Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Nov 1930, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1930 The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the and Chronicle.~Telesh Whitly Branch Office at Gam After Business Hours--FPhone 358. . REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMIST Organization Set Up Which Will Function During Winter Months "hurches, V.O.N., Old Girls' Association, Women's In- stitute, Legion, Council Relief Committee and Other Organizations Combine to Provide Christmas Cheer and Help Citizens in Need at Critical Time--Fund Is Now Open--New Officers Are Elected Organization of the Christmas Cheer and Welfare Fund for the season was undertaken at a meeting »' representatives of the Victorian Jrder of Nurses, County of Ontario Old Girls' Association, the Canadian Legion, and the various churches aeld on Tuesday night in the Town Clerk's office. The fund, which will bring comfort and cheer to local needy families not only at Christ- mas, but throughout the winter, is now officially open, and contribu- tions of citizens and organizations will be welcomed by the treasurer, John R. Frost, at the municipal of- fices, at the Gazette and Chronicle office and the three banks, The Fund enters upon its third year of successful operation. Officers who will acminister the fund are' Honcrary Presidents Judge Thompson, Judge Ruddy, Mayor C. E. Bowman, Reeve Alert Jackson, F. H. M. Irwin, president of the Chamber of Commerce; Police Mag- istrate J. E. Willis, and Mrs. Geo. A. Ross. President--James H. Ormiston. Vice-President--R. A. Hutchison. Sec.-Treas.--John R. Frost. Committees to handle the sup- plies, finances, and distribution were named as follows: Supply Committee--Mrs. R. Coulthard, president of Old Girls' Ass'n; Mrs. T. Desmond, President of Women's Institute; Mrs. John Thomson, of the V.O.N. Samaritan Committee, and the President and Executive. Finance Committee--Sam'l Kemp- thorne, W. E. Rice, John R. Frost, Fred Landon. Distribution Committee-- Mayor Bowman, Coun. W. J. Davidson, Wil- liam Ayres, Theodore King. A committee was also appointed to investigate cases where relief is required, using the municipal unem- ployment register as a basis. Every care will be taken to see that no families are overlooked, and also to prevent overlapping. As in former years, money will be expended in local stores. Baskets will be packed the day before Christ- | mas and delivered from the Council Chamber by volunteer workers. The baskets will contain groceries, meats, and fruits, if possible, candies for the little folks. The Fund will carry on all win- ter if finances will permit, supply- ing food, clothing and fuel to needy Buy Health of your grocer Your grocer has Health to sell--the kind of Health that comes from light, nourishing, casily digested foods. Yau will find it in every package of Shredded Wheat. Eat it every day with milk or cream and you will be healthy and strong, ready for every test of mental and physical endurance. All the bodybuilding elements in the whole wheat grain--nothing added, nothing taken away --and so easily digested. It's delicious with fruits. WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, | pleaae - nothin elie will do # Aylmer Products are sold | SEEKS HIGH HONOR JAMES McQUAY Son of Dr. and Mrs. McQuay, of Whitby, who is a candidate for the riding of South Ontario for the Tenth Boys' Parliament of Ontario. families, and working in close con- A. | junction with the Relief Committee of the Town Council. After Christ- mas trustees will be named to ad- minister the Fund, and all accounts will be examined by the Finance Committee, A statement! of all receipts and expenditures will be Published in the Gazette and Chron- icle. It was decided to make an appeal for clothing both for local people and transients. Men's clothing may be sent to the Chief of Police at the town offices, and, if arrange- ments can be made, women's cloth- ing will be handled by the local branch of the Salvation Army. SOLVE MYSTERY OF TRAPPER'S DEATH (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Nov. 26--Mystery sur- rounding the death of Charles Mus- manski, 19-year-old trapper, Anugs ville, Man., was solved today after a provincial police investigation. A companion, whose name is with- held, has confessed to firing the shot that brought death to the voung trapper, police stated today. A dis- Pute over a mink skin led to the] | shooting, The accused vouth is held | in custody at Russell, Man. pending an inquest, scheduled December 3. * The Week In Whitby | LINDSAY REBEKAH LODGE VISITS LOCAL LODGE On Wednesday evening, November 19th, about sixty members of Ka. wartha Rebekah Lodge, of Lindsay, visited Benevolent Lodge and con- ferred degrees to a number of can- didtes in a very capable and credit. able manner. Several members were also present from the Oshawa lod- ges. During the evening Mrs. Thom- as, Past President of the Rebekah Assembly, on behalf of Benevolent Lodge, presented Mrs, Flossie Har. r with the Past Noble Grand's why Mrs. Harper thanked the members in a few well chosen words. Speeches were the order of the ev- ening. Mrs. Thomas emphasized the necessity at this time of extending a helping hand to those in sickness and distress. The banquet, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all, brought a very enjoyable and profit- able evening to a close. CASTLE CHAPTER MEETING Castle Chapter of the Ontario La- dies' College Alumnae entertained at the home of Mrs. W, J. H. Richard- son on Monday evening. There was a large attendance, and an excellent programme, consisting of "Current Notes on Drama," by Mrs. (Dr.) John Webster, who gave a very in- teresting description of the recent opening ceremonies of the new A quart of milk a day per person isdesirable for the best of health. You can get your folks to "eat" milk by serving attractive foods calling for plenty of it. * 0 The new St. Charles recipe book contains nearly 200such recipes. Send for it today. It is free. * 0 by all Superior Stores - Green Orthodox Church in Toronto. Miss Helen Johnston, of the Col- lege staff, gave a delightful resume of the book, "Canadian Art," touch- ing on Canadian accomplishments in music, painting, sculpture and lit- erature, and showing the field for ible development alo: these ines if properly encourage Miss Heriderson, of the O.L.C. staff, con- tributed an enjoyable vocal selec- tion. Refreshments were served and a very happy evening spent. Mrs. W. A. Holliday presided. HELD PAST MASTERS' NIGHT One of the most interesting meet- ings of the year took place on Mon- day evening in the Masonic Temple when the annual Past Master's Night was held. W. Bro. W. M. Pringle had fharge of the Jroqeedings, n- der his direction the Past Masters of the lodge exemplified the degree work. The largest number of past masters of Composite Lodge that hag assembled at this annual meet- ing for a number of years took part, W. Bro. Pringle being assisted by the following: W. Bros. A. M. Ross, Jos. King, W. J. H. Richardson, J. J. Lynde, John Ard, C. F. McGilli- vray, E. M. Deverell, F. J. Gale, J. W. Bateman, F, J. Xourex, F. G. Erskine, W. M. Jermyn, F. T. Math- ison, G. M. Goodfellow, W. F., Har- den, Robt. McNee, E. L. Odlum, Geo. W. P. Every, R. A. Hutchison, J. J. Kiernan. One pleasing feature of the meeting was the presence of R. W. Bro. A. M. Ross, the oldest living Past Master of Composite Lodge, vho occupied the Master's chair in 1888 and 1889, and who on Monday evening took an important part in the degree work. The occasion was also the annual election of officers. These elected officers, together with those appoint- ed by the Worshipful Master-elect, F. T. Rowe, will be installed in qf- fice at a meeting to be held on Fri- day, December 26th. Among those present, who were welcomed by W. Bro. M. M. Gibson, were V. W. Bro, Prof. C. H. C. Wright, of Toronto University, and W. Bro. Craig, Master of Gray Lodge, Toronto. The latter, who is | an architect, delivered a most inter- | esting lecture on the progress of architecture, illustrated by lantern views. 1 InTh Churchs : Of Whitby § i ae a ae nn ne an Se ALL SAINTS' CHURCH The new rector, Rev, E, Ralph Adye, L.Th., will begin his ministry on Sunday---Advent Sunday. He will preach at the morning service at 11 a.m. which will be followed Ly Holy Communion, also 'at the evening service at 7. This is Mr. Adye's first Sunday in his new charge, and all members of the con- grégation are urged to turn out and give him a welcome. ganist, Miss Lucille Leask, will take charge of the organ for the first time, Sunday School meets at three o'clock. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH Rev. John Lindsay, the minister, | will preach at the morning service | at eleven on the subject, 'The | Thirst of Jesus." In the evening the annual St. Andrew's service will be held, the special speaker being | Rev, Duncan Munro, of Knox Pres- byterian Church, Oshawa. Sunday School meets at 2 p.m. | THE UNITED CHURCH The morning service in the Unit- { ed Church will be one of special in. terest, when Mr. W. H, Goodwin, of Montreal, will preach. At the even- ing service at 7 o'clock Rev, Mr. Richards, the minister, will preach on "Conversion and its Value," the last in the series on 'Psychology and Religion." Sunday School meets at 2.15. % ALMONDS UNITED CHURCH There will be the usual services at Almonds United Church. Sune day School meets at 1.45 and the afternoon worship at three with the minister, Rev. Mr, Richards, in charge. ST. JOHN'S, PORT WHITBY Sunday next {s Advent Sunday and the beginning of a new year at St. John's Church. It is also St. Andrew's Day. The rector, Rev. D. B. Langford, will preach at 11 a.m, Holy Communion service, on "The Christian's Great Hope", and in the evening at seven o'clock on "The Kingdom of God Movement in Ja- pan." The Sunday School and Bible classes will meet at three o'clock. The central thought throughout the Advent season will be "Our Lord's Second Coming. BAPTIST CHURCH The pastor, Rev, T. F. Best, wiil speak next Sunday morning on "An Eight Mile Hyke," and in the even- ing on "An apostle in a Basket." The ordinance of Baptisim will be administered to two adults at the close of the evening service. The Salvation Army will conduct a sac- red concert beginning at 8.30, JOHN "DRYDEN Son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dryden, of Brooklin, who 'is a candidate for the riding of South Ontario for the The new or- | Favorably Improved and ' Directors Elected Wm, Ross Elected President. The fifty-sixth annual meeting of the Board of Directgrs of the On- tario. Ladies' College took place last Wednesday at the College, with an exceptionally large attendance of members, Dr. C. F. McGillivray, of Whitby, President, presided, In presenting the report of the Di- rectors Dr. McGillivray called atten- tion to the very favorable financial position of the College at the end of the fiscal year, July 31st, and pointed out that very considerable progress had been made in debt re- duction during the two previous years, with the result that at the present time the College is is an ex- ceedingly favorable position to meet the necessarily reduced income re- sulting from a slightly smaller at- tendance due to existing business conditions. The College building has been still further improved, and sev- eral important items of equipment have been installed, including a pas- teurizing machine for the milk sup- ply, and a filtration system for the swimming pool, which completely filters the water every twenty hours. The reports of Dr. Carscallen, Principal and Governor, and Miss A. A. Maxwell, Dean, were partic- ularly pleasing to the Board, re- vealing still further the progress made by the College during the year. Reports of all committees ¢on- firmed the Directors' report, and covered a vast amount of work done on behalf of the College by the mem- bers of the Board. ' The results of thé recent triennial elections of the College Alumnae were announced, indicating that Mrs. WJ. H. Richardson, of Whitby, and Mrs. Leo Gray, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Ontario Ladies' College Had A Successful Year Very Encouraging Reports Presented at the Annual Meet- ing of the Board of Directors -- Financial Condition Debt Reduced--Officers and C. A. Westley, of Toronto, had been selected by the Alumnae to represent them on the Board. Mrs, Richard- son has been a member of the Board for several years. Mrs, Grey and Mrs, Westley were introduced and took their seats, after election to the Board at the shareholders' eeting, Mrs. G. D. Atkinson and Mrs. Gal lanough, of Toronto, are the retiring members . Another interesting and important item of business was the election as a member of the Board of Chancel- lor E. W. Wallace, of Victoria Uni- versity, Toronto. Dr. Wallace was jresent and was introduced. Very hearty votes of appreciation were passed voicing to Dr, Cars- callen and to Miss Maxwell the thanks of the Board for their de- voted service to the College and the part they had played in the achieve- ments of the year. Dr. McGillivray, retiring President, also received a vote of thanks for his untiring ef- forts on behalf of the College. To Miss M. L. Copeland, who recently retired from the staff after many years' service, a letter will be sent expressing the Board's appreciation of the long period of faithful ser. | vice she rendered. l The election of officers by the new Board of Directors resulted in the appointment of Wm. Ross, of To- | ronto, as President, Mr. Ross, whose | father was one of the founders of | the College, has been a member of | the Board since 1896. He is well known in this district having been Adds Nourishment to Kiddies' Meals! Never be without a tin of OXO Cubes--for OXO should be a part of every child's mid-day meal--serve as bouillon--add to soups, gravies and stews for that extra nourishment that means strong, healthy child. ren, At Your Grocer's in tins of 4 and 10 cubes House of Commons at Ottawa. Dr. C. F. McGillivray, of Whitby, who has been president for the past [was re-elected 1st Vice-President; | Prof, Sissons, of Victoria University, | for many years a resident of Port | two years, becomes President Emer- | 10ronto, 2nd Vice-President, and R. Perry. He was at one time the re- presentative of South Ontario in the ftus. Oliver Hezzlewood, of Toronto, regularly you the |N. Bassett, of Whitby. Secretary= | (Continued on page 13) R ENTIRE § ROCERY ORDER pusehased at Loblaw's will not only ensure ighest quality food stuffs obtainable but will continue week by week to show you substantial savings. Shop in Comfort the LOBLAW WAY. Items marked Special on Sale for Week November 27 to December 3rd Choice ver sereiense NG. 2 Size Tin PEAS--Aylmer Fancy Jum- bo, Sweet, Tender Layee 2 Size Tin CORN-- Aylmer -- Choice Br CORN-- Golden Bantam Aylmer, Fancy Quality... No. 2 Size Tin SPINACH--Aylmer, Fancy DICED BEETS -- Aylmer Choice Savings at Loblaw's 9c 19¢ 2 Tins 23¢ 16¢ Quiz. Ne-2 2 Tine 29¢ Rete: 2 Tins 19¢ "For Lighter Pastry" Watch Our Windews This Week--FEATURING the Following Nationally Known Products at SAVINGS SHORTENING at the SPECIAL PRICE OF DOMESTIC and EASIFIRST 2 1b. a4 Tin 29 | ALSO FEATURED PURITY FLOU "Best Special for all Baking Price~ 24 1b. Purposes" BAG 81 Ready for Use FRY'S OCOLATE SYRU ™ 24c¢ THE FOOD TONIC Ovaltine Mdign Sim 750 "For Soiled and Stained Hands" Lather-0 2 ces 25¢ No Dust No Rust Bel. Liquid Stove Polish Nonsuch 17¢ CATELLI'S Eggweat Noodles PACKAGE 9¢ ft From the sea toyour Table LILY BRAND Chicken Haddie mw 2]c SPECIAL--BEEHIVE or CROWN Brand ICORN SYRUP 214'231° "Sweeter than Sugar" Fe et LEE SPECIAL--LINCOLN Brand--Choice Quality TOMATOES ™ Wholesome and Appetizing. EE ------------ SPECIAL--<QUICK QUAKER--The Full Weight Package OATS 2 Quaker Oats Ensure Health for the Entire Family SPECIAL--The Handy Household Soap SOAP COMFORT LIBBY'S Homemade PICKLES Tenth Boys' Parliament of Ontario. Small. Packages O Bars 30° An Excellent Opportunity ue LOC Save Now! 15° to Save!! Y, 2) ABOVE ALL! Splendid Blends of LOBLAW'S Quality Teas To Suit Taste & Purse EGYPTIAN BLEND TEA PERO" Hi 23c Hn 45¢ No..1 BLEND--Black & Mixed %1b. 37c 11b. 73c No. 2 BLEND---Biack & Mixed 15 1b. 28c 11b. 55¢ No. 3 BLEND--Black & Mixed 1%1b. 23¢ 11b. 45¢ TRUMPET BRAND--Black TEA 1b. - 37c Tea Tastes Vary but All Are Suited at LOBLAW'S We Sell For

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