NARROW ESCAPE Crying of i . _-- A -------------------- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 io and Durham Latest News of Ontar Mr, and Mrs. C, L. Morecombe, FROM GAS FUMES ---- ittle Girl Arcused Brougham Family Just in Time (Mrp. T. C, Brown, Correspondent) Brougham, Jan, 4.--The W. Knox family had a narrow escape | from asphyxiation on Saturday | night when coal gas escaped from the furnace. The crying of their little girl aroused the family just fn time to avert serious conse: quences, The community wae shocked on | Sunday to learn that Russell Gray [gathered ut the home of Mr. an was suffering from spinal menin- | Mrs. W. Hall on Friday evening last gltis, but is now improving. and enjoyed a lovely Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs, thur Boyce, of Pickerin, Saturday at the home o Howland. | Markham, on Tuesday. will soon be out again, Mre. Lester Doone and daughter ing a couple of weeks with relative: {ir Toronto. : Miss Gretta Graham returned tc | {the Christmas vacation, ing a ead experience of late, Bor- den being rushed to the hospital | Q/ fo Toronto on Thursday for an |>orman Ii ; operation for appendicitis, The |ICCent visitors with Mr. an ; . | Cephas Odborne, e W . t ' : Diol yup Suttetsty] a a Nise Marion Cornell, of Weston favorably, progressing vizited over the week-end Mrs. Shaver and Syble left tor | Miss Elizabeth Fothergill. Lavant Station on Monday, Mrs, | NF. and § ver re er le as A Shaver 10 resume her dutles as [ with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McGregor Mr .and Mrs. I. Raweon are in! Mr. and Mrs, Stouffville with friends this week. |"? : \ Miss Frances Powell returned | this Yee: with home for Christmas and the New | Morcombe. Year, = At the Communion Service ASHBURN Sunday 15 new members were ---- addod to the membership of the church. It is an inspiring sight to see the young people make a de- cision of this kind. | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harvey were in FoYonto for the New Year at the yearly family gathering with Mr. Harvey's mother, \ a auf Miss Brodie and Mrs. Philip {yiome Lil were with their sister, Mrs. Dob- |' ane eR Jon oad family, of Beaverton for (nes T W. Brookes New Year's Day, Y ¥ * Mr. and Mrs. M. Hamilton spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. Baldson, husband and family of Pickering, W. J. Brown and son were with their peopie here on Saturday, Mr, Jack Gerow and friend of Toronto, visited his aunt on Sun- day. The fire company are holding a euchre and dance Friday evening in the Town Hall. Mr, and Mrs. McWhirter and little daughter returned home on Saturday from a pleasant visit in Woodville. Miss Tummonds is at present with Mr. and Mrs. McWhirter. A gang of men have been busy this week placing the bell from ! ¢ Christian Church on the tem- perance hall to be used as an KINSALE School ropened after the Christ-| mas holidays, with Miss Munro, in | charge and a good attendance, E. Mowbray, our merchant, has had for some little time been | > . o kansidering. the purchase of the {of her father near Uxbridge, wh Balsam store, but ay time of writ- ing no deal had been put over. Should' thiz deal go through our | 'store here will go on under the! same management. The contractor for No, high- way filled in the bridge this side | of Gormley"s the last of the week | and traffic is safe and no detour- ing is necessary. In all probability nothing more will be done here on the road until Spring. Mr; Bertrand's auction sale came oft as advertised on Wednesday of this week. Fair prices were reals | iged. Wm. Maw wielded the lLam- | mer in his usual pleasing manner, Quarterly Meeting took place at Mt. Zion last Sabbath und the of ficlal board meeting took place at Zion on Tuesday last. Mr. Smart | is closing out his third year on this circult and has served the people well. Our young people have been for some time enjoying a real good time skating on Mr, Lynde's flats south of the Sth concession. R, E. Mowbray and Clarence Richardson attended the wood ' gale of Mr. Spencer near Chalk Lake and purchased some fine wood lots, which they will remove this winter. uite an exciting election took Phin on Monday laet for the |Mrs. Bayles and Mrs, Boyer "Remveship, Mr. C. L. Mackey and | Other relatives, Councillor Lick running for thc | Reevesnip. The result. of same 1: |; now well known to the township | 7 My, and Mrs, I on vigiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Taylor spen New Year's da) (ter, Mre. B. Duff at Myrtle, Mr, and Mrs. Walter 'family spent the holiday at Hortop, Mr, and of Oshawa four Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Goose spen Sunday Mr, and Mrs. J. Leach and Mis 'at Leach, Columbus. Mrs. R. Williamson and daughte | } | visiting at th {of Winnipeg, are Mrs, John Miller. Mr, and rs, H. Van Luven. Midland, are spending the {with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Service in Burn's Church 0 7 pm, A hearty invitation is extended : everyone to attend. Mr. Wm. Jones, of Epsom, 1 visiting relatives in the community of current events. given by Mrs, G. Readings wer Fisher and Mis Reynolds, in the near futuree, last, Mies few weeks in Agineourt, Mr, J. Mr. Roberts spena New Year' Day with Mr, and son, Congratulationr tn D. Mcintyre (nee Miss Taylor). ! Mrs, 8, Cassady 'M. Parker and {of Myrtle spent the holiday at th home of Mrs, M, Cassady. Rev: R., B. and Mrs. were in the village on Monday, GREENWOOD and Mrs, S. {by the members of the tainment given, | | the young people to a party on Mon day evening. | The Mission | home of Miss Jessie Beelby on Tues | day afternoon, { | | The following elected: Supt. Wm. A. Drown Mr. and Mrs, Walter MacCarl and children, Miss Lois Balgdon and Mr, Milton Baledon motored to Omemee on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter 2 , visited on Fur, Robert | Mr. W. H, Balsdon visited with his brother, Mr, John J. Balsdon, of \ We are glad to report that Mr, | George Lec is improving nicely and Jean, has returned home after spend- {her duties on Monday morning with | |a good attendance at schools, afte: Some thirty relatives and friends Christmas The Middleton family are hav- |Party in honor of Miss Eliza Rodd. Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Summerville, | of Cherrywood, and Mr. and Mrs. [at Mr, teynolds, of Toronto, were | Farm, Mrs, Mrs. Ross McGregor | Mr, and Mrs. Yourex, | and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday with thelr daugh- | Trull and the Mr. and Mrs, Russell Col- | visited at the home of Mrs, J. Bal- with relatives in Toronto. 1] Vera Leach spent New Year's Day the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy home of the former's sister here, week Hopkin, ou | Sunday, Jan. 11th, at 11 a.m. and | eve and the atendance was not as | during the holidays. Sabath School at 10 a.m. | large as usual on account of a num- Young People met on Tuesday evening and there was a program M. Wilson; plano solo by Miss R, Plans tre. also being madee for a ple soclal to be held Mrs, Fred Stephen is at the home suffered a severe siroke on ¥riday Mary Kerr is spending Mr. and 'Mrs, Wm, Richardson, Guy anq family, Mrs, L. Richard. Mr, and Mra, Kathleen and family, Mrs, Miss Jean Parker, Stevengon ' The Christmas tree and concert Sunday echool was well attended and enjoy ted by all present, Those in charge of the programme and the pupils are to be congratulated on the enter- Circle met at the The annual meeting of the Sunday | on, Toronto. spent New School was held last Friday even- | with his brother, Dr. and Mrs, Fer. ! officers were | guson, | BAGGOTSVILLE School re-opened Monday merning after an enjoyable Christmas vaca- tion, with a full attendance, r. Jos, Cendric, of Toronto, spent the week. end at his home here, Miss Lorna Hotner visited with her sisters in Oshawa during the holidays. New Year's in Toronto. Messrs, Fred and Ralph Morrison, of Toronto, spent the holiday at F, H. Puekrin's, Miss Flora French, of Oshawa, is | visiting her sister, Mrs, Isaac Puck- | rin, | Speneer Bros, ave in the neigh- ! borhood this week grinding for some furmers, At the schoo! meeting held last Wednesday evening Mr, ¥. H. Puck. rin was Arnis | | other term, BASE LINE WEST Mr. Reynold, of Orillia, is visiting oy Stirtevants, Hospital ) Mr, Jack Blow was a visitor at E. Story's last week. Mr, Bert Greenaway and daugh- wits {ter and Miss Greenaway, of Toron- | ne { to, were New Years visitors witl We congratulate Mr. Mackie on . | his re-election as Reeve of the Francis Rose and Township of West Whitby for 1981, Jy ot son, of Detroit, spent several dave also Mr, Lorne Kemp, as council | #2 eleetrit radio. man, Miss Marguerite Ross is home from ler visit with Toronto friends Mr. Will Ross spent a few holi- days here with his parents. The electric lights have been in- Mr. and Mrs, W. Summerville are | tolled in E, Story's new house. MYRTLE NEWS | (Mes. J. A, Maule. Correspondent) Myrtle, Jan. 6.--~Mr. and Mrs. | Eile Heayns and family, of Scugeg, |. visited the former's aunt, Mra. Will J, Cook, on Sunday. A house to house canvas was { made during the woek for funds to repair the hall, The response was generally very generous and the work is progressing very fav. orably, Mr. Bill McCartney who has been working for Mr. Joe Simpkins, has engaged with Mr, John Bromeli t t o | duties for the year on Monday. School re-opened on Monday and the children were all present and in splendid shape for the term's work after a delightful Christmas vacation, The club met on ! New Year's | ber attending the dance at Utica. | Progressive euchre was enjoyod af- | ter which lunch was served by the | ladies. Congratulations are extemded. to | the Reeve and other councillors for 1921. Mr. W. J. Cook, of Myrtle Station, headed the polls. The rate payers showing by ballot the confidence they have in these gentlémen. There are different | public improvements needed herr | 2 1] ® s o| appeal to, How about a new sidewalk conpecting the two Myrtles for a start?: and the oth. ers wlll be requested later. Mr. Gordon Pilkey {s returning to Queen's University, Kingston, this week to resume his studies. Sorry to report the f{liness of Mr. McGee, who has been in the hospital in Oshawa taking treat- ment, Pleased to sce Mr, Bert Duff around azaln after being confined to the house for the past month. The January thaw was very prompt this season, 1 e SCHOOL MEETING AT ENNISKILLEN Trustee for Another Term Miss Marjorie Smart entertained (C. A. Btainton, Correspondent) Enniskillen, Jan. 7.--~The an- nual school meeting was held in the school on Wesdnesday, Dec. 31st. J. A. Betts, of Saskatoon, visited | Mr. F. Ellis was re-olected trustee, u couple of weeks with his aunts, | Mr. Howard Pye as janitor and | and | transacted. Clarence business and Mrs, other Myr. argu Year's | Misses Elva and Doris Griffin, Mr, and Mrs. W, ¥, Bays spent trustee for an-| near Raglan. and commenced his | and Mr, Cook fs the right man t | F. Ellis Re-elected as School | dgetown, ! ou I'riduy, Migs wit He 9 Rene | Ni Lorne Thonjusx, us for ua few hours visited bi fster, Thomas, Miss | Years home with hes tand Mrs, John Gurrod and Mrs. HM. ¥. Werry aud deugh- ter Bernice, Kedron, Mr, and Mr», W. C. Werry, Oshawa, Miss J. 1, Werry, Sollua, at Jas. A, Werry's on Baturday, Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Sanderson and family visited at Mr R, San- derson"s Haydon, Mr, Floyd Butler spent The Griffin family were center. | Years and tho week-end tained at Mr. Melville Criffin'e, | with his family, Cartwright, on New Year's day. | New Years guest: with Mr, Mr. and Mrs, Job. Graham, Mr. | Mrs, Harold Allin were, Mr, D, | land Mrs. J. H. Strong. Purple HI, (1, Allin und Misses Laura and [a at Mr, J, H, Greenborn's bel Alin, Orono, Rev, and My Mr, and Mrs, Bradley, Mr, and | C, 7, Allin and son Nonnld, Ki) Mrs. Ross, Brooklin, and Mrs. | wood, 11, Miss Ethel Webbe Thompson, Detroit, &t' Mr. Jas. | Trenton, Mr, and Mrs. IL. J. Rowe, Bradley's, | Noewtonyille, Now Year's visitors at E. C. Ash- | nr ang Mrs, W. | ton's were Mr, and Mrs. Stanley | New voars with Mr, and Mr | May, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. May, | skinner Tyrone. | Sundridge, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Mrs, A. KE Mellow Rodman, Port Perry, Rev. and |. 0 returned Mre. H, J, Stajpton and family, | spending Christmas | Pickering, Miss Maud Ashton. To- | yi. tin oo te ronto, Mr, Ira Travell, Oshawa, Mrs. W. J. Morr Mr. und Mrs, 8, Pethick and |... .° Youns spant family with Newtonville friends. | 50% © Cr ny are Do | Miss Myrtle Brunt, Mr Frank Oshawa » rn le | M AYA Mr, Nell! Garrod: spent ! parents, nt Ne fc home | Ne ki Tl und an "hn ar Lake, spent (1 In M | and home and son after New gp bir and grandson A Year: New lelsens er; un wi | McGill, Toronto, with the former's pi 0 | parents, Mr, and Mrs. Levi Drunt, The Hydro and Bell Telephone the busy finishing the poles and wiring and the power will soon be turned on in full swing. H. W. Pointen spent the | holiday at Mr, Thos. McGill's and | assisted with the service bere on | | Sunday evening. Mr. Wosley Oke has Clara Caswell | Years home with her parent Mize Elizabeth Hancock has turned to Ft Catharines | spending the holidays | parente, Mr, and Mrs, | cock, Miss Ruth Honey spent her holl days with relatives In Toront« ET ya TRSTEES | ner». sevaien coreomontens | ARE RE-ELECTED Claremont, Jan, 6.--Mrs, J, Sul. | man is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Goud br | Attendance of Rate: Clements, in Toront, for a few days. Miss Mabel McLellan, of the St, payers at Annual School Meeting spent pen alter hei Han J Ta | da Ww purchanec ar | Catharines Collegiate, has return- | ed after spending the holidays with | her parents at the manse. Miss Ida Stanberry, ot Peterboro spent the holidays with her par. | ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stanberry. { Mr. and Mrs. Caskey returned on Baturday from Madoc where thoy spent the holidays with their relatives. Mr. Aylmer Stephenson, of King. ston, called on Claremont friends on Friday. Miss Bessie Graham, of Toronto, spent the week-ond at her home in | the village, ir. Luther Bowes, of Peterboro | visited with his mother on Satur- | day. { The Misses Forsythe of Oshawa, epent the holidays with their par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Forsytho. Miss Margery Wilson, of Ash. | burn, visited Claremont friends (Mrs, J. A. Mole, Correspondent) Myrtle, Jan, 6.~The annua! school meeting was held last week with a falr representation of tle ratepayers present, The board for 1931 are the former trustees Messrs. Levi Tordiff, Arthur Maw, and Harry Lane. Different reports showed that everything was in gplendid rhape for a successful | year, Miss Leash, who is giving the scholars vocal training for forty nmiinutes a week {s making splendid progrezs School re-opened on Monday, the scholars all being back on the | | benche again after a most enjo; | able Christmas holliday | Mr, and Mrs, Earle Heayns and family of Scugog visited the form er's aunt, Mrs. Will J. Cook Sunday. Now the smiles, glad Land ing and friendly calls are all What. next? Mr. Bill McCartney who h been working for Mr. Joe Simpkh has engaged with Mr. John mell near Raglan and commences | The public and continuation | his duties for the year on Monday | school re-opened on Monday after | Radio fang have the pleasul | enjoying a two weeks' vacation. [ listening in to RN, W. (Billy) Su | Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Scott, of To. | day's discourses at a Buffalo. st ronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, | tion every afternoon this week W. Gi. Scott for several days re- | W. Sunday is a very earnest spea Mr. D. A. Scott was in Brussels on on Monday, Miss Margaret Graham has re. turned. from a pleasant visit with | friends in Toronto. Communion service was observed in the United Churches of Clare. | mont and Brougham on Sunday | last. n ud IE [6] the Ge 461 al beautiful relatives oe Communities | County W. Auni friend wh o1 A numbers 5 ity the Mr. #nd La fnne 1 Vrs, d un i a of Nearly all seek quality | nearly all drink Salada "SALAD pent Now Years A TE y. A 'Fresh from the gardens' od & College, A, Clemen My, and My A, WW. C rigined number of w Yeny Mr, and Mire iward Virtues Mr. and Mi: yornhill, Mr, nnd Mr d Dean recently t Mr, Mrs, 4x. Mr, ns A r. Fred Breoks, d Mre, Loslie Brooks und fami cut the Christmas holiday with latter's parents, Mr, and Mi ft being the G4th latter and algo the anniversary gifts. changed hand Mre, Brooks were shed many more pleasant Years happiness together 1b thel and friends, atulations to My on being the n Wit! \t Mig | Mr. u" lemon friend en i on 1 §] ith Findiev pat Riek Hownrd vigited her and Thoma EF rook Mr, aud Mrs son Clifford Cobourg, Mi Iirooks, and ol | We first blessing of the N fs the fact that custle, recently visited their | Toronto's municipal election in daughter, Mrs. Harold Skinner, | over. Sarnia Canadian Observe: The annual school meeting was | held in school on Wednesdoy | morning when the trust- ecs were re-clected, Messrs, A, W. Annis, W. J, ¥. L Dyam, their thimbles und scissors, think the Mr. and Mrs, W. Lake, Now- : 0. Brogks, Year thday of the nh wedding Sev- One advantage of being fat is that the waistline provides a migh- ty good ing door.--Loulisville Times, d Mr. and the former shock-absorber in a revol' A.W Pari and E ew council -------- a A New York woman is suing fo and ever could understand the | $200,000 because her jouw war in the Sun p.m, All ladle and bring, Institute t Women' dies' Ald will mes School room at ednesday, Jan 14. invited to come I popular belief that hecuure a man | ; n broken in a wreck, We understan disability y on claims total as -- Life. | makes a lot of money he has a lot | she # of brains.--Julius Roscowald. wife, FRUITS VEGETABLES The Stores That Are 98.65%, Owned By Canadians THE WORLD'S LOWEST PRICE ON QUALITY FLOUR! FLOUR 52 MEAT SPECIALS 241b. Bag Grocery Specials LUX SOAPFLAKES 3 Pkgs. 25¢ FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE Bulk 3 Jc Ib. "COUNTRY CLUB" SIDE C oO Half Pound BACON 7 quality, uniform lean and fat, always ROASTS OF TENDER YOUNG BEEF same Seliionsffiave Our Roast Beef Special has been planned to make a cently | er and does not veneer any. of his Mr. John Fleming, Mr. Mundell, | remarks. Hig Buffalo audiences | Mr, John McGrath, aro to be our | are very vast ones as well as his | village police trustees for 1931. | radio cones, and is further proof' that in spite of the rush and bustle of this fast pleasure seek ing age "Religion" still holds sway, A house to house canvas wi made during the week for funds | for Pepainting the Hall, and the response as generally quite gencer- ous. { Congratulations to will J Cook of Myrtle Station, on his heading the polls at the munleipal election on Monday, There are a lot of public improvements that have been needed for some time up this way and "Bill" is the right mun to appeal to for them. How | about the new paved sidewalk con- MRS. S.V. COYNE DIED ON TUESDAY ~ INNEWGASTLE Wellknown Resident of Village Was Prominent as Church Worker 18 Mr nice change for your weck-end needs. DEPENDABLE QUALITY Thick Rib Roast 1k. Blade Rib Roast ..... ib. Shoulder Roast ..... Ib. Rump Roast Round Steak Roast wm. 22¢ Good selection of Lamb, Veal, Pork, Smoked and Sweet Pickled Meats at all Stop & Shop Stores. Florida Gold Yancy Grape. frult, 2's ., ; 3 tins 85c¢ Victory Sweet Mixed and Sweet Mustard Pickler, is v 46¢ hie . tilden Syn do a 26¢ ww 7c Ehiisuss Jods Nulen, n abe Roman Meal hs. 28c¢ 23c w 19¢ uw 19€C Fig Bar Biscuits EERE RE Shireift's "Good Marmalade, 16 oz, Peanut Butter Morning" . Jar Glass Milllonaire Sardines ------------r a ---------- necting North and South Myrtle for a start? Congratulations are also extended to the Reeve anu other Councillors for 1931. The January thaw on Sunday was very prompt this geason, but the cold spell with snow the earl ler part of the week seemed more (Mrs. J. Brown, Correspondent) Newcastle, Jan. 7.--At the resi- | dence of her son, George Coyne of Newcastle, there passed away | into the next world on Tuesday of this week Mrs, 8 V. Coyne. She had heen an invalid confined to her bed for nearly five months as the result of a paralylc sroke, | seasonable, | Funeral! services are being held both at her late home in Newcastle and at the church where she was ELA SEE MANY VISITORS COME TO TYRONE | on the Trafalgaar circuit in Hal- Happy Reunions in Many | ton County, Rev. Mr. Rogers, of the Newcastle United Church will | conduct the services at the home 9.80 Thursday morning, and | mt wil 1 deliver the - Sunday electors. Mr. Allin Jous, of Brooklin, call ed on the Saddler family here on last and attended our church service in the evening. The Township Sunday Schoo! convention will meet in the church here next Tuesday. Programs are | out for the event. A real good ! time is being lookd forward to. | Everybody will be welcome, Let there be a good representation from the different schools in thy township. Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Stevenson spent New Year's Day at Mr. and Mre. ¥. L. Green's, Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Farandale, | Ross | Toronto, Mr, Jack Herod, of Tor- | Rev, Mr. Neill | tuneral sermon at Bethel Church at 2,30 p.m, Mrs. Coyne was born on May Treas., Perry Wilson; Sec, Disney; with an efficient staff of | onto, visited the former's parents, teachers and Divisional Superintend- | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffin. id Sou ve Uitte. sluss | ~Chureh service last Sunday was | . 1 ng men's bible class pur-| well atended. Our pastor, Rev. J, | 24, 1858, in Esquesing Township, poses holding their annual aysier | M. Whyte, preached a good ser- | Halton County, She taught school supper on F dey, Janyary 15t ) 4 {mon as usual, Service next Sunday | for many years before her mar. ame aske as been confined | at 7 p.m.. At the close of the ser. to Shouse JBrough Lines taine : f Ye the Sacrament of the Lord's M. N. Mrs, ente A | Supper w oe administered. TE he Noun people on Wed- | Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Mr, The ice has been good on: the! little pond so the skaters have been | enjoying it. orn--In Toronto, on Wednesday, | December 31st, 1980, to George and Mrs, Pegg, a daughter. ! The Mission Cirele held their an- | nual meeting at the home of Miss Jessie Beelby on Tuesday, Dec. 30, | riage to James Coyne of the ad- | Joining Township of Trafalgar. Her husband died in 1803, loave y ing her with two children George | and Jennie, Mrs, Coyne was known for many years us a strong ad- Growing Deal WithHead vocule of prohibition, and was & Noises? Try This dependable worker in the Sunday school and other departments of 1f you are growing hard of slonary Society, membership in the Women's Mis- Homes for New Year Holiday Season- | | (Miss Leverne Burgess, Correspons | dent) : Tyrone. Jan, 7.-=Mr. and Mvs. Arthur Smith and family, Raglan, Sundayed with her parents, Mr and Mrs, Thomas Scott. ; Mr, and Mrs. James Dudley spent New Year's with thelr son, | Mr. Wilbert Dudley, Bowmanville, Mr. David Noble, Orono, visited with his sister, Mrs, James Storie Mrs, Colin Staples, Clarke, is | spending a few days Alr. Wu, Staples. Messrs. | | | | at Dudley and Floy, Dud- returned to their home aya Q have, passed through here on - w.sanroute for Mapkham, but the amount "YOR neque 'will depend upon your present age and the amount of money you wish to put by regularly --and the soon- er you start saving the more you will have with less effort. THIS COUPON WILL BRING YOU BOOKLET BY MAIL [44 guaraha following officers vell-investéuw he coming year: wer $175,000,000y Brown. | Let us send yousn, hooklet, . "Getting thers Gee, jams, It will help yogle Smart. your future monthly inconBrandon. - Toronto, Ont. 1 would like to nave' ydur booklet "Getting the Income You Want." Please send it by mail without any ,obligation to me. "Name * Afr, Mrs., Miss) AQATEES +oosavssrsaesseortsesis sossnersaraorrnrsnnsns,, were { Bethel Church, Two years ago , she was presented with =a life hearing and fear catarrhal deaf. nesg, or if ycu have roaring, rumb- | ling, hissing nolees in your ears, go to your druggist and get 1 oz, { of Parmint (double strength) and add to it 1¢ pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take one table- 'poonful four times a day. Mesenis will often bring quick re- are «from the distressing head Motors © Clogged mostrils should { iY Sebreathing become easy and rous stop dropping into the | Hor It 1s easy to take, Anyone 0 hreatened with catarrha) for who has head nolaes Ive this prescription 5 DO Mies Gladys Pollard spent a few | ley have days with her Aunt, Mrs. Ged Pollard, Leskard. Mr. and Mrs, J. Caswell spent at Oshawa after spending the holi- days with thelr grandparents, Mr, [and Mrs, J. Dudley. and Mrs. Nr. MM. Station, | V. Thompson, Manuers and | spent New. Years with Mr, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Dr. and Mrs. 8. Stacey and son Kenneth spent Now Years in Pete erboro with his mother, Mrs. Stacey, . Wa are pleased (ov the week-end in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Stephens and | gon Ted and Nr, E. Hennessey, | Mount Pleasant, Miss Edith Tay Toronto, visited Mr, J. | lor, Queensville, spent New Year's | Mr. James Thompson, Mr. ¥. lL. Byam, Doreeny and | Yvonne, . Mr. and Mrs, Luther New Year's at Mrs, Clara Byram's, Bowmanville, Mgeers. Jack, Harry, Frank, Clar- { ence Hatherly, Sundayed at Nr, and Mrs. I". Trolley and family, Miss Stella Stephens, Brown on Sunday. 1 at Mr. W. I. Park, Hooper, Morley and are Lute Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly, Lave Rev, | MH. Hoooy's, Bowmanville | | | | | SANTA CLARA MEATY \ & Ib. - MED. SIZE w. BAe Fruits and Vegetables GRAPE FRUIT Extra large. .... 2: 19¢ oh 19¢ NAVEL Orava 18e 19¢ . 1 grade, 6 lbs, ... Prun Butte -- TS ---- SILVERLEAF CHOICE CREAMERY HANDY Ammonia rk. BEST QUALITY BREAD Cornmeal "hai Rolled Qats .... Pearl Barley California Lima Deans Split Peas ... Rose Rice ... ... ... .i.\v Hand Picked White Beans .., e 24-02, LOAF ICEBERG LETTUCE, . CQOKING ONIONS. No "AYLMER"" FANCY GOLDEN BANTAM sTOP&SHOp