Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Dec 1930, p. 5

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A Br: Tr. Na a Er LE ali a a a of THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 PAGE FIVE nterests in the Home --- and the Community Social & Personal Mrs. Irene Guy of Oshawa has re- turned to the city after visiting for some time with her sister, Mrs. George Armstrong of Detroit, Michi- san. ! The F. A. 1. R. girls, a Sunday School Class of Northminster Church met at the tea hour yes- terday at the home of the Misses Valleau, McLaughlin Blvd., for their monthly meeting. A large dona- tion of baby's clothing was voted to the City Welfare, plans were made for future meetings, and a Christmas programme was present- ed. Miss Marion Cuthbertson, president of the class presided. The Young People's Club of Holy Trinity Church held a dance in the parish hall last evening. It was as great a success as all those held formerly, and was largely attended, The Melody Boys' Orchestra supplf- ed the music. W omen's Meeting KNOX CHURCH WOMEN'S AS. SOCIATION The regular monthly meeting of Knox Church Women's Association was held on Tuesday, 2nd, Miss McDonald presided. The officers were elected for the com- ing year and are as follows: Mrs. McDonald, president, Mrs. Sparks, 1st vice president, Mrs, Hamilton, 2nd vice president, Mrs. Chalmers secretary, Mrs. Cormack treasurer, Mrs, McIntosh and Mrs. Soanes, flower committee. In recognition of her past services, Mrs. McDonald was presented with a bouquet of flowers by Mrs. Dunlop. Tea was served at the close of this meeting by Mrs. Cormack. KAYSER HOSE in all the new shades $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.65 LAMBLE'S Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY AND LINGERIE SHOP 13% Simcoe St. South Visit Gur Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. getting quick relief from | those distressing periodic aches and pains by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Harm- less but effective, they bring immediate relief. Women _ who thus suffer, are suffer- ing needless pain, for ons or two of these harmless little tablets will certainly stop the pain. FOR SALE EVERY- WHERE PER BOX December '" What New York Is Wearing | This attractive dark green pat- terned wool crepe is especially adaptable to figures a little above normal, All the best points have been brought out to give a slimming sil- houétte, For instance, the surplus closing adds a softly rippling rever 'that cuts tL breadth. Still more help- ful perhaps is the shaped yoke brought up to the waistline at the left side front, that narrows the hip- line. The surplice vestee also does its bit toward slenderness, and 1s very becoming. The circular skirt is beautifully moulded to the figure with gracious swing at the hem. Style No. 2858 may be had in sizes 38, 40, 42, 44,46 and 48 in- ches bust. Black canton crepe with turqu- oise blue vest is stunning. Size 36 requires 47% yards 39- inch with 34 yard 27-inch contrast. ing. Our large Fashion Book shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense. It contains most attractive Paris designs for adults and children, embroidery, Xmas suggestions, ete, =n to fill in the size of the "and stamps or coin (coin preferred). fu het 0X 10 eents, Price of pattern 20 cents, Size ...e00 No. 2858. Province The lengthy concert had drawn to a close, ice cream and cake hau been served, and the teacher was bidding the students good-bye, One of the little performers had brought her small brother. with her. As he was about to leave, tRe teacher beamingly said, "Well. Bobby, did you enjoy the recital?" "Yes," answered Bobby, "all but the music." Salt in Canada Salt, either in natural brines or in beds of rock salt, is found in every province in Canada. Com- mercial production is confined to MRS. G. W. POSLIFF 263 Hurom St., Stratford, Ontario "Lydia E. Pinkham's. Ves table Compound is = good medicine. Anyone gho is in poor health should not hesi- tate to try ic, When I was taking the Compound I tried the sample Liver Pills I found izy the package. I have taken theid every night Sines aud 1 can feel myself im am ar aakiol fof the a do me that I have told several women about it."--Mm. G. "Years ago when I had a sick father and a nursing baby to care for, I got all rundown and I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to get strength to do my work. An- other time at Change of Life, | had severe headaches and felt tired all the time. I took seven bottles of the Vegetable Com. pound and felt like. a new woman. Frecommend it to any woman who is at this age." ~Msrs. T. E. Sleeman. W. Posliff. Lvdia E. | Vegefable 'inkham's" Compound" ( EEE EEE EEE FIG PUDDING FOR TWO Two tablespoons butter, 1-3 cup sugar, 1-3 cup milk, 1 egg, one cup flour, 1 teaspoon bak- ing powder, 1-4 pound figs, Wash figs and cook until tender, This will take about one and one half hours. Add sugar when half cooker and re- duce juice to one-half cup when: done. Drain from syrup and chop figs. Cream butter and sugar when half cooked and re- flour, flour with baking powder and salt. Add yolk of egg well beat- en with 2 tablespoons milk to first mixture. Add remaining milk and dry ingredients altér- nately to mixture. Mix well and stir in chopped figs. Pour into a buttered pudding dish and set in a pan of hot water, Baké one hour in a moderate oven. The syrup from the figs and the white of egg are used for the sauce, Pudding Sauce One'half cup powdered su- gar, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 egg white, 1-2 cup fig syrup. Cream butter and sift in sugar. Beat until creamy. When ready to serve add the hot syrup and white of egg beaten until stiff and dry. °* One cup of flour will make enough pie dough for a small two-crust pie. Two cups of filling are necessary for this size pie. IAS AAS REESE EEE EE ERE REE ERE EEE RII SEE SN EAE I 0% % 5 2 2 Fee "Maryizing Martha and appreciative audience school room Dec. 2nd. it. It stands for carefulness, count but for the moment.. lectual and spiritual, and iceals of life and living. Mix and sift remaining | Sasser reer EERIE EA TRDI I BEREIERTETREY RRR RR E ALBERT ST. CHURCH PRESENTS PLAY Many Are Featured in The Dramatic Society of Albert St. United Church presented their play "Maryizing Martha" to a large in the on Tuesday evening, In introducing the play the speaker gave a brief explanation of the title, saying that name Mar- tha always carries its meaning with for the lesser things of life, things that The name Mary also stands for the intel- higher aims In the play there was a Martha, careful '| CELEBRATE 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Tuttle, 119 Col- borne Street East, who will cele- brate their sirieth wedding an- MARRIED SILTY YEARS -- niversary on Friday, December Sth. novel way of winning a bride, Mr, R. Walker. Mrs. Box--A widow who would be glad to change her state, inter- ested in bachelors, Mrs. Clayton See. Mrs. West---Who calls to induce Martha to take some interest in the social life of the church, Mrs, Has- sin. Mrs. Fare--Who calls to secure Mrs. Hayes interest in welfare work, Mrs. Fred Williams, Miss Ruth Dawn--College friend of Mrs. Hayes, maiden ladies but #till young enough to enjoy the about the dawn of a new day in the Hayes home, Mrs. Mervin Morrison. Doctor Molar--A young dentist, interested In other. things as well as dentistry, Jack Naylor. Rev. Black--Pastor of the church to which the Hayes family belong who calls to offer congratulations 111 around, Mr, Norman Williams. YOUNG ARTISTS Different Personnel in Art worth while things of life and bring | JcKague, who were formerly con- ected with what was called the Art Students League, at 4 Grange Road, are not now connected with that organization. Those prominent artists, consulted by The Mall and Empire last evening, firmed the fact. HAVE DISBANDED Students' League Activities Some changes have taken place in e art world of Toronto. A. 7. ckson, Arthur Lismer, Yvonne Several of the younger painters formerly working there, are now following their careers in diverse spheres, Gordon Webber is Ip charge of art at Pickering College. Isabel McLaughlin, who spent some time in France, is now painting in Toronto, Audrey Taylor is teaching at O.LC.,, Whitby, and Mary Mc- Kay has classes in Collingwood, Outstanding work in painting and teaching has marked the activities of several younger Toronto artists who are building careers on sincere principles, either in their own stu- dios or in schools. "EAT MORE WHEAT" MANUFACTURER! SAYS Advertising columns of Canadian Newspapers are today carrying a practical suggestion made by =a Canadian manufacturing concern to alleviate the present problem of gur- plus Canadian wheat, It is a sug- gestion which is capable of wider application, The manufacturer suggests how millions more bushels of exclusively Canadian wheat could be consumed within the Canadian market itself by concerted public effort--simply by eating more of their biscuit pro- duct each morning for breakfast. Several million more bushels of Canadian wheat will be marketed annually in this way. It is pointed out to us by this aa- vertiser--the Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd., that this ap- peal, while made primarily for com. mercial motives, might be the first move in a national effort to help a national problem. "We can honestly say that our advertisements had an altruistic as well as a commercial motive," he said. "Canada at the moment is finding her exterior wheat markets to be hopelessly crammed. Why should Camadians not endeavour to help farmers by concerted public ef- fort and eating more of Canadian wheat!" "The theory 1s ecol mically merely con- | round. Consumption of more Can- adian wheat by Canadians is one of the logical palliatives for Canadian wheat troubles." "Dr, James Miller, Professor of Pathology ot Queens University, developed the same theory in a newspaper article which appeared the other day." "Discussing the present world overproduction of wheat he said: "It seems to me that there is a pal- lative if not a cure -- namely, the consumption of more wheat by the world generally and, as a beginning, by the ten million inhabitants of Canada," "Our advertisement is an attempt to persuade a practical application of thig principle." "There is another angle to the argument. Wheat is one of the cheapest yet most nutritious foods. As Dr. Miller points out in another part of his article, a meal consisting of whole wheat with fruit and milk is adequate for human needs." "Our product is made of 100 per cent. 'Canadian wheat. If the pub- lic can be persuaded to eat Cana- dian wheat in that form we shall benefit and so too will the farm- ers, If we have suggested a way in which official sources and other branches of the food industry can help an 'Eat More Wheat' campaign, we shall feel satisfied with our ef- forts." THE SONG OF THE WAY A solitary pilgrim I; Through foreign lands I stray; Yet am I not alone--my song Goes with me all the way, And if the night around be black, I make it bright as day: I sing, and then the song lights up The distance of the way. I do not sigh for weariness However far I stray; The heavenly staff of song makes brief The distance of the way. Ah, sad indeed that pilgrim's lot Who goes alone all day, Nor has, for comrade of his march, A song along the way! Francisco A. de Icaza (Mexico), in "Some Spanish-American Poets," by Alice Stone Blackwell, WOMEN PUSHING HUSBANDS AHEAD Vancouver, B.C,--* The road to success is full of woman pushing their husbands ahead," declared Lieut.-Governor R., Randolph Bruce, in paying tribute to the Women's Auxiliary, which was largely re~ sponsible for the completion (free of debt) of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. The build. ing cost $100,000, SAYS WOMEN NEEDED IN LEGISLATURES 4) Winnipeg.---Speaking under the auspices of the Independent Labor Party, at a recent meeting, Mrs, Jessie McLennan touched chiefly upon the education of women in matters. political. Three of the 42 candidates nominated for the coms ing election were women, she said, though she had not noticed any "signs of staggering intelligence" among the men she saw, One woe man was in the legislature, two on the school board; none in the city council--though goodness knows they were needed there, Mrs, Mc- Lennan averred, A Home Without ART Is Like a Garden Without Flowers Nothing can beautify the walls of a room as well as a picture, and it is a lasting gift. Select your require- ments now for Christmas, PATTE'S 85 Simcoe St. N., Phone 125 ¥stablished 1871 The play interesting and cone taining enough humor to give plen. y of opoprtunity for a hearty laugh, while running all through were les. sons in every day life, and a call to higher ideals for home life. During the program part Mrs, Carkuk sang very beautifully "My Caravan," Mrs. Clayton Lee, gave a reading "Just Friends," while Mrs. Morrison sang "A basket of Old Fashioned Roses," and Mrs Burdge | reading was entitled "The Ladies Aid, or Rest for the Weary." 'Home LAVENDER BATH CRYSTALS The most popular of Bath Salts. Softens th: . water and leaves that tingling after freshness to the skin. Regular Christmas Gifts for Everybody You will find dozens of nice things for every member of the family at | Jury & Lovell's. Novelties in leather, toilet requisities, photo supplies, candy specialities--hundreds of things we cannot mention here--come in and sec for yourself. And prices were never so low as at this time on numerous articles suitable as gifts. Shop early and often. NEW GILLETTE FREE A new gold plated Gils lette Razor and one blade will be given free with a tube of Klenzo Shaving Cream The giant 50c tube and and worried, weary and worn out over things that were not worth while Each of the four acts take place 'n Ha: 1 home, the characters and these impersonating them are as follows: Mr. Hayes--Sueccessful business | man, who would like his wife to BO | out with him, played by Mr. Roy Martha--His wifé, careful and | worried over things. that do net | really count 'and who gradually | gains a new view of what are the things worth living for, played by Mrs. Stanley Carkeek. Blanche----Interested in music and dentistry as a side line, Miss Ruth Whiteoak. Anne -The younger daughter, a general favorite and much inclined like her mother, Miss Mabel Can- ning. Davie--A real live, rollicking boy who loves doughnuts and apple ple, Willie Wilson. Smantha--Mrs, Hayes old nurse, very privilleged, who feels quite competent to give advice In love | affairs, Mrs. Canning, ! Mr. Goldie Bachelor--Uncle o Mrs. Hayes, rich and interested in| welfare work and who has a very ornament saw on Nou | of Spain, with Gevat. 'oken of uniting three kingdoms. || weet Home" was sung as a chorus, The costumes well old-fashioned, 'ome more so than others. The | the plano 'was 111 of a hundred years old. Two | 'andled stands and ornament, con- isting of the King of France the Joung Queen Victoria and the King hands joined in he Ladies Ald served refreshments | y. the caste, wich was highly ap- 'ciated by all after the work of | e evening. | Fond Mother--*"How much do you charge for taking children's photographs?" 1 Photographer--"Five dollars a dozen.' Fond Mother--"'You'l] have to give me more time, I have only ten now." CATARRHAL DEAF1.ESS MAY oF RELIEVEL A Simple, Safe, and Reliable Way |§ That Calls For No Ugly Trumpets, Phones, or PILES Ended Without Cutting or Salves Thousands of Pile sufferers have learned that quick and permanent re- lief can only be accomplished with an attention to their infirmity. fore people who are hard of hearing, Other Instruments To have catarrhal deafness is very annoying and embarrassing. People who are deaf in this way are general- ly mighty sensitive on this subject. And yet many catarrhal deaf folks instruments that call carry around There- internal medicine. cutting remove the cause. lower bowel! causes piles. Neither salves or Bad circulation of the blood in the The veins are flabby, the bowel walls weak--the | parts almost dead. internal medicine must be used to To end Piles an who suffer from head noises or who are actually deaf from catarrhal trou- ble, will be glad to know of a simple treatnient that can be easily made up at homie for a few cents cost that is really quite efficient in relieving the disagreeable deafness and head stimulate the circuiation and streng- then the affected parts. Dr. J. S. Leonhardt was the first to | discover a real internal Pile remedy. | t He called his prescription HEM- ROID, and prescribed it for 1000 per- success in 960 cases, and then de- cided every Pile sufferer should bet able to get HEM-ROID from their own druggist with a rigid mohey- back guarantee. wonderful record of success right in vites every Pile sufferer to try HEM- ROID and guarantees to refund the | d purchase price if it does not end all this city and Jury & Lovell Ltd, .in- | should gradually disappear. who suffers from catarrh, catarrhal urchas Parmint a trial. ile misery. and is quite inexpensive, noises caused by catarrh, From any druggist get one ounce f Parmint (double strength). Take his home and put it into a simple syrup made of 1-4 pint of hot water / 1 and a little ordinary sugar, Take a tients with the marvelous record of | tablespoonful four times a day. This treatment should by tonic ac- jon reduce the inflammation inthe middle ear, that a catarrhal condition would be likely to cause, and with the inflammation gone the distressing "The dumping duty, 15 per cent. of | head noises, headaches, cloudy think- ing and that dull feeling in the ears Anyone eafness, or head noises should give It is pleasant to take TILLIE THE TOILER price 75c. Thursday, Friday and Satur. 59 C MYRURGIA Our search for tolletries that were really lifferent met with wonderful success. We chose the delightful products of Myrurgia of Barcelona, Spain. MAJA~~A spicy odor representing the fady of Spain. Most appropriate for the girl with dark hair and dark eyes. ORGIA==A thousand and one flowers. ilves one the idea of the "Flirt". Suit. able for blondes. IADERAS d'ORIENTE--A subtle scent f Woods of the Orient. USPIRO--=A much lighter odour, Some- times called 'Breath of Grenada. dou vvuu $2.00 Single Compacts fru: 0) Si) Guest Size Soaps erire-3 cakes 50c¢ Novelty Perfumes rene 81 80) Podoms ert $1.25, $2.00 $8.00 Perfame Extracts Face Powders ...... dled © 50 LJ $3.00, $4.00, 3 cakes Mis Amores Soap ... '$1.00 Miniatures of the above products in various odors, in pretty boxes contain ing 685c worth of the perfumes 25 alone each .... ... 200040 Cc SPECIAL SETS In plush boxes with the articles packed in pleated satin, $10 to $30 AT THE REXALL STORES FREE! BUY A BOX OF DUSKA FACE POWDER at the regular price $1.00 and receive free a 50c BOTTLE DUSKA PERFUME Powder and Perfume $1.00 20 Canadian Christmas Cards in a Box All different and with matching en- velopes, Tha biggest value in cards we have seen. $2.43 worth of cards 20 for 98¢ Lavender Shaving Bowl and Brush A year's supply of - English Lavender Shaving Soap in a wooden bowls sells for $1.00. And a dyed Badger Lather Brush with ebony handle $1.00 value Both for Gillette Razor All for 39¢ Thurs., Fri., Sat, PLAYBALLS Of heavy rainbow rubber casing with gum rubber bladder. Just the thing for the kiddies to play indoor ball 98 with. Regular $1.25 ,...... Cc HOT WATER BOTTLES A new shipment of moulded Water Bot« tles in lovely pastel shades of pink, green or blue, Quart and a half 89 capacity. Special value ,..... Cc CURLING IRONS A reliable curling fron at a special price will solve at least one gift probe 89 lem. Electric Jr. sovoevveeas Cc HAWKEYE CAMERAS Anyone can take good pictures with a Hawkeye, A much appreciated gift for old or young. At baryain prices for _ Christmas, No, 2 size rersarsaseniadieveilifip $1.19 Utility Knife Free No. 2A size peer ankSl 49 Probak Razor LEAKPROOF PENS With 10 Auto Strop Blades $1.00 and 8 Probak Blades $1.00 1 Waterman made pen with chased bar- rel and nib of 14K gold, Men's pen has clip can and lady's ©¢»s bave ring, All are self filling and fully guaran- 98 ieed. Special Gift Price .... Cc Priced ... WHEN SHOPPING LUNCH AT THE REXALL SODA-FOUNTAIN King East--Phone 28 Better Values and Better Service at the JURY & LOVELL REXALL STORES Simcoe South--Phone 68 BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO THE REXALL STORE OH, MAC: KITTY JUST PHONED | THES THROWING A PARTY US THIS SATURDAY NIGHT. Ve YEH, AFRAID BE ABL } Om B® Yo §o ALY BE TIME INTO MY NEW WASH ING MACHINE (N~ VENTION = HERE ARE THE PLANS Vv J ==, OON'T SAY THAT, TILLE By Ruse Westover

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