Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 pa | Eastern Ontario News PROMINENT MASON DIES Belleville.--Henry Freeman Ketch- eson, well-known insurance broker and prominent in Masonic affairs, died suddenly from heart trouble at his home here. Mr. Ketcheson was born in Hastings county and his whole life was identified with the community, He served as mayor of the city, president of the chamber of commerce, on the board of educa- tion, and secretary-treasurer of the Children's Aid Society for many years. He was a past master of the local Masonic lodge, past district de-~ puty grand master of' Prince Edward district, past grand eminent knight of the "grand priory of Canada, past grand registrar of the same order, and-a noble of Rameses shrine in Toronto. NAMED DIRECTOR Brockville.--~Dr. W. H. Woodrow, Brockville, has been appointed a member of the Board of directors of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto, as the representative of Eastern Ontario, SUIT AGAINST DOCTOR FAILS Kingston.--An action for $5000 damages, brought by Melzor F. Day- ey of Detroit, against Dr. M. John Morrison of Kingston in connection with an operation performed upon his wife in hospital here on March 29, 1929, was dismissed with costs by ne Justice McEvoy at the non-jury sit- tings of the Supreme Court, LASH DESTROYS EYE Cornwall.--Henry Filion, driver of a delivery cart for a local grocer, lost his' right eye in an accident. Filion flipped his whip to speed his horse across an intersection and the leather throng slapped back, striking the ball of 'his right cye. THREE HURT IN CRASH Peterboro.--~While motoring to the village on the Burleigh Road on Sat- urday cvening William Lane and his | three daughter of Young's 8d were injured as the result of an ac- cident when they met a team of hor- ses and wagon in a collision, the team being driven by James Mace. S5th ANNIVERSARY Pcterboro--~Mr. and Mrs, P, P, Young celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary at their home in Young's Point, SENTENCED FOR BURGLARY Napanee,--Percy Donald Perrin was brought to Napanee from Co- bourg and appeared before Magist- rate Graham on three charges of breaking and entering stores in the village of Newburgh in February of this year. The accused pleaded guilty on all three counts and was sentenced to two years on each charge in the Portsmounth Peni- tentiary, the sentences to run con- currently with a committment made in the town of Cobourg on Novy. 2% Perrin was committed in Cobourg for a total of eight years. MILK SHORTAGE Kingston,--The early drying up of the pastures has reduced the sup- ply of milk to such an extent that cheese factories are closing. NEARS COMPLETION Belleville,--The new Church of the Covenant, being built by the Presbyterians of Lansdowne and vicinity in that village, approaches completion and, it is expected, wi | Green peppers, basket be officially in the New Year, opened early INITIATED GRANDSON Belleville.--A hnique event oc- COAL SOLVAY COKE Hard Slabs JEDDO PREMIUM THE BEST PRODUCED - Soft Slabs Cut To Stove Length DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 26 FUEL OIL Cord Wood -- No. 1 and Dry Five Direct Lines Condition ..... 1--1929 ESSEX COACH 11928 ESSEX COACH, Can't tell from new PHONE 1160 Used Car Specials 1--1928 CHEV, SEDAN in Perfect Running Order ............cecnnniiviniiiiii 1--1929 ESSEX COUPE Like New: ..........c...i00 ery 1--1929 PONTIAC COACH in New Car 1--1925 FORD TUDOR, Ballcon Tires in Perfect order ................... Ross, Ames & Gartshors Co.,Ltd. 135 KING STREET W, OSHAWA HUDSON--ESSEX $375.00 $695.00 $695.00 $685.00 $465 00 $95.00 PHONE 11060 on it, One of the first principles which we laid down for the conduct of this business was- "We will always truthfully describe our stock, as to grade, so that the confidence of the buying reposed in us' Adherence to that policy will be maintained. You can absolutely depena we will not over- describe our stock. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 public will be curred in connection with the regu- lar meeting of Marmora Lodge A.V, & AM. No. 222 when Wor, Bro, J. W. Pearce, of Belleville, the oldest living Past Master of Marmora Lodge, assisted in the initiation of his grandson, Donald Marett, et: fn PRODUCE PRICES | TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET | Potatoes, bag .. | Sweet potatoes | | Ducklings | Colored, | quoting the following | Mushrooms, The following are quotations, re- tail, in effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto, Produce Eggs, extras, per doz, 0.65 Do.. firsts, per doz. 0.50 Butter, dairy per pound 0.28 Do., Creamery, per pound .....0+... 0.40 Fruits and VegetablCs-- Carrots, 6 bunches Beets, doz. bunches .. Onions, dry, 11 qt. basket Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach, peck .... per pound Leaf Lettuce, three for Head Lettuce. two for ... Parsley, per -bunch 0.05 Onions, bunch, three for ... Cress, three for ..... Celery, head ......... Oranges, per doz. .... Honeydew Melons, each Grapefruit, 3 for "es 85 25 Cucumbers, six for Lemons, per doz, ' Bananas, per dozen. .. Apples, bus, Do., Snows, | Oranges, doz. Can. Green Peas, basket | Eggplant, EE =a 2323 19 03 ba STO ° 6 qt. on each | Pears, basket | Cranberries 8, [ERC TR 3 qt. 6 lbs "Ot Ov on Pumpkins, each Squash, each Parsnips, basket ... Beets, basket Peppers, cach Herbs, buneh .... Radishes, bunch TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto dealers are buying pro- duce at the following prices: Eggs--Ungraded, cases return. ed, fresh extras, 65¢; fresh firsts. 47 to 48c; soconds, 32 to 3c; pullet extras, 40 to 42c, Buter--No. 1 Ontario creamery solids, 30 to 30%c; No, 2, 29 to 29 %e Churning cream---special, No. 1, 32¢; No. 2, 20ec. Cheese--No, 1 large, noe est = re STOTT 005 see 83c; | colored | paraffined and government graded, 14% to 1b6e¢. Quotations to poultry are as follows: Ponltry---- Alive Select M.F. Fatted hens, over § 1bs., each .... Over 4 to 5 lbs. cach ... Over 3} to 4 '1b. each Under 33 lbs. ea. Spring chickens, over 5 lbs. ... Over 44 to § Jbs, each Over 4 to 4) Ibs. each Under 4 lbs, Broilers, 1% to 2% 1bg. each . (white), over 5 lbs, ea. Over 4 to 5 Ibs, each shippers 19 2 2 16 20 2¢ 1b, Guinea fowl, pair Geese and turkeys. market prices Selling Toronto dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the fol- lowing prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, 62¢; fresh extras, loose, firsts, 52¢; seconds, 38 to pullet extras, 45c, Butter--No. 1 creamery prints, 33% to 34e¢; No. 2 creamery, 324c to 33 in cartons, 6c; 40¢c; woul, Cheeso--New, 17%c; triplets, 173c; Old, large, 27 to 28c; 29¢; old stiltons, 28c. Poultry Chickens, 5 Ibs up Do., 4 to 5 1bs, Do., 2% to 4 bs. Do.. 3 to 3% lbs, Hens, over b lbs. Broilers twins, 20c, 28 to large. 17¢; stiltons, twins, «32-34 .28-,32 26-28 26-, 26 «80-31 28-1 22- .21.,28 GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers at Toronto prices are for grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat --- 73¢; No. 1 Northern, 72¢; No, 2 Northern, 69%e; No, 3 Northern, 67c. Price on tracks 1c higher than above. Manitoba Oats -- No. 1 No. 1 hard, teed, 3 tlantic City is always 'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlantic City... ellpoar-toanu is vesstion-time! Br slr--aports-- 1food~--relax- ation! Spenda week or » , with ue... ol returnhomefeel- ngAt-fresh-vigcrous! ( RATES ! American Plan ingle . . $7 to $9 br HY 2to817 One of she Finest Hotels In Atlantic City 'or 8 week or 8 week-end enjoy the lurury of out exorbitant or wire for reservations. "OVERLOOKING THE OCEAM SEA WATER BATHS C. V. MBERS, Mor. A.C. ANDREWS, Pres, Chai ll | Pione 38 Phone ss fl ) prints, | Dressed | BOVRIL Builds Fitness NOT Fatness 29%c; No. 2 feed, 27%c per bushel (e.l.f. Goderich and Bay porls). Argentine Corn -- 76¢ (¢.1f. Port Colborne), Millfeed (delivered Montreal, | freights, Jags included): Bran, or | ton, $20.25; shorts, per ton, $21. middlings, per ton, $29.25. Manitoba Flour--First patents, in | jute, $5.50, Toronto; second pat- | ents, in jute, $4.90, Ontario Grain--Wheat, 68¢c; 20¢; barley, 32¢; rye, 46¢; wheat, 50c, oats buck- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Nov. 26.--Apparently there was no effort to disturb the egg market today by change in guo- | tations, ud practically all dealers ! were satisfied to have prices extend unchanged over the holiday, Like- | wise, characteristic pre-holiday | trade featured action of Decembers, | which closed lower on light volume, | The spread between current dellv. tery and December widened, due to | relatively limited tenders to date. Efforts to raduce top grades, whole milks, were of no avail today and all grades were unchanged. Market assumed more steady tone, which accounts for fair-sized rally on de- ferred contracts, Perhaps another reason for advance on the latter was a temporarily oversold condition, Chicago spot market - Butter, extras, J1c; standards, 28%c; tone | steady. Fggs firsts, to 36¢; tone steady COOPERATION 15 NECESSARY FOR. PERMANENT PEACE | Portage La Prairie, Man --Seek- ers of world peace have a plain du- ty confronting them, Mrs. E, L. | Johnson, provincial director for | Selkirk district, told delegates to {the annual convention of United | Farmers of Manitoba in presenting {a report of the organization's peace | committee, 'As peace workers, we must sti- mulate interest in international re- lations with the definite purpose of | leading this interest along the line of replacing competition with economic co-operation between na-| tions which alone can lead to per- manent peace," Mrs, Johnson de- clared. Tracing the movement of disarmament since the war, she] stressed 'that strong convictions, | even honorable ones, which may drive men, however reluctantly, to go to war, have now been dissoly- | ed." | "Against such convictions no half measure can prevail. Only conviction that war is wrong can | meet conviction that war may be right," the speaker asserted. Even though the London Naval Disarmament Conference produced only a three-power pact, instead of taking in five powers, the speaker believed the gathering was far from a failure Peace was kept in the public.mind during the long discus- | sions at London and the opening ad- dress by King George, heard by a radio audience of five millions on five continents, did much to spread | a feeling of goodwill | re. Johnson urged that aid be | given in every way possible to = | 36e Remember-- | "A Stitch In Time---" Just as Mother used to hold little Willie on her knee and ply the needle and thread to close the diminutive tear in Willie's trousers, to avoid greater complications later on if neglected--so, wien the first sign of a cough or cold appears, be sure you apply that 'stich in time' --take a few doses of REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP This excellent formula acts as an antiscptic on the bronchial passages, loosens up the phlegm, and tends to eliminate quickly any accompany- ing cough or throat irri- tation. Get a bottle at once and keep it handy. Large O Cc Sold only at the REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell il. King E Siincoe S. | feties organized for the furtherance > pence, ADVISES AGAINST | | LOWER STANDARD IN EDUCATION 'UF.M. Education Commit- | fore completion, tee Urges Aid for Teachers | (ic: {| examinations for rural Portage portance of discussions on educa- stressed at the an- United 1"ar- tional topics was nual convention of the mers of Manitoba with the presentia- in Weak Subjects Prairie, Man Im- | grade Downing's report, however, ques- tions the advisability of seeking the lower standard, "Instructors in our elementary schools too often report Inadequate Instruction fv such fundamental subjects as gram- mar and arithmetic," the report states. "We must never lose sight of the fact that if a teacher is per- mitted to go out poorly qualified in one subject, a corresponding weak- ness in that same subject may be passed on to 40 or 50 pupils." Plans are being discussed at the present time whereby Normal School en- trants may have furthey fustruc- tion in none-too-strong™ subjects, the report sald. Another section of the same re- solution asks that students in Grades IX, and X., falling in two subjects, he not prohibited from faking their full course in the fol- lowing grade, The provincial department of | education will be asked to standar- | dize text hooks ag far as possible and, if possible to consider handling the books, if another resolution is approved, With reference to the latter, Mrs, Downing declared the department had already pledged it- self to establish a book bureau, | though it might be some time bhe- A resolution from Dauphin dis- requests elimination of final pupils in VIII, asking that a recom- | mendation by teacher and inspector | be sufficient for passing, Examina. tions for pupils in the grade, it is pointed out are held only in larger centres, taking rural pupils into a tion of the report of the committee | strange environment for the most Read hy Mrs. on education, Downing, of Kelloe, tee convenor, four resolutions to be dealt with by delegates, One urges the prove lowering of the the repor Man., convention to ap school commit- t outlines | pass | mark on each subject of examina- | tion from "as long as the obtains.' age b0 per G0-per co vent Comment to ent in 33 1-3 aver- Mrs, important test of their year's work, Children are prevented from doing themselves justice, it is held, Representation of women in lo- cal school boards is also advocated, NEW MACHINERY NEEDED In handling crops such as flax duction can not he obse Dominion ture attention is now proc pres and he "mp when so much labour is | that iba ery that will lower the cost of pro- need of new machin- | duction in will THE ARCADE A LARGE VARIETY OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS ON DISPLAY -- FOR THE EARLY AND THRIFTY CHRISTMAS SHOPPER--YOUR BUDGET WILL GO TWICE AS FAR IF YOU SHOP AT THE ARCADE. MEN'S ELK WORK SHOES Select quality leather, soft, and pliable, Moc. % KL with double welted Panco All sizes casin toe syle, sole, stitched and rviveted, MEN'S FLEECE LINED » COMBINATION UNDERWEAR A soft fine quality, good fitting garment, well made and guaranteed for wear, Regular $1.75. Sizes 34 10 44, Suit MEN'S TIES A beautiful assortment of silks and designs, Made with all wool crease resisting lining. Boxed individualy if desired, Fach LADIES' BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS See the large display, mostly § 3 in each box. Per box, overemphasized, | ment of flax rves the Fibre Specialist of the [chinery provide Department of Agricul- {opportunitie annual report, Special | prise at the helng given to the osging of flax and hemp at the ent time, an ft pected aiged it some pe up pro-jall gol | ings, Lo scutching jumps in the old kang Border Cities Stay and hemp working mae one of the greatest (fanadian enter= present time, to in his tariff on There are aroo yet, --- and. 1 way of rettin develop- found The soon be NY IN [9 wy YEA] il [RE 4a I SS) 7 ob Custom-built beauty outside Rogers efficiency zuside... Rogers Lowboy MODEL "640" WITH DOORS EAUTY goes hand in hand with Efficiency in the new Rogers Perfected Screen-Grid Radio! The Rogers Lowboy with Doots, for example, com- pares favorably in quiet beauty with many expensive custom-built radios. And within this exquisite cabinet, is the new Perfected Screen-Grid Chassis to bring you perfect radio reception. Seven Rogers tubes. ..four of the new Perfected Screen- Grid type and all fully-guaran- teed ... * selectivity, sweeping power. Genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker... true natural tone at any volume. See this beautiful Rogers Model "640" on display in our window this week. Come in and inspec | it at close range... check-up what we say about it. you'll find it all we claim and more. * pin- point' Only the Roger: 4 : Fully. Cuarard OU take no chance of un FO with a Rogers Radio because every tube-- fadladia pod new Rogers Perfected Screen-Grid Tubes--is fu t 1931! Moreover, te Rogers is guaranteed screcn-grid tubes. with ful . famous for its Has Tubes! and annoying tube i only ns Hundreds of Rogers Radio owners have written voluntary letters of commendation about these tubes, Tubes in use up to fourteen hours a day, ..tubes which have give two, three, four and even five years of service! If economy interests you, see the new Rogers Models with Rogers Fully-Guaranteed Tubes . . . today! ROGERS-MAJESTIC CORPORATION LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG SAINT JOHN Foo Loicbuy MODEL "640" WITH DOORS $3230 COMPLETE with Rogers Guaranteed Tubes and Genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker. ROGERS RADIO Famous for its Natural Tone and Guararieed Tubes Geo. C. Allchin Limited 15 CHURCH STREET PHONE 1438 OSHAWA

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