? SES om THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 PAGE NINE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS MACHINERY ~ TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY SET UP BY Nominations Will Be Held According to Council Bylaw on Monday Evening, December 29th, in Town Hall, and Elections If Poll is Demanded on Monday, Johuary Sth ~--Polling Places Named and Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks Appointed Machinery for the holding of nom- Inations for mayor, reeve, deputy- reeve, councillors, school trustees and public utility commissioners for the 1931, on the evening of Decem- er 29th, and an election on January Sth, was set up by the Town Council on Monday night. Six polling sub- divisions were named, and deputy- returning officers and poll clerks ap- pointed. Council in making the later appointments endeavored to give them, as far as possible, to men out of work, particularly war veterans. Polling places and the men who oy be in charge of them are as fol- Polling subdivision No. 1-Browning & Field's office--~A to L, W. J. H. Richardson; D.R.O.; poll clerk, Fred James. ir : Polling subdivision No. I--Browning & Field's office--1. to Z, F. H. Annis, DR.O.; W. Armitage, poll clerk. Polling subdivision No. 2--William Maw's office-- William Maw, D.R.O.; D. Jelleff, poll clerk. i olling subdivision No. 3--Council Chamber--George Huntley, D.R.O.; C. Brooks, poll clerk. Polling subdivision No. 4--~Turner's store--J. E. Disney, D.R.O.; Alfred Bruce, poll clerk. Polling subdivision No. S5--Com- munity Hall--Joseph Wilson, D.R.O.; Martin Goldburn, poll clerk. The nomination meeting opens at 7.30 on the night of December 29th. The council, after discussion, granted three town hall rental re- bates to church and community organisations, The Ladies' Ald of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was given a rebate of $7.50, as other churches had been similarly treated during the year. The Wo- men's Association was given the free use of the Council Chamber for a rummage sale, the proceeds of which will be given to the Christmas Cheer Fupd. The Whit by Men's Minstrels were given the free use of the Town all for two nights for a show in aid of the Cheer Fund. The Council discussed the question of hall rental debates and a change in the present pol- icy was advocated. Would Adopt a Stricter Policy In Giving Relief During a discussion of the re- lief problem confronting the town this winter, it was the opinion of a majority of members of the Town Council that Whitby should follow the action of other muni- cipalities and demand that those who are receiving relief from the town should turn in their liquor and motor car driving permits. It was felt that a man with a family could not very well afford to spend money on liquor and gaso- line and expect the town to buy the groceries and fuel. It was pointed out by the chairman of relief that there are certain fami- lies who are kept for several months in the year at great cost, and constituting a grave financial problem for the town. A stricter cy in tion wi 'out relief, it was felt should ba adopted. Paris.--Additional military cre- dits totalling $24,000 000 and ear. marked for national defence, were voted by the French Chamber of Deputies, 433 against 139, FENFRAL SESSYINS AND COUNTY COVRT ON TUFSDAY NEXT Three Criminal and Several Civil Actions on the Docket The County Court and General Sessions of the Peace will open on Tuesday next at two o'clock at the Court House, with His Honor Judge R. Ruddy presiding. The docket of criminal and civic ae tions is an unusually heavy one. This will be the first time that there have been criminal cases for the Sessions Court since the death of the late Col. Farewell, crown at- torney. There are three criminal casos on the docket to be tried judge and jury. They are: The King vs. Wilson, arson; King vs. McKenzie, arson; King vs. Phipps, serious of- fense. There are also a large number of civil actions, both jury and non. jury. The Court House will be 8 busy place next week. MINSTRELS FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER SCORE SUCCESS Show by Local Talent Fur- nished Fine Enter- tainment A minstrel show has lost none of its old time popularity in Whit- by, Proof of this fact was much in evidence on Tuesday and Wed- nesday evenings of this week when the Whitby Men's Minstrels, under the direction of Arthur W. Lynde, played to two fairly well filled houses for the benefit of the Christmas Cheer and Welfare Fund. The show, staged entirely by local talent, furnished three hours of good entertainment. The chor- uses, individual solos, the per formance of the six funny end men, the music and wonderfu] sup- port given the chorus by the or- chestra, and the various acts which made up the second part of the program, not forgetting the old time dance on Wednesday even- ing at the close of the show, were all good, and all who took part are to be congratulated in putting over | DOMINION STORE rr "WHERE Q 0. COURSE = | LismiTED | _ UALITY COUNTS" --- S BARGAINS ARE ATTRACTIVE but it's th- ° in and day ou! savings made pos- sible by our lower-than-usual prices that have made Dominion Stores Limited the largest retail grocery organization in Canada today. | Butter Braeside Brand Finest Sweet Creamery Quality Ib. 33 - White Beans = » 5. I runes .#%. w. 1 Qe Raisins Ps fe 2 for 25¢ With Pare Fruit Flavor Fry'sCocoaunr-19. Jello rackase Bo Yea = 3 Ibs. $1.00 ib. 35 Post's Bran rciase | 1 o New Hallowl Dates... ... Glace "herries .... V2 lb. 22¢ welled lmonds ..... Ib. 49¢ 3 Ibs, 25¢ New Cooking Figs .......21bs. 19 Recleaned Currants ces Ib. 15¢ 0! Table Figs... 1b 19 We've Made Our Xmas Cake and It's Deliclons | Rich, dark and full of Biscuits Delightful Assortment Cr TY reer 1b. O14 Time Jelly Beans vou Ib. 19¢ Dainty . . "es Creams ...... 1b. 23 + 1b, 25¢ DU BARRY CHOCOLATES + mgs fame b.. 39% gr Ib.. .75¢ a A ------ - i a real good show. The director, A W. Lynde, bas staged many a show fa Whitby, His abllity renders it certain that le will continue to do so. The Christmas Cheer Fund will realize a substantial sum from the show, The exact amount is not yet known but it will be announced week, Those taking part in the Show were as follows: Opening chorus, "Are You From Disie?", entire company; "Talk of the Town", Brignall and company; "Just a Little Closer". E4. Bentley and Company; solo, "Od Pal of Mine",, W. J. H. Rich- ardson; "Sing Something", Jack Parker and Company; "Moonlight on the Colorado", Eddie Fegan and Company; "Betty Co-ed", Ernest Stafford and Company; solo, "Somewhere in Old Wyom- fng", Milton Balsdon; Harmonica Band, Medley of Old Favorites; "Down the River Dreams', Gordon Fegan and Com- pany; "Lost and Found", Jack Frost and Herb, Pringle; "Kitty From Kapsas. City", Chas. Brig pall and Company; "Around the Corner",, Jack Parker and Com- pany; Closing Chorus, "Good Bye, Good Luck, God Bless You," En tire Company. End Men--Lightnin', Jack Par- wer; Sambo, Ted Humphrey: Zeke. ¥ord Lindsay; Rastus, R, R. Har per; Snowball, R. Lee; Bones. Stusrt Plank. The popular and capable inter- locutor was W. J. H. Richardson. of Golden | Other numbers were: Lee and Buchan, Nobody Home. Lee and Cinnamon, banjo Lloyd Kleist, world famous ven- triloquist. Parker and Lynde, school days Levi Arksey, accordeonist. Bert Johnston, magician, Ye old tyme dance--Olde Tyme Fiddler, Mat, Shaughnessy; banjo, Steve Shaughnessy; caller off, Joe Bryant. Dancers--Roy Hall, Ed. Bent ley, Milt. Baledon, Dick Adas, Geo. Forrester, Frank Webh, Noel Lade, Lit. Southwell, Closing review-- Entire Com- pany. Members of the orchestra were: piano, Jas. Rainnle; violin, Jack Clarke; trumpet, Eric Clarke; trumpet, J. Broadbent; saxophone, Grant Lynde; trombone, John Lee; tuba, Frank Threadgold; banjo, F. Lee; drums, Ernest Clarke. The chorus comprised the fol lowing: 8. Shaughnessy, C. Greenfield, W. Thorndyke, P., Neal, G. Ross, C. Hill, 8. Correll, W. Booth, J. O'Connor, B. Anderson, Jack Hard- ing, J. Harkness, M. Thachuk, G. Thompson, A. Rousseau, Joe Hard ing, M. Mudray, R. Hall, L. Age . Balsdon, D. Adams, E. Bentley, , Stafford, N. Lade, E. Huntley, R. Halliday, G, Fegan, L. Johnson, ¥. Palmer, E. Fegan, G. Roberts, C. a on the program Brignall, D, Virgin, J. Clarke, . Forrester, B. Huycke, C. King, J. Forrester, C. Clemence, FF, Webb L. Kleist, 8. Buchan, J. Frost, H. Pringle, D. Sleightholm, L. Arksey, K. Lee, E. Bryant, Show officials were: F. J. Mcintyre; secretary, Ford Lindsay; stage manager, J. M. Hicks; electrician, Ernest Humph ries; minstrel committee, W, C. Town, Ted, Humphrey, R. Lee. KINSALE Rev, Walter Smart, our pastor. preached here last Sabbath, The nice rain of Sunday was welcomed by everybody, and more especially by the farmers. Many well having gone dry. We fear the same fall was not nearly sufficient to supply our wants for the win: ter months, A big majority of the farmers have been forced to re- sort to drawing it for the stock The work on the roads sudden- iy stopped on Monday last owing to the state of the weather. We sup- pose as soon as it moderates again work will again begin. The bridges at the school house and east of Gormley's are being widened. The annual meeting of the W. M.S. for the Circuit was set for Thursday of this week in our church here. The committee appointeq to ar- range and secure a suitable pro- gram had fits first = meeting last night. Everything points to a real good program for the Christmas entertainment of our school on or about Dec, 22, We were sorry here to hear that Mr. Fred Halliday had his car treasurer, stolen a few days ago. It was re covered near Toronto, we under stand, Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Stevenson went into the Roya) Winter Falr last week with the Brooklin In etitute. They went by bus, about 35 in all, Alfred Bell, having fulfilled his agreement with R. E, Mowbray, has gone to Greenwrod to work for McRaine. Wm, Bell has also left to employe with Matthew Bormley. Miss Munro spent the week-end in the Queen City with her cous- ins, Mr, Chas. Ledgett and C. O lawlor have been engaged for weeks assisting, the company at Columbus building the fish ponds there. We are pleased to be able to re port Wm, Saddler quite improved in health again, Susie, his sister. is also better, . The election here last Saturday between the two candidates, John Dryden and Jas. McQuay passed off quietly, A poll was held here for Greenwood and Kinsale, These two candidates were both brilli- ant young fellows but of course only one could win as is always the case. We congratulate the vic- tor. CHERRYWOOD The South Ontario Football As- «oclation are holding thelr annual "Smoker" at Goodwood, Thureday evening, Dec, 4th. The McLaughlin and Sinclair Cups are being pre- sented to the Uoodwood P.L., they having won both cups this year. The Young People of Cherry. wood, are presenting their play, "Beads on a String" on Friday evening, Dec. 12th, This is a good clean play, Interspersed with plenty of comedy, Come and hear Ab Dinkler, who is a scream, alse Cleopatra, the darkey. Don't fafl to see Benny impersonate a girl. Music between acts. Programme to commence at § p.m, GREENWOOD Master Edward Pegg, son of Mr and Mrs. Pegg has recovered from his recent fllness. The drama, "Wild Ginger' given by the Audley Community Club in the church last Friday evening was well done by each player of the caste. Those unahle to be pres ent missed a very interesting and enjoyable evening, Levi Arskey of Brooklin, ably assisted with music between acts. The Women's Association are holding their annual bazaar in the basement of the church on Friday afternoon, Dec. 12th, The Mission Circle and Mission Band are each having a corner in the bazaar. Rev. W. 8. and Mrs, Smart and daughter, Marjorie were at Cherry Valley last Saturday attending the wedding of their son, Dr. W, E. Smart, of Penetanguishene, Miss M. Wood is having eome repairs made on her dwelling, radio industry TC values are the greatest In the industry, NE More people are buying De Forest Crosley . . . than any other Radio (CANADIANS have decided that all radios are not alike. More of them are deciding every day that only DeForest Crosley gives them everything they want in a radio. Canada has said (by buying more DeForest Crosleys than any other radio) that: Liarimeelc Anplifcton is the year's greatest radia DC performance has reached new heights. DC cabinet beauty transcends any past effort of the entire The Importance of Acting Now Naturally, with demand the greatest in the history of the com- * pany, there is no surplus of DeForest Crosley tadios. Some dealers are even short on certain models. The only way to be sure of enjoying your new DeForest Crosley for Christmas is to see yous dealer now. The HARMONIC Series . » « The DOMINION Series $128 to $395 Beaessal cress Grid Console, The fastest selling vedio ever built Conada "14 Complete with tubes (¥} DE FOREST CROSLEY {SET DISTRIBUTOR"S NAME HERE IN 12 POINT} ---- Take Furniture Co. 63 King St. East 84 *uoqgd 88 Simcoe Street N. Phone 915 ~ Moffatt Motor Sales | The Johns Piano tore 80 Simcoe St. North Phone 251 Adams Furniture Co. Simcoe St. South Phone 701 Courtice Phone, 180+r22