Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Nov 1930, p. 7

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anata ccm et mat tthe A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1930 PAGE SEVEN =~ THE C wieiees" where Sh 'D SE ~~ Meets . Seller CTIO0 4 N...; GONANT & ANNIs BARRISTERS Solicitors Notaries Public. Bte Conveyancing and peners) prac tire of Law Offices 7% Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Phone 4 G D. Conant, BA.. LL.B; A. P. Ar als B.A, LLB Cone a A merce Bu nr, JOBEPH P MANGAN, B.A --DAR J rister Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyuncer. Loney to loas Of fice 141% King St East, Osbawa Phoue 445. ResiCence phone 837 CRIPRBON-- CRETORTON AND Frzeeyr, Barristers, Conveyancers, ssaries Public, ste. Office over ftagdard Bank. Entrance Simcoe coe St. Phope 12. J. F Or reson, K.C., 7. K. Creighton '"* » ; Fraser, B.A. i 8. HYMAN, B Solicitor, Notary, over Store Money to loan street oorth, Phone 67. fence 34738W GRFER AND P 8 BAR- risters, Solicitors, etc, 24% Sim- soe St. N. Phone 8160. Money to Loan, ALEY G. HALL JA, BARRIS ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 22% King B5t, East Phone $237. (te) A. j. PARKHILL BARKISPER etc. Money to loan. Alger Bldg op posive Pnst Office. Phone 1614 FRANK S. y A ! R. Solicitor, Notary 'ublie, Convey- saucer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Buillin', opposite Poa. Office. Phone 2090 STER, Dewland's 16 Simcoe Res! Dental DR. £ J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special ettention to X-rey work. Gas estraction. Nurse In Siandanen. Phone 9069. Hous Dit HM COOKD, 9 SIMCOE &7 north, osar Mitchell's Drug Store Ga' for estraction. Phone 64 DR J F BROCK, DENTIST 16 Simeoe St N, over Dewland"s Phone 1967 Res 2J2W. Evenings bv appointment, RB. LANGMAID, DR. DAVIES Dencists, 37 King St. E. Species) attention to gas extraction anc X ray work. Nurse Ip sttendanre Phones 1243 and R64 Optometrist Fix Hn TUCK, OPTOMETRIST specialist {n muscle anomalies eyesight and glasses, Author o e Care and Eye Strain, [In Chita and Its Development. (Ms ney Bloek opporite Post Olfice Phone 1516, (Oct, 18-1 mo) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING BT East, Ambulance. Residence 647 Simcoe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W Sa OSHAWA BURIAL CO., M. ¥ Armstrong & Son, Proprietors Puperal and Ambulance Service, day and night. Phone 1082W. 87 Celina. (aL Insurance Medical HAZLEWOOD & HARPER LL Block. Phone 2050. Of fice hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 pm Dr B. J. Haslewood, special attenticn to Sgrgery apd X-Ray Dr. B. H Harper, special attention to cblig ren 8 Diseases and Obstotrics. Sun day and night calls 2416 or 122. DR MCKAY PHVSISIAN, SUR geon, Accoucher Office and res! dence King St. East, corner Vie toria St., Oshawa. Phone 94. 4 RRY, PHYSICIAN Obstetrician, diseases O and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1185. ~ DR. R, M.D. ou . R. C. P and 8 Edinburg y HA, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Offine 143 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2020, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North. Phone 3155. . "ARCHER 2ROWN, PHYS! or ah and Obstetrician, office and vesiden.c J85 Simeoe Street North ohone 3107 a DR_HAROLD TRICK, OBSTET vician Physician and Surgeon. Special reference to maternity work and dis- cases peculiar to women. Office and residence 167 Simcoe Street North Phone 303. ; Saad RW. GRAHAM, M.D, T=c, TX C.C., physician, surgeon, obstetric- jan, 3 years' Dost 3 graduate, 0% years general practice, Special at- tention to maternity work, Office 142 Simcoe St. N, Office and resid- | ence, Phone 3020. (Oct, 28-1 mo) Ocean Tickets ay OCEAN TICKETS, ALL COMPAN fes. 09 Simcoe Bt. South, Tele phone 515 for a personal call, if desired. Qct. §-1 mo) AY 5° BOOKED FOR all lines by expert staff. O.P.R. ol tice. 11 King B. Phone 40 or 41 for private interview at your home. (Oct, 2-1 mo) DR, SHIRLBY, VETBRINARIAN Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim- als, Cat and Dog Hospital. 203 King West. Telephone 629. (5 aug. tt DR, W. D., FORSYTHE, honorary graduate of Ontario Vet: erinary College, seventeen years' experience. Fees moderate. Thorn- ton's Corners. Phone 208 r 2 Ear, Nose, DAVIS AND BON, INSURANCE 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re putable Fire Companies, WHEN PLACING INSUNANGE e~nsuly N. N. Johns, &0 Simcoe gorth, Your insurance wants at tended to and your luterests pro tectod mie CANADIAN MOTOR UNDER writers, Automobile insurance pol fcy holders received 25 per cent refunds past eighteen years Agency Germond Cigar Store. Open evenings. (Oct. 27-1 mo» accounts of this nature. -------- All Classified Advertising | Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and lose arising from handling a large number of small For the convenience of Oshawa customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, = telephone call will bring @ messenger viho will receive the advertisement and collect for same. Times Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Caulking For Rent TIOUSES CAULKED. FOR ESTI- mate and price phone 2431W, (Oct, 31-1 mo) HOUSLS CAULKED, WINDOWS cleaned, storms replaced. Have it done by an Oshawa man. Phone prices 2927). (Oct. 9-1mo) Dancing | MADAME HENDKIL'S™ SCHOOL of dancing and physical culture for | children and adults Lessous given avery evening from 6.20 p.m. ano on Saturday's from 2 pm. lor particulars call at 169 Church street, Oshawa, or phone 874M »* above hours, (Oct, 6-1 mu) Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE COLE- man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance baullng. Smith & Cox | Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB lished furniture movers. Park Road cartage. Local and long distance | Frank Cowle Prop. 65 Park Rd | south, Phone 215. (Oct, 24-1 mo) | GIBSON BROS. CARTAGE AND | | moving saud, gravel and cloders { Phone 1320F. (Oct. 13-1 mo! Painting and Decorating it. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA perhanger, painting and graining Prices right, work guarauteed, 840 Pine Ave., phone 3065w or 2067w V.S. | (7211) | Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE shop. Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving. Per manent ware prices $5, $7.60 $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phone 2068. Apply 80 Simcoe street north Sy MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poo $1. Phone 2908. ne A ) BARBER AND Beauty Shop, b Celina St. We spec- falize in ladies' balr cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For apprintments phone 2653. (Oct. 18-1 mo) ---- Auctioneer PHONE 716) W ). SULLEY AUC vioneer. 346 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Qaot. Special attention given to i hi 1a furniture sales and Farm. Oct. 11-1 mo) t Specialist DR IF T BRYANS OF 160 BL.OOR Street West Toronto will be at his offive over Jusv & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m.. {or gonsoltation and treat- ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat oaly Appointments may be made at drug store Phone 97 stock and Implements Your Patron we solicited Ee -- Watch Repairing FA. VON GUNTGEN EXPERT Swies watchmaker, repalr shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat ronage is eolicited RR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat yr ARDSON. specialist Office over Mitchell's Drur Store Phone 26060 and 432) Classified Ads First insertion 1% cents per word, Minimum charge for one insertion 30c. Each subsequent eon- secutive insertion 1c per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for the price of two first (Insertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box uwumber 10c¢ addi tional. " rpfesrional or Business Cards, $2.50 per morth for 20 words or Jess; 10 cents a word por month for cath ad: aitional word. Phone 35 Ask = (Slumuliiog Ad ak De ent Ne aL Money to Loan {OANS ON GOOD CIVY PROPER ty aud farws. Apply A. J Park bill, 87 King 8t. Eust. Phone 1614, (July 31 ON YOUR AUTOMOBILE GANS ce-financed. Paymects reduced \dditional cash given. 'l'erms rea sounble. Motor Loans aud Dis counts, Sulte 2, 14'3 King St EB (upstairs), Phone 2700, Qpen even {ngs. (Aug. 15th) Hemstitching ABNFTITCHING, PICOTING, nine cents a yard. Skirts pleated, one dollaz All kinds of beautiful embroidery worked goods, smock: ing, eto. Alterations and dress making. 'I'be Dell shop, 2614 Slm coe south, phone 1656. (Oct, 23 moo _---- SS Spirells Shop i "BRINGS nealth, comfort. Persona: won and service. Phone Mrs ter, District Manager, 2189M (Oct, 24-1 mo) MRS. DERUMAUX. SPIRELLA Corsetiere, morth east district Phone 2343), (Qct, 24-1 mo) Fa : ZR ess Palmist MADAME RENA PALMIST. 846 'Buena Vista Appointments Phone 1166W. (Oct. 6-1 mo) MADAME BROWN, PALMIST. business private. 93 Louisa Sreeit. | Phone 2036F, (Qet 21.1 mad STYLE atten Gla EE a a | soclate Music HERBERT C TRENEER, A.T.C M., Organist and Choirmaster c! King Street Church will accept pupils in plano, pipe organ and vocal music. 60 William Streat Hast. Pbene 2306, (Sept. 2 (f» LEONARD RICHER, LRAM. SU pervisor of Music, 0625 Carnegie Avenue. 2578F (Aug. 25tf) WANTED--=A LIMITED NUMBER of music pupils in Westmount dj trict, Prices moderate, Phone 2182] (10 Architects C. C. STENHOUSE GENERAL architectural work. 7b) { keeping. | | | econd floor | SIMCOE MANOR -~ FOUR AND five room suites, electric stoves, refrigeration, laundry, conveni- ences, Apply superintendent phone 2671. (b6Lr VICTORIA APARTMENTS -- AT new low rentals, electric refr!gera tion, electric stove, washing mach ino and dryer, Apply superintend: ent Phone 2633F (6bLLy FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, suitable for one or two gentlemen or young married couple. Appiy 137 Simcoe north. Phone 1236W (82t1) 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS modern to the minute. Moderate rentals. Phone 1560 or 2847W. (87t0) APARTMENT 4 ROOMS AND tiled bath, Murphy bed, water. electric light, telephone, central, steam heat. Newly decorated. Ap ply Box 992 Times. (881) T0 RENT--DBACHETCOR APART- ment, partly furnished, Steam heat, newly decorated, centrally located, Apply Box 16 Times, (06tr) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS For Rent PURNIBHED TWO 100M APT. heated or unheated, hot water, private entrance and conveniences, Very central, 96 Centre St, (107¢) TO LET--A SIX ROOM HOUSE, central, on very easy terms to right: party. One room retained. Phone 1436M between 7 and 9 p.m, (107¢) TO" RENT -- 2° FURNISHED rooms, bathroom, light, heat and gas, 20 Maple St. Phone 799W, (107¢) FOR RENT="756 JARVIE™ BT. Apply to Conant & Aunis, (M-W-F tf) FURNISHED BEDROOM WITH all convenience, suit two, Apply 79 McMillan Drive, hone 2329W. * (106¢) FOR RENT--99 McLAUGHLIN boulevard $30.; 316 Haig Street $10; 04 Centre St. $20; 112 Burke St, $35; 636 Summerville $20. Murdoch, 27 Warren, (1074) For Sale or Exchange FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE 150 acres including crop, stock and im- plements, stock consists of 7 milk cows, 6 young cattle, 3 horses, 1 brood sow and some fowl, General line of implements on the farm. First class buildings. Price com- plete $7,300. Will consider some Oshawa pifoperty in exchange, Ap- ply 17 Ontario Street (107h) Wanted to Rent WANTED SMALL APARTMENT or unfurnished rooms for two ladies. Centrally located, Apply Box 27 Times, (105¢) TWO TURNISHED ROOMS Olt small flat for mother and three children for light housekeeping. Reliable, Phone 1400, (106¢) WANTED TWO OR THRE TN. furnished rooms, private conveni- ences, central, Apply Box 29, (107a) WANTED TO RENT--8IX ROOM- ed house or bungalo near General Motors office by young couple. Would lease phone 1429F, (107¢) Articles For Sale RADIO §25 ATWATER KENT five tube Complete with batteries and Baldwin speaker. Apply I. D Dickie, Lake. (106¢) ---------------------------------------- FOR SALE ONE LARGE MAN'S tailor made Black Melton Cloth overcoat, never been worn. Apply Every convenience for light house Phone 3338W, (104e) | TO RENT BRICK HOUSE ON | Brock St. East, sion, Apply 119 Brock St. E Immediate posses- | | (1050) | ftoyal Bank Building Phoue 1496 | SIX ROOMS, GOOD LOCALITY. | | oak floors throughout, Electric or | Res. phone 909) : { THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS. architects, Simcoe SL. Over elt Bros. | Work Wanted MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS position .as housekeeper, refer- ences, Phone 1407J. FURNITURE REFINISHED AND upholstered, Batisfaction guaran- teed. Phone Whitby 549, Oshawa 2082). George A. Constable, (Nov, 5-1 CAMP SHADES , AND™ BED lights made and re covered Apply 166 Arthur Street. hone 2159] 100 Building Supplies grave! for saie--To fgrure prompt delivery, place af delivery date, Phone 1618 RRR ho " a---- A --- Radiu Service BATIK CHARGED with rental $1.00 Ivepaired rebulit. Called for and Prompt service. Stap Bligdon, Mill St. Phone 1885W (Oct. 24-1 mo) REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES QF sets, Prices reasonable. Your radio tested while in operation. Batteries recharged. George Burroughs, Rae diotrician, Phone 2806\V. (Oct, 4-1 m) OSHAWA RADIO SERVICER pairs on radlos, power packs aud eliminators. supplied, radio poles Batteries charged aud Phone 3350J. Charles Wales 146 @1gifi enat, (Oct. 13-1 mo! CARR UR RADIO BATTERY called for aud delivered. 7he Phoue 15066J, (Oct. 20-1 mo} W Borrowdale Te ano for cale repaired, wders in advance | | | central, good condition, immediate (1050) | TO RENT--SIX" "ROOMED BUN- | (107) | | { | | | I all conveniences, delivered | 20 | | nished, Tubes tested and | } room, or bedroom, board optional, mo) | or two rooms for light housekeep- gas, Garage. Splendid condition. | Immediate possession, Bix rooms, possession, Phone 101W for above (105¢) TOR RENT--=BIX ROOM HOUSE. All conveniences. Good locality. Close in. Phone owner 2794W, (105¢) galo, Apply 76 Kenneth Avenue. Phone 13057. (105¢) FURNISHED ~ BED SITTING Ing.. 26 Warren Ave, (106¢) BED SITTING ROOM AND KIT- chenette, nicely furmished, every convenience, 162 Durk St, Phono | 1430J. (106¢) FOR RENT-- 3 ROOM COTTAG! Apply 76 Westmoreland Avenue, after five, (100¢) FURNISHED HOUSE WITH garage, reasonable rent to Couple without children. Apply 144 Elgin East, Pl 316W (106¢) 10 RE IX ROOM HOUSI §, fixtures and grate, | hardwood floors, newly decorated Apply 88 Oshawa Blvd (106¢) TO RENT--3 SMALL HOUSES on Windsor St. 4 vooms cach. Will rent cheap. Apply XK. M, Kay. PPlione 2627TW, (105¢) FOR RENT-- REASONABLE, 4 room vencer cottage, hone 382 r 4, (105¢) FORT RENTATIREET ROOM flat, nicely furnished or uhfur- All conveniences, Electric und gas. Also garage. 21 Warren Avenue, (106¢) (ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW 3 piece bath, furniture, 287 St, Klol $20 month, Apply 122 Prince St (106¢) TO RENT-=¢ LARGE ROOMS built in cupboard, private entrance, on highway in Harmony, , Phone 1088W, (106¢) | | '| Whitby, 85 Yonge Street. (1060) HINED HARD AND 30F1 WOU labs. $3.50 per load. Also bone dry [rudy wood Waterous Meek Limited Phone 1288 (Apr 26m} FOR SALE --- PAINTS, VARN shes. We bave the largest assort rent of paints, varnishes, etc., ip in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west (Apr. 26 t0) OLD FRAME BUILDING FOR sale 16 x 24 at 442 King street east, (107a) SPECIAY, SALE AUTOMOBILE tires, new, 30 x 8%, $3.75. Over size $4.75. Used tires all sizes, 12 Richmond East, Open evenings. (107¢) Wanted To Buy MIGHEST CASTI™ PRICLS PAID for good used furniture and stoves. Phone 271 or 56 King Street, west (Oct. 21.1 mo.) Apples For Sale COOKING APPLES AND 35 irge basket: Russet pears 30c and 50c large basket delivered, Phone 2806W. (Oct, 21-1mo) APPLES FOR SALE--1000 BAR- rels of apples for sale in baskets, bushels or barrels, One barrel or more delivered to Oshawa resi. dents, J. Iallock, Brock N. telephone 496 (Nov 250 23¢ St 4-1 wo) Help Wanted--Male WANTED=FOR THLE OSHAWA Collegiate and Vocational Institute, a Shop Director for the Technical De- partment, Duties to begin January 2, 193} Applicants must be {fully qualified man. Written applications to be sent (. H. R, I'uller, business administya- tor, Board of Education, Oshawg, Ont, (PF. 8. W) Furs Repaired FURS, REPAIRED, RENODEIL- led, couts made to order. Kxpert workmanship, Phone 2373J. 143 Prince Streot. (Oct, 20-1 mo) Liberal salary for the right | _ Personal application desirable. | = 10 | Weather Stripping ATTENTION -- STOP THAT draught with Chamberlain's metal weather strip and caulking. Cheaper and better than storm cash. I's better because it's cor- rugated, All work guaranteed, Estimates gladly given, T. A, Mor- gan, 172 Mary St. Phone 496, (Oct, 21-1 mo) in Elocution MISS EVELYN TRICE, MIST. ress of elocution, will prepare pup fis for examinations set by Torou- to Conservatory, Phone 134, (Oct. 14-1 mo) CESBONETIN™ BLOCUTION AND public speaking, private or in classes, For terms phone Lois Mundy, No. 85 or 312, (Oct, 13-1 mo) Help Wanted--Female CADIES WANTED AT ONCE with some knowledge with artist's brush. Apply after noon or evening. Fireside Art Novelties, 203 King St. East, Oshawa. (Oct, 25-1mo) RELIABLE WOMAN WANTED Phone (106¢) children. 30 years or over, 426P, Vocal MARION B. ROSS. A. T. C. M., will accept pupils in voice produc tion and singing. Phone 6. (Oct. 20-1 mo) For Sale or Rent FOR HALE OR RENT --100 acres, Concession 9, Lot Dar- lington Tp., frame house and barn. Apply 709 Ontarjo St, To- ronto, M.¥, Collins, 106¢) FO? SALE OR RENT--NO. 242 Court St, Oshawa, brick house, conveniences, No, 485 Cubert St., Oshawa, frame house, water and electricity. Cromwell Ave. (near Elmgrove Ave.), small frame house, All Immediate possession Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris ters, &c., Oshawa, Ont. Phone No 4. (W and F ttf, 2 Pets and Livestock BARRED ROCKS AND WHITE Leghorn pullets for sale. 5% months old. Apply after 6 p.m. Phone 3125). (106¢) FOR SALE-- YOUNG PIGS, 7 weeks old, Phone 16561 r 2-3. (107a) | Los: and Found LOST--BBETWEEN OSHAWA & Enfield a violin in Case, Finder phone or Apply Alexander Bros' Service Station, North Osh. awa # (106b) LOST--BLACK LEATHER REY container, containing 5 koys. Fin- der please leave at the Post Of- fice, (107¢) Second Hand Dealer NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR: niture bought and scid. 186 Bloor | street east, Phone 1617M. (Oct. 24-1 mp) please for general housework, good with |: Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE, MATERNITY. work. Borrowdale, phone 1618, y Excellent references, Mrs. (Oct. 20-1 mo) NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF by-law was passed by the Council of the City of Oshawa on the 20th day of October, for the issue of debentures to the amount of $7,000.00 for the pur chase of certain lands required for Industrial Sites, and that such by- law was registered in the registry office of Whitby in the County of Ontralo, on the 24th day of Octo- ber, 1930, Any motion to quash or set aside the same thereof must three months after the first pub lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, BY-LAW Notice fis hereby given that a hardwood floors, coal grate, Disney Offers Beautiful end. 6 home 1n north rooms, sunroom, garage, Cosy well bulls home. Priced way down below value for quick sale. Phone 1550 1920, providing or any part be made within Disney Bleek EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscle anomaite eyesight and glasses, 1516~Phone--1518 Opposites Post Offices Dated the 28th day of October, 930, F. E. HARE, Clerk. (101-107-112) street is that you know which way you're going to get knocked down. --Judge. men are now being staged in Paris. London has had summer sales for years.--Humorist ing what the country was talking about before prohibition. Qurur re- collection {s that it was prohibition, ~--Brandon Sun, The beauty of crossing a one-way COAL COAL Phone 198 W. J. SARGANT Wrestling matches between wo- Cver the border they're wonder- Machinery Repailing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sky 161 King St. VW. Phone 1214 HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert mechanics, Old floors finished like mew. General Contractors, B. W, HAYNES 161 King St. West PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. 8. We Delives Phone 481 Residence 3078W ROYAL YORK LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 824 Whitby 12 Toe Tea Fekoe Halt Pound re ASC At all Superior Stores Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH D. and E. ANTHRACITE COAL 2,000 Ibs, to a ton W. J. TRICK CO,, LID. 25 Albert St, EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always MONEY TO LOAN On your car if you need cash, To ve-fi your present contract. 2 Motor Cars GHT YOUR CAR WASHED Al Jominion Garage, §8 Bond strect west. Plone 31F8. All cars at one price $1.00. (Oct 18-1 mo) | | =z i --------------------------SE--. Dressmaking dresses, algo smocking and em- broidery work, IPhone 577J, 211 | Albert Street, (Oct, 15-1mo) | Auction dale | THE UNDERSIGNED HAS RE- | ceived instructions to sell by public | auction, on the farm of Walter Trull, Lot 30, Concession 4 Darlington, | farm stack, implements, hay, grain, roots furniture. Sec Bills, Sale at 1230 Sharp, Friday, November 7, 1930. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. (106¢) Contracling CONTRACTING CONCERTE | To finance private sale of your car, Drive While You Pay G. L. SCOTT Motor Loans & Discounts 2 King St. _-- Sui $25.00. Special .... Dominion Clothing Ww. "hone a ta oo 214 14% King Street East (Upstairs) Open Evenings « Phone 2790 REPAIRING Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner W TCHFES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch fs not giving satistaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time, D.J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh- awa Railroads 20 King St, W. Phone 18Y A few 1930 model Philco and Radiola 33 per cent. off, terms. Special Reduction Radios at Ontario Motor Sales Limited 99 Simcoe Strect Soulls plastering, electric cr alterations | Phone 139 for estiwates, | (18Ln) Money Wanted WANTED-=§3000 IIRST MORT- gage on new brick house, good security. + Box 113 Oshawa Daily Times, (107b) b PHY YOUNG Yee CAREW LumBiR (© ATHOL I BRINGING UP FATHER I DON'T WANT "To WAKE ANYBODY. i IT MUST BR AFTER ONE- BY GEO. McMANUS pi fi i ® 1920, Int"! Feature Servien, Ind, at Britain rights reserves, WHAT DO You MEAN BY COMING IN AT bh THIS HOUR? PO es ea

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