THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1930 PAGE THREFP Westmount Area Becomes Rural Power District on Thursday Nominations Are Held in Nearby Municipalities, Many Candidates Named ~All of 1930 Council in East Whitby Township Have Qualified, and Election Is Assured If Further Quali- fications Are Received REEVE RETURNED IN NEWCASTLE No Contest Expected in Pickering Township or Pickering Village -- All Candidates But One Qual- ify in Clarke Township Lively contests seem to be looming in most of the municipalities in this + district, according to reports of nom- _inations n the villages and townships, which have been received by The Times. There were few acclamations this year on nomination day, al- though more acclamations may be re ported after the time limit for qual- fications expires at nine o'clock to- night, pi of the 1930 council in Fast Whitby qualified last night, and if 'any more qauliheations are received by the clerk today, an election is as sured, Although a large number were nominated for the various offices in Pickering village and Pickering town- ship, acclamations are expected in each of these municipalities In Newcastle, W, F. Rickard was elected Reeve by acclamation, and the school trustees were aléo returns ed without opposition, All but one of those nominated in Clarke town- ship have qualified and an election is assured, Nominations in the various muni. cipalities were as follows: Reach Township Nominations for the Township of Reach made at Manchester were! Reeve~George Till; Grant Christle, William Parrott, Deputy-reeve--R, J, Murray, Grant Christie, William Parrott, Couneil=C, W, Ashenhurts, R, J. Murray, Albert Dobson, William Et- ty, Robert Swanick, Wilson Gerrow, Walter Lynd, William Parrott, A contest for the reeveship be tween George Till and William Par- rott is anticipated, Newvastle Village (Mrs, James Brown, Correspondent) Newcastle, December 30 -- W, F, Rickard was. elected reeve by clamation at the nomination met- g here yesterday, The school trus- Jees were also returned by accla- mation, as follows: Fred Batty, Rev, F. Mason, and Herbert Hancock. Those nominated for council wer: « E. W, Philp, J, H, Gibson, A, O, rker, J, H. Jose, E, C, Hoar, Frank Branton, (Continued on page 6) NE a" Coming Events 8 Cents pur word each in esrtion, Minimum charge for each Insertion, 8B¢ vs \ . MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Ross's Corners, Phone 2804, (161¢) , ROUND DANCING EVERY TUES. day and Thursday, New Snooker Dance Hall, Brock and Divisfon, Melody Boys' Orchestra, Popu- lar prices, : (1611) SHOOTING MATCH, TURKEYH and chickens, New Year's Day at W, Leask's, Taunton, (162s) | "Too Late To Classify , WANTED---~2 OR 38 ROOM FLAT or house, State price, Apply Box + 84 Times, (152) « NORTH END, TWO NEWLY DEC: + orated, detached, six and seven roomed houses, 'Oak floors, elec. tricity, all conveniences, Rent reas. * onable to good tenant, Phone 8265, (1630) 6 DED SITTING room in modern home, Good lo- cality. For lady or gentleman Phone 931W, (Dec, 30-1 Wo) Business | For Sale | Lock"s Taxi | Service Phone 249 With or without three Buick cars. Good stand at Genosha Hotel and To. ronto busses. Call Mr, Lock at store, Phone 2428 House 918M RESOLUTIONS FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY ARE SUGGESTED Interesting Address Given to Local Rotary Club by Rev. F. J. Maxwell "New Year Resolutions' wns the subject of an inspiring address de- livered by the Rev, I. J. Maxwell, minister of Ht. Andrew's Uniteu Chureh, at the weekly luncheon of the Oshawa Rotary Club yesterday, The luncheon, the last for the year 1030, was exceptionally well at- tended, visitors being present from Bowmanville, North Bay, Walker- ville and Castleton, and the address was thorouguhly appropriate (o the occasion, President Frank John- ston, in wishing the compliments of the season to the members, took udvantage of the opportunity to ex- press hig special appreciation of the work of the erippled children's committee, which has been so well demonstrated at the banquet given the crippled children last week, The heginning nf a naw year, sald Mr, Maxwell, who was intro- duced by J, C, Young, provided an opportunity for taking stock, not only in business, but of things mor- al and spiritual, It was a good time for people to take a look at (Continued on page 4) . STRUCK BY. STICK BOY LOSES TEETH Citizen Ended 'Annoyance, But Pleads Guilty to Assault Gilbert Hilts was remanded until tomorrow for sentence, by Magis trate T, K. Creighton, when he pleaded guilty in poliee court this morning to a charge of assaulting Douglas Dash, a twelve-year-old poy, According to the police, Hiltz, who resides with a cousin, was an noyed by neighbors' children in: cluding the Dash lad who insisted on hothering his cousin's hoy, He attempted to frelghten the young sters away but falling in this plek- od up a hardwood stick which he threw with considerable force, The stick struck young Dash on the mouth, knocking out three teeth, In court this morning, Hiltz de nied that be had had any intention of hurting the boy but stated that the stick flew out of his hand by accident, He would endeavor to make restitution to the youngster for the loss of his teeth, he said, Magistrate Creighton sald that he would allow the accused some time in which to make restitution be- cause if he compensated Lhe lad it would influence the court in.lessen ing the severity of the sentence, Born PEEVER---~On Dec, 26, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Peever, MY Church Bt, a son, Cassil Elwood, (162) In Memoriam COULL~~In memory of a loving wife and mother, who' passed away, December 30th, 1920, Safe, safe, upon the ever shining shore, Sin, pain and death and sorrow, all are o'er, Happy now and evermore, Washed in the blood of the lamb, Fondly remembered by Husband, Bert and Jackie, (1622) COULL~In loving memory of Nel- lie, beloved wife of Thomas Coull, who passed away Decem- ber 80th, 1020, Until the day break and the sha ows flee away. Lovingly reméniliered hy Mr, and Mra, David Coull, (1562) COULL-~--In memory of Nellie, beloved wife of Thomas Uonll, who passed away December 30, In silence she suffered and pati: ently bore Till God called her home to suffer . ho more, ; Sleep on dear Nellie, and take thy rest, We loved you dearly loved you best, Lovingly remembered, Luella, Albert and Family, (162a) COULL~In loving memory of Nel- lie, beloved wife of Thomas Soul, who died December 30, d- but God Peaconally sleeping, resting at ast, Life's weary trials and sufferings past; In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Till God called you Nellie to sutfer BO more, Lovingly rememberad Mother, Dad, Sisters and Brothers, COMMISSION HAS | POWER T0 ACQUIRE | LAND FOR OFFICES May Proceed With Purchase | of Property, HEP.C. | Advises | That a Publie Utilities commis sion has the same powers as A munieipal corporation to hold land, and that there is nothing to | dater the local P, U, C, from pur- chasing or renting a site on which to construct an office building, was the reply receive. at the final meeting of the commission last evening, to a letter sent to the legal department of the Hydro. Flectrie Power Commission of On- tario. 'This roply will be sent to the city solleitor for verification, and if ha confirms it, there seems to he nothing now in the way of the utilities hoard huying the site it desires from the city and pro- ecaending with the erection of an of fica hullding, The loeal commission was can- tioned by the H.E.P.CC, however, that only surplus funds could he used to srect such a huilding, to | | that application must he made to the Ontario headquarters for ap- proval of both the site chosen and of the plans for the bhullding, a» | well as a statement that the money to he used is part of a surplus on hand, Approval has already been | ortunity rYogress The writer desires to take this opportunity of expressing his appreciation for the opportunity afforded him for the next few days to again serve the City and demonstrate what a real live and progressive City can do to overcome any obstacle standing in the way of a desired objective and in this particular case, the industrial development of the City of Oshawa, His experience as Industrial Commissioner for two years proved to him that only one thing was lacking for the future industrial success of Oshawa, and that was lack of modern industrial buildings available for rental on a reasonable basis, to suit the requirements of sound and well established manufacturing concerns, whose pro- fits in the past had been ploughed back into the business in the form of machinery, equipipent and materials, The element to overcome this obstacle in the City of Oshawa was secured by the incorporation of Oshawa Industrial Voundation, Ltd, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, and ii is pleasing to note that the occasion has now arrived to place the above mentioned company into operation to establish dn the City a con cern as described above, viz, The Coulter Manufacturing Company, which it is understood will employ 100 people. The writer's previous experience in the development of business generally in other centres, gave him a good oportunity for gompari- son and without reservation be is forced to admit that no medium- sized city in the Province of Ontario has such sound aggressiveness for development as the City of Oshawa, This will, without doubt, he again demonstrated by the successful operation of Oshawa In dustrial Foundation, Ltd, which is a Company owned and controlled hy the citizens, to duplicate the outstanding success of companics formed for the same purposes by Chambers of Commerce in the Un ited States, The citizezns of Oshawa have the opportunity, by investing in Oshawa Industrial Foundation Ltd, to hasten the turn of the tils from depression to progression, LEON FRAZER "CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS Citizens Have O To Turn Tide 0 given the preliminary «plans for this building, Chairman ¥, 1. Mason expressed tho opinion that thers was nothing now in the way of tha commigeion buying from the city the lot on the northwest corner of Simeoe and Metcalfe streets, and securing a deed for the property However, on motion nf Commissioners Stacey and Noss, the city soleltor wns asked to give a written ad. vice as to procedure, G. ND, Conant introduced the question of title rights in the gas plant, waterworks property und other property administered hy the commission, hut to which the city held the deeds As a matter of actual fact, white the Commission wns responsible for payments for abilities outstanding ngainst thesa propertios, they could not he classed as assets of the commis slon, sines the hoard did not pos- | sons deeds to them, he sald This provoked some discussion, John Btacey expressing the opin lan that, since the city had financed the purchase of these agants, it would not convey them to the util! ties commission until the deben turer wore pald off, The question was dropped after this discu wlon OBITUARY MISS KLIZABETH HAMILTON The death occurred yesterday of Ming Elizabeth Hamilton In: her seventy fourth year, at the homo of Mr. Ed, Chesobrough, 786 Al bert street, Oshawa, The deceased was found dead in bed and death was thought to have rosulted from hoary failure The lute Miss Hamilton las re #lded at the home of Mr; Chese. | brough for the last three years, | Bhe in wurvived by one brother, | John, and ono sister, Mrs, Hodge, | both of Saskatchewan | The funeral service will he held | Wednesday morning Dee. 81, at the Armstrong Funeral Parlours, 87 Calina street. at 10.30 o'clock. Rev, 8, C, Jarrett, of Holy Trinity Angliean church, will be In charge of tho service and interment will be made in the Union Cemetery, EDWARD BOUCKLEY Oshawa lost one of its hast known citizens this morning in the passing of Edward 1, Bouckley, at the Osh- awa General Hospital, in his sixty- first year, The: decensed wan very wall known in this community, having been In the shoe repairing business here sineq 1910. Born In England, he moved te Oshawa, and Canada In 1010 and has lived in this eity ever since, The Rouckléy family Ia one of the largest and best known families in the city, The late Ed, Bouckley has been alling for the last two years and had heen in the Oshawa Hospital for the last two months, His death, while not unexpeoted, comes as a great blow to his many friends and acquaintances, He is survived by one sister, Mrs, Alker, of Oshawa, two brothers, A, L. "Mike" Bouckley, well known Oshawa business man and Arthur Rouckley., [Four daughters, Mrs, Mathews (Ada) of Younge 8t.,, Mra, Norris yg Hi Alma St,, Mra, Topping (Nellie) Younge 8t, and Mrs, Vallancourt, (Alice) Alma St, two mons, Thomas, of French St, Oshawa and Ernest of Golf St, oper ator of the Rouckley shoe repair mop, also survive, The funeral will be held trom th home of his daughter, Mps, Mat: hews, Younge St., on Friday after. noon. Canon C. R, dePencler, of St, George's Anglican Church, will be in charge of the service and in. ferment Will be in the Union Ceme- ' Died MOOREBHOUSE---~In the Oshawa General Hospital, on Monday morning, December 20th, Hans nah Shaw, heloved wite of Wil liam Moorehouse, Funeral op Wednesday, Decom- ber 31st, at 2.30 p.m, from the family residence 241 Eulalle Ave, Rev, C, K, dePencier sil officiate, Interment at Mount Lawn Ceme- tery, (1630) | ed [HEAVY SNOWSTORM | | covered with snow, and was unable to stop his car on account of the slippery condition of the pavement, Both machines were for installation of water in the new gavage he is building on King strect damaged but the drivers were not west in Westmount, was laid over hy | injured, the Oshawa Public Utilities Conunis sion last night, until the city engin- | eer has prepared a survey of agree ments with water users in East Whit )Y I'he applization will be reconsid ered at the next meeting APPLICATION LAID OVER An application from Mr, Powley FORMER PORT PERRY MAN William Rumsey, who was a real lent of Port Perry and Cannington sixty years ugo, when he worked in these communities as a carpenter and | builder, died recently at Huntsville, Lin the Muskoka district, to which h v Elm Loved in 1872 from Port Perry Ray MADE SPLENDID RECORD The Holstein heife Albino, bred and owned Ly I McLaughlin, Oshawa, has just finish- | ed her first milling period in the Ms | day division of the Record of Perfor | mance tests, with a test averaging 4 14 per cent, fat, a highly creditable 4 SHOR that indicates the trend of Lation Senvent on sy January 8 and Holstein breeding, 'This heifer, duy [ : was decided by the commission ing the time she was on test, produc. | * night, 10,126 gounds of milk, containing 123.75 pounds of butter, two-year TO ATTEND CONVENTION The entire membership of the Pub Utilities Commission will attend the Ontario Municipal Electric Asso GOOD SHOWING MADE The electric division has shown a | fine surplus so far this year, accord. ling to an interim statement by ( tices are being sent out by the | Barnes to the Oshawa Public Util hawa Branch gf the Canadian Le lities Commission last night, The gas on for an Imperial Night which | division, however, shows u sinall de being held in Rotary Hall on | feir, A complete report will be pre- ursday, January B, The programme pared at the end of the year. r this night, which will be of a cial character, is being urranged a group of the Imperial veterans | TO HOLD IMPERIAL NIGAT LOCAL REGIMENT | MEMBERS ENJOY CHRISTMAS PARTY ! Splendid Gifts Distributed to, All From Mammoth Christmas Tree | CENTIAL RATEPAYERS ASSO. Another happy Christmas party was the one given last evening in | the armouries for the men of the | Omtario Regiment and thelr fam Hes, The officers and honorary | members of the mess, spared no expense to make this affuir a sie | cops, Santa Clans was present and distributed gifts from the huge | Christmas tree, that for the past two weeks shed np oyay f color from Is iaminated branches outs side the building 'and that wag moved Inside for the ocepsion lagt evening About hundred whose daddies belong to the regl ment recelved toype und candie while the lasting gift of an elee trie toaster want to avery married man and to the sl + ones such things n« ties and gloves wore gly len, Lieut, Col, Vi. ', Hodging wae maeter of coremonies and oceupied | a place of honor on the rafsed platform in front of the henches { that had heen put up fn the tro pare of large holl 'Regiment Band playing | elections added to the | riment of the event A net gol was piayed hy Demprey, a haritone solo bh man Dunford, an xylophone solo by Bandsman MeCrogsin, and na roel tation wow give hy Bandseman Lnmbeyt 0 twn Jittle tots, fan The yeyeril mers cor the Bandsman Band# n | Han, Colonel I MeLaughlin | was present and took the opportun ity to extend a wish for pro perity to all for the coming year Smokes for the men of the rogl meant were supplied hy Col, My Laughlin and with them, to each man, n clgarette Helter or aret Tnek Creat new nig CHE of the f the Parker, a eterng War and an member « Ontario Rogiment, entertained the lnrge with some of his funny und songs, nll spoken In his attractive Trish hr The Jungle Band a popular fea ture, Cyril Johnston the man "hehind (he the Punch and Judy. Show glven for tha benefit of the children It 'ol, Frank Chappell had the priv flege of introducing Ranta Clan when he arrived The familiar figure of tha "cop" who In reality is Harry Power, war much in evi dence last evening There wns lauehter and fun wherever he went with his witty glories and his clownish antics, The fun was not nudlence stores He wis of Suburb Will be No Longer a Part of Oshawa City System, According to H.E.P.C. Order WHAT OTHERS SAY CIATION The Fditor, Oshawa Dally Times: I am requested by the Central Ratepayers Association of this city, to state that with reference to your recent editorials an erron- cous impression appears to have heen created thereby in the minds of many citizens, Lam to point out that no reso lution or recommendation hus heen passed by the Central Ratepayers' Association, either upon City Man- ager Government for this eity or upon the question of election of Aldermen by general vote or Ward vole, The resolution adopted was one upon efficiency and economy and | vending as under speaks for it. | self when read in conjunction with | official municipal reports, "That the Central Ratepayers Association of the City of Oshawa, fs of the opinion that the time has come in the affairs of this efty when 'in the best interests of this city, a more efficient and ecopom- feal system of administration for this elty is necessary and that a copy of this resolution he for. Although Bought by City as Part of Whole Electric Dis+ tribution System, Two Parts Now Separated and Portion of Bonds Will Be Returned to City WILL MEAN INCREASE IN ELECTRIC RATES Will Mean Additional Charge of About 35 Cents per Month to Approxi- mately 460 Consumers -- Reduction May Follow, However, for Whole Rur- al Power District The whole of the Westmount aren of East Whithy township will he made into a rural power district, and will be separated from the city of Oshawn hydro-electric system on warded to the City Council," 8. G, Carnell Secretary, Central Ratepayers' | Association, Oshawa, | WATCHNIGHT SERVICE Calvary Baptists are planning hold a watchnight service in the an nex to their new church home at the corner of John and Centre streets on sday night starting at 10.30 Rey, Albert Hughes of Toronto will give the address, The service | he concluded just after the New Year is usheffed in Wed Wed COLLECTIONS HOLDING LP Collections in both the electric and gas division and the water: works division are keeping up quite well, It was reported to the utilities commission last night, The eollec- tions department was urged, how. evir, to rigidly enforce all eollee- tion regulations regarding overdue pecounts all over when the tree had been unhurdened of its gifts, A sup per was served and the evening was hrought to a close with the singing of somo of the old favor. ita songs, Members of the officers mess and thelr wives took part in this jolly party as well as other January 1, the Oshawa Public Uti- ities Commission has heen advised hy the Ontario Hydro-Electric Pow- {er Commission, About 460 electricity users, Who reside west of the city limits, will he affected hy the ehange, Mos! of these are householders, and the effect will he an immediate increase in their rates 'of about 35 cents per month for an average-sized house, This is in addition to the increase recently effected, which wiped oul the former cut in rates, Oshawa Affected The city of Oshawa will alse he affected by the change, A surve is now heing made of the equipment in Westmount which was purchased by the city together with the efty's distribution system, and ag soon as this survey is completed, and the value of the Westmount distribu tion system arrived at, this figure will be deducted from the cost of the whole system to the city, and | debentures equal to this amount re- turned to the elty, Oshawa will thus benefit by the saving in interest charges ever) year on these debentures, until the whole plant is paid for, On the other hand, it will loge whateve) profit it has been collecting from members of the regiment, (Continued on page 8) { the branch, and as usual, it is op to all war veterans in the -com munity, | Oshawa and district had the ap-! pearance of winter this morning as roads, lawns and flelds were well The snow fell | last night hetween seven and nine o'clock and was the first storm in | weoks, It made driving on the highway very treacherous while the storm lasted, i -- Bh AUTOS IN COLLISION " A collision occurred at the inter. woction of Simeoe street and Athol street, last night, when a car driv. en by Jacek Morgan, of 221 Bruce wireet, was struck by a car operated hy A. E, Thompson, of 210 Mary sireet, as Morgan, who was travel- Ing mouth, attempted to make a left turn on to Athol street, Thomp- son was driving north at the time CADILLAC ADDS? TWO NEW MODELS Two new models have been added to the Cadillac line of General Mo- tors, according to an announcement from Detroit, This has been con. firmed by the Cadillac division of | General Motors of Canada, and the two models will be on display in Canada shortly, The model is a seven-passenger touring car, by Fleetwood, and will he added to both the V-12 and V-§ lines, The V-8 touring is on the regular 134-nch wheelbase, and the V-12 touring on a 140-inch wheelbase, po Too Much Firewater, Indian Brave Fined Elijah Morrison, Indian brave from Scugog Island, who was arrested here on Christmas morning when discov ered by the police in an inebriated condition, was yesterday fined $10 and costs by Magistrate T, I, Creighton, Morrison paid his fine and when last seen was shaking the dust of Oshawa off his feet as he hiked nor- thward to the reserve with a great bag of native baskets slung across his back. wl woes [EK $300 Stolen From Pembroke Theatre Perth, Deo, 30,--A strong box containing $300 in cash was stolen when the Pembroke Theatre was brokon into during the night, En. trance to the theatre was gained by a fire escape and the door fore. od to the manager's office where the strong box was kept, ------ A Philadelphia metallurgist 1a experimenting with stainless steel Wanted! BOOSTERS FOR OSHAWA To Assure A Real Live Industry By Investing $100 or more in the Common Shares of Oshawa Industrial Foundation, Limited for the construction of a modern Industrial Building leased for ten years. CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES 50 MEN OPERATION OF COULTER CO'Y, 100 MEN For Information Phone Chamber of Commerce, 2771 for use as mirrors in reflecting telescopes, ;