Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1931, p. 2

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neighborhood Ee AGE TWO 3 N THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1931 LOVE'S PRISONER * Beth Shannon has fallen In Vé with her employer, Phillip Dane, in spite of the fact that he S no attention to her outside the office and ls Interested in oline Gibbons, a wealthy so- &irl In his own clase: Just Te going to work for Phillip th recelved a trunkful of love. clothes from an aunt who had in Paris and wit !t a lete T marked, "To be oponed & year fom today." The clothes were too fine to Wear daily, but Beth 'Will soon have a chance to use them In. an amateur play in a theatre Arnold Ofte, Who works in the same » Got Beth the chanc I udiene will George Met- confident 11 ob she will play ! 'r well but does not Neaow i an hd Arnolfs which he fe 'to eet in motion, know of Beth's lov for Philip. - INSTALMENT XVI . Arnold' Surprise qu by Barbara Webb * At last the make-up was finish. ed. With careful fingers Straus unpinned the towel and bade Beth stand up. He puckered his lips and whistled. "You're the cream of the coffee of this cast, Beth," he remarked, proud of his handiwork, 'Now, it you'll just play up to the way wou look, you'll knock 'em all cold, clear back to the last row." Beth looked in the long mirror, A radiantly beautiful girl smiled back at her, a girl who only faintly resembled the Beth who went to the office every day in a neat blue dress with a white collar. She pick- ed up the box of roses and lifted them to her face. ' "Dont," Straus shouted. "You'll make that mascara run if you get any water on it! Good lord, you haven't got the sense you were bun with." Beth put the box down hastily. "I'm, sorry," she sald. "I forgot. Isn't {t nearly time. to go into tle wings--I saw the orchestra go by a It was three days before performance of the minute ago." { 'Plenty of time, plenty of time. "Love Is All RIgE" | You just stay down here and keep that Arnold had the conversetion calm until I send word for you to ith Philip Dane so fraught with meaning for Beth's future, al- 'though even Arnold hardly realized the changes that were to follow pon it. He idled into Phil's office 'efter Beth had gone home. "Hello, Phil! working hard?" "As usual, What's on your ming?" "It just occurred to me that Car- oline's mother is one of the pat-| 'Tonesses of that little threatre on 22nd street that I'm interested In," come in and wait for your Que" | He dashed out as though pursued by seven devils, Beth sat down, Alan and Hazel were on the stage when the curtain went up; the other members of the cast. had dressed in the room on the opposite side of the stage. She was alone with the fragrant yellew rofes and the reflection of herself in the mirror. There was a rap at the door and Beth called "Come," just as I'ran- Ontariy and Durham County News fmanville, spent Sunday with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Truman Power. msec ---- BETHESDA RAGLAN LADIES ANNUAL MEETING Mrs. George Wilson Elected as President of Active * Society (Allie Avery, Correspondent) Raglan, Jan.'26-~The Ladies' Aid Ww held their annual business meeting | in the hall bn Wednedday afternoon Jan. 21st, 1931, with a small at- tendance on account of :the inele- ment weather. Rev. Merriam callea the meeting te order. . Reports were read by the sécretary and the treas- urer and were adopted as read. The reports showed a good financial year. The following officers were elected. President, Mrs. Geo. Wil- son; assistant, Mrs. Geo. Luke; sec- retary, Mrs. Charles Luke; Treas- urer, Mrs. Wm. Avery; Pianist, Mrs. A. J. Pilkey; Flower commit- tee, Mrs. D. Thompson and Mrs. Kellington; parsonage committee, Mrs. Geo. Luke and Mrs, A. J. Grose; visiting committee, All mem- bers. Plans were made to hold a banquet on Wednesday. evening, February 4th. A programme com- mittee was nominated. Everyone welcome, The meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Merriam, What might have proved a fatal accident occurred one day last week when Mr. Lloyd Miller, who was motoring to Oshawa, applied the brakes to stop at the C.N.R. cross- ing at North Oshawa and the pave- ment being very slippery his car skidded and crashed into the train : pect. ¢onvalescing after being confined (Miss Beatrice Mountjoy, Corres: Clugston, Toronto, was a week-end evening to a surprise party in honor of Mrs, Hoskin's mother's birthday: visited Mr. and Mrs. N. «Columbus, on Friday. Woodville, at St. Catharines on Saturday aNer Mr. and Mrs. McClintock in Pros-- The many friends are pleased to hear that Mrs, Wm. Kellington is to her bed Mr. and Mrs. H, Cool have the sumpathy of the community after having their store and home burned to the ground ion Monday morning Mrs. Cool was in Toronto at the time. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Robert Suther- land in Columbus on Tuesday. KEDRON NEWS Kedron, Jan. 26.--Misg Dorothy Mr. and Mrs. Morley Beath and family, Mrs. Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell and Billy were guests of Mr, and Mrs. L. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin and |t Dorothy were. in Orono Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy Mr. Marwod Meard is visiling his |t parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. Sadler returned to her home spending a few months with hey daughter, Mrs. 8. Jewell here. Mrs, Jewell and Billy accompanied her About forty of the Kedron Young People enjoyed the Young People's | t banquet of Columbus. .and Kedron community which was held in the basement of Columbus Church Fri- expenses $408.89; balance $21.45; have given 2 quilts, 30 dozen eggs, crate of preserved fruit to Christ- mas Cheer, Oshawa: and Victoria |= Home, Toronto. the M. and M. fund in a very nice speech, stressing the importance ou. that fund to help along struggling churches in the west and our church had raised $541.00 for that fund. Mr. T, C. Glaspell in a very. fav- orable way. ? bonds and money enough for per- petual upkeep. eral church fund, receipts $761.00 and more promised. Mr, Bick played two records on his portable gramaphone, one a talk by Rev. Peter Bryce, Toronto, sec.- guest of Miss Ruth Cole, treas. of the M. an M. fund of the United Church, another talk by Rev. Dr. Oliver, the new moderator of our United Church, and also a plece of music extra. A contest was en- own different selection after which refreshments were served. adult, Gimblett, | ceipts, $64.03; balance, R. Heard, | seconded that we copies of Fellowship of Prayer for daily readings, one to go to each home. end at home Moorish--Osborne wedding at. Wel. |* and are remaining for the week. tome on Saturday, Jan. 17th, Heir on Wednesday evening. mer Wilbur and Mr. Tracy Glaspell were the 1st prize winners. Mr. A. T. Stainton reported for Cemetery board wag reported by Having on hand in Frank Pascoe, reported for gen- At the close of the reports, Rey. ered into, each group singing their Willing Workers: Biblé Class, mixed, report later. Re- expenses, $47.05; $16,98. Russel Perkins, Algo it was moved and purchase fifty reasurer. Carrled. Miss Helen Lewis spent the week- and attended Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Glaspel! en. ertained about seven tables at Lost El- SERVICE TAKEN BY MEN'S CLASS Male Choir Feature of Spe- cial Service in Greenwood . Church on Sunday Greenwood, Jan. 26---The ser. vice held by the Young Men's Bible Clase on Sunday evening was well attonded. The male choir render- ed three fine anthems and the ad- dress given by Mr. Ross Crosby, Toronto University, was well re- ceived. Come to the oyster supper Friday evening and hoard the la- dies in their drama 'Listen La- dies." We are glad to see Mrs. Wil- lows out after suffering for two weeks with quinsey. Mrs. Richard Wilson is now 11 in bed from quinsey. The exocutive of the Township 8.8. Association meets in Brome United Church on Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 2 p.m. Mr. Kenneth Graham makes his trip from Uxbridge to Toronto In spite 6f the heavy snow. ! lects eggs and dressed fowl for the Toronto markets and many are the Lglad of his weekly calls. He col- The Public School Inspector called at our school and seemed pleased with the teacher and her avork and left a good report. Miss Marjory Smart spent the week-end in Toronto. The C.G.I.T. met at the church (Miss E. M. Cole, Correspondent) Bethesda, Jan. 26.--Mrs. E, A. Werry, of Enniskillen, spent Mon- day with hor mother, Mrs. T. J. T. Cole. Miss Cole is visiting Dr. and Mrs, W. T. Willard and other friends in Toronto. | Mrs. Ronald Scott is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Stewart, of Tyrone, who is indis- posed. { Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hills, of Ty- rone, gpent a day' with the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Howard Couch, who is improving gradually. Mr. and Mrs. Everton White en. tertained the members of the Tuxis Square at their home on Monday evening. Community singing and games were enjoyed and later in the evening. Mrs. White served dainty refreshments. Rev. J. R. Trom- pour, the leader, was also present and his presence added to the plea- sure of the young men. when the car in which they were pas- sengers was sideswiped by another car on 4 narrow stretch of road wt the end or a swamp four 'miles east of here. Scots Celebrate Peterboro --Scotsmen and women, members of the Peterborough Cale- donian Club in common with their compatriots the world over, met on the 'occasion of the 172nd anniver« sary of the birth of Robert Burns, to drink a toast to his "Immortal Mem- ory." and to honor him in recitation and song so dear to Gaelic hearts. Gifts for Relief ; _Peterboro.--FE. ' H. Wilkinson of Smith Townshin has kindly donated six bags of vegetables to the Peter- horough = Relief Association, which will be distributed, The association is also in receipt of a quantity of cakes, the gifts of Mr. Hagerman at the Bon Ton Delicatessen, and Mr. Aust- in, of Austin's Banquet Hall. Condition Slightly ImProved LN Brockville.--At the General hospi- 'al it was stated this morning that the condition of Dale Price, 114 Ab- hott street, who received a severe in- inrv of the brain when struck by « drill wlile engaged in plumbing worl: n one of the new units of the Eu- gene F. Phillips Electrical Works, Limited, was slightly improved. Three Girls Injured Havelock --~Three Havelock girls were badly shaken up and suffered minor injuries in a motor aceident Mr. and Mrs. McMaster, Miss An- nie and Mr. Alex. McMaster Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Flintoff, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Balson were very pleasantly entertaifed at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langmaid's on Simcoe St. north, Oshawa on Tuesday evening. Guests were also there from Ebenezer, Kedron, Drayton and Oshawa. Eight tables of Lost Heir were played. Mrs. Jas. Short, of Courtice won the Ladies prize, Mr. H. Flintoff, of Zion, won the gentleman's prize. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Thornton and amily spent Sunday, guests of Mr. Thornton's father at Leskeard. The men of this centre have form- ed a' laymen's association and are holding their first meeting at the shurch this evening when outside speakers will be present and special music will be rendered. All the men are-urgently requested to be present, day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mountjoy attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Langmaid, Osh- awa. Tuesday evening. Mr. Ralph Davis, one of the del- egates to the S.S. Convention held in Brooklin recently gave a splen- did report of the morning session. at our Sunday Schoo! on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Albert Luke and Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mount- joy and Willa were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Oshawa. Misses Marguerite and' Kathleen Conlin spent the week-end with friends in Toronto on Saturday. The girls are plan- ning to hold a re.affiliation service with the W.M.S. on. Feb. 8th in the church. Mr. Roy Parrott is doing a thriving Businese in fresh fish. The 'people are pleased to get the ex- cellent salmon and white fish. The snow plow makes regular trips through here, making the road just like a floor. The Young People are enjoying sloigh-riding on the hill. Mrs. Smart attended a 'Mother and' Daughter'* banquet at Myrtle on Friday evening, An excellent: mpper and program was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Smart gave a C.G.I.T, address. Mr. and Mrs. Beelby entertained Mr. and Mrs. Smart for tea on Saturday evening, Mrs. F. L. Green fs suffering from a bad cold. also Mr. C, J. Stevenson. The Quarterly Official Board of the Greenwood church met at Mt. Zion and invited their pastor, Rev. W. 8. Smart to remain with 'hem wnother year. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke got stuck in the snow with their car on Saturday evening and were com- nellod to walk home through the deep snow, However, the thaw on Sunday soon relieved the condition Three Day Arnold said, lighing a cigarette, "Yes? What does that have to €o with price-fixing in Wall Street?" Arnold grinned. "Not a great . deal, but they're putting on a good show at my theatre next Saturday night and I wondered if you and Caroline would come as my guests." "Heavens, Arnold, why ghou!d we sit through one of those ham per-! formances? It would be as dai! as the opera Caroline's always _ dragging me to." "Oh, I don't know, Besides your secretary, Beth Shannon, has ome _ of the leading roles." "She has? That little mouse? 1 didn't know she. had it in her." "She has a lot in her tiat you've never suspected," Arnold said dryly. Phil looked at him. Arnold?" "Oh call it that if you lke, she's an awfully sweet kid. But really I'd lke to have you come if yeu can manage it. "I think we could, but I'll have to ask Caroline if she wants to go. She probably will, I seem to re- member that she's hipped on some of the lower forms of art, did thea- tricals herself in boarding school, I believe." © "Well, I'll give you a cauple of ckets. only don't say anything to Beth--Miss Shannon--about your coming. It might. make her ner- vi " Risto, You make me curious, Arnold, is she some kind of new star with a future on Boardway and you've discovered her?" #Come and see for yourself," Arnold invited, "but mind, not 2a word to Beth." and finally entered the ditch. None of the other occupants nor himself were injured although the car was badly damaged. Miss Hazel Pierson of Toronto, was a week-end guest with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson, ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Stacey and fam- ily, of Columbus, were Sunday vi- sitora with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Sta- cey. Mr. and Mre. John Kellington and son Ronald, Oshawa were Sunday guests of their parents here. There was & much larger attend- ance at Sunday School on Sunday. A splendid report was read by the delegates who attended the conven- tion. A large number from: here at- tended the funeral of the late Hon. Wm, Smith in Columbug, on Mon- day afternoon. The bereaved fam- ily have the sympathy of this com- munity. Miss Violet ces and Ned entered. 'Darling. vou lock wonderful," Frances cried. "Ah-ah, mustn't touch," Eeth warned her. "Custard ple," Ned sald, "I'd 'ike to eat you, as the tiger sald to Lit- tle Black Sambo, unless I've got my classics mixed." "Broadway bound" Frances miur- mured, inspecting every deta!l of Beth's apnearance. Beth laughed. "You saem to forvet that however decorative 1 look, T can't act. I have that nn Straus's authority and he's sweat- ed over rehearscls with me long enough to know." The Man in the Audience "Girls who look like you do now don't have to act," Ned sald sagely, "Don't forget your humble !riends when you join up with Ziegfeld." Beth laughed. "1 won't," promised. "How come the roses, Frances asked, pouncing box. "l wth I knew. "There'r nc card with them. Arnold seut me violets at home, and 1 can't think of a sou] who'd send them unless you did." "What would we use 'nr money?" Frances asked, "We'! have loved to send them, but inte present state of our finances, if Arnold hadn't given us tickets we'd have had to get you over the rsdlo down op the corner." "What kind of a crowd hare we got out In front?" Beth asked. "Grand crowd," Ned assured her, "Every seat filled, half of the gang in swel] evening clothes- -patrons- ses, 1 suppose, and the ether half | wearing intellectua) glasses, oT ' The Mysterious Roses' hair for the men and short hair for The evening of the' play found [the women. Typical little theatre Beth early at the theatre, She was audience--from the sublime to the nervous, of course, but so was every ridiculous." "one else. Straus was tearing his| "And you ought to ses what " halp and wringing his bands, ord- we've got sitting next to us." Fran. | ering scenes shifted, supervising ces chattered om. "About the best e make-up of his cast, and lua | looking young man I've ever seen prompt book every other min. |in my life, and a really gorgenus: Proposed Oshawa Horticultural Society We, whose names are subscribed hereto, agree. to form curse'ves into a Society under the provisions of THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETIES ACT, to be called the Horticultural Society of Oshawa; and we hereby sever: ally agree to pay to the treasurer the sums cpposite our respective names; and we further agree tp conform to the by-laws and rules of the scciety: CHURCH AT ZION ELECTS OFFICERS UNDER NEW PLAN Congregational Meeting Held and 'Reports of Work Presented (Mrs. J. W. Balson, Correspondent) Zion, Jan. 26.--Young Peoples meeting was well attended by over forty and Mr. Alex McMaster hada eharge of the opening exercises, when the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, after which, Miss Elva Pascoe, the 3rd yice-| president, took the meeting. Mr. Alex McMaster read the scripture lesson and explained the same, Mics IElleen Morphy sang a solo. Mr, Sain Mills gave a humorous read- ing, Mr. Alex. McMaster played two violin solos, which were all greatly appreciated and applauded. The meeting was closed in the usual way. Mr. Bick then took charge and explained the United Church ar- Name oe iii naan nS HOO LJ "Smitten, COURTICE G.GLT, GROUP MEETING * teresting and Helpful Dis cussion of "Girls' Ideals" by Members (Mrs. W. R, Courtice, Correspondent) Courtice, Jan. 26--Saturday aifer- wgon the C.G.LT. met in the home of Miss Annie Wilking with Annie's group in charge, and although ihe weather was extremely cold, there was a good attendance, After the devotional period, Miss Arnold.-led in a discussion on "Girl's Ideals" which was most interesting and helpful. The chapter from the study book was tak- en up by Miss Annie Wilkins and readings by Misses Bernice Gay and Louise Courtice und a piano solo by Miss Velma Gay concluded the pro- gram,' Ice cream, cookies and candy were served and a jolly time enjoyed. Mrs. Wilkins and Annie and Flor- the Thompson, Messrs Gordon - Thomuson, and Frank Grose, Toronto, were week-end guests at thelr homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery and daughters were recent visitors with Address . NEEEEN ENN rIrangtaetRIeItItIIIItINg sath" on tie PT TL LL rE LP PR TY PT TP RPT PTT TPP YY J {Kindly fill above in and return either to Oshawa Daily Times or to the Oshawa Chamber of Ccmmerce. Official acknowledgment will be made). SALE ed LP me to have these, rr they're ni ute. He had insisted on making Up Beth, Hazel and Alan himse'f, and at 7:30 as Beth, all dressed in the Russian frock and with a big white towel pinned over her frock, walt- od in front of the single Aressing- | soom mirror he dashed in and com- wanded her to sit perfectly still. like an srtist. he studied hor ase in the bright light of the day- light lamp, With the utmost care he "powder and rouge and nt and began to work on he' face. Be ophisticathd and yet innicent, that's the effect T want. He dab- ped an some power and began to work mascara around her eyelashes. "Get put of here," to a messenger who was trying to come in with a pox of flowers. "I dont' care if it's orchids from Promaesy Haver, ' ave to wait." Fo on. unt fet mo sign for it." Beth begged. "It will make me fee! sver so much better to know what's " i aus gave up with'a groa?, ard Peth reached out eager hands for the box. Yellow Tuten, d dozen of and grant. ig pri Bs no card," Beth sald in surprise. "Do you know who sent them?" to the boy, who linger- doorway. am. the gentleman said no eard; we asked him." "They can't be from Arnold; Fe sent me violets. They're me, my mathet fempasts 'fro . "Unless he want Beth frowges too, at the thea- ire. "oh, Ary up," Straus fairly yell Cone let me get this make. ed. Take it taat they're from the King of Persia and he wants you to join his harem. pretend that trom Jimmie Walker. "able gous thanks to the Prince of Wales, but, for God's sak don't avs for Bp tive minutes." the t in the cuties" Poth subsided and relaxed und. hands, her mind busy with over who could have sent the roses. Frances had told her quite frankly they couldn't flowers, with Christmas no neer and 11, Arnold, as she had told Straus, bad 2b : y sont . the Ai but ing to > i i avs ave spent ten of he would bardly b ty e dollars on flowers ks were lovely, but Sh wane. Ie enew the door. 3 girl. They must be friends of Arn. old's, for they kept tooking for him, must know him awfully well, too, for the man sald something about their being in the same ofjce." Beth's heart began to noirnd, "Is the man very dark and the gir! very blond?" she asked. x Perfect picture of them," Fran- ces responled. Straus was in the doorway. "Get out," he shouted at Ned and Fran- ces "Beth, come up and get ready for your cue, Curtain's'going up." (To Be Continued Tormorrow) Trenton Ladies Win Trenton.--It was an off night: for the lady bowlers from Belleville but at that it took the pick of Trenton's adult bowlers to defeat them in a friendly match and though defeated the fair sex won many friends by their courageous sportsmanship. Bel- leville won one game out of three. Boys' Work Board Peterboro~The annual meeting of the local Boys' Work Board was held in the Y.M.C.A, The executive was elected as follows: President, L. W. Copp; vice-president, Herbert Trant- er; secretary, F. G. McNeely. Plan Welsh Society cussing proposals, for the formation of a society of Welsh residents of Peterborough and district, 2 meeting is to be held in the Chamber of Com- merce, Council on: Tuesday night, ** ht For W rowall -- At least two popular reeves of Glengarry county will seek ardenshiy of United Countidd of ndas and Glengarry at session of the 1931 Coun- St t, the ties ( cil. "Dr, J. Howard Munro reeve of Maxville and Fred McLeod, reeve of Kenyon Township, arc de- finitely in the field but so far, no other Glengarry councillors have an- Zomced an intention of seeking of- west of the town have commenced ice harvesting operations. The ice is being cut in McDonald's Bay, is 18 he rm-- inches thick and the quality is stated to be gxcellen Phew RW Ly Ws Peterboro--For the purpose of dis- . B A pumber of residents Lage of 'any af Dr, South Carolina Avenue At the Boardwalk ATLANTIC CITY'S Newest Centrally Localed Fireproot Hotel $500 DAY AND UP AMERICAN PLAN Write. Phone or Wire, R. B. LUDY, M.D, IN A RUNDOWN CON- DITION FOR TWO YEARS WILLIAM CADEAN Victoria Harbor, Ont.--"I had been in a rather rundown condition for about two years. 1 tried different medicines, also consulted a doctor but nothing 'helped me in the least, 1 Hp Dr. Pierce's Advisers and | ad where one similarly afflicted had been relieved by the use of Dr. "s Golden. M: 1 1 tried two bottles of 'Irontic (iron- tonic) tablets' and used four bottles J that thosé chosen by the board, to .|ances of the general church fund. "| tinancial report of the 8.8. in the rangements which we are planning to adopt by appointing Elders aud Stewards, at the quarterly official board meeting held at Hampton lo A week. These men were chosen as Elders: T. C. Glaspell, to serve four years; W. R. Robbing to serve 3 years; A. T. Btainton to serve 2 years and F. B. Glaspell to serve one years, and he be open for re election at the end of that time for four more years. Moved by A. Stainton, seconded by'F. B. Glaspel, accept office, by*the unanimous voie of our congregation, carried. These nen will have charge of any church 'msiness that may occurr and will a called the "Elders." Stewards were then nominated und all over twelve, members and ndlierents) were given the privilege to vote as Mr. T. C. Glagpell mov- ed and Mr, F. H. Pascoe seconded this motion. Messrs. Alf. Ayre and Russel Robbins were appointed scrutineers and passed the ballots and the resnlt was A. Ayre for four years, J. W. Balson 3 years, Jas. Cameron 2 years, F. H. Pascoe one year, and to have charge of the fin. Reports of the congregation's ac- tivities were then given. Glaspell spoke very nicely of the Sunday Scheol and the co-opera- tion of all the departments under his care. Mrs. J. W. Balson read absence of Mr. J, W. Balson, treas., who wag {ll in bed. Total money | received, from junior classes, an- |. neversary, Mother's Day, Rally Dav | and miscellaneous sources were M. and } Balance on hand, $18.52. Organized Classes, reported sep- arately as follows: 'Onward Bible Class," receipts $109.96; expenses, $105.08; balance on hand, $4.88. This class of young ladies have quilted several quilts for charity and also gave three dozen Christmas cheer bags. Pear! Leach, treas, 'Volunteers class of young men, raceipts $28.32; expenses, $26.79; balance, $1.52, Alex. McMaster, treasurer. of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and I felt like myself once more. Any- ofie who wishes to write me direct for A oe stam ¢ enve Closed." \Wnm, Cadean, Box 1 Sold by all druggists. " Dr. Ploves's Laberstory Sind doe if. you Ot a wis] pecke Pleroe's 4 is ll 5 Xe aT Ais 5. Witbur: receipts $480.84; Gleaners (teen age boys): re- 'eipts, $32.86; .expenses, $17 85: alance, $15.00. Gerry Glaspell, reasurer. Buds of promise (teen age girls): 'aceipts, $16.83; expenses $14 44; lance $2.39. [Eileen Stainton, asufer. Women's Association, report by a pretty comforter was quilted, afterwards tl tite sings 3 | Rev. H. C., Wolfrain, with us again on Sunday when he delivered two Hospital, sang very sweetly, "When Sunday School Session in the afters noon had another record. attendance, Oshawa, will address the meeting. con, Elmer and family, Mr. Tracy [5 Mr. Frank and Miss Mabelle: Wal- $182.49. Fxpenditures of supplier, 4 M. fund and others, $163.97. yee were very genial in their home. Mrs. Howard Flintoff entertained v number of la lies on Thursday when Mrs. a delicious dinner and ladies had a good old ng and a merry evening. Among the guests were Mrs. Fred Flintoff, Mrs Ross Flintoff and Mrs. "Ms. of Oshawa, We were giad to have our pastor, wlintoff served "ne sermons, At the evening service Miss Francis Hancock, Bowmanville, {hey Ring The Golden Bells." The Next Sunday evening the service "Il be in charge of the C.G.IT. and Miss Harston of Simcoe St. Church, Mrs. Kenneth F. (Courtice has re- 'ed home from Toronta and is getting along nicely since her oper- tion for goitre, : Mrs, Walter Snider is spending a souple months with Mr. Snider in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle were in Toronto for sever! days with their ter entertained the male quartette of King St, Oshawa," and other friends recently, SUNDAY SERVICES WELL-ATTENDED AT MAPLE GROVE (Miss Marion 3 s0wden t Maple Grove, Jan, 27 «= A large riumber attended both services here on Sunday. At the church 'service our pastor, Rev, reached a splendid "Jacob." . Next Sunday services will he held as usual, Mr, William Laird, delegate sermon on to winter school in Cobourg, will give |" the first half of his report. Mrs, F. Swallow has returned home waiter a visit with friends in Toronto. My. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn and family, Orono, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr, Howard Foley, Miss Carie Power, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. Chester Power on Sun- v, i Mr. and Mrs. H, G. Freeman and 'amliv visited Mr. and Mrs, Zam Snowden, Oshawa, or Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne, Bow- H. C. Wolfraim * Thursday Friday Saturday Heavy Service Wei~ht $1.35 Their regular $1.75 quality with hem- stitched non run top. New Spring Shades. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Starts Thursday Pure Silk Hose $1.00 pair Penman's, Allen A, and Fleur de Lis lines. Ther regular $1.25 -and $1.50 makes in a Three Day Sale. These in- clue Service Weight or Chiffon, pair, $1.00 pair

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