Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1931, p. 2

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o ario and Durham County NJws | BE a ---- THE OSHAWA / SATURDAY, JANUA Pp 3, 1931 . | ZION NEWS ¢ KMrs. J. W. Balson, Correspondent) y Zion, Jan. 2.--~The annual school meeting of S.S, No, 12 was neéld in school room on Dec. 31., and was attended by a fairly good number of S ratepayers. The company was call. i ed to order by Sec, Treas, H, Pascoe, | | Mr. Eimer Wilbur was appointed ghairman for the occasion and called on Mr. Pascoe for the minutes of last "CEDARDALE ELECTORS PRR Vote To Elect BERNARD GALEWITCH Alderman for 1931 -- QO- Elect a Cedardale Busi- ness Man to look after edardale's Interests. | frecting and the Sec. repost, which {/was a lengthy one, on account of vo much improvement being done on the school, The inspectors Feport was read and the School Section was congratulated on the improve- ment which had been dong by instal- ling chemical toilets, furnacette and decorating the school. H. S. Pascoe was elected Sea Treas for another rear, A. T. Stainton, F, B., Glaspe!l and J. W. Balson Trustees. Frank Pascoe was appointed caretaker, The meeting was dismissed by the chair- man ata very late hour, Money in Sheep Who says there isn't mnioney in sheep? Mr, Alf, Ayre imported a Cheviot yearling Ram from England July 1930 for $9800 and showed him at the following Fairs: Canadian National, he won first, and champion | and silver medal, At the Royal first, and champion. Ueterboroug." first, and won the silver cup over all breeds of sheep. Warkworth, first an: champion over all breeds. Ottawa first, and champion. Peterborough 75. Last week Mr. Ayre shipped [him to Mr. William I Cummings, Burwiek, Maine, N, H, U, 8S. A, for $250.00 F,0.B. Mr. Ayre is to he congratulated on u record of this | kind. Holiday visitors, A. 1'. Stainton and | | family, Alf. Ayre and family at > Edger, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, A, 1, | Langmaid and Evelyn, Mr. H., G. {Yascoe, Elva and Irene and Luther, | Mr, and Mrs, Frank Pascoe at Mrs, | W. J. Langmaids, Oshawa, Mr, and | Mrs, W. JJ. Sulley, Oshawa, Mr, an | Mrs. E. Wade and fainily, Kbenezor, | at Mr, Jas. Sulley, Mr. and Mrs, ). | \V. Balson were guests at Rev, VV, 5, | Smart, Greenwood, Miss Eileen Mor. | { phy, Mr, and Mrs, Anson Balson and | family spent New Years at C. A. Ferguson, Oshawa, | Mr. and Mrs. J. WV. Balson and family spent New Year's at Mr, Har- | vey Hagerman's, Oshawa. | | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton spent Monday in Peterboro. { Miss Eileen Stainton spent the | week-end with her grand parents, | Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Stainton, Osh awa and master Lloyd Stainton holi- | daying in Toronto at Mr. Bert Stain- ton's. | |. Master Car! Stainton, Toronto, | holidaying with his cousin, Join | Stainton. | Miss Mary Bowins, Toronto, nurse iin training, spent the Xmas holiday with her mother, Mrs. Bowins, | Objective Reached bie To Elect "PETER KOSTU ' ALDERMAN- a For Ward 2 (Southeast Ward) /Af you honor me with elec- J shall endeavor to bho || rthy of your trust. | BT TN Sy a SW TRAE ke wt EE _Re-Elect Zioh Sunday school reached their objective in maintenance "and Mis- sions' Sunday, Dec. 21st. Rev, Mr. Bick made a donation and Mrs. Rev, Bick "in memory of her late mother" made a nize donation, for which the | Sunday Schoo! officers are very| grateful, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspell enter tained their families to supper on' Monday night in honor of their | tenth wedding day when about thirty | had supper after which games | were enjoyed and' the host and host- tess were presented with a lovely set b | of dishes, they were much surprised but very pleased. | their guests for New Year's Mr, and Mrs, Mr, and Mrs. J. W family spent New Year's Bray's at Pickering: at days with his sisters, Mrs. Hoskin and Mrs, Ferguosn;in Oshawa this | week. Mr, Tracy Glaspell was pre-| sented with a fountain pen by the | adult bible class Yor having the most answers - right in the "know. your bible" contest this past year. { Rev. Mr, Bick gave a splendid talk on Sunday and a nice session was held in the Sunday school too, l Miss Eileen Morphy and the Bal: | son boys and Marion and Miss Mary Cameron went to E. Werry's skat- ing rink and some young fellow thought he would skate in the other { direction and the result was Eileen | | was knocked down flat by- being | | struck directly in the nose. Since] black eyes and swelled face. Mrs. | Werry cared for her in the house be- | fore she could be brought heme | NEWCASTLE NEWS (Mrs. J, Brown, Correspondent) Newcastle, Jan. 2.--Financial | statement of the Village of New-| castle. Report of Newcastle: Community Hall: Receipts, $2,976.41; expendi- | tures, $2,975.41. Secretary-treasurer, W. F. Rickard | chairman, H. C. Booathan, clerk, | Thomas Montague, executorship in | trust for Community Hall, Village | of Newcastle. { Receipts for 1930, $1130.26; ex-| penditures 1930, $1130.26. | Recelpts for 1029, $0726.50; ca- penditures 1929, $9726.56. The Financial Statement of the Village of Newcastle is as follows: Recoil and expenditures for ycar| : | Assets, arrcars Taxes, $3376.0 cash bi co, $36.76; Parks at Lake Front, $1100.00; Tools, mwa-| chinery, $276.00; Community Park, | $600,00; Broekville Bond Proceeds, | $571.28. Total, $5858.05. Debenture debt: Bylaw No. 474, | 1916, coupons 1 to 20, $3681.50; coupons paid, 1 to 15, $2677.26; balance $1004.5¢. Total Expenditures: bills payable $8500.00; salaries and allowances, $434,756; printing, posting and ad vertiding, $185.74; interest, $267.42; roads, $624.56; charity, $12.58; school purposes, $7084.25; debentures, $184.09; fire protec. tion, $135.00; County rates, $2, 13,04; Overdraft, Jan. 1, $653.95; Comunity hall, $952.49; street lighting, $653.30; Library boara, $442,560; bridges and "culverts, HT parks, $81.15; si an : 72.00; Bisgel sous, 8 3,28 otal, , lett, the trustee and delegate sent HAMPTON NEWS (Miss L. Worn, Correspondent) | Hampton, Jan, 2.--A meeting o the ratepayers and trustees of 10 € school was held in the school on Wednesday afternoon. There | were few in attendance besides the trustees, and those who did not attend this imporant meeting miss. ed the splendid report of the On. tario Educational Association con- vention held in Toronto a few months ago, given by A. E. Bil. by the school board. A few of the things discussed at this convention were: "That rural school girls ghould be taught domestic science, | rather than foreign languages'; "The matter of beautifying school grounds, trees, shrubs. bulbs, ete. | being supplied by the Government," ! "That schools play an important part in agriculture through school fairs'; "The matter of Cadet training in schools." It was deem. ed that great credit was due the Ontario Educational Association for | with ideal weather. | pond during Mr. and Mrs Bert Glaspell had as (|) ohn Gerry, Windsor, Mr: and ||} Ivor Gerry and sons, Toronto, and k| A! Mr. Norman Gerry, Toronto, thi! McMaster aad Mr. |} + Master Gerald Balson spent several | 4 then she has been carrying two very |}! Receipts and expenditures | for the year 1930. | J, E. W. Palip, [}| it the rtice. nd family, spen ome of his moth?® od. relatives during reason, W. Inch and sons, Weldon and | Carmon, Weston, visited his moth- | ¢ on Christmas day. Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Peters en- | loved the company of a number ¢ relatives on New Year's day. Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Colwell have moved to the homestead resi. dence, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrg., John Colwell 8r.. who Imve taken up residence across the road where their son Clifford has been residing. Keach house has under- | gone satisfactory changes and botlr residents are enjoying tho | change recently made. i W. Chapman is under ths doc- Mr, and Mrs. Silas Williams visited at the home of their dRvgh. ter, Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowman ville, during the festive season. Mr and Mrs, Wilbur Burnett, | Stouffville, Mrs. J. Holdge, Lind- | pay, enjoyed Christmas with rela- ! tives. Congratulations is extended 1°. Q, Hastings on passinf his 2nd year Degree Class Examinations at O. the holiday | tor's care. i the present system pf education. A | vote of appreciation was moved and socconded, and extended to Mr. Bil- | lett for the gratifying report given and a vote taken in favor of ap pointing him as delegate to attend this convention again this year Messrs, J. Hogarth, I. Rogers and A. FE. DBillett were re-elected: as trustees, The New Year was ushered After Monday and in the snowstorm of the rough weather on Tuesday, the thermometer dropped a few de- grees on Wednesday, making It more pleasant for those who Journeyed eclsewherce to spend the holiday with other friends or rel. | pent rather | atives. The day wa quietly in the village, a few joying the sport of skating oh th the afternoon en ana evening Mr. and Mrs Duffalo, pent home of RN. Avery. Mr. Harold visited his aunt for a few days, Misses Lillian and Mildved Phil lips, Toronto and. Mr and Mrs Phillips, Shelbourne, visited at the home of Wilbert Craig Mr. and Mrs, Ceorge Armour, Milton Christmas Avery Cameron, Clatw rithy spent Russell. Gilbert, A. C., Guelph, at Christmas. Mrs. Dessie Robbing visited at | the home of hor sister, Mrs. W. Short, Bowmanville, during tho | Christmas season. { A number of friends enjoyed a ocial evening at the home of Mra. | Nlddery on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers and family spent New Year's day with | Toronto friends. Edna Reynolds visited friends at Hillsburg, recently. | Mr. and Mrs. C. J, Kerslakoe and family, Mr. and Mra. John Colwill, | Jr., Mrs. It, Katerson, Norman and | Mary, spent New Year's with Miss { L. Reeve. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur, Mr, and Mrs. A, B. Crydgrman, Mr. and | Mre, John Cowling and family, | Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Ferguson and | daughter Ruth, enjoyed New Year's festivities at the home of | | Fred Tamblyn, Orono. t Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johns had | a gathering of immediate relatives | on New Year's day. | Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Mountjoy Christmas at the home of Enniskillen. Mr" and Mrs. T. Wray and fam- My, Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn and fumily, Mr. and Mrs, W. W, Horn and Wallace, visited at the home | of Mrs. C. Horn on New Year's day. Albert V. SWAIL I wish to thank the citic zens of Oshawa for elect ing me by acclamation to the Board of Education. } wiil endeavor to live up to the confidence which you have placed in me. Wishing all a happy and prcsperous New Year, Yours respectfully, ALBERT V. SWAIL, ht ee re eee Ef ient Adminstration and Economy rome ere x ~- aay ts TO THE ELECTORS OF CEDARDALE WARD tupswing, Mr, J. J. Robbins, Ottawa, visit- | tor may get socked undor the chin on. Arkansas Gazette The Retail Drugglists' Associa tion of Ontario is planning sn ad- vertising campaign to educate the people to the idea that a drog store | 118 drug. --DPeterboro Exam- | Keonom isle say business is { the That means the speculas instead of having his foot stanped _-- real The trouble with go many people ; who Lhold the world owes them o living 1s that they are such poor | collectors, -- Kitchener Ilccord, mn A bunch of princes are urging a "Moscow 5 now. linked to New United States of India, Wait a min- | York by radio.' Just the spot, we ' should think, for a war of aunihia- | understand perleetly that this well tion, Rudy Valee versus the Volga | probally mean a © Senate?---Nash- boatman, - Detroit Nets, ville Danner, m-- TO The ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, LADIES and GENTLMEN As chairman of the Public Utilities Gémmission for the year 1980 and since it will be impossibly for me to attend auy public meetings during the campaign ad give you a re- port of the operations of your Utilities for the past year, | take this means of doing so, FIRST I wish to thank the members and all officials of the Commission for their co-operation during the past year and hope the same spirit and desire to serve will continue for many years to come, The three utilitics=namely Water, Electric and Gas-- represent assets of almost ome and a half million dollars, As these assets are located in all parts of the City each atile ity requires carcful supervision and management, WATERWORKS DIVISION This utility rpresents the largest investment of the threo and is on a self-sustaining basis and after meocting all charges will show a small surplus for 1080. During the past vear the cost of all main extensions has been pald from re- serves accummulated during the past few years and cone templated extensions will be financed in the same way, thus avoiding any increase in the debenture debt of the city. GAS DIVISION ute, Your Royal Highness, do you f | If you want a workingman's representai ' » n . City Council : VOTE F. O. KIRE Alderman Ward No. A life resident of the Ward and if elected work for your interest to the best of my pk ¢ F. O. KIRBY 14 a When this utility was purchased it was not od as attractive as the Electric division. However the vendors would not separate the gas and electric in the agreement of sale but it was considered advisable to make the pur. chase because of the extremly advantageous position of the electric division, After allowing for depreciation and annual debenture retirement this utility will show a smal deficit for 1930, which, however, is insignificant when the substantial surplus from the Electre Division is considered, Your commission has spent considerable time endeav. ouring to readjust various parts of this utility and serious attention will have to be given by the 1931 commission to matters now under consideration and already affecting the utility, ELECTRIC DIVISION The electric utility will show a substantial surplus after allowing for depreciation, interest charges, annual deben- ture payments and all other charges against the system. This satisfactory showing along with the reduction in rates which lias been effected bears out our expectations and the repre. sentations to the Citizens when the utilities were purchased. GENERAL Your commission during 1080 has cffected several changes in connection with the administration of the utilities which represent a considerable saving. Many more changes are at present under consideration and I am convinced that careful management of the utilities will, if our present cone sumption is sustained or increased, result in dve course (0 lower rates for the various utilities, Having served you in various capacities doring the past twenty years I am again offering my services as a member of the Utility Commission and I would greatly appreciate your vote and influence, Thanking you for past favours and support and wishing you a Happy 1031, Yours Nespectfully, F.L. MASON. OE A A TT TIERS Your Voté and Infi Respectfully Solicited For the Election of John Caunt AS ALDERMAN Pledged to work in the best interests of Cedar- dale and the city as a Whole, and to stand firm or As Alderman in SOUTH-EAST WARD William Boddy as ' Alderman mn South West Ward My experience in the $y Council h varied character, havingerved the Lodi nos of the most important bmmittees in the Council namely: the General Bpose Committee. Believ- ing that my services juld be of some value in 1831 I am offeri lf : other term. ng as a candidate for an- Your Vote and uence Is Requested. 2 Co CTT as Councillog clamation for 1931, I extend to all best avished for a Prcsperous New Year. Maurice G. ( } 'Geo, C. Alichin For Ear | I Hes oovved wn City! } Council and Board of | Education.

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