Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Feb 1931, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1931 MANVILLE SECURE THREE-GOAL LEAD OVER OSHAWA JUNIORS ; Redshirts Caught Napping And Bowmanville Juniors Win Fast Game by 4 to 1 free Goals in First Period| 'When Oshawa Boys Were Mf Color, Sewed Up the for Bowmanville, . Bowmanville, Feb. 7.--~The Osh- Redshirts tasted their first of defeat this season when 'Bowmanville Juniors came pithin one minute of giving them white-wash in the first playoft me in Bowmanville last night. score was 4 to 1 and the visi- lone tally was scored just one jnute before the final bell rang, fraboski doing the scoring. It 8 a splendid game throughout d not for one mipute did it in interest. No oge was more prised at the result than Osh- wa themselves, and Ken Randall er the game, swore vengeance the game in Oshawa on Mon- y, #0 these who see this return will sec a battle worth trave:- miles to see. Just what hap- ned to the locals is hard to I. Never before this season have ly skated near so fast and not 'Before have they back-checked to such good advantage as they did in last night's game. Even Lortia with his brilliant sclo rushes fail- ed to pass the defense during the 'game and Maundrell, the visitors' other star performer was also un- ble to do any effective work. The game from start to finish was Bow- _manville's and while Oshawa came near scoring on several occasions, Bowmanville had three shots in r every one of their opponents. inkle and Bradd also played hockey for the visitors, but ey too, were held in check and never given a chance to score on eir shots. Jamieson and Oke on defense and James in the goal 'as it started. Bagnell, who ls play- ing his first vear with Bowman- "ville and who is only 15, did some real effective work and incidental- 1y fared his Heat goal, which was greeted with cheers. First Perlcd Leaving nothing to chance Bow- manville commenced right in on an attack that surprised the visi- lors and took them off thelr feet. Within the first minute three shots went in at Hurst who narrowly gaved and before ghat first min- ute was up Lunney slammed a fast me safelv into the net on a pass m Walton. This not only put players on edge, but also the who turned out in large num- for the game. Penalties UMBER (0 came barly in the game and Lun- ney, Graboski and Jamieson were all off at the same time. Lunney was safely on again without Osh- awa being able to score and kept right in back-checking. being eas- ily, the most effective man on the ice. Walton also was playing his best game of the season. Piper came near twice and made the few Oshawa supporters quake and the locals continued to skate the visi- tors off their feet. Bagnell scor- ed the second goal without aid when he gained the puck in front of the goal and took a side swing at it, passing Hurst easily. Lortie hogan to star towards the end of the period but without any tan- gible effect. The biggest surprise Hurst got during the evening wus when the Bowmanville forwards, three in line came down the ice and Lunney took a long shot from the blue line, hitting the net be- fore Hurst knew the puck was near him. The fans went wild on the scoring of this third goal ana and kept up a continual roar uu- til the end of the period which ended without Oshawa scoring. Second Period Maintaining their three goal lead from the start of the period, tho locals were determined that a whitewash was the only thing. All through the period they hung on to the Oshawa forwards, never giv- ing theth any leeway but bothering them until they lost the puck. Ear- lv in the period Bowmanville lost the services of Walton, who was playing a stellar game when he crashed head first Into the boards, putting him in the dressinz room for the rest of the period. The lo. cals plainly missed the 'servicos of Walton but they never let up on their checking with the result that Oshawa had few shots at James, althoush one or two they did have camo dangercusly near. Lortie bean to show" to good effect in this period, but was un ble to pass the defence. Oke and Jamieson prosefited a solid wall every time Lortle eame down the ice. , Seeing that nothinz could be gained by going Into the defense area Osh- awa began taking long shots from the centre of the ico but still with- out effect. Towards the end the nlay slowed down considerably, both teams displaying the telling of the fast pace of the game. The fans got a scare when Maundrell managed to break right through and had only James to pass when Jamieson backchecked him just as he was about to shoot and saved the day. There was no score in this period. Third Period Tho last frame saw both teams come on to the ice as fresh as if they had not started. Peterson began to showsup well but went off on a penalty before very:long. Bagnell and Graboskl followed him shortly and the game became even faster when each team was a man short. The fans raised the roof when Oke took a pass from Jam- feson and scored Bowmanville's fourth straight goal. This made Oshawa desperate and they turn- ed right around and pounded the Bowmanville net for all that was in them. Lortic went off on a penalty and the locals turned shot after shot into Hurst, most of them narrowly missing their mark. furst seemed off earlier in the game but was made to play stellar goal tending now and what he missed in the first part of the game he certainly made up for at the end. Bagnell was showing up well again in this perfod which near- ing its end. except for occasional breaks saw Bowmanville have practically all of the play.. Oshawa extended themselves to the limit and gave James some work to do Terms Reasonable Phone 2790 | MONEY T0 LOAN ON YOUR CAR Present Contracts Re-financed ADDITIONAL CASH GIVEN Confidential G. L. SCOTT 14%; King St. E. ~ MOTOR LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, LTD. b, 3 | New Martin - pom. Shown Gi. ole Paul Hurst in "De Woild Champeen" Cartoon "JUNGLE FOOL" Chapter 3 "Indians Are Coming" Today - Monday Hockey Results Hockey games played yesterday resulted as follows: O.H.A. Senior "B" Belleville .... 3 Queen's ..., Varsity ...... ¢ Western ... Guelph O.A.C. 4 McMaster .. O.H.A, Intermediate Chatham ..., 8 Ingersoll .., Orillia ..,.., 4 Midland ... Newmarket .. 8 York A.C, .. sMarkham ... 5 Lakefleld ... gMarkhm wins round 10-3. gDunnville ... 2 Jordan ..., " Dunnville wins round 3-1, Glengoe ..... 2 Chatham G.8, Goderich s.... 3 Watford ... Kitchener .... 4 Paris JH.A. Junior aMarlboros ... 8 Torento C.C. zToronto C.C. wins round 5-3. Niagara Falls , 4 Hamilton . . zOakville'.... 6 Milton .... 2 Milton wins round, 9-7. Stratford .... 4 Brantford .. zListowel .... 8 Guelph .... zListowel wins round, 9-4. Bowmanville . 4 Oshawa .... Internatignal Windsor ..... ¢ Cleveland .. London . 3 Buffalo .... Ontario Stratford .... 4 Oshawa .... 2 Guelph .... pee - pov SOM HEIR Owe BY aD before it all ended and when the locals were practically sure that their old rivals were receiving = whitewashing at theif hands Gra- boski dashed in and scored with only a minute to go. The final score was Bowmanville 4, Oshawa 1 The teams: . Bowmanville-~Goal, James; de- fense, Jamjeson and Oke; contie, Piper; wings, Lunney and Walton; subs, Bagnell, Brown and Veale, Oshawa--Goal, Hurst; defense Lortie and Maundrell; ' centre, Drinkle; wings, Bradd and Peter- son; subs, Graboski, MacDonald and Suthors. Referee--Army W. Oshawa. Big Crowd is Expected at Rink Tonight It won't be a sell-out by any means, but it looks as if the largest hockey crowd of the season will be seen at the Arena this evening, when the Peterboro intermediates come down for the second game in the O.H.A. group title playoifs. The fans around town are talking about this one, and at last are warming up to the intermediates. That five- goal lead looks big, of course, but those who saw the game at Peter- boro will testify to the fact that the Petes gave the Redshirts just as mueh as they got, and were just un- lucky that they could not beat Burr in the local nets. They will be make ing their last ditch stand tonight, and will be figthing like wildcals to beat Oshawa and get back into the race. This will make it a fast anu bitterly-contested game, with the Oshawa team fighting to hold their lead and go on into the semi-final playdowns of the O.H.A. series. In order that the game will not interfere with Saturday night busi- ness, and that the lata fans will have a chance to be there right from the start, the puck will be faced off at nine o'clock prompt, and 'if the rink does not have, at that hour, the largest crowd it has seen thls season, then we miss our guess very badly. Port Hope Won Game at Orono Armstrong, (By Staff Correspondent) Orono, Feb. 7.----Orme Gamsby's famous Ramblers bit the dust, or rather the ice, before the onslaught of the Port Hope Juniors when they were defeated 8-6 in an Interesting exhibiton game played at Orono last night. There were plenty of cas- ualties, the home town suffering heavily with several of its players leaving the ice in a horizontal posi. tion. . Port Hope had a full line up and fhe fans cheered when Gibbs, the veteran defence man, and now a ref- erce, appeared on the ice at the end of the first period. Orono was greatly weakened when the goalie was hit by a fast flying puck and suffered injuries which kept him out for the rest of the game. In the second period Neal was also badly injured when he crashed into the boards and this further weakened the locals' lineup, leaving them with only five men to finish the game. The lineup: Orono--=Goal, Cornish; defence, Dean and Lycett; centre, Neal; wings, Winters and Watson; sub, Tamblyn, Port Hope--Goal, Graham; de fence, Smith and Greenaway; cen- tre, Bisbert; wings, Roach and Freeman; subs, Willlams, Mackey, Rolland and Jesse. Referee--Lorne Williams. Galt Terriers Win in Overtime Galt, Feb, 7.--~With the old Galt- Guelph rivalry strotigly fn evid- ence, the Terriers last night de. feated the Leafs 2 to 1 in 10 min- utes overtime to retain their lead in the Ontario pro league, but they had a close call. It was probably. one of the most exciting games of the season, although there has been better hockey played, and the crowd was decidedly 'encouraging. - It was a game in which the goalers, Ironstone and Courtenay, starred, : both making some sensa- tional saves. Buck Moore, Good. willie and Randle played nice hoe- key. For Galt Wedgewood and White, Martin and Sellags were the most effective, 8 i §ront Sarsiorg That's the way defeat last night, . . manville off their feet. ® of his success, he scores a goal he won't eat. he get results. . » were handed. @ J four o'clock this afternoon. hockey season. them. » * ford to meet the Nationals. available for publication as yet. draft a new schedule. in on but Randall wants them to himself. he was going to drive them till their tongues were hanging out and then maybe they would realize that they were in the middle of the He calls his team to wipe out the deficit in the first period and we sure hope that he isn't like Lou Marsh when he calls Three Up And One To. Go the story stands at present, in regard to the Group Play-offs between Bowmanville and Oshawa. The trouble is that the three goal lead rests in' Bowmanville's favour. Will the local infants be able to erase this handicap on Monday? To say it was a surprise is putting it mildly, it was a shock for hundreds 'of local fans when they heard the score. "Right away they began to shake their heads. and , feel sorry for themselves but not so with the Kids themselves, They know what they can do and honestly believe that they will wangle out sufficient goals 'on the home icé to more than compensate for their Parade of the Wooden Soldiers That is what Coach Randall said about his team at the end of the first period in Bowmanville last night. He said a.whole lot more too, but I'm afraid that we wouldn't be allowed to print it. However, it had the desired effect and in the second act the local lads played Bow- Randall said that the way the kids handled their sticks you would think that they were out fishing instead of play- ing for the Group Title. But the three goals proved to be a big handi- cap and it was impossible to cut the lead down at all, LJ * "Dangerous Dan" Gets Lone Tally Dangerous Dan Graboski, flashy relief forward finally netted Osh- ess 4h counter in the last frame and we will let you in on the secret It is an unwritten law with Dangerous Dan that unless Last -night the pangs of hunger were almost unbearable and Dangerous Dan begged to be let on the ice to try again, He tried tail spins, back flips, swan dives and even common barnyard variety of shinny but not until well on in the last period did Dan ate. And How! * LJ Petes Are Here To-night The Petes are coming tonight to resume what will likely prove to be an honest to goodness feud, The Petes felt that the Oshawa team handed them some pretty rough treatment in Peterborough and what is more they blamed Norm. Cooke, the referé¢e, for the bad beating they Be this as it may, but rest assured that the local in- termediates can handle. themselves well enough to escape any rough stuff that our northern visitors might wish to hand out. the time is nine o'clock at the Arena Remember that \ ¥ Making Amends For Their Defeat Coach Randall has called a strenuous practise Yor the Juniors at No doubt it would be very choice to listen He stated last night that » . Two Away; One at Home The Oshawa Pats. have a hard pring ahead of them next week, with, two games away and one at hame. Galt, to mect the league-leading "I'erriers, in Oshawa, the locals won 'a great victory by a socre of 9 to 4, but it will not be so casy playing in Galt. On Wednesday night, the Kitch ener Silverwoods will be here, and on Friday the Pats. travel to Strat With the standing of the teams in the league as close as it is, a couple of victories means a lot, and if the Pats. can win two, or all three, of these games, it will surprise the fans to see how they will climb in the league standing. * . . . Change in Schedule The schedule in the girls' public school basketball league is not It was all ready, but one of the teams dropped out yesterday afternoon, so it has been found necessary to On Monday night they travel to When these teams played A Challenge Toroxto, Ont. I'eb. 3, 1931. To sports Editor, Oshawa Dally Times, Oshawa Ont. Dear Bir:-- I am writing you on behalf of the Falcon A.C. Midget Hockey team and I wonder if it would be possible to arrange a game be- tween any team in Oshawa under eighteen years of age. Our team consists of fellows under soven- teen. We have not lost a game this year scoring forty goals against six and I think we could give any team in Oshawa a real battle. If admission is charged we would have to have part of our fare guaranteed. If you should like to arrange a game please write as soon as possible. Yours truly. Willlam Graham Jr, 48 Atlas Ave, . Toronto, Ont. RED RINGERS WIN GROUP Toronto, Feb. 7.--~In a desperate stampede for scores, Marlboros could only reduce their four.goal deficit from the first game of the Big Four junior group finals at the Arena Gardens last night, and Toronto Canoe Club advanced into the O.H.A. playdowns. The Dukes won by 3 to 1, but the 4-to.0 de- feat on Monday night gave the Red Ringers the round, CONACHER SLIPPING Montreal, Feb, 7.--~Walvers on Lionel Conacher, veteran defence. man, and all-round athlete, have been asked by Montreal Maroons of the National Hockey League. Paired with tnis announcement was the statement that Manager Dune Munro of the local club will return to the game as playing- mansger, with George Boucher handlin, jue teats from the bench. London, Ont,, Febe, 7.~Londén Tecumsehs are back in third place in the International professional hockey league as result of tneir brilliant 3 to 0 victory over the league leading Buffalo Bisons staged before a capacity crowd of 4.000 spectators at the Loudon Atenas last night, , li ----------------------------------t VARSITY "B' WIN Toronto, Feb, 7~~Varsity made sure of the championship of, their O.H.A. Senior "B" yesterday afternoon when they West. ern University Mu | at. the local students' arena by 4 to 0. Varsity's victory leaves tnem un-| dj beaten at the head of the standing and while they have one more game to play against McMaster, they cannot be knocked from first place, LEAD OVEROOME / Listowel, Feb, 7.--S8coring a magnificent 8 to 2 victory over Juelph here last night, Listowel O. H.A. juniors swept aside thelr op- ponents' first-game lead and marched. triumphantly to a 9 to 4 victory on the round. GROUP TIED UP Kingston, Feb. 7.--~Belleville tied the local O.H.A. senior B group again last night when they outplayed Queen's by 3 to 1. The visitors were the better team by far on the general play, and really deserved thelr win, SIX STRAIGHT WINS Windsor, Feb. 7.--Again get. ting the jump on the visitors by taking a 3 to 1 lead in tne first period, Windsor Bulldogs register- od their sixth straight victory on home ice *in, defeating Cleveland here last night, 6 to 2. SAVANNAH BARS SCHMELING Savanpab, Ga, Feb, 7.~~Max Schmeling must check Savannah off 'the list of Southern cities in which he will give an exhibition. The world's heavyweignt champion was barred from participating in \ny match or exhibition here. The action was taken by the Savannah Boxing Commission upon receipt of word from the New York commis. sion, with wnich it is affiliated, that sanction of Schmeling's ap- pearance in Savanush would vio- late the working agreement be- tween the two governing commis. sions, MIXED FARMING GAINS WITH- OUT OUSTING WHEAT Summarizzing an article on the subject "Is mixed farming the hope for the West?" The Financial Post says: 'estern agricultural economy is built on & wheat foundation and wheat must ue to be the main crop of the West for any years. bot Te" sot driving Sut intensified in the West are un- owing of diversification of ny Ja Auiiable, vers: ou t 1s makin, stinct gains" " g Hockey Records INTERNATIONAL P W.LT PF A Pts Buffalo .. 20 10 8 43 Windsor .. 18 1? 11 London .. 16 13 36 Cleveland . 15 13 34 Pittsburg . 30 11 14 5 66 80 27 Detroit .. 31 12 18 58 73 26 Syracust . 32 8 21 3 7410719 This Week's Games Saturday---Syracuse at burg, Detroit at Buffalo. Sunday---Detroit at Syracuse. 33 34 32 32 73 49 08 8 65 654 5 3 4 81 74 5 1 Pitts Belleville Queen's .... von. 3 aOshawa ... ... 0 aOshawa dropped out. Group No. 2 (Intercollegiate) w s F A Pty Varsity ... .... 5 036 610 Guelph O0.AC. .. 2 24 4 Western ... ... 1 2 156 2 McMaster .. ... 0 3 18 0 Group No. 8 Windsor Micmacs, a bye. ONTARIO P WL 1710 6 TPF 61 47 67 45 40 65 A Pts 66 38 Galt... .. Niagara F. Stratford . Kitchener 8 Guelph 91 60 47 15 Oshawa .. 10 1 42 46 13 Girls Hockey Game Coming On Thursday, Feb. 12, the Arena will- be the scene of one of the outstanding features of the year. There will be a battle royal be. tween the Cyclones and Rockets, two teams of ladies who will show all fans how hockey should be played. Don't wait until the Stan- ley Cup Playoffs, but visit the Arena on Thursday next and see for yourselves. Between periods there will be a race between the Regina Flash and the Flying Scots. man--the pace will be so terrific that to prevent the surface melt. ing as they burn up the ice. the Arena management are installing extra freezing machines. After the game everybody will be able to get on thelr skates and pirouette around the Prensa until 11 o'clock, All this for the'price of two bits. Rugby at Queens Was Profitable Kingston, Feb, 7.--According to a statement {ssued by the Athletic Board of Control ut Queen's Univer- sity football was the only sport to make money for Queen's University during the past season, a profit of $5,000 being made in this sport. Receipts of $22.403.67 were re. ported by the Athletic Board of Control for Dee. 15, 1930. In hoe- key, track tennis, boxing, wrestling and fancing there was a loss, though in tne actual operation of the rink a profit of $1,447.88 was made and an additional $999.84 was made on the stadium. ---------------------- Juniors Have Big Task on Monday Night The junior O.H.A. game of the season is down for decision at the Arena on Monday night. The Bow- manville kids sprung a load of dyn- amite on the Oshawa boys last night and when the smoke had cleared away, the local youngsters found themselves faced with a three-goal deficit, and with their record of straight victories shot to pieces. Nobody thought the Bowmanville juniors, defeated twice by the local boys in their group schedule games, would come back and win as they did, but "there you #8." The score: board shows how they stand, and it is going to be a battle royal on Monday night with the Oshawa boys doing thelr level best to pull down that three goal lead and advance into the semi-finals. The Oshawa boys can do it, and should win easily from Bowmah- ville, on the form shown during the season. They were handicapped last night by the small {ce surface, which spoiled their usual combina- tion play, and they feel that oun the wide, open spaces of the local ice- palace they will be able to do thelr stuff as they can do it, and win by eniough goals to come out on top. But {t will bo a hard tussle, and if the fans like to see two teams of smart youngsters playing for every ounce they have in them, then Mon- dya night is the night to be at the Arena. oy nN Wi' Bésom and Stane CONSOLATION GAME A further advance was made with the consolation series of the Osh- awa Curling Club bonspiel last night, when two more games were played. In the first of these W. A. Coad's rink won by a score of 13 shots to 7, defeating E. McCulloch's rink, while in the second game J. Thompson's rink won from W. A. Hare's quartet by 14 shots to 4. TWO GOAL LEAD Kitchener, Feb, 7.~~Irvin Erb's Greenshirt intermediates carry a two-goal advantage with them to Paris Monday night for tne re- turn game of the semi.finalg in group 10 of the Intermediate O. H.A. series by virtue of their 4-2 victory over the Paris Greens here last might, Oshawa Patricias Again Outplayed Opponents But Failed to Beat Nationals Local Pros. Got Off to Bad Start in First Period, Dom- inated Play in Second and Third, But Failed to Score Enough Goals to Win Game Those fans who were not present at the game in Guelph on Wednesday night but saw the game against Strat- ford Nationale at the Arena last night, will know what it means to dominate the play and still be beaten, Oshawa "Pats" played and out-play- ed the Stratford Nationals last night before a good crowd of local hockey, fans and yet thev were defeated, the score being 4-2, The Pats, got off to a slow start and before they got going, Nats. had scor- ed two goals, Then the Pats. came to life with' a vengeance and from the middle of the first period until the end of the game, they were by fer the better team and yet they only scored two goals while their oppon- ents were doing the same, one apiece in the second and third stanzas, In vain, the fans pleaded for goals and t! + "Pats" did everything in their power but they could not get enough. Burmister Plays Great Game Burmister, owned by Pittsburg and a goalie ~* great repute, played in the nets for the Nats. and his display was a sight for sore eyes. IHe saved them from all angles, high, low and medium and all speeds, from bullet drives to wobblers, he saved all that he was able to see and a great many which he did not sce. In the last period especially, Oshawa simn'v played them off their feet but they did not score until the game was nearly ended. They hit the goal post just four times in the last period and how the crowd groaned, It was just too bad. The "Pats" certainly de- served about a dozen goals but they only got two and that was not enough The fans did not like it but they were good enough sportsmen to see +hat Oshawa had the best of the play but were just simply outlucked. Bill Joyce, Harry Lott, Steve Rice, Herbie Stanhope, Gerry Green and Gillie, Gilmore were the best for Oshawa last night. They all work- ed hard and deserved much more success than they got, Hamel was watched like a hawk and could not break away, Wes. King's display was disappointing but it must be rememb- ered that he hasn't beet in action for some time. Freddie Faught was not to blame for any of the goals which beat him. Killoran was the hig noise for the visitors with Quesnel, Roth, YanKow- ski and Walker also showing up well Burmister wae the star of the game and certainly earned his victory, The Pats." travel to Galt on Monday and have promised to do their best. "Nuff aid, THE GAME Stratford got off to an auspicious start when they scored two goals be- fore 'the Paty really got going, Kill- oran scored the first after four min- utes of lay when he followed in fast to score on his own pass through the defence. A minute later, Sandercock took a pass from Killoran and beat Faught with a low shot, through a melee of players. Faught did not see the shot. With the score 2-0 against them and the fans urging them on, the 'Pats." got down to serious busi ness and began to press hard. Rice and Joyce both had tough luck, Stan hope batted a loose puck across the face of the net. Just before the peri- od ended Killoran drew a. penalty for tripping Jovee, score 2-0. Oshawa Dominates Play Less than a minute after play open- ed, Oshawa scored on a combination play. Stanhope passed across to Rice Steve centred and Joyce batted the puck towards the net. It was in but scemed to hit the post so Rice came in and made sure it was a goal b) batting it in again Oshawa opened up fast and simply played the Nats, off their feet, The Oshawa fans were disappointed at the first of the game but they were cheering their "Pats." wildly as they battled for the tying counter, Burmister had to make . raft of difficult saves to keep the loc als from scoring. King and Lott both ha! glorlcu chances. Lott and his teammates skated the visitors simply ragged. Oshawa had the puck cightl percent of the time and the visitors seldom broke past Oshawa's. blue line. Stratford got their second goal when Quesnel batted in Killoran's rebound. A minute after this goal Gilmore, batted Hamel"s pass and Burmister was lucky to save, A mir ute later Lott almost beat him on a rebound. Just berore the second jor iod ended, Burmister made a lucky stop of a close in play. Gilmore should have had a goal but the rub- ber glanced off Burmister's skate, pa.t the post. Oshawa 1 Stratford | No Luck For "Pats." Yankowsk: tripped Davey and wa sent off and Oshawa continued to press hard, They had the Nats, com- pletely hemmed in but they could no score. lamel passed out in front ci the Stratford net but they could not put it'in the net, Hamel hit the post with a fine shot. King broke awa and seemed to have a goal but his stick wus checked as he shot. Davey broke and passed to Gree The latter sifted in and hit the pos with his fast shot. Joyce went tl full length of the ice and circled tic net, 'Gilmore almost scored on th pass. Quesnel scored Stratford's fourt) goal when he circled the net and banged it past Faught, after several wallops, Roth drew a penalty and the "Pats" hemmed the visitors ir around their net again. Burmiste; saved and shots hit the post but none went in the net. " The clock sped on while the "Pats," tried in vain to beat Burmister, Oshawa hdd all the play but they could not score. Ter seconds before the game ended, Lott scored Oshawa's satond goal on « pass from Stanhope, in a scramble, 1c game ended with the score 4-2 The line-up: ore 4 S¢ratford---Goal, Burmister; de. fence, Yankoski and Roth; centre, Quesnel; wings, Walker and Kelter- born; subs, Morrison. Sandercock, Killoran and McCulley. Oshawa---Goal, Faught; defence, Davey and Green; centre, Rice; wings, Stanhope and Joyce; subs, Gilmore, Lott, King and Hamel, Referee--J, Jones, Guelph, Cereal Research Grows The report of the Dominion Cey« ealist, L, H. Newman, BSA, fo 1929, provides a graphic illustration of the steady increase in cereal rc search by the Dominion Department of Agriculture, In 1916 the total of plots used in investigational worl numbered 2017, In 1921 this had dropped to only 756. Since 1927, how ever, there has been a consistent steady expansion in this important work, the total number of plots for 1930 being 15,950. This report, whic! is now available for distribution, con- tains a wealth of useful informatio: for those interested in cereal grains, SEE EEE Now I Playing * Feature Shown At 3.257.55~0.50 2 Destroyer" Regent 5 The "Gloom Is In Port! JACK OAKIE In Paramounts Tidal Wave of Fun "Sea Legs" Now he's a big Oar and Hoar boy rock. ing the fun boats with laughter with this all star cast of Tars and Tarines-- LILLIAN ROTH EUGENE PALLETTE Coming Tuesday! Romance in the "Adventurous | Foreign Legion - Added -- 'OUR GANG' Comedy SCENIC "EVOLUTION" Graham McNamee Newscasting " : Renegades" Warner Baxter, Myrna Loy Noah Beery

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