. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1931 : PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home and The Communittyj Social & Personal | Hunt Stanford, ot Toronto, presi- fent of the Dicken's Fellowship So- clety, was in the city yestevday ad: dressing the Kiwanis Club, . LJ » Dr, 8S. R. Montgomery, of Whitby, Fas a guest at yesterday's luncheon of the Oshawa Kiwanis Club, LJ LJ Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Baird and daughters Jean and Annabelle, Drew St.,, Mr. and Mrs. George Baird, Simcoe St. 8, and Mr, and Mrs. Adam Wallace, McLaughlin Blvd, attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Stanley Real, Blackwater, yesterday. - LJ] L Harry Mallett, Mallett Coal Company, is cn a business trip to Montreal. ". ow The regular meoting of Knox Women's Association was held w the church on Tuesday afternoon. The large attendance of members which were present. was indeed gratifying. Mrs, Charles McDonald, the president, occupied the chair. The ladies are holding "vanish- fug toas" in the homes of the dit ferent members, which promise to be a decided success. Iigal ar- Social & Personal Any social notes which reads ers care to submit will be print. ed. Kindly phoue or send them to the "imes Office before 10.950 a.m. the day they are to be pubs lished. Items of news concerns ing dence, parties, guests to and from town will bo gladly received, EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY [LH LAMBLE'S Phone 328 | MARY STREET MOME AND | | *snmoments were meda for the an- | »iversary supner which will | "ald | *a be ona of tha hest, as the tal- | some time in March. | no | closed the meeting with prayer. SCHOOL OLUB HEAR MISS MAYOUWNA The Mary Street Home and School Club met on Monday night with the president, Mrs. Frank McLaughlin in the chair, The min. utes of the last meeting were read by Mrs, James, Secretary, then Miss Storrar, Treasurer, gave her report showing a splendid balance on hand. A very good program was put on by the pupils of Miss Doan's voom, Jt consisted of a two-part song by three girls and three hoys; plano solo by Ernest Bemis; recitation Ly Edel Olsen; mouth organ duet by Percy Griffin and Douglas McCullough; violin solo "y Edouard Bartlett and a Chin. ese song hy Doris Crowe, the lat. tor being in costume. The Club fs very much indebt- ed to Mr. Treneer who played two winno solos and sang a solo, "1 Hear You Calling Me", in his usual wleasing manner. The address ~iven by Miss Mayouwna was @ troat indeed, In her pleasant man. nor the sneaker gave a vivid ple. ture of life in Poland, and a most snlizhtening account of the suf- *orine of her peonle during the "veat War. She told of the ter *i%lo wrongs the veonle sufferad at the hands of the Communiste and emvhatieally voiced her dis. awnpaval of all thater methade Rhe wna (raeapd in native contima and "agerihed it all, Her solo wan wavy meh enfoved, The § was won by Miss Doan's "non. A lunch wae served and a gocial "alf-hour was enjoyed. be the church on Monday The nrerram nromises in steht next, ant comes from Owaan ctreat East, "vesbyterfan church, Toronto. The birthday tea will be held As there wus further business, Mrs. Munro tt es ------ He Stole and Killed Her a Girl What New York Is Vea By Annebelle Worthington Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Furnished With Every Pattern This mode! is especially adaptable to women with figures a little above normal, It's the wrapped arrangement of the front that does the trick. It creates a lengthened, Jlimming line, A gathered Hounce low we. nro- vides graceful flare and at the same time detracts from breadth across the tront of the skirt, The surplice bodice is the best known means to achieve a narrowing effect, A small patterned flat crepe silk with plain contrast will prove most att tive, economical and useful for daytime wear, te No, 2995 is designed for sizes J6, 38, 40, 4° 44 and 46 in hes bust. You will see one attractive stvle after another ag you turn over the vages of our new Spring Fash! » ook. Styles for children or the miss, the matron, the stout--and a series of dressmaking articles. It is a book that will save you money, Be syre to fill in the size of the pattern, Send stamps or coin (coin preferred), Price of book 10 cents, of pattern 20 ¢ Judge no ono wholly by his size For you'll bo open to surprise. «=0ld Mother Nature. Nimblehoels the Jumping Mouse is a very small persén and a very shy one. Also he is very pretiy. Kven Mother Brown, who dislikes mice, admitted this us sho watched Nimblehcels slowly awakening from his long sloep, You know Farmer Brown's Boy had found him in the stump of a treo und had brought him home apparently doad. In tho warmth of the Kkit- chen ho had gradually awakened until at last ho was fully awake and auite his timid, lively self. "He is protty," sald Farmer Brown's hey. "In summer he is even prettier, for that dark line down tho middle of the back of his light yellow coat shows up more. And see how white his waistcoat ls, And look how long his tail is. It is longer than his body and head tcwethor." This was tre. The slender tall was over five Inches long, for Fare mer Brown's boy measured it. From the tip of his ucse to the beginning of his t+{l Nimbleheels moasured only a ""'s nver three inches. His for ' =1 were very short but his hin?! worn very long. In this he v an Kon garoo, on fact which hat 1 3 wes folks to enll him a I'n r Mouse. Mother Drown noticed thn differcnco in the len«th of his ler and spoke of it. [Farmer Brown boy had put him down on the fio and he was creeping about rather slowly and somewhat clumsily, fast with logs llke those," sald Mother Brown, "He can't,' replied Farmer Brown's boy. 'He {ant much of a runner, Mest of the time he creens around, Just as you see him now," "Then how," demanded Mother Brown, "does he escape from all tho enomies he must have?" Farmer Brown's boy didn't have to answer that question. Nimble- heels answered it himself. Yes, sir, he did so. He didn't do it with words. Words were not ne- cossary. He answerod Mother Brown by showing her. You sce By Thorton W. Burgess "1 don't see how he can run very | by this time Nimbleheels lrad be- come very much awake und sud denly realized that he was in a strange placo. and that he was afraid of these two great creatures watching him. He decided to get away from where ho was and do it instantly. So without warning, ho shot into the alr und lauded halt way across the kitchen. "My land!" exclaimed Mother Brown in startled astonishment, Before the words were out of her mouth Nimbleheels landed quite at tho other side of the kit. chen. In fact ho bumped lis nose against the wall beforo he landed. Ho hadn't looked to seo where ho was going. This frightenod him still more and the next few mins utes he certainly did show off, He didn't try to show off, lie was aimply a frightened little Mousse dolng his best to get away, but, 'ust the same it was a great exhi« dtion of jumping. It was us if a very strong epring was in those "ind legs and gent him forward *hrough the air fn astonishingly 'sug jumps. Hig forefeet wore vawn up close to his breast and 's long, slim tall was carried vight out behind "Now you can ses how hie can ape from his enondes," cried 'mor Brown's hey, "Instead of ving he jimps, and how! He m't havo thoee long hind loge ¢ nothing, und that long tall Lim when ho is in the 1o epn't 'ump so well in here he cin out of d-ors because I his feet ellp a little. 1've 'im do ten cr twelve feet to p end that would mean jump forty times his own These | nny ERs SR <5 3 | Come Early 4 o'er th) "UH take word for it," re- tad Mother Nrown rather drily, your THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY We Are Starting Off With A Bang, And No Slackening For the benefit of our great many customers we endeavor to make clear the reason for the ridiculous prices our goods are marked for this sale: Stock. taking is just over, and in all instances we have taken odd lines, broken lines, discoqtinupd numbers and so forth, at one-half and less their original cest. ourte we are passing right on to you at prices We Defy Even Wholesale Houses To Compete With Us At least fifty examples of the above mentioned are displayed partly in our windows, the remainder awaiting your inspection in the store, lines at wholesale prices. A CHANCE IN A LIFETIM v Many other ut I don't want him jumning und my kitchen any longer. A Fd + Rn a 2 use is a Meuse and I don't like a Mouse of any kind." | "AN right," ehuckled | Brown's boy, for ho knew that | Mother Drown's bark was 'worse { than the bite, as the saying fs. "I'll catch him." Dut this was eantor | said than done, | (Copyright, 1031, T. The next story: Catches Himself." Farmer UNEMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN AFFECTING W. Burgess) "Nimbloheel T™e IN'S GUILD . GEORGE'S CHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Guild of St. Ucorge's Church, held in the Parish Hall, Centro Ht Tuesday Feb, ord, w very well attended. Tho preicent, Mi Geo. Mul. lett, waa in tho chaly and opened on HE afternoon, | ROYAL CANADIAN INSTITUTE HEARS age and Residences Lose Members Ont. Press) Toronto, Feb, 4.-=(By Cunndian among women 'had affecied most TOROATOY.W.CA, Cafeterias Have Less Patron- Unemployment | technical graduates of Canadian universities. 8ho was interested in | sport during her college course, al | though not a member. of univers sity teams, and she was chosen be- | use of her disinterostedness in tho present matter under investig- | ation, DO ALBERTA WOMEN WANT STANDARD OF LIVING LOWERED | which might be improved by the ins dividual locals, To tho 'practical® section of the convention - he coms mended this suggestion. Voleing an eloquent appeal for the 1 tax supported municipal hospital, Hon. George Hoadley, minister of health, addressed the conventions Holding up an ideal of Alberta ag n province in which every munielpa district has its hospital nnd ever ' mother, when she leaves that hosnis tal with u new baby, ean face the ture without a heartbreaking burden of 'debt, he commended provineewide hospitalization to the farm women of § Alberta ns a practical objective tos ward which they may work. Applause greeted Mr. Hoadley's declaration that should there be a standard hose | pital tax of say $4.80 on every quars WOMAN SPEAKER Price ents, 0, 299 ' | Premier Brownlee Doesn't Think They Do-- departments of the Y. W. C. A. of Toronto, Mrs. Charles T, Stark, the 9: ize aan the meeting ws usual w.th prayer The minutes ul the previous meet instead of the present fluctuating}, mill rate. In answer to a question | CETTE ARE E EEE Haas He deposits her remains and runs, ' + Bul a mark on the wheel saye, "I did #1." He left his Mark-- and it Convicted him Walter Hickman, Los png les, kidnapped a girl from school. He killed her. Then Le demanded $1,500 from her father for ran- som. The father paid on a dark corner at night. Hickman drove away; the father found a dis~ membered body left by Hickman in a sack, : But Hickman's auto stalled, Be Careful of Your Marks You are not a criminal, but you leave your finger-prints on every thing you touch. Those prints are germ-laden, and they all present danger. You have gathered them by touching things which other hands have touched. You have clasped hands with other hands which, foxinstance, have checked a sneeze laden with cold germs. Life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases whicll may be conveyed in that way. Touch a piece of bread, a eandy, and you leave that dan- ous imprint on it, unless your nds are clean. And afew germs multiply to milions quickly. The safe way is to wash hands often, and always before a meal. Not with ordinary soap, but with Lifebuoy Soap, which contains agermicide, There isevery proof Lifebuo and on the steering wheel they found his finger prints. In the Los Angeles police de- partment those finger-prints were registered for a previous crime. So they knew the man, they had his picture, and they caught him up in Oregon in three days. Result ~this despicable criminal was 'punished by death in the chair. that no active germs can exist Natne . REET) "Street Address RL Er Prov, ET | SPECIAL | id ' : | Chi'dren's Service | GOSPEL 'TABERNACLE ATHOL ST. WEST | ON THURSDAY EVENING Feb. 5th at 7 p.m. | I LANTERN SLIDES SHOWN A Special invitation to the Boys and Girls Prayer Service at 8 pm. All Welcome ca ae po copra Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Slik to top $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS HOSIERY AND LINGLRIN sHOp after its application. . But that isn't all. You smell' the pleasant germicide for a minute, then it disappears. There remains only the odour of utter cleanliness. Then you have only the effects of a supreme beauty soap, the finest that men have created, A soap, based od two palm oils, which has won its way totop place as a com 04D, And a bath soap. Lifebuoy oir combines a germicide with the factors that you love. Here you have both tafoty and service of the highest orde ~cake of Lifebuoy handy e wash basin, Ur the family to use it. Make it easy for them to benefit by Life buoy's wonderful protection. Your nearest dealer sells it. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Y Keep 115 Simcoe St. South WATSON'S BEAUTY PARLOR Marcel, Permanent and Finger Waves. Phone 2058. 5 Celina 8t, Ing were read by tho Fecretary, Myre, W, Atidnson. The 'Treasurer also tod wu very satlifactory repor., t. of tha afternoon was spent dicenssing general items of business, 1t was decided to hold & drive to try to complete n mile of coppers and envelopes wero given to the members for distribution for his purpose. It was also decided to hold a Valentine Bridge Party in the Parish Hall, Centre St, on Tuesday afternoon, February 11, charge to be Hoe, It is to be hoped this affair will be well patronized At the conclusion of business re- freshments were served by the committee In charge and all en. joyed a soclal time together. renga ROAL TEMPLARS HOLD SLEIGH DRIVE The Noyal Templars of Temper ance hold a most enjoyable slelgh- ing party last night, Some twenty members and thelr friends availed themselves of enjoying themselves us thelr parents did In years gone Tho party after leaving the city proceéded north Into the open country finding plenty of drifts to udd to the excitement. = On enelt return to the city the party was entertained at the home of Mrs. Dalton, 2569 Simcoo street south, where games and dancing were in- dulged In. The evening was brought to a close with the serving of refreshments, ra ------ o----, ANGEL GLACIER Angel glacier on Mount Edith Cavell, Jasper Natlonal Park, 1s so named because tho glacier ap- pears to be in tho form of n huge white. angel with outétretehed wings. ov Ve | Mrs. Mary Walcott Is First of Sex to Address August Body | Toronto, Ont, Feb, 4-« (Dy Can- | ndian Press) For the first time in {its history the Royal Canadian In- stitute was addrossed by a woman recently. Mrs. Mary Walcott of the United States Department. of the Interior had eome by fuvitation form Washington to tell fellow sclontists of her "wild garden." The spirit that led her on 5,000 miles of mountian trall through the Canadian Rockies with her husband, the late Dr. C. D. Wall. cott, the noted paleontologist and former secretary of tho Smithson. fan Institute, was seen as sho re- counted with euthusiasm the wens of beauty which the mountains a- woke in her; her joy in the descov- ery of tho avalanche Hy springing up through the snow, und the life and adventure which is granted to those who follow a trail in lonely places, While her husband was making geologienl explorations, Mn, Wall. cott closely studied the flora, and began to collect and paint the fin- ost gpocimons sho could find, ler aim was to deplet the natuml graco of the plant without conventional design. But her appreciation was by no means lHmited to flowers. As a pleture of a mountian porke Aapine flashed on the sereon she quickly recommended porcupine liver as a delicious food. "When you're on the trail and have heen eating salt moats for weeks, you y appreciate porkupine liver." prosident sald at tho annual meet ing. 'The cafetaria department has ben affected because the girls have less money to spend on food. and although the numbers have in. creased the individual checks are smaller, There {ns connlderable un- employment in the. now Junior aroups that have been started but {tL 1s the residences that have been most materially affected. Girls out «of-work have had to go home and rosult {8 that all four houses have had much smaller numbers of pers manent residents, and two have fous deficits on running. was undertaken in the Autumn in eo-pperation with workers from different woclal agencies with a view to discover the existence of distress among women through un. employment, ew apart from mental and person. ality defocts. Any girls without resourses that wo have found have been placed In positions and thier problems thus solved." APPOINTED TO COMMISSION Toronto, Ont, Feb, 4.-~(By Canadian Dross)--Miss Dorothy Rapwey , 1, A, 1980 graduate of tho University of Western Ontario, has been selected ns the only wo- man member of the Ontario Ath letic Commission's Commiltee, which is to conduct an investiga tion into Toronto Woman's Soft« ball Association's financial mane agement of the. Sunnyside girls' softball stadium. Miss Rapsey, whose homo 1s In Walkerille, is se. eretary "of the Technical Service Counell whieh finds positions for there has not been work to bring | others back to fill their places. The had to face, as 0 consequence, sere | A survey | Strangely enough it | has failed to reveal many such case | Addresses U.F.W.A. Calgary, . 4. (By the Canadian Press) "What is going to ! be the standard of living we ure go- Ing to have in the prairie provinces during the next two years?" asked | Premier Brownlee of the United arm Women of Alberta in annual | convoeatfon here. 'This Is the ques tion 1 put to the women of Alberta. Are we going to curtall education, close hospitals und give up all we | have fought for? I think, person. Lally, this is false economy und I ap. peal to the women of Alberta to in- sist on the muintenance of the ser vices in the face of the unreasoning demands for an immediate reduction in taxation, There are some things more important to men and women than the mere possession of a few dollars at once." In the last analy. sin governments bow to the will of the people, he concluded. Hon. Perron. Daker said: "1 have an {dea that if we took over the practical results uchleved by the U.JA, and UF.W.A, in the pust I think that we will find that the greatest number of practical sug: gestions for betterment of life for the | people of Alberta have originated | right down hero in the basement where the women's cotivention is | field." Ho expressed a hope that the wo men following this aptitude for prac tical things will find more things concerning the practical welfare of | | each community in which there is a | Toeal UF. W A, with which to deul in | the eoming year. He said he had of | ten felt u weakness in the UIA, or | | ganization wag that it dealt with | | general questions and left out of con: j sideration those "things nearer home | ter section, never more, never a J Mr. Hoadley said that he believed that a first class doctor with speefal | training in obstetrics could be maind tained in the municipal hospital ai $12 per quarter section, He al stated that as Minister of Health he | was urging special diplomas for does | tors with special training in obstets rics, asking the co-operation of the medical men of the province and the university. J The report on laws affecting wos men und children presented by Mrs: $F I. B, Wyman, convener of the coms il | 1 { { mittee on Jeglslation, was one of the i most important of the entire convens tion. In the 1026 provincial election 40 per cent of nll votes cast were cast by women, The sume percent with uo slight increase leld good Sm the provinclal election of 1030. T! number of men voting in 1930 sh an increase of 6.3 per cent over dl 1926 record, The increase {im number of women voters over 19 was more than 10 per cent. by MODERN PAPER MUICH 1 One of the most recent develop monts in the uso of pauper {8 a paper felt saturated with asphalt which Is usod as & mulch paper and! fu laid on the ground between ro of certain growing erops to p vent the excessive evaporation soll molstvra and to kecp dow woed growth, Just Arrived 100 New Spring Dresses at THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. South Phone 3083W MILLIE THE TOILER 0) TIM Bory, (| BUT Mf, WHIPPLE DON'T SruM TO BE AROUND 01251 Bong Pontus sobtian, 160, X Crest Britaln 1) [LN Ld THE. MONRY FoR THAT RING SOCN. "THERKLL. BE TROUBLE » 1+ DOW CIEE THAT PRLLOw OH, "There Vou ARE "TIAN « |'M SOOD NIGHT, HURRY « Glew IN A You IN THE n