Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Dec 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and th ommunity | Social & Personal Mr, and Mrs, L. A. Kock, Glad- stone Avenue, spend Christmas with friends at Markham, Ontario, Mr, George Wilson, of Oshaws, spent Christmas' Day with bis mother, in Campbellford, Friends of Mrs, A. Copeland, L. who resides with her daughter, Mrs, |, A. B. Creighton, 9 King Street Fast will be grieved to learn that she is seriously ill, Mr, and Mrs, D, McTavish, Flesh- erton, Ontario, are guests of their son, Mr. C. E. McTavish and Mrs, McTavish, Simcoe Street North, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Nobes and baby daughter, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Nobes, Kingston, Op- tario, Mr, and Mrs, L. N. Street Fast, were the guests of Prof. and Mr, L. M, ley, Kingston, Mr. Jack Bond spent Christmas with his parents in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Mason, Jr, were guests in Hamilton, yesterday, Mr, and Mrs, 1 David, of Hamilton, Mr, and Mrs, ( Miller, of Toronto were in town yes- terday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, Foulton, Clarke Street Mrs. ¥. Barker, of visiting her sister-in-law, Archie McDonald, Simcoe North, 4 Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Neil Livingstone of Windsor, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Corbett Livingstone of Oshawa spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Fred J. Perry, Albert Street, dr. and Mrs, Archie McDonald and family, Simcoe Strest North were Christmas guests of Mr, Mrs. W. A, Jackson, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Adams, Gregory, Elgin Street, mas, My, and Mrs. George Lees and family, Harmony and Mr, and Mrs, R. White were guests of Mr, and Mrs. D. White, at 305 st, Eloi Avenue, on Christmas Day, Mrs, J, Cowrie, Alma street, en- tertained the Highway Travellers and the Faithful Ten, C.GLT. groups at her home on Tuesday evening, Miss Ida Comrie ar- ranged a short worship service and Miss Gomme conducted the song service, After gifts were distribut- ed from the Christmas trees and a few games were played a supper was served, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley McNairn, of Toronto, were guests of the lat- ter's parents, Dr. and Mrs, B, J Hazlewood, for Christmas Day, Miss Mae Willlams, of Oshawa, spent the holiday in Muskoka, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stalter, of Rice Lake, were in town for Christmas day and were guests of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. J, Stalter, King street east, Mr, Lloyd Stainton, of Detroit, spent Christmas at his home In Oshawa, Mr, Vie Crouse, of Windsor, was the guest of his mother, Mrs, Crouse, Queen street, for the holl- day, My, and Mrs, Carl®Bertram, of Windsor, were holiday guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Parker, of this city. Mr. Ralph Mackie, of Windsor, was in town for Christmas with his mother, Mrs, A, Mackie, Ar- thur Street, Mrs, lL, Simpson, of Peterbor- ough spent Christmas with friends in the city, Mr, and Mrs, Willam Goodwin and family, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, W, H, Ross, King street east, yesterday. Mr. W. A, Goodwin, and his daughter, Migs May Goodwin, of Lindsay, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Ross, King street east, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Greenly, Campbeliford, were holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs, W. H, Greenly, Mary Street, and Mr, and Mrs, R. W. Mattries, of Whitby. Mr. Alex, Barclay, Jarvig street, spent Christmas in Kendal, On- tario, : Mr, and Mrs, J. Jamieson, of Woodville, Ontario, were guests of rs, Jamieson's mother, Mrs, C, Heard, Clarke street, yesterday, Visit Our Store AND SEE OUR LINW | The Fashion Shopp- 84 SIMCOE ST. 8, We invite you to come in and look around at our Christmas Gift Sugges- ] tions. LAMBLE'S ----- Kayser Chifton or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1 00 | Guaranteed flrsts ATRINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 13 Simcoe St. South Arckley, King Christmas Arck- "A. Miller and son, is Mrs, Street and of Toronto were visiting Mrs, James for Christ- What New York | Is Wearing By Annabelle ole Worthing st A swagger frock of wool jersey for fashionable rust-red shade shows in- teresting buttoned front closing that adds a tailored air, Just to be different, it goves its cireular flaring skirt and attaches it to the hip yoke in deep scalloped out- ine. The collar and cuffs are of linen, It's so distinctive and so practical, It's simple to mare, Style No, 2703 may be had in sizes 8 8.10, 12 and 14 years, The 8 year size requires 2% yards of inch material with '2 yard of 39-inch con- trasting and yA yards of binding. t is also very smart in lightweight tweed in brown and white diagonal weave, just like the elders are wear- ing. It may be worn with a brown sucde helt. Make the collar and cuffs of white pigue with pert bow of brown grosgrain ribbon at necks line, Trim the bodice with brown bone buttons, Covert cloth, wool crept, challis prints and tweed-like cottons smart, Our large Fashion Book shows hgw te dress up to the minute at very lit- tle expense. Jt contains most attrace tive Paris designs for adults and ehil- dren, embroider Xmas suggestions, ete, Be sure to pattern, Send preferred) Price of hook Price of pat of the com (coin fill in the size stan ps or 10 cents. 15 cents No, 2703, Size Name Br FRA Rr irs Street Address | A HOUSE should have a cookie jar, For when it's half-past three, And children hurry home from school As hungry as can be, There's nothing quite so splendid In filling children up, As spicy, fluffy ginger cakes, And sweet milk in a cup, A HOUSE should have a mother Waiting with a hug, No matter what a bey brings home, A puppy or a bug For children only loiter When the bell rings to dismiss, If no ones home to greet them With a cookie or a kiss! COURT CASES FOLLOW AFTER PASSION PLAY Sharp Practices Are Charged in Long List of Complaints Berlin, Germany.--As an after: math of this year's Passion Play at Oberammergau no fewer than 140 "moral" cases are to be fought out in the court at the nearest spot for legal decisions, Garmisch, The sers vants in hotels, pensions and else- where who looked after the tourists per cent, for tips put down on thes bill, have found in many cases tha% not only has this money heen wiih. held from them, but that the § ace tually signed away this righsf in the contract they drew up "{ith their masters, Whether sharp Divactice was ae- tually Intended, whether simple villagers could, fol quite under: | stand the phn agey, or whether extra tips were cc Shfidently expected mains to bel, seen, What has actus! ally hapRseped 4s that political in fluences yre making themselves felt Inthe nee idyllic valley te coun- terbaliiiike the 'capitalistic." Tk, Ong visible in another case whiing » # already heen adjudicated agpuplls Anton Lang, who for three d vacal played the part of Christ, ast pot pay overtime to. hie ple engaged in making pot. LEONG carving wood at high v 4 porvige satisfy the demands of Aves wf seekers, presumably be days gone by such demands Ver made upon him, | letter comes tn the (ed for the Tondon and accepted the general rule of 10 | ve- | | ABSENCE OF BYNG LEAVES A BiG GAP Arrears of Work Reported to be Accumulating in Scotland Yard London, Dec, 26,~'"High police officials," says the Daily Herald, "are naturally anxious gt the con- tinued absence of Lord Byng, Com- missioner of Metropolitan Police, from Scotland Yard--- an absence which, the newspaper says, leaves a gap which canno' be filled, and causes inevitable accumulation of arrears of work, "The public," says the Herald, | which Is sometimes regarded as the government organ, "will be most happy to see Lord Bypng con. tinue Lis work at Scotland Yard but, when he returns ip the Spring, bis health will allow bim to #0," Lord Byng, the nor-Geueral of Canada, has been in poor health for shout a year, He spent several months in South Africa, while Commissioner of Police, in an attempt to regain his strength and after returning to his desk in London for a few weeks found it necessary to gn to the south of France, It is understood lord Byng ae- capted his post in the first place, only at at the wish of a person in the highen JSuthoriy, CLERKS IN POST OFFICE BESET BY MANY HORRES - | | Wrong Addresses on Mail a Great Source of Trouble Edmonton, Alberta, Dee, 24, All post ofMices hava the!» troubles, chiefly with wrongly addressed let | ters, papers and percels, and the | postal clerks in the Edmonton ofs fice think they have theirs in plen- ty, Bome of these troubles were related to the Edmonton Journal recently by the postmaster, A, R, | McKenzie, Y.dmonton is a suburb of Winni- peg, according to sOM& (Orrespon- dents' ideas, while others think it 1» the capital of the North-West Terri- torfes, and still others that it fs in the United States, Occasionally a post ofee here with all these ideas combined in one | address, such as this: "Mr. I | Blank, Edmonton, Winnipeg, | North-West Territories, U.B.A." One mistake made In Old Coun try post offices in commection wit |the name Edmonton {s the mistak- [ing of the London lg by that | pame for the Alberta Edmonton Old Country writers neglecting to make it clear the letters are {ntend- address, and these are returned from Canada, This mistake occurs somewhat fre: | quently, One frequent cause of mix-ups in former Gover: the postal service here is the abbre- | viation of Alabama, Letters intend. | ad for the American state come to | Alberta, the abbreviation of the ieu | ter, "Alta,,'"" being easily confused with the former, Postal clerks ocf casionally have to exercise consi erable ingenuity in ascertain Just to whom a letter is addressed, For instance, one letter addres jad merely to 'Jones, Kdmonton," ot from -a New England town, wa 0 ture of an oyster, engraved upper left-hand corner velope, After deciding tht the picture did really represent fan oys- ter the local post office ausliorities sent the letter to Mrs, Jone of the Jones Fish Market, SCUGOG COUPLE ARE MARRIED Miss Mary Pearce Becomes Bride 'of Robert "Tetlow Scugog, Dee, 28.~An interesting event tooki place at the residence of Mr, and' Mrs, John Pearce, Secugog, on Weddnesday, Dec, 17, when their only daughter, Mary, Alberta, was Venited in marriage to Robt, T, Tet. livered to the right person phere, ! The clue to this address was fi pie. in the of t/he en he will have to consider whether | do | , | school, low, of Scugog. After the ceremony, which was performed by Rev, Jas Elford, a sumptuous wedding dinner was served, after which the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to Toronto and other points, On their return they will reside at the groom's home, which has recently been reno vated, Born to Mr, and Mrs, G, Bratby | on sunday, Dec, 21, a son (stillborn) | They have the sympathy of their | Beugog friends, | | Miss Dorothy Graham has been | visiting with Mr, and Mrs, J, Sweet man the past week, Congratulations to Miss Iva Milner in securing first prize in household science at the Port Perry higheschool, Mr, and Mrs, O, Jeffery, Clem, Lots, Mr, and Mrs, A. Brunt, Mona, of Enniskillen, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Mark, Mr, and Mrs, C, Graham, Dorothy, Vernon, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J, Bweeman, D, Faulkner spent Sunday after: noon at the parsonage, . Mr. and Mrs, Jobn Liscomb apd family spent Christinas with Joseph Hilts and family, Mr. W, J Brown snd family of Toronto spent the week-end at the bome of Mr, und Mrs. T, C, Brown, Miss Jennie Duncan of Toronto is holidaying at her home here, Mrs, Bhaver and Lyle returned bome on Baiurday, The Baldson family of Pickering were with Mr. and Mrs, M. Hamil top on Sunday, The Holly family of Oshawa, Jack Gerow and friend of Toronto wers guests at the Gerow home Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, A, Dobson of Oshawa were Bunday visitors of Mrs, G, Philip and Miss Brodie, Shooting matches for geese popular here, The different members of (he Mathews families sll met to spend Christmas day with thei mother at the Mathews house, are | Mr, and Mrs, H. Hope and family, | Prince Albert, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, J, Demara, Miss Grace Mark, Herb Sweetman visited with Miss Zelba Hope and Mr, Leonard Hope on Sunday, Dongld Crozier visited Milton De mars on Sunday, Miss Gladys Dodsley, 0, Wening, | of Burketon, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Dodsley, Mr, and Mrs, J. Hardy, John, | Clars, Arthur Sanguine, Little Prit- tain, visited Mr, and Mrs. D, Hope one evening last week Mr. und Sirs, W, Bintzel and daugh |i ters of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, O,| plone, of Bengrave, visited Mr, and Mrs. Bintzel on Sunday, The Head Christmas tree was well nttended and very much enjoyed by ull: procecds $20 | Miss 1 weet of the Centre school Jd a tree apd entertainment for the en on Monday afternoon, They gil three different coloved with thelr names engraved ! They had refresh ecel nets, also wt Christmas tree was well iy very much enjoyed by $32, I ( "The & enire Christmas tree was well | iteended nnd much enjoyed, The pro- vl the work * ceeds were $39 Miss Viola Cherrie, of Oshawa, visiting friends on the island, Miss Helen Prentice, Port Perry, is visiting her cousip, Miss Leona | Prentice, Glen Elford, Miss ¥lva Fiford, To. | ronto; Miss Florenge Elford, Ux | bridge, holiday with thelr /parents, Rev, and Mrs, Elford, | Miss Inez Fralick, Toronto, home with her plrents, Mr, and Wy C, Fralick, over [the holiday, Mrs day school clags of young ladies at her home one/ gvening last week (on puck a for a needy family in| | ®oronto ANNUAL BROUGHAM CHRISTHAS TREE Fine { } Program Presented | Ungler Leadership of Young | People's Class vougham, Dee, u, The Bunday wl entertninment and Christmas oe was held Tuesday evening, Dee. 2. There was a good attendance, 'he entertainment was under the management of Mr, McWhirter and the young people of his Bible class, The singing of the children was ex: cellent, showing the advantages of | musical instruction' in the public The younger boys enacted a short comedy, and the patriotic flag drill by a number of boys and girls was well executed, Helen Devitt and Master Dilly sang n duet very nicely. The short play given by some of | the young people gave everyone a hearty laugh, Walter Percy of Milli ken, who was present, was asked to say a few words to the pupils, In his | response he spoke of the early im l pressions made upon him when a boy attending Brougham Union H.8, and counselling his youthful listeners to build on a sure foundation for chur- acter to last through life, Rev, Mr, McLellan presided in his usual happy manner, At the close of the program Old Santa made his appearance and delighted the children with Christmas hags of oranges, nuts and candy, and numerous other presents, Mrs, G, 1. Middleton was home a few days this week but has to return to the city for further treatment, Norman Crawford has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital last Saturday. The several families of Carters of Greenriver gathered at the heme of Mr. and Mrs, A, Gray to enjoy a family dinner together, My, and Mrs, Stevenson of Toronto were guests at the home of Mr, and box scl | | {building have 1 are spending the Chisum) od Alan MeKessoek Is Re-elect. | J. Joblind entertained her Sun | | at GALT SITE CHOSEN FOR GIRLS' SCHOOL Ontario Cabinet Approves Location for New In- stitution (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Dee. 20--Ads ancing 7 other step along the "path of € ing Ontario to the forefront i cial welfare work, Hon. W, announced Tuesday, at the Fiose cabinet council, thet the gevernmcn had adopted the site in Galt for th erection of a school for girls to b erned the line es Bow 1) nool r "py t art $ it u home fiiris x | '| | ane f { along t itle L new ¢ said M1 tor hoy vho will become inmates of this and we hope to relies ! overcrowding of other institutions Plans for the construction of t yet been made, but with selection of a site, it is expect ill be started in the Marti why ire, not fur a behav present or problem near future, " OFFICERS NAMED BY SOLINA 3.5. ed Superintendent of the School The annual bu | sinegs meeting of the Bunday sehool Eldad was held on Wednesday night, Alan McKessock was again | | chosen superintendent, with the fol lowing oMcers to. assist him during the year: mecretary, Wesley Yellow: a.sociate see, George Millson; treasurer, A; L, Pascoe; pianists, Fi: | Iden Balson, George Werry; Jessie | Vellowlees, Gladys Yellowlees, euch play one quarter of the year; | teachers: Junior hoys, 8, KB. Werry; Junior girls, Ruby Dewell; primary, Mra, Jack Yellowlees, Mrs, A, P, Me Kessoek; missionary commitiee, Mrs 8, E, Werry, Mrs, KE, R, Taylor, Mrs, Ray Langmaid, Mrs. Smales; supt, Home Dept, Mrs, W, Baker; supt eradle roll, Mra. H, B, Tink; supt of temperance, BH, G, Stevens; and committee, C'. 1. Shortridge, M Hohbs and John Baker, The Christmas Sunday at Eldad, Sunday school was interesting and » change as it was held in an open session, Messrs, MeKessock and Werry took charge of the opening exercises, Miss Doris Millson read the meripture lesson and B, GQ, Stev. ens lead In prayer, Mrs, Roy Lang maid then told the Christmas story of "The Other Wise Man" in her usual interesting manner, The Brad. leys school quartet, Misses Besale Patterson, Yellowlees and Birman sang a Christmas selection, W. T. Taylor closed the school with the henediction, Glad to say our school has reached the top of their mis sionary ladder, Nev, J, R, Bick was In charge of the prevailing service and preached a thoughtful sermon on "Christmas Thoughts," The choir also rendered an Christmas selection while the quartet composed of Alan Balson, Muriel! Baker, Mrs, John Baker and Harold Shuttleworth sang a quar tette, Mra, Win, Oke, Xnniskillen, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Phillips, Toronto, were Munday guests with Chas, Shortridge. Messrs, Will J, Leask and Tim Wil: bur had successiul shooting matches last weels, Miss Dorothy Williams, Port Perry, with her sister, Mrs, Chas, Howsam, The C.G.17T. Christmas tree lad good roads and a large number of Bolino, Dec tn Mrs, R, Miller Christmas Day. 'parents and friends of the girls pre: | child ap well as a gift, | Whitby visited | Fowler ) sent to enjoy the program put on by the girls and school children, Rev, J. B. Bick assisted as chalrman, | opened the meeting, all singing two | verses of "Joy to the World, the Lord is Come," tollowed by prayer by Lev, | Bick, { The following program was then given, opening chorus by girls of | CGT: "I Baw Three 5hips," by | Bolina school, monologue by Jimmie Bmales; plano solo, Mae Westlake; | recitation by Harold Balson; music by Bradley's school; reading, "If He Had Not Come," by Miss Bessie Pat: terson; "Milkmaid's Song," by Holina | girls; monologue by Dorothy Norma eott; solo, Harold Shuttleworth; reading by Miss Panny Bmales; a splendid cantata was then enjoyed, ' The meeting closed by singing "God | Save the King" Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Hobbs visit: | 5000, ed W, J, Ormiston, Enfield, Miss Elsie Rainey, Orono, the home of ¥,, R, Taylor. Mrs, Fred Heddin, Mr, Kennath "and Miss Loig of Columbus visited 'Mrs, J, W, Yellowleos, Mrs. Douglas Melanguiiy, Taoron i to, visited her father, Mr, A. L, Pas- jt coe in Bowmanvi RoR and | her mother, H, A, Pascoe Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Baker and Miss Vera attended Mr, James Cur: tis' funeras at Hampton on Thursday | ¢ visited : I ! and vi"ted st the home of Alvin all winter or Peters' PRESENT SLIDES ON CHRIST'S BIRTH :- | ' It ls [1 hh t If | | North Oshawa Annual Christmas Concerts I tl 1 | I a North Oshawa, school Christmas The | concert wus held Friday evening. The principal, Mr Arnott, was cbairman, The concert was good, and a treat was given each The prices were given to those who won them hy thelr own teachers, The Sunday school concert takes place tonight, A full account of both concerts and the list of prize winners will eppeur son, Dec t "The Birth of Christ" in still pie [ve brought you some new | tures f was presented Sunday even | ing by Mr. Maxwell lecturing and | Mr, kennedy at the machine, | Mrs, Flee, Br, is visiting at the home: of her granddaughter, Mrs. | Terwillegar, at Harmony, Friends at North Oshawa of the | Tarwillegars sympathize with them | eee in the death of Mr, J, J, Terwillegar | | and the {liness of Mrs, Terwillegar | the sorrowing wife and alse the | daughter, Mrs, HB, Jackson, Born, to Mr, and Mrs. T, H, Rolo mon, .on Sunday, Dec, 14, at thelr home here, 8 son My, and Mrs, Joa Vallant of Port Mr, and Mrs, Low Sunday and other relatives ere, Mis, W, town with Mr, CHRISTMAS GIFT SERVICE HELD. Maple Grove Sunday School |. Has White Gift Sunday Maple Grove, Deo, There were a hundred and sixteen at Sunday school on Sunday when a special col lection was taken up in aid of the Missionary und Maintenance I'und, The chureh was also well filled when & White Gift Service was held, the pastor, Rev, H. C, Wolfraim preached a splendid Christmas sermon, and special Christmas music was rend. ered. by the choir, silss Vera Trimble, Peterboro Nor mal school, is visiting at her home here, Misses Annie and Susie Laird spent the week-end with relatives in Toronto, Pigin Munday, 0.A.C, Guelph, is spending the Molidays with his par. ents, Mr, and Mrs, M, Munday, Misa Nellie Snowden, Lakehurst, is spending the holidays with her par ents here, Miss Mildred Hunt entertained a number of girl friends on Tuesday afternoon, Miss Helen Worden and friend, Toronto, recently visited her uncle, Mr. Russel Worden, Mise Annie Laird, Yonge's Point, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. Laird, v Miss Mildven Hunt, Toronto, ia spending the holidays with her par. ents, Mr, and Mrs, I'rank Vice, in ht. | Bunday Blig Elight spent and Mrs, Gen, ww ( Pass on a warning when you ma Te help another on his way, 4 got that hungry enemies who would be gled | Joe of a yng Muskrat for dinner Retin w difficult Folk Have «c fo ther Simpy | an d even » He had climbed out on his favorite Laughing Brook just above the Sn ing Poul Stumpy climbed out, seen?" MANY FISHING herring fre hs ap pointed Levi Greggor ta he admir them, fH the pounds 8 year, of rightly STUMPY GETS A WARNING "Little J we Otter," replied Jumper Stumpy was startled, He has seen Little Joe just once and that vas in he late summer when Little Joe had passed through the Smiling Pool on une (his way 10 the Big River. He had der the ice in the Smiling Pool that stopped only long enough to eateh the three: Aeiged fland cat 4 trout nd had paid no ut- ciry Muskrat, gradually forgot that | tention tw Stumpy or any of bis bre. here was anything tv fear, fore | afd sters, At that time of there were as fish were plentiful and Little was quite eatishied with then Ls He | Now it was di iflerent "Stumpy re uldn Jw that certain folk mes; hered that i » father had warned hiungier than ever in this cold wea. | bin that both Little Joe Otter and her, for the simple reason that they | Billy Mink were dangerous in hard edo had shough to eat, You see, | times snd although there were no torms and bitter cold weather made | hard times with the Muskrats lie sus phos among those | pected 1) there might be with who ate meat full stomachs were sel | other folk Jom ki Only those who slept| "Where di vho, like Happy Tach St umn he Gray Squirrel and Striped Chip. ats ! ante mm he ined he dane. Along the La ging Brook up of plenty, knew what It was not 1g | 1¢ reen Forest, replied Jumpe: hungr: Che family of Jer "Ie s playing gi his slippery slide at a ND where there [5s & spring ehould be. included "with | While they had not stored | #4 open water such ss you have here" old they had stored some, But oy i Int need to store food, They 1d but to swim out and dig up roots he hottom of the on ing Pool or [3 ater And the fresh veather, as you know, made ny diff~ | | | | | ~~ Jumper the Hare, I s 50 quiet and peaceiy! ie wa on thers & such Ver i E LY) were se i 9 d you see Lim?" ashed f rn fuskrat he A "What is # slipery slide Stumpy, Jumper did his best to explain how, Little Joe Otter dearly loves to slide slide on a steep bank where there is open weter at the hottom inte which to hg ut the end of (he | slide, Sv under " ed | "bid 2tumpy "I didn't see him do that, I ant told he travels lo under the ice," replied ' inquired cl la ) quictly and peacefully, forgot that there was for a young Muskrat tu fear t seemed to him that ne one in all ie Grest World could he safer, 'I'lius 16" wasn't prepared for the warning wrought him by Jumper the Hare, vhen he had received that it serious! am the ice ' n go ng dis fume 1 tumpy began 10 look exactly as he felt--uyneasy, "In that case," said he, "he could swim under the ice of the Smiling Pool right to eur heme.' "Certainly," replied Jumper, "What is more, he is sure to pay you & vis sooner or later, He will look eve! levery foot of the Laughing Brook from the pond of Paddy the Beuve: in ® ne Green Forest to the Big Ho w hic} h the Laughing Brook "He always does, So take m und keep wn eye open fe can, tance warning he didn't take er water of the i te sock beside the open | / I There was an alder swamp here and Jumper used te come down for an oceasional visit Ie near that fe y L850 Vas i ng right k wher {ello, Stumpy" said Jumper i hope it Stumpy with "That is for P| CPA Who do yeu 1s guod news replied a grin. you 10 say, think " Jumper | advice I haye | him," {tLopyr I | Move shit, 1630, by I. W, Burgess) "Jerry Muskrat | Who h ( "I haven't the least ir you seen?" asked Stump LL ( | Wilson, drew up in the 17th century a a special herring prayer which is still sald in every chureh on the island, Herrings do not play #8 great a urt in the islander's diet as onge, Un' to, a few years ago, however, 1t ( ery diligent wusewife go buy iy ile sever ndred herrings each autumn, Then they were Strung on a rod and plac- FLEET OUT WITH ANEW ADMIRAL cc csc | Official Is Approached to! 'Fowtces and herring ba mes! of gether, made the prine Leading Fishing Boats the Manx people Juring the fall and | winter, . The herring fishermen, in- Out to Sea cidentally,'are among the few Manx- Wp men left who can still talk in their Tele of all ready for business nati ve tongue, admiral, Sir Claude 11il, | ror of the Isle of Man, has just q Douglis lan.~The Man BUT BEFORE With swift, decided strokes the artist painted in the colored clouds of the lovely sunset, Presently he noticed an old man | garing somberly at the vesult of his labora. CAN said "the patnter," ver haps you, too, love the sky pictures | my triend? Perhaps yeu have | seen the lambent flame of dawn | teaping across the livid east, the the little island, and jt | red-stained sulphurous islets float- 1 plage in it official | ing in a lake of fire! decmsters the | take their oath, if the fleet --an appointment that Fas been mnde yearly since there were herring and -Manxmen to eateh | Imi i] gets ten pounds chief duty is to lead It he is ill there whose salury is five and his sey ir fleet te viee-admiral, is | other th quaint customs stil! herring industry here, rations it hus heen a staple Many t ling ) on on Wi hen hield li Ld | the "No," replied the old man, judges of the island, have not not since 1 signed they swear ti administer the Tay as | pledge.' "the haekbone the hers | ring doth lie in the the Bonnie Hachelor---- Well, fish." | you find married life? All good Manx peanle pray for the | Benedict-- Great fun, My wife success of their fishermen, The most | cooks and I guess what the dlsh famous of Manx bishops, Thomas! is, VICTOR RADIOS Are Sold In Oshawa On Easy Terms By JOHN MEAGHER 92 Simcoe Street North Phone 371W of the fe, of -- 1st us m of how do TILLIE THE TOILER ao00D ORN ING", BOTS ~ HERR'S g ove ICTURE INTHE AREER. HANDING MBE \Q, 00 ©- Ad { | "THAT |e I VES , onl "THERE'S "THE PICTURE OF A VERY GOOD PICTURE QF You ® 100MKing Faint Syadionle, ine, Groat Brinin sights roanved L] SAY HEN HE SAN THE NEWS PARER.T TR UNG ELSE RUT Lp AROUY

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