Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1931, p. 10

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| Heads Commission y 4 a 60th wedding anniversary, ~ bration the bride and groom of 60 i rs ago showed that they could 88 well as any of the younger peo- . installation ceremony was followed - fnaugural meeting, succeeding R. N. F, McFarlane, who has served as THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 193] \ PACE TEN Eastern Ontario News Bixty Years Married Port Hope.--On the occasion of » and Mrs. A. L. Minthorne of riposa, threw their home open to large number of friends. In the ance that made up part of the cele: rip the light fantastic" just about ple paying honor to them. Installed Officers _ Prescott.--D, D. G. P. Thomas Russell, assisted by a number of| embers of Brock Encampment, 0. 9, visited Prescott and installea the officers of Columbian Encamp- ment, No. 77, in the presence of a large gathering of members. The by an enjoyable oyster supper, | Kingston.--John F. Sowards was, elected chairman of the Public Uti- lites Commission for 1931, at the chairman for eight years and who has just completed twelve years as a member of the Commission. . Aged Resident Dies | Port Hope.--Robert Sly, well- known market gardener, who re- gided on the King's Highway a short distance east of Port Hope, passed away in his 73rd year. De- ceased was born in England but has lived in Port Hope many years. Vehicles Collided Brockville,--An automobile driv- en by C. Joy, 9 Apple street, and a Motorways truck, driven by J. Kh. Wilson, 665 St, Patrick street, Ot- tawa, collided last evening ou King's highway, No, 2, near the Ontario Hospital. The automobile was damaged considerably by the impact, but none of the occupants of either vehicles were injured. Butterfly Caught Brockville.--(. FP, zang, caretak- er of Victoria building, yesterday caught a live butterfly, which was fiving about a room in the upper part of the municipal structure. Three Men Arrested Cornwall. Three young men suspected to have been the perpet- rators of a series of holdups at Ver- dun, Quebec, last night were arrest- ed at Cotean J ~vebec, by Chief Constable Fred Seymour and P. C.'s Cory Moore and Herman Kirkey of Cornwall They = were taken to Montreal, where they wer turned over to the detective bur- eau. EY Officers Elected Bethany.--The members of the United Sunday School met for the annual business meeting, when Mr, Jakeman was again chosen super- intendent for the New Year, with Walter Rowland as assistant, Gave Liquor to Minors Brockville.--In police court this morning Magistrate George A. Wright sentenced Ernest Hawkins, a local taxidriver, to six months' imprisonment following his convie- tion on a charge of giving liquor to minors. It was the third offence registered against Hawkins under the Liquor Control Act. Lodges Amalgamate Campbellford.--An tion of the two L,O.L. lodges of Campbellford, Nos, 36 and 520, have now been effected, wth the re- sult that the new organization will be known in the future as L.O.L. No. 526. amalgama- Reeve Re-Elected Millbrook.--Reeve George H, Hooton of Caven township, the man who was largely responsible for the revaluation of the United counties of Northumberland and Durham for a new equalization of assess- ment, was re-elected yesteday by a majority of 77 over Harry Elson, The total vote was 447 to 370. Exhibit at Buenos Aires, Brockville,--Among the Canadi- an manufacturing firms which will have exhibits at the British Empire Trade Fair to be held in Buenos Aires during Mareh and April are Avert Serious Blaze Kemptvillo.--What might have been a bad fire was narrowly avert- ed when Gordon Allen, spn of J, H. Allen, proprietor of the Allen House Kemptville's largest hostelry, was disturbed in his room by the scent of something burning. On investi- gating, he found a large hole burn- ed in the coverings of one of the beds on which one of the boarders was lying asleep with a cigarette. Births Lead Deaths Lindsay.--~In December, 1930, there were 17 births, 14 deaths and 8 marriages in Lindsay, bringing the total for the year just passed to 213 births, 126 deaths and 85 mar- riages. The average per month for 1930 was 17.7 births, 10.5 deaths and 7.08 marriages. Cheese Men to Meet Cornwall.----Approximately 1,000 dairymen and cheese and butter makers are expected to attend the annual convention of "ie Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association which opens at the Palace Theatre, Kingston Appointments Kingston.--In the current issue of the Canada Gazette several resi- dents of Kingston and vicinity are announced as appointed to posi- tions in the civil service, In the Department of Justice Robert Arthur Nicholson of Portsmouth 1s announced as a Prison Guard at Kingston. Wallace Fraser of the Frost & Wood Co., Limited, of Smiths Falls, and the Sewell Manu- | facturing Co., Limited, Prescott. Peterboro.-- Henry Coons and Gordon Fitzgerald were re-elected Reeve and Deputy-Reeve of the | Township of Smith in one of the | Had Stiff Contest | | | USE CO IF YOU WANT REAL WARMTH FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Clear bright burning, free from slate, dirt, etc. with a minimum of ash THE AL from bark. Try a load. WOOD "We have a splendid lot of bright, dry No. 1 Body Hardwood. Also hardwood slabs free SOLE A McLaughlin Coal FOR THE FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE GENTS & Supplies Ltd. PHONE 1246 KING STREET WEST | stiffest contested municipal elec | tions in some years. Mr. Coons' | majority over his opponent, William | Brown, was 243, while Mr. Ftzger- |ald had a majority of only 14 over | Allan B, Mann, | No Heavy Spending meeting Mayol expenai- | Brockville At th {of the 1931 Town ( i | Hall urged that no heavy {tures be undertaken in Brockviil this year in view of the present high rate of taxation Chairman Elected | Smiths Falls.---At the inaugural meeting of the local Hydro-Electric | Commission held here, T. E. Foster | was elected Chairman. Other mem | bers are Mayor H, H. Layng and J tC. Douglas. Is | -------- | Helped From Fund | Lindsay.--Two hundred and six | families have heen given relief out | of the Santa Claus stocking fund Already $1200 has been spent out of the fund for relief worl, | reese | Leader to Speak | Prescott.-- Mitchell F. Hepburn, {the young West Elgin M.P., who | hecame Liberal leader for Ontario at the party conference last month, | will make his first speech as chief- | {tain on Friday night at Prescott. | Mr. Hepburn is making his tour as | 1eader before the electors of Gren- | | ville county, the riding represented |in the legislature for the past 20 | years by Hon, G. Howard Ferguson. | , The seat is now open by reason of | | Mr. Ferguson's resignation. The | | by-election is on Feb, 11. | } | Golden Wedding | Stirling.--Mr, and Mrs. David | Wallace, pioneer residents of Stir- { ling, celebrated the 50th anniver- | {sary of their wedding recently. | | Oranges, per doz Kingston is announced as appointed to the position of Weather Obser ver at the Kingston Alfrport by the Department of Marina PRODUCE PRICES TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, re tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. 'roduce-- , extras Firsts ves pullest extras .... .. fiutter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound 0.36 Fruits and Vegetablg-- Carrots, 6 bunches . Beets, doz. bunches .... Onions, dry, 11 qt. hasket 'ave Cabbage . Cauliflower Spinach, peck | Mushrooms, per pound | Leat Lettuce, three for Head, Lettuce two for Parsley, per bunch | Onions, bunch, three for | Celery, head Squash, each: ........ 015 Parsnips, basket Beets, basket . Peppers, cach Herbs, bunch ..... Radishes, bunch 0.45 n 035 [Honeydew Melons, cach 0.25 Grapefruit, 3 for Potatoes, bag ... Cucumubers, six for lemons, per doz, Bananfls, per dozen Apples, bus Do., Snows, Oranges, doz. . Can. Green Peas, 6 qt. basket . Eggplant, each Green peppers, Lasket Pears, basket Sweet potatoes, 6 Ibs 1.15 6 qt AT THE FIRST SNEEZE For Persistent Coughs Use REXALL Cranberries, qt. ..... 0.26 Pumpkins, each +e.00 0.15 0.25 TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return- ed, fresh extras, 40c; fresh firsts 36¢; seconds 25¢; pullet extras 30c. Butter--No. 1 Ontario creamery solids, 29 to 29%ec; No. 2, 28 to 284. : : Churnoing Cream----special, "0c to 30c; No. 1, 28c to 29¢; No. 2, 26c to 26¢, €heese--No. 1 large, colorea paraffined and government graded. 13c to 1315ec. Quotations to poultry are as follows: Poultry . "A" rade: Spring chickens, shippers Dressed Alive Select M.F, 25 2% 23 26 21 24 19 22 FL Over 6 to 6 bs, .....17 Over 41; to 5 Ibs, ..16 Over 4 to 4% Ms. ..13 4 Ibs. each and under 20 17 24 21 17 23 20 Over 3! to 4 Ms, .. 16 Old roosters, over § Hs. 16 White ducklings, over b Ibs each 1 Over 4 to b PRN Colored ducklings 2¢ less Joung turkeys over 15 Ibs. (dressed) . Over 12 to 16 Ibe. each .... | Over 10 to 12 Ibs. each .... Over 8 to 10 Ibs, each Over 6 to 8 Ibs. each )id turkeys Geese, over 8 to 12 Ibs, each . All other weights "B'" grade 3c less and "C"" grade 7c less than ahove prices, Guinea fowl! per pair $1.25, "B"" grade poultry 3c less, and '('* grade 7c¢- less than above prices. Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the follow: ng prices: ggs--I'resh, extras, in cartons, ; fresh extras, loose, 48c¢c; firsts, 43c: seconds, 30c; pullet extras, 38¢; Butter----No. 1 creamery prin{s, : to 33; No. J creamery prints, 22 17 New, large, 15%e; triplets, 10Gc; stil- Old, large, 24c; twins, 1d stiltons, 26¢. Dressed .30-.32 ,28-.30 .26-.28 .26-.27 26 .30-.3) 29-.30 Poultry ickens, 5 bs, ap .... Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. Do., 3! Do.,-: Hens, 25 CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. §.-----Market yester- day Irregular on spot eggs, holders storage holding prices firm. Movement from storage is improv- ing and prices should work higher but for indications of sharp in. crease in receipts of fresh. Frac- tional gains were registered on January futures, the advance be- Ing ascribed in part to a sympa- thetic move along with butter | which was staging a sharp rally. Karly sales and posted offerings on spot butter pointed.to a lower mar- ket held prices at yesterday's levels. Januarys also slipped early, but like spot. tightened considerably as offerings were reduced. Un- favorable storage movement made | only a slight impression on the market, which continued firm to the close, 9! 0.H.A! | Norwood team here last night and 16%e, | but buying toward the close | NEW BRIDGE FOR FIRTH OF FORTH Total Length of New Struc- ture Will Be 2,400 Feet London, Jan. 8--Plans have bcen deposited with Parliament for the new bridge which is to cross the Forth at Kincardine. It will be of steel, having 14 approach spans with an opening swing bridge giving two clear openings of 100 feet cach, and has been designed by Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners, The total length of the bridge is 2,400 feet, Two projects have been under con- ideration; one a bridge at Alloa and tse other at Kincardine, and the en gineers on both schemes agreed that on the balance of financial and traf fic considerations the Kincardine site was to he recommended. The total cost of the scheme is approximately $1,500,000, and the building of ihe bridge as part of the official unem ployment relief works will naturally be of value to the steel industry, IETERBORO JUNIORS LOSE TO COMBINES Peterboro. Jan. 8.--A strong ral. lv in the third period failed to ive the situation for the Veter- boro Hockey Club Juniors in thar game with the Havelock- the combines won an exciting bat Py tle by 4 goals to 3. PRINCE OF WALES Delivered Part of Speech at Dinner in London in Spanish London, Jan. 8 ~~ The Prince of Wales displayed part of his linguistic accomplishments at a dinner of the Argentine Club at the Savoy Hotel recently, when he delivered a large portion of his speech in Spanish. He mentioned that by a coincidence it was exactly five years since he was a guest of the club upon his return from his first visit to the South Ame- rican Continent. "This time," he said, "my yisit to your club is of spe- cial significance to me because in a few weeks I am about to set forth on my second journey to South Ame- rica," The Prince said he had recently been reading some of the popular poems of the Argentine and there re- mained in his memory a couple of verses by Santos Vega which he quot- ed. In conclusion he expressed a sincere wish of prosperity to the Ar- gentine.- The main object of his visit his Royal Highness explained, was to open the British Trade Exhibition in Buenos Ayres, the first entirely British exhibition ever staged in a foreign country, Did yon ever stop to think that a fish may go home and lie about | the size of the bait he hooked! FOUNTAIN PEN G00D LINGUIST] RACKET STARTED Attempt Is Being Made To Victimize Prominent Britishers London, Jan. 8~Fountain pens are being sent to men of high social po- sition by a firm of manufacturers un- solicited, a stamped envelope being enclosed for the remittance of 25 shillings in each case, or the return of the pen. With the "sample" is en- closed a list of what are termed "dis- tinguished purchasers" to indicate the appreciation shown by users of the pen in question, If the pen is not paid for or returned a further letter is sent demanding a remittance of 25 shillings. The Stationers' Association of Great Britain and Ireland has ta- ken the matter up, and has ascer- tained that not one of the alleged "distinguished purchasers" has given permission for the use of his name. The Association asserts that there is no legal liability or responsibility resting upon the recipient to post the goods back to the sender, even though an envelope for this purpose may have beent enclosed. Scientist finds that the more an cient coal is, the better it is. No fuel like an old fuel.--Arkansas Gazette, Make 1931 the Prosperity Year Let us all get together and make this the turning point--think prosperity--make prosperity. Start right in your own community--buy all your groceries at the home-owned Superior Chain Stores. Everybody shares in the prosperity of the Superior Stores --farmer--packer--importer--canner--box-maker--printer-- and scores of others, but most of all--yourself. By supporting your local Superior Store you keep jour money In your own community where it really does you and yours some good. Make 1931 The Prosperity Year. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ITEMS FOR WEEK ENDING JANUARY 14, 1931 PURE ORANGE Marmalade Large 40 oz jar 25¢ ROYAL YORK COFFEE Ae One Ib Tin PURE Strawberry JAM <%= 39¢ HILLCREST Shortening a. Tomatoes, large 233 size 10c Pure Lard, 1 1b. cartons each .... .19¢ New Golden Hallowi Dates vee. 2 Ibs. 10c New Mincemeat ...2 lbs. 20¢ -- TE. MANYFLOWERS TOILET Save With Safety | SOAP | Open commitments Iggs. Jan. | Government Inspected Use Vapure Its balmy oil compounds lodge along the nose and throat and soothe the delicate membranes. It will work ~ wonders and prevent many disagree- able days with a cold. 50¢ & $1.00 THE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY at its many uses for. Cuts, sores, e head, sore throat, properties. May be inhaled or rubbed on the chest to relieve coughing. Keer a jar handy. | 50c and 90c VELVO SANITARY PADS 99¢ _ INSTANT, COURTEOUS ~ SERVICE--CLEAN, BRIGHT SURROUND- ~ INGS AT THE REXALL SODA FOUNTAIN At Your Rexall Drug Store Your Rexall! Druggist is the one perscn who is qualified to serve you with authority in pattérs of compcunding drugs on prescriptions, of ad- vising you on matters of cosmetic$, perfumes or other sundries. He is thoroughly dependable. Avoid uncertainty.~ Jawonize the Rexall Drug- gist. x Ten Minute Toddy Mixer 35¢ Value For Only One Cent With a Purchase of Toddy - Ovaltine - Chocolatta My! How satisfying it is to drink a glass of ho! Toddy, Ovaltine or Chocolate before retiring. Sleep then comes easier. Or perhaps accompany the morning or afternoon "snack" with a cup of one of these food drinks. With the Tcddy shak- er it just takes ten seconds to prepare. Toddy Ovaltine J Chocoatta A chocolate A real (tonic Trial Size drink delight drink of malt, Free with fully flavour. eggs, milk, and Sush hi ro 4 . : chased. ed and quick- flavoure] . with you do not ly made eith- cocoa. : like it, return er hot - or regular size cold. 4 oz. 50c¢ 8 oz. 75¢ for refund. Y% 1b. 29¢ 16 oz 80a 35¢ 1b. 49c | $1.25 ig 75¢ Shop Often--and Save With Safety at THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King East--Phone 28 Simcoe South-<-Phone 68 Bronchial Syrup Absolutely the most universally suc- cessful cough relief we sell. May be given to: children as well. A great big bottle 50¢ Hot Water Bottles Made by Canada's greatest gen- ius in making rubber specialties, and priced lower than ever be- fore these Hot Water Bottles are the best values we have yet offer- ed. They're guaranteed for two years. $1.25 Bottles, red Pastel Colours $1.50 Bottles, blue $1.19 $1.75 Bottles, blue, green and red ... $1.49 89¢ 50c Klenzo SHAVING CREAM 39¢ 50c Syrup of Tar & CLO, 75¢ Snowhite ABSORBENT COTTON 59¢ RAIN OR SHINC WE DELIVER FREE TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY uary, refrigerator, 286; April tor- | age, 21. Butter, January, 346; | February, 271; March, 1. : [ Two market receipts d 32,783; last year, 34,557. today, 22,983; last year. 33,- | today. 131. Chicago spot market -- Butter, Nir . 26 tead E tone irregular. standards, 264c; tone , firsts, 23 to 24c; TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto | Board of Trade are making the fol- | lowing quotations for car lots: Manitoba wheat---No. 1 hard, G1§c; No. 1 Northern, 613c; No. 2 do., 591c; No. 8 do., 57%¢c; No. 4 do,, 654c (c.l.f. Goderich and Bay Ports). Manitoba Oats--No. 3 363c; No. 1 feed, 343c. Argentine corn--74c Colborne), Milifeed, delivered Montreal, freights, bags included--Bran, ver ton, 21.25; shorts, per tom, $22.. 26; middlings. $30.25. Ontario grain -- Wheat, 67c: barley, 30c; oats, 29c; buckwheat, 50c. cw. (cd.f. Port rye, 3b5c; CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Jan. 8.--Much strong- er spot egg market yesterday, par- ticularly refrigerators, which are closely held and generally in strong hands. Open comniitments -- January refrigerator eggs, 285; April stor- age eggs, 21; January butter, 328; February butter, 282; March but- er, 7. Two market receipts---Rutt day, 16.564; last year, 20,204, Eons today, 24,152; last year, 28,774. Chicago spot market -- Butter, oxtras, 264c: standards, 263c; tone steady. Eggs, firsts, 243; tone firm. : New York spot market -- Butter, extras, 274¢; no tone. Eggs, fresh firsts. 26 to 264c; tone firm. Street stocks -- Butter today, 89,928; last year, 111,667. Eggs today, 79,987; last year, 756,805. ml ------------ Niagare-Falls, Jan. 7.~Niagara Falls pros, after three consecutive reverses, broke into the' win col- umn in the Ontario League here last night by, taking a 5-0 verdict 1 | | from the Galt Terriers. The Fallsers played smart anda consistent hockey throughout and earned thelr victory. Thelr front line showed a lot of clever passing, while the team as a whole checked closely and allowed the Terriers few good scoring changes. wo a---_ 1 1b. Cartons 29c¢ Granulated Sugar bs. 35C Superior Bread per 7¢ loat LEALAND Sweet Mixed Pickles large family jar a -- 45¢ Welch's Grape Juice, medium size, per bottle 33¢c New Pack Lobster 3's ..28¢ I's .. De Luxe Matches "Strike Anywhere" ...8 pkgs. 25¢ Hand Picked White Beans vees.5 Ibs. 23c Fancy Blue Rose Rice .e ' .2 lbs. Fresh Milled Rolled Oats 17¢ Weston's Fancy Mixed Biscuits per 1b tease 20c Royal York Tea, in aluminum pkgs. per Ib. .........85¢ Pearl Naphtha Soap . terres oy. 0 cakes 24 Clark's Pork & Beans, size 2's per tin .. 10¢ srr erties Prunes, good size ..2 Ibs. 21¢ Marshall's Fried Herrings per tin .20¢ Libby's Kraut, 214's per tin 14¢ NI Ir Sa Chandler Horse Radish per bottle | .19¢ Corn, Standard Quality, 2's +102 tins 25¢ Clothes Pins, 8 doz. .. ..10¢ Singapore Pineapple 2 tins 25¢ Gold Arrow Mustard vases ...16 oz. Bb], 14¢ ees see sens Molasses Snaps, 2 Ibs ....25¢ Brooms, 5 String, each ...80c 4 cakes 25° -- ALL BRAN "Help Yourself to Health" 2 rks. 3§5C a Chocolate Are Really Delicious GILLETT'S LYE Cash and Carry each 4c KELLOGG'S ROWNTREE'S Bars FINEST RED COHOE SALMON 2c No. 1 Tall Tin a. ROYCROFT Finest Pasteurized Creamery Butter 2 ibs. 67¢c -- EE Soap 3 Cakes 19¢ LIFEBUOY Health

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