Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1930 G PAGE THREE Prizes and Diplomas Are Presented to Successful Students of Collegiate] Auditorium Filled by Pupils] Obituary of the School and Their Parents and _ Friends for] pecan. JONNY BRANTON Commencement John Branton, widow of the late John Branton, at the home of her . - | daughter, Mrs, Eva Garrow, at 101 DIPLOMAS GIVEN TO THE GRADUATES Louisa street. Oshawa, in her seventy-sixth year, The late Jobn Dranton died some {Awenty years ago. The late Mrs, Lawrence Cragg, Shirley Fowke, Cromwell Young, Gordon Bryce, and Marg.' aret Henderson Among Branton was born in England and moved to Canada at the age of Most Successful Winners! of Scholarships type an SEER EYER fourteen, She has lived around this district, Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa, for the last sixty-two years and is very well known and respected in the community, The' deceased witnessed the develop. ment of this district during her residence in it and could reeall many interesting facts and hap. penings, Bhe was a member of the Albert street United Church, She is sur. vived by three sons, Frank and Herbert, of Cedardale, Oshawa; Al hert, of Toronto and two daughters, Mrs. Eva Garrow, of 101 Louisa Bt... and Mrs. C, Knight, of 611 Christie street, Oshawa, The funeral service will be held at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Garrow, on Monday afternoon, De- ecember 22, at 2.00 o'clock and wil be conducted by Rey, E. Harston of Simcoe St, United Church, as- sisted by Rev, 8, C. Moore, of Al- bert 8t, United Church, Interment will be in the Union Cemetery, Card of Thanks Mrs, Maitland and family wish to thank Dr, B, A, Brown, neigh- bours and friends for their kind- ness during their recent sad be. reavement, also those who so kind- ly loaned cars, (146n) COAL COAL Phone 109 W. J. SARGANT Yard a9 Hlosw "treet B wders Promptly A guest at the Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute, yesterday afternoon was greeted at the main entrance by the Art teacher, Miss #Dorothy Van Luven and twelve of the senior girls students in their smart uniforms of red and white middies and navy blue skirts, Acting as ushers the young ladies graciously conducted guests to places in the auditorium to witness the annual Commencement exercises For the occasion the auditorium w as in its gayest of festive attire, Red, green and gold flaunted their colors every- where Streamer and festoons transformed the hall into a most bril liant spectacle, Falling from the bal cony streamers were caught in the t centre under a square frame entirely * covered with yellow and on which 1 O.CV.1. stood out in bold black let ters. Besides the large number of + guests--pareMs and friends of the tL pupils--there were the pupils them- 2 selves, All seats in the huge hall were filled and the gallery was lined wits boys and girls, the later jauntily attired in their neat school uniforms, Among the guests were a number of "old students of the school who had returned to see some of their former class mates receive their diplomas, The stage was banked with palm ferns, vellow mums and poinsettis, (Continued on page 5) Your smallest purchase is important here The same care and study back of our selections of diamonds and other precious stones, the same thorough knowledge of materials and workmanship in all we buy is employed in choosing even the least expen- sive articles you will find here , , This is, of course, the reason why everything is distinctive--yet low priced, & FELT BROS. 2 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Established 1866 Satisfaction Is a Certainty" "Buy Where SORT NE SMES MSNA Rodd's Tire & Battery Service Oshawa, Ontario T cannot let this Christmas season pass without cordially wishing our many cus tomers a Christmas replete with happle ness and good cheer and a New Year of hereasing success and prosperity, Successfal business dealings are usually the vesult of mutual understanding and cosoperation and 1 have certainly apprecis ated the cordiality and good will which have marked our dealings throughout 1080, Rodd's Tire & Battery Service Oshawa, Ontario : 4 4 © ORSON SOW SONS TN SOW IW Ris YASS ASI ASL ASL AT'S ATL WS A ™ rT Ce | thelr wives, | «le paid a tribute to those employ WILLIAMS PIANO C0, EMPLOYEES' CHRISTMAS PARTY FINE ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN AT ANNUAL CONCERT Wins Fine King Radio in Prize Draw The annual Christmas concert end dance of the Williams Piano Co, held last night in the factory attracted a large crowd of employ- ees, their families and their friends, who were entertained with a versatile program and a most enjoyable dance, The child- ren of the employees were not for- gotten, as each child received a bag of candy and oranges at the hands of Sunt Claus, who paid a flying visit to the hall, The entertainmeny was slaged in the large piano room in the east wing of the building, and decor tions of cedar branches, gny-col ored streamers, flags and Chri mas bells provided a plea vhristmas-like atmosphere C. A, Mason made chairman for the evening Concert Program Songs, dances, recitation piano selections composed 1h wractive program and the | with whieh the various artis were received indicated Lhe Jreciation of the audience #8. number consisted of a cle Wy executed comedy act by pimpson and little Migs Weeks, followed with ars, 8, Terry who sang voice, An amusing comic then contributeq hy while the next ftem oft Gamblers included amazing card and sleigl tricks by Gordon Irwin Mountany delighted with an exhibition of tos and a recitation by mr. W was much enjoyed i ( 'ihe und ul applau Ihe ol My i" » mm spe "An El Hob proved himself an excelient ler when he contributed whistling selections ning won the favor of the with two fine bariton splendid xylophone solo wus vided by Mr, J, Watson while Bessie Watson delighted all a pleasing plano selection, The arrival of Banta Claus | caning pn great deal of excitement | am the children in the audience ii were more than delight the Jolly old fellow in 1 Lo the platform where cach one a big bag of candy, 1'rizes ves and nun tanning prize draw which was | brou ) i conelusion last night, | whe nitie Miss Jean Weeks drew | the sucky numbers from the WOU en churn, Mrs, C, Choate, 13 lina street, was found to have first prize number and was ed a large and handsome Radio, Allan Immeson, of Koad South, was awarded 1} ond prize of a barrel of Apple 4 iit the third prize, a went, to Mrs, "rank Bouckley received the of a bag of polutos and I'yler. was prosented with prize consisting of an plum pudding, In a briet address, wyle, general manager of the com vitny extended a cordial welcomu to all employees of the company families and friends and A A pro Ming with | Awarded thelr fami i a keen in tei oda Awa Ki 42 hag of suxn Herrin J fourth pria I the Lith English A D, B, Car. aes who had so capably assisted in Ihe radio department during the rush season of Christmas, Mr Carlyle also had a word of praise | for htose who* were in charge the entertainment and had assured Its success hy thelr efforts, In thi connection he made special men tion of the work of Arthur Gordon, | (ieorge Schemilt and C, A, Mason, Dance Popular | Following the distribution of the prizes, the floor was cleared and | the gathering beguiled the fleetin: hours to the strains of Watson's Novelty Orchestra, The dance pro gram which was patterned to cate) to the tastes of both old and youn alike, was composed of hoth round and square dances, The square dances bringing back memories o similar occasions to the minds « the older people, who enjoyed !« the full the privilege of demon strating thelr prowess to the youn folk, to whom the intricacies o for those who were in charge ol ilar, For these dances Fred Lin ton excelled In the art of callin off and put the couples through the figures In Masterly fashion, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED A large number of friends and elghbors called at the home of Jason Lennox, Colborne street ast, last night, to celebrate the 1st anniversary 'of his birth, lames were played and a most pleasant evening enjoyed, | | | | | | Mrs. C. Choate, Celina St. | thorities, Quarter-Million Dollar Payroll in Oshawa's Grasp A community without payrolls is a community without hope, It is an undisputed fact that payrolls are the foundation of any city's prosperity ini of the buying power they create and the money they put into circulation, It is also an undispuated fact that the city having the largest payrolls has the largest measure of prosperity, It is reported upon good authority that the payrolls of the Coul- ter Manulacturing Company will average one quarter million dol- lars per year, This means that in four years' time this new in- dustry will create in Oshawa an additional buying power of one million dollars and also provide a million new dollars in money from its payrolls, Dozens of cities and towns would jump at this chance that Oshawa has been so fortunate to secure, Every retail merchant must enter into this campaign with all his might for better and bigger payrolls for therein lies our real basis . ol prosperity, JOHN J. BURNS, President, Retail Merchants' Association, CHRISTMAS PARTIES PRECEDE CLOSING OIF PUBLIC SCHOOLS, for that are the children happy hut It wus also the day for the school parties and concerts, Bveryhoy and attends a public sehool will have received a present this year, have had fun Christmas 1'ree There in every and In there as fu every room I'he and girls exchanged names, everyhody contributed gift so that yvhody will receive one, usual throughout that each form eparite party and within the class, then assemble for a At North Sim- It is Christmas thine everywhere in the shops, their colored trees and churche days, with | in town these in the streets | Hehts and Christmas bus hoppers, in the | with thelr entertainments for th children, in the Toy Bhop where | the Beout repairing old toys tol of a | par Clan help that h will | were I ve enough toy iil the bo and girle in in hom In wher: sterious packages are riving. by mail and parcel and where Christma tres Are | ever ein hought from the peddler | It gelling { at the | all the me It is Christmas ¢ have bu rday the spirit o nag was exemplified more-than apy | the wiole sehool in the schoo This was | Christmas concert, when school closed for] eos season, and not only | (ol girl ho nt "h I " {and will rel a city the are ta tres shoo) fi Jitthe | mo one the ci boys | | ar post m one, eems to he I Ols hem hool vho come Vers | o, | should door rywher hould u Chyist-| have the tree y esl nee else appy day the winter ntinued on page 10) 1931 L'censz Pl.tes Appear To Remi d Us oj the Closing Year ; indi eof Tate 1 Hl he the new unwel Ldn to IH mean ard ear mn. the wh a it nden I New expenditure of some n ne ! both In di are rather | Heense® pl renln I which embody chunge | fen and eolor cine ( catehing to the eye The black let. | Y¢ ters and numerals on the old gold However there is something background stand out prominently | suapy driver in the province can be | and lend a note of color to the deep | (vhankful for and that is that he or | blues and blacks of the car bodies. | sha does not live in the province of The name "Ontario which thi iehee, In the provinee to the east | yor was to beg found at the bottom | the license plates are sold on | of *the plates has been changed 'to |), basis of the weight of the car | the top, The plates also appear to {vor which they are Issued That he deeper giving more room for the |, ins that for a ear that in a numerals uiring a lecenss that cost five do) The plates were placed on sale at [1 the motorist In Quehee pays "| the East block of the Parlinment [fea of not less than fiftden dollar Buildings in Toronto this week and | in addition to which he must pay nl t 1s expected that before many days | driving lee of five dollars a tre passed that shipments of the ompared with a fee of one dollar ates will he received at the dis in Ontario | | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS RECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE A charge of reckless driving ha een lald against Harry Forster, of Park, Rochester, N.Y. as ' J J i iving their card after the r that nee | CONTEST CLOSES MONDAY The subscription contest which as been conducted by the Oshawa | ' Dally Times and the Whithy Gaz. [4 Ariel ] ette and Chronigle officially closes | he Tosull of a colllslon Which oc on Monday afternoon, December [curred on the Kingston highway, 22, at three o'clock, All contest- | Just east of the city Hmits Yester ants must have all thelr subserip | day morning, hetween a car driven tions and votes in by that hour, for | »y himself and a second car driven counting of votes will hegin im W. H. Peterson, of Harmony. mediately and positively none can is alleged that = Forster had he received after that timo, * ined out to pass a bread wagon vhen the accident occurred, y It TODAY IS LAST DAY According to the post office au | VESPER SERVICE | today 1s the last day on | | The public Is invited to attend Christmas vesper service and Candle Lighting ceremony that is heing held in Simcoe Street United Church, under the direction of the Canadian Girls in Training, on Tuesday evening, beginning at seven o'clock, There will be carol inging and the ceremony in con- nection with the lighting of the candles will be in keeping with the Christmas season, All C.G. LT, girls In the city will be taking part in which parcels should he mailed, in | '"" order to have reasonable assurance that they will reach local destina tions before Christmas day, Par. cela matled now to points any dis. tance from Oshawa are not too sure of arriving on the 24th, It should he remembered that there will he absolutely no delivery of mall on Christmas day anywhere in Canada, | the Canadian postmen being glven un holiday this year for the first SCHOLARS HAVE JOYFUL TIME, hool grouped together yes. | PORT PERRY MEN ARE ARRESTED ON BENCH WARRANTS SOUGHT BY POLICE AFTER THEY JUMPED BAIL OF $18,000 Geordie Love, Oswald Love and Herbert Tait Now in Custody Oswald love, charged with tho theft of a pig, Geordie Love, accus- ed of transporting the stolen animal and Herbert Tait, charged with re- ceiving stolen goods, were arrested on bench warrants, issued by Mag- fstrate Purdy of Port Perry, last night, The three men, who had heen ont on bail of $18,000 fafled to put in an appearance at Port Perry police court when their cases were called Wednesday afternoon. The court waited patiently for two hours and when there was still no #ign of the accused, Magistrate Pur- dy announced that he would estreat hail and issued hench warrants for their arrest, Apparently the men made [ath ape from the district to ep as the Love brothers were arrest- cd at thelr farm in Reach towns Herbert Taft was found at farm Scott township The executed hy Inspec- , Of the Criminal Invest! Toronto; Pro- Mitchell, of Nex- of the whil | hig | warrant Lor Gurnett i Department, Were vincial Constable Thos and Chief of Police Port Perry The three nye working on for ome time, I'he trio was hrought before Mag- Istrate Purdy at Port Perry lust night the jail, at Whithy ithout Friday, Decem Oshawa bite, of | fieer heen Th county ball, until ber 26 | Ihe i i Inte ised cladm that it was not rodesign that they faflea poenr in court COUN FE Al Gurofsky, of To had mi terstood the order Bh COLLISION 0" HIGHWAY JUST LAST OF OSHAWA were hadly which n highway, I 1) 0 CATH fn collision the Kingsto opnterly limits of the city late Fri day morning W. H. Peterson, of Harmony, driver of the one car, an large couch, states that he was travelling west at the time and that a long line of cars was mov: Ing In the opposite direction, A hread wagon in the proces- klon and Peterson saw a ear turn out as if to pass the hread wagon, Beoing that the Harmony man's car was directly in his way the driver of the second car evidently immed on his brakes and endea- ored to draw in behind the wagon iit hig machine skidded on the lippery pavement and slewed out livectly in front of Peterson, A collision could not ed and Peterson's ear caught other ear at a point near réar fender The force of the im pact hurled its driver through the glass in the door at his right but miraculously ho sustained no more serious Injury than a cut lip, Pet. erson was uninjured, The police are investigating the accident and the name of the sec ond driver, an Amerlean, certained, damaged occurred on near the Wilh the has not yet heen as HARMONY MAN SENT T0 PENITENTIARY (Continued from page 1) count of menaco to his own proper- ty, It was not unusual that he should happen to be found in the barn, he sald, Crown Attorney J. A, MeGibbon conducted the prosecution of the time, his wervice, Marke Sunuuary by Canadian Press Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Ovawford, Alger Bullding, Oshawa 27 Yy 17% B33 W 41% 18% ir 10% 13% 174 aby 8 Ts 164 \naconda lendix Neth, Steel Byers AM, Can, Dry .. Can, Pac, Cn, Fl, Pr, Cn, Fl, Co, Chrysler ,.. Cal, Gas Util Pox IMillm Nkl, 14% Gon, Klee, TORONTO High Low 13% 18% 11% 0% 10% 0% NY Close 18% 21y 9% 11 LR 22 Stock Br, A, O11 Brag, Can, 1st Dis, Sgm, Dm, Stra, Gypsum Hr, Wal, ford Int, Ini, JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W, Wornill, Oph, Eyesight specialist Phone 2218 30% a0 | 2% (len, Mot, North, Tel, watoy ward | Cush 1", td, Coal Paramount 51 {Pn Jor, 20% | Radio -.... | Radio Kt, Simmons Bt. NL U.S, Rubber U8, Steel Int Id IM, (ll 16 1? : vl M : | Nit, MM | \ leh, 8% 8944 Ti 17% 17 161 147% 139% 140% 20 al 1% 10% 40 8% NEW YORK High Low 113% 113 ny 101 179% 178% Station 178% 1614 474 14 140% Close 113 41 179 Stock Am, Can, Am, Fr, Pr, Am, Tel, 14% 141% 1141 cane which was heard by a large number of interested spectators, There was no jury as the accused hind elected trial by judge without ury, Although Mr, Ifall acted as 'oungel for Wilson, he had not con retained by the accused but weted on the request of the attor- ney-general as Wilson was with. mit funds to engage anyone for his defense, Harry Phipps, of Oshawa. who was last week convicted by Judge Ruddy of a serious offense against an East Whitby township girl un. der the age of 106 years, was today sentenced to 18 months determin. ate and six months indeterminate in the Ontario Reformatory, ted by D, A, J. Swanson, counsel! for Phipps, to show that he was a man of previous good character, His Honor would not listen to Mr. Swanson's plea for lenlency even though it was pointed out that the defendant was lable under the | Unmarried Parents' Act, Judge Ruddy commented that offences of this nature were becom- Ing altogether too common - and that the accused had narrowly es. caped being charged under a secs tion of the Criminal Code providing a much heavier penalty. London Truth is now after Mr. Ferguson, If's not careful Mr, Fer- guson will dig up that famous and foolish editorial it wrote ,osme +3 years ago about the C.P,R.--Ottawa Anv "Inter, 19 18% 19 Vanadium 56% [XE INN Journal, no at- | wit that they and | be avold- | the left | who is thought to be | Although evidence was subm't-, 'KINSMEN'S CLUB HOLDS ENJOYABLE | CHRISTMAS PARTY Club Is Donating Toys to Children at Children's Shelter Thursday night' # regular meeting of the Oshawa Kinsmen's Club took the form of a jolly Christmas en tertainment for members of the 2lub and thefr wives, A large num her were present and the brief ano informal entertaininent was much enjoyed, In the unavoidable Leon Osjer, president, vice-president acted a+ chairman | and introduced the guest Banta Claus, who later proved to 'e none other than Dr, L, KE, Hub bell, Visited the meeting and in brief and humorous address assured the Kinsmen that he would not for. | got them on Christmas day, | Every member received a pres ent last night In the form of a toy. | All the toys have been pooled and will be donated to the children at the Children's Shelter, as a on nhgenes of T, IL. Wilgou mas gift from the club I"'ollowing community singing, which was led Kinsman 7 owler, all adjourned to the Re Theatre for a pleasant theatre [13 | The commities night's program Included Dr, L. E | | Hubbell, chairman; I. Robinson, | [hot Greenwood and Gordon Bunt Dave | egent pare hy In eharge of last Obituary FUNERAL OF J, J, TERWIL. | LEGAR | The, funeral of John James Ter willegar was held on Monday his home at Harmony, The late Mr, Terwillegar was i eldest son of Mrs. Katherine and the late Archibald Terwillegar, one of the old pioneer families, and lived in Harmony for many years. The pall bearers were cousing of the deceased, Oliver Pascoe, John Pascoe, 1'dgnr Walters, Murton Walters, Elymer Walters, Leslie Allin, Surviving are his sorrowing wife, two sons. four danghters, al #0 his aged mother, Mrs. Ke itherine Terwillegar, one sister, Mrs, A Drew, King Bt, E, two brothers, Albert on the homestead at Colum hus and Dr, Norman Terwillegar, Fdmonton, Alberta, The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev, C Cragg, pastor of GC RB. King Bt.' United Church Inter from | Coming Events ment took place at the Union Ceme- tery, 8 Oents por word each in || sertion. Minimum charge | for each Insertion, 88e¢ [ QUARE AND ROUND DANCE tonight, Engel's Hall, Watkin's Orchestra, Admission 25e. | (145a) OPENING DANCE, ROUND AND square dancing, Saturday, Dec. 20th, 8.30 p.m, Featuring Pat Shannon's Celebrateq Haymak ors Orchestra, Admission 25¢ Corner Brock and Division, (143¢) JPENING DANCE AT NEW Snooker Dance Hall, . corner Brock and Division Sts, Mon- day, December 22nd, Melqdy Boys' Orchestra, Special 150 per- son, (145b) SPECIAL CHRISTMAS WHIST Drive, Monday, 22nd, at 8 p.m. Come and win a goose, Admis- sion 20¢, (1452) SQUARK AND ROUND DANCH St. George's Hall, 590 Alpert St, Saturday, December 20th, | vision | Is a recognition of the | portance « | charge | Henchel, Admission 25c, Good orchestra, (145a) eneral Motors Truck and Coach Ltd. Formed at Walkerville Parts and Accounting Depts. Of Truck and Coach Division To be Moved "IH, H. Honchel Named Prosie to Border Cities dent, V. O. Hipwell Vice- President of New Come pany, With R. S. Mec Laughlin as Director OFFICE, FACTORY , AT WALKERVILLE Formation of New Company Comes as Result of Grows ing Importance of Truck and Coach Business 20,--T.ffece 1041, General Mote Canada Limited, Division) be= dotors Truck ano with H. H, Henchel general manager and factories a! Walkerville The announcement wig made on behalf of R, B, [ Mo I. aughlin, president General Moe of Canada Limited, by Paul W, president and general mans ager of the United States truck di- of General Motors, in the course of an address at the conelud. ing banquet of the truck salesmen and branch managers of Canada. Formation of the separate Cana dian company for Canadian trade and for export to British dominions growing im- truck and coach as production is Walkerville plant continuing as Windsor, Ont,, Dee, tive aJnuary 1, org Products of (Truck and Coach comes General Coach Limited president and ith head offices HH ere [tors sefler, f the So far the DUKINE concerned, will nnatfected, before Officers and Coach Henchel, the pre V. 0. Hipwell he of General Motors truck Limited, besides Mr, sident, will include vice president in of sales, and R I, Fielder, president in charge of bus sales, Directorate of the new com- pany will include Mr, HR, 8, Me- Laughlin, Mr, P, -W, BReiler, Mr, Mr, Hipwell, Mr, Fieldey and others to be appointed by Mr, McLaughlin The new president and general manager has heen with the truek and coach division in Canada since 1621, having heen at Oshawa prior to the transfer of sales headquart- ers to Windsor, Vice-president V. 0. Hipwell {# from Regina, and has been with the division since 1924, prior to which time, he was in the Chevrolet sales division of General Motors of Canada, Mr, Fielder was formerly with the London Omnibus Company in England, Otlier changes involved will ine "lude the establishment of a parts depot and accounting department liere and the addition later on of certain personnel ARITA "Made-to-measure laundry service" With six different kinds of family wash service this laundry makes it possible for any Toronto housewife to fit her washing and bud. got requirements exactly, Select just as much or as little help as you require. Some preier to (do the rons ing at home---some like semi-finished--- almost all are sending their men's shirts since we started a few weeks ago to do these latter, All are done separ ately in soft water without any marking, Your laundry problem will find its solu- tion here, We suggest that you phone one of our young one of our z2& z&&&&&aY ladies and have her explain the six different kinds of laundry service--or stop any one of our courteous driver-salesmen, Phone 788 vires LAUNDRY 484 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ER a Ro assy ca -- | Announcing Hi! ' W with us will make it as nice 27 BOND UPHOLSTERING and DRAPERIES Don't discard that piece of furniture--a few dollars spent of coverings to choose from. This Stora Will Be Open MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 as new, A complete range ST. EAST = Geo. C. Constable

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