Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jan 1931, p. 9

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Ri Ral AiR A ET THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1931 PAGE NINE \ THE C eee" where LASSLEIED § LECTION Mr. Seller NNN O Legal CUNANT ¢& ANNIS. BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notarles Public. Ete Conveyancing and general prac tie of baw Offices 7% Stwcoe SL. South, Ushawa, .2one 4 G D. Conant. BA. LLB. a. F. Av n's B.A, L.L.B WV MW. N SINCLAIR K.C., cof Commerce Buitding, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, BA HAR rister Sol citor, Notary Publie Conveyance: lomey Lo i0an. Of fice 142¢ King St East, Oshawa Phone 445. ResiCence phones 37 GRIFRSON, CREIGHTON AND Framer, Barristers Conveyancers "saries Public, «te. Office over Standard Bank Entrance Simcoe coe-8t Phore 12. J. F. Grieraon, K.C. ' K Creichton, B.A, N. € Fraser, B.A, LOUIS 8. AYMAN, Solicitor, Notary, over Store. Money to loan. sireet porth, Phone 67. dene 3473W GREER AND HUMPHREYS BAR- risters, Sulleitors, ete, 24% Sim- cue St. N Fasne $160. Money to i.0an. ALEX (¢. HALL 2.A, BLARRIS- ler, €te, Conveyarcing and general practice. 22% Kirg St, Bast Phone $2387 of) A. j. PARKHILL BAKKISPER tts 'Monsy to loan Alger Bldg op posite Prst MRice Phone 1414 FRANK 8S. EBBS, BA/RLITAR. Solicitor, Notary ublic, Convey- ancer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Buildin , epposite Poa. Office. Phone 2996 Medical DRS. ZLEWOOD & HARPER. Disney Block. Phone 2050. Of lice hours 9 a.m. to 8:30 pm Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, speciai attenticn to Surgery and X-Ray Dr. B. RH Harper, special attention to chllo- ren s Diseases and Obetetrics. Sun- day end night calls 2416 or 122 DR. MchAY PHYSIZIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi- dence. King St. East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. DR. GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon. Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, C.M 1. R. C. P and S. Edinburgh Phy- siclan, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Offine 143, Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave.. North. Phone 3155. DR HAROLD TRICK, OB STET- rician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and di i cases peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North BANK BARRISTER, Newland's 16 Simcoe Rest Dental For Rent DR, £ J PHILLIPS, OVER UAS sett"s. Special attention to X-ray work. Gas extraction. Nupse io gisBlanes. » Pbone 959. House 12 north, "ovar Mitchell's hi store Ga: for extraction. Phone 64. DR J. F. BRUCK, DENTIST 16 Simcoe St. N, over Dewland's Phone 1257 Res. 20{W. Evenings bv appointment. So OR LANGMAIU, DR DAVIES, Denciats, 37 King St. B. Specis! attention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse In attendanre. Phones 1248 and R64 Veterinary DR. W. D. FORSYTHE, Honorary = Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, prompt and efficint service, Thornton's Cor- ners. Phone 202-2. (9 jan ¢) Optometrist C H TUCK OPTOMETEISY specialist in muscle anomalles. eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eve 2traln, [Ibe Chila and Its Development. Dis ney Block opposite Post Office Phone 151C. is} fE, B.S. Las dec °c) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance. Residence 042 Simcoe street, north,. Phone 210J and 210W USHAWA BURIAL CO, M, ¥ Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Funeral and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (tty Elocution JESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND 'public speaking,, Private or in classes, For terms phone Lois Mua- dy No. 35 or 312. (Dee, 17-1 mo) Insurance DAVIS AND FON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies - WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE cepsult A. N. Jonns, &0 Simcoe aorth. Your {usurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected. CANADIAN MOTOR writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years. Ageucy Germoud Cigar Store. (28 jan ¢! UNDER- Phone 303 R. W. GRAHAM, M.D, C.<c., L.A. C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- an, 3 years' post graduate. Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid- ence. Phone 3020. mo) (Dec. 24-1 Transportation CARTAGUW AND STORAGE COULE- man's, 856 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware- honse and moving van equipment Phone 82 Contracting CONTRACTING CONCERTE plastering, electric .or alterations J'bone 139 for estimates. (150 Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRI.EY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Apim- a's, Cnt and Nog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5aug. tt) Ear, Nose, Throat ! 'Specialist LR FF T BRYANS OF 160 BLLOOR Street West Toronto will be at his offive over Jusv & LoV¥ell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.1a.. for consultation aud treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat oaly. Appointments may be made at d-ug store Phone 87 Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- niture bought and scid. 186 Dloor street east. Phone 1617M. (25 dec tf) PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE under new management. We buy and eel] all kinds of second hand furniture. 17 Prince street. Phone 1751. (3 3 jan ec) "Architects - C. CSTENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectnral work. .ec~ 23 floor. . Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. it2s. phone 909J. "dOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- soclate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros Rates for | Classified Ads 1% Virst lasertion certs per word. Minima charge for one insertion 30c. Bach subsequent don. secutive insertion le per word. Three consecutive inaer- tions for the price of $wo first (Insertions (three ceals a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, ¢7 cents. Box numter tional. Professional or Business . Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or Jess: 10 cents a word per month for eazh ad- ' dittonal word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad 10c addi- | "pervisor of Musle, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. local and long distance hauling' Smith & Coz Phone 924, 10 Bend St. West, BORROWDALE'S CARTAGE -- General cartage and bousehold furniture moving. Special atteu- tion to commercial work, * Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave.,, Oshaw= hone 1618. { Dec. CARTAGE, 10 tf) { centrally . nigshed. $30 per month. GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 12 Gladstone, wodern three roows, with three piece bath, water, gus stove, electric lights, hot water heating, laundry, conyeunicuces, private cellar. $30 monthly, Phone 2604, (144tr) BACHELOR APARTMENT, PARI: iy furnished, newly decorated, heated, electric light, water, 1u business section, Box 50 Times, (141tf) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS. Modern to the minute, Phone 1550 or 2547TW. (132th) SIX ROOM HOUSE ON BOND street west. Phone 1238, (148tf) COMFORTABLE BED SITTING room in modern home, Good lo- cality," For lady Or gentleman Phone 933W. __{30 jan ¢) TWO ROOMS FOR Furnished. FOR RENT-- light housekeeping. Phone 3338W. (6e) FOR RENT -- NEW BRICK house, 5 rooms, hardwood through- out, large living room, coal man- tle, built in cabinets ironing board, three piece bathroom. Wired for stove, laundry tubs. Close to Mot- ors. Adults. Phone 3310W. (de "RENT -- SMALL HOUSE; located. Reasonable. 362J, 13 Elgin St. East. (oc) NICELY FURNISHED front bedroom. Suit gentleman or business couple. All conveniences. Athol St. E. Phone 3179W, TOR I'hon€ 3 TO RENT- (ae) HOME, 6 modern, hardwood hot water heated, fur- 89 Cadil- opposite Pest Of- (6c ) NIC ELY FU R- modern cou- With heat, 97 Colborne (6c) FOR RENT-- COSY rooms, fully throughout, lac Ave, Disney, fice. TO RENT-- TWO 2 nished apartments, veniences and central, light and water. Apply St. East. FOR RENT--- FURNISHED OR unfurnished house or would rooms on bathroom flat,or ground floor. All conveniences. With or without garage. 140 Tylor cent. Phone 1055. FOR RENT--2 OR 3 Jished rooms, hardwood floors, all conveniences, central. Phone 1205W. Immediate possession. (a) FOR KENT -- FOUR ROOMED apartment in the Jones Dlock. Also two roomed apartment on the first floor in same block. Price reasonable. Phone 538 Rose's Real Estate. (7¢) TO RENT- BRIGHT FURNISHED bedroom, conveniences, Close to Motors Office. Apply 69 Divi- sion St. ( TWO OR THREE flat, newly decorated, heat, lights, water, unfurnished or partly fur- nished. Reasonable. 194 Division St. (Ter COMFORTABLE VERY central, Athol! E. Board Working girl preferred. 1851J noon or evening. FOR RENT--BRICK HOME, USE of electric stove. 261 corner of Alice. Phone 1331M (70) (6c) UNFUR- " All ROOM, Phone 'Beauty Parlors { BETTY LU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Speelalists in permauent, finger and warce] waving. Per manent ware prices $5, $7.50 $1v and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply £6 Simcoe street north EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permaneat Wave Sboppe. Marcel aud shaw- poo $1 Phone 2958. = Palmist_ DAME | BROWN, I PALMIST 93 Lonisa Sreett (22 dec ©) c) MAl business private, Phone 26361, "Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J -SULLEY. Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe Bt. S., Oshawa, Out. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock ang implements. Your patronage solicited. Money to Loan LOANS ON GOOD 1% Y PROPER- ty and farins. Apply A. J Park- hill, 27 King St. East. Phope 1614. (July 81-th ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE CARS re-financed Payments reduced Additional cash given. Terws rea sonable Motor Loaps aud Dis eounts, Suite 2. 14's King St EB (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even ings. (Aug. 151.) Music HERBERT C [RENEER, A.T.G. M., Orgaaist and Cholrwaster c! King Street Church, will accept pupils in plago, pire organ and vocal music. 50 Willlam Etre: East. Phone 2896. {¥ept. BoP LEONARD RICHER, L.RAM SU 652 Carnegie 2578F (Ang 25th) F or Rent Ave ue ig room sultes, "eiectrie stoves refrigeration, laundry, conven} ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (65th VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera tion, electric stove, washing mach ine and dryer. Apply superintend: ent Phone 25633F (B6LL HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room' and bath, elec tric stove, central, bright, alry aod comfortable. Box 50 Times. (14118) ¢ FURNISHED hougekeeping. FOR RENT--2 OR 3 rooms for light Very central and close Apply 44 Charles St. Phone 848J (7¢) Redio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE--'\K pairs on radios, vower packs aug eliminators Tubes tested ana supplied, radio poles for caie Batteries charged and repalred Phone 33560) Charlies Wales 146 Elgin East. (Dec, 16-1 mo, EXPERT RADIOTRICIAN, ALI makes of radios, power packs ani ¢liminators serviced and repaired. Phone 2715F, (23 jan ¢) REPAIR" ON ALL MODELS OF radios. eliminators. and power packs, prices reasonable, batteries recharged. George . Burroughs, certified radiotrician. Phone 2806W, (9 jan e¢) >= Motor Cars FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE -- 1926 Essex Coach, $756. Oakland Coach, $200. Murdocls, '27 Warren Ave. (Te) WANTED--LATE MODEL, SIX cylinder sedan, must be good job. about $500. Will give model 64 Knight sedan and $300 cash, re- mainder five monthly payments, no dealers. Box 76 Times, (7h) rent ¢ Cres- | ROOMED | optional. ! (7a) | Jarvis St., | to factory. , Articles For Sale MARCONI RADIOS $180 Ur, Phone 2604 for demonstration or call at shop Gladstone Apte., Glad: stone Ave. (144110) MIAED LHIARKD AND 50k) WOU slabs 083.50 per load Also bone drv ood. Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr 2601 WE HAVE WONDERFUL VAL use in rebullt Uanderwoods. They are as serviceable as when pew-- at 'ess than half the cost. Sent for your approval, Address "Un- derwoud", 133 Victoria St, To ronto. . (Oet, 19, 31) OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF SEC- ond hand boots and skates. Must be sold. On very reasonable prices from $1 -up. South End Shoe Hoa- pital. 426 Simece South. ¢11 jan ¢) FOR SALE ---- PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We Lave the lurgest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, ete.,, in in the city. The Paint Store, $0 King street west. (Apr. 26 tf) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD, $15 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 a cord, Norman Sanders, King St East, Phone 1774M. (9 jan tf) "RADIO, WILLIAMS Owner going Must be SALE™ 7 tube electric, abroad. Make an offer. sold. Phone 88J. (he) SECOND HAND SKATES, COM- plete outfit $1.50 up. Skates sharp- ened and repaired. 12 Richmond St. Fast, (8 jan 1- mo) FOR Work Wanted GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erbanger, painting and gralning. Prices right, work guaranteed. 340 | Pine Avenue. Phone 3065\W., (72tf) GIRL, WOULD LIKE POSITION {in good home at once, or work | by the day. Capable. Trusty. Box yo. 4 74 1 Times (6c) Battery Se Service CAR UR RADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices, Dest prices allowen for old batteries. Batteries charged ibe, called for and delivered, W H. Piatt, Celina 1556J. by By St (8 feb ¢) BATTERIES CHARGED 73: with rental $1.00, Repaired and Called for and delivered. Stan Bligdon, 20 18856W. (Dee. { rebuilt, Prompt service. Mill Et. Phone 0 1 mo! tI RT = Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, ccpalr shop at 444 King Street West. Your pat- = Furs Repaired FURS REPAIRED -- FURS AND tur coats relined and remodelled. Experienced. Phone 632M. 119 Huron Crescent. b 4 J jan C) ~ Building Supplies iC TNDERS. SAND AND {vel for sule--To. insury prompt | deivery, place srders In advance | of delivery date, W Bo rowda e Phone 1818. GRA- Hematitching _ HEMSTITCHING, P LEATING, RE- pairs and alterations, dressmak- ing. buttens and buttonloles. The Dell Shop, 261; Simcoe 8. Phoua s8. 1656. (Jan, §-1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NUMISE, MATERNITY work. Excellent references. Mrs Borrowdale, phone 1618 (30 jan c) DOCTOR'S invalid, gen- assist with luvderate. (4 jan ¢) | PRACTICAL NURSING BY EX- perienced nurse, rate reasonable. ; Phone 3: 3200W. (5 jan Wanted | to Rent WANTED TO RENT--SMALL farm between 25 and 50 acres pre: ferred. Will take 'nore, if suited. with option of buying. Phone 252 or write H, Hall, 218 College Ave (be) PRACTICAL NURSE, reference, maternity, eral nursing, Will housework, Charges Phone 303: 3J. Apples For Sale FOR SALE ABOUT 60 BDLS good hand picked Baldwins, Price delivered $3.50. 14 bbls. Starks. Price delivered $2.50, without bbl J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Out. Phone Bowmanville 196 r J. (27 Hospital WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby. ' also known as "'Sunny- nook", ideal rest home. Register- led nurse in attendance. Phone. {write or call Superintendent, (11 jan ¢) jan ¢) Phons | Wanted to Buy APPLES--CULLS W. ED FO cider, Apply Cider Mill, 263 Court street, Phone 2365. (8 feb ¢) RR re ha ren Help Wanted---Male WANTED--MAN "TO SERVICE electric washers in Oshawa and district. Part time basis. Must have auto. Apply W. A. Kribs Co, Limited, Hespeler, Oytagio. WANTED AT ONCE=BOOK keeper-stenographer by manufac- turing plant. Must be at least 21 years of age. Neat and accurate in her work. Steady position. Ap- ply stating age, references, salary required, when avaflable, phone number to Box 72 Times. 72 (6b) WOMEN 5.00 per week sewing perience. unnecessary, Write to N EARN $15.00 TO $2 at home. Ex- (8b) "Help Wanted--Female . "TIME TABLE | 823 a.m. 9.55 a.m. 12 pom 13 pon, 41 pan. 9.38 p.m, 12,U8 a.m, 12.31 am, Daily, Daily Daily, except Daily. Dusly, eacept Daily, except Daily, Daily, eacept Daily, except Daily. Laily, 4.26 am, .55 a.m. am, Lifective September ©.50 u.m, Daily, SW pan, aly. 9.08 pom. Daily, 12.05 a.m. Daily 1.05 a. Daily, Fred Colman, 51, King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. (Tb) SALESWOMAN AND ORGANIZER for Oshawa, and vicinity, we can offer to an educated young Wwo- man, ternal experience, who can interest women and children tn Clubs and sound Life Insurance Protection, an unusual oppertunity to connect with the largest and oldest wo- 'man's organization {in the world. Full. details given In first letter, | Personal interview and { tion in work will be given. Write j sasing qualifications to Mrs, M iC Mann, 600 Bay St., Sulte 217, Toronto, Ont. 4 | 7 Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPERED, stone finished. 13¢ Slater. | Buena Vista. Phone 3193W, (16 fed c) ~ Upholstering CPHOLST ERING. onable prices. Geo. Lond street east, A. Constable, phone 3322) (24 jan c) Lost and Found LOST--A PARCEL OF SEWING between Oshawa Railway and Pub- * Library, about 8 p.m. Finder leave "i (7a) LOST-- A BROWN POLICE py white tips on toes, white chest Answer to King. Phone 565 (be) LOST--BLACK AND® TAN FOX- hound pup. Big for age of months. Name "Jack"'. Reward. E. I'. Burns, 61 Alexandra awa (51) u " Eggs for Sale STRICTLY FRESH NEW eggs for sale, 40c a dozen. 98 RYysedale Ave. Phone 2040W. ~ Real 'Estate for Sale FOR SALEZ-"AT FOUR ROOM bungalow, newly decorated, large lot. Small down payment, Reason- able terms, 317 Gi Phon2 433 (Hed FOR RALE~-- FOUR cottage on large lot Just outside city reasovable terms to party. Apply to owner, St. East, Phone 2676W. | FOR SALE--SPLENDIDLY" modern home in north end, cou- taining 8 rooms, I'rench doors, storm doors and windows, electric fixtures. Price. $5500 payment down Diéney, opposite Post Office. (6c) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE IN best residential district, TI'hon: 2419W evenings. (Ge) bbor in Harmony, limits. Very responsible 614 Athol RE aa -- RE a SEEK SCHOLARSHIP Subscription of $300,000 to Bring Graduates to Can- ada Proposed Montreal, Jan, 9.---Subscriptiou of $600,000 is now being made in {as the "Canada Scholarship Fund" and used to bring 20 British public or gecondary school graduates to Canada for their university educa- tion and subsequent entrance to Canadian life. Canada's aliotment of lis half the total. most of which has lalready been pledged upon condi- {tion that a similar amount is raw. od in Great Britain, according to an FUND FOR CANADA the fund | preferably with sales or fra-| DRAPERIES | and furniture specialties at reas ' Wednes- | at Times office "LAYED | Apply 20h (de) ! BUILT also | | which jbrincipal | 6.28 a.m. Daily. 7.41 am. Daily 8.15 a.m, Dai 3.23 p.m, Daily. 7.30 vom, Daly. GRAY COACH instruc. | P 10.0 LILA 'n- Except dunday. a--=Daturdays, b--Eundays culy. WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE BUS LINES (Effective en and after October 6th, (Standard Time) Going West Leave Leave ' Bowmanville Usha "WW Leave Hospital Whitby JWT PUP. | nine | , Osh SUNDAY "AND "HOLIDAY SCHEDUIL LE Going West Arrive Whithy Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa IM an., Yam wa, 130s 2pm '2 y Mi, AWpm, 4 Wr n *.Wpm, 6pm, 0.1 8.0 pn 10.30 p.m 1.W pan Going East Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville Leave Whitby Leave ROOMED ! 11.304 Times marked * connect at by sid Lindsay Busses TV. A. GARTON, Pr BUWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 348 Oshaws Waiting Room, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 25th, {Standard Time) Westbound ann Daily, except Sunday pom, Daily, eacept Sunday. &02 p.m. Daily, » except Sunday. * CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (Standard Time) Eastbound eacept Sunday, v Cacey Effective September (Standsud Time Sundays and Holiday: Artive Othawp Bowmanville Special Buss=s wr all occasions Reasonable Rates and Caselul Drivers hone UG Orange Fekoe 1950 Sunday. Sunday. Sunday Sutuiday Store Sunday ROYAL YORK Tea Hap Zousd 28 Cc Pir . Superior - Phone Zouk, 1930 Yard--84 bBlgor Orders Promptly Westbound COAL COAL 193 W.J. SARGANT | Street E. Delivered t Sunday. LINES Tua, 13 Le Tre Torna 90 1b. Bag, 3.30 1.5 bX POTATOES Ontario or New Brunswick ------ ro eo Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. 2 PHONE 203 31 .00 | | W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing eaclusively in wuscle anomalic eyesight aud glasses 1516--Puone--151¢ £8 Opposite Post Office Disaey Diock 2 PHONE' C.YOUNG y 4h Prince S GIONS ont PHONE 22 for Your Drug Necds THOMPSON'S | 1 Simcoe St. 8S, We Deliver » 30 v.30 aL 10.30 11.9 REPAIRI .G only oun sre If sour watch is satistaction we and make it te! time, 1930} | Arrive hithy Hospital Var Canadian Nations ana a a 4 =0 Simcoe Ss. WA :CHES D.J. BROWN THE JEWE Official Watch Inspector for ALLY put giving can repay the corre.i nan moon FLOOR by pert wechanies, ed like new, Contractors, fi. W. HAYNES 161 Wing West 481 Residence 3053W | iS Lain Old Sheil fir General St, hone LER i and Usl- Hallroads hone 189 | | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop P| Here Always AUSTRALIA TIRED OF 'TANKIES' SAYS AMUSEMENT HEAD Predicts That Talking Pictures Will De- N.Z "fed Wellington Australia is talking pict to "flesh and cording to John F amugenient magnate, bere recently on a b ! "Talking "have jost their nov chief aftra tralia. They are accepted form and as such draw . publi | who predicted that tures would sound t} | of the legitimate pl: taken from the start ditions. will soen | screen and «tage by side, with was the of only 1 e ROPRIETOR 10 I'rince Street \ wil announcement at ity, going on in ed. E. W. Beatty, man of the HI | and vice- [ McGil) University; D. Herridge, Lemieux, ex-Speaker of Commons; J. Brig.-Gen V. G. PF. I'ryst; | Vancouver; sly of Alberta. STOLE TO HELP SPORT Jules tGiresser, acens 200,000 francs from his emplavers in Paris told the court tl money tu encourage s It was proved that founded an Athletic U he had spent his own as the stolen. tunds ied his plea forelenity thim to four years in prison ' McGill where reports of the drive now England he British quota are Canadian Includes Sir Arthar Ww. principal of Queen's University; W, of Ottawa; M. trustee of Queen's University and Canadian secretary of the Rhodes Pearson man of the board of guvernors Dul- housie University, and Dr, Wallace, president of the The court den ant.' Mr. Fullr thought as the present to make Up ness continued in being receiv-| would {folly to | agent stage shows, , is the echajr- | was confident that committee | ter business conditio Currie, | the theatres now en chancellor of | sively in the showing H. Fyle, would revert, at leas [ tho Iégitimate drama comedy. In the there was small { equalling the Univer be as Hon, R.| of the House Macdounell hope positi W. Odlum ot chair- | 81 Ww long as its talent | films so | quota of Iw ood. "The | today are ler. "Hollywood R. © Univer- best actors 1 has became players to bec it is out of the producers to n in Hollywoo Hull, Eng Tang. of 300,000, is electricity for ving. since rereen 1at he took the | and POI I 4 swing | Most (rresser © hal | ures set nion, on which fortune as nell! ed of stealing it with just and sentenced gas for up" and i blood" uller, pictures," ction now a entertainment | pitronage. av neither depress Australia, opinion of English", si velop Side by Side Jan with Long shows usinesg trip he and that in Aus generally elty best. will Those talking pic- he were mis Normal con restored. and develop side | one domin- long busi- it extrav- that sion S0 in stage However, Stage And the back | ac- | = Sydney.) who arrived | said, 1e death knoll | he | Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Escablished 1880 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH Diamonds? Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Chevrolét Scdan, 20 model 28 wode} $325 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Suucue Street douth price ' Chevrolet Coach, price NAW AY LUMBER (© 74 ATHOL ST wW OSH! soon as bet- | ne returned gaged of t in talkies part, to and musical | Mr, on of ich a large ent to Holly- n vd Mr. been Djacing | a premium on English artists ever nece ome audible, sary questiop for eect the ftig- d contracts" a population substituting street light- exelu- | Fuller | » of Britain | the | { Uniteq States in the production of Hollywood | Full- | or | | HOUSE TO RENT - 7 rucms vr mo" §15,00 Dominion Clothing Co. 4 htng St WW hone 2100 Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop | | 101 King SL. WV. Phone 1214 | | | The quills which Lord Dunsal of England, uses instead of steel pens to write his books and. plays, come from his estate in Ireland. BRINGING UP FATHER on -- BY GEO. McMAN BY @OLLY, THIS \@ A SURPRISE THE PHOTOS ARE FINISHED YES, "™M SURE THEY'RE LOVELY: BVERY. ONE SAYS MES BEAUTIFUL 198] Ist Fesiure Barvica tae. Great Britain rights reserved 1a a SEND THEM RIGHT OVER, DLEASE- I'M OYING TO SER wig GET ME G&S PICTURE - IT'S N THE GOLD FRAME ON My ORESGER- Tux gd Too Ba Wi) 2 We THAT OLD { v ly JUST THROW THAT il VALENTINE AwAY- | WANT TO USE THIS FRAME FOR ONE OF DARLING } DPD0S NEW PHOTO GRAPHS \

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