Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1931, p. 6

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PAGE SIX Tup OSHAWA DALY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 Canada Should Have Life Saving Service On Lakes (Sault Daily Star) The Government of Canada should take immediate steps to or- janize a life saving service om the ireat Lakes and not leave the pro- ection of the Dominion's sailors © the good offices of the United States or to private enterprises, as 8 the case for the most part at resent. The 'need for such a service was ce brought to the attention of che public a few weeks ago, when the light keeper at Michipicoten [sland reported that he had seen a vessel 'drifting, with its decks awash, off that island. His call was responded to immediately by the U.S. coastguard stationed at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich, which kept up the search for scveral days with: out finding any trace. As it hap- storm conditions and poor visibil- ity into thinking he saw a vessel when none was there, but on other occasions lives have been saved. thanks to the same prompt assis- tance from the American authori- ties. In spite of the Mrge amount o Canadian traffic which is carried on Lake Superior and the frequent bad weather which visits it, the work of protecting the sailors who man its boats is left almost entire ly to United States. Among loyal arine men it is urged that a se- ries of life saving stations, proper- ly equipped, should be established, one near the head of the lake, one probably on Michipicoten Island and one at the Sault. This move is one that has been advocated by the Dominion Marine Association and by the Masters' at the landing grounds along the route. | Between Cairo and Cape Town 27 main air stations 'are . established, linked by about 30 intermediate land- ing grounds where regular calls will not be made but which will be in- stantly and always available for use when needed. At several of the main stations hotels have been erected for aerial travellers, and ground organi zations at each station includes aero plane hangars, workshops, wireless and weather offices, and quarters for the airway staff. Seventeen main stations have full wireless equipment, ensuring that all along the route the air liners will never be out of wire: less touch with one of these stations Long and short wave communication is to be used and messages between aircraft and ground stations will be sent both by telegraphy and tele- phony The Handley Page Type 42, largest passenger-carrying land 'plane in the world, has continued successful trial lights at Radlett Aerodrome, Hert- fordshire. This immense biplane, built to be fitted with luxurious ac- NOTFD ACTOR CE ~ INRETIREMENT ~~ Dodds NTMENT In a jar like b finest face creams, Price 50¢ | Was One of Original Com- | pany to Produce Barrie's well as many of the tours. I agked Peter Pan him if he had ever seen the play ave himself, London. --"No one on the stage * 'Except when the children in 1as been so thoroughly identified | the company acted it I have never with a part as George Shelton is {seen 'Peter Pan' right through, but with 'Smee,' the most lovable char- from the first I always loved my acter in 'Peter Pan,' " says the fown part, I remember at the first Sunday Observer in connection with | rehearsal the author came over to Shelton's withdrawal from the pop- | the actor who was playing Starkey ular play at the recent Christmas |and myself and said, 'I want you 7d revival here because of his advanc- | individualize your two parts.' My i age The Observer speaks of [father was born in Ireland and I lig "charmingly be 'nign perform- (said at once. 'I'll make an Irigh- | ance as tho Noncontormis st Pirate. nan of mine." Barrie agreed, so George Shelton lives at Wands- | that' 8 how Smee came to be Irish.' " worth Common in happy retire- NS TTrm--r------ ment. He is 79 years of age, and One of the most valuable of the all the performances in London, as but to be fited wih usurious 4c : 0 go a ; j ruil he felt une, qual to performing | services provided for the protection commodation for 3 passengers in ; £4 1 » n id Pi iy at Lhe last revival | of consumers in Canada as well as alks as if he might possibly ap- | for advantage to growe - capacious holds for mails and urgent 5 i 8 . 4 2 4 Vo "© d Ly in his old favorite role of | duce high dt Bai d 9 pens, in this case the lightkeeper | Federation and deserves serious freight, has risen with ease from the mee" once azain. G. W. Big hop, | commercial inspection service of appears to have been misled by | consideration by the Government. | ground carrying its full designed load, of the Sunday . ; A > lh 3.8 ay Observer, thus de the Fruit il service ie lands aire; he weigl ac a . ccTibog ir') Rp oh 1e Fruit Branch. During the past mail service. Big land and marine air | the weight of machine and burden { cribes an interview with Mr. Shel- 'cal year staff Alidiablid g.. liners will ply regularly over the de. | being nearly 13 tons, Even under this ; fa 3 i | ni) i a [7% | 50% vigits to 414 comity Ra TO RF FSTARI ISHED serts, vreat lakes, rivers and jungles | Rreat wel It the big "plane Tose from eo ii / . 4 7 ' 2 or V a "I asked him if he would Jack fal J oughout the Dominion, 8 dd of the vast African continent, [or | he ground aiter an astonishingly . CN % Sy a. » impEe samen 'een Re omc r Bn 900 4 LA | short run and handled easily and well ; ; ' 9) shle inpig - i ph iss n a way |2,%019 @lificates covering products the first few months the arcoplanc Cai lit's a _ of a compliment,' he re- from which $34 samples were tak- Cases are scheduled to fly from Cairo as| her evolutions over the flying for 4", ; % / i i | BY GREAT BRITAIN far as Mwanza, on Lake Victoria of nd. Phese machines, eight of a 2 j | plied, and the familiar quotation | en; these include: -- . | Kenya Colony and Tanganyika Ter | Which are ordered by Imperial Air ERE is 1C.NS. Prince Robert, lipe#Pelin 4 [Dutane 56 my ease ot Once. He said 477,000 ay rally ways for the operation of their Eu nas bemnferibed as the Tost aes) new, ipe te [it was a great wre nch to give up Tomatoes iis rae pL - . . " i ropean routes and of the trunk air two views of [interior. She has be w a Fi or : ; ; A " | Smee and he missed the rehearsals "I ymatoes pee ucts... niin Organized Airway Will Ex-| ; pap ways to India and South Africa, ar et 1an the Bremen or pid °F A or, which Lower left, smoking room, showing Canadian moose head. | 'But I am 79 next month, I find Peas . LL nd fr Lo d Ca | surigg 5,700 miles and spanning Af- | |ikély to prove the most economicau Canada where takes the Canad o ouilding, and | Lower right, a cabin, typical of the modern art put into this | that my memory is not so good as Corn . 11,4 2 te om ndon to PC | rica from extreme north to farthest | big aircrait yet constructed. Tenta {party from , sailing Febru ABt, | POeribed as archi- {new unit of the ( anadian merchant marine. It is expected | it was, and last year I felt unbappy Pes oe 03,70 Town, South Africa i south, will be in operation from mid- | tive calculations show cost of opera | vo South Amn ports, spenc ilinaps will be 3 Credit Lo] that 2 200 members will take the cruise. Senators, members of | hecause the 5 wi 3 a ne w Starkey Braporsted 2ppie es fo | summer next year. Passengers will | tion of a few cents a mile for eacl | vhere Cana Il have a pq hr ole 2, trade 10d: pea a | Par'iament, a representative of the Dominion Government, |! erhaps AYQ & rel et 2 armines the quality of the product -- then be able to get from London | Passenger carried. Jritish Ea rade Exhil sur i fi } on 3 day einise | professional men, manufacturers and many who are merely on I shall be » to take up th I Yani 8 Se yaa yo! tite prod Wi London, Jan. 8--The first weeks ci | through to Cape Town in 11 davs.| The 12 (also styled "Hanm § of Wales, Ma *- oe i A ran of the | pleasure tourists are among those who have already reserved | Dart oN ; > i t producen en on the label affixed to every 1931 will see the launching of one of | as compared with 17 days Dy the! bal") measures 25 fect from the ---- oe aigmgtor ition to be opened by the Prince | space. The party wi II also include a representative of Sir | in_ Me ana Sh ct for hid Fouls far of product offered for sale in the greatest enterprises in "the history | swiftest combination of organized | ground to the highest point of the ing t Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National System. iv Mr ay elton his appeared in Canada of commercial aviation--the establish- | land and water transport.. In the first | upper plane The length from nose tt i gmal Jas ane : ment of the world's longest organ-| phases the airway is to be operated | tail is 86% feet, while the span of | ized airway over 8,000 miles of route | only by day but after a few months | the upper pl ane is equal to the agg i" between London and * Cape Town. |of regular flying the air-liners should | gate span of five lig sht Early in the new year Imperial Air- | travel back and forth by night and | The landing wheels are 21 ways propose to open first sections | day 1 the most up-to-date for wide, n from the front, and five in Africa of this great new trunk! of night flying equipment are installed | feet in diameter. The weight of the | nitm 3 machine, fully laden, is 28,500 pounds.o % in. the Western Type (intended am at flight on the European routes ls for 38 fare-paying pass 50 pounds in the Eas -.0r | h has the passenger with cut down to make his.cngers) ditional mails and beoobd.:ern type, | ® With four air-ca praccommoda | ter" motors rine he room for ad | ine cru said. gage | ata; was the Any ial "Jupi- | { wone's 51 49 h.p. each the mact -1 -- eapd Mises at 95 miles an hour and ais a top speed of 116 miles an Tas FOR our. Rate of climb at sea level is 677 feet a minute and the service "ceiling," the greatest height which | > the 'plane can reach in practical fly- | | ing 1s 12450 feet. The replacement | A | of ngines in some of the FF | plane y f 5 hip. "Jupiter" mo- | 7 6 i ; equip ped with sol rs, in- | ure ting reases the cruising speed by 10 miles | Ass 4 You Get the P # ar ur, raises the maximum speed to | All Time at No Ex » miles an hour and the rate of | urest Coal of « limb at sca level to 828 feet a min- | ite. { a Charge Type 42 is designed to fly level | =, gale ay * it 6,000 feet on the power of any | three motors. Risk of forced landing | ii | caused by failure of one motor is, | ue 1 therefore, small and, when fiying on | | established routes, the air liner | should never fail to reach an aero- drome or emergency landing ground The safety factor of the huge ma i { chine is further improved by a com- paratively low landing speed of 50 m.p.h. while even with the low-pow- ® ered engines the machine is able to | 'clear an obstacle 65 feet high after a take-off run .of 500 yards. These figures mean that the biplane, in spite | 2062 Five Direct Lines its great size, may be flown off At n Be and into any aerodrome without dif speeding culty of a jealc In a fr make the =e fool Shannon, / adoring se th air line, which will connect at Cairo with the present Epgland-India air The entire Cairo-Cape airway, mea on HIGH-GRADE GROCERIES - MEATS - VEGETABLES EXTRA SPECIAL -- PALMOLIVE a iY SOAP 3+19. SPECIAL-- Weston's CHOCOLATE MALLOW BISCUITS. 23. A delicious Biscuit with a Marshmallow filling, THOMPSON'S Brand coated with Chocolate, made fresh for our Stores. SPECIAL.--- -19 SEEDLESS 2 : C SPECIAL--- Heinz's TOMATO KETCHUP (0, EXTRA nL PG.SOAP 10 33 Fresh Hams ai Ib. 18¢ EXTRA SPECIAL--- JEWEL BRAND A Pure Vegetable Shortening, for 2 1-lb. 2 5 Cc Cooking, Frying and Baking Prints SPECIAL~-CLASSIC The Better Cleanser for Every 3 Tins 2 1 C Household Purpose It Pays to Shop Here Alays. « Choice wm» MI TAN Watch Each Week for Exceptional Values in Fresh and Cured Meats at the Meat Counter For FRIDAY and SATURDAY Choice Fresh Shoulder PORK: 18c FOR ROASTING Rolled Boneless Roast VEAL »25c¢ Mild Cured Breakfast OPENING HOUR SPECIAL CHOICE QUALITY SATURDAY HAWES' Floor Wax 1b. Tin 43¢c ROWNTREE'S COCOA 14-1b. Tin 23¢ Me Modern Toilet Necessity FLUSHO Tn 23¢ Nestle's Evaporated MILK a Cold 3 ::= BUDWEISER for a Big Malt Syrup| © 4B No. 2}4 Bu i y a Quantity Size Tin 79¢ at this Price! FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES EXTRA SPECIAL -- ICEBERG LETTUCE 19; TWO LARGE HEADS California Here's Your Chance When you feel a cold or a chill coming on, go to bed and drink Hot Bovril. You may save yourself an attack of influenza and avoid the risk of serious illness. BOVRIL gnmay save you H. A. G. COFFEE Sontin 35¢ The One and Only H.P. Sauce Bottle 2 6 C FATO! CIE TIE Cleans---Scours---Purifies SPECIAL -- LARGE siz 4 for GRAPEFRUIT 23c STORE HOURS 9 a.m, till 6 p.m. Except Sat. 9 a.m. till 9-30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. [GROCERY SPECIALS 'E AT THESE PRICES

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