Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1931, p. 6

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7 ' l} PACF'SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 193/ i - 4 4 of TEE ; o. : i i 4 " " oR | "Get the Habit ¢ ' ¢ : All the Churches ( © | Bar ere unday Services in ity Churches | [sue (1 Worship : Hearty Welcome | -~ L cE : "q A Good Resolve | Speaker to Describe \ 's Unite The Year 1931 | Loan Toeeis ' 41 : i, ew S nite urc We are sure that it would be a ? | -- COE $7 very good resolve for some of us to Paes Flin Dinking of the Lusitania, | Pry J ® in . Cor. of Bruce St. and Simcoe St. S. make, to determine very positively We hi tered the new year and as hope "spring | Which is now considered as the § that In the year we are just enter- e Nave now. entered Upon ihe new Veur A ODE un Wie || world's greatest sea tragedy, will | Ye, ' ® REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister ing we will endeavor to do more "ternal the Numan Juares the Hisute bis Sright betore io hid [be the interoming theme in St, An | SY ! . 1 y ig) toto : 5 io Aneaely & f |drew's Chure 8 8 "TH " } | P : SUNDAY, JANUARY 4th, Ci Ages BR ph past gud Todo 2 least Somlorting to think that it is largely in our | Bisea Williams, & piv gh THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP' } ani I % dof 11 that i fi ¢ ' i ; : . wreck who will relate hi orf . TT C'E8E 1 am. bgt 40" do, and perhaps som ||, Luing. the yeriod of depression, which economists ell do is || buce, ns appeared bafore crowds (|| | Office 3128, Minister, Rev. E. Harston, LL.B, Phone 148 ni would be inclined to decide that and individuals have suffered from the recession in business and udyisvces on Boke than thre dou: Asst.--Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson, B.A., B.D., Phone 2608M [ 3 pm, - SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS : 7 p.m, | "The Sinking of the Lusitania" ¥ Lloyd George says of Wis, "The Most thrilling story I ever BY A SURVIVOR OF THE WRECK The Noted Welsh Singers will help in the Song Service Delphine Ayres Sames, Risca Williams, David Owen Jones. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED How Can We Be Remembered? | Tp ing Street Rev. Chas. E. Cragg, M.A., B.D. nited Church || the year to come, 11 am, they should ease off a little rather than undertake more. That may be a wise and right decision for a few, but we faney not very many would be justified in so deciding, The danger of the average man among us overworking himself is not very great, But even for those of us who are now doing all that we ought to do, might it not be that a decision to | try to do better work would be in {order? Perhaps we are not work- ing as intelligently and effectively as we ought to, Perhaps we have- {n't the right feeling and spirit in our work, Perhaps our system and scheme of things is at fault, Perhaps we are listless and half- | hearted when by stirring ourselves we might work with enthusiasm |and therefore with much greater success, Perhaps we are looking down upon our job when in reality it is well worthy of the best that is in us, In various ways and for a variety of reasons it might be quite seemly that we all make a real de termination to do better work in For work is good for a man's soul, We were never more convine- the decreased purchasing power of the peole, largely resulting from unemployment, There is possibly not one denomination in Oshawa which has not felt to greater or less degree the pinch caused by general conditions, In every congregation there is a large percentage of working people, folk who give liberally according to their means when they have steady employment and are drawing regular wages, But many of these church supporters, having been without renumerative work for weeks, indeed for months, have found it difficult to sustain themselves and their families, let alone make any contribution to church finances. As a direct consequence from this it has been found hard by a number of churches to meet their budget requirements and giv- ings for local church purposes and for missions have to some ex- tent been reduced. At the same time there has been a greater drain on church funds than previous, due to the fact that an en- deavour has been made by churches to care for nedy families in their own congregations and to also assist in the relief of general distress, Some of the larger congregations have also assisted small- er and weaker churches of their own denomination, But prospects are by no means discouraging for the Christian church has successfully survived dark periods in the world's history which make present conditions bright in comparison, Material pros- perity is not always accompanied by spirtual prosperity and per- haps during recent years, when speculation in stocks was rife and money came easy, too many of us began to feel that we had no further need for God, that with our superior knowledge, our mass production and our great inventions we could solve all the problems that presented themselves without His aid and could live until the end of our days in luxury and in pleasure There are signs of better things ahead. And if the churches of Oshawa and the churches throughout the world can continue to show an example of courage, steadfastness and Christian charity profound and lasting impression, The Right Honourable Jloyd George says: "It's the most thrill Ing story I have ever heard," and Rev, D, J, Riley, D/D,, president of the British Baptist Association, |says: "If Risgea Williams could only give this great story in every city and hamlet throughout the Eng- lish-speaking world there would never again be a world war," Mr, Willlams is also a very fine baritone winger and he will be ac- companied hy Miss Delphine Ayres | Bames and Mr, David Owen Jones, | two other noted Welsh singers, iy {win conduct the song service, | Alcohol 11 am, When God Is Near 3 p.m.~~Sunday School and Bible Classes 7 pm, Regligion,.;.. Affairs The Minister will preach at both Services Good Singing, Fine Fellowship, Helpful Services, EVERYBODY WELCOME The Great | Deceiver : By A. H. LYLE Fiela Superintendent, Royal Templars of Temperance, EEE SERS Fate SE mE rt SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH BROTHERHOOD Bible Class | . . vd of that than we are to-day, A ; b ~ h 0 Vo fr y Be Inn; the New Year with God Re listless, idle Puig is yay only in these trying times then conditions will more quickly right them- | lhe Yours 2re slow; the vision 7A g mg an affliction, it is a #in and a erime, selves and people will turn their minds and hearts toward God with AL a h long, way i Sunday Afternoon--3 p.m. {" || With so much work in the world to a sane and wholesome realization of the true values of life. Yet dR, 8 nay he : J one by one the y 1 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. {| be done, it cannot be other than i on ne the Bendy of Good Singing Good Company {| that, And the excuse, so readily Go out and leave thee free The great idem that temperance 6.45 p.m.--Bright hearty Song Service. | | ALL MEN HEARTILY WELCOM made often, that one has not time 7 p.m, "The Kind Of Men We Need In Our Council" [to do the things that need doing, is often only the excuse of a lazy man, A resolve never to be guilty of the | sin of laziness, a resolve to do more | and better work as opportunity opens up to us, is certainly a good Er 1 i i Sunday Services in over [0 years Is that drink | i {dangerous thing, © For many year total abstinence was upheld as an Ideal even while admitting that possibly alcohol might, if used in trict moderation, be of service to reformers have been preaching for - Oshaw a resolve to make as the bells are ringing In the New Year,-- The New Outlook, The Oshawa Churches mankind This old idea of abstin- I €¢ . . © ------ RE ---- Sh 0 boing Be i nt Joward which Pentecostal | Christian L work is undenominational and ex- | mist before the Nght of : jonce, | Holiness Church Science' tends to several countries, and today we kn thi wiv hoy that Woders 811 Celina Street | First Church of Christ, Scientist The wervices of this church are (drinking really { Y means moderate in till held in the Athol street Mis- |ioxicat 'astor G. Legge In C fcation, | Pastor G. Legge In Charge 64 Colborne Street East | | A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Regular services of Knox Pres- byterian Church on Sunday will be conducted by Rev. Duncan Munro, | Knox Presbyterian ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH January There's not a singing robin lon building on Athol street wost, the pastor, Effect 1, 3 -- par 2the noKuery land, ---- hut the church will move soon to | Helence tes Wy ingore the man SUNDAY, JANUARY 4th, REV. 8. 0. MOORE, B.A, B.D, Minister : plumage St. Andrew's United its new bullding which is rapidly [who has drunk one glass of beer | 10 a.m. Sunday School !}| : Servi 1" 80 Elena Street. Phone B67F Beside the hoarse-voiced Services at St, Andrew's United | nearing completion at the corner |"one-glass-of-beer drunk," that | 1 Pastor G {Morning rvice at a.m. Church, Sunday, are to be conduct- [ ©f Centre and John streets, The |sven the smallest quantities of al- | Aum), = r 4 | SUBJECT Legge } 7 p.m.--Pastor G. Legge G Ob " Tues. 8 p.m. -- Sunday School 12.10 p.m. Prayer Meeting | Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing strand, new pastor, Rev. Paul Cela, will (cohol will exert a narcotic effect | commence his ministry next Sun upon the brain and nervous svse | day, January 11th, . tem, from which the {mbiber will | not be free for at least four hours We are taught that the great 11 A.m~Subject: "New Year Covenant--Keeping.' ed by Rev, F. J. Maxwell, the pas- There's not a heaven-sent tor. In the morning he will speak 2.80 p.m.~Sunday School and Eirra,, Golden Links and Royal I bluebird on "How Can We be Remembered" 'Oaks Bible Classes. | In all this world of white, while in the evening the sinking of 7 p.m~Subject: "IS IT WRONG 7?" But a great ow! winged with the Lusitania will be described by a survivor of the wreck, Evangel Tabernacle "Worship that Ceases to be Wor- pom.--"'Prayer and the Sunday School at 2.45. i # ) | Harvest. : 8 pam, A standard School every night Children's Meeting Friday, J ing the week at St. 7 pm 23 Andrews. pnt the first Sunday in the new year by appropriate music and sermons, A Prayer Meeting Wednesday, children's choir will sing at the morn ing service and a full senior choir in the evening. . Pastor. T. F. Best will preach at both services, Sun- day School at 10 am. B.Y.P.U. will hold a watch night service on New Year's Eve. The young people from spend the evening here and take charge of the last hour of 1930, All Saints' Church--Sunday Jan. 4th, 1931, 11 a.m,, Holy Commun- fon and sermon, "The Christ, 7 p.m, evening prayet and sermon, subject, "The One Hiving Authori- ty BN up his head and in the -sight of great men he shall be admired." Dr, Einstein says there would be no wars if ¢itizens simply refused to fight, We are having less trouble with this theory, perhaps, than with his others.---Detroit News, exceeds that of war, and the vie- tims of alcoholism do not die om, They drag miserably through a sick lite and transmit their decay to following generations." ' Br, Bugene Lyman Fisk of the Lita Extension Institute, New York, ks © dent of Czecho-Slovakia, that "The | influence and control, cost of alcohol in human life far [an evil thing-- Knowing this, that never yet Share af truth was vainly set In the world's wide fallow: Alter hands will sow the seed, After hands from hill and mead Reap the harvest vellow A silence fault of alcohol Is that it ke =. Appropriate Music by the Choir J W ne . - ship" is the subject of the sermon [our will iho nd a eo weg sha Fri. 8 pm,=-- ] Passed over me last night, which will be preached at the morn. | It] I ahd Dosen un 0x1 Bible Stud through Chflgting geiduce, EVERYBODY WELCOME f King Street United 4 * (condition where resistance {8 more ible ay . hy . a A There's not a song at morn- || "Beginning the New Year with |In8 service of Evangel Tabernacle |or less hroken down, Everyone Welcome You wre cordially 1uyited ow a i Ing, God" is the subject of the sermon | lOmorrow by R, astor J. T, Ball. In Abstinence Increases Crime? | | tend the services and to make use And not a song at eve, which will be preached by Rev, C, he sVening Pastor Ball will preach With these undisputed facts In| eee) | Of the 5 a ey a l And the woods for old com- 3. Cragg, at the morning service of |?" 16 mitten Shepherd. | ind it seomy Jrange to read In Free Public Reading Room | a, . | { panlons King Street United Church tomor Nahar the Morning Advertiser of London, | where the Bible ana authorizeu 2 8 Northminster | KNOX | With Jadden murmurs |/row, In the evening the pastor Servite i Aughiean Anglican Euglang (the orkan of ibe Hquo: | - ~ -- SIS UU0 | Christian Science literature may be | . | grieve, 11 k on The Kind of Men | "" aflic), an article which lames 1 | U * d Ch h Presbyterian Church wi NDeh yr Council." [Church, on Sunday, will be con-|the decline in drunkenness through- . vis i BU Bd 1 5 nite urc Simcoe Street North and There's snowflakes in the -- Busted by Rev. R. B. Pafterson, the |out the Old Country for the "in- rist urc on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat ll | Rev. Mansell Irwin, B.A. Brook Street hammock Christian Science ' crease in crime, Read the follow- urdays from 2 to § p.m ko B.D, Pastor I Rey, D M The orlole weyvers hung. "God," is the subject which will Iy Tr Ing extracts from this gem: (ANGLICAN) : ) ' 8208 | ev. Duncan Munro And snowflakes where the |i. atentesed at I a Holy Trinity i "The old toper may have been | Goi ) : i 89 Greta St. Phone 34 Brock St. W, raghe {be discussed at the regular service Rev. 8. ( Jarrett, the rector, !-uilty of an occasional tt Cor, Hillcroft & Mary Sts. a -- 4 ¥ Phone 2554 Their ru iden vespers [of the First Church of Christ Belen | will conduct both services of Holy | ut in BIN ROTA Ses yg ig AY ATTE } 'Wd 4 A hd ggg Be sung. Yat tomorroy, 'rinity Anrlican Church on Bun | 'oo fuddled to plan a crime. The Rey. 5 yr h TEs Fi B i & Satis Os P ntecosta) Holl day and will preach on New Year | -'riminals of today for the most | Sy rst a tist & 8 p.m.~Sunday School jut. ol ° m | Oshawa Pentecostal Holness iensages at both morning and [part do not drink. The conse- Incumbent | P But, oh, the litle people q > . cons |B " | Services at Oshawa Pentecostal |ayening services ARG . | urc ft t Sessions. | All clad In sombre grey, | rioliness Church on Sunday will 'be ' Hunce is that such wits as they ( wi » tO seek XV . 4 b 4 ------ {have they can use, . Teetotallsm, J ! $7 JpitieThe Minister Will 10°¢ vi 0 seek $y boun [conducted by the pastor, Mr, G. Dgitre Street United | course, does not dem otal on of 11 am. --- Holy Com- | Re Rita ST ig | pd Preach, J dach | " uy "EE "The High Cost of Promise' is |inals, but abstinence, t n : ii v. ubrey Small | ¥ w= Members of : Each bitter. winter day, St. George's Asalioan [ike saljoct of ng Sermon wel no question ) Lore. Stn be munion. | 18 Aberdeen st. | i Leagu nd Standard T, N Bai 4 , | will be preached by Rev. W. P.|the criminally-minded bel , { { . ao ate THE MINISTER WILL | Tonsge a of hue seed 7) Services al St, George's Angie i ™étcher, the pastor, at the morn: (mischievous, , , , The pone Mhivigghn 1 wn SPEAK AT To thank me with their Shure Pri Sunday Ate 10 bo oF ns service of Centre Stree, United | how the strictness of our liquor 2,30 pm. -- Sunday | 11,00 am : A 4 ? due J stor, © ' Church tomorrow, law hy y : 'hatter ay aws act on them," In the old days " 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. | $ dePencler. In the morning the | 1. the evening the pastor "will |w ] ' School. "A MEMORIAL TO % | And chirping sweet in- | ahol . A Benet) y Pp when they had the means and the | | A | r will render "Gloria In Excel lgneak on "Prayer and the Har- yortunit ' «4 3 p.m.--Sunday School Seed! sis" while the evening anthem 'NI! yest." took to ark, gr Hany lll 7 p.m.~Evenson, | THE LIVING." i and Bible Class And-though there's not « ||" "The Heavens are Telivg, | Shauna themselves practically harmless so bi " | {| Lord's Supper at close of | hi $A | robin, ; Simcoe Street United gi liter Unite od ' [tar as concerned soclety ut large a i ] the Morning Service | PY | y : d . \ a [} nN ru ~ 'Holy Trinity || 6.40 p.m.--Song Service. [|| 0 HT DOLE "When God fs Near" in the sul | Jasus" fs the Subject of the BEFION | (UnILy Are rarer mone thom, Loa || -------- | 3 p.n.--Church School | | fect of the sermon which. will be | which will be preached at tl Fa ' i u VIR . ¥ f 3 | The winter always brings Whic preached at the morn- {large proportion of those who . i | ea + || preached at the morning service of ' rie J nit p | " gE Church Communion at both 3 ~--Lilllan E. Andrews. jRrench or yr a J Baty ve 3t Noriuinster United [ould huve ken to dri 1 1 nd L CRACE | 7.00 p.m, \ | Services. Sunday, by Rev, £, Harston, the | : ---- Liiet } 0, The) utheran urch f " " J r i J ' : it lve by the its, JUDAS OR PETER?" a ANGLICAN pastor. Albert Street United RR To Wi Wh MASONIC BUILDING . ' kc. JA - i | Calvary Baptist ly New Year kg Reaping dulge thelr natural propensity, Rev. A. 0. Hahn | | > oi REV!'S, C, RRETT, -- hd a . § the sermon subject which w @ | Drunkenness t hav ' iL A . I + Fairbanks St. |! In The Churches' At Calvary Baptist Church to. |djgoussed at the morning service of {out of Tenia as. have kept then 154 Albert St, iH Wednesday 8 p.m. | ! bent, 80 Fa . i | morrow, Mr, John Lucas, of the | Albert Street United Church to- [equips them for it. Which fs Ry SUNDAY, JANUARY 4. iI Prayer Meeting . Evangel [¥ Of Whitby x | Faith, dtision Sing wil sou- | morrow £¥ Rev. 8. C. Moore, the [harmful to soclety, a sodden drunk. 9.30 a.m.--Sunday School, | it 1 3 | duet both services, e grims pastor, In the evening his semon | pq . " 4 I ey | [iis sm--casmioncrvy fj Tabernacle |i... vo comduciod & mission hore in Kok | Vil ba on "ve. Divine Uke On | Biner chn po made out ot che pn [| 1040 ome-oraing wore |fIf} WE INVITE OU Xo | | doled i | church a year or so ago. Their |ward," . ship, | Communion. i | material, hut no law will ever make f J 1 fhe ; 0 eT West The United Church, minister, --a---- OF hon material an honest man." ALL ARE CORDIALLY (| a | Rr a ft BA As Xu Richards B.D. Sunday, emperance reformers are often | WELCOME { 1 am.~Choral Celebra i SX 3 astor Rev \ accused of ex ti bh r- 1 i p i Residence: 21 Park Koad Jan, 4th, the minister will preach | M t D h | : aggeration, but cer-|}i ly thon. we A) Higuses 31. Sark Roy at both diets of worship, fn tne asters o eat tainly no advocate of temperance wl E00 i i io morning on "Medicine For Depress- 2 4 i i : pm.~--Sunday School. | ed Souls," and in the evening, "The | | this writer. . I t ! | 2 8 Touch of Christ." At the morning! When Dr. Landsteiner was re- |fect cure because they have suc- | ™ aye Other Side | who has vam ned, thousands of od aeor e # i pm.--Evensong and Ser. | 9 4m undny Schon, yervice dhe Suctumens ot JBaptien celving the Nobel prive, his follow ceeded in a series of test cases that | i had oe 2 he Jae og dongs BB plies oi Cor, Bagot pr ntre St | | 11 am.~--""Worship that : # prize-winner, Sinclair Lewls, pald [egver the whole ground fully, Doc: ing : ; alt declare sokol : o Be mon. P A of the church are reminded of the b ing a short time ago in the Detroit | tions, declares that alcohol is a . : ; : Ceases to be Worship." Communion service on Suny | & B0o 17ibkie BY saying that he tors all over the' two continents Times. Miss King says: "We very dangerous drug. He says: CANON C. Sq RePENCIER | -- 11th, / | " . [have confirmed their claim by ac. |!augh at the Indians who in the ear | This Is my sober judgment, 1am A | Year Messages will be i" ord," "The Smitten Shey ---- -' Mages aT aE tual test in oases under their |!¥ days traded valuable furs for [past 60 years of age, 1 have pass Organist and Choirmaster-- I 4 Morning and Even. | At St. John's, Port Whitby, [ical profession Whose names is|charge." This terrible malady, glass beads, but many men and wo- ed through all these phases ot ob- § Matthew Gouldburn, I ing The Regular Services will | Watehnight service tonight, (Wed- never trumpeted to the world, 1t|Which may attack young, middle. men today are trading health, hap- | servation and experiences with al- .C.L.M. [i 3 gd I be held on Tuesday and nesday), from 11.80 p.m. to 1.15 is & matter for rejoicing that men [2&ed or old at any time, has now |PIness and success for a glass of li- cohol. 1 have tried to use it as un (f \ Thursday at 8 p.m. @.m., 1981. The central thought |of science are coming to receive |been removed from the list of in. TUG% 3 9 lustrument, and 1 tell you, gentle. li 8 He : on Sunday next will be the Epiph- [public recognition during their life. [curable diseases, and life will be It a stiskenw man eames into men, it {8 a worthless instrument, |]! a.m.~--Holy Commun. 1. piph- 1p 4 iu » 8 oN your store and cleans out the cash |and I cannot reconcile myselt ta |] i h any-of Our Lord at both the ser-|time for services rendered to hu. (lengthened for untold thousands of lon, i | - . Ee -------- | vices 11 a.m. Holy Communion, manity. Quite recently two men |People in the years that lle ahead. [IoKlstor, you wonder why the po-|continuing that kind of indulgence | | | i " |}land 7 p.m. evening prayer. The |have been chose from amongst the [The discovery was hastened, - and, lice don't do more to protect you, when its reflex effect is to cause the (fii 11 am.--Morning Pray- kd 1 * CALVARY BAPTIST | scl . elve reco, on for | Indeed, rondered possible, by the |But when, by drinking too much misery and the diseases and the | £ (Centre nite Sunday school and adult bible class [scientists to receive recognition Tact that resources of scientific re. | YoU Tob yourself of fame and for [trouble for weaker men who can't er, | ki ' : p " " J LL cle 0 re- v . ip N | 8 id 0a . GOSPEL CENTRE J Masts at Be the iii gh vip Bhd search were available to the two [tUne, you heartily resent it if any-|handle it. Men are of all grades. |b The Sate will sing "lon i Athol street Weal ti 's P | b) Both me doctors, The, have doctors who have won such a tri. [Dody wonders why you don't do|You can't separate them into ab- (Hi in Excelsis", i 5 4 Church (New Church Home in Course (f| St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church dis Joon are ive "ure for Der. [ump over one of life's worst ene- |S0mothing to protect yourself from |solutely strong and 'weak, They 230 p ! of Erection at Corner ot [| eV: John Lindsay, pastor, Sunday, (discovered a positiv OF Pa | Mos. Lat us have more and lar- uch weakness, grade all the way down, and I have : pm. -- Sunday Janu 4, 11 Sac niclous anaemia, The dlscoverers " REV. W. P. FLETCHER, Centre and John Streets) |i the MY rg ne ne Tament b are Dr. George WH. Whipple, of |#er contributions towards such ve- ; If drunk and all its resultant | never met a man in all my experi- i School. ¥ . 'W, 1% 1 i hed , 2 p.m, Sab- Dip h a) ' search work. The people Who pro- | harm were made compulsory in- ence Who I felt could - absolutely |} i B.A, DD. | MR. JOHN LUCAS bath School and Bible Study, 7 p.m. Rochester University, and br, » , poo] . I stead of prohibitive, the indigna- [trust himself with alcohol or whom i 7 p.m.~Evenson | : li of the Faith Mission || evening worship. Friday evening, [Gedrge R. Minot, of Harvard vide the snows of Jur hn the fant Ee Ha io a I yo 13 . I : tu rer . a $ a w \ave their B y ly. trust to- 1 1 & ¢ re I {Plavime) 1] 3, Dit, Jan, 34d, Drepapitory wer. ve Juche . period o in notary. And ot its means all that ono values most | hol." | "The Heavens Are 3 \ 1 pom~"The High Con i Will-preach at both services | Yeo and reception of new members. be hc fii ni of pre . ig praise famous men: 'Honor ain lite would be terrific." Know The Truth i Telling." | "of Compromise." Sunday Ji A hearty welcome extended to all |announce thelr discovery per | hysiclan according to thy need of | More Deadly Than War Know the truth, Alcohol is a . 4 11 am~--'Temples", Jorvisen. him with the honors due him; for| Another opinion that' expresses |great docoiver, leading you to be Baptisms Josond Jo Sunday | ¥ School X : RE rr TI n : 'orily the Lord hath created him. .|® Sreat truth is the statement of [lieve that its use is beneficial, yet each Month, \ pm.~Sunday 7 p.m.--*Pilate's Mistakes", Whitby Haptist Church will mark | Oshawa First Baptist Church will Fociy sh yo A ean shall life | Professor T, C, Masaryk, presi- all the time bringing you under its Shun it as CHRISTADELPHIAN READ EVERY DAY DURING 1t 3 or 4 chapters of God's most Hi Wi will that READ THE WHOLE oY iN Thi EAR, ig Whittier. A Hoty 3, 15, 36, 17; Romane 15, 4; Pealea EE Wo Ri sun Braaim ti First lock we

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