THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 Latest N ews of Ontario and Durham County Communities ] | Mr. Everton White's, Bethesda. | Donald Harris. A dainty luncheon | | son of Detroit lave been spending al Bovey, honorary president of the mr + Se ---- Mr, and Mrs, L. J. Courtice, Louise | was served and the young folks lett [ week with Mr. and Mrs. Morcombe, | club. A result h EBENEZER ANNUAL nce NEW PRICES ON dun. As a resi ot wis action | Plafig Finest Orange Pekoe and Donald were New Years guests | for their homes at a late hour, wish-| Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Rowe and Mrs. | | the club will be presented with an at Mr, Russell Gay's, ing Beatrice .. Happy New Year, Kemp, of im pul : | 3 ; { aeroplane by the government. An- costs ess than other SCHOOL MEETING - Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oke and A number from the Sunday School | Mr. Reg. Summerville, of Cherry- | Malt | other plane will 4 given the club tea 1 s D. wigles spent Monday in Toromto.|are attend othe trejning echoed wood, My, Norman Reynolds, of Tor- when the membership is increased and Mrs. Lloyd Crago and|classes at St. Andrew's Church this' onto, visited recently with Ceplas and | , I. 3 Re by twenty ay visited at Mr. Bert Wilkins! |weck. Mrs, Frauk .aicias, Sas. | Mrs, Osborne. _ "The executive of the League were [ Luke, Mr. and Mrs, P, Timmins, Mac | Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hunter, of Port | d - ---- right royally entertained at the Par-| Winter, Doris Lander, Irene Okc, Perry, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Boyce, | an AIRMAIL SERVICE PEKOE ' Fi is Sunda | sunage on Tuesday evening. Glag, Oke ~nJ Beatrice Willson. of Pic kering, visited on Saturday at ound by His 5. y | The executive of the Woman's EE the home of Mr, Robert Howland. | TO START FOR RE. 1 Schoo! Ss | Missionary Society are meeting at ASHBURN Glad to report Mr, George Lee, who has been confined in and under the the home of the president, Mrs, 11. ---- | F. Osborne, on Thursday a..ernoon. r-- | doctor's care for, the past six weeks, | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) n doc (Mrs. Blake Oke, Correspondent) | Ashburn, "Jan, 7.--Our village was |is improving slowly, and his gnany - , Charlottetown. P. E. I., Jan. 0,-- | Ebenezer, Jan. 7.--~The Annual - a busy centre on Monday when rate- | friends hope to sce him out again | jver 5 Commencing on January 11. an air. | School meeting for S.S. No. 4 was | payers from all directions came tc | soon. | mail service will operate between | held on Wednesday with a fair at- STREET HT | the Leach House to vote. Mr, James | Mr and Mrs. Ross McGregor and | Moncton Summerside and Ch P| tendance. The same trustees carry- Dickson, returning officer, of Myrtle, | son, or Toronto, visitgd on Saturday - lottetown according to inf ay. | and Mr. Russell Richardson, as poll | with Mr. and Mrs. E. McGregor 1 | recelved ay A gir 1 ing on another year. . k, « OL nd] Mr. and Mrs, allis, Mi abe | 84 canes Sent Seiten NIN HARMONY hat bay day of me Coon 1 Gl OL Fonmanmil, spent Sam | master, generals dipariment ator good time. The boys spring ng i CI ations gi ext dod to | go with She T C. Oshurne, Th test viianin tawa. The service oo been hitb At the suggestion of his wife, For the first time since the giv. Flee fr shir nt ve cmont Ts Much shown by Sic the once cs TS hye. pa | |e rented vismin || an wah Saito overcome wy |: B: Sedgewick, of Farraline, | endary magirats's our of Liv Set and Flashlight. Ganice were Big Improv ent ue { have in 'them and the coming year | do! mn, Lois Balsdon, ne tored to Ori Lh | tons and Hesh progueer. roduetion a oBelency of tne yee Sctovand, celebrated. hig tenth wed- erpos), England, wag jugugurated, dulged in, when Mrs. Found served « Appreciated by People of | will prove to them they are going tc | mee and visite d on Sunday with Mr. | $1.00 size tor, season. service during the winter ding anniversary by reducing rents ( 50 years ago, there were no cases bountiful lunch after which the boys | at | Measure up to this standard, It icfand Mrs CL. Morcomb Boul of farm tenants 10 per cent. for trial on a recent'day. 7 1 delighted with the District | hard in public life to please everyone,| Mr. W. 1. Balsdon visited with his ottle . | returned home all delighted y their evening out. ---- but these gentlemen have promise d | bre her, Mr. 1. 1. Balsdon of Mark- $1.75 size for r prone ™ Several New, Years parties were | (Mrs. H. Willson, , Correspondent) [to do their best. I ham on Tuesday (Mrs ' n oryespe | Messrs. John Miller, Kenneth Stul 14 S 1 i 1 Bottle ... | Some th irty relatives and friends rom Oshawa, Kins ale, Whitby gatl- and Mrs. Russell Bragg, Shaws, Mr. | egday night. 't will make a t red at a 1 home of Mr, and Mrs, W, K x ' Dr wi meas | Karm's Drug f | and Mrs, Elton Werry, Bowmanville. | yrovement for anyone walki : | Kingston, to resume their IH: . PY ° Mr. and Mrs: T. Cecil Worden 18 | the streets, they go south as far us| Rev. Fisher, of forint, preatin Cir ws party in honor of Miss t had as their guests Mr. R. L. Muna-} Mrs. ). Drews'. All the lights' h here on Sunday and delivered a very | : S ore u ria 0 roe, Mrs. May Henry, Mr. and Mrs. | not yet been put on. carnest sermon on the folly of put Sidney Munroe all of Toronto, Mrs The Sunday School attendance w ting one's trust in man, It is hope Lecome a resident of our "mm Hicks, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank | good on Sunday 117 present, they are | Mr. Fisher may soon come to Ash- | recently . intends to move his wife Opp. P.O. ...Phone 378 I IMITED Worden, Allie and Harry, Ebenezer. | trying hard to reach the 123 mark | burn again as his message was a very | and fami oon, We welcome thes At Mr. Blake Oke's, Mr. Will and | and we hope they will succeed. : " | Ray Cole, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Dudley, | were 57 children in the primary d Mr, and Mrs. Erle Batty visited re- | Miss Gretta Graham returne a ] . es Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Teste | ueraront, lative 5 at Wick on Sunday ; take up her sc I duties « itasionip Ta Lorne is . Arnott 'and family, Tauton, were en- Mrs, Campbell of kingston Re armers are getting anxious for a | day after spend hristmas hol. | Missionaries among ic form t tertained. | We a Whitby, was a recent vis- | good snow fall so that they can g idavs with | paren t Oglli: head "hunters, : ; oO u SCri ers Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, |; of her daughter, Mrs ol- | their wood hauled home Miss Mildred wn, Apsley, "Ihe veneer of civilization . tor of her daugh houday. wit vacation at the home | seems very thin at times, though The Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the names of the public School re-openec 1 Monday with | spor hristma Marie and Edith, and Mrs. Rundle, | Iman - | : re Lots} on J Bethesda, Miss Robertson and Mr.| Mr. Dan Williams is out again ai-| 2 good attendance, o r paren were, Mr. and Mi admitted Mr lark Yero Are spirited citizens and firms who have already subscribed for stock in Oshawa Cyril Weyrick, Oshawa were visitors | ter hi operatio Mr. Will Jones, of Epsom, visited | Richa:d Di many cases where young natives at Mr. Edli Oke's | Ty e househok ra of Mrs. | friends here the earlier part of ti nave given up lucrative employs Industrial Foundation, Limited, thereby securing to Oshawa the industry of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Mr ; Wilson was sold on Wednes- | week. ment fn the white settlements in Coulter Manufacturing Company, Limited. and Mrs. Foster Snowden and "fam- av i | Ac ngregational meetis ) | order to return to their gavage ily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. C, 'he Home and Schoo! club wil the church basement or customs in the jungle villages" ig! , mportant busine 'One ig of progre is that Hezzlewood, Toronto, Mr.. Geo.| meet on Thursda ign i i ling their Architect Insurance--Life Pearce and family were guests ot Mr. | o'clock. Fverybod elcome | matters ed the natives are now buildir 1 Loui 4 Ross Pearce"s for New Years. | Mr. and Mrs . nking and | A > ¢ peaseC to OW BANK CLERKS i vili ages. in valleys. There was a C. C. Stenhouse ! 8S. FV. Everson | Mrs. Emma Haliacre, Bowmanville | family sg New Years h Mr | Mr , Of ronto, be I ago when they , | A. 5. Toss % Sun Life Ass, Co, visited wits her nephew, M H | yi hind the a vi George West's built at the top of preci Auctioneer | J Nichols a few days last week. where several br relatives | Diacksmith shop one vay during the tons he'ghts ag a measure of pr W. J. Sulley Miss Mary Found spent the holi- ed There were ei Y s | week. Harold is ng 1 1 : tation Auainat Yostlle trite b days with Toronto fronds and Mr. | ind er A Pt sis at af dertaking business and is undecide Descendants of Flesh Eaters Automobile Dealers Jewellers and Mrs. Cecil Found and Miss Fay | table. as. yet what occiipatior yy tg Employed in Responsible Cox Motor Sal R. N. Bassett 1g ph a te {1d low in the futur ' es 19 . $ with Bowniarwille friends. cogil Mes JL. Gill. Miss Mildred De jl Dosis: McGILL AERCPLANE M. R. Jacobl-->oftatt Motor Sales 1. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bickle and | Guerre of t ty and Mis Positions Lumber Deal Maurice, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Oke | DeGuerre or Peterboro visited :Mr.| ALMONDS ACTIVITIES : CLUB APPROVED Bak umber Dealers and Wesley joent New Years at Mr. | and Mrs. H. Willson on New Years Aas as a to: akers F. J. Carew--Carew Lumber Co. | -- 11 fa R. T. Gray--Clark's Bakery W. M., Gilbert--Oshawa Lumber Co. | held in this community including Mr. |" Harmony, Jan, 7.--The street lights J ! laford and Miss Dorothy Mille r hive A. B. Werry's who entertained Mr. | yere lit for the first time on Wel- ig im. | returned 13 Queen's practical one, imo the neighborhood G. L. Nolan--North American Life Gus Oke's, Toronto. Beau ee Willson entertained thics Ey amr ate ap Canadian Press La Jive Mr, Alec. Samson spent the holi- | number of her friends at her home | Almonds, Jan. 8.--ir and Mrs ore tainets vere TANUIDA Biv (By Cenadie) Fess Lenhd Wis) ot D. M. Tod--Tod's Bread Ltd. i wig ge TE mee on Friday events : tl oh Ba al ; nd : site 2 , \ \ w wit! vpists and government official light aeroplane club, has receis a Bankers Manufacturers . : family spent New Years at Mr. Ste®e | ment for the ev i cobweb | the torm ister, Mrs, Towl | ininen. according to Rev. | the approval of the department o E. C. Hodgins--Cana dian Bank of Commerce A: EB. CoultersCoulter- Mg: Co, Jeffrey's, Maple Grove. treasure hunt ma creat deal « 3 ron rnel fy ! he havi samen ep pies Leg national defence, making ri my . J. D. Storie Mr. and Mrs. Esli, Oke and Elsie| fun. The prize winners were $84 vi I with. M Fi zabet her. | islatl Council of Papua, who (first University aviation society to Daitery Service ! A. G. Storie and Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Colla-| Doris Lander, Helen Michael, Ethel gill over the week end claims that this akiazing progress | receive thiz sanction. it = 3s an Geo. C. Allchis W. Bell cutt, and Lloyd, Oshawa visite@ at|Wayely and Helen Hunking and Ir. and Mrs. Frank Rowe and'ls due to the work) of Christian nounced hcre by Col. Wilfred W. 'A. Gerry * Geo. C. Allchin Limited. | ER Birchard { ---- d . A. Brown | Boot & Shoe Merchants *. R. Daniels General Motors of John Bale, Jr.--Bale Shoe Store N. H. Daniels "Canada, Limited, J. J. Burns--DBurns Co., Limited . W. Hezzelwood . 5S. McLaughlin Builders' Supplies & Coal Merchants . E. McTavish 7. C. Fowlds ". L. Mason---Pedlar People, Limited McLaughlin Coal & Supplies | W. E. Phillips Company Limited Waterous-Meek Ltd. Wm. Boddy HM. P. Schell] + Tobson Leather Co. Butchers E. F. Cawker Metals Chain Stores Morris Rohen F. W. Woolworth Co. i " Newspaper Publishers C'othiers A. R. Alloway=--Oshawa Daily Times The Greatest Lingerie a -- Fittings, Limited M. Johnston J. H. Ledger G. & W. Siberry Photographers | D. Campbell ale We've Ever N) | enn ; fx: 4 i ¥ W. J. Holland | Physicians \ S. H. Jackson Dr. B. J. Hazelwood Bathe & McLellan T. B. Mothersill & Co. | Plumbers NK \\ A A. V. Swail F. D. Garrard at Mil 3 . ir ~~ Dairies liller & Libby \ J A Beaton's Dairy Products | . \ y \ Oshawa Dalry Printers : J 2 E. 8S. Alger . . . / : Dentists S. R. Alger f Alger Press Complete Clearance of Christmas Lingerie on account of , Dr. H. B. James | Clancy-McLeod 4 . ALL or, . \ Dr, 8. J. Phillips C. M. Mundy--=>Mundy Printing Cos many lines being sold down to small quantities and / | : : ( , Departmental Stores Real Estate . broken sizes. / y / : [| \ T. Eaton Company, Itd. L. V. Disney ia Robt. Simpson Company, Ltd. Uriah Jones « "Watson's" and "Maybell" amma nll Fiz in G. D. Conant | F ; im VY | Dry Goods . i Sa ' inest : Grades y ; ; | W. A. Dewland, Ltd. n x oreighion § Geis Re rigtion . . 4 : ! H H Louis Hyman Lace trim Pyjamas \ Elesitic Supplies | 3A McGibbon . | . I'. Mangan Lace trim Nightgowns \\ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist Theaisis ) Dr. E. F. Richardson FE. Marks--Martin Theatre Lace trim Princess Slips \ : : Florist le HL | Tobacconists ' * go. : Watson's Superfine Bloom- f R. B. Reed 1 W lig ini ers and Vosts, lace trim / Yruittets A. L. Bouckley--Mike's Place . . . ay A. Bethell--Covent Gardens, Ltd, i | Trans ortation Lace trim Dressing Gowns I 2 / : { iy oP Collacutt--Collacutt Coach Lines . . // Funeral Directors E. Hoar--Hoar's Transport Lace trim Brassier and A. B. Crelghton--Luke Burial Co. I. Smith--Smith Transport; Bloomer Sets r Furniture | Utilities out ou . . | Adams Furniture Co. C. T. Barnes--Electrical Division Qualities that ordinarily sell ' : up to $2.95. ; : Garage rt? | Others Alger : ; | | Stephenson Brothers { J. 'W. Borsberry Grocers A. A, Crowle i C. wW, beck Loblaw Groceteria Lid. > w Daten ck "WW. O. Durrant A. M. Germond F. E, Hare G. W. McLaughlin John Stacey Hardware Cleve Fox-=Fox Hardware Insurance--Fire J. C, Young THE OSHAWA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE G. D. CONANT, President. B.J 'McCORMICK, Secretary.