THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1930, PAGETWO pe uhful Oshavia a v 'TRINIDAD NOTED THE TUKIS COLUMN Happy New Year There is a whole week yet, hut Happy New Year, everybody! This is the only opportunity that the | editor will have to say this to the boys and girls, but we do so with all sincerity, And did you have a merry Christmas? Judging by all toys and dolls that were distributed from the big Christmas Tree at the Armories, on Tuesday, and all the dinners and bits of Christmas Cheer that were distributed on Wednes there should have been no little or boy without something to make him or her merry this Christnes, We know that if you did something to help make it a happier day fc someone less fortunate than your sclf that you certainly did have a merry Christmas, But now Christma is over for anether year and the end of 1930 looms on the horizon, Only TRAIL, BANGERS RR Happy New Year, Fellows! ! Here is 0 wish that the approach ing year may be a prosperous one u (each of you, and it can he sueh it They Ever Handled | you will make ft $0, It bas bees ------ {truly said that you reap to the ex Port-ol-Bpain, Lritish West In- | ent of your investment, or, in othe dies, Dee. 26, "They ars the hest we | Words, that you get out of a thing have ever lLandled," London fruit | Just what you are willing to put int dealers have sald with réference to | It. Bay, fellovs! and you ton, men yrapefrnit imporkgd from the ls | tors; there's an idea, With the com 'and of Trinidad, according to a| Ing of the New Year why not ges rapert made by It, O, Willams at a | behind CB.ET, in Oshawa end boost meeting of the Board of Agricul-| it as never before? We're off 11 ture vecently, Mr, Williams ix| fine start--are we going to follow Superintendent and Assistant Bot | throngh and Put OUF PrORFAI neross anist pt the St, Claly Experimental | Each of ug must answer that ques 'tatdon, where the meeting was | tion individually, Our answer wil FOR GRAPEFRUIT London Dealers Sey Fruit! From Island Is Best Girl Guide News TUXIS BOYS | Chureh, As they found out, it iz 5 | thrilling experience 'to undergo our ceremony, which, by the way, we our. selves have developed, Those 'initi. ated were John Crawford, Harold Booth, Walter Alexander, Bert Mors tin, snd Albert Walker, As our white gift offering, for the white gift service of last Sunday, we decided Lo donate a erate of ore anges, Would you feel proud, it you | tne oply Japanese-Canadian com. knew that the King had singled pany, 'This company recently won you out for great honor? | high place in a distriet compett Not long ugo, the King paid o | tion with fifteen other companies great honor to the Chief of the - | Guides and Scouts In creating him second Oshawa Is grateful to a Baron, so that now he Js calles | Mr, James for the help he gave Lord Buden Powell, In bis speech | them in getting thelr boxes of of thanks, the Chief explained that | Christmas Cheer to the family they | he felt the honor was one paid £9 | bad the. privilege of halping. { the whole Beout and Guide move: | If the ehfidren who recejved the | ment, | gifts get as much happiness out of The library has been thoroughly cleancd, Consequently, it mow looks about twice as attractive as jit did when school broke up, and that is saying a great deal, indecd, Time-honcred' and true js the statement that the library is the heart of the school. It conserves and makes available the thought, and cup- italizes the experience of all mankind, The library is, indeed, far more than a department: it is the common meeting ground and unifying influ- ence for ull departments, The intel- lectual growth and vitality of every division, of every teacher and every Altair Trail Rangers The Altair Trail Rangers met in the bagement of Bimeoe $t, Sunday school Tuesday, Dee, 16, After the opening ceremonies and general bus siness were completed, the mentor read a story, "I'he vest of the evens Holidays come and holidays 89, but the library work goes on as usy- al. The event of the week has been the receipt of a shipment of periodi- cals from the bindery, For the girls there is a bound volume of "The Ladies' Home Journal" (July to De- cember), The hoys will not take long to find their favorijes--Popular science monthly (July to December Popular Mechanies" (July to Decem- ber), "Sciences and Invention" (July to December), "Aviation" (July to December), "Scientific American" (January to October) and "Iustrat- ed Carpenter and Builder" (July to September), Or general interest will be the bound volumes of "I'he Yamily Herald & Weekly Star" (Apr. to August), "Literary Digest" (July to September), "Atlantic Monthly" Sphere" (July to September), "Fame (July to December), "Business Week" (July to September), "Cana- dian Forest and Outdoors" (Jand- ary to June), "Canadian Geographi- cal Journal" (May to October), "In- terdependence™ (January to Octo- (1930), "Golden Dook™ mber), "My Magazine" er; National Geo- ne (4 vol, for 1923, 1924 the gift of Mr, Barley), "Nature Magazine" (July to December), "8, Nicholas" December) and "World Wide" (May to October), All of the above volumes have been accessioned a are 1 in their proper Als cove, Miss McLeod of the Hamilton Public Library called recently. She was 30 much impressed with the work of O.C:V.I, Library that she ine tends to speak of it in one of her regular broadcasts over CHCS, student depends on the vitality of the library. There were books at every school worthy of the name before there was instruction, Ii the aczes- sion of books and periodicals should cease education would immediately become stagnant, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle will have a sure place in Fnglish Literature as the creator of Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson, who have become u much a part of our English heritage | as characters out of Dickens or Thackeray, or almost any other wri- ter, And the typical English thing a few more days and we shall be wang up on the morning that be. gins a brand new year, dou you will be making New r's res solutions, Only one word about them. They are splen when you make a: resolution and think about doing so enough to determine whether will be able to keep it, not to make a resolution at all, than advice lid, but pause long you {to make one and break it, We hope you will all he able to keep yours, and cnce again, Happy New Year, ULTIMATE man knows a different about his life was that it was not for this literary feat that he received his knighthood, but for Lis work on t! South African W | Another character m he created | was Brigadier Gerard, and many will | always enjoy that dashing Napoleon! counterpart of Edgar Wallace's | "Bones," His later writings, on spir- | itualism and fairies, - will probably | not haye » admirers, though should spiritualism ever attain world. | de recoghnition as something with | gcientific basis, his writings w'll e Lad much to do wih that result "A book is like the widow's cruse of oil; you dip into it again and again and the contents remains exactly what they were. Investment in books is a capital investment, the capital of which never undergoes wastage or deterioration ~Ramsay MacDonald I -- welcomed, and should be sent Times office: not morning each week, | SCOUT EDITORIAL It is all over for another year. Tuesday of this week saw the climax of the Toy Shop efforts, which have been spread over a period of some months, Sixteen hundred children passed through the armouries and recelv- ed a toy from the toy shop and a bag of candy which was so kindly supplied by the Christmas Cheer committee. All the available Scouts were on hand. along with the president, C, M, Mundy and most of the mem- bers of the local association, Fire Chiet Elliott, chairman of the Troops and Camps committee who handled the toy shop details, with Mr, R, R. McLaughlin, chajr. man of the sub-committee in charge 'of the special arrangements for the distribution of the toys were pres- ont, as were some of the members of the Fire Department who have 80 generously given of their time . to ensure the success of our efforts this year, Nor were the Girl Guldes absent. Twelve patrol leaders were in charge of the Doll counter, To make things more hoppy, Mr, Leonard Richer and his archestra supplied music of a Christmassy nature and everything ticked off just Mke clockwork, Contrary to expectations, the toys were all giv- en out before four.thirty and con- sequently the Girl Guides who wore to lead the carol singing were not on hand before the erowd had dispersed, but with characeristic strength of purpose they carried on with thelr section of the program and those who stayed enjoyed the carols they sang, to the fullest, We understood that the girls felt they were let down rather badly when they went to sing out- side, Oho platform was 80 overcome with emotion that it broke down, and we are not informed whether or not it sobbed, So ended our great good turn tor 1980, and we wish to publicly expross our thanks to the follow. ing people and organizations who made our toy shop the success it ally was. TO he Girl Guides who dressed and repaired the dolls, The Firemen who helped repair toys, etc, ete, Ene Ten 'Télephone Company who supplied their store windows for display purposes, Mr, Leon Osler, whose matinee brought two. truck loads of toys to the hoy . Mr, N. Kohen, who loaned a store for display and storage pur. 'Alderman Morris, by whose good offices the use ot the Firehall basement was procured for a work. gi numerous superintendents and service clubs who assisted in . the shop and supplied the funds to int and other materials, Boalt of these people we are gen erally indebted, and finally we wish oy Scout Activities | News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. | ers, Contributions to this column will be | | 1] [ | to the later than Tuesday to thank all of those who gave toys for the shop to rework. Thank you, and we hape that you enjoyed the Christmas season just a little more for your kindness, SCOUT NOTES Scouts were once more on hand for work in the distribution of Christmas Cheer Parcels. Boys were to be seen on duty on Tuesday afternoon and evening and all day Wednesday at the distribut. ing centres, the Rotary Hall and the General Motors Employment Office, There were about eight hundred families to look after this year, and this called for a good deal of work on the part of the boys, LJ v L Friday last being the night of the Iligh School Frolic, the various | troops were some what depleted in numbers, The Fifth and Seventh Troops spent the night in playing games and finished with a few remarks concerning Christmas and the act- uality of Banta Claus by the Scout. master, Saturday afternoon was spent by | the Troops in seeing that all in. vitations for the Scout Chrietmas Tree were delivered, and in box. ing a number of toys, TROOP NOTICE Iifth and Seventh Troops There will be no meeting to- night, but the Troops will meet on Friday next, Jan, 2nd, 1931, Seventh Wolf Cub Pack On lyiday evening, December 19, the Seventh Pack held its last wmiecets ing 'before Christmas, Sixer Gordon P.kins was invested us Senior Sixs er and Cubs L. Pugh and 1. Mur. phy were .invested as' Sikers. The Seventh Pack will not meet on De- cember 26th, the next meeting Les ing on January 2nd. 4th Troop The 4th Troop are ding a combined winter bifd observation and winter cooking hike on Monday, Dee. 29th, under the leadership of Mr, Jack Blow 'and Mr, Robinson, any othér scouts wishing to come along are quite welcome to do so and are asked to meet with the troop ut Rotary Hall at ten o'clock, Equipment :~Ingredients and cooks ing utensils for either Trish Stew ar Ham 'and Egg omelette, cup, plate, knife, fork and spoon, bread or rolls, and anything else a scout wishes to bring, Be sure and cerry a spare sweater in your haversack. Injured by Dynamite Kingston.=\Vhen dynamite explods ed while he was drilling a well, Peter McCarthy, aged 32, suffered terrible injuries about 'the hands, face and ea The accident occurred at mith's Falls, and the injured wan was brought to Hotel Dieu in this eity, Tt lis feared that McCarthy will lose the 'sight of one cye, And each God-- Each for himself doth see A shape of doom; a vengeful Judge-- A fearsome mystery; blessed hope; a Bire ngth; n Friend Leloved utterly Or A shadow, brooding and malign; Or sanctuary blest, No thing man kpows as well as this-- The God within his breast, The God he makes; and dreads; or lovog=--r His soul's most precious Guest! Yet, spent and stark, into the night How like men always go! Each staring back unto a Cross And Christ of love and woe And all men cluteh that seamle roho-- Both God's friend and His foe! ~Laura Simmons In the Christian Century, SIR JAMES BARRIE WAKES APPEAT FOR LONDON HOSPITAL | Novelist Pleads the Cause of Peter Pan Institu. tion London.-----8Ir James Barrie's ro cent appeal on hehalf of the re- building and re-equipment fund for the Hospital for Siek Children, Lon. don, known as the Peter Pan Hospl. tal, was typieal of the famous au- News-Chronlele, Sir James Barrie, wistfully ask ing help for children-- presided re- cently at an "appeal dinner' at the Guildhall on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond- Street , , . This is the hospital to which Sir Tames presented all the rights in | "Peter Pan," and all profits from that play go to the hospital--$10,- 000 a year, recently launched an appeal for {funds towards rebuilding and re- {equipment to cost $2,600,000, and {It was announced that the response jwas $202,240, including 850,000 {from Colonel Stanley Cohen, | "Here are some of the things Sir I James said: | "Wordsworth says that children arrive trailing clouds of glory, Per. haps the most sinister figure in the Guildhall tonight is Lord MaeMil- lan, One of the most artful things he is likely to do this evening is to Invite you to go to the hospital ana judge for yourselves, If you that he has got you, It impossible for any Bigly, which is what children call you, to go round those wards without writing in a Wobbly, whieh fs what they call your cheque book, or producing n Crinkly, which is their name for u fiver, "Don't look out at the windows, or you may see some emaciated lt. tle faco staring up at them wistfnl- ly, He Is carrying a tiny bundle, containing, I suppose, his night things, but he ean't got in because } we are already Qar too full, hospital may fall gradually from the front rank--unless you gay fit shall notebut It will continue to shine from Great Ormond-street, face, contain his night things, It would turned out, too late, to be full of trailing elouds of glory! ,.. " So pathetically did Sir James Barrie plead the caute of the hospi tal that there were tears in the eyos of many women present when he concluded his appeal, Jail Term Imposed Kingstone John. Stevenson of Bars viefield appeared before Magistrate J. WV, Bradshaw on a charge of nns lawfully having liquor illegally manu factured, He was sentenced to seven menths in jail, the term to ran cons currently with a sentence of three months meted out by the County Magistrate, Saturday, onder a 1 quer Control Act charges It is better! |thor, and {is tirus described by the | The Prince of Wales | do | would he | Our | beckoning to that emaciated little | Perhaps lis bundle does not | be funny, wouldn't it, if the bundle | "The King could not make every | { Boy Beout upd Girl Guide a baron," | | he sald, "50 he choge me", { Let each Guide und Scout fn | Oshawr be careful | { to keep this | {in mind, and be worthy of this | honor, { = { | 'Have you seen a copy of the | new picture called "Service" paint ed by the famous artist, Mrs Alexander Jennings ana which way hung in Drapers Hall, London, England? The picture 1s one of many fig- ures, each representing an out. standing figure In the great good work of the world, In the fore- ground of the picture is a pleture of a Girl Guide! In depicting ser: vice to others, the Guide is only showing what her second promise | The Guides of 2nd Oshawa will | be worry to learn of the resigns them as the Guides of the Becond did ip packing and giving them then they had a merry Christmas, The next meeting will be held on Jan. 7th at 7 pm. in Christ Church. Announcements of great inter. est to the rompany will be made at that meeting, held Wr Horace Archer Wyatt, | nresiding, | Mr, Williame stated that during t recent vieit in London he bad made inquiries on the subject of | 'ruit and limes, At Covent Gar- fen and Spitalfields markets he had liscussed the matter of grapefrun | vith salesmen who had dealt in, or | were willing to deal in, Trinidad | grapefruit, and the opinions of the | people he had seen were favorable | as Lo Its quality, Julciness and fav: | or. One buyer was particularly pleased with the Trinidad grape- fruit and described the few con- signments be had recelved gs tne best he had ever handled, This buyer emphasized the importance tion of their captain, Mrs, Hicks, owing to her departure from Osh awa, Brd Oshawa On New Year's night the com pany will hold the first meeting of the year, What a fine way to begin n new year! 'alls for her always to do, but cach Girl Guide will be happy to | know that the efforts of all the Guldes {s recognized by so great an authority, the meetings of No doubt during there will be special | the Courts of Honor of all the companies to plan for the new ® work, In outlining programs, | this Uttle bit from the current Issue of the Girl Beout "Leader" might be of help to some P.L. "Every ordinary program should include where possible items for the hody--games, country dancing, physical exercises or other such activities; for the mind see to it that every girl has the chance of learning something new and some- { thing definite; and for the soul something of beauty, be it nature or music or stories, for this 1% | the keynote of Guiding, EBlving to | life the essential enrichment with out which all would be mere toll {and drudgery," The meeting of all the Patrol Leadors called for last Tuesday to discuss the badges for the coming year was well attended by either the Leaders or thelr Seconds, A list of seventeen badges was outlined - to be taken hetween now and June, That does not mean that each girl 18 to take that many: oh no! but there will be that number to choose from, and the lists will be posted on the company notice boards at the very first meeting | of the year, It |s then up to each Guide that Is second clafy, to look | them over carefully and choose the {few that she thinks she can do, and not try to do too much, School work must come first and there must be some badges left for next year! | The first badge' that will be | worked for is the Child Nurse and {this is important because it is one [ef the First Class required badges | This will bo tested about the ast | Week in February,.so that the full {course of six weeks chats can be given. About 20 minutes in each | company program taken by a com- | petent person, should be sufficient {It the Guides take full advantage | of each talk, year 1st Oshawa The Guides of the First company turned out well forthe carol sing. Ing both on Tuesday afternoon, [and on Wednesday evening, Mae | Wilsog, the Captain was with them | Tuesday afternoon, when the plats form gave. way and precipitated all [ the Guides in a heap on. the ground. Elizabeth Wallace had her | og quite badly hurt, and had to { be driven home but she wag able to be out again on Christmas eve | with the carvollers, Miss Fitches, | the Lieutenant, was with the com. [pany in the evening, The Guides had a great time gotting the duck plucked, cleaned und deesged but it wag done and | by evening ao big Christmas bas ket was ready and sent to help a family, The nest meeting will be on Monday evening, Jan, Oth, at 7.80 pm, in the 'basement of Hoy {| Trinity Church, corner of Darrle jand Court Streets, and new girls are Invited to come to the come puny, 2nd Oshawa A number of Guides of the secs ond company wera away for over Christmas, but a good number turns ed oul to sing carols at the Scout i Christmas Tree, The fine platform which Chief FElott had erected und which he assured the Guides was "sala," gave way almost heforoe all the Guides were un on it, and several Guided are suffering. bad hrulses, { Hut "a Guide smiles and sings uns (Aer all difienlties," and so they went on and SANG! But Chief Elliott doesn't know how heavy some girls can he, particularly good healthy Girl Guldes, Mrs, Jack Lee, the Lieutenant {of Ind Oshawa, tells us that her slster In Vancouver has 'a coms pany of all Japanese Girl Guides, holidays | Jism Ry Cn Cy p of having regular shipments be. | la2X i) Priohing to see what |eauso If nu shipment were missed |G aes nre Ike, is we come to come {the London customers would have | | to the meetings which start at to buy other fruft and it might | pm, in the elub rooms on the top [ 1) . NE. [mean that they would need to be in- | floor over the Bank of Commorce, [duced to come baci to the Trinidad | corner of King and Simcoe, 'artiele, Other London dealers had point. A out the necessity for uniformity, that fs, standard sizes, grades and pack in the Trinidad grapefruit, { Mr. Willlams sald, some of the re. cent imports from Trinidad being In erates under size and not uni- 'orm and the fruits being improper: 'y graded and sized, The Trinidad fruit is in season luring the Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico erop and these countries are the chief competitors of Trinidad, ind ft was pointed out at the meet: Ing of the Board of Agriculture that in order for the Island to com. pete with them ft was necessary to conform to thelr standards, LONDON WILL HAVE SWEDISH ART SHOW London A large and reprisens Miss Marion Ross led the sing ing for the carollers who turned out on Tuesday afternoon and { Christmas eve, and the Guides | Wish to express their appreciation | of her help, The Patrol leaders assisted the Beouts in giving the presents off the Christmas Tree hoth outside and in the armouries, Ethel Ralph hurt her head, when she wae hit by a board In the great smash. That was when the plat form that the Guides were to stand on, collapsed, But the Guides sang Just the same, to show they kpew how to keep the Elght law, On Christmas Eve the firemen of | fered assistance by putting the | spotlight on the singers, Brownies The next meeting of the Pack | will be held In the Parish Hall of [tative exhibition of Bwedish Indus. | | Christ Church on Wednesday after [trin) Arts and Crafts will be opened | noon, Jan, 7th at 4 o'clock, at Dorland House, Lower Regent | : - Street, in March next, The exhibi- The Brownles did well in supply- | thon wil enlighten the public on the Ing food for the Christmas dinner | renaissance in architecture and in of a family of five, There were [arts and crafts which bears witness enough groceries to do them for {to the great national revival in [quite a time, and on top was the | present-day Sweden big fat duck, all dressed ready for Baron E, K, Palmstierna, Swe- i the oven! Brown Owl and Pack {dish Ambassador, speaking at the lender Lad a great time getting |ARNUAl menting of the Design and it all ready, Inlustries Association here with ref. erence to the proposed exhibition, sald the dream of the artists in Bweden was beauty in everyday Ife, The movement, he said, was greatly Influenced hy the romantic current In literature during the | nineties, and by painters, who, com. {Ing from Paris revealed the beauty | of thelr own land to the publie, It 'ooted itself deep in the national | sell, In past centuries Rwedish | neasants and their wives had | through long winter nights weaved | thelr own costumes, carpets, and rurtains, carved chests and painted "helr walls, FOU" GHILDRF BURNED T0 DFATH Fire in Quebec Farmhouse Takes Four Lives, But Five Escape JOY NRINGER OF MORNING Little white heart, look high, look high! The glorious sk) | Fleerv, | hy--- | | Little white heart, look high, look | sun shines in the white clouds go salling | high! Brave little heart, keep true, keep true! E'en the' your task is hard to do, There's one who loves, has faith in you, Brave little heart, keep trua lieep true! Dear heart, give me hand, your hand! Storm clouds are sweeping o'er the land, Friendship alone stand! heart, give your hand! your the test will Dear me your hand, Heart's beloved, 1 keep, 1 keep! Tryst with you while the shadows creep, And the weary, old world is cradled in sleep; Heart's beloved, my tryst I keep! -=D, Ravenswood, Sherbrooke, Que, Dec, 26, Word has reached here that four young children ranging in age from 18 months to § years, per. fshed in the flames when the farm rr---- m-- house of I, Lecompte at Bt, Cam: STUDENTS WITH CARS fille de Wotton was burned Tues- i | be our contribution, Sovernor of the Island of Trinidaa, | sontribution | falled, Eram, | brate What is your going tn be, fellowsy Mentor! what is yours going to be" | programs, your meetings, I say, are marketing fruit, principally grape- | doomed to failure, even as some on you have sald they have heretofore A little suggestion--do nu | | Unless you spend more than the rem | nante of your time arrenging you | stress any part of the CHET, pro | Unless your programs are | "four square," unless they gate al boy's appetite for fire and sociability, | and are seasoned with a pinch of mental and Christian training, your | eftorts will still be in vain, There is n New Year ahead of us What are we going to do with it CRE, offers the finest program for boys of any I know, Jt has proven Its worth at camp; it is your privi lege to continye thal success a hone LX. Turis Group Yes, we are certainly pogscssed of an initiation ceremony, Last Friday evening we esgayed to Initiate into Tuxis a younger group of Tuxis fellows which Mr, MeAr thur has started in King St. United | ¥ AAA RAPA Love came down at Christmas Love all lovely, love divine love was born at Christmas Stars angels gave the sign, This was the spirit felt by wll at the St, Church two nights before mas, and many parents and friends of the girls were present, Everyone heart ly joined In the singing of carols which brought a most joyful Christmassy feeling, A most inter esting story was given hy one of the girls which helped create a Yule-tide spirit, As the girl their way from the church by th light of their candles also they felt this had been a very fitting way to cele the Christmas seasor 1031 ow that everyone has worked for st a whole month: to develop Christmas spirit in herself and oth- ers, it should not be hard in the pres "t ent state of exalted endeavor and ex- | travagant good will, to take up the New Year spirit, the spirit of resoly- tion for the betterment of character within ourselves, Sometime, some one in some land originated the idea rf new resolving with the New Year, Perhaps that person was inspired to the thought hy the continual posts poning by the people around him of their resolutions, He saw the help that appointment of a day for goad beginning would be to those who were really anxious to attain hich character but who were held baek by sary start, So now, girls, we lave | | | | it be held on Ca a a a a a a a a i Canadian Giris in Training Vesper's Service held at Simcoe [do this more Christ | we may hop The C.GLT, took the service | and | ter 5 wenfled | Ing was taken up with group games, Church Bervice at Tyrone At a Tuxis church service on Dec, 14, Tyrone Tuxis square bad us their speaker, Gordon Lapp, field see. retary of the Ontario Boys' Work Board, The report of a good r's work was given, Among the objec- tives which had been attained, wes that of having a nonsmoking square, un single member now gmokes, Lapp reported that badge Is growing in favor, applica- tions for 3,244 badges having heen granted last year by the Ontario Boys' Work Board, Albian Trail Rangers At the meeting of the Albion on Friday night plans were made for the holiday season, A hike was planned for CWristmas forenoon and the next meeting will Jan, 2. Toys and games were brought in the White Bey vice on Bunday, The theme of the worship ser vice was "Others," centred upon the story of "The Artist who Forgot Four Colore" Not Mr work for w" Ld New Year's, And whether we ree solve to learn to skate, to do our work, to pass our music exams more friendly, let's lutions by trying to than by anything elsg to ennoble our char 1 home nations or to be keep our re Rcters, { Yum! Yum! Do cake, tarts, grapes, chicken, cte, n vour mauth w We wonder who reccived the | dinner given by the Lxcelsior Group ? Ni: | -- Are you the smartest group'in the to the Arena in 'week from today at 445 and you may {change your mind after the games hich Mrs, Tait is going to conduct, 1 City Con | Hurrah! For every C.G1/1 | who so desires there Is skating o | Mondays, Wednesdays and Thurs» [days from 4.45 to 545 und on Bat. [urdays from 11 to 12 : What happened to the apple pie which was rushed into the Simcoe Street Sunday School on Wednes- day morning? | In the New Year we may find the girls attending Collegiate wearing [hats and gloves, If this should haps [pen thanks should be due C.G).T, {who 'endeavored on Saturday In the Dress Up Relay to develop little [speed in putting on hats, gloves and conts, [the weakness in making the neces | All joking nside, Happy New Year, i everybody a crossing. Two sisters, Misses lime ma and Chalotte Wilder, and one brother, Joseph Wilder, all of King ton, survive, Fine! Smiths Falls,=The police report tor the past month, submitted to the regular meeting of the Town Council here, showed that not a single cent lad 'been collected in fines during the month, The amount usually runs above $200. It was the first menth in years that no fines were collected With so many pupils driving 10 day, The father and an elder son the Collegiate Institute there that|(wice dashed into the roaring ine a serious parking problem has been ferno In ineffectual attempts 'to ereated, the Ottawa Journal says: rescue the children, Five chil "Perhaps the board presently wil dren were able to escape, feel obliged to consider whether ft The dead are: I'lorence, aged §; In in full accord with the principles adeleine, aged 0; Ciaston, rged of the democracy which tradition at fi Raymond, aged 18 months, taches to the public educational sys Mr, Lecompte fixed his stove for tem that pons and daughters of the day when lhe arose early in the wealthy or indulgent families should morning, and went out to the barn £0 to school in thelr own ears, Tt|to do his morning chores, In his may be necessary for the beard to de absence the fire cansed the stoves ¢lde whether ta's practice does not nipes ta overheat, The ved hot contribute towards the setting up of { nipes met tive to the wooden walls olusg distinetions, and perhaps to af the kitchen, rule that students shall not take Bertrand, aged 16, the eldest their cars to tho eollegiates unless hy fon, still in bed, was awakened hy special permission granted to cover | the acrid smell of smoke, Spring. exceptional ciroumstances, Ing from his bed lie rushed to the "Certainly we appear to be getting | kitchen and for a moment or two a long way from the old-fashioned | tried to chook the flames, Can. | point of view that un education. was | vinced that his fight wos useless, something worth strivng for, worth | {he boy dashed upstanivs to arouse | | walking miles for morning and night | the wine children who were still | worth the hard and sustained effort | fast asleep, ! | whieh trained character ag well as His cries woke them up, Five | mind," | Were uble to make their way out of the blazing house with his ase | sistance, The four others were hopelgssly trapped, | {M., H, McCallum Honored Lindsay. =In appreciation of the part he played in the protection of anme and fish in Vietoria County, M, H.: McCallum of Fenelon Falls Yas been made recipient of a deer head by tellow-eitizens, Mr, MeCallum is 4 Secretary of the Board of I'rade at Fenelon Falls, Yilled by. Tvain Kingston ~Acearding to a telegram received here, Miss Martha Wilder of this city was struck bv a train in Old Orchard, Maine, and killed, Miss Wilder was out for a walk and did not notice a train when passing ovey " ners: Th -- * Junior Library -- Notes [rom The > | will be Bays and girls" Library alternoon open from J to G every during Christmas Holiday This week the librarian has prepar- ed a list of available hooks on "Oc- cupations and Handierait" thinking it may be useful and suggestive for boys and girls who like to keep busy during the vacation, Qccupations and Handicrafts Adams, 1. Dv Carpentry for hegin- us to make, Gives full directions fer articles not too diffienlt for the beginner to make, lower boxes, bird hous ses, ote, Read; Dandel C loys' Handy Doak, Hustrated, Classed under four seasons Directions tor making K'tes, hoats, toys, aquariums, ete Games, Collins, Ay 1, Amateur Photo arapher"s Handbook, Complete explanation of Phota graphy-taking, developine, print ing, color photography, Tneludes motion pictures, alentan camepie and aradio pleturest Hall, A, N, Handicraft for handy boys, Practical plans The American for work 'and TREE lay, with many ideas for earns Ug money, Hall, A, N,"and Perkins, D, Hans feraft for handy girls, Basketry and pottery are includ- ed, as well as simple carpentry, Canfield, D, What shall we do now; Five hundred children's games. Claeas, IV, and Elizabeth, Three Hundred games and pastimes, Surgestions for children's games and amusements, Pencil and pa- per games, gllessing games and acting gam Chapters on 'in- door occupations, candy making, care' of pets, ete, A newly arrived hook at the lib- rary which should be of intérest to bays is "Stamps: an outline of Phila tele" hy Kent RB, Stiles, It is written by the editor of the stamp department of The Youtli's Companion ani is the amhor's ear ful study of what voung collectors want to know. There are certain features that will he partientaly va! joble ar ts te air wails, eom memar Hye stan Yan fnttan ff {he tmne- adsoeint with sports, Utorature, hist War, and a glossary of terma containing several UR LER World index of thousand definitions and terms, A