Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1930 stern z= ci Community Christmas Tree Lobourg.--Cobourg will have a com- muntity Christmas tree, it is decid- ed by the Rotary Club, which will attend to the decoration of the trees and the distribution of gifts to chil- dren. Other agencies are now pre- paring for the distribution of Christ- mas dinners, Church Nears Co.ipletion. Brockville--The fiew building in- tended to house the congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church, -Moun- tain, is approaching completion. It has been decided to use the building as soon as it is ready, the services of dedication to be postponed until the spring. Matches Blamed for Fire. Kingston.--It is alleged that chil- dren playing with matches were re- sponsible for a fire which started in the frame building at the rear of 183 Colborne street and spread to an ad- joining one at 185 Colborne street. Tax Arrears The large amount of um- paid taxes makes a special appeal necessary. The Corporation must have funds to carry on the warious civic services. De- Ontario It was necessary for the fireman to lay a line of hose to get the flames under control. Woman Struck by Truck. Smith's Falls.--Mrs. John Breen of Lombardy had a narrow escape from seripus injury when she was struck by a truck and dragged a short dis- tance. She was rushed to St. Fran- cis General Hospital, where an exam- ination revealed that she was suffer- ing from minor bruises and severe shock. The truck was driven by Ed Payne. Help the Needy. Picton.--The Picton Kiwanis Club has voted $200. to Miss Card, Deacon- ess, to purchase practical Christmas presents for the children of the town. The Deaconess is having a Christmas tree at the Mission Church on Christ- mas Eve when the gifts will be dis- tributed: Penitentiaries Crowded. Kingston.--There are now 914 pri- soners confined in the Portsmouth Penitentiary, the largest number in the history of the institution, and for the first time in the history of this prison one of the corridors is being used to house the overflow of in- mates. ada have record enrolments. Milk Wagon Damaged. on Princess street when drawing it ran away. As a result the laundry truck owned by Charles wagon careened against it, Third Generation. Kingston.--Judge were read and confirmed. It was dc-. cided to send $5 to Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. M. R. McKessock, leader of group 2, presided, when the following program was given: Roll cail, responded by Christmas thoughts; instrumental solo, Mrs. 1 Hardy; Miss Ruth McKessock gave a report of 'her five days' visit to To- ronto as guest of Department of Ag- riculture; five girls having been sent from Durham County; solo, Mrs. John Baker; Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Zion, the delegate, gave her report of the Central Convention of W.L held in Toronto; Miss Ii. Reynolds also gave a short report. - A vote of thanks was tendered the twe dcle- gates for their splendid reports. 26 ladies were present. Meeting closed with National Anthem. Mrs. S. E. Werry and Mrs. George Werry spent Sunday with Toronto friends, v Will Westlake opened the league service by using a hymn after which the business session it was decided to send a delegate to Cobourg win- ter school, Wesley Yellowlees being chosen. Miss Helen Baker then took the devotional topic.on Komans 12, Greer was slightly damaged when the E. H. McLean, All the other prisons in Can- | Kingston.--A milk wagon owned by | H. Mcllroy was very badly damaged | the. horse "Tell Mother I'lbbe There." |] presiding. | Minutes of 'last meeting | | ter, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Maple Groe. Mrs. J. R. Kivell and Mrs. T. T. Brown are home from the hospital, improved in health, NORTH OSHAWA 10,--Mr. was the North Oshawa, Dec. Chapman of Pickering speaker at church on evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mervil Hare, of King, with their son, Wilfred and daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs, Henry Strong and children of Enniskillen, visited T. J. Solomon and family on Sunday. Mr, ad Mrs, Gordon Glover and children, of Harmony, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Will Glover on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Conlin spent a day last week in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Stuart and ! two boys visited Mr, and Mrs, T. | | Rev. J. R. Bick led in prayer. During | Mrs. IF. charge. Charles Shortridge took up | number Vocal solo was sung by Alan Balson, | ronto. Rev. Mr. | II. Selomon Sunday, Mrs. Barnes and family visited Ii. Kirby Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Stinson visited Mr. and Mrs, Garfleld Trevail at Taunton recently, Mrs, Helen Howlet won a large of prizes on her rabbits Royal Winter Fair at To- at the Mr. and Mrs, Lou Fowler were | Bick took up the topic on the third | given a dance and shower at the | chapter of the book | Trend of Christian pan." | | flower contest. Mizpah benediction | was issued in closing. Miss Vera "Baker visited her on Japan, "The! Missions in Ja-{ Miss Helen Baker thicu put on a | home of Mr. and Mrs, Everett Fice on Friday evening last, prior to | thelr moving in their pew home {on the Reach Road. Sympathy is extended Mr, and Mrs. Charles Westover and family, { who have recently moved here, on sis- {the sad death of their little girl. Sunday The funeral took place on Tues- | day. Thoee: who have entertained with dances recently are Mr. and Mrs, Dave Warren, Mr. and Mrs Hughes and Mr, and Mrs, Lou Fowler. The School Christmas will be held on Friday, Dec. Leaguo was held as usual day evening. concert 19. Fri- English Laugh At Scots' Mowe To Have Own King Aberdeen, Scotland.--Who will, be King of Scotland? This question which Is making all England laugh, was asked in all seriousness in a pamphlet published by the Home Rule for Scotland So- ciety. The directors of the society believe that the movement for au- tonomy in Scotia has advanced to such a state that Scots ought to give a serious thought to the question as to what form of government their native country is to adopt as soon as it is set free from British tutelage. As the example of Ireland, where a form of government approaching a republic was set up, is out of the question, Scots feel that they ought to continue being a kingdom, with the provision that they have a king | of their own. When. it comes to picking the man for the job, the Scots are in a dilemma, Bit English newspapers, | Harry Lauder, Ramsay MacDonald, Sir James Barrie, Hugh Gallacher, David Kirkwood, the labor leader from the Clyde; Johnny Walker, who is no ether than the populariz- ed trade mark of a famous brand of whisky, and James Maxton, a pro- minent Socialist member of parlia- ment, Ag the proclamation of an inde- pendent kingdom would of a neces- sity mean the setting up of a par- liament, the Englisch are already speculating on what would happen if all the Scots returned home. For it ig felt that every Scotsman in the world wonld feel entitled to claim a seat in that assembly once it is created. Yorick, a popular London comedi- an of Scottish descent has been ask- | |ed by a London paper what sort of national program he would propose in the event he is selected to rule the northern nation. In the same I would further bring back the kilt wash my knees and would ercour- age Loch Lomond to storm and wave against being gaped at by non-paying visitors. Furthermore, I would run a gigantic sweep at ten shilling a ticket--open to ' every- body outside Scotland." Sir Thomas Lipton is almost cer- tain of rejection for the king job, they feel in England, as he spends his money too lavishly. He has spent millions for yachts, where real Scotsmen would only spend their time. Harry Lauder ig warned that he may have the job for the asking but he must leave his bonnie las- gies behind although not his jokes and there must be no haggling for discount rates in the king-choosing business. . OLD CASTLES REFURNISHED I'rance has adopted a new policy of displaying where possible, na- tional historical treasures in appro- priate surroundings of castles rath- er than in museums, and already priceless furniture and tapestries of | the place. the fifteenth and sixteenth centur- | ies are finding new homes, The government now is restoring the {chateau of Azay-le-Rideau;, and | wagon loads of furnishings are be- ling transferred from museums to In connection with this work the fortress castle at Loches ig" being repaired. While workmen were burrowing under the founda- tions they discovered a secret pas- sage which extends under the entire who are always delighted to crack | jocular spirit as the question was |town asked, Yorick gave his royal sche- a joke or pass a witticism at the | expense of the Highlanders, have | submitted a whole list of names of | famous Scotsmen, who are thought dule "I would take the bang out of si» pence," he said, "abolish flag and SYDNEY AIDS STREET CARS | To protect the street car lines !from competition of taxi-busi serv- to be eligible for the royal position, {tag days, eat porridge three times a | jce, Sydney, N.S.W., has given no- Among the names suggested those of Sir Thomas Lipton, are |day, scrap all waterworks and put tice that the baisses cannot continue Sir a threepenny rebate on every bottle, | in direct the city or with those running into the suburbs. By a new Act of New South Wales all motor bus services are required to obtain licenses and pay the required fees, Where the proposed bus services are competi- tive for street car revenue the maxi- mum fees are demanded, but those for feeder routes and routes through undeveloped areas will be only nominal. In Sydney, however, city oxcials will not even. consider an application to conduct a service competitive with the car lines, CATHEDRAL JUBILEE MARKED In all parts of Germany the jubie lee of the completion of the Cologne Cathedral has been celebrated in the last few months, Programs wera given in large cities, and addresses by the clergy and laymen extolled its history. Cologne Cathedral has been visited by Germans from all sections of the republic, who see in it Germanic creative genius, Gem manic courage and Germanic unity, To many it is the symbol of whal their nation has been, and to many sothers it symbolizes what their ni- tion may be in the future. Large throngs attended the Cologne cere= monies, and the attendance during the year probably has been the greatest in its 60 years' history. PRINCESS PERFECT "SITTER" Princess Margaret Rose'is a pers fect "sitter" according to Richard Speaight, the Court photographer, who took the first pictures of the new princess and her mother, the Duchess of York. The baby was two months. old at the time. "I rivalry with car lines in | have never photographed a better Important Notice to the who is presiding at the General Ses- sions of the Peace and County Court, at the Court House here, is the repre- sentatives of the third generation of his family to conduct General Ses- sions here. linquents are again re- minded that the taxes must be paid. Instalments will be accepted by the Tax Collector. Municipal Offices, Oshawa, Nov. 26/30 ---- Join 4th Hussars. » o [ 4 upliic oO snawda an ISTricT = = Brockville.--John Wiser, Carl Bing- ham and D. Justus Jones, all of Pres- cott, and Earle Tousaw, of Iroquois, are joining the 4th Hussars as subal- terns. C : Barn Was Scorched. Brockville--Fire of undetermined : origin last night considerably scorch- ed a barn in Schofield avenue, owned | by John Flare. 1 3 : Warden Honored. Cobourg.--The personal aspect of We have decided to discontinue in business and as our resent lease expires in the courss of the next few weeks it becomes absolutely necessary that our entire stock of House Furnishirgs, Musical Instruments, etc, be disposed of at once, regardless of cost. Our store will be closed all day Wednesday, Dec- ember 17, for the purpose of mnrking down prices. The public is asked to watch the daily press for particulars regarding prices of mer- chandise etc., which will be placed on sale startin Thursday morning, December 18, commencing at 9.00 a.m. - $50,000 Worth of Home Furnishings Will Be Actually Sacrificed - TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BIG OPPORTUNITY Store Will Be Open Untill 10 p.m. Each Night During Sale Luke Furniture Co. 63 King St. E. Phone 78-79 mii = _-- Are You Stil | In Doubt? If your mind is still un- settled about what to give each person on your list, by all means consult Jury & Lovell's gift directory, Ask for a copy of 'Christmas Shopping News" if you have not already received one. Here are a few of the 200 or more suggestions. Leather Change Purse 75¢ Leather Radio Logs ...70c Contract Bridge Scores $1.50 the Wardenship of W. H. Nelson, | Reeve of Percy township, reached its | |}! brightest glow with the customary | 41 accolade of the Council of the Unit- | : ed Counties of Northumberland and | 11 Durham and the presentation to him | i}! of a gold watch and chain at a farc | | well dinner in the British Hotel | { Had Narrow Escape. Campbellford.--Driving into Cam; bellford on Thursday on the Hast- | |] ings Road, C. Hubble of Havelock | had a narrow escape, when his car was swung completely round upon the application of the brakes and landed on the reverse side of the road, turning over. $2.49 to $15.00 R $5 to $32.00 Satin Holdalls . Electric Heating Pads $2.98 French Brier Pipes venavrge seas 20C to $6.00 Safety Razors $1.00 to $8.50 SHOP FOR CHRISTMAS AT THE REXALL STORES ' Jury & Lovell fi | | King St. E. Simcoe St. 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 Work for Unemployed. Fenelon Falls.--The committee in charge of the unemployment situation | is making great strides and an old | landmark, the sand pile near Mr, Fred Metcalfe"s home is being rapidly de- pleted, and the contents being used on Francis St, East, where a rqad is being built. Guilty of Boat Thefts. Kingston.--At the Court of General Sessions the jury brought in a ver- dict of guilty in the case of Orville McDermott of Wolfe Island, charged with the theft of two boats, one from Dr. W. G. Anglin and the other from the Rev. Mr. Carr, of Cornwall, who had a summer cottage on the island. Churches to be Built. Cobourg.--At a meeting of the Presbytery'of Peterboro it was stated that $30,000 had been spent on new church buildings in Peterboro. Per- mission to build a new church at Brighton was granted to the Preshy- terian congregation there. The Church Extension Board granted $2,- 000 to complete the new church at Lakefield. Three Men Injured. Ottawa.--Three men were injured one of them seriously, in a head-on collision between a car driven by Ray- mond Roche, 21, Prescott, Ont., and a truck, the property of James San- derson, of Oxford Station, driven by Allen Thorhpson, also of Oxford Sta- tion. The accident occurred on the Prince of Wales Highway, three miles south of Manotick, around 7 o'clock last night, their loveliness, naturalness, Jast- ing qualities. . Keen Wayvette Permanent Wave Come and see our special Demonstrator on Tuesday afternoon and evening. See her demonstrate the latest » in permanent waving. We also specialize in finger waving, marcel- ling and all lines of beauty culture. Watson's Barber & Beauty Shop 5 Celina St. Phone 2653 Vegetable Growers Meet. Kingston.--At the annual meeting and election of officers for the King- ston Branch of the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Association held in Queen's Cafe T. K. Morton was elected presi- dent, Joseph Whyte as first vice- president, John Baker as second vice- president and J. H. Keyes as secre- tary-treasurer.. The delegates to the convention at Toronto named were W. E. Weller and James Grant. SOLINA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETS Interesting Reports of Cen- tral Convention Are Heard Solina, Dec. 10.--Solina 'Women's Institute met in. Eldad church on Tuesday. Mrs. C. Howsam, president

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