Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAIIY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1930 SEMI-FINAL GAMES OF SHERIFF PAXTON SERIES AT ARENA TONIGHT Oshawa Juniors Make Their | First Appearance at Local Arena Tonight Against Orono Oshawa's Entry in O.H.A. Plays First Game on Home Ice Tonight -- Oppose Orono in final of Sheriff Paxton Series at 7.30 p.m.--Bow- | Whitby | Clash in Second Game manville and Oshawa Juniors will swing into action for the first time this season | at the local Avena in a real game Tonight is the second the Sheriff and it is fully expected even larger crowd thdn that which attended Thursday night, will be on! The entertainment this even. ing consists of another doublehead. er and the four teams participating Whitby hand, are Bowmanville, and Oshawa, Paxton Trophy { | Walsh, who did some of the best goal-minding seen in Chicago this | seazon, Walsh was bruised and | battered when he finished, but the | Hawks couldn't get the rubber past, . | him, He was forced to take time | Semi- | out once after a pounding but still | was able to do his work in perfect style, Babe Seibert was the author of both Maroon goals and both were ! fairly long shots from the side that caught Gardner off balance, Junior Hockey Results The scores of Bockey | played during the week-end night of | as follows: Herjes, National Leaguc an | Boston . ,.7 Maple Leafs Detroit 2 Philadelphia oCanadiens ..1 Americans gRangers ....% Detroit sMontreal 2 Chicago International 1 Cleveland 3 Ryy games were that , Orono { London SPORT SNAPSHOT By Gro. Caursmis, Sports Editor Sheriff Paxton Series Games Tonight The games are attracting a great eal of interest and two real smart of hockey is expected, and at hat begin battle with the Oshawa Juniors, ville Juniors and Whitby will again clash in another effort to rea exhibitions The first game is scheduled to e, Orme Gamsby's "Oronites" wil In the second game, Bowm tart at 7.3) o'cloc > LJ] » First Appearance of Local Juniors vill sce the first appearance of the Oshawa Juniors at the ie. Local hockey fans have been "kids" and there scason, in a real ga: deal of should be 4 } interest in the hand tonigh the boys the "once « his aking steadily with the boys 3 n Friday night has no doubt proven a great help to him, 1 the Osls- ti to give he and should be able to extend locals, the Troy this lity before they wis season 161 the * to annex ey abi les { | [] Amerks" Tie Canadiens Montreal, Dec. 15.--The New York Americans, strengthened ana | rearranged in playing positions | since their last visit, gave a hard | checking, dogged display to tie the | section-leading Montreal Canadiens fone goal to one in thelr National | Hockey Leaguc mateh here on Sat- {urday night, [It was the first over- | time game on Montreal ice this sea- !son and the first time that Cana- | diens had shared in a drawn game, The local crew, tired after a six- | game winning streak, only struck their true speed in occasional flashes, but on these attempts found a rugged slar-sprangled defence i fighting every inch, and Worters in | his usual excellent form in the nets, The scoring was all in tho sec- tond period, with the New Yorkers | li {netting first when Burch led a two- | 2% vi Patterson | qo "vals and picked up a pass from the right | {winger right In the goalmouth to! Shortly after-| (man combination with { "hort a difficult shot | wards, Sylvio Mantha wormed his | way through and Nick Wasnie came | in fast 10 bang home the rebound, | John Ross Roach Stars | Windsor Win Easily ! In Cleveland, 74 Cleveland, Dec. 15. --Spurting in an overtime period after tying the | seore at 4-all in the third Windsor | last night won a convincing 7 to | 4 decision over Cleveland in an In- | ternational hockey game, indsor made its shots count -to | | far better advantage than the In- dians, making good on seven out of 25 smacks at Goaler Baxter, while | 25 the home team could shoot ] | diet One Play Gives "Army" a Victory 'Over 'Navy' Team : iT mig | New Y« twisting ding « ! only | | four out of 4% through Goaler Bens- | 1" nd cager ey | 1 bluffs of d the grim, battered hores of the Chesa- | peake, | 1 an ey de ton | erowd of the local {the Bostonians run Toronto Leafs Weaken and Sufter First Defeat at Home Maple Leafs Hold Fast Tra- velling Boston Bruins Even for First Half of Game, But Fade Towards Last and Are Beaten, 7-3 --Game Is Clean With Only Two Penalties Being Suffered Toronto, Dec. 15.--After re- turning from the first clash against the Canadiens this season, last Tuesday night, Connie Smythe of the Maple Leafs stated that he considered the Boston Bruins the best club that the Leafs had . countered so far this season Saturday night the lar peason, afte; T te defeat from Art Ros were unanimously of ion and the team that front of the Brulr i) champions of the into a v As long as the Leafs had the stamina to stay up with their op- ponent held their own the chutin vy relieving of the sruine en 1 them to set and y up a pace that gradually wire Leafs down right into the fee' g period the locale their nerve alone t down fighting and / many friends, The » did not take any advantage scarcity of playere on the roster and they must be great credit for the way they layed, They could have stepped in and rouczhed up matters but re. 'frained n wearing down the local vy other means than i two penale the first » Hamel in were for minor but o d in the closin on were Lut to Hitehm and the and both nts, GEORGE SISLER OBTAINS RELEASE slyracuse sPittsburg osWindsor ,,.7 Cleveland Canadian-American League New Haven ..3 Boston A In th sProvidence ¢ New Haven other American LJ » » w of Injuries such as the. local i encountered in the last two wee ! However, the Bruins z | fied in every position, { nine forwards, four de answer | and in addition, have an |and ome goalie against ward joining the club, Th be able to stand up ag thing other than a train : For half of the game the Leaf k the ball on his own | pus up a strong argument against 4 rea ) 41 the Bruins, as it was only ter S| seconds short of the 30-minute { mark that Darry gave the 41 the lead for the second | time of the game, but from then | on it was merely a question of how | big their margin would at the end, At that the Leafs fought to {the end and the depleted | quad made a gallant showing 2 | They never gave up trying to get goals apd continually broke three abreast in search of counter These offorts were rewarded only 2 | once but they proved costly as the ssher Druins were able to break ay In pairs and trios to sweep n on Chabot with only two de- | lers to bar the way and several 7oals were scored while the return- ling Leafs attackers were attempt- {ing to catch up to the puck | riers, Leaf Victory Not Expected With Conacher, Primeau and | Cotton out of the game there were - . - - but few in the crowd that werc FAGLES DEFEAT. TIGERS optimistic enough to 'expect that ton, Dec 15 The New |the locals would defeat the Bruins | Haven Eacles fought off a deter- [and while the pessimists mined third period ult here | amazed that the score was 2 to 2 a) g ya ils .| Saturday night to defeat the Bos- | with the half way mark approach pr aay Joston ' at Philladey ton Ti~er 2 in a fast and {ing they had thelr expectations | Wednesday { hard-played Canadian-American | realized in the closing half hour | videnco. y Hockey League contest, The Tig- | when the Bruins went on to score | Thursday | when they started the final session | {wo goals in the second period and ton. : were trailing by two goals | three more in the third with the Saturday- ugh they kept five men at- | leafs getting their last connter Sunday thr honut, failed to catch | five minutes from the end of the | | Haven, ; Eagles, game, | | Detroit In the first game, which is billed to start at 7.30 pn, will see the | Oghawa Juniors opposing Orme Gamsby's "Oronites,"" The Orono team is making a great fight to re- tain the Trophy, which they won| Jast year, Oshawa Juniors have not vet heen seen in action on local ice this season, other than practices, The local lads have a snappy Junior team lined up this season and loc- al hockey fans are looking for them to annex the Sheriff Paxton Tro phv, The "Oronites'" are a game bunch and it will be a good battle | tomght, In the second game, Bowmanville and Whitby clash for the seconu time in five days and this promises to be a real struggle. They played a tie game with the score at one-all on Thursday night and were unable | to decide a winner in overtime, be- cause of the game which followed Tonight a winner must be decided and those who attend are assured | a real lively battle, The winners of tonight's games meet at the Arena on Wednesday night in the | final for the Trophy, . . | When Rangers Beat Falcons | "17 Bowmanville and Whitby Again f ne | fans, : and Whitby | New York, Dec. 15. Johnny | i . 4 | Roach, little goalle of the New a close battle hese cams playes | York Rangers, turned back the De- troft Falcons last night in their at- | to perform a feat rare in Na- | y nv Venere cireles, winn- ing two games on successive nights Mainly because of his play the fin rat or the. |, won, 3 to 0, and regained ' L tin for third in the Ameri-| 43.vard | division gave one of greatest gos arding exhibi tions ever seen r York as he stopped the time after |time when they seemed sure to seore, He was credited with 62 | saves, half of them in the second { period, and manv seemed Impossible | until he made them, re well forti- They far ese He wil used 1 game, Bowmanvill . and this also should be League Cadet Taisen mn Thursday night and it is certain that t a 1-1 tic not be evenly matched Duluth gam sTulsa ......7 Duluth sBuffalo ....2 Kansas City ... Pacific Coast League a close Seattle , 4 Portland Oshawa -( T.H.L, Major Commercial q wl Belle Telephone 3 Elee, f C.P.R, Recreat Indus. .. T, and Y, Mercantile Stock Yards .2 CNR Eaton's art, ao sOunc are 1 ton meets the until the final bell has nd th winner of this Wednesday lecided tonight | tempt ' se who attend are assured 2 J no} Stecker D teams The ytilt | tries le the winner of rugs i oes Damege 1" Ir a | niaen Roach he hit the can th 0 North, * " * Industrial Hockey Thursday Night il Hock i when a doubleheader Vindy san Industrial Can Falcons oe : cou PROVIDENCE WINS, 4.2 Thursday nigl , Conn, , starting a Red Aces Intermediate game, Parts this year, 2204 CCM, Jshawa's | y leagues will get Banker's Leagie . at the Commerce . Dominion ) loyal Fran Montreal Imperial ....2 Nova Scotia UU, 8. College Service Princeton 7 Mass, I. of T. 3 Oshawa, espe Yale , 1 'Boston U.C, . hig} libre Exhibition , of Mich, 4 1, of West oOvertime flayed sPlayed Sunday, thg ot vill be pla Oshawa Arena yed In t! battle, be 7.30 pm e first Six" will oppose anil AMERICAN in the second » locs PW LT A Pts . | Chicago 10 6 Tulsa { Minneapoll Duluth Kansas Buffalo St. Louis This Week's Games Tuesday --Duluth at 8t. Louis Thurkd: City at Ch | ago, St. Louis at Tulsa, Duluth at | Minneapolix Detroit Friday Saturda Oppose hockey in the Inte LAA mediate section, is going to be of very | 1 iall a 4 This Week's Games Tuesday---Pittshurgh at Duffalo, | Windsor at Detroit, Cleveland at "Doe" | London the Wednesday 'l euse Grads have a | Friday -- Buffalo in the nets, Les, Atkinsn, Reg | London 'at Pittsburg. The idea is t ive the Saturday--Pittshurg. at tion pro land, Syracuse at Buffalo, ' Sunday London at i these te id FR at Syracuse { CANADIAN-AMERIC | . YW T ' 8 3 9 0 ' A006 200 12 4 10 3 | J Intermediate team have allowing ea players as they wish, Parts the Junior forward line | Charlie McDonald in goal, Sime (BX Ihe are vy O.H.A y and Service Ithough held scoreless, tht defence of the » outstanding plays | bf Ont My Friday, with as subs, an will likely comprise Pittshurg at Syra- | will be ) also Burr will be Leveque Vic on the forward the Intermediate and Juvenile first at Windsor, 1o fend OTTAWA MAY EXCHANGE ~ PETTINGER TO LONDON London, Ont., De 15.--~London. and Cleveland hockey clubs of the : Internatinal League will play here Tuesday night, as originally sched uled, instead of Wednesday as are ranged among the various changes n dates at last week's league meet- ing, ' 4 Drowned at Midland Midland By the skidding a truck as the driver, Stanley Drin- kell, attempted to dump his load of filling gravel into the new gov- ernment dock, he was plunged in {to 25 fect of water and drowned | v Ld K 1ir un . lined ug Kansas The admission to the Arena to- | night is twenty-five cents and the first game starts at 7.30 p.m, sharp, All seats In the Arena are the same price, | strong teat of will be line, Cleve- g ting he Burr, ands others fans rcal interes ckey in se Junior it. Louis at Tulsa, Kansas City at Buffalo | Minneapolis at Duluth innday Kansas City Louls at Chicago, mote hockey in the sections car : OPOsing other, there should be good crowd on for the at Buffalo, | [Springfield 0 Providence New Haven Boston Philadelphia Montreal Maroons Beat Chi-Hawks, 2-0 Ld * \d » "SPORT JOTTINGS" have definitely C.P.R. Liner Aground Gravesend, England.--The 10 000 ton Canadian Pacific liner, Beaverford out of Saint John, N.I, for London went aground near here today. She reported had not been damaged and tugs were sent to her assistance } Jo T his without a home ni lishanded e Oshawa L lishande were mdry Juvenile means nally fine Juvenile t car It for some business concern to get a real snappy hockey Any Juvenile teams who would like to place of the asked to notily Chicago, Dee, 10 Montreal's eagy Maroons came to Chicago last night to show 15,600 home fans how to beat the Black Hawks, and did it, 2 to 0, The Maroons, letting | the, Hawks do most of the work,| Playing easily and apparently with- out effort, broke up almost every Chicago drive,- Those that were] not wrecked by Hooley Smith, Wil. cox and Ward, were handled hy Flat ul an except n 15 is " # . . ie This Week's Games Ye CAREW LUMBER (© 74 ATHOL ST w Phone: under its colours league, to take the Laundry, are New Haven at Pro- diately L Ld Boy Drowned fary 1mm Bos- Woodstock,--Jack Wheeler, 7. year-old, Ingersoll boy, drown. wit to stres ed on Carroll's Pond in that town, eis y when the Ice on which he and his Ine | companions were sliding, gave way Past-Pre under his weight, The body was it od recovered by firemen after an | | hour's dragging. Philadelphia at * " " ness, Alex Ross, ssociation has resigned his position, Ass ing « t of bu istrial Athletic A of the Boston at Springfield Philadelphia at New |! the Secretary of the City and OSH Art. Rowden, until an elec on fast-skating ciation, will be acting Secretary | oft open book fo pleasing gifts ty for smokers. " various professional hockey leagues, . | . {including games played yesterday, l rc Kitchener.---- Edward Dahm. 28, | were as follows: | BloortoMugnetic Ti sod ina hovpinl ois 4 penshie | 7 wadtonhy, yesvve | . round sufferec b rday i 23 'anadian Section read calth Appliance hunting rabbits. According to his | *'W'L, T rot reali a wi cons companions, Edward Wachter and [Canadiens ..12 8 3 13 "yo h , | 5 4 b . Fred Yanke, Dahm had wounded |Maple Leafs .11 5 4 224 Ww. C HUTCHISON | & rabbit, was trying to locate it | Montreal ,. 6 6b 020 154 Willlam St, E, when he stumbled in a furrow and |Americans ..13 3 b 5 I'hone 200 2 3 ry row ) tion general meet an be held NN » Ll Ll New Martin TUES. - WED. wv Il persons interested in: the Oshawa City Football Club are re- } which held Liberal er the Bank of Commerce, All members and past: The Oshawa City Club is about to under A ed of the img the rant being Rooms, ov are asked to attend, job, namely, of entering the National League i Boy Accidentally Shot meeting t Walkerton When a rawed.of mesuns is " rifle he was carrying in his over- coat pocket discharged on Satur- - - ittee "The Pay Of 9 Comedy Drama members take : 1 big = day while Cyril Weaver, 16, wad y \ another lad, the bullet enter ed his body, At Bruce County Hos pital, little hope is held for his | recovery. Jack and the Game Voice of Hollywood : Pathe News ee on " " --e It Today "Land of Missing Men" 1 1 1 an Section 1 7 4 133 [ie 1 615 | | his gun discharged the shot into |Ottawa 7 3319 his right 'knee Americ {Chicago | Boston | Detroit | Rangers 6b b | Philadelphia .12 110 | This Week's Gamos Tuesday--Ottawa 'at Chicago, Philadelphia at Americans, Detroit at Boston, Thursday--Ottawa at Detroit, Montreal at Maple Leafs, Boston at Rangers, Chicago at Canadiens, Saturday --- Chicago at Maplc eafs, Philadelphia at Montreal, angers at Boston, Sunday---Detroit at Americans, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE PWLT F APts ves 12 9 3 02811 18 vr a1d 37 29 14 ranll v2 22 sree] 23 26 cool 331338 veld 223383 10 ves ld 02338 8 1 1 8 1 13 vs] 012 I | 6 b Wo 12 The Story of a Woman Whose Beauty Ravished the Heart of a Mighty City! o uffalo Windsor London Detroit | Cleveland | Pittsburg Syracuse a " 9 by 1 Burning drama and romance! Impassioned songs! Match less beauty! Living color! With 1his 1owering Parade of Stars . . . BEBE DANIELS EVERETT MARSHALL BERT WHEELER ROBERT WOOLSEY Clowns of "The Cuchkoos" DOROTHY LEE ; JOBYNA HOWLAND 5,000 OTHERS! Scenes in : 'Technicolor Staged in Lavish Fabulous Splendor! . STARTS = TOMORROW DELIGHTS MICKEY MOUSE "The Picnic" Sound News AV » # "Roll Your Own" It's Cheaper ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS 4 Final Times TONIGHT Jack London's Stirring Tale Romantic Adventure "The Sea Wolf" Milton Sills 5'Book of 120 Leaves The ceigiaal automatic bool ving one leaf at a time, No Waate, Demand ZIG-ZAG and get 120 Leaves "

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