Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jan 1931, p. 10

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, Will Enter ock * Kingston.--The steamer Coalhaven of the Canada Steamship Lines will enter the drydock of the Kingston Shipbuilding = Company for air, i The Elgin, also owned by the ca has just left the drydock. Doctor Injured Lindsay.--Answering a hurried call : to the bedside of a patient, Dr, C. B. i am, of Cannington, was badly "injured in an auto accident near Port ~ Perry. The doctor, while nearing a corner, failed to make the turn, his car taking to the ditch. He sustain- ed serious cuts from broken glass as well as severe bruises about the body. He made his way to a farm house and a physician from Port Perry was summoned. After the cuts in his face 1ad been stitched up, the plucky doc- or attended his Is patient. Srenville Liberal Cons Convention Prescott. -- Preparations are being nade to accomodate a large crowd at the Liberal convention to be held on riday night at eight o'clock in the town hall at Prescott, at which a can- didate will be selected to oppose James A. Sanderson, the Conserva- tive party candidate in the by-elec- son to choose a successor to Hom. G. Howard Ferguson. * Short Course Opens Warsaw.--The short courses in agricultural and home economics in Warsaw commenced this week with twenty-six young women and twenty young men. Highways In Good Shape | Kingston.--The heavy snow this weck has not caused any serious traf- fic tie-up in the Kingston district. Number 2 Highway is practically clear, the plows clearing off a few drifts. which made the going hard in spots. In the main the road is prac: tically bare due to the | ' which swept the snow off during Foc: day. Injured in Fall i Brockville.--The friends of Mrs. Thos. Best, of Forfar, will regret to learn she is a patient in the General Hospital as a result of an accident which occurred at the residence of | Mrs. James Hewitt, 42 Charles street, where she was visiting. Mrs. Best | accidentally fell down stairs and it is feared she fractured one or two ribs. Many Given Shelter Kingston.--The final summing up of the records at the police station show that during the year 1930, 2,304 men were given a night's lodging in the police station as compared with 1,658 in 1929. Queen's Re-opens Kingston.--The majority of the students of Queen's have returned and baggage delivery men had their hands full getting the trunks deliv- ered. Classes resumed at the Uni- yesterday morning. Student activities for the winter will begin with the formal opening of the new Gym on Thursday. During the bal- ance of this month several of the faculty formals will be held. i VR | New Manager Appointed | Peterboro.--In his valedictory to the employees of the Canadian Gen- eral Electric Company Mr. E. G. Patterson publicly announced as his sticcessor Carl A. Salmonsen, who for | wweral years has been general super- intendent. Officers Elected Belleville. -- In the Conservative Club rooms last evening, the annual meeting of the Women's Conservative Club took place, with the retiring president, Mrs. J. W. Kinnear in the chair. The following officers were elected for 1931: President--Mrs. Geo, . Reid; vice-presidents, Mrs. Nor™ man Williamson, Mrs, Frank Potter, Mrs. Wilbert Carter; secretary, Mrs. rk treasurer, Miss Addie Har- Ladies' Aid Electi Port Hope. wi, "Ww. J. B. Davison was elected President of the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Presby- i +) Church at the annual meeting. officers include: First vice- president, Mrs. W. G. Gibson; sec- ond vice president, Mrs. West; sec- i" retary, Mrs. W. Sculthorpe; treas- urer, Mrs. J. Johnston, Superintendent Chosen Codrington.-- Robert Ryckman was chosen superintendent of. Codrington Sunday School at the annual meeting when the members met at the Church and enjoyed dinner together. Water Shortage Serious Bailichoro.--The water shortage in this district has become a very seri- ous problem. While many farmers daily draw large loads of water many miles to keep their stock watered oth- ers drive their herds many miles to creeks, ponds and lakes to get a drink. | | [Y Annual Banquet Brockville, Arrangements navel been completed for the holding of | the annual banquet of the Firemen's Recreation Club in the Central fire station on the evening of Thursday, ) January 22. G County Road Snowed In Kingston,-- Stage drivers from the various portions of the county, who make the daily journey to Kingston, report that the roads are hard to get through. Although the highways are clear and in good shape the county roads are badly drifted. Charged With Burglary Peterboro--Atfter an all-night chase in which most of the residents of Warsaw took part, Provincial €on- |r stable David Sylvester returned to the city and lodged Creswell Tighe in the police cells, Tighe was charg- | ed before Police Magistrate lang - | [I ley with having burglarized Payne & | Darling's general store in Warsaw. He pleaded not guilty. .+"A" rade: "pring chickens, (leese, over 8 to 12 Ibs. each wr prices. 50c; wins, tons, Poultry Cheese--No. 1 large, coloreo paraffined and government graded 13¢ to 13%e. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: 7 Dressed Alive Select M.F, oullry Over 6 to 6 Ibs, Over 4% to b Ibs, .. Over 4 to 4% Ms, .. 4 bs. each and under Ibs. Over Over 34 4 to 3 he, to 4 Ibs, Old roosters, over § Ibs. White ducklings, over b Ibs each 16 Over 4 to b Ibs, Colored ducklings 2c less. oung turkeys over 15 Ibs, (dressed) Over 12 to 15 Ibs, each .... Over 10 to 12 Ibs. each .... Over 8 to 10 Ibs, each Over 6 to 8 Ibs, each 1d turkeys 1 27 25 24 20 18 19 All other weights 14 *B" grade 3c less and 'C" grade ic less than above prices, Guinea fowl per pair $1.25, "B" grade poultry 3c less, and grade Tc less than above Toronto dealers are offering pro- luce to retail dealers at the follow- ug prices: Eggs-- Fresh, extras, in cartons, fresh extras, loose, 48c: rats, 43c; seconds, 30c; pullet extras, 38¢; Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, No. 2 creamery prints, 156%e¢. 16¢c: stil. 24c; twins, Cheese--New, large. 16%c: triplets, 20c. Old, large, '4%ec; old stiltons, 26¢. Dressed hickens, 5 Is. cp . 30-32 Do., 4 to 6 Ibs. ... Do., 8% to 4 Ibs, Do., 3 to 815 Ibs, . Hens, over 6 Ibs, Broilers Ducks Turkeys Geese EE RR CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jad. 9.--Fewer spot egg market than for time, with both the storage fresh firmer and in some RHEUMATISM New Medicine Drives P'oisons From Joints and Mascles EASES PAIN' FIRST DAY Polsons in the blood settling the Joints and muscles cause rien matism. You cannot get rid rheumatic agony till every of these dangoiouns driven out of your system, why external remedies and ary relief, What you naed is RU-MA the liver, stomach and blcod, expels through the natural chan mis ing to stop. RU-MA cases the first day and is the one rhen muscles and joints from all pain ful stiffness, swelling and lame ness, Jury & lovell Ltd, confidence in RIU-MA want every rheumatic that the in town t 1 it does not end rheumatism, nels of elimination the dangerous poisons that cause rheumatic ery. No long waiting for your suffer pain | | | | offer ings wera posted yesterday on the some and cages How to End > Rheumatic fn of trace poisons Ja That's pain deadening drugs give only tempor- the new medicine that acts directly on | and matism remedy guaranteed to free has sp muen | tone, try it and guarantee money-back jr | | 61%%¢c; higher. Januaries opened about the same as yesterday's closing levels, and for the most part held within a narrow range. Generally the market was stronger through- out the- call, storage withdrawals being a supporting. factor. Firm- ness throughout the list and also in the future featured the morn- ing's trade. Merchandise in storage and In stores is firmly held with relatively better inquiry for straight cars in warehouses. This situation has created a desire by shorts to cover which was found to he exceedingly difficult in face of light offerings today. The bulge, which followed, was a sharp one, with best prices near the ose. Open commitments refrigerator eges, 257: April stor- ake eggn, 21; January butter, 323; February butter, 291; March but- ter, 9. January Butter 15,051, year, Two-market receipts -- today, 19,679; last year, Eggs today, 19,870; last 10,065, Chicago oxtras Spot Market--DButter, standards, 27%c 24%¢ to 27%; firm, Eggs firsts, 21 tone, firm, 20¢; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Doard of Trade are making the following quctations for car lots: Manitoba wheat- No, 1 hard, No. 1 Norhern, 58 Ye; No gc; No do., 55% No (c.L.f. Goderich and Bay 2 do., 4 do. 52 ports), Manitoba oats--No. 3 No. 1 feed, 31%e. Argentine corn Colborne), Millteed, delivered freights, bars included ran, per $21.25; shorts, per ton, 5; middlin-s, $30.25. Ontario grain Wheat marley, oats, 23¢; rye, buckwheat, 4Se. C.W., 33c: 70¢c (e.d.f, Port Montreal ton, tno 0 67¢c: 25 30c; 35¢: TRY TO STABILIZE APRICOT INDUSTRY Co-operative Society Project Is Sponsored for South Paarl, South "Atiica. --A movement is on foot here to stabilize the dried apricot industry, and it is proposed to form a cooperative Apricot Dry ing Society in the Paarl district, Cape of Good Hope. The project was ad- vanced considerably at a recent meet ing here of the Paarl Farmers' As sociation, at which JoJhn Marrais Chairman of the South African Dried Fruit = Company, Limited, stressed the necessity for the formation of such a body, He recalled how the company of which he is chairman had progressed trom small beginnings until it had become an important or- ganization, Apricot growers were urged by Mr Marrais to co-pperate in the estab lishment of an apricot drying concern because of the unlimited prospects in store for the dried fruit manufactur- ers. He said he regarded the posi- tion of the apricot growers as the most favorable 'of all fruit grovers in South Africa, and he urged them to persevere even if they experienced unfavorable returns as a result of the first vear's working 500 Yards, Guaranteed Fast Color Fancy Prints For Women and Girls Housedresses. Smart new patterns in a large variety of cclors. 32 in. wide, 25 Wonderful value. Yard ..........ccocooorevs von n. 8 36 in. Wide BROADCLOTH 15 shades. Soft, silky texture, pastantied | fast color. Per yard 25¢ Girls Smart Felt Hats wasn i 19 GIRLS' TAMS Bright colors. Silk Velvet. Nicely lined. Regular $1.00 .............ccccco0.... a vinseisee ashen 19¢ At this meeting of the Paarl Farm ers' Association a letter from a larec manufacturing firm in Rhodesia was read, making a very attractive offer for the purchase of "fresh aprirois| from members of the Associ ition, FORTUNE LEFT TO Club London one time ille Owen Sampson, ! ( in White's Clu), to Grany page boy St James' street, London, at present the superintendant waiter at the Conser- |} vative street has been bequeathed $100,000 | by the late Sir Charles W. E. topp, British FORMER PAGE BOY then is years ago Sir Charles bi The Arcade named place nursing th back to health from illness, * ice 1 can never repa James' | & a h : Te] ir Charles states in his will, a sever knight 1 Ser Club's quarters in St. Har- | Wharf Started s first secretary of the More | Kingston.--A who wa Legation in Persia, start has {on the wharf at the Oneen White ¢ | as Sir him | tract. at Iwork house and new ating plant. Berminghan 3 Son have the c« men have Srected tt offices for the job. the page bay at Later Sampson served rles' valet and accompanied 3ucharest, Athens and Cairo, ended he been made T e firm of Ww illiam PRODICE PRIS | TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- | tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence | Market, Toronto. | Produce-- Eggs, extras Eggs, Firsts Eggs, pullest extras ... Butter, dairy per pound 0. 28 Do., Creamery, per pound Fruits and Vegetabl®s-- Carrots, 6 bunches Beets, doz bunches Onions, dry. 11 qt basket Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach. peck Stale Mushrooms. per pound leat Lettuce. three for Head Lettuce two for Parsley, per bunch Onions, bunch, three for ,. Celery, head . Squash, each Parsnips. hacket Beets, basket Peppers, carh Can Herbs, bunch' ....... Ruadishes, bunch ..... ... Oranges, per doz. ....w 035 Honeydew Melons, each 0.26 Grapefruit, 3 for 0.35 | Potatoes, bag .. Cucumnubers, six for lemons, per doz Bananas, per dozen Apples, bus. wr Do.. Snows, 6 qt, . Oranges, doz. Can. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket Eggplant, each Green peppers, basket Pears, basket Sweet potatoes 6 lbs Cranberries, qt. Pumpkins, each oro 03 09 £3 ~3 ta or ov on TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- | duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return-| ed, fresh extras, 40c; fresh firsts | 35¢c: seconds 25¢c; pullet extras 30c. | Butter--No. 1 Ontario creamery | solids, 29 to 291%¢c; Ne. 2, 28 to 28%. Churnoing Cream---special, "9c to 30c; No. 1, 28¢c to 29¢; No. 2, | 25¢ to 26¢. | -- EIT, Emo a . ; 2 Travel The King's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE - TORONTO OSHAWA LEAVE OSHAWA AM, P.M 3.80 4.30 530 nn 7.00 a 1.380 8.80 v.50 10.30 11.30 v7.30 8.30 b 9.30 10.30 c11.00 a~=daily except Sunday. b--Saturday, Sunday and Holidays only. c--Sunday only. PASSENGERS--SIGNAL PLAINLY BY HAND TO THE DRIVER COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Coach connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara alls, Hamilton. Brantford, Windsor, Detroit, Barrie, Midland, Jacksen's Point and intermediate points. ( vinections at Buffalo and Detroit tor all U.S.A. points. Tickets and Information at CRAY COACH LINES Eastern standard Tire LEAVE TORONTO AM. P.M. 3.30 4.30 5.30 6.30 b 7.30 8.30 b 9.30 10.30 11.30 a 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 rm 12.30 1:30 230 Orillia, A Sale that Doubles + the 1930 Dollar ~ Kinloch's Great January Clothing Sale of Men' s and Boys' Overcoats and Suits gets start ed Saturday morning, January 10th. This will be without a doubt, the greatest clothing sale ever offered to the people of Oshawa. So if you need a Coat or Suit come early Sai- urday and get the best cho! ce. 100 Men's Ov ercoats, 250 Men's Suits, 50 Boys' Overcoats and 100 Boys' Suits, all marked down for quick selling, and at prices far below the wholesale cost. All sizes greys, herringbones, 34 to 44 In navy blues, 25 Men's Overcoats $12.50 AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE brown tweeds, sand and models. in all the newest Regular $25.00 to $27.50 values. TY Nae rR Men's Suits Below is a list of the savings on our entire stock of Men's Suits in fancy tweeds, worsteds or plain navy blue and grey serges. . $34.50 $27.50 $25.50 . $24.50 $19.50 $14.75 Regular $42.50 Suits now Regular $35.00 Suits now Regular $32.50 Suits now le Regular $30.00 Suits now . Regular $25.00 Suits now Regular $19.50, Suits now 25 Men's Blue Serge Suits . Special sale of 25 Men's and Young Men's navy blue English serge, pure wool, guaran- teed fast color. Sizes 36 to 46 including some stout models. January Sale, $18.95 BOYS' SUITS Kinloch' Regular $10.00 to $12.50. Boys' fancy tweed and navy serge suits. All with 2 pairs of pants. Sizes 27 to 32. Sale Price, = 38.8 $30 Men's Overcoals 19° Smartly styled, well cut Overcoats for men and young men in greys, browns, navy blues and fancy tweeds. Reg. to $30.00. All sizes, a'l models. January Sale Price 35 Men's Overcoats 05) = Better quality coats, all new patterns and colors, raglan sleeve and guards models. Plain shades and fancy mixtures. Also navy blues. Regular up to $35.00. Jan- uary Sale Price ...... Boys' Overcoats REGULAR $12.00 Boys' Fancy Tweed Coats in grey, brown and navy blue. All good models and heavy wool lined sizes from 26 to 34. Regular up to $12. Now 2'6" | RE 3 BT REDUCTIONS OFF ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' Leather and Mackinaw (oats DURING THIS Salf ee 20% REDUCTION OFF ALL LINES OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER "UNDERWEAR sre rep a e _a CRE Ey aa = Limite One Door West of Jury & Lovell's Drug Store 6 King 2 Street East TELEPHONE 130 ' is i ay © rs a o

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