Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1930, p. 20

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MRC an eT | he aa at ht Er a p's if # A PAA povd PAGE TWENTY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1930 Real Christmas Day And (By T. R. Glover) Christmas Day! Carol singers, Christmas trees and cards and presents (including paper and string and general untidiness), rather too much to eat and perhaps to drink and then it is. over; and many grown-up. peo- ple are glad it is over. For many of, us "don't drink" and a good few of us when it comes to eatng realize with amused surprise that opportunities which we would have coveted as boys are rather a bore now and that even one helping is rather too much. An the fuss and the confusion of it. No. Yau say to me, you are losing the real thing in the small detail of'it; next holi. days you will be giving up your trip abroad because you dislike the railway journey and the. customs people. Still, let us try to get at the real thing. Tho children like it. Think of the weeks of planning that some of them give to it--saying, contriyv- ing, ingeniousy extracting the extra dime from you in October, sewing this and that little thing, painting all those cards--and then as soon as school is over, all the anxious and exciting shopping and the mystery of those secrets laid Its Mysteries by only to be shared with one per- son because they are so import- ant and only with her on the most impressive pledges of secrecy. 1 wonder if orphanages have Christ. mas and what it is like in those well-intentioned barracks? Can you have a drawer of your own in the dormitory or any mys- tery about your secrets thcre--or anybody in the "institution" that calls you all "walfs and strays" as if you were wreckage and lost dogs! No. Christmas, to be right means a home not a Home. I think we must keep Christmas even if it is only for tho children; and you and I must repress our mem- orles, or, at least choose which of them we shall think about. Stay though, says someone, isn't there some association of Christ with Christmas. Hasn't it some connection with the Christmas re- ligion? And here come in a gloomy pair of people. One of them looking very learned, warns us that of course we must remem- ber that the date for the celebra. tion of Christ's birth is a conven- tional one; there is no historical warrant that it fell on December 25, any more than on June 205. Then the other. man looks sourly TENET MANNED NNN NE NBR BES Res FREE! To everyone who plays Golf this week on the Elite Golf Course Life Size Favorite Movie 10% in. x 13 in. Picture of Your TAR game of golf. Arcade Waldorf Cafe Karn's Drug Store Burns' Shoe Store Kinloch's Game. 2 : py = i a 2 » @ @ : ' > 3 & = = = » » - & » = » a FINI REZ INI © IAIN S IKINININ < IIE There are no strings attached. We simply make you eligible for one of these beautiful pictures with every SEE THESE PICTURES ON DISPLAY AT THE FOLLOWING STORES Where the Pictures May Be Obtained After the Brown's Jewellery Store Bowra Electric Store Fox Hardware Henderson's Book Store The Savoy | ancestor | our unkind friend | a Pagan day, CIB UNNHS FHHH ONAN CHEN ISHH NRHN CHEAT OBBN A at him and says: "Tell me, how do you accept the naratives in Matt- hew and Luke? How the birth of Jesus Christ was in this wise--was it?" The learned persons starts to explain all about the accretion of legends round significant per- sonalities; and he cuts in again, "So you don't believe it after all; and' you say nothing about the virgin birth; and you have to face the chance that there never was any. Christ at all." At that rate the more confusion there is with paper and presents and Christmas cards and turkey and so on the bettér. But I am not prepared to lower my flag so readily. Jesus was born; if that is not true there is no history left nor (I think) any other kind of valid knowledge. You cut out the an- gels and in the very act of doing it you let in the historians; and (to tell the truth) I am more at home with them. They all tell me that Jesus really was born; and I have other evidence--I have known people whom he re-made. The young American when the commit- tee asked him how he knew he was converted, answered: 'because 1 was present when it happened." The very fact of the Christlan Church--1I don't mean this or that local or more general organization, but the whole body of the reborn convinces me; 1 have met so many of them that you won't rattle me out of the conviction that there is a real Chrismas behind them whichever way it may be best to put it; a real historical Christ- whether it was in December or June I have a right to be glad that | He was born. And if there are no angels to take me to His cradle, does it matter? Angels or Histor fans, if I call on the great man, does it matter whether a butler or | a housemaid leads me to his study? | Let us | the Virgin birth? facts and experience here. 'eople believe in the birth: on various grounds and the chief of these (the only in the long that they be- lHeve in Jesus Christ. They do not believe Ir Christ because of the | Virgin bi : body would thought So we will this Christmas on the the fact of Christ. But why Christmas Day, when My p the But get down to run is given it concentrate main fact-- have 26th of Decemtl not sure of the da did not all and T am not clea meant less to them i English contemporari of who make no cnd of fuss about the day. Why the day? And here looks up again brightnes it Is the Roman you are Scottish that Christ an to some with, an unkind he says, Saturnalia, and the 'Birthday of the Unconquered Son," nothing to do with Christ. Perhaps not originally. Still let us look at the two Pagan festi. vals. I had a friend who said he always took heart when the short- est day was once past; was with him now more of February---' and worst" as the Middles Ages used to say. I am no astronomer: but December 25 was the Sun's birthday for the old Persians. the promise of light of spring and of harvest of the world re-born. 1 stand there with the early church and for me the birthday of Christ is the birthday of Light, of Spring and of a re-born World. If we are thinking of any day as a possible birthday for Jesus Christ this day belongs to him assuredly far more than to Mithras, And the festival----do you know how it was celebrated? Why, Rome were free then. poet called it the Light and Rebirth, Happiness; in spite best Freedom and much more are they for me. So I am going to keep the day with my Vil Show You a Large Variety of Footwear to Choose From BABA AAA 4 Early Christmas Blessed be the shopper who Ig awakening to a Christmas consci- ousness. It is the early bird who catches the worm and the early shopper who securgs the choicest selection in Christmas gifts, Santa Claus, wearying a bit after a stren- uous morning gluing transforma- tions of golden curls on lovely wax- en dollies' heads, sat down for rest and picked up his snapshot al- bum. Full of treasured memories of Christmases agone was the snap- shot book. A little sigh escaped the jolly old fellow as he glanced at a page to- ture photographed there was enough to make a body sigh, to cramp up one's toes in agony and to flood the heart with the spirit of disappointment, "The small photo- graph showed the alsles of a store crowded with late-hour shoppers frantically snatching at articles that had been sold and would not be re- stocked until after the Christmas holiday, Women burdened with many bundles wedged with stooped houlders with difficulty = through swinging doors--too late for de- livery of their purchases. Eleva- tors crammed beyond capacity sped upward, a little group of impatient shoppers unable to find accomoda- tion and forced to turn to the stair, Virgin | real one | apart from Him no- | why the | day at | mine | Mithraist's | the year | 'shortest of months | Roman | all the slaves of | The Roman | of days. | and if they are associ- | ated with that day for tho pagan | Makes Refreshing Picture ward the end of the book. The pic- | Shopper Santa's heart beat a little faster to sympathy as he glanced at the snap- shot in the right-hand corner of the bage. It portrayed two drooping clerks, their frayed nerves and ach- ing feet evident in their very atti- tude as they attempt to please irate, belated customers, The pages turned, and Santa Claus' blue eyes crinled up in hear- ty laughter. He was sure lucky to have happened on this scene with his camera. It was un antidote to all eleventh-hour shopping trage- dies. The little lady tripping through the store, her basket swinging on her arm, was charm- ingly refreshing, It had not been difficult to "snap" her, for she had gone shopping early in the morning one November day, and she was not hemmed in by frantic erowds® Ano- ther snap of the charming shopper oroduced .a 'close-up' of the little lady making a happy choice of Ori- ental pretties, while still another little picture gave a glimpse of mi- | spending a merry hour in the toy | department, ' | "If folk could only see themsel- | | ves as others see them, especially | when they're Christmas shopping," sighed Santa Claus "Well, some | | of "em would mend their ways and | | follow the hunch of the early bird | | that catches the worm," he solilo- quized. Past Veils True Origin of Custom Of Using Trees : The custom of using evergreen for festival decorations goes away back to the time of Nehemiah, when forth into the mount for | branches and thick trees with which [to make booths. trees have always been classed with | the world's sacred trees and there |are many legends connected with | {the use of the fir tree for Christ mas. Some claim that it is of Egyptian origin, as those ancient people had 'a custom of decoatring their homes which signified that life would be trinmphant over death. Duners claim that the Christ ee a continuation of the As. An Hd of Great Light." © Rome also claims a part in its origin, while the Norse legends "Ygedrasil" From ancient days the tree has Leen used by men of all faiths as a symbol of life everlasting. | Masonic ses A spray | sign of immortality, ing "tree of life." Some think that of arbor-vitae as a the Christmas {tree had its origin In the time-hon- | 50 often used In Tree" windows and mural decora- was a symbolic its root in Jeske Jesus, ored 'Jesse {ehurech tive schemes. It family tree with and its crowning fruit in The old legend about a saint who came upon a great company of peo ple in a forest on a hillkide which was crowned by an enormous Thun der oak, where a child was bouno at the foot of an altar ready to Le sacrificed in order to appease the great god, Thor, is one that is wor- thy of mention. The fire was burning bright! {sending its flames heavenward when the saint approached and with eyes open to its meaning and try ing not to forget whose name it hears; and 1 will wish all my friends (and readers too, for that matter) a real Christmas. NEILL "Give Footwear For Christmas" It Will Be Appreciated By Any Member of the F amily Men's Plaid Wool Slippers with leather soles at, Ladies' fancy satin Slippers in black, green and rose with wood- en heels. Pair........5.... SLIPPERS 95¢ $1.75 12 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 7 tr y {TAF Ir or HR RA Ladies' Fancy Mules in three colors at . . Children's House Shopste in red and blue. Pair . ... Ladies' fancy boudoir Slippers in red, black and grey. Pair EE eee ak eae ' R. Neill Ltd. Shoe Store $2.50 65¢ 69c The fir and pine | with the branches of the date palm, | say it comes from the great | The | Order in its burial service | {ts name mean- \ A FY rr | { his staff knocked the axe out of the | heathen priest's hand as he was |about to slay the child. He then grasped the axe and smashed the altar to pieces, A miraculoug storm arose at this juncture, which broke the sacred tree into four pieces. Then the good saint told | | the frightened people the true story of Jesus, which resulted in the con- | version of the heathen. { the people were commanded to gv | olive | Turning to the fir tree, Le said: Here is the living tree with* no tain of blood on it, it shall be the sign of your new worship, see it points to the sky! Let us call it of the Christ Child You gE0 no more into the forest to your feasts with sacred rites how the tree hall keep 3 } | it | thrills | ered by | the of shame, instead you shall keep fhem at home with laughter and songs and rites of love,"--E. D. H. Christmas --Fishing-- How would you like to celebrate Yule by landing a thousand-pound fish? That is the New Zealand angler's dream just now . Christ- mas falls at mid-summer in the An- tipodes and the festival is an out of-doorg one. To the sportsman its greatest attraction will prob- ably be deep-sea fishing, a sport which has been making great pro- gress in recent years, For some time, of course, New Zealand hag ben famous for {ts trout, and more recently its wa. ters have offered salmon as an ad- ditional attraction to the angler. But it now looks as if sea fishing is" going to put the river sport in the shade, The New Zealand sea fishing sea- son begins about Christmas and continues until April or May. This year it is expected to attract fish- ermen from all over the world for has been found that few wa- ters can offer such sport to the ex. perienced sea angler as those off North Igland. Indeed It is pre- dicted by experts that it will not be long before they become the most famous fishing waters in the world. Certainly, in Zealander knows jt. landing line! shark are the North there is no Think of The gwordfish and mako the principal prizes Island fishing arid to land either is a nerve and skill. The striped marlin monest type of swordfish encount- the fishermen. One taken last March weighed 450 pounds No mako shark quite so big as this was taken last season, the largest weighing 434 pounds. But angler may also find that he has hooked a broadbill swordfish, or its relative, the black marlin. Then a Homeric conflict will be- gin, for either of these great fish is a "bonny fetcher." waters test of But the angler who manages to comes out on top may have the satisfaction of landing a thousand. pounder. That, anyway, is what all the New Zealand fishermen are dream- ing of doing. Last season the heaviest fish taken was a black marlin weighing 976 pounds. This was a record and one which whets the appetite for more. Only 24 pounds wanted to make a thous- and! So every sportsman who tries the North Island waters this Christmastide will sct out with the feeling that maybe he is going to make angling history by landing a thousand-pounder, READY TO PLEASE 7 "Waiter, an egg, boiled not too soft and not too hard--toast, also not 160 Lard but well browned." v "Yes, sir; any special pattern on the china?" "Will you let me row you down the stream of life, Mary?" "On one condition, Jack." "And that is?" "That you will allow me to steer" een. Gas Man--You are not always bothered with bad light, are you? Mr. Jones--Not always. Gas Man--Hah. I thought not. Tt's only at certain times you notice it heh? Mr. Jones--Yes, after dark, lack of | sea fishing as the New | a swordfish with rod and | in | is the com- | SHES SENN BROCHURE CERRO BRE 20 King St. East MAYME ADAMS (ueen Mary Chocolate Shop Oshawa ABN ES SNM CHIEN To XENENES NENENE NES ME XESS NENENE TS ONES Lo NK © Our Little Shop Is Overflowing Christmas Candies and Novelties BOXED CHOCOLATES from BOc to $5.00. Moir's, Page & Shaw, Nellson's, Hunt's, Bur- ger's Willard's and Cadbury's. NOVELTIES all imported from 10c to $3.00. HARD AND SOFT CHRIST- MAS MIXTURES TCE CREAM in bricks, handy family packages, flavors, 20¢ per box. also all CHRISTMAS PACKAGES OF CIGARS AND CIGARETTES, SMOKING TOBACCO, ETC. We serve you well and deliver. FEO BRANERNS BRIEANN © BORON S BAKING S SUNK ORM Phone 233F PERI LINAS i LT Gifts for the Motorist HERE ARE A FEW Simcoe | Street North : Suggestions i 2 Give Gifts that will be A ppreciated BUICK Rubber Winter Fronts Tire Chains Car Heaters Anti-Freeze Tires and Tubes General Accessories or Steel a | DeFOREST CROSLEY RADIOS HAMMOND ELECTRIC CLOCKS Your Oil and Grease should now be changed to protect your Car for Winter Driving MOFFATT MOTOR 88 Simcoe St. N. SALES init Phone 915 GUARANTEED GOODWILL USED CARS |

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