Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Nov 1930, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1930 DELIGHTFUL TEA UNDER AUSPICES COURTICE W.M.5. Pleasant Afternoon Spent at Home of Mrs. S. S. Brooks BE Nov, 10--=The beautiful home of Mrs, S. S. Brooks, wasthe scene of a delightful afternoon on Friday last, when the Courtice Wom- 's Missionary Auxiliary served tea trom 3.30 p.m, until about 7.30, Small tables were set in .the liviig room and dining room, each table having a bouquet of small yellow mums.' Mrs, Brooks in her usual happy manner reecived her guests and entertained them until they were shown into the tea rooms where several ladies of Courtice, the W.M.S, served the tea, * The first course of the meny was bread and butter, served with pressed veal, let- tuce, potato salad and sweet pickles. Then light and dark cakes were pass- ed and tea water-ice biscuits, The ladies were kept busy and some visit~ ors were present from Oshawa and Bowmanville, The proceeds were $20 to be used for W.M.S, allocation, Services on Sunday were fairly well attended, It being our Thank Offering Sunday, special music was rendered by the choir. In the morn. ing two selections by the choir and a solo "Dear to the Heart of God," hy Mrs, W. R, Courtice, Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wollgain, preached a fine Thanksgiving sermon on' "My cup runneth ovtr." In the evening an anthem by the choir and a pretty duet and chorus; Mrs, Ross Pearce and Mrs. Kenneth Courtice singing the duet, Our pastor preached an- other splendid sermon on "Armis- tice." The request was made in the morning for an offering of $500 and the amount was nearly realized as our offering was $488 but there are several dollars vet to come in and we Christmas Sailings Dec. 8th LANCASTRIA from Halifox to Ply mouth, Havre and london, + + + Dec, 13th LETITIA from Halifex to Be!- fost, Liverpool ond Glasgow. (leaving Saint John Dec, 12th), Direct trains fo the ships side, + Askaboutourspecial Christmas excursions on these ships, + Book through The Cunard Line, Corner of Bay and Welling. ton Streets, Toronto, (Tel, Elgin 3471), or any steamship agent, CABIN + THE WAITS! Christmas, There are Cunard Christmas ships to take you over, Fine, steady ships, carrying with them the very spirit of Christmas . . . offering splendid accom modation to the traveller who prefers Tourist Third Cabin, and for only $187 (and up) round trip. CHRISTMAS SERVICE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE TOURIST THIRD CABIN + Hear them at home this = TTC) THIRD CLASS Rosy Cheeks for indoor days Crisp cold air brings a touch of color to every one, but it soon passes unless good health keeps it there. Shredded Wheat is an ideal indoor-weather food. It contains the mineral salts that make healthy red blood and the bran that promotes regular habit even though exercise is restricted. Plenty of nourishment--and easily digested toe. Eat Shredded Wheat every morning--a biscuit or two with hot milk for a delicious, vital. izing breakfast, WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Teacher "Skinny" Nervous, Gains Pep 14 Lbs. in 3 Weeks ST. AURELIE, P.Q.--" Was ner- vous, exhausted. So skinny, was embarrassed," gays Miss Alphonsine Fortier, teacher. "Tried Ironfzed Yeast. Gained 14 Ibs, in 5 weeks. Now healthy and happy," Teachers, lawyers, doctors nur- ses, mothers, ministers all write of gains of 6 to 16 bs, in 3 weeks with new Ironized Yeast, Blemished skin clears, "Nerves," constipation, in- digestion Bo. overnight, New pep first day. : Ironized Yeast is two great ton. les in one. Welght-building brew- ers' Yeast plus strengthening, blood-enriching Iron. Many times more effective than unmedieated yeast, Results fn half the time, Don't be "Skinny," weak, ner- vous, in danger of serious ills. Take these pleasant little tablets. No yeasty taste; no gas, If not de- lighted with quick gains, manufac- turer réfunds money, Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. New pounds quick, expect to get the amount re- quested, Next Sunday evening the service will be incharge of the W.M S, when Mrs, Carscallen, of Whitby, will ad | dress the meeting and there will be | special music, Mr and Mrs, Ross Pearce, Mr, an! Mrs, Kenneth Courtice, and Rev. J H and Mrs, Stainton, of Pickerigy, attended the supper, at Kirby, Monday evening, Mrs, Stain Mrs, Pearce over Ys ton an mg the gnter in the concert after the Supe. were amo in Pickering for weeks, was home for I hanksgiving Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stafford, Osh- awa, M: ( o a lew holid Ju were ay | tainers per Mis. Hazze! Walter, who has been [ visitors. at ston A Mh ; , and Mast | spending a few Wolfr: Harry are . ) days with friends iu via Osborne, Toronto way und her n Eli Osborne, accompaniec ronto, where sl pending 50 visiting relatives: and 1c 18 Wm, Rundle, Bethesda isiting her daughter, Mrs. Esli Oke Miss Aura Broks is visiting her sister, Mrs. Marshall Soules in Tor- onto, Mr, onto, mother, and Mrs, Otis Morden, T« spent the week-end with his Mrs, John Morden, and sis- ter, Mrs, Frank Rundle Mastes Jack Soules, Toronto, spent the holidays at his grandfather's, Mr S. 8. Brooks, Mr, and 'Mrs, R, C. Hill and Mr, and Mrs, loronto, were Sunday Jack Short's Mr, 'Ronald Courtice, Toronto, was | home over the week-end and | 'Khanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Haines, Toron- (to; spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. W, H. Nichols Mr. Rae Brooks and his mother, Mrs, S. 5S. Brooks, were with Mr and Mrs. Marshall Soules Thanksgiving Day, Short, Tony Bert Short visitors at Daily Annoyance Troub'esome Nights | Caused By Bladder Weakness Are Wrecking Health of Thousands Who Sh@uld Be in Prime of Life / A big percentage of men and wo- men of mature years are troubled with Bladder and Urinary Weak, ness, causing Backaches, Nervous- ness, frequent night risings and burning irritations throughout the day. These conditions not only make life miserable, but they sap vitality, undermine health and fre quently lead to most painful opera tiona. { In order to swiftly relieve even the most obstinate and distressing ARMY OF PEACE TO ABSORB WORKLESS Interesting Suggestion Made by Vancouver Merchants OF COURSE j= LOBLAW 59: 58 the LOW PRICES LUCORI hots Interest Them... but the crowds of busy housewives who daily throng the ninety-eight Loblaw Groceterias throughout Ontario, know that the quality of the goods displayed there has been the first consideration of the Loblaw staff of experienced Buyers, who scour not only the markets of Ontario,but those of the wholeworld, choos- ing only the finest foodstuffs for Loblaw Customers. FEATURING TH THIS 8 WEEK These Specials on Sale Week of November 13th to 19th 'COCOA DON'T FORGET | spr suis Real Tasty 2 tis at the SPECIAL PRICE of 1, 1b. 1c Tin Be Wise--Drink Fry's CANNED GRAPEFRUIT--"It's Delicious", Each tin contains five servings. Y, 2 size lin GELATINE--Dayis' Zon Packages JELLY POWDER--McLaren's Invincible, 6 phgre toa carton assorted ... ... Carton Vancouver, Nov. 13.--Recruit- ment of a national army of work- ers to he fed, paid and maintained at productive occupations on the publis demsene as soldiers of peace is advocated by a group 'of Van- couver's leading business men in an Armistice Day message. First name on this memorial to members of Parliament and busi- ness leaders of Canada is that of Sir George Bury. former ezecutive of the C.P.R, The plan, as embodied in the memorial follows: Expressing the belief that the current economie depression impos- ing suffering and hardship upon thousands of families is a condi- tion comparable to war, they call upon Canada's national leaders to employ drastic measures such as war would justify, 1---Receniting army, 2---Voluntary enlistment. 3-~Acceptance upon proof of un- employment and no other means of existence, 4---Enlistment for six months, Stcres at 39 Simcoe North and 156 5im- coe South. Open 8 a.m. till 6 p.m, Wed. 8 a.m. till 12.30, Sat. 8 a.m. till 10.30. 11c 24c CHILI SAUCE Aylmer Green La- bel...... 12 oz. Bil PICKLES -- Sweet Mixed and Sweet Mustard --Queen- land... 16 oz. Jar PEANUT BUTTER Jack and Jill Br. The children love ....Toy Pail NE - Mrs. Hamilton's, Homemade Style, Esceptional vale & 4c a 1 Giant Airship Balloon yi with ith every 3Cels Purchase Palmolive Soap 3 Cakes 21° You owe it to Your Guests to serve Pride of Arabia COFFEE ey CATSUP wisn. 21° "Makes Hard Water Like s BY'S~ Style LEX PICKLES tes ur GILLEX Soaks Clothes Whiter Pg. 10c SPECIAL--A Pure RINSO 3 Pigs. 25¢ Hard Laundry Soap TIGER BRAND SURPRISE CATSUP SOAP Bars 45° Large Bottle J9¢ 98 Groceterias in Ontario of a peaceful 29¢ We are now selling an entirely new Package 39: HONEY 42 1b. 43° Pail Here is Health and Economy 24c 16¢ 33c 21c b~-Army pay, army regulations,' nrmy allowance to dependents, 6 -- Boarded in camps, fed, tiain- | ed physically and entertained as | at war, | 7---Furnished with the tools of peace, 8--Used for works on the pub- lle demsene and not for privat ex- ploitation, There are all kinds of work that should be undertaken but until. it could be organized this army should be given physical drill and treated as if training for war but without war Instruments, moe ibby's, inest Quality, bulk, 1b, 18¢€ For stained & soiled hands LATHER-0 2 Cakes 25¢ 21° Blueberries | No. 2 Size Tins ORANGE MARMALADE -- Shirriff' Pile Sufferers End Your Misery Without Salves or Cutting External treatments cannot per- manently end Piles. Nor does cut- ting remove the cause, The cawse is internal--bad eir- culation of the blood in the lower bowel. The veins are flabby---the bowel walls weak--the parts al- most dead. To quickly and safely rid yourself of piles an internal medicine must be used to heal and strengthen the affected parts, Dr, J. 8. Leonhardt, a specialist, after years of study discovered a real {internal Pile remedy. He named his prescription HEM-ROID, and prescribed it for 1000 patients, with the marvelous record of suc- cess in 960 cases, and then decidea every Pile sufferer should be able to get HEM-ROID from their own druggist, Don't waste time on external remedies or think of the pain and expense of an operation until you have tried HEM-ROID. Jury & Lovell, Ltd, will supply you and guarantee money-back if it does not end all Pile misery. LT Hk Bi a i = of there conditions, Dr. Southworth (a well known physician- offers you the value of a time-tested prescrip tion called "Uratabs"and you are | invited to try it at once, without | slightest risk of ccst unless pleased, At all druggiste, One Thin Woman Gained 9 Pounds in 20 Days With McCOY'S Cod Liver Extract Tablets Weight iu noeded | building tablets will G0 tablets 60 centy at Jury & Lovell, Lid, T. B. Mit. chell, W, H, Karn and druggists everywhere, Gain 5 pounds In 28 days er money back----Just ask for McCoy's, When these health delight you mee HAWES' FLOOR WAX You can't get good results with . pout yeland | Jou canriot get a goo 3 ess tains good ents, That is why you, § pul ed HAWES" Ask for HH hp name, y Hawes & Co. Limited Dottato 27 FAMOUS AS AS HAWES LEMON OIL PASTE OR LIQUID Youre right -it has the real Canadian Tomato Havor" TASTE AYLMER Tomato Soup. Note its fresh, zest- ful flavor. This finer natural flavor comes directly from the red-ripe, fuller-flavored Canadian-grown Tomatoes--the world's finest. The "AYLMER" process of canning retains this superior Canadian flavor and all the healthful Vitamins, There's a different "AYLMER" Soup for every day in the week, Serve these all: Canadian soups often, Always ask for AYLMER: Soups Vegetables Asparagus Peas Asparagus Bears Kraut Beets Pumpkin Raspberries Carrots Spinach Sher Fruit Rrctch Corn Tomatoes Pears Strawberries Also Jams, Jellics Catsup, Chili Sauce and Beans wi Fruits Pineapple Peaches Tomato Vegetable Green Pea Celery Chicken with Rice 'Better 'Because, Apples Apple Sauce icots Plums Oxtail rries Consomme AYLMER PRODUCTS ARE SOLD BY - ALL SUPERIOR STORES

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