Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1931, p. 9

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ames ona aoa AAO GE Se A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1931 B= THE C ASE ARAN" where D SECTION 'meets Mr. Seller "aoovaase0 4 CONANT & ANNIS, BARRIFTERS Solicftors Notaries Public. Ete Conveyancing and geners! prac lie of Law Offices 7% Eimeoe BL. South, Oshawa sone 4 G D. Conant, BA., LLB; A. I. An nls kos LL.B w SINCLA of Fall Building. J . MANGAN, B. A ristor Solgitor, Notsry Publie Conveysnce:, Liomey to loan. Of fice 14% King St East, Oshawa Phone 445 ResiCence phous 837 GRIFRRON, GRED N A} Uses r, Barristers, Conveyancers Soaries Public, ate. Office over Steudard Bank. Entrance Simeoe coe St. Phone 12, J. F. Grisrson, K.C., T. K Creighton, B.A, N, C. Fraser, B.A. LOUIS 8 AYMAN, Solicitor, Notary, over Store. Money to loan. street portb, 'Phone 67. dence S478W CRFER AND HUMPHREYS BAR risters, Solicitors, etc., 24% Sim- gus St. N Flone 3160. Aloney to LOAN, Co BARRISTER. Dewland's 16 Simeoe Res) Dental DR. € J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett"s. Special ettention to X-ray work. Gas estraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 1813 DR H. M COORD, 9 SIMCOBD 8T north, over Mitchell's Drug Store a> for extraction. Phone 64. DR. J FP. BROCK, aT, 16 Simcoe St N, over Dewland's Pnone 1257. Nes, 23°W. Evenings by appointment. PR. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES, Dencists, 37 King St BE. Special attention to gas extraction end X- ray work. Nurse {0 sttenlanse Phones 1243 and 864. Optometrist C. HN TUCK, OPTONETHISY soecialist In muscle anomalies. eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and [ye Strain, [Ihe Chilo and Its Development. is ney Bloek opposite Pop Office bone 4516. (18 dec c; Undertaking ALEX C. HALL J3.A, BARRIS ter, ets, Conveya: sing aad general practice. 23% Kipg 5t., Basi Phone $237 (te) A, j. PARKHILL BAKRISPEK ete Money to lean. Alger Bidz, op posite Pas: Ofice. Phore 1614 : FRANK 8. BS, BAgRLITUx. Solicitor, Notary 'ublic, Convey aucer, money to loan. Third floor new Alger Buildin', epposite Poa. Office. Phone 2096 Medical DRS. "HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney lock. Phone 2050. Of- fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Sgrgery tnd X-Ray Dr. B RH Harper, special attemtion to chtia- ren s Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun: day and night ealls 2416 or 122 Dit. McKAY PHYS!JIAN, SUh- geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence King St. Bast, corner Vie torin =t., Oshawa Phone 94. Dit GIANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants apd children. Office and residence, 97 Boud Last. Phone 1155. Pe, Davip #RCHER, ALD. CNM 1. R P and S Edinburgh Phy- Ds 'Surgeon and Obstetrician. Office 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone £020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North. Pbone 3156. DR. HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET- rician Physician and Surgeon, Special reference to maternity work and dis- eases peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North Phone 303 LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East, Ambulance. Residence £42 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL CO. M. i" Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Fuperal and Ambulagee Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. £134] Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking. Private or fu classes, For terms phone Loi~ Muu- dy No. 35 or 312. (Dec. 17-1 mo) DAVIS AND PON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Ushawa, The old est Fire Agency In Oshawa. 30 Re. putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING [INSURANCE crpsult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe aorth, Your insurance wauts at tended to and your {interests pro tected, CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER- writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent. refund during past 18 years. Agency Germond Cigar Store. ! 28 jan ec) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware honse and moving van equipment Phone 82 RR. W. GRAHAM, M.D., Z.8e¢., L.A C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- fan, 3 years' post graduate. Special attention to maternity work Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Ofiice and resid- ence. Phone 3020. (Dec. Contracting CONTRACTING CONCERTE plastering, electric cr alterations bone 139 for estimates (18tr Veterinary Surgeon Dit. SHIRLEY, VETERINAKIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5aug th Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist Lit I T BRYANS OF 160 LLOOR Straet West Torouto will be at bis offive over Jusv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pla. {Cr consultation sud treat. ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat oaly. Appolulments may be made at drug stpre Phone 87 Second Hand Dealer NEV AND SECOND HAND FUK- niture bought and ecid. 186 Bloor street east. Pbone 1617M, 25 dec tf) EOPLE'S F STORK under new management. We buy and sell all kinds of eecond hand furniture, 17 Prince street. Phone 1751. (3 jan ¢) Architects 0. C. STENHOUSE -- GLNERAL architectural work. "ecend floor. Royal Bank Bullding Phone 1494 Res phone 908J. THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Feit Bros. vd 24-1 mo) Rates for Classified Ads First fasertion ~- 1% cents per word. Minimo charge for one insertion 80c. Bach subsequent eon- secutive fngertion 1c per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first (nsertions {three cents & word). Minimum charge for three insertions, ¢° cents. Box number 10c sddi- tional Profesrional or Business Oards, $2.60 per morth for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for eash ad- dittonal word. Phone 35 Ask for Classified Ad Department | | MOVING, GRAVEL saud and cinders Local and long distance baullng. Smith & Coz Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. BORROWDALE'S ~ CARTAGEHE -- Geperal cartage and household | furniture moving. Special atten- tion to commercial work, Local and long distance. 609 Caruegle Ave., Oshaw« Vhone 1618, (Dec. Beauty "Parlors CARTAGE, 10 tT) Shop. Speclallsts in permanent, ! finger and marcel waving. Per manent wars prices $5, $7.60 $1v aud $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068. Apply £6 Simcoe street north EXPERT MARCELLING GY BET ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wavo Shoppe. Marcel aud shaw poo $1. Phone 29 58. Palmist MADAME BROWN, PALMIST business private, 93 Loui isa Sreett Phone 2636F. 32 dec ¢) Auctioneer PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Slincoe St. 8. Oshawa, Ont, Special attention glven to houseliold furniture sales aod farm stock ana implements. Your patrpnage solicited. Money to Loan { ANS ON GOOD CITY PROPER- ty und farws Apply A. J Park- sith 87 King St. Hast. Phone (July 81.0» oe Som AUTOMOBILE. €ARS to-financed Payments reduced Additional! cash given. Terms rea sonable Motor Loans aud Dis counts, Suite 2, 14! King St. I (upstairs). Phone 2790. Open even ings. (Aug. 1511.) Music TERBERT C TRENEER, A.T.C. M., Orgasist and Cbolrmaster c! King Street Church, will 'accept pupils in piano, pire organ ana vocal music. 060 Willlam Strest East. Pheoe 2896. (Sept. 2 th» LEONARD RICHER, L.RAM SU pervisor of Music. 652 Carnegie Averue 2578F (Aue 25tf) For Rent SIMCOE MANOR = FOUR AND tive room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences. Apply superintendent phoue BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE = For Rent Articles For Sale BACHELOR APARTMENT, PART iy furnished, newly decorated, heated, electrie light, water, in business section. Box B50 Times, (141t8) APARTMENTS, Phone 1550 (132tf) 3 AND 4 ROOM Modern to the minute, or 2547TW,. MARCONI RADICS $1856 UP. Phoue 2604 for demonstration or cal] at shop Gladstone Apts., Glad stone Ave. (14411) MIXED HARD ANE 50k) WQUIL faa, S350 & d Also bone drv body wool Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1! (Apr BOND (1481) COMFORTABLE BED SITTING room in modern home, Good lo- cality, For lady or gentleman Phone 933W, SIX ROOM 1IOUSE ON street west, Phone 138, (30 jan c) FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Furnished. Phone 3338W. (Ge) TO RENT--¢ ROOMS. UNFUR- nished, light and water, $9 per month. Apply Box 71 Times. (4c) FOR RENT -- NEW BRICK house, 5 rooms, hardwood through- out, large living room, coal man- tle, bulit in cabinets ironing board, three plece bathroom. Wired for stove, laundry tubs. Close to Mot- ors. Adults, Phone 3310W, FOR RENT-- SMALL, HOUSE, centrally located. Reasonable, Phone 3352J. 13 Elgin St. East, 2 (5c) TO RENT NICELY FURNISHED front bedroom. Suit gentleman or business couple. All conveniences. Athol St. E. Phone 3179W, (5¢) (3c) FOR RENT-- COSY HOME, 6 rooms, fully, modern, hardwood throughout, hot water heated, fur- nished. §9 Cadillac Ave. Disney, opposite Post Office. (6c) TO RENT--TWO COMFORTABLE rooms, furnished or unfurnished, centrally located. Phone 1424W. (6c) NICELY I'UR- TO RENT---TWO nished apartments, modern con- veniences and central. With heat, light and water. Apply 97 Colborne St. Last. (8c) FOR RENT-- FURNISHED OR unfurnished house or would rent rooms on bathroom flat or ground floor. All conveniences. With or without garage. 140 Tylor Cres- cent (Be) - Real Estate for Sale FOI SALE --{ BEDROOM HOUSE, Agnes St., $4,600. 5 bedroom house, Elgin St, at a bargain. Houses for rent. Murdoch, 27 War- ren Ave. (4c) FOR SALE---- FOUR ROOMED cottage on large lot in Harmony, Juet outside city limits, Very reasonable terms to responsible party. Apply to owner, (14 Athol St. East. Phone Ww. (de) FOR SALE--SPLENDIDLY BUILT modern home in north end, con- taining 8 rooms, l'rench doors, storm doors and windows, also electrie fixtures. Pri $5500, No payment down. Disney, opposite Post Office f8e) BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE IN 2675 { dress Wm. WE al WONDERFUL VAL use in rebuilt Underwoods, They are as serviceable as when new---- at less than half the cost, Sent for your approval. Address *Un- derwood", 135 Victoria St, To: ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF SHEC-| ond hand boots and skates, Must be sold, On very reasonable prices from $1 up. South End Shoe Ilos- pital. 426 Simcce South, (11 jan ¢) FUR BALE -- PAINTS, VARN Ishes. We have the largest assort nent of paints, varnishgs, etc. in in the city. The Palut Store, 80 King sireet west, (Apr. £6 tI) FOR BALE--DRY HARDWOOD, $14 per cord. Dry tamarack §12 a cord. Norman Sanders, King St Last, Phone 1774M, (8 jan ¢) FOUR ROOM decorated, large Reason- Phone (5c) FOR SALE--RADIO, WILLIAMS 7 tube electric. Owner going abroad. Make an offer, Must be sold. Phone 88J. (Be) FOR SALE--SET SINGLE HAR- ness, chime bells, saddle good as new, neckyoke, doubletrees, chains, gas stove, three burner, 222 Athol E. Phone 659J. (6a) FOR SALE--A "QUEBEC COOK | stove and 'some chairs, Apply 282 Halg St. (6c) Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY --=UP TO DATE dining room suite, nearly new, pay cash. Phone 2033M. (4c) WANTED "TO PURCHASE A deer"s head with horns. Please ad- Hunter, Harmony Inn, _phon® 2124. _ (6a) _ Work Wanted _ painting and pido work guaranteed. 340 Phone 3065W., (72) POSI- Phone (4c) FOR SALE-- A bungalow, newly lot, Small down payment, able terms. 317 Gibbon St. 29 43. or er ha, ger, Prices right, Pine Avenue COOK GENERAL WANTS tion with eclty references, 1163W. Battery Service CAR OR RADIO BATTERIES AT factory prices. Dest prices allowen for old batteries. Batteries charged Toc, called for and delivered, W 317 Celina St. Phones (8 feb ¢) BATTERIES CHARGED 45¢ with rental $1.00, Repaired and rebullt, Called for and delivered. Prompt service, Stan Dllgden, 20 Mill St, Phone 1885W. (Dec. 30-1 mo) - pm best residential district, Phone 2419W evenings. (6c) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE--WE- pairs on radlos, power packs apg | =---- eiiminators. Tubes tested and supplied, radio poles for sale Batteries charged apd repaired Phone S350). Charles Wales 146 Elgin East (Dec, 16-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD els, expert service, prices reason- able, batteries recharged 75c. Free radio service to battery customers Phone 2806W. George Burroughs, cortified radlotrician, it (8 jan ¢) EXPERT RADIOTRICTAN, ALL makes of radios, power packs and eliminators serviced and repaired. Phone 271351" (23 jan ¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY work. lxcellent references, Mrs. Borrowdale, phone 1618. €30 jan ¢) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, invalid, gen- eral pursing, Will assist with housework, Charges moderate, 3033J, BY EX- reasonable, (5 Jan ¢) perienced nurse 2, Phone 35290W, = Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT--SMALL farm between 25 and 50 acres pre- ferred. Will take more if suited, with option of buying. Phone 252 or write H. Hall, 213 College Ave (be) Tate | FURS ; fur coats relined WANTED--BED SITTING ROOM: Evening dinner. Simcoe St. N, dis- | trict, Apply Box 73. (6a) ! "Watch Repairing . VON GUNTEN, EXPERT royalr shop at A Swiss weaichmaxer, | 4435 Kiug Street West, Your pat ronage is solicited, EIT TERS aE A LIT TA Furs Repaired REPATRED-- FURS AND and remodelled. Experienced. Phone 632M. 119 { Huron Crescent, (29 jun ©) CINDERS, = SAND AND GRA: vel for sule--To insury prompt delivery, place 'rdersy In advance of delivery date. W. Bo rowdate hone 1618. Lost and Found TOUND--BROWN TUP, OWNER apply to M. Slowinskl, 575 Oshawa St. (4c) LOST--A BROWN POLICE PUP- py white tips on toes, white chest. Answer to King, Phone 565. LOST--BLACK AND liound pup. Big for age of nine months, Name "Jack". Reward, E. P. Burne, 61 Alexandra St, Osh- awa. (610) LOST-- REGISTERED LEGAL hound pup. black, white and tan, Answers to pame of "Pip". Ap- ly Bill Waddington, 163 Conant St, Phone £678J, (6 ~ Apples | For Sale FOR SALE--~------ABOUT 60 BBLS good hand picked Baldwins. Price delivered $3.50, 10 bbls. Starks, Price delivered $2.50, without bbl. J. C. Alldread, Tyrone, Ont. Phonc Bowmanville 196 r §. (27 jan ¢) | years . Hospital WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby, also known as "Sunuy- nook', ideal rest home. Reglster- éd nurse in attendance, Yhone, write or call Superintendent, (11 'jan ¢) ~ "Hemstitching ALMSTITCHING, PLEATING, RL- pairs and alterations, ing, buttons und buttonloles. Dell Shop, 1656. The Simcoe S. Phon: (Jan, Help Wanted--Male "TO SERVICE washers in Oshawa and district. Part time basis. Must have auto. Apply W. A. Limited, Hespeler, Ontario, 2614 electric (5b) Help Wanted--Female WANTED AT ONCE --BOOK- keeper-stenographer by turing plant, Must be at least of age, in her work. Steady position. ply stating age, required, when number to Box 72 21 available, Times. : "Skates Sharpened SKATES SHARPENED, stone finished. 15¢. Slater. Buena Vista. Phone 3193W, (16 feb ¢! | Auction Sale FRIDAY, JANUARY 16--AUC tion sale of valuable resident 112 o'clock, noon, sharp. property and modern and antic furniture, the property of Arthur Johnston, Jaldwin Centre Streets, Brooklin, £ Sec t auctioneer, Upholstering UPHOLSTERING, DRAPE and furniture specialties at reas- onable prices. Geo, 27 Lond stroet east, Wm. Maw, ph dresemalk- | 5-1 mo) | Kribs Co, |{ manutac-{ Neat and accurate | Ap- | references, salar) i phone Olli 033 | al ! Mrs. | and RITES - COLEMAR; t CARTAGE PEW Lar-N 9 AND ' | al ! | 1 TIME TABLE | | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th, 1950 (Standard Time) Eastbound . Daily, eacep: . Daily , Daily, cacept im, Daily, Darl ¥. eacept Sund: ', eacept Satuiday, Sunday Suuday. 835 Lond street. West COAL COAL "bone 193 W.J. SARGANT Yard---50 Bloor Street E. Delivered .55 wu. LU am Y.l8 un, 2.10 pou 403 pos 7.04 p.m, 8.02 po. Daily, except Sunday Datly, eacept Sunday. Daily, Dany, Vaily, .~ CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Lifective September 2th, 1930 (Standard Thue) Eastbourd 0.50 a.m. Daily, IL Daly, Daily, Daly. "Dail Weatboune no Daily Daily except Sunday. Orders Promptly except Sunday. THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE] SERVICE PHONE 378. MEXT T™ "NEXT Tv POST OFFIO NEW OFFICIALS FOR TOBACCO COMPANY of GRAY COACH LINES Effective September 23th, (Standard Time) Leave Oshawo Leave loronio . ' AM; P.M 136 Tobace mited, Company and The Tuckett Limited - have announces ir organi- 0 cept Sunday, I rl] Srna rd . Sundays and Holidays ot : Bhd dd id Sundays ot in charge Tobacco Com- elected 5 Manager of Im ympany. of -Can- ith headquarters in Mr. 1. 'H. A b- eer WHITBY. OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE Seen BUS LINES : {EHertive on and after October 6th, (Standard Time) Going West 1930) | Der and Arrive ome Hospital Arrive Whitby | Leave Leave ! Bowmanville Oshawa (24 jan c) | Mexico Provides Santa Claus With Substitute ity City. substitute -Santa Claus in will be Quet god of the air, toys to future. have a this Christmas zoalcatl, ly gendary who distribut es children in the In years past Santa Claus ! been on the job, but the gove ment has decided that it was much of a tax on Saint Nick It n- expect him to visit all countries i 80 Quetzoalcatl was chosen a= the | Unlike | most likely substitute. Santa Claus, Quetzoaleatl geeds no {lying sled. for according to. lozend he has wings his when occasion of own. a serpent, feathered and wings. Aztec tradition kindly. white-bearded man peared from the air centuries ago, before Furopeans came to America and when the powerful Aztec ruled Mexico. He preached doctrine of one god, tho story goes, and after a short stay, as mysteriously as he came, The Aztecs, cherishing the mem ory of his visit, decided to perpect- uate it-in the form of a stono ldo! and they gave the ido! the most sacred and beloved known to them--a winger serpent. Delegation of Santa's powers to Quetzoalcat]l, the government be- lieves, will give the Christmas spirit more of a. Mexican phere and foster purely Mexi can tradition among the republie's chil dren. has it that It's as difficult to get a man to admit that he smores as {t is to get a woman to admit her age, Detroit News. INDIAN CORNER IN LONDON'S MAYFAIR Former Ladies' Club. Centre | for Delegates to Indian Conference London. ~There 18 a place in Mayfair, 2 most thoroughly Brit- ish section of the city, that sud- denly has become a veritable little | corner of ancient and mysterious India. Eleven days before the In- dian conference, now in session, this place was just the uncccupied former premises of the Ladies' Carlton Club. thick.with the dirt will | Mexico City Mexican Has | Aud !} demands he aban- | dons his human form and becomes | with a ap- | race | the form | atmos- | Hamil- | have 1ce in and are through- realized y Jong gentlemen experie ] position n to the trade iimion, It is these Ut l m 1 Going Leave Whitby Leave Hospital anie Mr. 8 ive had will be to them in t} experience Mr. McGuire former in their of valu- e du 1t- SCOUTHEAD SEEKS Posit ion too to | 301 43 pu 12.15 SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE West Arrive Whitby 5a Lord Baden-Powell Wishes Movement to Name Its Nom Wein Own Chief Going Fast Leave Arrive London il Oshawa Bowmasvills Baden-Powell, Lis nom. disappeared | Jusses fur all occasions Reasonable Rates and Carclul Drivers T. GARTON, PROPRIETOR BOWMANVILLE PHONE 412 or 348 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Street Phone 28 and dust of long disuse, | Now it Is the sociu: | the Indian delegates. | prosaic door, over which bobby stands guard, a palace of the vants in w nit C puggarces and red cummerbunds glid. ilently over bright tiles and rien carpet cc Pig- tures from. palaces of the Mogul emperors ef the seventeenth cen- | | tury adorn the walls. Beautiful | Chinese vases stand corners. | And over all hangs an all pervad Ing suggestion of Oriental incense. Perhaps the finest room js or the ground floor, guarded fro: | curious eyes. It is the ladies' hou- doir, u room of clusive scents, In- dian brasswork, carved sereens, tand a restful quiet, v hole In the burried preparation par hat is ceded, He ticular attention was given to heat- | thin a ing. There is a central heating take t gystem and also coal grates and ause h particularly | electric heaters in cach roon , but be his fellows | { Heated cars are provided to take | him to, and t man chosen the delegates to the conference | may come {rom any rank." chamber, About the title ot the possible | And so men and women ateus- new 'chief, Lord Baden-Poweel: tomed to Indian plains can live in said: "That, too, I shall leave the London and travel about ite | movement to decide. 1 shan' ! streets without fesllng dam whep IT am dead whetl | chin on their flesh or i fog iu; called Chief Scout r | thelr throats. en-Powell will no bu centre tor Beyone ° 'he a British scented ! In dian er consider- an in t! 10 1 vio wot bo nu suit hye id call- omg able od * other Lord indlvidua mg "One 1 | commi £ right headqui hould hie ' or ghou uu tituted? in Mmovenie nt. better than & can find the I'hat ix what sidering, A sonality movement must be end would be wo suid. cons pe some- it 1 ts he fs ymethin BRINGING UP FATHER -- 2871, (GoLr) GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 12 f Gladstone, modern three rooms, with three piece bath, water, gas stove, electric lights. hot water | heating, laundry, conveniences, private cellar. $20 monthly. Phone 2604. (14410) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera- tion, electric stove, washing mach- ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent Phone 2533F (650) HEATED APARTMENT, NEWLY decorated, 4 room: and bath, elec- tric stove, central, bright, airy aod comfortable. Box 50 Times, Ad LLL) WV -- ~ Pid MR. NGES, 'M GONG TO GNE YOU THIS COG - HE'S VERY FERQCIOUS | USED WIM FOR HUNTING TIGERS nN AFRICA | © 1334, 181] Feature Service, (ac. =] Great Briiaie rights ressrved, } Vice-Presi- of | and | HIS SUCCESSOR can | is | ceremonial | will § {care | Ww. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230.231 25 ALBERT STREET EYESIGHT. SPLCIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle snomalie eyesight snd glasses, 1516 hone--151€¢ Opposite Post Office | | Disney Block Pipe 22 | For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Slurcoe St. S. We Deliver JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph, D. Liyesight Specialist "hone 82156 Felt Bros. | The Leading Jeweler Established 1880 | 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Ja Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Comer 29 mode) So2 28 wodel . $328 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe Street South Chevrolet Sedan, price Chevrolet Conch, price Tm C 74 ATHOL ST w YSH J. H. R. LUKE automobile, house amd contents Insurance, in good sound companies, Apply o2 Street Kast § Residence IW 4 lor Hing pone 871, ~ Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO 1, NOTHING TOO SMAT Adanac Machine Shop 101 King St. \V. Phone 1214 dX tness and Canadian Homestead) Darber--"Well, my little man, and how wi WE you like your hair cut?™ all boy=--"I{ you please, sir, just father's and don't forget the lite tle round hole at the top where the © | hes ud comes through." 1] { 1 { I BY GEO. 'McMANUS FOR MIM AND LU TAKE HM HOME Ne) [HE KILLED SEVEN ) ELEPHANTS, TWO HIPPORPCTAMUSES AND SEVEN TIGERS | Vl. SHOW HIM TO YOu WO ---------- I ------ a eda te --p a --

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