Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community " SOCIAL AND FERSONAL Mrs. B. McDonald, of Cresswell, Ont., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Thorborne, Kenneth Ave, Mrs, Eric Phillips, Oshawa, is leaving® this week for New York City. The members of the South group of the Order of the Eastern Star of which Mrs. Karl Oliff is convenor, is entertaining at tea this afternoon at the heme of Mrs. J. I. McLaugh- lin, Colborne Street, Guests at the Genosha Hotel dur- ing the Catholic Women's League Convention being held in the eity to-day and yesterday are: Mrs, J, Battle, Thorald, Miss F. Doland and Mrs. F. Boland, Toronto, Mrs, La- Roque, Montreal, Mrs, W, H, Mec- Quire, Mrs, Heeley and Mrs. Park- er-Bayley, Toronto. Miss Mary MacMahon, of Toronto, fs the guest of Mrs. F, W. Robson, Cedardale, for a few days. Miss Ma~Mahon is attending the Catho- He Women's League convention, Mrs P. McCa thy, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Eva Buckel, dur- ing the Catholic Women's League Convention. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Tippett (nee Miss Florence Sampson) whose mar- riage took place on Saturday after- noon last, will reside at 180 Bruce Street. The group of Simcoe Street Ladies' Aid Society of which Mrs, George Fleming is president is entertaining at tea this afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. J. Moody, Laudér Road. Mrs. F. L. Hartford and children Joan and Larecce have returned to Oshawa after spending a vacation with Mrs. Hartford's sister, Mrs. J. J. Sagriff and Mr, Sagriff of Enter- prise, Ontario. Those seated at the head table at the banquet given for delegates and members of fhe Catholic Women's League, in the Genosha Hotel last Place your order for your Fall Coat or Suit with H. ATKINS LADIES' TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 162 Visit Our Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe "04 MIMOOW BT. ™ ys Colds Best treated without | desing -- Just rub on getting quick relief from those distressing periodic aches and pains by taking ZUTOO TABLETS. Harm- less but effective, they bring immediate relief. Women who thus suffer, are suffer- Ing needless pain, for one or two of these harmless fittle tablets will certainly stop the pain, WELSH CHOIR GIVES CONCERT W. A. of Northminster Spon- sors Musical Evening There was a very appreciative audience in Northminster Church last 'evening to witness the concert given by Oshawa Welsh Choir un- der the auspices of the Women's Association, The pastor, Rev. A. M. Irwin, presided and extended a most hearty welcome to the artists, The opening number "Guide Me O, Thou, Great Jehovah," by the full cheir was a splendid rendition showing great depth of tone and power of expression. It was a fore- runner of an evening of enjoyment, The choir was conducted by Mr. D. Jenkins and accompanied by Mr. Locke, Especially fine was the singing of the old number "Sweet and Low" and the lively one 'Call John" brought hearty applause, "The Toilers" sung by Mr, Jenkins, ten- or, was particularly effective and "The Comrades Song of Hope" was another that gave evidence of splen- did training. At the closa of the concer: Mr. Dilworth expressed the apprecla- tion of the audience and called for a vote of thanks to the choir. Mr, Bell seconded the motion and also made a few kind remarks about the work heing done by the Local Welsh Choir. The response was very heart. ty. Mr. Hinton replied on behaif of the choir. Following the singing of the Welsh and British national anthems the artists were the guests of the ladies of the Association at a sup- per. Home made candy was sold by the C.G LT, groups, WOMEN'S MEETINGS The regular meeting of the Northminster Women's Association was held yesterday, a week earlier than, the usual date, so that ar- rangements for the Fowl Supper which is to 'e held on November $th could ympleted. sup- per which is tue event of Luc season for Northminster W.A, will be held in the dining rooms of King Street United Church, The invitation which .came to the Northminster ladies from King Street Church far them to hold their supper there was hailed with delight as it is impos- sible to accomodate an exception- ally large crowd in the small build- ing at Northminster, The supper will be served from 5 to 8 o'clock and it is hoped there will be a good attendance, CHRIST CHURCH AY.P.A, The weekly meeting of Christ Church AY. A," was held in the Parish Hall Monday evening in the form of a Hallowe'en party. The hall was appropriately decorated in or- ange and black, and the lights were covered: with tiny. pumpkins, lending a very gruesome charm to the place, Although a great deal of fime and 'expense was forfeited everyone who helped in the decorating felt greatly rewarded by the large , turnout of AY.P.A, members and friends, Ev- eryone was in masquerade costume, The prize for best dressed lady was given to Miss A. Lewington who was becomingly dressed in a white sailor suit and Harold Copeland in a very realistic Indian costume won the prize as the best dressed gentleman. The treasure hunt was won by Norman Ibbotson. Many other amus- ing and typically Hallowe'en games were played. A wierd ghost story was told by Norman Ibbotson assisted by Mrs, Metcalfe, "Two Kumorous readings were given by Mr, Corah, Refreshments were followed by dancing and when the party broke up nobody knew exactly who to think for such an enjoyable time, as nearly everyone had contributed to the evening's entertainment, STUFFED PRUNES Prunes, stewed until they are just barely tender, chilled and seeded, make excellent salad, stuffed with cream cheese and nuts, evening were} Mrs. Frank Ryan, Mrs. K. C. Keenan, Miss Mary Mac- Mahon, Miss Crossley, Toronto, Fa- ther O'Reilly, Oshawa, Miss Flor- ence Bench, Oshawa, Mrs, McCarty, To- ronto, Father Daly, Toronto, and Mrs. F, W, Robson, Oshawa. Boland, Toronto, Father Stronger , "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very r, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a e Vegetable Com- Catherine has been taking it Tegulatly und she is gaining in weight and every way. 1 told the neighbors and other girls are taking it with results." --Mrs. Clar- ence enkinson, Box 14, Thom Lydia E. Pipkham's Yeoetable Compound \) vi % 1a 1d a a a ae ac od tlantic City - is always t'in season" There's never a dul) moment at Atlant! City... all-yea i is vacat mel Bracing alr--sporte= aderiilfond--telas. ation! ndaweek,of 3 wetk-snd, with fot return home! a fit~fresh~vigorous! f RATES Ay Ed "ee CEL, i JAS One of she Ninest Hotels In Atlantic City week Or » week-end sary ben appointment wt i iA 2 'Write or wire for reservations. 850 ROOMS =~. OVERLOOMING THE OCEAN - enw FRA WATERS QATMR P. Auchter, Mgr, A. C. Andrews, Pres, oe" uy The annual convention of the Ca- tholic Women's League of Toronto archdiocese was officially opened at St. Gregory's Hall, Oshawa, yester- day afternoon by His Worship, Mayor T. B, Mitchell and Rev, Fath- er Bench, In his welcome on behalf of the city of Oshawa, Mayor Mit- chell paid great tribute to Mrs, F. W. Robson, president of the Osh- awa subdivision and also to Father Bench, Father Burke's Address The situation regarding Separate Schools of Ontario due to non-pay- ment of corporation taxes to Catholic School Boards was outlined by Rev. Father John Burke, of Toronto, in addressing the convention, He out- lined briefly the history of the struggle of Separate School Boards for their share of Corporation taxes in Ontario, and pointed out that there is an additional burden of debt on Separate Schools because corpor- ation taxes are not divided between Catholic Women's Convention 'Opened at St. Gregorys Yesterday the Catholic and Protestant Schools, By an amendment to the School law of 1863 directors of companies were permitted to apportion taxes be- tween Separate and Public Schools on the basis of the number of Cath- olic and number of Protestant share- holders, The impossibility of trac- ing the ownership and religion of corporation shareholders has brought about the present situation which means that Separate Schools do not receive any share of corporation taxes, Father 'Burke explained that in Quebec taxes from corporations are divided between Catholic and Sep- arate Schools on the basis of the number of pupils in each school, The speaker hoped that eventually the Ontario Government would adopt a School Law similar to that of Al- berta and Saskatchewan where the taxes of corporations are divided on a basis of 'property owned in the (Continued on Page 7 Ld , - BURGESS BEDTIHE STORIE es Sy, - BOBBY REFUSES TO BACK UP Bobby Coon felt very well pleased with himself. He had had a fine din- ner. To be sure, that dinner had not been intended for him. No, sir, it had By Thornton W. Burgess not been intended for him. It had been intended for Jimmy Skunk, But this made no difference, to Bobby Coon. The law of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows is that he who has shall have. That means that and abruptly flared hemline, smart, Style No. 2636 comes in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and. 40 inches What New York Is Wearing IT'S PARIS MINDED! A patterned crepy woolen that is outstandingly wear without a topcoat, features the slim princess bodice, moulded hip smart for early autumn The neck is especially becoming in open V shape, with rolled collar The tightened sleeves favor the dce p flared cuffs that are youthfully bust." It takes but 3% yards of 39 inch ma- terial with 34 yard of 35-inch contrasting for the medium size, It is made at a. great sav. ing over the origanal Paris model. You'll find the making of it amazingly simple, Practi- cally a two- piece circular skirt to be seamed and joined to the two-piece bod- ice, Think of it! It is irresis- tibly lovely in black canton- faille crepe with the collar and cuffs of pale pink crepe, Another equally charm- ing idea is bottle green flat crepe silk with eggshell crepe, There is al- ways some- thing very rich about a black sheer velvet with deep ecru lace, and you'll find it will adapt itself perfectly to this model Paris is featur- ing these black sheer velvet frocks at all mid - season showings. For utility and sports, choose a sheer tweed in mono- tone effect. The time as pattern, collar and cuffs may be of linen, pique or faille silk. You can save on every dress and save on the childzen's clothes too, That means more and better frocks for you and yours. How? By ordering a cupy of our new Fall and Winter Fashion Maga- zine, It gives the answer to the often asked question, "How does she do it?" For it shows how to dress up to the minute at very little expense, It is 15 cents a copy, but may be obtained for 10 cents if ordered same | was a deep gre he who gets a thing first has the right to it, if he can hold it, Bobby had found that dinner first, because Jimmy Skunk had happened to be late, Now, of course, you know where thut dinner was, It was m the shed back of Farmer Brown's house; the shed that opened from the kitchen, For some little time Jimmy Skunk had been going over there every night for his dinner. He had entered by way of a hole left open for Black Pussy, the Cat, sobby Coon had found it out and now Bobby had been in and had one of those dinners. "I'l be on hand over there tomor- row night early," said Bobby Coon to himself, "I don't want any trouble with Jimmy Skunk, So I'll get over there first. Jimmy was late tonight, but perhaps he won't be late tomor- row night; so I'll go early." So the next night Bobby Coon coud hardly wait jor it to gel dark enough for him to go over to Farmer Brown's, He meant to get there ahead of Junmy Skunk, and he did get there ahead of Jimmy Skunk, When he slipped in through the cat hole he discovered that there was | BE COMFORTABLE You can't keep warm by coal alone. You must have warmer Bedding for these chilly nights. Our Stock is complete with an absolutely new range of COMFORTERS, BLANKETS, SHEETS At New Low Prices. Ibex Flannelette Blankets $2.15 pair Full, double bed size, 70 x 84. White or grey with pink or blue border. Comforters $2.95. Comforters $1.98 hints Covering with wien pones 1 rose || 66 x 72. Double Bed Size in Rose and Blue. or blue, Double bed size. BLANKETS. $9.85 PAIR BLANKETS, $7.95 An all wool quality with blue borders only Absolutely all pure wool, 64 x 84. Musc pink in double bed size. Only a limited quantity. 50 nothing to eat there, He was or blue borders, A blanket with lots of early that Mother Brown had not vet | warmth, and which will launder perfectly, put out the dishes of food, Bobby Larger slzes, 72 x 84 didn't know what to do, He thought seen 12.50 of going back tg the Gree Forest and waiting, But some} I Id VERY SPECIAL! DOWN COMFORTER, $7.98 n't tear himself away, Finally he climbed up on a pile of wood and 60 x with downproof cambric covering in shades if cream, rose, blue and black waited there in the dark. Presently the door opened from the kitchen with suitable contrasting panels of sateen. Compare this price, and Mother Brown came out with Comforters $3.95 the food. Of course, she didn't see With a heavier Bobby, As soon as the door closed quality of Chintz Covering EERE COLORED BED THROWS $6.95 EACH ! This is an all wool Blanket, hound with satin ribbon. Note the size, 72 x 84. A limited number of shades, green, mauve and camel, plain or checked, Regular up to $8.05 each 72, behind her, Bobby scrambled down and settled himself to enjoy that din- ner, He was back to the hole by which he had entered the shed, He had just begun his dinner when he heard a noise just back of him, He turned his head, Jimmy Skunk was coming in through that little round | doorway Of course, Jimmy Skunk discovered Bobby Coon at once, Jimmy*walked around so as to approach the dish from the opposite side® He stamped his feet angrily. He lifted his big tail. It was spread out hike an um- brella, Under ordinary circumstances, one glance at that big tail would have been sufficient for Bobby Coon, He would have hastened to get out of range of Jimmy's scent gun, But this dinner was his He had got there first, so it was hi He growled, It wl; it was a threaten- Jimmy Skunk stamped did a little growling SATIN PANEL Comforters $4.95 A very lightly Comforter and exactly one dollar less than ,our ,Llast ,scason's price, In a variety of neat dainty designs, Musk, Rose, Blue and Mauve satin pane el +. is vein (TR and better in pleasing. colorings. Pure cotton filling, Sateen panels and double bed size, se ww sens business had been disposed of, Mrs, McDonald on behalf of the Associa« tion presented Mrs, M¢'.arty with an address and the gift of a Kenwood blanket, Mrs, McLarty is leaving Oshawa to take up residence in To- ronto, The beautiful rendering of "Whispering Hope," a duet by Mrs, Cousins and Mrs. Mathison was very much appreciated, Tea which was served by Mrs. H, Deyman brought a very interesting meeting to a close, harder than ever and Bobby Coon growled louder than ever. Just then Mother Brown opened the kitchen door, KNOX CHURCH WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION The regular monthly meeting of Knox Church Women's Association was held in the church on Tuesday, October 28th, Mrs. McDonald, the president was presiding. After the manded Bobby, "I got here first and so this dinner 1s mine." "You know what will happen, don't vou, if you don't get out and get out quickly 7" said Jimmy; and his tail was so far over his head that the tip of it tickled Bobby Coon's cars. "You can't scare me!" growled Bobby, He was scared, but he would- admit it, "You can't scare mel 1 of you, Jimmy Skunk." Jimmy Skunk stamped his feet ing growl his feet and himself "That is my dinner!" growled Jim- | 1.'t my. "How do you get that way?" de- DID YOU KNOW THERE'S A NEW LAUNDRY SOAP THAT SOAKS CLOTHES WHITER THAN THEY CAN BE SCRUBBED? WHY, MARY, THAT SOUNDS IMPOSSIBLE! > ™ ; - - HOW THAT MUST SAVE THE CLOTHES! I'LL TRY IT NEXT WASHDAY ITS TRUE! THIS GRANULATED SOAP SAVES SCRUBBING AND BOILING - e this) omicql" YES, MARY, | USED RINSO TODAY YOU WERE RIGHT .. | NEVER SAW SUCH A SNOWY WASH! AND WHAT SUDS. THICKEST EVER! It oes soaps, F . babs por dif MRS. B. McCARTHY a Much easier on NSO saves the clothes R the clothes Jo Boilin gg the dire, There's, couse it 0 scru Fy tly bBing or cupful, Rinso of . ght, Puffed-up sop °° » COMpact, And such d by the makers of 3 ter clothes, Get the as much because THE GRANULATED SOAP in tub orwasher- Guaranteed by th ror! Lime: JL X= for safety for whiter clothes TILLIE THE TOILER WHAT ARE VOU THINKING ARCLT, TILLEY | 1S TO [7 WAS S0sT THINKING HOW LUCKY BUBBLES By Russ Westoves BUT WHY NOT 7 I'M AMBITIOUS. YM STEADY I HAVE Money IN THE BANK. | HAVE Stock IN THIS CoM | LIKE A Home AND { DON'T AT EN So" Lue. Toe LY \Y'S ee EE Sane NTATED

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