THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE NINE QREAT Pl RIZE Ae Sa Public I c loterost is at wiiteheat. Who will v win tie choice of free Autos and which car will they choose are the often | repeated queries heard during these closing days of the Big Competition. The Prizes are '"Anyone's" now, but after 3 P. M. next Monday, December 22nd, it will be a dif- | ferent story, for at that time the curtain will ring down | on one of the best fought Subscription contests ever conducted in Ontario and Durham Counties. Make every minute between now and 3 p.m. next Monday, yield Votes to the utmost - [t will take votes towin - Make sure you have enough of them. a DO IT THIS WEEK DR Ar u SCri er = IT WILL BE TOO LATE To be seen at Thickson Motor Sales, Oshawa @® TO HELP NEXT WEEK PONTIAC Bo SIX SEDAN--FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Pri ESSEX SIX STANDARD SEDAN--FREE " See it'at Mo hk a Motor Sales, Oshawa Offerd as choice for First Grand Prize WHIPPET SIX SEDAN--FREE : See this car at Ross, Ames and Gartshore, Oshawa. Offered as choice of Grand Prize To be seen at Roy Nichols', Courtice, Ont. CHEVROLET 6 COACH--FREE, PLUS $100 CASH . by 'iE \ PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, PLUS $100 CASH--FREE Sf 0 choice for First Grand Prise FORD TUDOR, PLUS $150 CASH--FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prize ; ator Offered as choice for First Grand Prize See it at Davidson Motor Sales, Whitby Whithy - Bowmmavile Oshawa See it at Cox Motor Sales, Oshawa . FOR QUICK REPLIES, ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES FOR INFORMATION, ENTRY BLANKS, ETC., DIRECT TO PRIZE CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT, HEADQUARTERS, [| The Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa or to The Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby, Ont. \ Campaign Headquarters in the Main Office of The Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont. Phone Number 35. Special Offices lov apa 4} The Gasstte and Chronicle, W d The Daily Times Office in Bowmanville, Phone Whitby 79 |i J Bowmanville 587. Open Evenings for Con venience of all Candidates, Ar B. Hl, Cone. Mir § . y --------r ----------------------- - ----