual most genial host and hostess and the guests presented Mrs, Brooks with a beautiful plant on thelr arrival, The C.G.I.T. entertained Har- mony C.G.IT. on Saturday after- noon in the Sunday School room The topic was taken by Miss Ar. nold and a Valentine story was given by Miss Louise Courtice. At the close of the meeting refresh- ments were served by our C.G.I.T. Monday evening our Mission Circle held its monthly meeting in the home of Miss Velma Gay After the devotional and business part of the meeting, readings were given by Misses Norma Wade, Alice Arnold and Bernice Gay Miss Aura Osborne took up the bible study and our pastor, Rev, FH C. Wolfraim gave an interesting missionary talk. Several hymns were sung, Dainty lunch was served to all present and Mrs. Gay and Velma and Bernlee one welcome in their home, Murs, sister, Mrs, Fred Flintoff of Osh- awa, were in Toronto Tuesday at- tending the funeral of their cousin, Mrs, MeDonald, | --- Mrs. I. H, Solomon, Correspondent North Oshawa, Feb, 17---Mr, and Stanley Moffatt held a Valen- tine party on Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. Moffott's birthday. The evening was spent in progres. sive Eurchre. The prize winners were: firat, Ladies, Mrs. Norman Lyons, First Man's Mr. T. Solo- mon, Consolation, Mrs, Mathews, Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess who was the receipi- ont of several pretty birthday gifts and many good wishes, All de parted for home at midnight aller having a happy, Jolly evening. The | Mrs. made every | Howard Flintoff and her | NORTH OSHAWA NEWS, house was prettily decorated with Valentine trimmings. Mrs. Perrin of St. Mary's is visit- ing her brother, Mr. T, J. Solomon here and her sister, Mrs, Henry Lane at Myrtle. Mr. Raymond Glover returned from Wiarton Saturday after spend- ing a couple of months with Mr, John and Miss Christina Watts, Miss Lily Phillips was at home for Sunday. Miss Annie Taylor spent a couple of days at home with her parents last week, Miss Hazel Pogson was at home for Sunday. The league is putting on a play in the near future. Practising has started and it will be presented early in February, Mr, and Mrs. W. Glover visitea Mrs, C. Glover at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Singer, Sunday, Mrs, A. Walker of Oshawa, and friends visited hei daughter, Mrs, Bruce Glover on Wednesday last, The school was the scene of a happy time on Friday afternoon when the teachers, Miss Cole, Miss Cunningham, Miss Knight and Mr, Arnott all gave their pupils St. Valentine parties. All rooms were pretty with suitable decorations and the pupils were entertained with games of post office and others and were treated with candy and apples, Mr, and Mrs, T. baby David visited Joe Vallant at Port day. H. Solomon and Mr. and Mya, Whitby, Sun- SPECIAL EVENT AT PORT PERRY LODGE Brethren From "Oshawa And | Whitby Join in Con: ferring Degrees Tort Perry! Feb, 18. --Warriner Lodge held one of the largest and best attended meetings that has been held in the district for some time on Feb. 11. in the assembly hall of the school at which about 175 attended and witnessed the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees confer. red on five members of Warriner Lodge and three from Little Brit- ain Lodge. The degrees Corinthian ern Star Pheonix ach a most ner and the candidates, conferred by East- | and were Lodge of Oshawa, of Whitby Lodge, of Oshawa. degrveea was conferred in creditable and able man- were very impressive to Lodge ont Bro. Bun. Soy of Oshawa, Grand Marshall of the Grand Lodge Ontario, There were pro of alse 000000000 dh, WHERE "QUALITY COUNTS" ~AND A BARGAIN FEAST al fs: Bl Fine Foods at prices that invite the atten tion of every thrifty shopper. VALUES GALORE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE! PEAS pU A sclected creamery butter, smooth, texture, with a deliciously distinetive flavor Ib. C even QUALITY A ~ 25¢ 00000 O™A NO. 2 TINS GOOD SweedL, ip Salmon CARNATION BRAND FANCY PINK, TALL TINS 2 ror 23 CHATEAU CHEESE CHICKEN HADDIE CROWN OR BEEHIVE CORN SYRU SEA KING LOBSTER 0x0 CORDIAL TIN NO 15% TIN 0-07. BOTTLE Tin 35¢ 19¢ Corned Beef " nt 17 19¢ Biscuits WESTON'S | MIKADO b. 25¢ 35¢ 39 SPECIAL BLEND GREEN Te BIACK OR 3 is. § 1.00 Marmalade: 23 FRESH, DAINTY Jelly Made 3 Rolls 2 sor 25 Pichle RICHMELLO Coffee IN 1-LB SEALED TINS 39. Pid Bakery LIGHTENS WASHDAY Sunlight Soap 1 0 Bars 49: VERAND. SWEET LARGE MIXED BOTTLE :39e SOUR MIXED 33 P.&G. THE WORLD'S MOST POF. 10 =n Rt LAUNDRY SOAP 33 T NO, SYRUP Bayside Pears Tris 2 for 25¢ six present and past District Depu. ties us well as members from Osh. awa, Whitby, Pickering, Brooklin, Uxbridge, Beaverton and Little Britain Lodges. Foliowing the degree work lunch was served and a few speeches were made from Brothers of dit- ferent Lodges. The Brothers left feeling that they had spent a very interesting and profitable evening and assured us of their attendance at our Ladies' Night to be held in the near future. GENERAL MOTORS PLAN SYSTEM TO ASSIST DEALERS (Continued from page 1) ered that in extreme cases, somn retail automobile dealers were carrying more accounts receivable and used car inventories than their total capitalization. Bankers Accept Plan "Many of my contacts on the Dominion-wide survey," sald Mr. Brown, 'were with banker and financial men, who are doing busi ness with retailers, When they learned fer the first time some of the details of our zone organiza- tion and our business management program for the retailers, they voluntarily offered their whole hearted co-operation. When they examined our system of motor ac- counting and learned that we are spending more money than ever on | questionably | fits should dealer aids, they were frankly en- | thusiastiec. Looking to future de- | velopment the bankers and busi: | ness men I met invariably agroed | that improvement of the retailers' | ta, was a fundamental essen- | tial. "For some years we have been | advocating proper accounting | menos as ona nf the essentials in successful retail automobile ac- [ tivity, Through a subsidiary of | our organiation we have provided several accuntine systems, all par | ticularly well adanted to the nceds of the retail automohile trade. | "These systems vary only in de- | tail according to the extent of the retail activity, We have aided our | dealers to install these acanrntine 5 wvstema at an ont'ay muh balew | the cost to ovreelver, We hav | also provided them with a nerind feal audit and checking worvice { In this procedura we have ad | vanced to the point where apnrox- | imately 75 ner cant of the volume of our retail sales is now covered by nroner accounting, "This step. while necessary he- | fore furt | sible, by no means completes the process of developing successfu! merchants, which wag "our chief object in the hexinning. We are now entering into the final stagn« of the plan which was originally | In our minds. The recently an nounced decentralization of sales control and the establishment of eight zones across Canada were the next stepg in the program, | Controlled bv Zones The zones referred to Ly Mr. Brown are operated from Vanrcnu- ver, Cnalgary, Re~ina, Winn'nex, London, Oshawa, Montreal and St John, 'The divisionnlized car sales sections of General Motors of Can ada are no longer each centrally controllad at Oshawa, Control of oach of the eight zones in Canada fs for all lines centred at zone headonarters in the cities men tioned, "Pach zone headanarters," con tinued Mr, Brown, "is headed by a man with full authority all matters portaining to sales and dealer prollems, He j« gupported by a staff of aselstante, one of whom fis a specialist in dealer fi- nance and buainess management, | "General Motors Acceptance Corporation has adopted our zon ing plan, and their zone headquar- ters are, as far ae nhveicallv nos- | sible, lceated In the same build- | ing with our own one officers, This gives our managers constant access | to the retail and wholesale credit situation in their territory at all times. Guide to Dealers "After soveral | we have established Dominjon and | zone averages based on actual sales. A dealer's redt, his office | overhead, and so on, are figured as at so mueh per $100 in relation to his new car sales, and can he | readily compared with the average overhead for the zone or for the Dominion, These figures are un- of great value as guide to dealers. We have also | made detailed surveys of possibil- | {tiles of new car sales in given ter- ritories and know what gross pro- car contract of any size. From this we are able to edlculato what a dealer's maximum expenditures should he, going into all the de- tails such as the amount of rent and other evnensecs, both fixod and variable, that are within the lim- its of the dealer's contract. We are making every effort to see that all new dealers are set up on this basis and that existing dealers re- vise thelr hue'naey methods to con- form with what we know to be sound practice. We are also show- ing clearly the point hetwecn pro- fit and loss on all dealerships for One Skinny Man Gained 4 Pounds With One Box McCOY' Cod Liver Extract Tablets He only took one box and be- sides gaining 4 pounds be writes, "1 am much stronver and interest in life--It's the best medi- ever used." When you Just say, "I sugar coated tablets for 60 cents at Jury & Lovell Ltd, T. B. Mit need chell, W. H, Karn or any darne gist anywhere-- just ask for Mc "Skinny" Mother of 8 Children Gains 10 Lbs. in 4 Weeks MONT JOLI, P.Q.--' Was skinny, weak, run down, looking after 8 children," says Mrs. Eloi Cagnon, Jr. "Tried Ironized Yeast, Gain. ed 10 Ibe. in 4 weeks, New strength," he New to 15 lbs. in 8 weeks, lows fill, bony limbs Blemished skin clears, tion, indigestion, "nerves" night, New pep first day, red blood. Ironized Yeast is two great ton- ics in one. Weight building brew- er's Yeast, plug ° strengthening, blood enriching Iron. Many times more effective than unmedicated yeast. Results in half the time. Start now to' gain welght, health. Avoid danger of serlous ills. Take theso pleasant little tablets, No gas: no yeasty taste, If not de: lighted with quick gains, manufae- turer refunds money, Get Ironised Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. New pounds quick. 285-C "skinny," "weak, ner- Ironized Yeast adds 6 Ugly hol- round out. Constipa- go over- Rich, This information degler for every ten-day poriod. We only exercise pressure for sales activity when we find a tendency on the part of the dealer to permit his sales to become sub-normal and fnecur a loss rather than a profit for any given period. Rated on Dealer-Profit "Formerly our individual sell- ing organizations were rated on the vercentage of price class attained. Now they are rated on the number of dealers producing a net profit, the entire year. Is given to the "The business manager of every zone knows Immediately at all times eovery dcaler"s financial standing from copies of balance sheets which he received. These men are in a position to disenss n- telligently 'and confidentially with thé dealers hanker all problems pertaining to his business. With the co-operation of the banker they will be able to direct the deal- er's efforts along the proper lines. "In brief, General Motors of Canada hag developed, and is ap- nlying, a new measure of field force { her development was pos. | to aet on | ! years experience | | with metor accountine in Canada, n he realized on a new operations, It is distinctly not a 'bird in the hand' policy. It does not seek to load up the retailers and force 'sales at any cost," nor to gear sales to total possible fac- tory production. This, in the long run, must have a stabilizing effect on the manufacturing end as well as the retail end of the industry. "Franchises," according to Mr. Brown, are .granted only after a careful analysis definitely shows that the territory is large enough and contains enough sales possi- bilities to enahle a dealer to oper- ate at a satisfactory profit, After the dealership is launched, com- plete sales plans and cquipment are supplied. Dealers are given help in handling their capital and credit problems and controlling their operating costs and profits. A monthly projection system per- mits dealers to anticipate their needs and" the company makes évery effort to adjust its produc- tion and shipments to dealers, ac: cording to actual requirements." Mr. Brown has been repeatedly assured that bankers will gladly do everything reasonably possible to encourage the use of efficient accounting systems with a view to making their dealer of their auto- mobile dealer customers. 'As indicated," stated Mr. Brown, 'my own opinion is that bankers will gladly co-operate with the zone offices of General Motors across Canada and with the dealers ghemselves, with a view to making their dealer customers stronger and more successful business men." APPLICATION FOR REDUCTION IN FREIGHT RATES (Continued from page 1) mission here on February 27, the Oshawa committee has taken a num- ber of specific articles and has made a request that rates on these com- maodities be lowered to the basis of rates if the city were placed in zone 3.- This would mean an average re duction of coal of 15 cents per ton, or approximately ten per cent of the to Oshawa from Black Roc! near Buffalo, N.Y. whence all coal shipments for Canada start. Steel, corrugated iron, flat stee] sheets, and many other articles brought into this city in quantities, are also enumer- 'gers of ated. Of course, if the request' for placing Oshaiva in zone 3 is granted, the rates would be reduced on. all shipments of freight to and from the west, This change to zone 3 instead of zone 4 would, of course, tend to in- crease the freight rates on shipments to and from the cast. It is pointed out, however, that by far the greater part of Oshawa's freight business is with the west, and that the change would therefor be of considerable benefit to local firms = and private citizens, OPPOSE BOSTON'S PROPOSAL TO FIX LIGHTERAGE RATES New England Traffic Man- agers to Fight Petition Before I.C.C. Joston, Mass.---- Before the Inter- state Commerce Commission resum, ed hearing this month of the com- plaint by the Boston Port Authori ty and the City of Boston regarding lighterage and termnal charges at New York, the New England Trafic League, composed of trafic mana- large concerns throughout New England, decided to oppose the mplaint. . The traffic managers believed that hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional domestic freight rates might be imposed on New England shippers if the Commission acceded to the Boston petition which would compel railroads to make lighterage and terminal charges in addition to nrescribed freight rates on all traf. fic moving to points in the vicinity of New York Harbor. As against thls increase, it was sald, the advantages to be gained by the port of Boston ag a result of forcing the railroads to impose ad- ditional hauling charges would he immaterial, at least for a number of years, Boston interests contend that these charges, absorbed by the railroads serving New York, put this port at a disadvantage, ana 1 is sought to remedy the situation by forcing the roads to pass the costs of the extra haulaga along to the charge is now made for the service, Tho port differential case will be fought out on this issue. Voting by a large majority to t Infection, Treat at once ckly, safely, with aid healing, qui Dodd In @ jar like the finest face creams, Price S04 take a decided stand against the Boston contention, the New Eng- land Traffic League argued that roe port of Boston, requiring no light. erage charges, would be the gainer if its petition were granted, but if such charges were applied to im- ports and exports the precedent would almost inevitably result in the charges eventually being appli- ed to domestic freight from New England to New York. Since New York is New England's best cue- tomer, it is contended huge addi- tions to New England's domestic freight bill would result, If such lighterage and terminal charges were ordered in New York, it was sald, an entering wedge would be established for application of the cost principle to all freight charges at 'eastern ports, with the result that Boston in bidding for foreign trade would be at a decided disad. vantage compared with several oth- er Atlantiy ports, where handling costs are lower. Edietor--Do you know how {to run a newspaper? Applicant--No, rir. - Bditor--Well, I'll try you, I guesa vou've had experience. BANISH DIGESTIVE TROUBLES DIGESTINE The Stomach and Liver Tonic Quick Relief for Indigestion, Flatulence, Biliousness, Heartburn, Acidity, Stomach Flu, Cramp in the Stomach, Heat and Travel Sickness. Price 75 cents KARN'S DRUG STORE [ OSHAWA, ONTARIO AYLMER All- Canadian SO UPS on FINER FLAVOR 'WADAYS most Canadian women regularly select AYLMER Al- Tomato Vegetable Green Pea have | more pep and seem to take a new | cine for a system bullder I have more weight want McCoy's" --6( | Celery Asparagus Consomme Ox-Tail Chicken with Rice Vegetable-Becf Canadian Soups . . . In any well-stocked pantry there is always an assortment of these naturally finer - flavored Soups . . , Healthful, economical, always ready . . . Good for everybody, any time . . , and particufarly' good for growing children during cold or changeable weather . , . AYLMER Soups are to last . . . Finer Fla Canadian from first vor at Less Cost . .. No nced to accept other brands . . . Good Grocers everywhere sell "AYLMER", Canadian Canners, Limited With over 80 Factories packing Fruiea a1 and Vegetables from the Gardens of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia

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