Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Nov 1930, p. 8

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PACE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1936 FIRE CHIEF DIES Ottawa.--Fire Chief Robert Buy- sett, with over 43 years of service m the Ottawa Fire Department, lied here after an illness of several months. His death was attributed '0 a fall he sustained while on duty. BARN CATTLE BURNED Brockville.--A large barn situat- »d on the farm of Leonard Donovan, near Escott village, was destroyed oy fire. together with the Season's srops of hay and grain, also nine read of cattle, Efforts were made 0 get the cattle out of the build- ing, but it is thought they were suf- located by dense. smoke. NEW PLANE ron KINGSTON Kingston,--The Kingston Flying "lub has completed negotiations 'or the purchase of a Gipsy Moth slane from Ottawa, This will put wo machines in operation for the winter. LIBERAL DELEGATES Broekville.--At a meeting of irockville Riding Liberal A tion the following delegates and al- 'arnatives were named to attend the Liberal convention to be held in To- onto early in December: W. H. Comstock and Mrs. G. T. Fulford Jr., Brockville; Jesse Manhard, Elizabethtown; Dr. W, E Throop, Kitley. The alternates are: L. V. Fitzpatrick, Broekville; Bdward Omara, South Elmsley; George Taplin and Gordon C. Cumming. Elizabethtown, The convention will be also attended by W. T. Rog- ers and J. It, MasLaren. Liberal candidates in last Provincial and Federal elections, and by George T. Fulford, ber of the Central Liberal Execu tive. the SENTENCES IMPOSED Prescott.--Two young men, War- ren Reid and John Cuthbertson, appeared before Magistrate H. At- kinson, of Kemptville, charged with theft. Tt was alleged they broke into a house in the township of Ed- "By their ASI CANS you can tell them." CLEERCOAL SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Less than 5 per cent Ash MALLETT BROS. Coal Importers Albert St, Tel. 3000-61 FOR SALE PONTYPOOL POTATOES 1 COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Street West Phone 924 >| over his body. who is a mem-| wardsburg and stole some clothing. | They were both found guilty and each was sentenced to one month in the counties' 8" ai), LINEMA! AN BURNED Brockville.--Theodore H. Con-| nolly, Church street, a lineman em- ployed by the Public Utilities Com- mission, was burned about the face through a "flare" of electricity caused by a short-circuit in a trans- former in Buell street, was working, RUN OVER BY JIGGER fitirling.--An almost fatal acecl- dent occurred at Anson yhen Ches- ter Pero, of Newburgh, a member of the bridge gang working on the C.N.R. near Glen Ross, was run So by the gasoline "jigger." Pero was on the little car enroute to Glen Ross, when a crow bar fell. Hearing the noise when it hit the ties, he leaned over to see what it was, lost his balance and tumbled off. The jigger hit him and passed He is recovering. where he |NO Produce Quotations TORONTO PRODUCE (Buying) Toronto Wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following prices: Eggs-- Ungraded, cases returned, | fresh extras, 46 to 48c; fresh firsts {40 to 44c; seconds, 26¢c; pullet extras, 29 to 30e, Butter--No. 1 Ontario ercamery solids, 50% to 31le; No, 2, 29% to 30ec. Churning 2, 29c, Cheese--No, 1 large, colored, parafliined and government graded, 15% to 16%c. Quotations to poultry shippers are as follows: Poultry-- Alive Sel. MF. Fatted hens, over b lbs. 0 EERE RIE | Over 4 to 6 1bs, each 14 Over 34 to 4 Ibs, ea, 12 Under 33 lbs. each . 10 Spring chickens, over § | RP Over 4% to 5 bs, en. 15 Over 4 to 44 lbs, ea. 13 Under 4 lbs, each , 11 Broilers, 19 to 2% Ibs. cream--=Special, 33c; WHISKEY SEIZED | Kingston. Provincial Consta- | bles Roy Woods and Mason Spear- | man of the Cornwall district, who | happened to be on the Gananoque | highway about three miles east of Kingston seized a brand new coupe and also confiscated about three | hundred bottles of rye whiskey found in the car, The driver of the auto, Norman Pajot, Windsor, was arraigned before County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw, pleaded guilty to a charge of heing illegally in posses- sion of the liquor and was. fined $500 and costs | DREDGE Kingston, The g qui Bay hard at work get- ing out the bottom and deepening the turning basin. Considerable of the sand was taken out by the dredge will bo used for fill on the Canada Terminals Elevator {f the contractors can get the retaining piles in soon en HARD AT WORK Government | | ough, | retail, | ence Market, t Tree Pre ese, Detroit e gun hh r-production is racketeers, - fou Ai to have 6, lets in his hod dent. ey Peterboro Exam en 4 garage fire gar 25 Building Loans Ever stop to consider the effect the lumber you use has on the amount of vour loan monev? It's a very important factor taken in to consideration by every valuator. Good lumber is cheaper not (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED Telephone 2821.2820 Ritsen Rd. North | Cranberries, Quinces, ! kot steady to firm each + Pullets, straight bred 2¢ above chicken prices, Spring ducklings (white), over 5 lbs. each 16 Over 4 to 5 1bs each, 12 Colored, 2¢ 1b, less Guinea fowl, pair (Selling) Toronto wholesale ogering produce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--I'resh extras, 50e; fresh extras, loose, 14c; seconds, 52 to! 2 Siler --No. 2; No. 3240 to 33c. Cheese-- New, large, 17c; twins, 174c: triplets, 17 ic; stiltons, 20c. 01d, large, 27 to 28¢c; twins, 28 to 29¢; old stiltons, 28c, in cartons, 48c; firsts 2 creamery TORONTO FARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, in effect on the St, Toronto: Produce Eggs, extras, Do., firsts, Butter, dalry, per 1b. 0.28 Do., creamery, 1b. 0.40 Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, ¢ bunches Beets, doz, bunches .. Onions, dry, 11 qt. basket Cabbage Cauliflower Spinach, peck Mushrooms, per Leaf Lettuce, threo for Head Lettuce, two for Parsley, bunch Onlone, hunch, three for { Cress, | Celery, Oranges, | Honeydew each Grapefruit, Potatoes, bag . Cucumbers, six for Lemons, per doz. Bananas, per doz. Apples, bus, Do., Snow Oranges, doz. Can, Groen Peas 6 qt. basket ggplant, each (Green peppers, | Pears, baskot 0.00 0.45 per doz. per doz. three head per doz. Melons, for 8 qt. basket qt. 6 qt. Sweet potatoes, Pumpkins, cach Squash, each Parsnips, baskot Bects, basket Peppers, cach {| Herbg, bunch 6 lbs, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Nov. 8.---Cash egg mar and unchanged There appears to be a bit more confidence among trade but no disposition to boost prices. Light deliveries Saturday together with | improved storage movement was | responsible for stronger position of | futures today which closed at day's best levels. Centralized standards of butter with an advance of ha!r | cent accounted tor only change on | today's spot. Undertone appears a |.bit more steady and with futures |closing at higher prices, better | trading is In prospect for balance iof day, Nov.'s and Dec.'s sold When' you tan" Here is for itself. dealers are! | i generally , prints | 1321; (2; Nov. fresh butter, market receipts last year, last year, 7,~ Lawr- | | extras, | today, Eggs today, 10,941; 50¢ When in Ling St. KE, Phone 28 get How long has VAPURE been on the market? Why don't you advertise it more so that suffering humanity will know there is such a relief for our colds? Your local druggist sold me 8 bottle the other day and in four hours a bad case of watery eyes and nose was completely relieved. (Signed) Geo. G. Jones. A few drops of VAPURE on the handkerchief will relieve the most case of head-cold. A BOTTLE need of Drugs 'plione THE REXALL STORES Jury & Lovell Lid. Simcoe St. Phone Pd hold of something real good ft 1s acting "The Good Samari- when you tell other fellow sufferers. an unsolicited testimonial that will speak stubborn After Bosiness Hours- -Phome 358. * FOR UNEMPLOYED No Word From Government As to. Grant -- New Sewer Recommended rt -- The question of providing work for local unemployed men was up tor discussion at the Town Council meeting on Monday evening. The clerk reported that he had received no word from the pro- vincial government regarding the the town's request for reconsidera- tion of its uncmployment relief | grant, which had been cut from $27,000 to $12,000, On this ac- | count, Council hesitated to pro- | coed with part of the work pro- gramme which was planned some weeks azo. The clerk was instruct- ed to get in touch with the Hon orable George 8. Henry, Minister with Be encing light deliveries, Open 6856; Dec. Two 18,418 896. New extras, firsts, Chicago 36c; steady. Eggs, tone steady Street 101,181; Tour today, 93,869; 147,897,360. 30¢ 27¢c to dle; Spot Dec. butter, 813; Jan, 5. York spot market no tone, spread, Eggs, which is 1 creamery, prints, making for a stronger market, commitments-- Nov, eggs, 497; Nov. butter, | butter, | CEES, - Butter, 13,266. Butter, fresh tone firm, Market - standards, fresh to firm. stocks-- last year, markets on fir Butter, 108,913, hand Butter, influ- | of Public Works, and inquire what disposal had made of the town's reques heen Some new work which will em ploy a few men was decided upon. The Council recommended to the Public Utility Commission that it proceed with the construction of the new sewerage force main from the low level pumping station to the C.N.R. bridge on Brock street south. The present six-inch steel main {8s showing signs of deterfora- tion, and it wil be replaced with a six-inch cast fron main at an est!- | mated cost of $3,979.24, of whieh $2,031 is wet aside for local labor tone | raise, Eggs, Hutter, 107.407. TIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September Zith, (Standard Time) Castbound ly, eacept ily, except a [3 a Westbound Daily, i Daily, \ Latty, De except 8 nn Sunday, indy. { nday. 17, except Sunday, ily, except dunday. in escept Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES Effective September ndard Time) (Sta Leave Oshawa AM, PM, [Es Jays, v an s only. 8th, 198 &) w. i% 1 s ard Holidays only CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1930 (Standard Time) Eastbo am, Daily, pom, Daly, p.m. Daily, . Daily. RO Buday BERES a a a.m, Daily. a.m, Daily, m. Daily. 6. 7. 8 3. 7.3 > Daily. und m, Daily; ' 'estbound except Sunday. / ho Daily, except Sunday. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMAN LLE BUS LINES WEEK DAY FCHEDULE (Effective on and after October Oth, 193) (Standard Time) { Leave . This new Kitchen Help 'This New Magic Cook Book contains more than 200 tested recipes. Your copy is all ready for mailing, Send forit, will save you Time Keep a copy of the handy and you'll ne what to serve. New Magic Cook Book ver have to worry about Whether you need a suggestion for lunch . . . for dinner... , or for your tea ests, you'll find the answer in this new handy housewife's help. It's a compact, complete directory of all the good things you'll ever want to make for any occasion . . « and it's FREE! Send us your name and address and a copy will be mailed. Write to-day. Soutof every 1* Canadian women, who bake at home, say they use Magic be. cause it gives consistently better bake ing results. If you use Magic Baking Powder, it will ensure better baking results for you too, *This fact was revesled in a récent Dominion wide investigation STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED GILLETT PRODUCTS TORONTO MONTREAL _ WINNIFLG andb in ell the principei Canadi cities h Look for this mark on every tin. It is our guarantee that Magic Baking Powder does not contain alum or any harmful ingredient. ) / | 6.20 am, 7.20 a.m, | *8.20 wan, | 10.00 am 1135 am, 7.40 pan, 9.30 pam, 10.43 pou. LI pm, Leave Hospital iv 1.40 p.m, bX 1.25 p.m, 00 p.m. a: 4.25 p.m, 215 p.m, 11.5 be m. ne 12.40 pom. 4.0 p.m, 6.45 p.m, Arrive Bowmanville 20 a.m S0¢; | today, | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Whith) 9.45 a.m, 1145 am, 2.45 p.m. 14.45 pam 4.45 pm, 6.45 pon, 8.00 pn, 8.15 pan, 10,30 pan ug po solng Last Leave Arrive Oshawa Buwmanville L105 aon, 10S wi 12.15 pm, $00 p.m, 5.00 p.m, 7.00 p.m, 830 p.m, 1.00 pan, 30 pa A n.arked * connect at ' Whitby with i indsay Busses. (Special Busses for all occasions Ral pu Carslul Lilvars GARTON, PROPRIETOR ROWMANVILLE ion 412 or 360 Qshena Weltag, Roam, 10 Palase Street If the town is ing its government grant in- creased, further work will une | dertaken. In employing local labor Couneil will first glve to men with families, without families and who arc breadwinners. slucee be then: me: gingle met Bix le Eggs, 1,030,8 Twenty-six eit year, last 20.612 ' Year Cheese, year, 61,024,418, Closing price 33%¢c; Dec. bu | butter, 34 : Dec. eggs, bye: GRAIN AT TORONTO at Toronlo prices Grain dealers «quoting the following [grain in carlots: Manitoba Wheat 700; No. ! Northern, Northern, 71¢; No. '69 c¢ per bushel. Price higher than above. Manitoba Oat No. No. 2 feed, 27¢ per bushel (¢ | Gaderich and Bay ports), Millfeed (delivered freights, bags included) per ton, $21.25; shorts, $22.25; middlings, per \ NO 1 Tde, 3, Northern, on track hard, No, le 1 feed, 30¢ ton, gan LR per ton, | : {in jute, | patents, i Ontario £6.00, Toronto; in jute, $5.40, Grain--Wheat, ! oats, 80c; barley, Sic; buckwheat, 7c. HIDES AND WOOL City hides, green, 6c; bulls and brands, 3¢; country hides, green, 6¢; do cured, 6%c to 6¢c; Toronto | city calf, green, 10c; country calf | green, 9c; country calf, cured, 9%c to 10c: city veal kip, 8e: country veal kip, 7c; do cured, 7%c to 8c country grasser kin, 4c to Ge; horsehides, No. 1, $2.00; No, 2, $1.60; No. 3, $1.00: horse- hair, 30c pound; wool, flat, free of rejects, 8c Ib.; rejects, be; tal- low, solid, bbls., No. 1, 314¢ to 4c; cakes, 4c to 4%c 1b, second WANTED--a VOICE The excitement of the first day away at schoo! had died away by nightfall and Peggy, young and home-loving, felt { homesick. Dut tears and Nhours of | lonesomeness were averted by | mother's thoughtfulness--she call- ed Peggy by Long Distance and brought back tho smiles. Now it's & weekly habit! tlantic City is always 'in season' There's never a dull nt at Atlantic City... all.year-round 1s vecationstime! Bracing alr--sports-- ul food=relax- iy pi One of she finest Holels In Atlantic City - ib pd he lusury ol a ents bed t sxorbitant re Ye wire for reqervations. aso ROOMS ~. - OVERLOOWING THE OCEAN _.9%A WATER BATHE AC. Pr Aucliter, RT, adiews, t preference sful in hav-| Montreal, | Bran, {the =0. Monitoba Flour--First patents. | 68¢; | rye, +5 | | al The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and cews will be received of Whitly Branch Office ot Goodly end Chroaicle.~ Telephone by REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H. ORMISTON TOWN COUNCIL IS ASK GOVERNMENT PLANNING WORK TO CHANGE 1.C.A. FINE REGULATIONS Council Endorses Resolution Sent From Town of Carleton Place The town council on Monday | night endorsed a resolution for- warded by the Council of Carleton Plac, asking the provincial govern- ment to contribute towards the cost of maintaining families of mea sent to jail who are unable to pay fines for infractions of the Liquor Control Act which, were they paid would go to the provin- clal treasury, It was pointed out to Council that fines imposed for conviction for certain infractions of the Act, such as keeping lHquor for sale, when gecured as the result of in- formation laid by provincial of- ficers, went to the province, If lald by local police, they went to the municipality where the offense was committed Chief Quantrill pointed out that the game might apply to infrac- tions of the Inland Revenue Act where the Dominion Government received the fines, and where of- fenders if unable to pay went to gaol at the expense of the munici- pality. The Council felt that {f the pro- vincial government wag to allow the municipalities to retain all L. C.A. fines the latter would he bet- ter ahle to pay for the npke families readw went 'p of inner | where . the | Whitby Missionary Gave an Address on "Four Years in Orient" city of th day evening I ith 1 . latter an outstanding mission- returned recently For They also labored for somo | in China. Mrs, McClure te of the Formosa mis church, educational carried on, and the gospel in pie) speaker, w the ary, mosa, time 0 from the work sfon. fleld and medic work the progress « Her much ¢ al ¢ addre " in unusually potent erican interests in Canada, to os tablished and profitable business DOS country manufacturing the commodity on the the tariff (the ba and ARCAD MARKING DOWN PRICES UNLOADING SALE STARTS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6TH, 8.30 A.M. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Get One of Our Large Sale Bills Some of the moral indignation arous- (branch plant are perfectly indlcat- ed across the border over the India |ed. situation might be diverted to the lynching habit at home. U.S. INTERESTS PUTTING BRANCH PLANTS IN CANADA Becoming Base for Supply- in~ Markets Closed to U.S. by Tariffs '"Preferential tariffs and favored- nation agreements with Canada will enable the manufacturer to Increase his Canadian factory out- put, wkich will cut down his unit costs of production to such an ex- tent that the comparatively small population of 10,000,000 Canadians will not deter him from establish- ing a manufacturing base in the tDomiafon.' THIRTY INJURED IN INDIAN RIOTS (By Canadian Prins Lonel Wire) India, Nov, 4--Many per- injured So serious ts Monday in a village near Belga- rk. Ne i anuda 12 lum as state police attempted to are + ® hase for the suppl st the alleged ring-leaders of ofe markets by United ses against forest regulations, means of villagers resisted the arrests of them were injured. With village aroused to fury, the 1 ed of and an Indian urt they were removed to Bel: gaum hospital 1 a serious conditi d men escaped i Bombay, ons were ifacturers, as a tariff barrier the Repu {f banker 15e8 1 1 Ld police, om six constables r were and cffect so seriously h of the of » reign trade anadian Bank Commerce, in Ni w York, estimates the - nubs United States branch factoris Canada at 1.501 I'he *'flight of American fndustr ' to the Do, minfon, he points out, after inve tions, being rapidly bea Several hundred thousand e¢ employed in United States owned plants in Canada as a result of move to value the tariff W ns He finds that tariff changes Howard, manager department the [hic anted 0) WANTED MAN NOW BELIEVED IN U.S. Wire) eich that (By Canadian Press Leas Ottawa, Nov. 3 -- Ti@ Philippe Ladouceur, sub-collector of customs at Hawkesbury, who is charged with the theft of currency both countries have "given an 'from the post-office there, has fled impetus to Am- to the United States, is held by local " police who are working on the case. A car, which police say he was drive ing, has been located at Valleyfield and he has been traced as far as Athelstan on the Quebec-United Sta. tes border. THINK OF IT! In London, England, a comedy success is recorded with a cast com- posed entirely of women. Strange to say, it is not a talkie. -- Brantford Expositor. his "When the point is reached, due tariff legislation, that a well- y another country becomes im- that for are in favorable ible, and there conditions merchandising it within barrier and by shifting se of nroduction for holding increasing the menaced trade, eo premises for the erection of a | spot, OUT OF NOVEMBER INTO overwhelmingly BY APPOINTMENT TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING Stop at the Castrol Sign coe your to Carefree Winter Driving. Er ~ WINTER No [IME CHANGE WINTER GRADE! You can't expect a summer grade of motor oil to do a cold weather job. Change to the Winter grade of Castrol this very day. ASK FOR CASTROL Grade "Z". have to foot a serious bill of expense if you do not heed this warning. Change the oil in your transmission system as well! This is equally im- portant. Ask for Castrol Grades "R" or "DW?" for this purpose. Castrol Winter grades are specially produced to meet the driving con. ditions of our bitter Canadian Winters. Available everywhere, through Independent service stations and garages. You may

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