Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 3

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I an sr 2 it bkH Cig ra THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 PAGE THREE Trio Arrested in Freight Car Here Given Suspended Sentence Highway Traffic Officer Who L0CALCOMPANY Giant Steamer is Expected N STEPS TAKEN Three Young Men Reveal Lives , COMPLETES WORK, | To Engage in Coal Trade |" pop GRADING IN : Shot Alleged Liquor Runner (BURG HARBOR T© Othawa's New Harbor *\ibyyuroy PARK Of Adventure When Appearing LJ NM LJ LJ $5. "John MeCartney Ken; Fiore 5 vis oie In Police Court This M Near Whithy, Is Re-Instated . i c, 55. Yaswrog Ko iiiizrmiic ins 0 in I Police Court This Morning 99 [length, compared with the 65 foot 0 [3 B J Steam or "" Camp phi W "ow . . (4 | John Kay, "of Sc Scarboro, wer CKERING BOYS { Hd in on Lake oy A Pos- Boum on the alle & awn vill ha Ducves Matkss Yih ' Fate Brought Peter Armand, | Bide [from the wharf without re-handling, | gricultura) y Sinclair Pleased Vincent Kennedy and sumes Position on Force sesses Large Unloading The vessel is 345 feet in length and | psa Shen --Had Not Meant to o So [has a capacity of 4,000 tons, | No steps have been taken yet to | With Result in George Miller Together at D WELL IN GRAIN | The Dison Gravel and Sand Com. | Boom | Practically all the coal which is [commence grading operations in the | |vany have just completed a very | [being unloaded at the harbor is {athletic field at Alexandra Park 8s | South Waterloo Toronto il . P jure Fugitive pes creditable plece of work in Cobourg | steamer, Sr ionn McCartney [for the use of local factories or for lay unemployment relief measure | -- > ; for ' where they had the contract f0F | c 4 , ' vg 0 vossessing large heating | The parks board planned to meet | p oT TH LD ody," the largest ship to nego- |bulldings possessing ¥ J -- " SH ORO CLUB COMPETITION :::: the back wall of re harbour fate the new Welland canal futo [apparatus where soft coal may be | with the officers of the South On- | Commenting Ypon the Le HOPPED FREIGH1 Agricultural Society last sults of the by-elections, las AT SCARBORO JCT. [whict y was constructed by the Rus- | 3 may be seen every | tari ; . : 4 ake Ontario, is now engaging in (burned. Trucks y y ) night, Wiliam ¥. N, sinclair, MAN THROUGH PON rm sell Construction Company, of Tor- | p loads fro the harbor, | Tuesday afternoc for the pur-~ he cond trade on Lake Ontario and [day hauling loads from the harbor, | Tuesday a noon, ) he p 4 4 va pose of discussing the project but K.., described the result in Gate, The work which took about eplac the ste "Valley | Con) which was unloaded hy the | Members of Club Entitled to wo weeks to complete was done by tamp" ae " Valley pels 'onl € gl | Pittabu gh Coal Cos, boat, Coalfax, | dus to the absence of certain mem- South Waterloo as 'most : . , y . { wonderful, Ho suid wha || Were Discovered in C.N.R. Paul Cornet, 1, Victim of Offi. Exhibit at Boys' the local company which used Oph | hte will ply other walters, last Monday Ix being 01d in Oshawa | bers of the Agricultural Society Norman O. Hivels the. Libel cer's Bullet, Was Heavily | awn men far the most part and Loo The 8.8, "John McCartney Ken- [by the McLaughlin Coal and Bup- | and the §liness of other members, al victor. pet ideal 4 Yards Here -- Armand u steam shovel and all the trueks Logon oo 0ypemted (0 clpate in plies Co, who are acting as local | it was found Impossible to hold g al, YILOr, Wid 45 Cer). cane t ™ nedy xp ( » participate in plies Dry | J ) a didate, and at Queen's Parl . Fined in Whitby Court {used on the job, from here, 1 Whe coal trade to Oshawa barbor and Jagents, ML meeting, | onl. undoumnedly rove Had Served With French young men [company are to be congratulated on | Commenting upon the situation | won unflou y prove a . . . ' the fact that by employing Oshawa | - - edgidan . ry great asset to his party, Foreign Legion Ken- High Traffic Officer John Kay , |scattered throughout every Town- [Lhe fact at 4 to The Times today, 8. G. Carnell, oh . grway id : ' iy '| f sel 1 Registered Seed Oatg, Men they were the means of giving | a member of the parks board, | Be NIL got far to whew ed Ww M h i | E of Scarboro, who was suspended af- {#h p received 4 i work to several S win : ; ' d, what can be done when the neay as echanica Ne ter he had shot and injured. Paul Barley and Peas last sprite with the . ' e i e stated that he believed the board principles of Liberalism ave ¢ Cornet, alleged liquor runner, as the [idea of getting Into a good strain The work done by the Dixon ! Jax anziony tn gee the matter set- thoroughly enunciated," he gineer 1 HE latter attempted to escape arrest in (of seed Gravel and Band Co, was part of the Give an Oshawa Man aA Job! Lin hd would endeavor to mect || gpctared, adding that in this Kingston highway, two miles west of | The acre plots for the most part [reconstruction program being car Vv | With the Agricultural Society at | particular contest those op- . x y Whitby, has been reinstated, (turned out particuarly well Each [ried out at Cobourg, where the ha} ! ii Poysthie. Mos ent posed to the Yerguson Ad- en Aruand, Vine pi Reunedy " . ; | EE am a fe fo ' ate Yas ap ve N -- "We » anxious to mect with "he corge Miller, all of whom ap OfFser Kay, in company with other [competitor was also given 50 1b, of [hour has been dredged and made . y e are any ministration had Semonstra- ¢ wh , constables, had been watching fur [Commercial Fertilizer to try ont (somewhat larger, The work dene | . MAKE IT A REAL THANKSG! NG ¢ representative of the Agricultural ted what united effort could peared Iu police court yesterday ; fl ( of Sate lon 1-5 aere, The fertilizer did not by the local firm was a sub con- Monday, Nevember 10, will pe set aside by prociamation from LOE | Socferty ag soon as possible," Dr. FV, i i Cornet carly on the morning ot Dat. [on ba ' } : " ¢ 4) { Thanksgiving accomplish, In Nipissing he urday, September 6, An accident oc- [give uniformly marked results al- [tract for the filling of the back wall seat Of government as a day tor general rejoicing and Y : «| 1, Henry, chairman of the hoard | felt that the IbeFaln were curred near the point where they had [though the dey summer and the [of the harbour, The wall itself is | Yo make IL possibile for every man who calls Oshawa "Home" to id informed The Timon, "We are try- | ut a disadvantage, as (hey been waiting and as they went to method of application worked [six hundred feet long, sixty feet thanks on that day, whether employed or unemployed, and to perpe u- ing to arrange another meeting were late In the Sold, hut " A , i . the scene of the accident another car lagainst the assimilation of the fer- [wide and six feet deep, The gravel | 8le the Ushawa spirit of teamwork and goodwill | now [ expressed s , . je 3 ) I'LL GIVE AN UNEMPLOYED OSHAWA MAN A JOB, Tf y SAprEmsed sore surprise that sped by at tremendous speed. Sus- |tilfzer, The few boys who had the necessary to fill this wall was ex . ' bib oof Y h M Goon Hamil [here is considerable anxiety on South Perth wos not redecys pecting that it was Cornet, the use of a fertilizer drill got more timated at several thousand feet, | {¥1ll out the coupon below and mall at once to Major George Hamil: | (ng parr of the unemployed men ed, stables gave chase, The car sudden- marked Increcses in yield than did [The expeditious manner in which | ton, Kmployment Service of Canada, 8 Bond Street West, Osbawa,) | to see this work started, as it will | broadcast (the work was completed has met | -------- a -------- | Ninety-six boys and and were remanded on charges of breaking Into a freight car, the property of the Canadian Nationa) Rallwe , a October 21st, were placed on suspended szentence this morn after the Crown had agreed to the withdrawal of the and the laying of a charge f need a man to ,... ' ' ree mean jobs. for several, Grading at ly stopped near the farm of G, Nor- [the boys who applied it a man Jrwin and the occupants at- iby hand, with mueh favorable comment in (woman) Alexandra Park is Included in th | The three young men none of tempted to flee through a field It The acre plots were all judged In Cobourg and the officials of the firm : program of relief work hore upon whom I# over thirty years of age, ed the hearty congratula y " coos | whigh government assistance von | ['} have pohbably seen a great deal was then that Kay drew his revolver [qn or and most of the nono ve recely forthcoming more of the world than most young and fired a shot which pierced Core (wane (0 Pickering, Sidney Wanna. (ions of the Mayor and several of "(Describe nature of work) he net's lung, sott of Pickering received the b the council who In no uncertain ' . | men « their age Kennedy told 1 1} ; . manner stated their appreciation of | yhe joy will require about ' Ai te CITY N ISTR She court Has he was born: in OU AND D. ICT awn and had obtained his degree The constable later explained that {est mark for his acre of Alsaka Oat : . the quick, clean and eflicient man he had not intended to shoot the land also got the highest mark for qu 4 Ar rBet ¥ om- | | 4 fugitive but thought that he had fir- any plot, any variet Jog. 'Fran, Ber in which the contract WAS COM: {4 opp) gy ,. vv isrvsrersnssss cit per. hour . ] in mechanical engineering from the ed his gun into the ai Plekering had the highest scoring Po " CHP ISTMAS BOOKINGS HEAVY nivergity of Maine, For a time ORBsOn "of nt for | he had worked with a' firm in New After recovering from hullet acre'of Banner Oats, Paul Diamond The reconstruction of the harbour | s 3 : ap ' 4 A Name |, sere vee the ' i Pacifi ailw dvised York, After his job there ended he wound, Cornet appeared for trial be- | Plekering, the he f OAC at Cobourg will make. the harbour | i \ - Pi ws sna ' ) 1s morning tha hris went in search of work and visited fore Magistrate Willis at Whitby, [Ne, 72 Oat Gordon ard, Beott one of the best on Lake Ontario Address hool I S H 200 F milie L y av 1 for trad niTowr in 1 1 x 9 1 afl way ' P EES FEAR ni : ni YO Kh nggland re cey 4H many «cities in the eastern United being heavily fined for contravention Township had the best plot of JOA. With the reconstruction of railways hookings to : h 5 tionally he this year, mi e couts ave 1, amilies States before coming to Canada of the Inland Revenue Act and aC, Ne, 21 Barley and Morris Baril purg to the harbour It will be fully 3 i EC -- orn or mm---- i : . . J i ~ " : " " & read JO $ w them . to Supply With Toys Biles coming to Canada he had breaeh of the Lig Cont rock 1 ip, the be O.ALC, 'able to handle cargos with the t A | p oO YOINK Over. ) n Montreal and Toronto and ---- No 181 Pens ' greatest dispateh ' hy * : : Te eto gers. ob Stock Market Prices | This Christmas cs far north as Port Arthur, Work MISSIONARY TO SPEAK fe oi Mh oy in - Joy Shy - RE EVE L FAVES TOWNSHIP . ng at one time cutting wood in the . ay rr { vA. | are hase n geners iro Leave Goro, : ne : # ot Not . . poi San y hy " hid flelency as follows: at the Judging Competition to be : ---- rid oh towns} jon ju r : " i ! f | , wal ia : ; } " | ol or os er a GATS & missiona n connection | oore 'im rel lenverte trict on Oet | i" . H o. ' up, who 1 aving Tw t wi ant nes { wh Joke 0 be the yo e8t 0 With the Heart of Afriea Mision, Reore on Eloy 8 pe > sant { : di i besvarton Snel i Markee ind A by ( di Press | eside in Belleville, is vacating his | 3, 2 cout ' the trio sald he had come to Can Nanded by Mr. C. 'T, Studd, and Reora m bits 25 par « 8 } ° ; Wi : a De Toronto and New York Stock notations Supplied by eat, on the Uxbridge towns his a pil Kin, WL. opt ida from Scotland as an immigrant supported by the Worldwide Evan i ots on} did 4 and Fe rillizer not. have kept out. or or s makes them Higgar and Crawford, Alger Dnilding, Oshawa i] | cit. His successor, however, ¥] of the ¢ r evured to take aif 110. Work on the farm, but was dis gelization Crusade will give en ad- v1 aut I'tancial Statements 20 per eligible for iy a ai. ; A il a hold office until Vanuae 1at | ol the F ve ep i ; alll atisfied with the Vines by oop i it, McLean has been filling the office of get: remake them und vaint thes ting and left the place where he was dress on Africa, illustrated by Lan- BOS tea v asd ' Bcora on attendance 'iwani TORONTO Tk, Hg. 610 610 | chairman of the count Old Age | that gome clikd 'w Mt otherwise |WOrking, Armand, the oldest, stat tern Slides, in the Behool Room paicust 5 ner cent ; : , of Simcoe Ht, United Church to-| Total 00 Hoy ont WEEKLY ORDERS UF | Bock High Low Close} Wr. Hr. 173 178 rit Pensions Board, | be without 40vs Wis coming 1. led hat he was born in Western night at § o'clock, ' ! | A, Oil 15 151 151 pn mas would receive some, oy (Canada and had served five years i b 4 rg RADIO 15 STOLEN Shey rk : ce that ix [with the French Foreign Legion. The prizes are: a4 TEN 26 V4 NEW YORK pleased to a Miss Yerbury is a splendid speak- Championship: Silver Bowl do By az, .. «bly > § aluable radio : g 't wi t er and has a thrilling, gripping mes- inated by the Canadian Bank of nn, 92 0114 914 tock High Low ne thing re ' 2 het | has : r nt . eal | | wis brought out in the court sage, Commerce, nn. hi Jo ; 10% y Am. Can, 119 117% BW | yy, WG sid te and announcing this Jt that the young men met in Toy- 1064 101 a Am, Fr. Pr. 41 ag 00% orRe mes, « Foronto, | that mas e hoy t on onto and went out to Scarboro Jet A hearty invitation is extended 18t--Two weeks Short Course at ockshu ' on Hen, 1h'y Am, Inter, an 241, 2h '" i everyone to come fk ad _anjoy this | f RL fniakla Acgloultuea! J(olego,y Te terest! enn, tnelph, In January r PFelhruary, Gypsum 14 «4 was hrolan i 2 . fe ost Interesting address I p ry o ehruny Part 1 orders by Yieut. Col; E. ( | oy Wal >a . vi. | Anaconda 87 84 36% » as broken into early Tuesday morn- | jer than wsual th ar in vie {They said that they got Into the car ) number of unempl city [from which they were taken at lwith hoard, lodging and rallway : 7 I'he. } So---- av------ 1 : | Hodgit mde, Ontario Regiment, . . . : 1 { : . e break-in was discovered by [fare paid by the Department of | 5m, "0 TH : We Pord .. : 20 2 lendix . 18 } lie caretiake } b o large SEN 24 he on arenen cowrmed | A nl pe wl ctober, | Int, Nki bo Beth, Steel 70% 708 pt fiat Yo WHO and with this in n tize uld Oshawa, after another man had be generous in their response tot Jumped out | 2nd--$5.00 merchandise donated Duties; » et ending Nover Int, Pet Ve | 1 Can, Dry b 9 6 ' ; at a wi bee ( rder! n PP ' . ! n 1a , no p d 1 AN) fay ' 1930. Orde Cn. FI, Co t ba | appeal. It is exp I that 1200 fa George Dalley, a constable for the New Martin by the T. Eaton Co, Ltd AA re ter) J officer : Lisa} | Ind, Alen, 2% o 2 ' . J Lo shawa, is inve | { liad 2 $4.00 1 . Gitford; orderly zeant; Sj [ Tmp, ON , Chrysler ! 5 j 3 g | Will. be snpphed Ww { railway company, said that ho rode tuated on the Kingston | work on dur ' 1 " ¢ (Where they boarded a freight train 10 Am, Tel, ,. 999% 195) hale : hway, a few les west of Whit! demand for 1ove w » Mi in the hope of getting to Montreal ard ennl ' fth---$3,00 eanh Andrews; orderly rpury, 1 Mn, Hy 5 j14 | Col. Gas , 5 | TO BUILD SCHOOL on fhe train from the Danforth y yards to Searhoro Jot, and saw Thurs. Fri. Bth~-82.00 carh { R. Bennett, [ Me, ¥rt : } 4s 715 | Vox Im 878 3 278 I. B. Moihetsll god Co. focal cop ies last year and one can se ; Gth----41,00 cash Next for duty: Orderly officer, pg Hy IE 8 { Gen, Elee, 517% 3 b1% |tractars, have been aw arded "0 Stateinel le Riga ask three men on the platform whom he TIFFANY | PRESEN NTS Boys in the Grain Club are of Lieut, M, M, Evans; orderly sergeant Gien, Mot, 36, bi 3 tract for tha cor struction of 4 ali couts have ahcad of them later lost track of, Later in the course eligible to exhibit at the | 28! M. J. Barker; orderly corporal Gel, North, 30 24 291% ! school building at Dunloe Re: hn Fone y ! All troops in the city t: nights levening he received a call from Osh- THOROUGHBRED Boys' Grain and Potato Fair to be | PL J. Moffatt { Ajax... ! int. Tel. .. 30 291 2 | Coulton street l orest Hill Villere, [in the workshop maki oys lawa stating that three men had {held at Uxbridge on Saturday, Nov, | 57. Parades: Battalion parade Oc. | Amulet 3 32 28 Mt, Ward 2014 ! 4 | Toronto, This company lias tender- | like new and incidently in their k {been taken into -eustody. Follow A VIVID DRAMA OF 1st, tober Jlst. "A" & "B", Coys fall in| Ch, Nos. 275 : I'l. Rd, Coa! 123 24 Lod successfully for several outside | pr cparing to gladden warts of [ing that notification, Mr, Bailey said 8 pm, CO's inspection 8:15 pam. | Do, Mns, 850 Hh 860 Radio .... 214 0 " contracts this year many youngsters in the * who the made a search of the grounds | In addition, two from each Towns ig } SPORIING LIFE ship will get a fron hus trip to the | "C' & "D" Coys. under local arrange: | Falcon, 160 160 Rad. Kth, 227% 201 2964 . might go without toys this winter near the station and found the seal a (Kiwanis Banquet in the Royal York | ments, I'raining as per syllabus, He. Oil 250 95 an0 Simmons 15 84 R | STRUCK BY CAR What is wanted is old toys broken [from the car in which the men - Comedy ° Hotel, on November 18th ahd will 58. Dress: Drill order with rifles | Hd, Bay 0510 [ 500 St.-NJ. .. B34 be 63% | Alex, Dobos, 99 Beverly street, res [°F otherwise, 4 ys hat owing, toythe {were found Constable J. R, Booth . also have the opportunity to visit [and sidearms. Band--Scarlet, Lk. 8h, 2200 ' 25 U.8. Steel 1471 | ported to the police this morning that | Brown of the child ar now of nojof the C.N.R, here said that when 'NEAT AND TIDY" Ih inter Fair, This trip Is | 59. Equipment: All equipment be-| Nrnda, 1725 B85 b Vanadium 51 5 508 | he had been struck by a car driven | sc 10 the " and iit hil Dr v aking an inspection of the train B---------- ere ree made possible through the co-opera- | longing to Company Stores which has | 8h, Grd, 09 f 0 Yel. Truck 11 | by a man who gave his name as|/ °C" @ Joy 10 some child and which 'he found the seal on the north door AUDIO. REVIEW tion of the various Township gpery: heen Parad to Mn or Headquarters | Sd. Ds, 70 Money 2 per cent, Rey, WV, J Noon Whitby, at the have fallen into disuse, Citizens are (of the car missing and orth doe -- ee ells In making $25.00 grants to- | must be returned to the C.Q.M.S, of corner of Beverly Street and King urged to clean ont their toy cup- {accused men in the car, which con -------- - we | Street last night, The accident oc- [boards and attics and "send whatever [tained clothing and shoes consigned FOX NEWS Fords the encouraging of Junior | the. Company concerned by October | = A \ \ tension work, | 29th 0 1 o curred as Mr, Dobos was riding hig | they can find to the headquarters to Halifax from Toronto, ANOTHER CHIMNEY FIRE j from the chimnéy had reached the | bi cle It is understood thi ig MP | | the fire hall or bring the m to | as Important World Events | , | ' > Po | Boys in the Grain Club will have A. T.. Tosland, A defective chimney at the home | wood of a partition and started a fire ! 1 J i {the opportunity of competing for Lieut, & Adjutant, of George Hardsand, 287 Currie Av. | which necessitated the cho Pping Dobos did not receive serious in- offic e of The Limes { it is not ithe four-day Free Trip to the Royal Ontario Regiment, 'cnue, gave the fice department a run) away of some of the wall in order juries and that the driver of the car | Veniemt lor citizens 10 brid { In M : y | agreed to pay any damage that might | toys downtown to these places the n emoriam \ | to. get to the seat of the flames have been done to the bicycle, can phone 1119 and hyve some per - -- " i son call with a car and collect them. | HENDERSON--I f NDERSO? n loving memory = -- Every troop of scouts in the city | ' ; ; | your father, Andrew Hender- FROST THIS MORNING STARR, WINNI FORWARD, [are hopeful that the public Yespons son. Whe departed this life, The frost was on the pumpkin this | ACC rn RANGERS' TERMS will be such that they will not have October 90, 1926. orning, The whole district was | Winnipeg, Oct, 30.--~Wilt, Starr, [3 difficulty in hnding enough nk Ever remembered | ¢ -- by a heavy white frost last [youthful forward hoo the Winnipeg to go Jound Why ys do bot o ig by the fanily. | night and the weather today is fresh [genfor hockey team, last night com | NOW hard they have to work for (102a) | alize that the) re worku and invigorating pleted nogotations with New York [LhCy reabize tha By Rre W s---- ro y vay | Tor a good cause aud the thought of Xn . Rangers of the National Hockey |, % C700 (05 Car peine © qo what | MEATH---In loving memory of Card of Thanks |Leeup ne, and will jon He pro team might otherwise be a dreary fiome) James Meath, who died October I a at ond this Christmas, is reward enough, ofr 8 he 2 AS k we have forgotter speedy left-winger, y vir effor ome may 1 'e have ¥ nt Nr. and Nr. TL Tursey |yoars out of Junior company, accep- tl y Times ins with this appeal | When at times they see us smile Nice aun and heigh- fied toms with Lester Patrick by and ot s that i 'wh ) old ed But they little know the hoartache yours for thelr kindness during the , o And asks Lu a ons [ X Jouvy 10} hile kinda 8 during Hh long digiance phone. : that they can sacrifice, place them | That we hide behind the smile, iid : yi . The RADEON. Jute Torolto ON | at the disposal of the scouts so that From 263 Court Street. Saturday for Springfield jo get dOWR | hoy cqmtrt used to make some needy | Wife and son. to serious training, Patrick stated. |g ie happy at Christmas tinie, (102a) Damage to the house will be slight, Too Late To Classify : te fms ammo ema sa ns » IVE } ROOM MODERN BUNGA- |} | Lopindf' 'S lo to rent, unfurnished or partly For Pericet Satisfaction Rept furnished, clectrie stove, blinds, Y fireplace, garage, Coal to respon- Have our This Week at tue REXALL Drug Stores "JACK sible tenant, 353 Lode 3 103m) : p FUR GARMENTS 28¢ Meloids ...........................2 for 26¢ | $1.00 Beef, Wine '& Iron ....2 for $1.01 OAK IE + SE MILLER 80c Milk of Magnesia ..............2 for 51c $1.00 Cod Liver Oil ............2 for $1.01 Comi Y 35¢ Writing P eR 'a0 "9a Mie : A PROFIT- oming Events WHAT IS A g Papers 2 for 36¢ ($1.00 "93" Hair Tonic ........2 for $1.01 a "All our work guaranteed. Come 25¢ Hydrogen Peroxide .........2 for 26¢c |50c Jonteel Creams ............2 for 51 SHARING In Paramount's Rip |. 8.Ue or word. nal. dis REXALL r &0¢ ontee ¢ | METHOD OF Roaring Comedy Riot 3 Vita yur WON eael on Pe to see our fine assortment of fur 25¢ Rexall Orderlies ., 2 for 26¢ |50¢c Jontee! Face Powder ........2 for Blc ONE-CENT 10c Black Band Nipples wine for 11¢ | 35¢ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo ....2 for 36¢ | ADVERTISING "The Sap from for each insertion, 38¢ il 7d coats. Special for this week: It is a sale where you SALE? 50c Bronchial Syrup .. 2 for Blc $1.00 R i alia TPT d egesan Fruit Saline....2 for $1.01 | buy an item at the ve. 1) 2% Muskrat ...........$105, $135 This sia bon bo do. | $1.00 Russian Oil . 2 for $101 |78c Roto Bath Salts .............2 for 76c | fer Brice, hen mothe Syracuse | ROMA AGE SALE. $5 BIYCOS Fe cal i 85 Fj dr the United | 50c Vapure Inhalent . $1.50 Shari Compacts .......2 for $1.81 | lor ene cent. As an il. UNGER iu JR AG AL a \ rench Seal ........ A Pl Tr Bg id . Hom lustration: The standard GINGER ROGERS North, October 31, o'clock, | Hudson Seal, Squirrel Collar and plan, Rather Yai $2.25 Hot Water Bottles nid for $2.26 50c Rubber Baby Pants, RE for 8lc¢ rice of Klenzo Dental ------ Mary St, Home & School Shab. i i Cuffs Scans .$225 hf auma aste is 50, you buy in other ways to one tube at this price Charlotte Greenwood : . orit and 'by paying 1° Cont in "Nolghborly Nolghbora® © KING STREET CHURCH Persian Lamb .... .....:..$100 Hooley: t are more, or 51 cents, you Sheiding | on this sale Come got two tubes, and save basement, . sale of clothing, |}! : . rng Re Pr ove Earl Semis vary United BENNY RUBIN children's clothes included, ¥ri- |} Us, Estimates given at your home HK quality mey- : rly ». "ak inthis day, & p.m. King Street Ladies' without obligation. chand uh the ries ol teed product, just In=The All Color Revue, Aid Group (101b) ons cel, B - + al 5] casts "maney "bo G11 we The R xl Stores 2 > a "PIRATES" ALLOWE'EN ROUND DANCE JE. MILLER customers, © saris All You No Unit--buay all re in Gene's Hall, Courtice, . er "NADAS FAVORITE I eT WG STORE. aa. Friday nd Su Sh- Screen Snapshots Thursday evening, Music. by [Hi Phone 170 King Street East woods will please you. | / Want day' only! Melody Boyg' Orchestra, Good : Bowmanville : prizes, Admission 28c, a (1034)

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