Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jan 1931, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1931 neouver, Jan. 22.~~The trang- tion problems of Peace River never be solved, and that most {sing of all Canadian territor | will not come into its undoubted re uta) sie e is direct rail out- the On-to-the-Peace Association. Lieut.-Gov. R. Randolph Bruee, who attended the luncheon with Premier 8. F\ Tolmie almost ont- did the champion in his eulogy of the Peace River country ana its vast postibilities. Mr. Trelle, he said, had focussed the attention of the world on Peace River by his achievements, but the actualities were so great as to discount any present vision of its future. "The~wealth of that country Is designed to roll down to the 'Pacitic Coast. That will come as soon as the Premier &nd his Government have decided that such a 'line can be built," His Honor said. Premier Tolmie, who agreed with the Governor that the Trelle home- stead at Wembley must be regard- 88 'hallowed ground' because of at it had proved of this great northland, said that nothing but fin- ancial difficulties stood in the way de-| op a coast outlet, River king of wheat growers F the. Supple of And Head Noises It you have catarrhal deafness head noises go to your druggist got 1 oz. of Parmint (double rength), and add to it % pint "hot water, and a little sugar. 1 tablespoonful four times a 3 will often bring quick relief the distressing head nolses. géd nostrils should open, thing become easy and the mus 8 stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little id {s pleasant to take. Anyone © has s catarrhal deafness or * hedd noises should give this pre- stiption a trial. "I can tell you that we have in Ottawa now a member of the Cab- inet pushing the thing as fast as ean be done,' he Pa bs | ALLEGED SLAYER ISKILLED IN COURT Arkansas Girl Fires Four Shots Into Prisoner's Body Dewitt, Ark.,, Jan, 17.--A 17. year-old girl shot te death a man on trial for the slaying of her fath- er in a crowded court room here as the jury was ready to retire with the case. The girl, Mrs. Helen Spence Ea- ton, sat on the front seat in the courtroom throughout the day list- ening to the trial of Jack Woris, 30, charged with killing her fath- er, Cicero Spence, and throwing his body into the White River. When the jury was ready to take the case the girl leaped from he: seat, drew an automatic pistol she had concealed in her clothing, and tired four shots into Worls' bodys He died 15 minutes later. Sherif's deputies who were in the courtroom at the time took her into custody. She refused to discuss the shooting later but remained calm. a . Less than a month ago, officers said, the girl attempted suicide in a restaurant here by shooting her- self in the breast. WOMEN WOULD ENTER PROPERTY CONTRACTS Quebec, Jan, 22.--The Women Proprietors Associetion of Ment- real, through its president Irene Joly, has sent a letter to members of the Legislature asking that, when the bill amending the civil code, with a view of improving the posi- tion of the married women before the law, announced by Premier Taschereau, comes (ip for discussion and adoption, the House shall. in- clude in its provisions by which married women, as well as their husbands, will be enabled to sign contracts in law, as regards the dis- position of their common property. '|The association also asks the mem- bers to give their support to the clause in the Montreal bill--when it comes up--which would give the electoral franchise to wemen mar- ried under the regime of separate property. Mental tests for automobile driv. ers are suggested. What is needed is a good foolproof car.--Hamilton Spectator. Two women were arrested for fighting at 'a bargain sale. Where there's a frill there's a fray.--Mon- treal Star. CLEAR WELL JOB TOBE STARTED (Continued from page 1) , though its capacity for practical purposes is only 60,000 gallons. The clear well is the tank from which the actual supply of water 'pumped into the city mains {is drawn. The water is first drawn trom the lake, through the filters, then deposited in the clear well. From this well it is pumped into 'he city mains, receiving its chlori- =ation treatment while passing hrough the pumping station. To Care For Emergencies It is highly desirable, the city engineer states, that a larger clear Home Treatment For Bladder Weakness Brings Swift Relief 'While serious, if neglected, it ia now ordinarily an easy matter to quickly relieve Bladder Weakness and Irritation, Paing in back and down through groins, frequent daily annoyance and troublesome nights--by the pleasant home use of Dr. Southworth's *Uratabs," which any druggist will furnish on guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if results are not fully satisfactory. No matter how stubborn, or troublesome your case may be, you, can easily prove the value of "Ura- tabs" in a few days' time. Start the\ test today and you may look for improvement inside of 24 hours. Your Guarantee of Greatest Value! - No Price Reduction WE could not make such a guarantee against price reduction except for the fact that Rogers Radios, at their list prices, represent the greatest value that your money can buy. At these prices Rogers Radios compete with 4// other radios on the market. We.can make 2 move of this kind only because we know that our present prices are attractive enough to continue to give us Canada's We Guarantee On Current Models of greatest volume of radio business. Doesn't it give you 2 feeling of satisfaction and con- fidence to buy your radio ate: those conditions? You know. that the price you ig now will be the "same when your neighbour buys the same model three or four months from now. ou can depend on Rogers Radios for performance, 3 every new, worthwhile development in radio, for stability of prices, for maximum value for every dollar invested. See the 1931 Petfected Screen-Grid Models at the "stores listed below now! "ROGERS-MAJESTIC CORPORATION LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG SAINT JOHN Geo. KC. Allchin Limited 18 Church St. an See Today Lowboy Model "Rogers 630" "$198 Complete with Ro, fully- rg] gd guaran Electro-Dynamic Speaker. Says one enthusiastic owner: "I could not buy a better radio for double the money!" $19% sow will oo Hoan Beda br way il -- bringing You ALL of the great ment of the air. A few dollars a month soon pays for it. Attractive Gothic model. One of the greatest radio values. Listen in-- Sunday evening 9. Ea Standard Timo-- np. oth ee pon and genuine entertain. om of cheerful music . | would be depleted, as the well be provided to take care of any emergency. In case of a 'sudden demand for water, such as a fire uptown, when the large auxiliary pump would have to be placed into use, taking 3,000 gallons of water a minute, it can be , readily scen that the supply in the clear well pumps supplying this big tank could not keep up with the demand upon it. Of course, there is always the large tank on the hill on Simcoe street north, which has a reserve supply of 500,000 gallons that takes care of all ordinary emergency demands upon the water supply. Should a condition arise, how- ever, when both the reserve in the 500,000 gallon tank and the one in the clear well were exhausted, there would be one alternative. This would be to "by-pass" the fil ters, and draw water directly from the lake without having it come through the filter plant, This has had to be done only on very rire occasions, but when water is not owing to there being such a lot of it published nowadays. --London Opin. lon. pumping station. The working plans have not yet been completed, but it is expected that the dimen- sions will be 70 feet by 125 feet. filtered there are many impurities in it that would otherwise be re- moved, and in some cases extra chlorine wonld have to he used. The water would have a much stronger taste, and, while safe from a drink- ing standroint, would be not nearly as pdlatable, For Clearer Water A larger clear well would also make it possible to eliminate on most occasions, the cloudy, dirty appearance that occurs once in a long while in the city water, due to a particularly turbid condition of | the lake. By having a larger clear well, the water would stay in it longer and this material would fall to the bottom of the container to a larger extent than it ¢an now. The new addition to the clear well will be constructed to a height of ten feet, corresponding to the A. "three-wheeled perambulator has appeared on the market. A bawl bearing cry-cycle--Galt Reporter, be carefully protected against dry vot," says an expert, But this is very difficult, "Bookcases should 'PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY GUELPH MAPLE LEAFS OSHAWA PATS Oshawa Arena FRIDAY, JANUARY 23 at "8.30, P, M. NEW PRICES Rush 85c¢, Reserved 635c, 78c and $1.00, Plan at Germond's height of the present clear. well, and provision will be made for plac- Ing additional syctionp pipes in the base of the tank, to be used if more pumps are ever needed at the local | & | (AS YOU WOULD YOUR FROCKS) Personally LOBLAWS Wise and thrifty buyers deem it necessary to select their dresses, frocks and hats per- sonally Yes! and their GROCERIES too, ected with the same personal care, at the LOBLAW GROCETERIAS. STORE HOURS Open from 8 p.m, till 6 p.m. Saturday. 8 p.m. till 10 p.m. Closed Wednesday at 12.80. Employees Half Holiday SPECIALS FOR WEEK OF JANUARY 22 - 28th Tomatoes choice Quality Diced Beets ayimer Brand---Choice No. 1 Size Tin... Peas Large and Tender P enchen Aylmer Brand, C Pi jelifea Libby's Homarnade | Excellent Value, No. 214 Size Tin Beans Golden Wax-~Aylmer Choice Quality.....No. 2 Size Tin Quality 2 Tins 19¢ Good Value--No. 2 Size 9 yy, 15¢ Quality, Tree Ripened, No. alee Size i= 10¢ Prunes medium Size Exceptional Value Rolled Moi a Quick Quaker 24 Boneless Chicken Aylmer 33¢ 10¢ 16¢ Christie's Jubilee Ginger Snaps a deli hbful olden brown ginger t that fs ge ewig ial for the kiddies. There Is a Sount of between 45-50 to the pound, so are an economical buy as the ; Sokitey 41 not indicate the Corned ! Beef Fray Bentos 21c : | I. 330s. Ti0 The Wheatlet Finest Quality 5 5c glamor 7m. gc Priced Te) le Excellent Valus.....No. 2 Size Tin SPECIAL--PURITY Brand FLOUR "Best for all Baking ,, Specially Blueberries Beaver Brand .24 1b. Bag "7 fv SPECIAL--The Kiddies Love JACK & JILL Brand Peanut Butter = E88 SPECIAL--LOBLAW'S CAKE Fresh Valencia "The Family Favorite" 1B, I v5 SPECIAL--AYLMER Assorted--Canadian ; ' hk > SOUPS 3 ~ 25° Except Chicken and Chicken with Rice CATELLI"S Eggweat NOODLES Pkg. 9 Cc "The Jelly that makes other Jellies jealous NU-JELL 2 Pp 15¢ WHITE SWAN - MAGIC Toilet Tissue |Baking Powder 2 Rois 2] ¢ 1b. Tin 34¢ SPECIAL--Finest Ontario Hand Picked White Beans 3-10 SPECIAL--Brunswick SARDINES TN c Poliflor WAX mn 47¢ Antiseptic and Preserving For Soiled and Stained Hands LATHER-0O 2 Cakes 25¢ 'Softens. Hard Water GILLEX re. I0c i SOVEREIGN SALMON Sokre 23 "HR" SELF SERVE LOBLAW wh GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED

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