Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Dec 1930, p. 12

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VA TRA PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAW 4 DAILY MES MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1931 Eastern Ontario News | Ticket Office Busy | costing young women and girls or kingston. ~The local ticket offices | the street, and endeavoring have the railways report that tral | them measured up for bathing suit irom Kingston this year showed an|came before Magistrate Farrell at a ncrease over past years, This in- | special session of the police court, The reasc is due in some measure to the | charge against Dyongan was that of nereased number of students aftend- | "disorderly conduct," but was ng the university here, who go hom e | nressed, the accused being a all owed { for the Yuletide scason, but it also! return to his home in Dre ile indicates many Kings tonians spent | the holiday scason vith inends in fistant places, not Zirst Grain Shipped Prescott I'he © first carload re grain from the Prescott elevator | Dislolates Shoulder heen shipped via Canadian Nation Bel feville~When San R, Curry | Railways to Saint John, NP, { the Ontario Intelligencer staff wa --- . kating at the Arena, he trippe d and | Work Is Continuing Il to the ice, striking his shouvlder| Brockville~The |, IP and dislocating and tearing the liga- | Sons staff are still working in [Te went to the General Hos- | vicinity of McDonald's Point the dislocation wa Hillcrest blasting amd dredging shoals from the St, Lawren rows in the widening of the operations, Maynard, 188 ------ by | Injured on Highway Prescott,--K, Astats! of Prescott, was brought Vincent Paul Hos fmas mormng suffering ractured leg, sustained whe Iq! Ie Bus in Collision Peterboro--Mrs, P had her face cut red from shocls, | she was a Avimer street, 5 and suff car in whicl ger met 'in collis sion with os | St Peterboro Bus Company ( t the corner of Sime to 1 pital « from a n struc! he 0 so oe and | | treet by a car « Vate Presentation Made Joins Hospital Staff Campbelliord.--A ( nleresting function was held in the office of the ] the town of Campbelliord Abernethy was made the t of a fountain pen and pen- set on his retirement from the | of the Water and Light Com Mr, Abernethy has for the cars served as chairman of (H : | e of AT s University son of Dr, ar Kemptville at the vempt 11 dergraduat medicine, and G. D, Gordon, appointed an interne General Hospital 1 King Burglars Raid Home Prescott.--While Mi James W. Bain were Christmas holidays w in. Hamilton, their residene burglarized Christmas Eve sessment enquiry in Ca-| eral valuable articles tal James Paul, thieves. caused nsidera ( hip « to t ! and Mrs spending the ith their people e here was and sey 15t ten te board n eyising Assessment : yoro,--Assisting Judge O'Con- nship were r, 1. N. McGill, eeve Hooton and Mr, MeCamus and Mr, Donaldson, The session wi held at Millbrook and in many Joa stances it was noticed that the as- Granted Divorce Brighton,-- Jolin Wallace We of Brighton is granted a divorce from essment was comparatively a Mabel May Workman, Lorne Crost - was named as co-re 5p ndent, The Accidentally shot action was tried a obourg Lindsay. --Making the fourth acci- --_-- dental shooting in this district in the | Will Act for Driglitan past few weeks, Everett H, Fairman,| Cobourg.--A. R. Willmott, Cobour; ged 23, of Blackwater, died in the | barrister, has been appointed solici Ross Memorial Hospital, three hours | tor for Brighton as represen after the single-barrel shotgun on | tative at the nt probe hiclj he was leaning was accidental- | conducted by the courts in North ly discharged, the charge lodging ifn | umherland and Durham. Mr, Will his abdomen, moft replaces the late George Drew ry, who died last week in Brightor Charge Not Pressed -- Kingston. --Thomas Drougan, aged | Pheasants Dying 23, of Brockville, who was taken into Port Hope. --English pheasants that custody by Constable Orville Brown, | have been stocked in this neighbor following complaints that he was ac-! hood by the Ontario government 1 riiman village assessm being | E require a man well established in .Oshawa, to place for us a Short Term Security Offering nearly a 10 per cent, rate of Interest, The Investment is sound and sponsored hy a very responsible Financial House. Previous Investment experience is not necessary, Box 60, Oshawa Dally Times When baby is pecvish! When the weather is bad! In case of emergency! When you don't feel like shopping in the stores! JUST PHONE 28 or 68 We drug store large safe, service give your every need, no matter how or small, the same reliable, courteons as if yom person, Our quick, free des livery seevice has an ens viable veputation, The one "way to prove how satisfy. ing: It Ix, §s to 'phone for your next Deng Store Needs THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell King E. Phone 28 came in Simeoe NM, Phone 08 through the five : dying from an ur Rector Is Appointed Ce | Li has appointed Rey, of Millbrook, to the of Trinity Chureh, Coll Peter's Church, Laker Crops Above Average Ringston.-- That the above the avera on in Frontena ment of A, W | eultural repres Jeport to the 1 PROUT PRICES | TORONTO FARMERS MAKKE] The following tail, in effect on the St | Market Toronto, Produce KSB8, OXITA8 sone Fggs, Mirsts teres Fges, pullest extras ' Butter, dairy per pound 0 2% Do., Creamery, per pound ji | { | | | | are quotations, re Lawrence | | | | | Pears, led, fre | Peppers, Fruits and Vegetab): ge Carrote, 6 bunches , ., Leetz, doz. bunches Onions, dry, 11 gt, bas Cabbage ; Ld auliffowor Spineeh, era Mushroom per pound Leaf Lettuce, threo for Head Lettuce, two for Parse per busch Ounions, bunch, three for . .. 5, threa for ... rere sree pect 0.0 Cres Celery Bauash, each p Parsnips, backet ,,.. Lieets, basket each Herbs, bunch rr Iadishes, bunch ,,,.., Oranges, per doz ; 0.356 Honeydew Me each 0.25 head fone 1%, 6 qt plant Green peppers hasket el potatoes , basket 6 Ibs | TORONTO PRODUCH Toronto denlers are buying | duce at the following prices I Ungraded, cases h « rane, 40c; fre geconds 25¢; pullet e er o, 1 Ontar 20 to 29%ec; No pro- return h firsts | tras ) crenmery " 48 to] 20a "s eolorea | t graded, | 1 NO il hipper ollow | Dressed | Alive Select MLK |v on. HAT Spring « 61h 1 IRIS I Over n Oyer Over y to 6 | ldo, White duckling ha each Over 4toh Colored ducklings 20 less une turkey r 16 Ms, (dr nd) a Over 12 to 15 ha, each ,,, Over 10 to 12 hs, each ..0s Over 8 tp 10 My Over 6 to 8 hs, 1d turkeys 0 each each 20 18} to 12 1h fmhits rode ind * than prices Guinea fow] Ye rpalr $1.25 "B'" grade poultry les All other we 20 de #0e, |" Lora THE ARCADE AFTER CHRISTMAS "CLEAN-UP" SALE Those who were not able to shop during the Christmas rush should consider themselves fortunate, inasmuch as they are now able to buy certain everyday require ments at a fraction of the previous prices, LADIES' HATS We still have a few $ smart individual felts, velvets, bro- caded, etc, Clearing out at, cach, . 5.00 values, 95¢ WOMEN'S SLIPPERS & OXFORDS A varied assortment of dainty styles, high, medium and low heels. Reg. to $7.00. Not all sizes in each line, $295 LADIES' CORSELLETTES Good quality, brocaded Splendid fitting, and all pink coutil, % sizes. Each 1-90 HEAVY BLANKETS, 60 x 80 White with brown checked border, salmon color with white checked bor- der, Excellent value} each ....... $1.25 GOOD QUALITY WOMEN'S PRINTED PERCALE HOUSE DRESSES ................98¢ THE ARCADE A ¢" grade 7c less than above | prices, Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the follow- ing prices: V.zgs--Fresh, extras, in cartons, 0c; fresh extras, loose, 48c; firsts, 43¢c; seconds, 20c; pullet extras, 38¢; Butter--No, 21, to 3%; No, 31% to 32, Cheege--New, twine, 10%c; triplets, 1%¢; tons, 20c, Old, large, 24c; "4 Vac; old stiltons, 20¢, | Poultry Chickens, 6 hs, Do.,, 4 to 6 Ms, , Do., 2% to 4 Te, {io ha, » ne, over 5 Ibs, ilers 1 creamery printg, 2 creamery prints, Ye, stil. twins, large, 16 Dressed ef + 60-32 Jo Do., 30-93 29-80 +3be- 40 H Bro Duel | Geeso | TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain denlers on the Toronto Noard of Trade are making the lowing quotations for car lots Manitoba wheat---No, 1 hard, lec; No, 1 Northern, bbc; No, Bde; No, 3 do, ble; No, 4 49¢ (elf, Goderich and Bay ports), Manitoba oats 17%e¢; No, 8, 35 Argentine corn, 'olhorne) Millfeed delivered freights, bags Included Bran, per ton, 21.25; ~wchorts, per ton $22.25; middlings, $30.25, Ontario grain Wheat, harley, hoc; oats, 20¢; rye, wheat, bbe, No, 1 Ye 700 feed, Port (ed.f Montreal 67¢c; dhe; uc! TORONTO PROVISIONS onto provision dealers t the following priee wal retail dealers: fmoked meats Hams, medium are to 26 to 29c; cooked loins, 40¢; smoked rolls, 26¢; breakfast bacon, 2h to 34e; hacks, pea-mealed, 27¢; do,, emoked, 37¢, Pork loins, 23%c; "Fhoulders, 20c¢; butts, Z1c; hams, 19%e, Cured meats Long, clear, hacon, ho to 70 hs, 21c; 70 to 90 Ihe, 10¢; 90 -to 110 lbs, 18e, Heavyweight rolls, 18¢; Hght- weight roll, 6H0c, Lard Pure, tubs, 16e; pailg, 6% to 16¢, Fhortening Tierces, tubs, Lic; pails, 13%5¢ fipecials pastry Tierces, 17 tubs, 16 Lierces, 14%e; 16%¢c; prints, 120; thortening 15%3¢; pails, KEEPING HIS stranger Hyving? Rastus JONI What do youno for a Nuthin', guh. Stranger---~Well, that's a pleas ant job I must say, No worries attached to it? Rastus Naw mought lose it, STRONG REPORT 13 ISSUED BY THE ROYAL BANK Total Assets Over $800, 000,000 and Profits of Bank Well Maintained Royal Dank of Canad fe to its shareholders a tically strong statement nl year to November 20 The past year has been a uh, 'Captin' 1 The forwarding characte for the | 1930, very difficult one in all parts of the world and various banking systems have heen confronted with many and rapid changes. It is partieularly on. this sccount that the statements of the larger Cana- dian banks have been awaited with more than usual interest, Their ability to meet the conditions that have arisen and at the same time report a Mquid position of marked strength testifies to 'the adapt- ability of the Canadian banking system, 'This is of paramount im- portance to the general trade of the country and in addition, will result in outside banking centres of the world having increased con- fidence in the underlying strength of Canada's position, Shareholders of the Dank will find much reason for satisfaction In this year's state ment, In a year which saw such general depression it was t() he expected that total assets wou'd he lower than in the banner year o 1929, Of greater {imoprtance however, from the standpoint «¢ shareholders, is the faet that th statement shows the hank has be able to take care of the many si' Royal | being equivalent to | tained, The general statement of assets and liabilities shows that at the end of the fiscal year total assels amounted to $889,917,101; # com pared with $1.001,442,741 a year ago, Of this amount liquid assets ~--reprezented hy government and municipal bonds; stocks, and call loans stand at $370,120,438, This is equal to 48.87 per cent, of Habilities to the public. Included among lquid assets are cash on hand and in banks of $164,201,286 21,17 per cent, of total public labilities, Deposits have heen well maine Thote bearing interest are reported at $543,843,004 pvgainst #601,580,470 and free de ports at $1061,745,60% compnre with #180,707,298 at the end of he previous year, The shrinkage In deposits is in line not only with the experience of banks In Canada but in the prineipal countries abroad, The lessened business activity throughout the country is deflects ed in a reduction in commercial loans to $414,515,877, down from $613,814,505 last year, The fhrinkage in letters of credit oute 4 standing from $63,648,778 to $38,« 200,606 is further evidence of the ~ uations that arose without In any | curtafled activity in international way impairing the stremg guid pogition It is customary to repert assets only a little less than 50 pe* cent of 'the total abilities to the publie, Earnings have also been main- tained at a satisfactory level and as a result profits for the year not only permitted of payment of the usunl dividends and bonus, hut after taking ears of the appropria- tions for Officers' Pension Fund hank premises and taxes, an in- croare of over half a million dol- lars to profit and 1088 account, hringing the total up to $4,100, 778. | trade, due to world.wide economies | conditions, This is shown by the total liquid | Goo Earnings Reported In view of the contraction in vole ume of business handled, the nro. fit and loss account will doubtioss he regarded by shareholders rns very satisfactory, Total profits for the year amounted to $6,672, 627, after providing for changes of management and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts, This compares with $7.« 146,127 in the previous year, Tha profits for the year, added to the amoung carried forward from the previous . year, made the total available for distribution $10,146, 778, 1 Hall Mirror, fumed oak frame. Regular price $14.50 for ........ 1. large Mirror, walnut frame. Regular $16.25 for . . . 1 Large Mirror, walnut frame. Regular price $18.25 for ...... ....... 30 Remnants of Oilcloth, Per Yard 30 Remnants Inlaid Linoleums, Regular Price; $1.35 yard for, per yard 30 Remnants of 3 Yd. wide and 2 yd. wide printed Linoleum, Regular price 90c yard, for ......... $10.50 $11.50 $9.75 90c "65¢ 20 Remnants of heavy Battleship Lincleum, narrow widths in brown, green and gray colors. Suitable for covering running boards on cars. Regular price, $2.00 999, 75 Also several rolls of Battleship Linoleum, two yards wide in green and brown at from 90c to $1.90 per square yard. 7 only, Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 6, Reg. $6.35 for ........$4.35 2 only, Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 7143. Reg. $8.00 for ..$6.00 7 only, Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 9. Reg. $9.50 for ......$7.50 8 only, Cengoleum Rugs, 9 x 104. Reg, $11.25, ....$9.35 5 only, Congoleum Rugs, 9 x 12, Reg. $12.75 for $10.40 ey COMFORTERS 1 Crib Comforter. Reg. $5.25 for ..$4.75 2 only, Bed Comforters, Reg. $9.95 for ..$7.75 2 only, Bed Comforters. Reg. $5.95 for ..$4.50 1 only Bed Comforter. Reg. $12.95 for $7.95 1 only, Bed Comforter, Reg. $3.49 for .. $2.25 2 only, Bed Comforters, Reg. $2.98 for ..$1.95 A Few Pair of All Feather Pillows Left. To clear at, per pair, $1.00 Ta ee N THE ASSORTMENT, mat oun c SES SALE OUR STOCK OF FURNITURE IS GOING -- COME NOW WHILE THERE IS TIME TO CHOOSE FROM py a" gn a Fh PN BABY CARRIAGES 1 only, slightly used Carriage. Regular price $30.00 for .... RR $10.00 Rugs! Rugs! We have a few good Rugs left in Meltons, Axminsters and Brussels in the following sizes--9 x 12, 9 x 10-6, 6:9 x 9 and 4-6 x 7-6. Selling at about one-half their original prices--de not miss this chance, 1 Sidway Stroller, coffee color. Regular price $20.00, for... ... ovo iii $14.75 1 Sidway Stroller, large size, in coffee color. Roll top. Regular price, $39.50 for «....oo00vvv on $26.50 9 Pair Bath Towels, 21 Pair Bath Towels. 3 Pair Bath Towels. 3 Pair Bath Towels, 4 Pair Bath Towels. 4 Pair Linen Towels. 3 Pair Linen Towels, Bath Towels 20 Pairs Bath Towels. Regular 49¢ for .... Regular 98¢ for . .. .. Regular 89¢ for ..... Regular $1.18 for . .. Regular $1.89 for ..... Regular $2.95 for ... Regular $1.98 for ............$1.45 Reg. $2.28for ............%.31.80 CRORE) CEE i vee ns300 Sitar ine: 80 1 Sidway Stroller in coffee color. v Regular $32.50 for 1 Stroller. 1 Folding Go Cart, 1 Folding Go Cart, Regular $5,95 for . Regular $15.98 for ..../i. v0 0s. Regular $7.95 for $24.95 ere 4.95 A eran is ies P1050 +++. 38¢ 1 Gendron Stroller. Regular $13.50 for ....... 1 Hall Mirror (British plate) in walnut finish. Regular $16.95 for . .. . . PEE RE BRR RC RR SR SC RE BR NY $12.50 cave 186 $1.25 ...$2,00 1 Hall Mirror--oval--in fumed oak frame. Regular $16.75 for . .*. . ET RR SRS SR NRE CN BL BEC $10.50 AOA 1 Rattan Set comprising Rocker, Chair, Table and Settee. Regular price $200. For Er ware Ra $125 Luke Furniture Co. Phone 63 King St. E. 1 Three Piece Fibre Suite, Chair; Rocker and Settee, Regular $112.50 for... 0. .0ovninneen ' 78-79 1 Three Piece Fibre Suite, Chair, Rocker and Settee. Regular $39.80 for ... voi vviiiainnnn, $25 Cee

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