Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Dec 1930, p. 1

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A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Tlie Oshawa Daily Tones VOL. 7--NO, 141 rubiisheos #0 Jshows Just Eves y Day Enron! Sundeve ne vate Holid we Succeeding The Os OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, hawa Daily Reformer 1930 'All the News While It Is News" 12 Cents » Week; 3 Cents a Copy EIGHT "PAGES feted Rescues ( do AER Owen Sound.--Cameron McMil. lan owes his life to his chum, Cor- bet Agnew, who risked everything in rescuing him from the waters of the Sydenham into which he had plunged when the ice broke away under him, Agnew was suc. cessful in saving his chum only after a struggle of ten minutes or more, during which time he, him- self, at one time broke through, RE t News in Br ief | PP... leven bs AAA Poincare Worse s Paris.~The condition of Ray~ mond Poincare was worse today and friends were apprehensibe as the 70-year-old statesman France fought an illness which one report said had devcloped partial paralys sis De portition Plea Refused Montreal,--Despite his pleas to be deported to Lithuania that he may see his aged parents before he dies, Alexander Michello, alias Tomachuk, was sent to the penitentiary for twenty-five years by Chief Justice Greenshields, Tomachuk was found guilty on two counts, o Three Drowned Alert Bay, B.C.--Two Indian women and a girl were drowned while a man with the party was rescued with difficulty when thelr canoe upset in the Nimpklsk River | The drowned are Mrs her grown de rughter, daughter occu. yesterday. Sarah Nelson, and her eight-year-old Bernice, Joe Jack, another pant of the canoe. was Tt cued by B. Lansdowne, a farmer living nearby, Heavy Snowfall Sarnia.--Sarnia was blanketed by 14 inches of snow which fell throughout the night and morning and for several liours brought transportation to a standstill vow» Condition Critical Toronto.--The condifion of John Buckle, of Brantford, who suffered a fractured skull when the auto he was driving on Saturday after- noon was struck by an auto driven by Willlam Foreman, of Detroit, near Oakville, was reported carly this morning to be critical, Woman Igual Toronto.--Suffering from shock and head injuries which she sus. tained late yesterday afternoon when the auto in which she was riding was struck by a Beac h street car on the Lake Shore Road, near the Humber River, Mra, Annie An- niss, of 1684 Queen street west, was admitted to St. Joseph's hos pital. NEWS HELD OVER Owing to pressure of space, a number of important news stories have to be left out of to- day's issue of The Times, and will be published tomorrow. MAN VICTIM OF BRUTAL MOTORIST Left to Die in Ditch After Being Struck on Highway (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chatham, Dec. 16.- --In a shroud of drifted snow, but etill warm from the spark of life which had flickered for 19 hours, Jose ph | vanver was found beside No. © Highway near Thamesville yester- day afternoon----victim of a brutal motorist. Hidden by the darknes then when daylight came, mantle of 'snow which had fallen, young Vanver was unseen by the hundreds of motorists who passe d the spot where he had been run down, while the life In his battere a body slowly lost its fight against exposure, : It must have heen about 8 o'. clock Sunday night that an un- known hit-and-run motorist vanver, who lived on man farm near Thamesville, and by the At that hour the occupants of a neav- | on | by farm house Jeard a crash the highway and rushing out, could see no tracic on the road. They didn't think to look in the ditch. At three o'clock yesterday af ternoon a party of tele phone lune. men found Vanver's body under a mound of snow beside the highway. It was still quite warm, but hastily summoned physicians sald the man nad been dead for about an hour. WEATHER Pressure is 2 "high over the Great Lakes and Eastern states and low over the west ern provinces, while the News foundland storm has passed out over the North Atlantic, snowfalls have occ urred in Nova Scotia, but in other parts of the dominion the weather has been generally fair, cold east of the Great Lakes and mild In Saskatchewan and Als erta. 4 Forecast, Lower Lake Res glon and Georglan Bay==Most- ly fair today and Wednesday with vising temperature. Mod- erate variable winds today, fresh south west on Wednes- day. into | | 65, struck | the Cryder- | RUMORS FLY AT START OF | CONVENTION Much Conjecture as to Out. | come of Three--Cornered | Battle for Leadership of | Liberal | the Party PLATFORM IS ALSO | MUCH DISCUSSED | Pre-Convention Rumors Are Unanimous in Belief That Prohibition Plank Will Be Dropped From Platform Provincial (By Canadian Press Taand Wire) | Toronto, Dec, i4--~Amid a wealth of rumor and conjecture regarding the final outcome, Senator A, C. Hardy of Brockville; officially open ed the province-wide Liberal cons vention here today, Called for the dual purpose of selecting a permant leader and formulating a new plat- | form, The convention is the#*first | called by the provincial Liberals ince 192 | |: The choles of leadership seems | to rest between three men, W, E. N, Sinelajr, K.C., who has been temp- orary chieftain since 1923; Mitchell F. Hepburn, M.P., West Elgin and Elmore Philpott, a Toronto news- | paperman who officially threw' his hat in the ring last night. Several other names have been bandied abou for the leader's chair including that of 8, C. Tweed, ML, A.. North Waterloo, The fact that Mr, Tweed attended a caucus of the Liberal members of the legisla~ ture last night that resulted in the endersation of Mr, Sinclair as the permanent. leader was taken & mean that 'fe will not oppose on the floor of the convention. When the convention opened there was just as much conjecture and rumor as to who would .be the leader us to what platform would be formulated, Chief interest was manifested in the prohibition ques big the pre-convention rumours be. ing unanimous ya predicting the | discarding of this plank in the Lib. eral platform Hepburn Retires Toronto, Dee. 16.---The Toronto | y today: "Assured by the Fmatosity of the delegations to the Ontario Libernl Convention that the leadership would be his by a vote | of threo or four to one, Mitchell }, | He pburn, M.P'. for Elgin West, to- | day definitely declined to contest the position | "It is understood that Rt. Hon. W. 1. MacKenzie King Federal | Liberal lender, Shih a hn | from Hepburn not to leave the Fed- eral field, Hepburn is believed to be assured of a cabinet portfolio if the Liberal leader regains power, "It iy understood that Mr, Hep~ purn will announce his renuncia- tion in a statement today, and that no insistence by groups in the con- {vention can make him change his | miind." NARROW ESCAPE OF 18 CHILDREN ' Van With Children Dragged Along Tracks by C.P.R. Train | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tugaske, Dec, 16--Lightecn children in a, horsedrawn van the railway tracks near Bridgeford, when a Canadian Pacific' Railway. freight train killed the liorses and dragged the vehicle along the rail All the children but three escaped unhurt, Little Annie King, Raymond Bathgate and Harry Craig missed death by a miracle, Drawn under. neath the train, they were hauled from under the ' caboose with only slight scratches. The driver of the van, Hogg escaped with a broken der and head injuries. Stat ny Sask, | school faced death on Walter shoul- Pittsburgh Bank Robbed Pittsburgh, "Dec. 16,~Flourish- ing revolvers and sawedoff shotguns pix bandits held up the Manchester Savings Bank and Trust Company here today and escaped with loot estimated at $50,000, The robbery session, From Jere 10 right, th Provincial Treasures; INQUIRY INTO | BREAD PRICE T0 CONTINUE Suspicion of Combine Among Millers Subject of Investigation (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Dec. 16 The investiga tion being conducted by tho Labo department into bread prices is not | expected to conclude bofore another three weeks I. A, McGregor, regis trar under the Combines Investiga- tion Act stated today Action wa taken following complaint that bread prices were being maintained at & high level through the opera: tion of a combine amoung baking companies. As soon as sufficient data is col ected from the bakers, the allied question of flour prices is to be the subject of an inquiry, Mr. McGregor sald, Tho millers waited on Hon Gideon D. Robertson, minister of labor, a short'time ago and invit- ad an déxamingtion of thelr hooks Present indications. were stated to be that no pronouncement would be mado hy the. department on the bread situation until the milling in- dustry 8 oxamined. APPROVE SUSPENSION OF IMMIGRATION | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, Dee, 16,--~The house | {mmigration commitee today ap-| proved a two year suspension of all fmmigration with the exception ot | relative of residents here who may enter until half the existing quotas are filled. Non-Quota countries, in- cluding Canada, would be included in the suspension, Sugar ( Sonference i mils Brussels, -- The International Sugar Conference, called in an ef fort to stabilize the industry over the world, and save it from the lls of over.production, Government Bill London, Dec, 16--The Government was defeated in the House of Lords last night by a vote of 87 to 14, on a Conservative motion by Lord Hail, was the third bank holdup in the Pittsburgh district within ten days The Bandits covered about 30 em ployes of the bank with thelr ivea- pons and compelled the paying tel- ler to go to the vault and open it, sham, former Lord High Chancellor, which would have continued the Dye- stuffs Import Regulation Act until the end of 1931, The Government is allowing the present import duty to expire on Jan, 15 next, Defeated in Lords Convention of Ontario Liberals Opened Da ._--_Bationi Incoming Premier Meets Cabinet to Talk Reorganization PREMIER-DESIGNATE G, 8, HENRY With the resignation yesterday of Hon, Gi, Howard Ferguson, and the summoning of Hon, George Ss, those Cabinet Ministers who ape in Toronto ta, mect dm his office, which he occupied as Minister of Highways, © Ministers shown arc: Hon, Charles McC res Mp, Henry; Hon, Thomas 1, Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture; tario; and Hon, William n. Price, Attorney ieneral. Spanish Revoli' Under Control 8. Asdeh (By Canadian Press Leased Wire Madrid, Dee, 16.«=In an ely ive statement to the Associated I're today General Damaso Der enguer, promier of Hpain, ated his assertion that yesterday's revolutionary movement had been | suppres sged, that the army of Spall was everywhere loys lic opinion was unanimously hind the government Major Shepard Goes on Stand | Testifies Wife Addicted To Liquor and Feared Insanity 16,~~Mn. Shepard took the witness stand in his own defense today In his trial for the allegeo poison murder of his wife and testi. fied Mrs, Shepard wag | Hauor and feared insanity, Tears camo to the eyes of the de- | fondant as he related he discoveyed his wife was a drinker on: their Fhoneymoon after thelr marriage in Los Angeles in 1016, Major Shepard appeared ealm on the stand and answered guegtions in a clear tone | Ho testified that Mrs, sihepard's mother hecame "violently insane' and said hig wife had expressed fear [that "she was going to ho like her lmother." These fits of despon-,; | dency occurred, he sald, at, [ who n she was drinking. To Run For Mayor Port Arthur, Wright has announced that he would be a candidate for the 1031 mayoralty. WILD DUCK IS KILLED Kansas City, Kan,, Dee {Jot Charles A, | IN HEART OF LONDON hag ended (By Conadion Prion Xossed Wire) Londoy, Dee, 156, --~How wild | bird life oxists within a few hun. dred yards of crowded Charing Cross was strikingly illustrated today, A wild duck flew {rom St. James' Park into the roadway, crashing through the window of a passing taxieab, fluttered around wildly and then with a lust Citort, flew back te fall lifeless on the foothoard of the taxi, The driver picked up the bird, stroked its plumage for a moment and then lusting it in hig tool hox drove off, ft and that pubs | bos | addicted to | Hues | «= Alderman Sam | ¥ in Toronto Today AND of Mines; Hon, John Hon. n. « Minister WEN. SINCLAIR GIVEN SUPPORT OF FOLLOWERS ' Liberal Members of Legis- lature Endorse Their Present Leader refters | | mont ope | and the | Migs Lib opt | the ire repr of the arty 1 | Legislature last -nigl and unanimaot endorsed lair, Kt a \ of tl oller | members 15 change inthe leadership, will have a stron reception given the fortl | coming proposal to oust Mr, Sinclair | tatement, a brief paragraph of less than 50 words, was handed to the | piess by 'Mi Tweed, who stated that a verp genial atmo 1 pre Wi stated | last might, effect | upon the phere Had valled throughout tl meetin I'he | sti at ment follows | *The 14 Liberal | Provincial Legislature met tonight in caucus at the Prince George Hotel Matters likely to come before the cone. venti meowere discussed, including the { question of leadership. The members | unanimously expressed their confid ence in Mr, W, LE. N, Sinclair and his leadership Sgd) "W, J. Bragg, Chairman," Not a Candidate The assurance that Nr { not going to Oppose is leader nar | rowed still further the field from which a selection will he made by the j 200 delegates; While the names of | Hon, Peter Heenan, MP, and former (Continued on page 9) 'Made Sure of | Their Arrest Halifax, N.8., Dec. 16.~~ When | two solf-styled vagrants were turn | ed out of the police station last night, having been fofused arrest on a charge of vagrancy they pre. ferred against themselves, they wont to a restaurant, ate their fill and being without money to pay the bill, were handed over to the police on a charge of obtaining food under falso pretences, thus gaining the free lodging thoy sought earlier in the evening, with the additional benefit of satisfied member in the I'weed is | HIS COLLEAGUES Henry to bo hix successor, Mr, Leopold Macaulay, P'rovineial Secretary: VicesChalrman, Hydro-Electric 'ook, Royal Develicts Now Penniless wr Canadian Press Leased Wire) Turke nD 16 daughter und se ultan 'bul according nl He vidow song of the former Hamid, remain pennile to tho finding of Lurkor British tribun which deci ided to- | dn that it wa competent handle thelr suit for restitution of property of the ultan selzed Great Says Republic Sure in Spain Major Ramon Franco Gives Reasons for Yesterday's Failure unhb not to former Britain hy (By Canadian 'ress Leased Wire) | Portugal, Dee, 18 Ma. Franco told an inter and his com yesterday in overthrow the Lisbon Ramon viewer today that he patriots had failed their attempt to Spanish monarchy and establish a republic becauso © the artillery Corps, after pledging adhesion to tho movement, backed out at the last. minute, "When the artillery against us," he commented, *'thore | was only one alternative. surrens der Novertheless nothing can ar rest. the Republican movement which will goon swamp Spain, In one month a Republic will be pro- jor opened fire | claimed.' He sald that the object of their attempt was 'to establish liberty and imposo a constitution on the Spanish people, which, Republican or otherwise, mot matter which, would permit Spain to breath free. ly. 1 wished out of patriotism to put, an end to the tyranny which | lasted eight years and thatig what | we docided to do." ~~ ZERO TEMPERATURES IN | NEW ENGLAND STATES (By Conadian Press aus Wire) Boston, Dec, 18.---A penctrating cold that threatened to break long standing temperature rocords sets tled down over New England today for wha. tho weather bureau be lieven will be a two-day stop over The lowest early morning tempera tures were reported from Vermont and New Hampshire, White River Junction, Vt., was shivering to the tune Gf 15 below zero, In Berlin, N.H,, thermometer readings stood appetites, at 10 below zero Henry The picture was taken at the conclusion of the Council | formality last night. enlled together Dunlop, for. One Wdward A, ( itil Hon, Power FERGUSON 'RESIGNS AS CONFIDENCE IN ENGINEER IS VOTED tp m-- SOLUTION PASSED BY CITY COUNCIL Mayor Regrets Couns Has to Waste Time, Over Art' icles Such as Appeared in Toronto Newspaper | CLAIMS PRIVILEGE OF UNEMPLOYED ABUSED | "Eddie" McDonald Will Not Be Allowed to Hold Meet- ings in Council Chamber Confidence Expressed in Works Department Complete confidence in the eity | engineer and in the Board of Works was voiced by the city council last night in passing a resolution spon sored by Aldermen Sulley and Bunker, Tho question of confidence camo up through a letter addressed to tha council by G. DD, Conant of the firm of Conant and Annis. This letter refers to an article which appeared fn. the Toronto Evening Telegrani, which purported to report a speech made at Memorial Park in this eity by Eddie McDonald, self-appointed leader of the unemployed in this city, In his speech, according to The Telegram, Mr. McDonald cast grave reflections upon the efficiency with which the city engineer's dee partment was conducted, also mens tioned certain dealings which he ale loged Mr, Smith had had with the Standard Paving Co. The letter from Messrs. & Anopis read: The Letter "To the Mayor and Council, Oshe awa, Ont, "Dear Sirs: We are acting for Mr. W. C. Smith, city engineer, and beg to bring to your attention an article which appeared in the Evele ing Telegram on December 10th, and which is attached to this letter, "This article is a very serious ree flection upon Mr. Bmith but also calls in question the city's admine fstration. We bave advised Mr, Smith that a court action for libel or slander would accomplish little if anything to clear his good namo, We are instructed by Mr, Smith that the allegations in the newse paper article are absolutely untrue, but it would appear that these ale legations are so serious as to wars rant action on the part of the city counell, Conanfy ONT. PREMIER Hon. G. S. Henry Takes Over Premiership As His Successor and with complete lack of Hon, G. Howard Ferguson Government © House shortly terday afternoon ignation -as Prime and Minister His D Quictly visited after 4 and placed his res Minister of the province of Lducation in the hands of Honor Licutenant-Governor WW, | NY Ce o'clock ve later Hon, G, 5. Henry was summoned to Government House and asked to head the Government, A few scratches of a pen and Cane new High Commissioner wrote to his lengthy career in Ontario ada's fins politics Hon, George 5. Henry will Premicr of Ontario, between 2 and 3 o'clock when the Lieutenant perform the brief Loday be sworn in as most likely in the afternoon, Governor will | ceremony of inducting 'the new presi. dént of the executive council, Immediately after the resignation of the premier was announced, Hon, George S. Henry called a 'meeting of Cabinet Cotmeil in his office, and is understood to have informed his col. leagués that he had been invited by the Licutenant-Governor to form a government Mr, Ferguson left Kemptville, where he will attend a gathering of the Conservative Assodi- ation of Grenville. He will leave for Ottawa soon after and will be sworn in as High Commissioner on Wed nesday, Shortly after last night for 5 o'clock the now ex- Premier of Ontario returned from Government House to Parliament Building, and as he walked along the | corridor to his office, he waved his hand to several newspapermen, (Continued on page 'Widow to o Receive Six Months Salary (By Canadian Pre Leased Wire) Toronto, Dec. 16,--City touncil has authorized payment of six months' regular salary to the widow of Roy A. McQuillin, local constable shot to death last Thursday by youthful automobile thieves. The council rejected the police commis. | sion' s proposal that Mrs, McQuillin [be paid her husband's salary in full | until her younger child, now aged three, was able to work. 3) "It ft is decided to hold a judice ia! investigation, we are instructed | by Mr. Smith to advise you that he | will co-operate to the fullest exteny | in making avallable at such investie gation any and all records of all of his departments and all of tho busie ness of the city that he has in an)" way associated with, as Mr. Sm is confident that it will be found that his department and work have at all times been conducted in tha best interests of the city. If, on the other hand, the city council doos not see fit to institute an {pvestiga« tion, Mr, Smith feels that the city council should and requests that you do take some action by way of a resolution or otherwise to refute the allegations in this article and to undo so far as it can be accomplish ed, the wrong that has thereby been done to him, "Respectfully yours, "Conant & Annis, "Per G, D. CONANT. Mayor's Comment Discussing the letter, Maver T. } Mitchell declared that he was sorry that the council had to waste its time over such an article as had been printed in the Toronto press. la considered that Eddie McDonald was only speaking with his candidature in the municipal 'elections in view, and he left it to the people of the south west ward to choose. between this man and men of the calibre of Alder men Boddy and Sully whom he was opposing. Ar. McDonald's: remarks were als ways prefaced by "I have been told," and on previous occasions, when the council had undertaken to investigate them, the charges had always proved to, he washouts, the mayor declared, 'I am opposed to holding any jue (Continued on page 2) Brockenshire Has Improved «(By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Toronto, Dec, 16--John Brockens shire, 21-year-old gunman who hag admitted slaying a local police offi« cer last Thursday showed a notices able improvement this morning after spending a comfortable night, aue thorities at.St. Joseph's Hospital re ported, Brockenshire, who was critically wounded by bullets from police re- volvers, was finally captured near Oakville on Friday, 21 hours after the shooting "occurred. One bLullet ripped through his abdomen, neces sitating two blood transfusions, RE

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