Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 8

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I A SB Ss MG TR a SEG #5 " THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 You Can Win A the Official Opening Day. cheques. Several Members who entered Saturday and Monday oy ie cyl Gavan: have already received Cash Bonus Cheques for work done. You Assess pow oe, Tie Srbuns Diy Tynes som the Se /EB OM FOR MORE CANDIDATES || si The Oshawa Daily Tires and Gazette and Chronicle's Great : Subscrintion Prize Contest Starts in Real Earnest. Tomorrow is Full Informstion i Enter your Name at Once. There is | READ CAREFULLY HOW TO MAK} THE OSHAWA I no good reason why you Cannot Secure one of the much coveted This contest covers all subs ript ns » The Oshawa D Tikes cl ing collection of arrcars. is includes delivery the yer big Port Perry; and by mail in these towns and all routes, and 8 also covers "signed orc criptions" por SCT soi ts THE DAILY TIMES emy~k the City of Oshawa at the pre im iccepted in the of forms may be had by contes "Conte can get one by Enrolling NOW. : awa. No advance cash payments fi liv tl Subscribers to The Daily Times liv Wonderful List Of Prizes FREE! The Capital Grand Prize in The Oshawa Daily Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle big Subscription Contest is the choice of a Pontiac Six Sedan, Coupe or Coach; 3 Whippet Six: a Durant Six Coupe; a Durant Six Sedan: a Plymouth Four Door Sedan; plus $100 Cash; an Essex Six Coach; an Essex Six Sedan; a Chevrolet Six Sedan and $50.00 cash; a Chevrolet Six Coach with $100 Cash: a Ford Tudor and $150 Cash; or win- ner of the First Grand Prize may have a cash option. $300 Cash is Second Grand Prize. $100 Cash is Third Grand Prize. $100 Cash Extra Prizes Week Ending Nov. 24th, $100 Cash Extra Prize Week Ending Dec. 1st $50 Cash Extra Prize Week Ending Dec. 8th, $50 Cash Extra Prize Week Ending Dec. 15th. $1,000.00 CASH Extra fo the choice of free autos offered and which will be awarded in the big con fest, there has been set aside the sum of one thousand dollars in cash for cash commis sion prizes, regular cash prizes and extra prizes, full particulars of distribution of which will be announced as soon as possible. All candidates continuing actively iff the contest to the end are guaranteed at least a substantial cash commission prize. EVERY ACTIVE CANDIDATE WILL GET A CASH PRIZE EVERY CANDIDATE WILL GET CASH PRIZE Every Candidate who continues actively in Fhe Daily Times and Gazette & Chronicle's big contest will win something. --Begin today. Early work counts most votes and most votes will win the choice of Free Autos and large Cash Prizes. Phone 35 Oshawa, $87 Bowmanville, 79 Whitby, for receipt books and lists of old subscribers, so that you can get started at once. THE FIRST THING TO DO Cut out the information blank on the front page or the entry blank on this page and fill in as directed. THE SECOND THING TO DO Send or telephone for receipt books, lists of the old subscribers and other supplies for taking subseriptions. The entry blank alone gives you 100,000 free votes to start All supplies will be forwarded to you from the Headquarters of the Campaign Depart. ment of The Daily Times and The Whitby Gazette & Chronicle. THE THIRD THING TO DO As soon as you have been supplied with receipt books, get out among your friends and have them save the free votes and their subscriptions for you, Free vote coupons will appear in every issue of your paper during the first. four weeks. If the party is now taking the Daily Times or Gazette and Chronicle by the year, have them pay you the cash to balance the length of time they wish to subscribe for, or if their subscription is in arrears, have them pay you what they owe and another few years in advance. The subscription sghedule of votes to be given will be found elsewhere in this advertisement --study them over carefully and get busy at once, getting every possible subscription you can as most votes are given for subscriptions during the early weeks of the con- test. The longer the term of the subscription the more votes you will receive, and it js the candidates who get the most votes who will win the best prizes. Mail or bring your subscriptions with money to correspond with same to the Prize Campaign Depart: ment - Headquarters. - A reserve vote certificate good for the full amount of the votes will be mailed or given you for subscriptions each time a remittance is received from you, and this certificate will be good for the full amount of votes up until the close of the drive. ENROLL YOUR NAME EARLY. Opportunity Coupon Good For 100,000 Extra Votes and 2-1b. Box of Choice Chocolates This coupon and $10 in subscriptions to The Daily Times or Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby, or both, entitles a candidate to 100,000 extra votes in addition to the regular votes given for subscriptiuns during the first period of the contest, and for each additional $10.00 club of subscriptions secured up until November 10th, a_bonus vote ballot good for 100,000 extra votes will be given you. CANDITATE'S NAME ..... SE SEER AUArESS «oonerssnsnnsssassesssssssassssrasssssssssnassseesce Besides the 100,000 extra votes for each $10.00 in subscriptions turned in up until November 10th, a special award will be made when you have turned in your first $10.00 in subscriptions. The special award will be a beautiful two-pound box of choice chocolates 1 You get the special box of chocolates just as soon as you turn in $10 | worth of subscriptions, GET IT THIS WEEK. 4 the contest and help them and stil way Your boy will be looked after for vour subscription. Let your favouri vance for subscriptions to The Daily Times by ail or by carrie Subscribers in Whitby, Bowmanville, Pickering. Brooklin and Pd by carrier boy or through the Post Office, paying a candidate th WHITBY GAZETTE | I'his contest covers subscriptions for The Gazette and Chronic) applies to subscriptions anywhere in Canada o- the United Stat A new subscriber for the Gazette & Chronicle i» one whose nam} ber 23, 1930. An old subscriber (or renewal) is one whose name was on the pri Subscription price of THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CI IN} per vear in the United States. Why Be Unemployed? Geti MAIL OR BRING THIS ENTRY BLAN}J ) You may enter your own name} ESSEX SIX STANDARD SEDAN--FREE THE DAILY TIMES AND GAZETTE} See this car at Ross, Gartshos: and Ames, Oshawa PRIZE COMF| Offerd as choice for First Grand Prize Phone the Campaign Manager at 35 Oshe] ENTRY Please enter-the following. newe: 1 option' prize distribution campaign :-- INRIIE .ocieiiivieisirisscaimsinsisrisvrincsssannion EA BEATE rvs risiciniirsirisisissiunisitimissivons sessih Phone No. ........ RI Nominated by Mail This Entry Elank to The Pri THE DAILY TIM'S, OSHAWA; CHRONICLE, Your Entry Blank Alone PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, PLUS $100 CASH--FREE Offered as choice for First Grand Prize See it at Davidson Motor Sales, Whitby Get The Early Start One of the outstanding features PONTIAC BIG SIX and perhaps one of the most im. choi portant in a short competition of Offered % ice far this kind is, thuse who enroll early See it at Moffatt jn te big drive, usually have the . : best chances of winnin i CHEVROLET 6 SEDAN Offered as choice for First Grand Prize prizes hd dedi aR A . : ules which are given for subseri Offered as choice for First Grand Prize. tons will undoubtedly give the . . carly entrants an advantageous See it at Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. lead over those entering later, - ight now is the time to make vour Whitby Bowmanville Oshawa start Enroll your name today send to the campaign office or come " in and get receipt books and sup: v plies and full information as to how Get On The Weekl Pa roll to get started best Every worker y y who makes an earnest effort in the . friendly campaign will win some: ¢ Y thing. Send in vour name or come H @ our Spare Time to the campaign, office for your re: ceipt books and supplies and start Mak Y M an active campaign for votes and e ou oney subscriptions at once The big con. " test will be short and snappv and There are hundreds of peuple living in the territory covered by The every minute of it will be enjovable Daily Times and Gazette & Chronicle who have the opportunity of as well as profitable to you. Get securing for themselves one of the valuable cash prizes offered in this started early contest page advertisement There 1s absolutely no one who will en- The Campaign Headquarters is in ter the contest and really make an effort, who will not be among the the main office of The Daily Times list of prize or cash commission winners when the judges make the Oshawa; also special offices at the fina! count on the closing night, December 20th. Enroll vour name ¢ te & Chronicle, Whitby, as early and ask for help. Get in on the Weekly Payroll and you will Bas The Daily Times Office 4 then be in line for a real nice cheque on the closing dav of the bia Bowmanville and is open each | contest, The amount of your cheque depends entirely upon your work evening. Phone No. 35 Oshawa DURANT SIX STAND: 79 Whithy 587 Bowmanville. ice : Offered as choice fi RE To be seen at Thickson | 1 FOR QUICK REPLIES, ADDRESS ALL INQUIMES FORY Prize Campaign Department, Headquarters, The Oshawa Daily. Campaign Headquarters in the Main Office of The Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont. P . i e ol e Daily Times wa, hone Number 35. Special Offic also at The Gazette and Chronicle, Whitby and The -- -- -- -- -- - --

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