Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Women's Guild or St. George's Church held their Annual Bale of work and afternoon tea yes- terday. The Parish Hall was gaily decorated for the occasion, the Candy and Home Cooking Booths under the supervision of Mrs. Belt snd Mrs. Armstrong being particu- larly attractive. Many useful arti- cles, as well as pretty Christmas gifts, were on display on the work table in charge of the President, Mrs. James, During the afternoon 2 number of ladies came in and en- joyed the delicious tea prepared by Mrs. Travell and her very efficient committee. Mrs. Hind and Mrs, Worster presided at the table and poured teo and coffee. The kiddies were made happy fishing in the jucky ple in charge of Mrs, G. W Wesson. The members of the Guild are very grateful to all those who helped to make the afternoon so successful, ' Mrs. 8. Harvey, Simcoe Street Bouth, who celebrated her eightieth birthday yesterday was honored by et number of her friends last even- ing when they gathered at her home for a gocial time, Most of those present were members of the Adult Bible Class of Simcoe Street United Church, of which Mrs, Harvey has peen a member for many years. Mrs, Harvey was remembered by many of her friends who sent presents of flowers and other gifts in honor of the occasion. Mr, E. D. Ryckman, of Guthrie, Ontario, was the guest, yesterday, of Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Dulmage, Westmoreland Avenue, King Street Church Parsonage was pretily decorated with baskets of baby mums and ferns on Tues- day afternoon when Mrs. C. E. ds Checked By modern vaporizing By Sweden Yap rubon DAINTY LINGERIE a SETS Gloves and Hosiery av LAMBLE'S Kayser Chiffon or Service Hose, Silk to top. $1.00 Guaranteed firsts ATKINS' HOSIERY . AND LINGERIE SHOP 13% Simcoe St. South ill Visit Cur Store AND SEE OUR LINE The F ashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE ST. 8. Cragg's group of the Women's Mis- sionary Society held a guest tea. Receiving at the door was Mrs. Cragg. During the afternoon Mrs, Fiar, gave a brief but interesting talk on China. Mrs, Ed. Goodwin and Mrs. L. Ferguson played a plano duet, Mrs. ¥, Langmaid sang a solo and Mrs. M. Clarke gave a recitation, The small tea tables that were set in the drawing and dining rooms were each with centre pieces of baby mums, Mrs. O. D Friepd poured tea and she was as- sisted in serving by Mrs. ¥. Ward, and Mrs. A, Legge. Some. of the young ladies from Ontario and Durham counties who attended the reception given by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Ross at Government House on Tuesday at the tea hour were: Misses Muriel Baker, Nora E, Gib- son, Ruth McKessock, Dorothy Mor- den, Ina Van de Hoorne, Sadie Evans, Wihelmine Lundy, Verna Niddery, Aldine Ward, Elizabeth Ward, A successful sale of needle work and home cooking was held in the store of George T. Alchin, on King Street, Saturday afternoon, last. The sale was conducted by groups 3 and 6 of Northminster W. A, The ladies are very much pleased with the result of the sale and hizhly appreciative of Mr, Alchin's kind- ness in giving use of his store win- dow, Another sale of this nature will be held in a downtown store on Saturday of this week. HOLY TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLES CLUB "Resolved that the young people »f today are as good as those of the previous generation" was the subject of a debate held under the auspices of the young people's club of Holy Trinity Church, last even- ing. The afirmative side was up- held by Miss Phylis Harland and Mr. Charlie Dowlin, while argu- ing in favor of the negative were Miss Lillian Jackson and Mr. Wil- lis Jackson. Mr. H. Knight, prin- cipal of Ritson Road School acted as judge and decided in the favor of the affirmative. After the de bote those present enjoyed dane. ing, For the month of December an attractive programme has been drawn up. There will be dancing on Necember 3rd, a lecture on De- cember 10th and a business and social meeting on December 17th, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gough an- nounce the marriage of their eldest dau~hter, Ena Dorinda, to David McCaldon, elder son of Mr, and Mrs, Robert McCaldon, of Toronto, at St, Nicholas' Anglican Church, Birch- cliffe, on January 18th, 1930. TAKE FIRS: PRIZE Brockville.--First prize in a clean yard contest held by the Eastern Ontario Retail Lumber Dealers' Association has been awarded the Brockville Lumber Corporation, which scored 909 points out of a possible 1,000 The contest embraced all lumber con- cerns in Ontario east of Napanee, "Results Were Marvelous" A St. Thomas Woman Writes McCOY'S "I was very ill with nervous break- down--after taking several 'boxes I feel well and strong again." Take McCoy's for 28 days--if you don't gain at least 5 pounds of solid stay there flesh--get your money back--60 sugar coated tablets for 50 Vocational Guidance Project S$; onsored by Girls' Work Board Plans for a vocational training project for the girls of Oshaws, with a view to giving them praecti- cal guidance in the choosing of vo- cations, have been completed by the officers of the Oshawa Girls' Work Board, under the presidency of Mrs. W, H, Tait. The first meet- ing in the furtherance of this ob- ject was held on Tuesday evening, and it was the beginning of a se- ries of meetings, to be addressed by prominent women executives of To- ronto, which are to be held once a month during the winter, The idea behind this vocational guidance project fs to provide in- struction for girls which will help them to choose vocations in whic they will be happy and for which they are suited. his work, it 1s definitely stated, does not in any way conflict with the work which is done in the girls' classes at the Osh- awa Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute, and it is intended that it shall be open to all girls in the city, While it is being sponsored by the Oshawa Girls' Work Boapd primari- ly for their own Canadian Girls in Training Groups, the officers are extending an invitation to all teen- age girls to attend, and it is hoped that a large number will take ad- vantage of the opportunity present. ed The vocational guidance meet- ings have been arranged so thal one will be held each month to take the place of the regular C.G. I.T, meetings, all of these monthly meetings to be held in the various downtown churches, The speakers at these meetings will touch on as many vocations as possible, so as to suggest those of which the average girl might now think, and to give practical advice on these, particu- larly as to qualifications required, where the necessary education can be secured, what salaries are paid, and other information of this char- acter, Oné of the most valuable fea- turés of this project, however, will be the follow-up work, It is plan- ned to organize a committee which will_be at the disposal of the girls of the community at any time, to assist them in the choosing of vo- cations, and to provide them with any information desired on this subject. The committee will work in co-operation with the women's vocational bureau of Toronto, so that it will have expert advice at its disposal on the many problems which confront teen-age girls in the choice of vocations, The program which has been ar- ranged for the winter season Is a highly Interesting one, and will bring several talented women work- ers to the city, the list of meetings and speakers being as follows: Nov, 26.~--Miss True Davidson, Vocational Bureau, Toronto, on "Business Vocations' ' especially merchandising Dee. 16.--~Byrne Hope editor of "Chatelaine" on (Fine and Applled)." January Miss Ashdown, 2 employment of women "aton Co., on "Business" Selling). February. Olive Zeigler, ments, March, al Work, Miss Marjorie Principal Mouton Colege, April dress on "Finding my Sanders, "The Arts of 7T (Retail "Social Service University Settle Toronto Place." - §§ BEDTINE STORIE By Thornton W. Burgess Tis often true the more you know | The faster will suspic lg grow, ~=Jerry Muskrat, Jerry Muskrat dally grew more | suspicious. He would have told you that he was too old and had lived through too much not to be suspi-| cious, Anyway he didn't like the | way a certain boy hung around the Smiling Pool and along the Laugh- ing Brook when Farmer Brown's boy wasn't about. Usually it was very early in the morning or just | before dark when Farmer Brown» hoy was busy with his chores than the stranger was seen by Jerry Muskrat, Always after the stranger left Jerry visited the places where he had seen the stranger and with the greatest care looked for traps, He had a feeling in his hones that soon- [* er or later he would find traps, he fact that he didn't find them didn" make him any the less suspicious. Then after one of these late af- ternoon visits by the stranger Jerry | found some pleces of apple at one ol his favorite landing spots. Patiently | and carefully he searthed for au trap. Satisfied that no trap was | there he landed and sampled the apple. And while he nibbled he did a lot of thinking and his suspicion grew, Why had that apple been put there? | He said nothing about it to Mrs. Jerry, Why worry her? He sald nothing about it to any of his chil dren, He knew that they would not heed a warning of possible dan ents at Jury & Lovell Ltd, T, B, Mitchell, W, H. Karn, or any drug- gist anywhere--just ask for McCoy's NOT IF YOU USE LOOSENS GREASE IN A TWINKLING POTS AND PANS ARE | RINSO. IT THE WORST PART OF DISHWASHING, AREN'T THEY? So quick--so easy this new way to wash dishes! GOOD to yourself--change E Milliris of w of Nowe can sll it pend i Shed Sal id nn 1 active Wag rr dry clear without wiping. voy TA oy RR at hpi, because it is Sei Tho ed Sep LM verger and would be only too eage: to share in the feast should mor apples be placed there, After the next visit of the stranger Jerry found more apple there, That same evening one of the young Muskrats reported a find of the same kind | near a certain half-sunken log. | "What did you do with it?" ask- ed Jerry, "Ate it," replied the youngster | promptly, "You would," replied Jerry, | did you first look for traps?" | "Traps!" exclaimed the young- ster scornfully, "Why should I look for traps? Never has there heen na | trap there, so why should I look for one now?" * "Never has there heen apple there hefore, so why should there have been any there tonight?" retorted Jerry. The youngster pretends not to hear this, A few nights later.some pieces of carrot were found along the Laugh- | ing Brook, and the finders feasted | on them, Jerry's suspicions and un- easiness grew, He knew that these good things were 1 eft by that strange boy. Farmer Brown's boy ° had often left goodies In this man: | "but | had a feeling that it | vorite landings of theirs, Jd Limes also doing |t Perhaps but Jerry was nothing ner, usually in ha this strange boy out of kindness wis of the kind, So Jerry kept watch and did his best to make his children feel as he afd, This, however he couldn't succeed in doing Secretly they laughed at him, They said that he was growing old and nervous, were unafraid, for had ever happened to any of them, So they said nothing when found apples and carrots near but greed- fly ate what they found taking time or trouble to look for traps. "We never have seen one and we All Types of Education. | Trotter, | Perhaps | | walght tweed uppropriate head | Banquet and General Ad- | | moulded bodice | ness at the hem | erepe, | nothing serious | clothes too young Muskrat, and his brothers day when the Smiling Pool would be tion ceremony was performed by the i trasting, and sisters seemed to feel the same way, Only one, a timid one, took any particular care when serambl- ing up at one of these landings in quest of the goodies so often found, there these days. Meanwhile the weather was growing colder and Jerry and Mrs Jerry were looking forward to the covered with ice and the young- sters would have little opportunity to go where traps might be. Copyright, 1930, by T. W, urgess The next story: "The Price of Heedlessness," He didn't like the way a» certain stranger boy hung around the Smiling Pool. CHOSEN FRIENDS Dr. C. W, Carr was in charge of 'he regular meeting of the Chosen Friends Lodge last evening. Infitia- 'adies' degree team when Louis Hymnan and GG, Turner were initia- ted Into the Lodge, A Christmas Nance will be held on December 10th and on December 17th there is '0 be a charity Christmas Tree when every member fs invited to come and bring one. pound of food or «roceries of some gort to put on the big Christmas Tree, These goods will later be dfstributed to needy 'amilies throughout the city. What New York Is Wearing By - Annabelle Worthington A printed wool crepe In rich nauve-brown colouring features the with curved seam- ing that slenderizes the hips, The skirt with snug shaping shows a gradual widening with graceful ful- The collar and flared cuffs show mart contrast in plain eggshell The self-fabric belt uses two hrown buckles It's a stunning dress that will prove {ts economy for it may be worn for street, matinee or bridge Style No. 2636 may be had in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, and 40 inches bust. Size 16 re-| quirés 3% yards of 30-inch mate- | rial with % yard of 36-inch con- silk, canton crepe, velvet and feather- Flat crepe crepe marocain, 20 cents In stamps' Be sure Pattern price or coin (coin preferred), to All in size of pattern. Address Pattern Department Our new Fall and Winter Fashion Magazine is 15 cents a copy hut may be obtair ed for 10 cents if ordered same time as pattern. It will help you save They | On every dress and on the children's It shows how to dress {up to the minute af very little ex- | they | fa- | | without | | wouldn't know one if we saw it 50 | why bother to look?" sald one " "I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Com- pound at Change of Life. 1 saw it advertised in a booklet. That is how I came to take it. It has helped me a great deal, Sp slily a pain In my side. appetite is better. My nerves are steadier and I sleep well. [can dogy work without lying down life I used to. You may use my name and I will answer letters," --Mrs. George Frotten, South Quinan, Nova Scotia. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound pense. No. 2636. Size... DIR Women's and Misses' COATS 25 ONLY HIGH-GRADE FUR TRIMMED COATS REGULARLY $35.00 AND $39.50 On Sale Friday and Saturday at 4) J Mostly Individual Models, Smartest lines, perfect tailoring, beautifully lined and heavy warm, interlining, Made of the Finest Broadcloths Lavishly trimmed with sable, fox-paw, muskrat, natural wolf, mole, platinum wolf, etc. Sizes 16 Misses' to 44 Ladies'. Not bought for a special sale, best values offered at $35.00 but our regular stock of the $39.50 "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS' Ey TO 7 I a | RARE VALUES -- AT LOW PRICES PEAS CORN TOMATOES "27 ; SALMON ":~ .»m25e BUTTER [J 3. We Continue Our FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SALE Jiierseeeldoz, 25 Pins Taare niiivess 3 ior lle Spanish Onions ...... corse venrrevesyi Ib. 280 Cooking Apples ............0i00iiiaeees. basket 35¢c Large Heads Cabbage ........................cach 6c Large Lettuce wana for 2le Choice Red Grapes ................. ven lbs, 23 Choice New Carrots ................... 23 66: 1-7 New Pack Good Quality <) Tins Choice Red Cohoe Finest Creamery Sweet and Pure Our Famous BRAESIDE BRAND Choice Navel Oranges ........ Grape Fruit With These Outstanding Offerings And for Your Christmas Baking LARGE PKG. QUAKER OATS CRISCO :: 22¢ DELMONTE OR ROSEDALE PEACHES CAMPBELL'S 19¢ SOUP 2 Tins 1 Qc LUX Large 1 Oc Small 3 for 25¢ TEA 31 $1.00 3-1b Tin 1-1b. Tin Lemon and Orange Peel ........ Jb New Valencia Raisins ..,. 2 lbs. Recleaned Currants ..... Ib. Monarch Flour. ..7- Ib. Bag Bulk Cherries. ... 15 1b. Golden Dates exes 2h 17¢ 29¢ 15¢ 32 22¢ Tomate Only 000000000 000000080 Special Blend Guaranteed by the makers of LUX-~Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. 23% | A | © 1990, King Peatures §yndhears. Inc THAT YOUNG MAN THE BOSS INTO HIS Oreat Beivwn righty teagrved i ee ~ [tt HERE AAC TAKE MY EN GAG EMENT RING HAavE 'T CLEANED

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