he Ar & - - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, AE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN i= THE CIASSERIED SECT 0 NON \I\SO Legal & tors. Notaries Pad Ete oink A LL] Mod TE ts 51a 20,0 ? Commerss Bui oe BANE 14g, se ST EXON lo oney to aie Bibs 5 ne a SEE Fy me qe 200 Sitno0s unger Phone 1?. Egtrd on tC. T. K. Creighton, B.A, N. © B.A. : 'Taser, OUIS 8. HYMA olicitor, Notary, over tore. Money to loan. eet north, Phone enve 3473W REER AND HU istars, Sullcitors, ete., '¢ Bt. N. Pasne 8160. olin. Bl Lk 3.A, BA . sr, ete. Conveyar ting and genera! ractice. 22% Kieg St. Bast bone $237 (114) hy PARKHILL BAKKRISPEK te ongy to _lcan ge op osive Prgt Office. RIN RANK S. EBBS, BAARTITER jolMcitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey- mcer, money to loan. Third floor ew Alger Buildin ; opposite Pos )fice. Phone 3996 A 1and's 16 Simece 67. in Ld Money to Dental PHILLIPS, OVER BAS dh Be attention to X-ray work. Oks estraction. Nise 1b fifi Phone 9569. House DR. £ : , » SIMC sok ott Mitchell's Drug Store. 13 extraction. Phone 54. DR. J. F. BROCK. DENTIST, 3¢ Simcoe St. N, over wiand' Phone 1967. Res. 20:W. vb b# appointment. DR. Hr, LAN MALL, ._ DAVIES, St. B. Special a t gio et ang X- work, ia attendanne. ones 1343 and 864. Palmint MADAME BROWN, PALMIST business private, 93 Louisa Sreétt Phone 2636%. (Nov, 22-1 mo) MADAME RENA, PALMIST, 345 Buena Vista. Appointments phone 1166W. (Nov. 26-1 mo) Optometrist CG TUCK, OPTOMETRIS? Sbectainst Ih moscle anomalies. eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Hye 2trailn, [Ide Ghlla and (ts Devetopment. Dis ney Bloek opporite Post Office Phone 1516. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Undertaking HE HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, sme; Block. Phone 3080. Of ice hours 9 f.m: tO 3.40 Monier J Haslew ee i nticn s Surgery afi a X- A [arper, special atténtivn te Ry sii 8 Diseases and Obstetrics. Sun gy and night calls 2416 or 122 LURE BURIAL CO. ¢7 KING ST Ambulanes. Residence 642 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W OSHAWA BURIAL GO, M. F Ariiftrong & Bon, Proprietors. Fuliéfal asd Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W x7 Celina. an R McKAY PUYSLIIAN, SUN etn, Accouchier eé and ow soce King St corner syria St., OshAWS. Phone 94. )& GRANT BERRY, PHYSITIA AN urgeon. Obstetrician, Oe of atants and children. fice 4n esidence, 97 Bast. Phone 155. JR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM +R. C. P and 8 Edinburgh Phy iclan, Surgeon Obatettician Mf~e 143 Simeoe Bt N Phone 1020, residence 14 Cadillac Ave. North Phone 31565. JR | ARCHER cROWN, PHYSI- ian Surgeon and Obstetrician, office nd. residen i Strvet ad ohone AROL isian Rlaysician a rgeon. Spe 1 on to matefhity work dnd i ases peculiar to women. Office ahd efidence 167 Simcoe Street "hone 303. 2 W. GRAHAM, M.D, 0.5%, LM. 3C., physician, surgeon, * obstetric- in, 3 years' post graduate. Special ttention to maternity wotk Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Office and resid: mce. Phone 3020. (Nov. 24-1 m6) - Contracting JONTRACTING CONCERTE lastering, electric or altérations 'hone 139 for estimates. ah tn Ocean Tickets DOK YOUR OHRISTMAS PAB: age at 39 Simeoe St. south. Phone 15 for a personal {interview at our home. (Nov. 20-1 mo) Veterinary Surgeon JR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN pecialist Diseases Domestic Anim- ls, Cat and Dog Heepital. 203 {ing West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. hf) "w ~ Skates Sharpened TES SHA wachine used by manufacturers. cissors and axes, etc. Orders alled for and delivered. 3833 Buena 'ista, Phone 3193W. (Dec. 16-1 mo) Fad orth 'ar, Nose, Specialist RF T BRY ANS OF 160 BLOOR treet West Toronto will be at his ffive over Juv & Lovells Dius tore each Saturday from 1 till 4 .m.. {or consvitation aud treat ent of diseases of ear, nose snd irpat only Appointments may o made at drug store Phone 97, Rates for Classified Ads First cents per word. Minimum charge for one fnsertion 30c. Each subsequent eon secutive insertion 1¢ per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of ¢wo first insertions (three ceats s word). Minimum w cents. Box aoumter 10c addi tional. Protesrional or Business Cards, $2.50 per marth for 20 words or jess; 10 cents & word per month for eash ad- ditional word. 'Phone 35 ask for Classified Ad TEETH Be Insurance EON. [INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING [INSURANCF f~nsuif R. N. Jonns, BU Bimcoe uorth. Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests pro tected CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER- writers' Automobile Insurance. Careful drivers received 25 per cent, refund during past 18 years Agency Germond Cigar Store. (Nov. 28-1 mo) Ti GARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists a {eroitiire m "st ware ouse and moving van equipment Phone 83. ' 3 OARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand add einders. Local and long distances hauling Smith & Coz Phone 2 10 Bona St. West. OSHA 'Ss OLD ESTAB lished furniture movers. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance Frank Cowie Prop. 65 Park Rd South, Phoze 2165. (Nov 25-1 mo) CARTAGE -- and household BORROWDALE'S General cartage furniture moving. Special atten- tion to commercial work. Local and long distance. 609 Carnegie Ave. Oshawa. Phone 1618, (Dee, 10 tf) Beauty Parlors BEFIY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop. Specialists In permanent, finger and marcel waving. Per manent wave prices $5, $7.60. $1v and $16. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2968. Apply 86 Simcoe street north. ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. arcel and sham- poo $1. Phone pi WATSON'S ARBER AND Beauty 8hop, 6 Colina St. We spec: ialize in ladies' Cair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 esnts. For appointments phone 2668. (Nov, 18-1 mo) Auctioneer : PHONE 716J. W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont. Special attention given to household furniture sales and farm stock and implements. Your patronage solicited. Money to Loan L ty snd fares. Apply A. J Park- bill, 87 King St. Kast. Phone 1614, (July 31-t0» ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE. CARS re-financed Payments reduced Additional cash given. Terms rea sonable. Moter Loans and Dis counts, Suite 3, 14% King St. BE (upstairs), Phone 2790. Open even ings. (Aug. 15tt.) Hemstitching HEMSTITCHING, _ PICOTING, nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated, one dollar. All kinds of beautiful embroidery worke¢ goods, smock: ing, Alterations and dress making. The Dell shop, 263; Sim coe south, phone 1656. (Nov. 24¢1 mo) L goods made oy, order. Prices reas- onable. Phone 2143M. (141c) Music i . Al A Organist 'and Cholrmaster 7 Street Church, will asoccept fo piano, pipe organ ana eit music. 50 William Streat Cast. Phene 2896. ( Sept. 2 tn CEDNARD RICHER, LRAM, 5U pervisor of Musto." 653 Seren oe Avedue. 2578F, {Auvg. 21) For Rent SIMCOE MANOR --~ FOUR AND five room suites, "electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conven ences. Apply superintendent phone 2671. (66tt) VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refrigera: tion, electric stove, washing mach. ine and dryer. Apply superintend- ent. Phone 2533F. (BbtL) FOR RENT GLADSTONE Apartments. Modern three rooms with 8 plece bath, water, gas-stove electric lights, hot water heating, laundry conveniences, private cei- lar. $30 monthly. Phone 2604W evenings. Gladstone Apartments, 12 Gladstone Ave. (Nov. 25-1 mo) WARM FRONT ROOM. BOARD if desired. Phone 2652J. (Dec. 4-1 mo) HOUSY TO RENT--SMALL, CEN- tral, hardwood floors with all other conveniences. Apply 91 Rit- sont Rd. N. (Dee. 6-1 mo) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS, furnished or unfurnished. Reas- sonable rentals, Phone 1550 or 2347TW. (1821) FOR RBNT--BIX ROOM HOUSE. All modern conveniences, Well decorated, very centrally located on Bond street west. Very moder ate rent. Apply J. D. Rutherford. Phone 638J. (Dec. 10 tf) SIX ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT, possession January 1st. All conven- fences. Apply 85 Bond St. Wet Phone 82. (143th) TO RENT-- BIX ROOM HOU! Wiliam Street East, convenience free water, fifteen - dollars pe: month. W. J. Sulley, 346 Simcoe South, Phone 716J. (148¢) TO RENT---NEW BOLID BRICK house, 4 rooms, kitchenette, fur- nace, clean, all conveniences, Ap- ply 131 Albert St. (141e) TO 00 cottage, all conveniences, on Clark street, Immediate possession. Phone 31867. (141e¢) [3] E LD rooms, hardwood floors, all con venlences. Rent reasonable, occu: paney Jan, 1. Phone 1206W. (141) TO RENT--COMFORTABLE SIX room home, North end. Owner will rent cheap. 9 Prince St, or phone 9825. (141e) -- Jn, decorated, 4 fooms and bath, elec- trie stove, central, bright, airy and comfortable. Box 60 Times, (141tp) T™W 8 F able for light housekeeping, 2338W. R R i flat, unfurnished, heat, water. all conveniences, 1168J. (142hH) FOR RENT -- APARTMENT, three rooms private entrance, all conveniences, 241 Dearbourne Phone 2928W. (141c) THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED rooms with garage to responsible party. Apply 106 Frederick St, (142¢) BACHELOR APARTMEN TF, PART- ly - furnished, newly decorated, heated, electric light, water, in business section. Box 50 Times, 11 Phone (140t) light and Phot.e TWO WARM ROOMS flat, furnished or partly Mid ed, light, heat, water, central. Phone 2720F. (142h) A ON C borne street west. §1 a month, Phone 1865. (142¢) COZY FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW. All conveniences, double sarage, $20 a month, Phone 82066W, (142¢) FIVE ' conveniences, warm, within six minutes of G.M.C, Rent $85. Phone 2033J. (142¢) FOR RENT--A HEATED OAR- age with privilege of washing car, Address 14 Simcoe Street N. Phone 324. (148¢) TO RE ' furnished or unfurnished. All conveniences. Posssesion "Jan, 1st. $20 a month. Apply 122 William street east, (1438¢) FIVE ALO . ly furnished, electric stove, every convenience, Apply 163 Brock St. E. (143¢c) 633 CARNEGIE--7 ROOM BRICK house, fully modern, all néwly desordted, a real warm home, Rent 625 Carnegle-- 8 groom brick. French doors, fireplace, modern in every way. Rent $30, 630-Carnegie-~Futly modern home, storm doors and windows, Cosy warm house. Rent*$26, Phone 1650 or 232, (143¢) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 50k 1 WOU: slabs, $3.50 load. Also bone dry body wood Waterous Meek Limited Phone ! (Apr. 2616 E HAVE (U) L - use in rebuilt Underwoods., They are as serviceable as when new-- at less than half the cost. Sent for your approval. Address "Un- derwood", 138 Vietoria St, To- ronto. (Oct. 19, 31) OVER HUNDRED PAIR OF SEC: ond hand boots and skates. Must be sold. On very reasonable prices trom $1 up. Bouth End Shoe Hos- pital, 426 Simcoe South. (Dée, 11-1 mo) RE E A and graded eggs for sale, Deliver- ed. Phone 3146F, (142b) FOR SALB -- PAINTS, VARN 1dhes. We have the 1aent of paints, varnishes, ie. 1 in the city. The Paint tare (Apr. 36 tf) ¥ 8 King street west. $10 BUYS A ola Phonograph with few selected records. Phone Holden 371W. (142b) SL boots, complete Skates sharpened. 12 Richmond East, opposite Armouries. Open evenings, (Nov. 29-1 mo) FOR SALE--DRY HARDWOOD $14 per cord. Dry tamarack $12 « 1) outtit $1.76. cord, Norman Sanders, King St Ilast, Phone 1774M. (Dec. 8-1 mo) | FOR SALE--~HARD AND SOFT wood slabs, also dry body wood. Fred [er Phone 598W, | (Nov. 18-1 ma.) rl PRIVATE SALE BEDS, DRES- sers, rugs, dining room suite and other articles, nearly new, cheap 152 Alice St ---- (141c) UNE RBCONDITIONED FINDLAY Quebec cook stove, three electri ranges, annex afd three gas stoves for sale at Harry D. Wilson, Hard ware. 23 King W. Phone 46. (l41¢c) FOR BALE-- MAJBBTIO BLEC- trie Radio Model 73, In splendid condition. Phone 142 r 22, Bow- manville. (141c¢) GERIRAD HEINTZMAN PLAYER piano, Regular $1000, sacrifice far $3560. Cox Motor Sales, 10 Bond Bt. W. (1411) FOR BALE=MAN'S DARK GREY sult, new, too small for owner, 100 Connaught St, (141e) FIFTEEN ~-- JEWEL ~ GENTS Bracelet Watches, $6.05, Pboket Watches $8.05. Han rice sale of jewelry at Dell's, % Simeoe Rt. South, Phone 1008, (Nov. 26-1 mo) UBES Can. be heard any time. 84 (148b) $15. Buckingham Ave, Ot BA teen dress, size 14, $4.50. Phone 1240W, (143b) A RADIO FOR = BALB--DEFOR- est Crosley six tube battery set in good condition. Price $16. Phone 1067W. Apply 23 Gladstone Are. (148h) HEINTZMAN PIANO, SLIGHTLY use for sale cheap, lovely tone Make grand Christmas gift. Phone Holden 371W, (1438b) FOR BALE -- Mc ND Moffatt electric ranges, used © months, Five used tires and tubes 3125.25. Bargain. Christmas trees 25¢ up, L. 8. Palmer Hardware, 626 Bimcoe Bt. A, Phpne 826. (148¢) "Furs Repaired fur coats relined and remodelled. Experienced. Phone 682M, 119 Huron Crescent, (Nov, 29-1 mo) R.OUTBOLE, FIRST CLASS PAP- erhanger, painting and gralning. Prices right, work guaranteed. 840 Pine Avenue. Phone 3065W. (72f) employment on farm, good with stock, could take full charge if necessary, Box 51 Times, (141c) A -- years secretarial experience, also knowledge bookkeeping, desires responsible position. Box 52 Tins. (148¢) GIT YOUR OAR WASHED AT dominion Garage, §8 Bond streot west. Phone 818. All cars at one price $1.00. (Nov. 19-1 mo) Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE--BIGHT ACRES, GAT den soll, 6 room brick veneer house, goed out bulldings. hard and soft water. orchard, For par- ticulars apply Thomas Scott. North Oshawa. (Dec. 1-1 mo) "ARM FOR SALE--$6,600. accept house or property in Osh- awa as part payment for 100 acre farm near highway. Good bank barn and 7 room brick house. 85 acres tillable. 15 acres pasture and Woodland. Ploughing all done, Box 49 Times, (1891) 0 buys a 50 acre farm near New- castle. Must be sold to close estate. House, barn, good soil, mixed hardwood bush. Terms $300 down Phone Holden 371W. (142b) Elocution LESSONS IN ELOCUTION AND public speaking. Private or In classés, For terms phone Lois Mun- dy No. 35 or 312. (Dee, 17-1 mo) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE. MATERNITY work. [Excellent references. Mr# Borrowdale, phone 1618 Nov, 21-1 mo) PRACTICAL NURSE, DOCTOR'S reference, maternity, invalid, gen- eral nursing. Will assist ' with housework. Charges moderate. Phone 30337, (Dec. 4-1 mo) WHITBY PRIVATE HOSPITAL, Whitby, also knowh as '"'Sunny- nook", ideal rest home. Register- »«d nurse in attendance,' Phone, write or call Buperintendent, (De Battery Service 11-1 mo) } Dressmaking INSTRUCTION GIVEN N CUT- ting, fitting and sewing problems, day or evening appointments. Phone 1493). $1.25 per three okie pevied. 1 mo.) Wanted To Rent 0 E including stock and Implements, about 100 acres. by careful tenant. Apply Box 506 Times. (143b) Second Hand Dealer niture bought and scid. 186 Bloor Street east. Phone 1817M. (Nov, 25-1 mo) OPLE'S under new management. We buy and sell all kinds of second hand furniture. 17 Prince street. Phone 1751. (Dee. 8-1 mo) TIME TABLE ga Pulls except i. pail. except Sunday. 4 except Sunday, Daily, except Saturday CANADIAN NATIONAL Elective Se ww' SRRSDRER » PU VUYe dad adds I te ded -- Daly. Daily Daily, except 'Westbound Daily, except Sunday. Daily, except Daily Daily. day Sonia Dany Daily except Sunday. Pt at gece hR pPeopess® 33zasa2 - 8 ° a CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 24th, 1 CAR OR RADIO BATYWIES AT factory prices, Best prices allowen for old batteries. Batteries charged 765¢, called for and delivered. W 317 Celira St, Phone (Dae: 8-1 mo) Radiv Service BATTER i> CHAKA with rertal $1.00 lee rebullt Called for and deliver: | Promp* service Stan Bligdon Mill St. Phone 1885W (Nov OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE LE pairs on radios, power packs anc eliminators Tubes tested and supplied. radio poles for sale Hatteries charged ano repaired Phone 3J350J. Charles Wales 146 Elgin Bast, (Dec, 16-1 mo) REPAIRS DONE ON ALL MOD els, expert service, prices reason: able, batteries recharged 75c. Free radio service to battery customers Phone 2808W. George Burroughs, certitied radioiriclan, (Dee, 8-1 mo) Building Supplies CINDERS, BAND AND GRA: vel for sale--To insury prompt fellvery, place rder. 8 advance f delivery date, W Bo'fowdae Phone 1818 GRAVEL, STONE, BAND, CIN- ders and black loam, Also all kinds of moving done. Phone 1979W. (Nav, 36-1 mo) LOST--ON WBDNESDAY MORN: ing, December 17th, white gold wrist watch with band, Reward. Phone 2350W, LOST -- N taining Standard Bank book, bill and small change, Box 53 Times. (143b) Spirells Shop SPIRELLA BRINGS, STYLE, health, on TO, Personal attention and service. Phone Mrs. Blatter, District Manager, 2189M. : (Nov. 25-1 mo.) Help Wanted----Female HOUSEMAI wanted. Must be responsible with children. Apply 455 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2609J. (143b) Watch R L --_-- Swiss watchmaker, ropalr shop at 44% King Street West. Your ey ronage is solicited, For Exchange RICK H All . conveniences. For exchange on value about $1,800. (143a) 00. Value $8,800. Good location. small house, Phone 2011W. Christmas Trees A ARS 20c ) delivered. Phone 1490. (1391) BA . mas trees, delivered 6-8 feet, 70¢, $1.00. Phone 921 after 6.30. (140tL) Architacts - GENERAL architectural work. "'eccnd floor. Royal Bank Building. Pho Hes. phone 909J. 29 143% , AS- ND soclate architects, Sim Over Felt Bros. % st 3 (Standard Thee) Eastbound Daily. vaily. 25-1 mo) | 283 Daily, except Sunday Daily Parent h m. Dails: ) 5 Kt m thas y, except Sunday. . Daily. Daily. de GRAY COACH unNes dard 3 SFEEE sro NO --NOEw 33 8B Ct =e ex ] - - seed | wr gars = 00 Smo mua ESes 3» - » i PY SomNo ws we --N. RADA Amato = = Ex bil. 00 11.% m-Except > a Curiays. Bundare sed Holidays only B-Eundays ouly. WHITBY USHAWA: SSWMANYILLE (Effective on Fry October oth, a) Laave _ yc Bowmanvills Oshawa Whithy 60am, 2.43 aun, 20 a.m, 7.20 a.m. ah, "8.20 a.m, Arrive pig: a8! -e a3 53 oo. » # B32Pp233 un IOI in AS Oe on il 823382: veo re & Tors aaa = oy 233388 So imw yo PETUEUTS. 38333373738; Zo mf antes Furiis oP Pur ov irs i ; , ih i oo 3 Pom songs F333 8h3zs : #~ Som. =ss Bas 83 Scsis 2 Seeus Pe 33 <<» Ts sZ8 » Noa SR [= 4 ¥ TOTP UDEsERS 79231798091 STP PTY = 239 pas 10.10 p.m. vita yy pm. 1145 pm, 1215 p.m, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE "om Nua 8.15 8.30 p 10.48 p. Pp. 11, Times marke CARTON. PROPRIETOR" BOWMANVILLE PHON Oshawa Wal Roca, 10 Pris Sree A GOOD CROP Decatur, Mich.--The celery crop here is estimated to be 20 per cent. better than last year's des- pite the drought. Dry weather seems to have aided the plants, growers say, for roots are deeper and plants more stubby. 1930) ALL TALK, NO ACTION London.-- Sir Oswald Mosley, M.P., thinks the human mind is a wonderful mechanism--wonderful tor devising reasons why its pos- sessor shouldn't work. "I spend most of my life," he sald at a British Advertisers So- clety dinner, "among people who talk about things rather than do them. It is wonderful the in- genuity of the human mind for finding reasons to postpone or de- lay action, It is the most powerful factor in modern politics." TENANTS PROTECTED Adelaide, Australla.-- A new law, known as the Evications Act, prevents landlords in the State of South Australia from evicting or taking legal proceedings against unemployed tenants. The tenant has only to satisfy a magistrate that, by reason of his unemploy- ment, he is unable to meet his rent and that he is making every reas- onable endeavor to obtain employ- ment. Unemployed persons who have fallen into arrears with their mortgage payments are protected In the same way. Severe penalties are {imposed upon landlords or mortgagors who disregard the law. It might not he a bad idea to try business as a tonic for business. --Nashvillé Banner. 85 Bond Street, West Disney Offers For sale or exchange excels lent farm 150 acres, good buildings, ideal location, priced right. Disney Opposite P.O. cis EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively In muscle anoatio oyesight and glasses, ' 1516 Phone--1518 i Disney Blssk - Opposite Post Office COAL COAL Phone 108 'SR W.J. SARGANT Ho A J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, hotise and contents insurance, inh good sound companies. Apply 52 King Street East I'hone 871, Residence 687W W. J. TRICK COAL CO. LTD. Phones 230-231 25 ALBERT STREET POTATOES Ontario or New Brunswick 90 Ib. Bag, $1.00 Hogg & Lytle, Ltd. PHONE 203 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. B. We Delivéd JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLOWS J. W. Worl, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8218 "SILK TIES For Christe" mas. Box Special I 49¢ j Scotland Woollen Vill 8. ROTISH. Manager FOR RENT 9 Room House E v er y convenience. Warm, two car garage. Excellent address on Sim- coe Street North. Telephone Day 262 Evening 2111 Machinery Repaiting NOTHING TOO LARG NOTHING TOO SMALL Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Diamonds! Bassett's [ On Oshawa's Main Corner Adanac Machine Skip 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 REPAIRING W. TCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair ud make it teu the correct me. D. J. BROWN THE JKWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 Simcoe 8. Phone 189 Chevrolet Sedan, 20 model price vo 8528 Chevrolet Coach, 28 model Price ..c.cieive....9828 ONTARIO MOTOR LIMITE SALES D 90 Simcoe Street South Yoo CAREW LUMBER ( ATH( BRINGING UP FATHER BY GoLLY- | PUT THEM LETTERD WN ME WIFE'S TRUNK TO MAKE HER THINK SHE ABSENT-MINDEDLY PUT'EM THERE- BUT SHE DEAP ME! HERE ARE HID LETTERS - THEY WERE IN MY TRUNK - HOW DID THEY o0 AETTHERER Sans gS VT OUT. EE MUST NEVER KNOW "THEY WE ANO AVE THE BD SARE WERE (N "THAT TRU THAT THE PARTY \ BY GEO. McMANUS WHAT'S HS IN MY POCKET?