Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1930, p. 8

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" PAGE. EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 Newmarket - Stratford Win S.P.A. Games Toronto, Nov. 27.--Snow, sleet and ice on the long grade just east of Waterdown on the Dundas high- way possibly were the direct cause of Kitchener's 5 to 4 defeat at the hands of Newmarket in the final game of the first round of the S.P.A. junior elimination series at the Arena Gardens last night. The Kitchener-Waterlool players motored to Toronto for their game last night and one carload skidded off the highway and Gordon Wit- zell, regular: defence player, re- ceived a fractured jaw, He was brought to Toronto for treatment. Schmalz and Mackie, who were also in the wreck were able to play but their relief strength was not able to cope with the extra driving power of the Newmarket lads and the Twin City team met with re- verse. In the first game of the evening, Stratfort Midgets sur- vived the first round when they reversed Peterboro H.C, by 4 to 2. Provide Fine Game The Kitchener-Newmarket game was the best that has been seen locally this season in the junior ranks both from the standpoint of ability and sustained excitement There was not a dull moment in the whole contest and neither team seemed to have weaknesses in any partment, Led by Jack Cain, an- other member of the Jdamily whose sons are invariably with the New- market teams who scored three of the team's five goals, the Yonge Street team outlasted their oppon- ents to score their victory. Woon and Mann, who combined with Cain as the starting Newmar- ket front rank, at centre, and on the wing respectively, were the leading lights in the winners' bril- liant array of attacking forces. Clever combination plays were the success of the Newmarket victory and, while Kuntz, Schiebel and Harlock, Kitchener" forwards, checked stubbornly and broke many of the winners' efforts, there was no denying the Red and White- shirted team. Vassel Loses Main Bout at Massey Hall Toronto, Nov, 27.--Joe Malce- wicz weathered a stormy battle of butts, slashing and slugging to win the main bout of the Arena A.C. wrestling show at Massey Hall last night, crashing George Vassel through the ropes to the hard- wood of the stage floor, the fall knocking the rugged Greek out, and he only lasted a few seconds in the second round before he was dropped again, There was not much wrestling to the bout, both battering through an aggressive slug-fest that had the crowd in a continued medley of cheers and hisses. While the main bout produced plenty of thrills, it was the semi- final that provided the smart mat- work when Count Karinoff won his debut here over Bill Demetrai, giving a clever exhibition of mat- work and showing gomething new for local mat-followers, Zarinoff, beside being fast and clever, had an assurance and snap to his work that made a big hit with the mat followers. In the opening bout the rugged Tom Draak dropped Jose Dominquez in 11 minutes. The main match was a cruel en- durance test of jabs, rabbit punch- es and head butts with Vassel the aggrsesor. There was little real wrestling shown with the rivals either on the defence against fly- ing arms and elbows or trying to retaliate, Malcewicz used an elbow blow, timed with the perfection of a good boxer's knockout punch, while Vassel resorted to face mas- sages and butts, Vassel started the rough play in his usual manner and Maclewicz"s face was soon smeared in blood, streaming from his nose and gash over the left eye, Spague Will be In Action Sat. Hamilton, Nov. 27.---There wa¢ quite a scare in the camp of the Jungle Kings today when it was announced that Dave Sprague, the elongated middle wing who has been cutting up great didoes for the Bengals this season, would. be on the also-ran list on Saturday because of blood poisoning in his leg, but on the authority of the club physician, Dr. James Rymal, it was later stated that the ail- ment was put down to an infected boil, which would be treated so that Sprague would be very much among those present in the argu- ment with Balmy Beach at Varsity Stadium, In view of the fact that Sprague has been a most capable man for the Bengals this season, early ru- mors had the effect of making Tigers' supporters dubious about this week-end, but now that they have been assured no disaster of this nature is about to overtake them, the Hamilont contingent is quite satisfied the Beaches will have their fill of Tigers before the sun sets over Varsity Stadium on Saturday. Belleville Srs. And Marlboros Play Tie Game Belleville, Nov. 27.--~Toronto Marlboros and Stan Burgoyne"s Bel- leville O.H.A. team played a 4-4 tie in an exhibition game as the senior hockey season in these parts was opened here last night, Bill D'Alesandro brought down the line-up that will do duty for the Dukes this Winter in the senior OH.A. series and the locals did not suffer in comparison. The Marlboros appeared shy of condition especially Hugh Plaxton, and Gracie and Thoms were much the best on the forward line, while Levinsky and Robertson formed a hard-hitting defence. Belleville trotted out a well bal- anced team using three goal tend- ers and all did Yoeman service. Bus- kard in the second period making three beautiful saves from the sticks of Grace and Thoms, Montgomery and Mulvihill went well, with Leachman being a star in the pivot position. Scott and Weir on the wings worked hard with Davis in centre for the second line, showing neat stick-handling. Hamilton Grads. Lose Game But | Win Round 18-9 Woodstock, Nov. 27.--Hamilton Grads advance into the O.R.F.U. junior finals at the expense of the Woodstock Oxford Rifles, but it wasn't on the strength of their showing here yesterday against the crippled soldier boys, who were without the services of ur of their regulars as the result of in- juries received in the first game at Hamilton on Saturday Using a bunch of second-string men and crippled regulars, the locals came out on top 8 to 7 in a gruelling game played on a rocklike field. The Grads 'won the round 18 to 9. "Red" France, Woodstock's star flying wing, was the outstanding man on the fleld, tackling and run- ning {n a manner that had the Grads guessing. Dore, Tedford and the Mountain brothers were the visitors' most useful men, BRITISH UNIONS SHOW INCREASES IN MEMBERSHIP | London.--For the first time since 1924 a larger total membership in a smaller number of Trade Unions is shown in returns for 1929. In 1928 there were 1,126 Unions, Last year 20 Unions were dissolved; | eight Unions amalgamated with other Unions; and 16 new Unions (with a total membership of only | 4,000) were formed, The net re-| sult of these developments in 1929 was a decrease of 12 Unions. The | aggregate membership of all the | Unions rose from 4,794,000 at the | end of 1928 to 4,833,000 at the end | tion, the Trade Unions are much stronger in numbers and better con- solidated. In 1913 there were 1,- 269 Unions, with a total member- ship of 3,702,000. Numbers have thus grown by more than 700,000, an increase of 17 per cent. in 1929 as compared with 1913; whilst the number of Unions have fallen by no less than 155. PARISIAN SCRIBE as Ketchigan, Dawson and possibly Nome, Mr. Alloucherie also {in- tends retracing the path of the 9» gold rush, Similar work, on previous occa- sions, has taken the young French reporter to Morocco and Syria, where he furnished the "Petit Par- isien" with magazine material ne- cessitated by tense competition now existing between the the feature } sections of Parisian newspapers. TRAVELS T0 YUKON 'CHIMPANZEES HAVE Young Frenchman Will| Study Background of London's Novels Montreal, Que --=Sent by newspaper, 'Petit JLarisien," to gather data on the northwestern parts of Canada, a young Parisian reporter, Jean Alloucherit, passed through here recently on his way to [of love, Yukon and Alaska where he intends studying the romantip and impres- give surroundings that inspired Jack London's celebrated novels; A year ago Mr. Alloucherie made a trip out West to investigate im- migration problems but, this time, his inquiry will cover the life of the mounted police, the prospector, the Eskimo and the missionary His trip,, which has Vancouver as a starting point, will extend as far his | HUMAN QUALITIES Exhibit Love, Hote, Mem- | ory and Community oa Spirit Montreal, Que. --- "Chimpanzees show all the human characteristics hrte, memory, community life, and irascibility in old age," said Dr. W. D, Tait, professor of psychology at MeGill University, in an address on "The Intelligence of the Ape" real Kiwanis Club recently, Dr, Tait's remarks were illustrat- ed by a film record of experiments in 1 with chimpanzees which were not trained in any way but ere ot problems and allowed to solve them in their own way. to members of the Mont- | The apes in one case were sup- plied with a number of boxes and given the task of getting a banana hung just out of reach. They plac- ed the boxes one on top of the other and so reached their objectives. Similar intelligence was shown by an ape given two sticks with which to reach fruit well beyond the bars ts cage. Without hesita- tion it puBhed the end of the thin- ner stick inside the end of the thicker one and with the lengthened stick pulled the fruit towards him. VALUE OF BIRDS STRESSED IN TALK Individual Must Aid in Help- ing to Preserve Bene- ficial Birds Montreal, Que.--The best efforts of authorities in Canada and abroad are {insufficient for the protection " hirAa 14%a and the individual must do what he can to assist in its pre- 'arrison Lewis, chief migratory bird officer for the pro- inces of Quebec and Ontario, said '+ sn addresg before raembers of the Young Men's Canadian Club, re- 'ently, The speaker sought to impress his auditors with the immense val- ue of the birds, drew their attention to the treaty for protection of mi- gratory specimens which has been concluded with the United States and finished with a strong appeal for the protection of harmléss var- feties, He began by saying the value of their services to Canadian agricuie ture had heen fixed as high as $100,000,000 annually, They kill insects and eat weeds; others live on destructive rodents. Other birds, like the gulls, are scavengers who help keep the waterfront clean, The game birds supply food to men in the woods and form the basis of an industry of sporting equipment estimated at $7,000,000 yearly, CATARRHAL D AFNESS MAY bE OViRCOME If you have catarrhal dcafness or head noises go to po.r druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strength) and add to it ¥% pint of hot water and a little sugar, Take 1 tablesuoonfnl four times a day. This will often bring quick relied from the distressiing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleas- ant to take, Anyone who has catar- rhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial, 0) ESTABLISHED 1859 WHERE ECONOMY RULES" THAT YOU MAY HAVE CONFIDENCE IN EVERY A&P OFFERING~ regardless of how low the price Is--we guarantee to RETURN YOUR MONEY on any purchase that is not satisfactory in every way. FINEST CUTS YOUNG ROASTING PORK HAMS FANCY QUALITY PORK LOINS FRESH HALF OR WHOLE 1b. 25¢ -20: PORK CHOPS i" J*% Ib. 28¢ A FAVORITE WITH EVERY ONE CAMPBELL"S =::6~ §9¢ ASSORTED FLAVORS, EXCEPT CHICKEN, 2 TINS 23¢ PORK AND BEANS, Clark's .......2%.221c ' SYRUP,CrownCorn ......c.0u0.. 2% 2 32¢ TINS YOUR CHOICE SALT 2 i 13e CREAM OF BARLEY ............ Pkg. 28¢c CEREAL, Sun-Era ............... Pkg. 23¢ ROYAL CITY BRAND | NO. 2 2 5: 29 MINCEMEAT, New Season. . SUET, Freshly Chopped . .21bs. 25¢ Ib. 15¢ FINEST PEAMEALED BACK BACON o. 3 1e En | SLICED AND CENTRE CUTS, LB. 33¢ of 1929, an increase of 39,000. | BUY A deposit will hold CHRISTMAS GIFTS NOW! any article till BY THE Christmas PIECE SIBERRY'S | * 3rd ANNIVERSARY SALE IS BLAZING A TRAIL OF WONDERFUL BARGAINS Greater and Greater Bargains are offered for this week end. Come Thurs- day or Friday if possible. The following items are only a sample of the wonderful bargains awaiting you. Every article in stock on sale. Come and get your share while the variety is still good. 20.00 Overcoats 13.85 Pure wool navy blue Over- coats. Melton, Whitney or Chinchilla c'oths, guards, 2 EET on models. All sizes. Sale Price .. i Half Price 2.00 Pyjamas 1.00 Heavy English Flannelette Pyjamas, striped paiterns. Perfectly finished. $ 1 00 FREE OR UNNING ODIZED BOILED HAM, Finest Quality. .lb. 45¢ PEAMEALED--FOR FRYING OR BOILING COTTAGE rors wm. 24 SWIFT'S PREMIUM SMOKED BACON 73 v.37 PIECE LB. 3% SLICED OR CENTRE CUTS, NO. ¢ SIEVE PEAS SARDINES, Brunswick Brand. ......Tin 6e OLIVE OIL s2efheiessss... 4-02 Bottle 19¢ -- BREAKFAST A REAL GOOD BUTTER THAT COMES FROM ONTARIO'S DAIRYLANDS UTTER == 32¢ SILVERBROOK SUNNYFIELD Pasteuzized Creamery Ib. 34¢ CREAMERY EGGS iol e Firsts--Doz. 39e RAZOR BLADES, Gillette's «+ Pkg. 39¢ FLOOR WAX, Hawes' aticeriee: Tin 4lc FOR COOL DAYS 5 CATELLD'S = 2 rx] §c MACARONI, SPAGHETTI OR VERMICELLI : OLIVES, Club House Stuffed ...... 59% 25¢ MARMALADE, Shirriff's Orange . . . ioe "oi. 22¢ PROPERLY AGED AND CURED 31 19: Doz. 2"7- CARROTS i 1Qe FLORIDA SEALEDSWEET GOOD SIZE GRAPEFRUIT 4 r= 27- ---- PER I RR IE I ESTABLISHED 1859 ("where ECONOMY RULES") VERY FINEST QUALITY AVAILABLE--EVERY CARCASS SELECTED BY A & P EXPERTS ROASTS Porterhouse i. 2 8c PRIMERIB = "&%*' ........1b. 22¢ BLADEORTHICKRIB........lb. 17¢ Ib. 10e BRISKET BOILING EERE EE EE EE EE EE EVERY EGG GUARANTEED STORAGE GN CARTONS) DO. EI "cee en WITH LARGE UNDERCUTS I ES SS SR RR Sizes 36 to 44. Half Price .......... FRESH---NATIONAL BRAND HADDOCK 2 = 25e FRESHLY SMOKED FINNAN HADDIE .. 25.00 Two Pant Suits 18.85 Perfectly tailored from all Oveiemls 18.85 Fancy Tweeds, Barrymores, Navy Blues. All styles. All sertul vaes 9 ] 8:8 derful values [ Sale Price .. 6.00 Sweater Coats 3.95 Pure wool, heavy, honey- comb Joich with with shaw! col- RUT ONLY FINEST SELECTED TOMATOES USED [CHUP- TANGERINES NATIVE GROWN a Large Bottle BRAZIL NUTS WALNUTS IN THE SHELL | MIXED NUTS, FANCY QUALITY DATES, HALLOWI re CURRANTS, FINEST QUAL REY (vies VALENCIA RAISINS, SPANISH TABLE RAISINS, MALAGA WALNUT PIECES : PEEL, ORANGE + PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON . .. ereineien PEEL, CUT MIXED, BULK... PEEL, CUT MIXED Try pga FANCY COOKING ... R All the Pockets colors jadipded. All sizes. seen = Two PantSuits 23.85 Pure wool navy blue serge. G teed . indigo dye. 1b. hip 13¢; 1-1b. Pkg. 250 . 3 Ibs. 25¢ 2 Ibs. 35¢c b. Box 25e Overcoats 22.85 Heavy Ulsters, Ulsterettes and Guard models. All col- FIGS, FANCY CELLOPHANE WRAPPED $1.00 Chamois Gloves, all colors. SalePrice . ................ $1.00 Fancy Socks, best makes. Sale Price ....... Phone 2643 Grocery Manager--G. Newsome 22 King Street West Meat Manager--H. F. Ashbury 29 Simcoe Street South Phone 3170 Meat Manager--D. Fisher Grocery Manager--F. C. West WE DELIVER--E XTRA CHARGE 15¢ Tre GREAT ATLANTIC & PaciFic Tea Co. LIMITED OF CANADA $2.00 Silk Mufflers. $1 00 22.50 Dy BL -- | Suits for 14.75 Half Pr aT 95c¢ Fans) Sy Lapey wor. $2.00 Tweed Caps. 95 blue pin Sipes, Complete Half Pri Cc range oO 1 io onoese san" A $1475 32.00 Pure Wool Rib Shirts and Drawers. $1 19 Price... .00 B ® . : Sele Price oro vere 92.95 | 1-2Price2.50Shirts1.29 v . Genuine Silk Finished "Gor- $1.50 Elastic Rib Combinations. " Br. irts wi Seb or Huon. 5c, | dee Brondioth Shire wih JL.00 Pute Silk Ties. Wonderful variety. 55¢ pli white. Gane $7.29 alf Price . ...... ant t . . em (2 for $1.00) Sam 133, to 17. 1 ih Fancy Silk Ties. New colors. 35 c 2 for $2.50 * 3 for $1.00 fre esl Rly Combination. 3245 2.50 Stanfield's * 4 Sot Half Pre so oer Shire and $1.95 | rome taney toc $1.50 Broadcloth Shirts, collar attached or and styles for $ 85 separate. SalePrice .... ............ . _ 88¢c Ten. Se Sur: Totes, You wird where B95 see Drawers. Sale Price . ................. $2.00 Fl lined Combinations. fi Penfomiioion. * 51.48 Pn ' * . . ial » i - $2.0 Pears Combination, vine G1 4) | es id 0g ig Wool Crew Neck Sweaters. $1 49 Al --- i $9.9 AEE IR A I ri . rice ..... $1.00 Work Shirts, omar De Od flagees = Yor ie 9c $2.95 Kid Gloves, lined nlined, Sie 3188 ors including navy blues. 69¢ Smart, single breasted mod- SW E379 85 a 085 values, Sale 69 to 44. Sale 23 Price EE EE ERE C Price coos 27 ¢ ing Street East SIBERRY'S Opp. Post Office

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