-- EE Ol a SA pa i COCA Ah PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1930 PUBLIC SCHOOL GRIDIRON FINALS WILL BE PLAYED TOMORROW Local Public School Rugby Championships for Year 1930 | Will be Decided Tomorrow Tomorrow ls Big Day ' for Four of Oshawa's Public Schools -- Cedardale and Ritson Rd. Meet in Senior Final--Junior Cup Will Go to Either Mary St. or Centre -- Finalists Are Evenly Matched Wednesday, November 5th is the «ll important day for the pupils of xt least four of the Oshawa Public Schools far then will be decided the Rughy Championships for the year 30. 1 is js the culmination of two months hard work on the part of both teachers and pupils. For were it not for the work of the men tea- chers in refereeing and coaching the boys would not have the oppor- tunity to play this greatest of all games, This year it has been pos- sible to provide coaches for all schools except three, and it is splen- did to find one of these three, Mary St., represented in the finals. +This year we find the strangle- hold on sports by the big schools broken to some extent, Ritson and Centre having only one team each, instead of two ag last year. This should make for a much more in- teresting series. Now for the dope sheet! The Senior championship looks to be taking a trip to Cedardale. These boys gave Ritson a big battle for group honors last year, and now they are playing a much better brand of rugby than last year. Rit- son, on the other hand, while pos sessing Barnes, the erstwhile star of Centre St., last year's champions, do not present nearly such a strong line up as the boys from the South- end. Altogether it should be a great game and all rabid rughy fans are advised to be on hand, this boy BArriage of Cedardale has some great stuff and should go far in the | great old game of rugby. "The Junior battle, which has of- ten proved in the past to be of better and keener competition than the Senior is between the Centre gt, Pygmies and Mary St. This is the Pygmies' first appearance in the fin als for two years, and it is the hope of their supporters that they will be ahle to repeat the performance of that year when they won the championship. Mary St. possesses the best drop kicker and the heaviest individual player in Junior rugby, but they are not playing nearly the fast clever game that distinguished the Pygmies. The Pygmies by the way, have the heaviest line-up ever played in Oshawa Public Schools, and if weight means anything, they should be able to give a good ac- count of themselves. But, should Mary St. speed up their game, Me- Cabe's deadly kicking will put Cen- tre St. well out of the running, PUBLIC SCHOOL RUGBY LEAGUE standing, Week Ending October 31, 1930 SENIOR pe CAREW | umBL R (0 4 ATHOL ST Ww Tailor-made $25.00 Suits | Scotland Woollen Mills | i 8. ROTISH, Manager | 1! s0, | i Team Ritson Road North Simcoe Centre Street .... Grou #Cedardale Mary Street 2 King Street 3 *Cedardale wins the group. JUNIOF Group A *Centre Street ....: North 'Simcoe South Simcoe Ritson Road .. *Centre Street wins t *Mary Street Albert Street Cedardale King Street *Mary Street wins the group. FINALISTS Senjor--Cedardale vs. winner of Group A. Junior--Centre Street Street, vs, Mary Perlic Loses ' Bout-Display Pleases Fans 4, Twin Kalamzoo, November of Toronto, Henry Perlick, Michigan, gave Toronto box- ing fans a bout they can talk about for a long time. The de- cision went against him in his bat- tle against Joe Glick, Williamsburg veteran last night at Massey Hall, but only after a semsational bout in which the Kalamazoo youngster showed the crowd a riot of action and established himself as a great favorite. Glick was perhaps for- tunate to get the award, Crafty as he is, he could not stop all of Perlick's many punches nor could he land as he pleased, Perlick | "made" the bout with a great dis- {play of aggressiveness and hard punching, One judge marked his ballot for him, while the other two | voted in favor of Glick. | Had Glick not secured a large | early lead there would have been [no question but that he would have lost the bout. He realized in the closing rounds that it was getting uncomfortably close and tried to take the play from his dynamic op- poment. But Perlick refused allow his rival to do much of the leading and the match finished with a great'display of punching. Perlick Aggressive Perlick forced the boxing most of the way and landed more pun- ches than Glick. The latter, how- ever, had considerably more force to his blows, in addition to which he displayed a very clever defense. The defense referred to made Per- lick miss a lot of blows. young boxer started so many that he landed plenty also, The first round was all Glick. Perlick was careful and the Wil. liamsburg man boxing confidently whipped solid blows to head and body in a manner that appeared to indicate that he was on his way to a quick and easy vistory., A left hook to the chin sent Perlick {to the floor in a neufral corner. He: half rose and then sank back again without heing hit, but the referee, Lou E. Marsh, motioned him to his feet. Near the end of the round, Glick hooked another left. to the jaw to send Perlick off balance against the ropes. | Tor a time Perlick appeared to hook. Me finally solved the esit- have no defense against Glick's left uation by taking the offensive, his rushes usually carrying him in- {side Glick's left. Before he did however, Glick had scored of- Travel The K to | But the | Bill Marsden to Coach Woodstock's Senior O,H.A. Team Woodstock, Nov, 4.--The local O.H.A. teams, both senior and jun- for, will swing into some real train- ing this week following prelimin- ary work which the senior have al- ready had in London, On Tuesday night the seniors will work out in will hold their first practice in Brantford Arena on Wednesday night. The big news of the day is the fact that the seniors will work hockey other than Bill Marsden, tarfo. The university, it is said, has tercollegiate senfor ranks this sea- son, and for a while, at least, Bill Marsden will handle the locals and impart some of his hockey know- ledge to them, dia died ddd TPT TVTIVYVYYYY PUNTS and By The Dopester Bd ded do dede ded oss odode do be & vv Another win for the Blue Devils and still two to play. go through their group without a loss? That is the question that is worrying the boys now, but we after the group games are finished |a title, ' Saturday's game wasn't a one to watch. There were far too {many chances taken on the back [field and the same chances taken [with any other team except Niag- the London Arena, while the juniors | coach at University of Western On- | PPT TERT TR POT TT ve TETTTVTETENTE out under the watchful eye of none | | 1 practically decided to stick to In-| | Will they | would suggest that the games won | are the ones that count in winning good {ara Falls would have ended very | | disastrously indeed for the locals. At times the passing looked like a glorified game of basketball and {was entirely too reckless, |ever, we.know how well our back can play so we'll excuse them 100 per. cent,, If they don't do any worse than they did on Saturday we'll be OK, and K.O. * . . Little Chuckie McDonald was ithe shining light on the kicks and {was first man down nearly every {time. He is a fearless little suck- {er and never hesitates in faking a flyer at the opposing half, whieh makes it even |than having apples dropping on the | roof. . » The line was working to perfeec- tion with the interference of Wil- son, Gray and Logan being very Inear faultless, Big Ed, carried the |oval over for the only major score of the game and we want to con- | | gratulate nim on his effort and |also say a good word for the lads How- | | more disconcertin' | | | | | | |on the other half of the line who | | made the hole for the Truck nmgh, | Horse to tear thre | » The writer is in receipt of a large box of SEEGARRS from one | Chdrles Maddison. F.A.,, whose choice of abode (for better or for worse) is at Regina. fn one of his reckless moments, during his recent visit (of his own violation through the promptings police officials, stated not any and of that Well, I thought that that statement needed checking so I suggested a bet, He just as readily accepted and the afore- mentioned Seegars were chosen as weapons at a lot of paces Wee Charlie F.A.,, is full well aware that Seegars cause innum- erable aches and pains in regions not far below the chest of the writer so it is my belief that Char- lie counted heavily on winning Either that or he was playing that game called Canine in the Manger, and was fixing it so that even if | ing's Highway DAILY COACH SERVICE OSHAWA - FARE--85¢ astern Standard LEAVE OSHAWA AM. P.M: Ti 3.30 4.30 530 u.30 bn 7.30 8.30 b 9.30 10.30 ¢11.00 a 7.00 a 7.80 8.30 150 10.30 11.30 v.Mm. 12.80 1.80 2.480 a---daily except Sunday. Holidays only. c--=Sunday only. PASSENGERS--SIGNAL P| HAND TO THE D R COACHES STOP AT ANY POINT TO PICK UP Coagh connections at Toronto for Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Brantford, Windsor, Detroit, Rarrie, Orillia, Midland, Jackson's Point Connections at Buffalo and Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 2825 Genosha Hotel {won I lost. . LJ Since Charlie has been out west he has picked himself a 'Prairie Flower." Now a lot of you East- ern wise-crackers would call her a prairie chicken, but I still main- tain she's a flower. Therefore Charles is sticking strictly to busi- ness and no foolin', He writes" a very interesting column in the Re- gina sport sheet -callcd "I Sez to Myself." He has some real good chatter in it too and we often see * TORONTO LEAVE TORONTO AM. PM. me a 7.30 8.80 9.30 10.30 11.30 [LAY & 12.30 130 2.80 3.30 4.80 5.80 6.80 b--Saturday, Sunday and NLY BY and intermediate points. Detroit tor all U.S.A. points, kindly references to the Blue Devils land the Lacrosse team in it. . . * I would like to suggest to Char- lie that he change that title "I Sez To Myself." Dr, Walker says that there is a place for people who persist .in "saying to themselves." So I hope Charlie takes the hint and stops talking to himself. L » EL St. Thomas is still leading in the other half of the Intermediate ser- ies and Sarnia Wanderers must win in London next Saturday to tie them. It sure looks like a tight race up in that section. ten and the the lead he earned in doing so was just enough in the estimation of the judges, to offset Perlicks' strong showing in the later rounds, Refuses to Claim Foul Perlick could have won the bout in the fourth round. He was op titled to, for a long, sweeping left landed low with terrific force, Per. lick showed right then his own par- ticular solution to the foul situa~ tion, He remained upright and re- fused to even take a rest. Under the rulés he made himselfmiwyp the rules he had every right to claim 'the bout on a foul, hut he made himself fore popular than ever by refusing to do so. Wee Charlle, | night, to Oshawa | he | thought that Galt would undoubt- | edly beat the Blue Devils in Galt. | promptly | | the feather-weight Now | PORT SNAPSHOT By Geo, Campprii, Sports Editor Public School Rugby Finals Tomorrow afternoon, the 1930 rugby championships will be decided and the winners of the Murray Johnston and Neil Hezzelwood trophies be decided. In the Senior finals, Ritson Rd, school clash with In the Junior class, Mary St. opposc their old rivals, Cen- will Cedardale. tre St. Some great rugby has been displayed during the competition this season and the teachers in charge are deserving of a great deal It is this competitive sport in the public schools which of praise, teams, Because develops the athletes for future Oshawa "home brew" we like to see the honours pass around, we would like to see Cedardal Mary St, win their respective games tomorrow, "" \ » » and Brothers Selects Team To Meet Maple Leafs London, Nov, Brothers has seclecte, line-up to face Toronto Maple Leafs in the opening exhibition hockey game of the season at the London Arena on Wednesday night. Len Grosvenor will start at centre, with Leroy Goldsworthy at right wing, and Archie Briden at left, "Toots" Holway and Leo Reise will be the defense, with "Bord" Norfolk in goal. The second front line will in- clude Oliver Reinfkka at centre, Leo Quenneville at left, and Alvin Groh at right wing. In yesterday's workout the for- wards were used in this order and Manager Brothers intends giving these two lines a trial, ""Shorty' Quesnel will be used centre and left wing, 4,--~Manager Roy his starting R. S. McLaughlin Gets New Horse Mr. R. S, McLaughlin, of Oshawa, has added another bow to his string of King's Plate eligibles in the purchase of Roche D'Or by Rock- ville--Pewter Jug by Ypsilanti 11, The deal was completed on Satur- day when Mr, McLaughlin paid Mr. J. P. White, the breeder, $3,500 for one of the most promising two-year-olds of the season, Roche D'Or, according to our rating, is placed third to Froth Blower and Spherette, and he may be even better next.year, For that matter so will Connie Sinythe's Rare Jewel, providing thefiring process does the strengtheni in the les thatit is expected to do, Of course, it's a long way to King's Plate day and don't overlook the fact tha -a nag by he name of Frec- thinker didn't race this year and is therefore eligible for the Guineas. True, he will have his four-year-old package up, but he is not the one niles did this to chuck it, as some of our most so-called promising juve Mail 1" Empire * morning * season,~--Taken from tl » » Hockey Meeting Tonight have any | s and players w interest whatever Hock are at Y.MCA accommodation have been made he hockey All Oshawa team the reminded of starting at 7.30 * the City and Industrial league meeting which is being held tonight the sharp. The arrangements for ice Arena Management p.m and it only remains to form t leagues Be on hand t ree leagues, * with the All that is needed now is éntrie tte the tl * + of * * Heavy Program for Blue Devils The Blue Devils have a heavy program racing them i week-end, On Saturday they play the return game with Niagara I Monday they will meet Galt, at the na stren and on came which Oshawa fans have been waiting for. It should be a great must win in Niagara Falls first if they want to clinch have truggle but they night and Coagh "Liz the the group title wctising hard every Walker will "Combines." y are pf the boys ready for and e "Cataracts" w both th erg repre 3 | Windsor Ambassador's Kid. Chocolate Don't Want to Play on Whipped by Wednesday With Imperials : B b | Windsor, Nov. 4 Manager A, J Fi e a ar a | Deneau of the Ambassadors, Wind- | sors' O.R.F.U. squad, has protested ¥ HA "Garden New the order that the game with Sar- Madigon Squate I (del LaBarba | nia be played on Wednesday. It was fork, Nov. ' J J 3 ina iv sche : pid day FOTK ones itallan warrior from orginally, sche duied for Saturday, Los Angelos, last night burst the pared to follow the schedule, even bubble of invincibility that has though there is no hope of RettinE surrounded Kid Chocolate in the fino the play-offs. Hamilton Tiger feather-welght division for the past two years and whipped the ebouy | flash from Cuba rather decisively | has* been received here of the at- in a torrid ten-round battle | titude of either of those teans, The Once before LaBarba, former | advanced date ig net, according to king of the flywelghts, and the | O.R.F.U, officials, because of the dazzling 'Keed' boxed ten rounds | possibility that the race might end td New York and tho decision, | amid considerable protest, went to | the battling bomb bomb. Since that almost two years 8g0, Chocolate has come on to great things, boxing lightweights on a basis of equality while LaBarba has busily gone up the remainder of division, So tonight time as the chener on Wednesday, but no word ton and thus hold off the play-offs. Sask.'s Senior Hockey League Still "Big Six" Regina, Sask., Nov. 4. down Saskatoon's application for a | membership, Saskatchewan's senior about cleaning the 126-pound they again, thi foremost battlers of class, although another holds the championshin. And for the second time this year Chocolate left the ring a beaten battler. The decision . of Referee Arthur Donovan and two judges was unanimous in LaBarba's favor. Uses Body Attack The aggressive, helligerent Ital fan boy from the West coast show ed little respect for the famed boxing ability of the slender negro with the wide, ivory smile. He low ered his head and never stopped | charging, pounding through Choco- late's snappy left: jabs, jarring hooks, flailing right crosses and uppercuts to whang eternally at| tomorrow the negro's slim waist. The plan | to Wednesday's game with the of battle was successful as La Bar-! battling Windsor Ambassadors, ba dug one left hook after another | the final game of the group sched- into the pit of Chocolate's stom- | ule here. ach, The fire and dash went out of | Sarnia football the "Keed's" legs, his stamina | possimistic as to faded, anc except for fiery flashes | the all-important game between the. little negro was caught in the | Kitchener and Hamilton in Kit- strength, courage and doggedness | chener Wednesday. A great deal of the game Westerner, caught 8 | more interest is attached to this that he could never quite get away | contest than the battle at home, and do the damage he is accus- | The opinion locally leans toward tomed to levy at long rahge. | the belief that the Panthers will The Associated Press score card | not be putting forth their best to gave La Barba a clear margin of [| win at home, Victory for Hamilton five rounds, with thiee for Choco-| will clinch the district title for late and two even. Each had one | them and put Sarnia out of the glorious round. Jl.a Barba the | running. But Kitchener may feel third, when he first made the | that 25-1 defeat here is something negro lad cringe under solid] to put them on their mettle, and thumps to the ribs; Chocolate in| prove to the home fans that a the seventh, as he drove the sturdy | team with stars like Chantler, Italiah before him with a volley | Vaughan, Martin, Peters, Hill, of rights to the head, that left the | Bean, Springstpad, and their pow- former coast collegian weak and | erful line, has no license to be dizzy, Fidel came back fresh to | beaten that badly by any one. On continue the fight, however, and | top of that is the fact that the won the battle decisively for him-| Panhers have never been beaten self with a surging, battering rally | on their own field. in the tenth, that left Chocolate holding desperately for the final gong. Once LaBarba found the range of Chocolate's body with his thumping left hooks in the third round he never stopped piling up points. He drove him around the ring, pounding his sides, occasion- ally shooting sweeping lefts to the head, fighting off every Chocolate rally to win the fourth, fifth and sixth as well as the third round. Adding the tenth and final session to the win column merely clinched the victory for LaBarba, met as the "Big Six," it was decided at the annual meeting, Sunday, Finan- | cos stood in the way of making the {loop the "Big Seven." The com gina Vices, Regina Aces, Weyburn and Moose Jaw, SARNIA IMPERIALS WANT KITCHENER TO BEAT HAMILTON Sarnia, Nov. 4.--Jack Newton had a full squad of players out | yesterday afternoon, for a light setting-up drill to take the kink game, A light workout will be held afternoon, preparatory the outcome of O.R.F.U. BULLETIN The following games will be play- ed and officials are appointed in the O.R.F.U. this week. Senior Wednesday--Hamifton at Kiteh- ener, Referee, Reg. DeGruchy, Um- pire, Gordon Britnell, Windsor at Sarnia, Referee Gerry Goodman, Umpire, Sweeney Davis. . Friday night at Ulster Stadium-- Camp Borden at Balmy Beach. Referee, Mal DeGruchy. Umpire, Fred Bartlett. alls | | Motor City Stadium in the | | strokes depend on the right grip as | The simplest way of obtaining the 1 | | | | | and then | Another Cubs have been ordered to play Kit- { in a tie between Sarnia and Hamil- Turning | hockey league will again be known | | peting teams will be Yorkton, Re-| Melville, | out of his charges after Saturday's | fans are rather | scl, oH 1 | WINTON { CW AIKMAN DOMINION CHAMP. 1928 - 27 QUEBEC CHAMP 4. FOREAAND -- ¥ VI. GRIP OF THE RACKET. ' Proper grip of the racket is a very important factor in good play. All well as the elimination of waste effort grip is as follows: Place the racket directly in front of you with the play- ing surfice perpendicular to the floor | hake hands with the racket manner of obtaining the + result is to place the racket on | r or table, Lay the palm of | 4 on the handle and pick the | The grip will be natural | | und corre Cover the leather band | around tl of the handle wit! the palm and fingers. Do not hold handle too far up for ieaving the end of the racket exposed tends to | cramp and impede the stroke. Take | care not to grip the racket with onl half of the palm as this hinders g« control. Keep the grip loose and laxed when holding or swinging the racket, for the grip automatically tightens in striking the bird, TI oretically the edge of the racket should form a continuation of the | forearm so that the surface of the | racket would assume a position rela- | tive to the palm of the hand | th racket up ct, » end e TWIN CITY CLUB DECIDES TO GO ON Nov, 4 Officials of the Twin City Football Club, fol lowing a mecting here yesterday, announced that the Panthers would complete the season by playing | against the. Hamilton Tiger Cubs Kitchener, | here Wednesday afternoon, as or- | dered by the O.R.F.U | Iollowing the action | R.F.U, in throwing out the Kit I chener-Waterloo protest on the | Windsor Ambassador victory Iu Windsor on Oct, 25 without even calling meeting or asking the of the O a local club to send a delegation to | before hand- | Toronto to discuss fit ing -down Hs decision, f the local officials was callel j and it was decided to go ahead with the game from the standpoin: of sportsmanship and in fairness to the Sarnia club, which would a meeting have been left out in the cold had the Panthers defaulted. Sarnia Wanderers Worry About London; Must Win or Quit | | of the Wandeyer Intermediates, did not give his charges their usual Monday holiday yesterday. With their important district game with the London Tecumselis in London on Saturday looming up, the husk mentor had the entire squad ow this afternoon going through thei paces. Stirrett donned a unifori himself in Windsor, and, in his only charge With the ball, flattened two of the Windsor defense players, Hi will likely get into action agains! London on Saturday if the going gets rough. Norm, Geary, the backfield flash of the locals, who was kept out of uniform against Windsor because of an injured ankle, is fit and ready, and will be on the starting line-up against the Tecumsehs. A win for the locals will tie them with St. Thomas for the group leadership, . while a loss will relegate them to) the also ran class. ) Safety razor manufacturers have merged in the United States, Com- petition was keen.--Edmonfon Jour- nal. I'he tascism of Hitler seems to re- semble the fascism of Mussolini chiefly in name. = Detroit Free Press. There are a lot of people who would like to pay their debts if it wasn't for their motor cars--Galt | Reporter, Nov. 7, after 7 pm, Sarnia, Nov. 4--Joe Stirrett coucl, | OHA. Bulletin | Entries in the S.P.A. series, sen- for and junior, will close Tuesday, Nov. 11. The first games in all pro- hability will be scheduled for the week of Nov, 17, Only players eligible to play tor os gr £5 -- their respective teams in this se son's competitions will be allow to play in the 8.P.A. Junjor play- ers must not be 20 years of age be. fore Jan. 1, 1931, No entry fee will be charged to enter the S.P.A. series, senior and Junior. O.H.A. certificates will be distri- buted to clubs on payment of fees, Toronto O.H.A, clubs aay rece playing cards at the Mail and Em- pire, Sports Department, Friday, Nominations for office in the O. H.A. close on Satuyday, Nov. 8. The annual meeting will be held Satur- day, Nov. 15, at the Royal York Hotel, beginning at 10 a.m. Del wates will be tendered a luncheon by the O.H.A, at 12.730, First Stone is Played on Galt's New Curling Rink Galt, Nov. 4.--A new era in the long and honorable curling history of Galt was ushered in last night, when the remodelled and improved | rink on Queen's Square was open ed and the first curling on artifi- cial ice im this city took place, It was 94 years ago that curling introduced. here by the Scottish pioneers, and. for some years the game was played on the Grand River, first with blocks wood and then stones, About ago the stone rink on Square built, and the Granite and Galt gamated and the result new home, of year Not only has artificial ice heen installed, but an attractive new clubhouse has been added to the front of the building, with convenience A feature of tl lounge is its fireplace, constructed of old curling which saw service ago. It is a unique work It was fitting that the fir stone to be played on the new jee should be put down by Rabt, Hun ter, one of the veterans of the sport locally, having been asso ated with it here for over years, There were a large number stones, ome © of seventy vear t ever fifty | Mighty Tigers Finding Gridiron Prowl Tedious Hamilton, Nov, 4,--Acting on the advice of Dr. Mowbray, Ham- flton's Jungle Kings have decided to take the rest. cure, and there | will not be a practice for them un- Wednesday, when the first of two will be held at 4 o'clock ix the afternoon. The players, ace cording to the physician, have {played themselves into staleness, and he thinks it advisable for them to forget all about football for three days at least. Right now the Bengals appear to be in a bad way regarding sub- stitutes, aud unless "Pep" Lead- ley decides to join them for their' remaining games they are going |to find the road rocky. The loss |of Denman, Elford, Rohmer and | Boadw y robbed them of four | stalwarts, and Coach Rodden faces the possibility of making a back- fielder out of Glen Small, Only 16 men are left in the Tiger squad, Jack Tierney, Tiger Clubs' star- {Ty back fielder, who would add | strength to the Jungle Kings at the present time, is to rem: y Jreseat, tite, 1 ) remain with the cials stated that under no consideration would the second team be weakened. "Tho team will remain intact until they have won the championship or have been eli- minated," said one official today. 48 the today of curlers and on hand tonight, and opening cere- monies are to continue until Wed- nesday when an invitation tourna- ment will be held for rinks from London, Toronto, Hamilton, De- troit, Waterloo, Kitchener, { Ayr Paris Milton and Drumbo, With co ured at all times a revival Interest in the sport is expecte"- citizens the Ass I. He had begun nervous thinking overlooked his z Show PERHAPS wi y have ttle , the to idge some rea- sour over big beet sweeten Herald, has heen reported rner, but somehow we orner.~Miami Her- SEALING IN MOISTURE PROO F CELLOPHANE Tiger offi-; »