Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Oct 1930, p. 16

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 Eastern Ontario News | LIGHTS NOW ON 'Trenton.--Lighting by electricity 1as now become a reality in the vil- tages of Wooler and Stockdale, East Northumberland where the electric current has just been switched on the new line there. This was con- structed during the last few months with D. 8. Austin of Wooler as over- geer. Almost simultaneously came the installation of the first electric radio at Wooler. OUTBREAK OF RABIES Brockville--Word of an outbreak of rabies in the territory between Morrisburg and Cornwall has reach- ed the Government Veterinary In- spector here. Two inspectors are now investigating the situation among the cattle in the area. GIVEN SUSPENDED SENTENCE Cobourg.--B. Habard of Toronto was allowed to go on suspended sentence on a charge of tendering a cheque to a Cobourg garage with- out having funds to meet it. Hab- ard was a former steward on the Cobourg car ferry. Crown Attor- ney F. D. Boggs, K.C., recommend- ed leniency owing to Habard"s hav- ing been unemployed for thirteen months. WATERWORKS PLANT SOUGHT Colborne --At the last meeting of Colborne Village Council it was virtually decided to submit a by- law to the electors at the coming municipal elections in January pro- viding for the construction of a waterworks plant at Colborne at an estimated cost of $65,000 CHILD KILLED BY MOTHER Belleville.--Kathleen Cassido, 2- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Paul Cassido, of Hungerford Town- ship near Sulphide, was accident- ally shot to death by her mother Mrs. Cassido was removing a loaded rifle from the kitchen to another room and it was accidentally dis- charged, the contents of the weapon penetrating the youngster's head, killing her instantly. HOUSE, BARN AND CROP BURNS Athens.--Fire in the home of Mr. Burton Baxter, Glen Buell, caused fr the chimney, destroyed the Litouse, garage, barn and stable, The |® cattle and horses were saved but the contents of the house, the ma- chinery, and this season's crop were all destroyed. TAX RATE THE SAME Athens.--The village tax rate re- mains the same as last year, 47 millls, G. Robinson has been ap- pointed tax collector. CHURCH REOPENED Gananoque --The reopening of St. Lawrence United Church, Pitts- ferry, which has been closed while the interior was being redecorated took place recently. COMPLETING HIGHWAY Brockville--The section of King's Highway No. 29, which has been under construction between here and Forthton during the summer months, will be completed in the course of a few days. GIRL GETS SIX MONTHS Cobourg.--Unwanted by her par- ents in Peterborough who wrote Chief of Police Ruse that they 'could do nothing with her,"" Bea- trice Douglas, 17 in July of this vear, who claimed Peterborough as her "home," was sentenced by Col. W. H Floyd, Folice Magistrate, to six months' determinate and six months' indeterminate in Mercer Reformatory. Accused had been charged with vagrancy, SERIOUSLY INJURED Belleville, -- Eldon MacElwee, resident of this city and employ-| ed in Kingston as an electric weld- on his way to his employment a few miles east of Napanee and is confined in the Hotel Dieu Hospital. accident while RELIEF FOR WORKLESS Tweed.--Tweed will participate to the extent of $15,000 {n unem- Sm -- Old Dutch Cleanser does all your cleaning Q. ETTER--because Old Dutch doesn't scratch; contains no grit; protects smooth ond beautiful surfaces. Better because Old Dutch cleans hygienically; takes the invisible impurities with the visible dirt, assuring Health ful Cleanliness. A SIER --because of the unequalled effi. ciency of Old Dutch, your cleaning is done with less time and effort; it is surprising how much a little Old Dutch will do. UICKER -- because Old Dutch removes all dirt, grease and grime with a quick, clean, smooth sweep. Old Dutch will help you make short order of the cult cleaning task. diffi- Always keep a can of Old Dutch handy in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry ==this will save you time and many steps and is more economical, («ADE IN CANADA Listen to the Old Dutch Girl Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 845 AM. over the Columbia ting' System through Broadeas CFRB, Toronto, station THE BEST SOLVAY COKE JEDDO PREMIU AT USUAL COAL PRICES ' DIXON COAL CO. Telephone 262 Five Direct PRODUCED FUEL OIL Lines | | eluaing ice cream and marshmal- | er was seriously injured in an auto | ployment relief assistance. This money, it is understood, or a consid- erable portion of it, will be used in extending 'the waterworks system. STOLE FROM UNCLE Lindsay. -- Clarence De Moe, of Fenelon Township, was sentenced to thirteen months determinate and two years less one day indetermin- Blo, in the Ontario Reformatory on charge of stealing some clothes and a sum of money from his uncle, Willlam de Moe. CAN OF PAINT DOES $350 DAMAGE Kingston.--A can of paint was left by a careless city workman on the roadway at Kingston in front of a store, occupied by Eva Wartel- sky. The can was struck by a pass- ing automobile, was broken open and the paint covered the front of the store and goods were also de- stroyed. She sued the corporation for.damages and Judge H. A. La- vell .has handed down his judg- ment: awarding the plaintiff $350 and costs for the harm sustained. WANT ELECTRICITY Pembroke --Efforts to secure adequate lighting in the village of Westmeath will be made by the cit- izens and at a meeting of the rate- payers of the village. A committee was appointed to interview the Pem- broke Electric Light Co. with re- spect to terms. TWO RESCUED FROM FIRE Pembroke.--Damage to the ex- tent of about $1,000 was caused by fire at the Victoria House, owned by August Demers and occupied bh E. Thibeault, who conducts a board ing house on the premises, The fire originated in the kitchen. Two of the occupants, who were in bed difficulty in escaping and were res cued by members of the fire depart- ment, RAIN IS WELCOME Wells Short Water Zion Oct. 28.--The fine rain which came Monday was gladly welcomed by everybody a great many being short of water Miss Helen Pierce is under the doctor's care with jaundice and summer flu. Mr. Frank Pascoe has rented Mr. Walter Trull's farm for a term * vears and takes possession this fall. Miss Isabel Smith and gentle- nn friend, of Petetboro, were unday guests of her sister Mr. Frank Pascoe visited at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's home recently. Mr. Anson Balson and Mr. Jerry Glaspell attended the judging con- test of Junior Farmers at Canton, last Friday, and Anson won a two weeks' free course at Guelph this winter, Mr. and Mrs. Snudden and family have left Zion and moved to Osh. awa. An aluminiu demonstration was held at the Nome of Mr, Ar. thur Langmald, on Monday night. The young ladiex of Onward Class are going to g\ilt another quilt on Saturday. Mis. Norman Leach has donated one already patched. The Women's Association are holding thelr November meeting at the home of Mrs. Russel Stainton, on Wednesday, Nov. 5th, at 2 o'clock, gram. "Temperance," welcome. Farmers' of The subject for roll-<call {3 and everyone will vest home services at Eldad, Sunday. Miss Ruth Fice, Ontario Hospital, Whithy, spent the week-end home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fiece have moved to Bowmanville to help the former's uncle, Mr. Cola Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe were surprised by the community, on Wednesday evening last, and pre- in the upper part of the house, had | IN ZION DISTRICT Had Been! Quilting will be the pro- | A few attended the special har- | on | at Has C COAL Reduted Your Fuel Bill? MALLETT BROS. Coal Importers Albert St. 1'hone 8000 visiting with Miss M. Cooper. Mr, and Mrs. Weir, Brooklin, visit ed at Mr. 8. Robert's home, Satur- day. The Women's Association held their monthly meeting in the church Parlor, on Wednesday after- noon of last week. After the open- ing exercises several items of busi- ness were dealt with, A program was given consisting of readings on "Temperance" by Miss Nellie Or- miston and Mies Gladys Ross; vo-!| eal duet by Misses Mary Carr and Francis Hayes, and a solo by Miss Margaret Dearborn, There were 20 present, Rev. Dr. Cooper is taking charge of the Harvest Home services at Raglan, next Sunday. Rev. Mer- riam will take Dr. Cooper's work here. | LEADER OF JOBLESS Produce Quotatic ns GRAIN AT TORONTO Grain dealers at Toronto quoting the following prices grain in carlote Manitoba Wheat %8¢c; No. 1 Northern, Northern, 74%c¢; 3 Northern, 72%c per bushel , Price on tracks 1c higher than above. Manitoba Osats--No, No. 2 feed, 31%c per hushel Goderich and Bay ports) Argentina Corn--7%¢ Colborne) Millfeed are for No. 1 hard, 7%7¢; No. 2 No. 1 feed, 34%c; (cif. {e.i.1. Port (delivered freights, bags included): ton, $21.25; chorts, per 25; middlings, per ton, §! Manitoba Flour--First patents, in jute, $6.00, Toronto; second patehts in jute, £5.40 Ontarlo Grain--Wheat, 63¢ 30c; barley, 34c, rye, 45¢ -r wheat, T5¢ Montreal, Bran, per ton, $22 9.25 oats, bueck-~ CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Oct ). Extra firsts were one cent higher on this morn- | GUILTY OF JOINING Hamilton, Oct. 30.--William Pat- terson, an officer of the local unem- ployment association, was found guilty by Judge Thomas in criminal court of being a member of an un- lawful assembly but was allowed to go on suspended sentence. His worship remarked that theres had been no serious consequences to the |gathering in question and that he {had the deepest sympathy for men out of work. Patterson it is recalled, was the {leader of the famous 'hunger march" on the city of London over a year ago, an expedition which proved embarrassing to the govern- {ment of Premier Ramsay MacDon- ald QUEBEC TREASURER MEETS OPPOSITION Huntingdon, Que., Oct. 30. Hon Gordon W. Scott, provincial treasur- er, and Martin Fisher, Conserva tive, were nominated yesterday tn contest the provincial by-election in Huntingdon county, polling to take {place next Tuesday, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective September 28th 1930 (Standard Time) East Daily, except . Day Daily, 1 Baik Daily, Daily Dail 'estbound Daily, except Sunday, Daily. Daily. Daily, except Sunday. Daily, except Sunday. Daily, Daily. Daily, except Sunday. GRAY COACH LINES Effective Seplember 28th, (Standard 7 © Leave Oshawa AM, PM ol.00 wm'. LN 9.% 10.30 nu Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Saturday, except except except oP eeese g@spspss 8 18 ) Leave loronto AM, w/.% 120 50 9% 10.38 11.% LY in 5 ------- --oVeNona BuEBRSEES m~Fxcept Sundey. a~Saturdays, Sundays aud Holidays only b--Sundays ouly. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Effective September 28th, 1939 (Standard Time) Eastbound 5.90 a.m. Daily. sented with a writing desk and a! All had a nice time served in- fancy clock. and refreshments were lows, Wa are glad Frank is re- maining in our neighborhoed and church Mrs: leen have gone to Toronto vigit to her parents, Mr. and 8. G. Chant. Miss Pileen Morphy, Darlington station, is with Mrs. John Balson for a while. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspell on the birth of a daughter in Bowmanville Hospital, on Oct. 22nd Mr. and Mrs a car load of relatives from land, on Sunday Mr. Alex. McMaster assisted in the choir at Eldad special services, on Sunday. COLUMBUS PERSONALS Columbus Oct. 28.---Miss Nell Menson, Mr, and Mrs, Park Ben- "on and son, of Rochester, spent 'he week-end with friends. Mrs, Reford Cameron and Kath- for Mrs. Sulley entertainnd Mid- 'Tayes, Sr., returned to Rochester "ith them to spend the winter. Miss Elsie Dyer, Oshawa, spent 'nnday at home. Miss Inda Sloan, of Toronto, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS is MAY BE OVERCOME i: If iyou have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of ' Parmint (double strength) and add to it 34 pint of hot water and'a little sugar. Take 1 tatilespoonful four times a day. This" will 'often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing become easy and the mucous stop 'dropping "into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is plea- sant to take. Anyone who has ca- tarrhal deafness or head noises should \give this' Prescription a trial, a 7.50 vm. Daily. WHITBY, CHAVA, BOWMANV(LLE BUS LINES WEEK DAY fFCHEDULE (Effective on and after October 6th, 1930) (Standard Time) Going Laive Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.20 a.m, 05 a.m, 8.05 am, est Arrive Whithy 7.0 a.m. 8A' am, 9.05 a.m , 10.45 a.m, 12.25 p.m. p.m. m, Arrive Hoepital 1240 p.m. 4.00 p.m. Hospital 1.25 p.m, 4.25 pm, L218 pam, 5 10.10 poi. 11.45 pam. 1215 po. SUNDAY AND HO! IDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive' 'Whitby £30 ps Pp 11,00. pm. 1.50 p. limes mares connect Whitby with {lindsay Bu 1 for Sctativns Rates and AEE eful Drives GARTON, Pi OFRIETOR BOW MANVILLE PHONE 02 er Us UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY [business general | TIME TABLE ak ng's spot egg market, although 50 far as we can | see, is no better weak and good cars are selling line with the Decem- bers. Ordinary cars that will grade |are moving in t small way im line [with November market, indicating disnorition to hold back better stock as long as possible. Futures work- ed within narrow ranee this mérn- Ing and for most part did not appear tn be subject to much aggressive action by locals. Easier trend was evident during morning's spot hut ter call bit actual changes ations confined to of wholemilks Thi "® was responsi ire in futures a rally nnd close was at or near prices Hin that will grade in were for lower open- Farly buvi which was ng started to hold, opening unable Open |eese. ovem he Hoven November 438; December r. ex- tone, c; tone, tras en i tirttar, , firsts, ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen. Oect 27 Mr. Mrs, J. A. Werry have moved into ) house for the winter, to the village, Mr. and Mrs. J Mrs. J. H. Freeborn visited mer's brother, Mr. and Bradley, Brooklin The W.M.S. held quilting on Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, when two nice quilts were quilted Glad to report Mrs. W. J. Stain- ton is able to be out around again Mr, and Mrs. A. Bain, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Trewin, Bow. manville, were Sunday callers at | Mr and Mr J Slemon's residence Mr. and N rs. Roy McGill visited | the latter's brother, Mr. Roy Lang- | maid, and atte nded Eldad Anniver- | sary A Hallowe'en Masquerade held on Friday, Oct. 31st, basement of the church Mr. and Mrs. Harve} ahd Mrs. E. Werry and Mr. J. A. Werry attended Eldad Anniversary. Miss Velma Orchard spent Sune day with Miss Annie Oke. Miss Reva McGill and Mr Pointen visited Mr. and My and called on Mr. and Mrs Plummer, Port Hope. Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and June spent the week-end with friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. J. A Clifford, Toronto spent the week- end with Mrs. Stainton's mother, Mrs. J. Pye, the latter returning to Teronto for a two weeks' visit The Ladies" Aid will hold {te | monthly meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 5th All membera are re- | quested to be present to decide about having a bazaar Mr. and Mrs. R. Tursey, Corn- wall, Ont., visited the latter's bro- | tehr, Mr. Wm Herring | Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, | delivered a fina sermon to a fair audience, Sunday evening, taking for his theme 'Christ's Teachings in Relation to His Enemies" Mrs. O. FE. Jeffrey and family spent Saturday last with her sister, Mrs. Dave Harrison Port Perry, and and Grace, who 5. G. Preston's are welcomed Bradley, Mr. and | he for- Mrs. F. their will be in the MeGill, Mr. HW. Long Lorne Stainton and Magnesia Best for Your Indigestion Warns Against Dopias Stomach With _ Artificial Digestants Most people who 'suffer, either oc- casionally or chronically {rom gas, sourness and indigestion, have now discontinued disagreeable diets, pa- tent foods and the use of harmful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestants, and instead take a teaspoonful or four tablets of Bi- surated Magnesia in a little water stomach no longer troubles them, they after meals with the result that their are able to eat as thy please and they enjoy much better health, Those who use Bisurated Magnesia never dread the approach. of meal time because they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, which can be ob- tained from any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the stomach acidity," sweeten the stomach, pre« vent food fermentation, and make di- gestion easy. Try this plan yourself, but be certain to get Bisurated Mag- nesia especially prepared for stomach Storage eggs are | | New] Arvwarer Kent RADIO in quot- | ton grades | weaker feel- | { annual | [GENER TARIFF 15 TORY POLICY British Conservatives Would Grant Preferences to Dominions London, Eng., Oct. 30---~The Con servative party is prepared to es- tablish a general tariff, if returned to power, and to give the dominions preferential rates based upon this tariff, the Marquis of Salisbury, Conservative leader in the House of Lords; told the upper chamber. But the firet. question to which |0of the the people should devote their at- Canadian Jewry for their continued ltasth and the patience and fortitude tention, declared Lord Salisbury, was how far this tariff ghould zo. while he supported the preference offer of Rt, Hon. R. B. Bennett, the Canadian prime minister, he felt Mr. Bennett must be aware that] Britons would only aceept his poli- cy {if they felt the bargain between Britain and the deminionz wag to be a fair one. CANADIAN JEWS PROTEST POLICY FOR SALE PONTYPOOL POTATOES 5125 COX MOTOR SALES .. 10 Bond Street West Phone 928 ~~ ~~ Send Formal Resolution to British Government On Palestine Montreal, Oct. 30.--A special meeting here of leaders of the Zion- ist organization of Canada resulted in formation of a resolution of pro- test to be forwarded to the British government in connection with the recent white paper on the Palestine mandate, A.J Fr eiman, Ottawa, president organization, commended House For Sale - Seven rooms and garage at 314 Athol 5t. East. Ime mediate posscssion. Apply to Secy. Housing Commis- sion, Municipal Offices, Simcoe St, South. [with which they have received this | moet recent obstacle in plane for | establishment of a Jewish agtlonat] home in the Holy Land, i Vhat is puppy love?" il beginning of a dog's life" Boston Transcript. J. H. R. LUKE For automobile, house and contents insurance, in good sound companies. Apply 52 King Street East Phone 871, Residence 687W NEW tone NEW tone control NEW quick- vision dial NEW engineering NEW beauty JOHN ADAMS FURNITURE CO. swith the GOLDEN VOICE MODEL 70 LOWBOY No-Mar finish. Complete with tubes, The CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT of all! $223.00 See every station right before your eyes with this new Quick-Vision Dial. Tune in the one you want instantly -- clearly, sharply--whether local or far away. Then hear this new glory of tone--the Golden Voice. Bring out the bass or treble at will-- make the most of every program --with the new, perfected Atwater Kent Tone Control. Four definite shadings of the Golden Voice. New beauty of design, on a par with excellence of performance. Four models to select: from, all finished in genuine No-Mar See and hear the mew Atwater Kent at. your dealer's now. Malcolm and Hill, Limited, Kitchener, Optario Canadian Licensees : Licensed by Canadian Radio Patents Ltd. DISTRIBUTORS: LOCAL DEALERS: MEAGHER RADIO MERCHANDISERS, LTD,, "TORONTO 92 Simcoe St, North Simcoe St. South Sold in Oshawa by The Adams Furnithre Comoany SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 701 £ 10 Prince 'Street Sold in Oshawa by JOHN MEAGHER 92 SIMCOE ST. NORTH. PHONE 3T1W * J { 8

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