bv GE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1931 atario and Durham County News PLANNING LIBRARY FOR GREENWOOD Greenwood, Jan, 20 -- The Girls ission Circle met at the parsonage 3n Saturday afternoon with a goo Attendance. Miss Doris Gee was in rge of the program, Two of her uttle pupils from Brooklin School ren a fine duet, The Circle is planning to establish a library at enwood. Miss Marj Smart served a much apptesigied unch, The funeral of the late Mess Wm, Commack was held at the home of 4 mother, Mrs, Craven, Dunbarton, r pastor, Rev. Mr, Smart, assiste od by Rev. Dr. Fraser, conducted th rvice, Much sympathy is felt for the husband and sons, © The Mission Band met the church on Saturday under the capable lead: ership of Mrs. red Gibson, e baby son of Mr and Mrs, | Perey Clarke suffered severe burns pulling a cup of hot tea over The church services were well at- tended on the Greenwood circuit last Sabbath, i Miss Mariun Brandon entertained . two teacher friends from 'Toronto last Sunday, 'The Men's Bible class are having & special church service on Jun, 25, Air. Ross Crosby of Toronto Univers will give an address and there will be a men's choir, Qur Mrs. Boyer, although eighty. six year of age is interested in lite and is installing in her home electri eiy Ter. Jas, Plagkett is making a slow recovery though still confined to his bed, On Friday, Jan, 30, the Men's Bible Class are having an oyster supper in the basement of the church. After supper the Ladies' Aid will present School with cards and each recited a verse and then a combined verse showing how much we should ap reclate the Sunday School. Mrs, Ferry had a number of pletures on the lite of Jesus and read parts of a letter from Dr, Stephenson ex- plaining the use of each dollar of Missionary money subserided. Mrs. John Pascoe has been visite ing her nephew, Mr, Murton Walter of Taunton, and with hin attended the funeral of Mr. Newton Walter of Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Pascoe, Mr. Wallace and Misses Dorothy ana Bessle Pascoe and Mr, Godfrey d | Bowman, Enfield visited at Mr) J. L. Rundle, Mr, and Mrs. Williams and Mise Dorothy, Port Perry visited at Mr Chas. Howsam's, + The young people's leagle met on son, 3rd vice president, presiding Monday night with Mr Alan Bal {aspiring and gave those who were present, a clearer vision of he work being accomplished there. In the evening Mr. Storey preached a simple sermon wiich everyone could understand and which was full of enthusiasm and spirit, Me, Storey has a wonderful gift of de Hvery and held the attention of all present. Mrs. (Rev) Wolfralm, Miss Helen and Master Harry spent last week 'with her brother, Mr. R. Keane and family in Orono. The empathy of this community fe extended to Mes. Roy Nichols in the death of her mother, Mrs, Chartran, of Bowmanville, after a lengthy illness. Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs, Kenneth Cours tice is recovering nicely from hey recent operation for goitre and we hope to see her lome shortly. After the opening exercises Mr, Will January Clearance AT CANNING'S 3 DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, JAN. 22, 23, 2 Westlake, president, took charge of | business, \rs, BR. J. MecKessook then gave the devotional topie. Mise | Bilean Baker gave a reading whil' | Mr. B. GQ. Stevens gave a splendid | talk on "Saving." Mise Evelvr Tink them gave an instrumental number, Tue benediction, Mr. and Mre. Charles Towsam on Baturday night. On Sunday Rev, J. R. Birk preached a thoughtful sermon on 'The Saving Grace", aumber were present, Mr. Alan McKessock is suffering 'rom a severe cold. Hope for a hasty recovery, Glad to report Mr. A. L, Pascoe recovering nicely at home these days. Mr, and Mrs, ry's. Orley, Oshawa, visited at 8. KB. Wer Mr. and Mrs. Td, Werry were guests at dinner party at 8, 8. Brooks' of Courtice on Monday night, THORNTON'S CORNERS (Mrs, G. M, Robinson, Correspon. dent) Thornton's Corners, Jan, 20. Jack Burks and their play, "Litsen Ladies Mrs, Gee, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gib- | son. © Mr, Will Ormerod, of 'Toronto! spent the week-end with his parents, ! The Greenwood hill is in constant | use this winter, The authorities keep | it clear of snow and sanded so no one | need fear an accident, { They are working on the detour at the cast end. 'I'he fences for the new road through Mr, Clark's field are partly up, ~ ' Several from here attended the S. s convention held at Kinsale last Tuesday. All report a very helpful day and great appretiation was felt | for the kind hospitality of the Kin: | le people who served bountitul "meals. Many expressed the opinion | that it was the best convention they | ever attended, © Our last W.M.S, meeting was held | dn the church and was well attended =ft looks as though we were to have u | : year's work under our President, re. C. J. Stevenson. { The Ladies' Aid met at the home | of Mrs. Raine on Thursday. Much dnterest way created by introducing 'the "talent money" system of mak- dng money this year. The group Qeaders are! Mrs, Andrew Pegg, Mrs, 'Norman Bile and Mrs, F, Bush, An 'excellent lunch was served. KEDRON NEWS (Mise Beatrice Mountjoy, | ndent) Kedron, Jan, 20.=Mrs, James | 'Wood, Orono, visited over the week- god with her niece, Mrs. W. N. Hos n, + Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee attended a | party at Mr. Elmer Gibson's, Osh- | awa, Saturday evening. { © Mrs. H, F, Werry and Mr, Harold | 'Werry were In Toronto on Monday, | ; Mr, J. Smith is spending a week swith friends in 'l'oronto. Mrs. A. 1. Stainton, Zion, recently visited her daughter Mrs, Ross Lee. | The Sunday School Convention | which was held in Brooklin Church | on Friday was a splendid success, There were eighteen from here in ut- tendance, © Mr, and Mrs, W. L. Mountjoy en- "testained about 35 of their friends on I'hursday evening, Progressive Lost 'Heir was played. Mrs, Harvey Cross: San being successful in winning the Radios prize, a writing tablet, and Mr, Ross Lee the gent's prize a tmem- 'orandum book, Games were played and dainty lunch served by the host. ess. © Mr, and Mrs, Frank Pascoe, Zion, 'were recent visitors with Mr, and "Mrs. Everett Mountjoy, = Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Werry and amily visited Mr, and Mrs, A L, Pascoe, Sulina on Sunday, \ Our superintendent, Mr, Ross Lee "who was president of the Convention Hor the past year was chosen presi- "dent again for the aoming year, © Miss Nora Werry, Solina, was « Secent visitor at W. L, Mountjuy's. "Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Werry, MW and Robert visited on Monds ith Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Ross, Col "Mr. and Mrs, James Hoskin p seni Edgar, and 8) Yothin an arion Hoskin, Harmony, were joo of Me and Mrs. W, 2h Hos- "Monday. Mies ey Poarvey, Oshawa, visited ¢ fer home here on Sunday. SOLINA NEWS : 1. Baker, Corre ent) A Jap, 10. --~With Messrs. Allan Ba and 8. BD. Werry as ptendent aud associate the unday School st Eldsd was beld "with a splendid atiendance, ft was Missionary Sundsy and Mrs, 8, E. erry was in charge. Miswoy Norms 'sllowlees, Bessie Patterson and so Yellowlees accompanied by Mies J Yellowlses sang as A polo horus "0 how wo pity om.' Then Harold Baleon, Rus. ; Hardy, Donald, Yellowleer, Sisle Petterson, Perry Westlake, Mr, Frank Luke enteftained his Junday. School class on Saturday Mternoon ut a tobogganing party he boys met at the Sunday wohool nd then all weut by car over to Jdok's Hills for the afterncon's tun \s darkness descended the party sturned to the Suuday school here a bounteous supper wun serv. od to the hungry though very happy Voys.. few games were playod and thon the boys were driven to thelr homes much pleased with their ate ternoon's sport, All expressed thanks to I'rank Luke for his kina. nosa. Me, Alex Misher has purchased & pair of silver foxes intending to enter the tox farming busines, Migs Jehnaton, provinefal public Health nurse, paid another visit t¢ our schoo! last week, A number from here went up to Toronto to see the new Lani u Commerce building. Miss Nora Spencer, of Manchest or, was a guest last week of her ister, Mrs, Norman Gllbert wud Mr. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Pascoe, o' | Plekering, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Pascoe. Mr. W. L. Plerson is in Mint Meeting closed with Lea: entertained a party of local friends | A goodly | DIES AT ASHBURN will Tucker Was One of | Oldest Residents of Community | | Ashburn, Jan, 10.<In the death {ot Mr, Wil Tucker at the Port Jerry Hospital on Friday the town line has lost one of its oldest resis dents, Deceased was seized with a stroke about a week ago and grads {ually became weaker until the final call came, He was a man of quite reserved disposition and highly thought of by all who formed his acquaintance, In religlon he was a Presbyterian and a faithful mem. ber of Burn's chureh and Sabbath gehool. His funeral was held from | the church here on Sunday, a form: er friend and pastor, Rev, MeD, Haig of Agineout, officiating. "The | large congregation present showing | {in a silent way the many friends | who same to pay thelr last respects | to the deceared, Inferment took wlgee In Burn's ermetory here, the |J I nall bearers wera Mesurs, George | Mole, Jim Whitton, Robert Parrott, | Robert Heron, Jim Heron, i Sorry to report that Mre, James Nalfour has been quite poorly of | late, | A number from here attended the | "fagonle "At Home" In Brooklin on 'riday night. The usual good time | 1 reported. Rev. Me, DD. Halg, of Agincourt, iaited old friends and parishoners Ylere over the week-end, Mr. Phillip Parrott and won | 1eorge, of Oshawa, visited the for er's daughters hera on Sunday. Miss Margaret O'Boyle ls visiting er aunt ia, Btouville, 'FAGUE MEETING AT MAPLE GROVE | Missionary From | America Gave Interesting Address Michigan, for a few days on busi | ness. Mr. G. H. Robinson was in Tor onto on Monday on business. The Ladies' Ald will hold thel regular monthly meeting on Wad aesday, January 20th, CHURCH EVENTS WELL ATTENDED Mission Circle and Women's Missionary Society Had Bright Meeting (Mrs, Clara B. Courtice, Corres. ondent) Courtice, day evening of last week the Miu- sion Circle held the regular mon: thly meeting in the home of Mrs walter Snider, with tho president, Miss Velma Gay, presiding. After the devotional, in which the mem- bers all repeated the 28rd Psalm a most interesting topic was taken tp by Miss Arnold, Bhe gave a tine description of the twilight hour at Summer School in Whitby which she attended. Music om the Victrola was put on by Mrs. Snider and u reading by Miss Sadie Muir concluded the program. After. ward, refreshments wero served in abundance ond Mre, Snider and her mother, Mrs. Nichols, were most genial hostecsen, was held at Mry. 8. 8. Brooks, vi a large attendance, had charge of the meeting and 8 interesting part of the prog was the report of .all the done in the past year in ¢ tion with the W.M.8. from Mi Bands, Mission Circle and d members of the executives A. J. Oke gave the Bible I Sadie Muir played plane Mrs. Foster Snowden, sang very sweetly, Pass Again This Wap 0G. Langmald, of Osh # #0 among the guests noon. At the close ing, refreshments 9 the executive and her usual happy 9 Batson, We Werry, ; eo Patterson, Nell Yellowlees, Roscoe Baker, James Smales, Tom Daker spelt the word Sunday work in people th an. 10.--On Wednes- | Thursday, afternoon the meeting of the Women's Missionary Soclotyt The executly | Miss Marion Snowden, Correspent) i Maple rove, Jan, 40 lenge ix week was held on Monday oven 'ng, the president, Mr. Jucl Cotor, netied the meeting, After (he hus oey and reading of the minutes, | tins Krellte Trimble gave the Bible ending snd Miss Dora Eames the totionul Tople. Mr. Blorey, Mis. wary from Foulh America was I "ay onlled on, Mr Ntorey showed | kome very Intersting lantern) vs and gave a tlt on his work fouth America, ha also shiowed | yme curios from thet eotintry, The | edd ont then eclorod the meeting | 'ha hymn and the bLenadiction, | The sympathy of this community | | '4 o tended to Mr. W. II, Brown and | 'amily in the loss of a wife and nother, Mr. and Mry Gem Snowden, en- | tartained his Jrothiepy wd thelr wa, on fone In Ospg, wi Wednesday Mr 'RB, Steven, and | 4 few dayy | Mra, Roy | | | Snowden, ire. Stuary Morton, Nyy. | Hl a, ur, Visited poy | : Mrs, pr, Power, on | nt the Wool .0 B%, Mr. and Mpn® ho membary . Council Holds 1 na - Meeting and Apo Mittees + of Toronto with her a, . Mrs. Wm, Cog 2" 'ommiittesy (Continued oy vagal South | Sale Py; - --its . \ 5' SUITS January is a month of sales and every take inventory we offer the people of Os goodness bargains. This year is no exception and we again offer you big- ger, better bargains, Just look over the list below and we feel sure that you willsave dollars on your purchases. Hundreds of our customers every year take advantage of our January clearance. HALF PRICE YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU WAITED 125 OVERCOATS 75 SUITS Men's and Young Men's All Styles - - All Colors See Them in the Windows Regular Price $20 00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 All Overcoats Above $38 Sale Price $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 Carry 20% Reductions Jour at this time just before we awa and Vicinity real honest to Join the crowd and we know SPECIAL Men's Hats No Reserve Borsalino, Biltmore, Regent and all hard Hats, HALF {PRICE Sadly $8.00 for $4.00 $6.00 for $3.00 $5.00 for $2.50 $4.00 for $2.00 nt --i)YS' OVERCOATS Bet 4 $10.50. All styles and male Regular red, Salam $7.95 colors, + -- and double breast- 84.45 "ars, Some with lovers ) $1.29 Students' Suits 32 to 37 sizes. Blue, grey, browns. All with $1 1 95 2 Trousers, Special BOYS' AVIATION CAPS With goggles. Reg. $1.60, Sale price ........civiiiviiiiininn 95¢ Men's Blue Suits And fancy worsted. Some with extra trousers. All re. duced 20% MEN'S CAPS Reg. $1.45 and $1.95. You're choice ........... 95¢ BOYS' CORD BREEKS Regular $2.25, Sale Price assiesssiinain s+ $1 59 BOYS' SHIRTS Plain and fancy Broadcloth. Sizes 12' to 14. Reg. $1.00. Sale Price 19¢ BOYS' BLOUSES Quality as above, Reg. 79¢. Sale Price ............ 59¢ BOYS' LEATHER WINDBREAKERS soon serie... $4.45 MEN'S CREAM COMBS. Se ee in 1:00 MEN'S AND BOYS' MACKINAW COATS Men's ....cviiniviiiin $4.48 Boys' cui $3.:48 Men's All Wool 3 Bar Club color SWEATHER COATS EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED 20% SPECIAL Shirts Warren Dale Broadcloth, At. tached and separate collars. Regular $1.35. Sale Price 35. $1.00 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Penman's 71. Separate garments, Regular $1.00. 79¢ EE S118 71 Combinations, Reg. $2.00. Sale Price PENMAN'S PREFERRED $1.19 $2.39 PENMAN'S 95 ALL WOOL Rep, $3.00. Sule Frcs $1 95 iO tte rice $ 3 . 39 Separate Garments, Reg. $1.50, Sale Price Combinations, Reg. $2.95, Price nel Pile Coats $45.00 value special $27.50 id you waited when you see this array of genuine bargains 14 King St. West Phone 1870 4k ga oa pi Cais a Sh id / CLI 5 LAR wile b Af Warnes sE rr A on TON hid Lilt -- yw Y 4