THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN [family visited Mrs, Sharpe of ¥n- PROTEST HIRING OF N RS Archer, of Oshawa, were in Lown Mr, and Mrs, W. E, Beman ne oY NL 0 ] on Tuesday, " companied by their niece, Miss Irene er. 4 niskiilen, Reliev IN | A OF left, Thursday morning on : 3 . Mrs. Elmer Bradley spent sun- FOREIGN WORKMEN | Congratulations to Mr, John | Rineh, ] Medd, who won five figsts in the la motor trip through New York y 9 . # day with her mother, Mrs, Pdger Vietoria County Plowing Match at | state, . ing ton, of Yoniypool, : Boheaygeon. | Mrx, Harold Allin visited Mrs, i, J P Mr. and Mrs. A, J, Adams; Mr, Hull Que, Oct, 40~bpecisl patrol We are sorry to char Mr. Alexls, Rowe, Newlonville, on Tuesday and Mrs, stanly Hesd, Oshawa; was sent to the small nearlly settle eo 8 CFL Woods is a iin AMOK Shia out aid in Jue Bvbling tended sil ---- Viwm, Hanstord, Toronto; My, and s---- Hen, of Gatineay Whe n officials of I () §) i) ho tor's eave, 11 is hoped he posrgeoncert held in the Commu 1 ) , ££ nsf and family, et | the Internationa aper Company FBRATED be better again. funder the auspices of the Ladies | ny Mrs. Khantio Hanslord 4 Mrs, iz Several Gangs of Men will plant there reported ony K | 8) N E 4 Mr, and Mrs, RL, Collentt, Mrs. | Aid of Newtowville United Chureh. | h ~ ence Avery recently, Be Put to Work Near growing out of amti-foreign demon. H.-L, Collacutt end Betty motors a Mrs, 1B Thomas, accompanied by | Mr, und Mrs, J. Williamson, Mr, strations by a group of mill workers, / LS Many Attended "Special Ser- io Sordi and Oakville an Wed | Jor dutighier, Min, Ketuaghan ad ' DANCE (0, Hl), Pontypoo), visited Mr, and North Bay Ove naturalized Canadian was as | 9, PILLS vices at St. John's Preshy- "Mr. G, D, Atrd has Vioon appoinked | Ont. spent 4 few duyh with ber | "A once TAN || Via Toin Weis, TEL STs ile Yur . auditor of Whithy Townspip, . daughter, Mrs, Ryan, jn Toronto, Mr, Thomas Mountjoy Is under (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Tested on chirges of assault and. ut. terian Church Mr. and Mys, Hugh Wallade and, Young Peoples League, of New. | in " ; family, of Toronto, spent the week- | custle United Church, ave holding a end with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mit | viatquarade, in Community Hall, on JON Ik \ Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Stainton, this week Hon, Willism, Playies, On several occasions during the | 24 i 1 \ TON ampton, and Mrs, A, Grant, To (Ontario minister of lands and for- v on | % th Port Porry, Oct, 35. --The Anni-1 pep, Hallowe'en night fifo wer AY | visited thelr sister, Mrs, Ales ita stated that number of camps | Vast month, a group of the workers | preary Worvices held in Bt, John's! pyening service was withdrawn | The Massey Harris Co, demons Bo 8,50 MeNef), and amily on Sunday would shortly be established and [have held meetings to voice protest | reshyterian Church on Sunday Wst |. the United Church on Sunday on strated their Tractor and Plow on AND EVERY Plans are heing made for ovr 50 gangs of men started st work on | A&A! the employment of new Can- vere very well attended, Rev.| count ofthe special Phank-offer-|the (arm of Mr, Howard Glenney, THURSDAY AY NIGHT | nu Thanknglving concert the Vembroke to North Bay link of | #3ians, feott Galbraith, of Toronto, was the | ine Service at Prince Albert, The fool morning, Oct, 24th, ag the trans-Canada highway, The pecial preacher for the oceasion, choir of the Port Perry Chureh as | Cc "cee cKoc | ink id that the work would | MEN ON RELIEF W yu Tuesdey, Oct, 21st, the Ladies | sisted ut the service, TL COTTON MILL WILL Tininter aid that the work would CHINESE TROOPS ORK of the Chureh held a very sucess. re Hag Set of the AY.P.A, of BRIDF HONORED BY "i CNC a? a% CFRB LOCATE IN QUEBEC os 4 of clearing tie rigiy Dt yaks SENT TO BORDER AS MUST NOT DRIVE CARS ul supper followed hy an excellent the Church of the Ascension the fol. and such other operations as can be (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 4 J y a ol 's ORY, ' pt, 20 A I 4 the doctor's care, North Bey, Oct, 30, --When here | Jo, oo 0 ---- nncert, lowing officers were elected for the ' arrfed on during the winter sea- . : oh. carried on [1 Shanghai, Chins, Oct, 29, Lindsay, Oct, 30.--Lindsay will ] | - Mr. and Mrs, Cliff spent Sunday | He ' year;~----Hon, Pres, Mrs, G, A, (By Canadion Press Lessed Wire) with friends in Scugog, ' Ps en. Stone: " y sides pon Chinese pro Bl et, Tt i nents were served and a soejal ve) Montreal Oct, 30 Tt was learned Binese loss reports trom Harbin vot tolerate members of its unem- 4 Viverything that can be done on | today sald North Manchurian au Mrs, C. C, Keele, of Toronto, Pres, Harley Balfour; See'y, Mis ; : lonrs gout tha Wook end with Mr. J. C.| qabel Ryan; Treas, Donald Camp- | EC ay wnjornd ois od Sion ar. Jhure tora, fat the Tsmane Mills of his action ne aE coment: | orion Bad ortered rooms tv, Moved yanks driving to work in "Mr. and Mrs, P, Densham and|"\: planist, Miss Lois Lundy; a¥-| zuret Ridge snd hn of Toronto. | tes manufacturer of cotton and wool #1 project this season will be started | international border near Manch thelr motor-cars while securing om- Mrs, Jos, Btone motored to Cold- sistant, Miss Murjorie | Miss Vera Slemon Made spent the week-end with Mrs, len Wankets, has decided to establish 12 reliate hembloymunt the tall, uli if a result o the threatened ployment under the local relief ter on Friday, tnt 4 Mr, Mrs, | cotton manufacturing mill at Gray st possible extent, ® | breakdown of the conference in scheme, Whe ToD held a danes on | NEWCASTLE i Recipient of Many fidud paganta Mr. snd Mrs Jeny i Que, 8 employed will bo given the prefer- | Moscow seeking settlement of | In an announcement Mayor W, E, Triday evening in the Assembly mm -- { Fine Gifts Toronto with her daughter, to| [1 €, Whitman, president, stated "°° he stated, the Chinese Eastern Rallway Ais frewart told unemployed owners of Rooms of the High School, In spite] Newcastle, Oct, 25, Mrs, It. }I spend u week, the type of blankets made hy the EE ---- pute between China and Russia, 'motor-cars that If they wish to se- of rather unpleasant weather it wag | Vick and duughte F, Miss Emma Haya Om 97 4 Vid Mr, Norman Hall, Mr, John Gras | firm had not previously been many tory is going around that an ac- ER ure work under the relief scheme "ll aienieg kof T Viel a of Orijiin, ahve heen aA Jhayaen, - er Fiduy | ham and sons, Oshawa, visited Mr. | (setured in Canada, Sufficient tariff | quaintance of Watryly cane across | First Pessimist--"1's hard to make they must either dispose of their i the Cook: nd Dron: a 1 eng gl week, f | of this We ele, wis the recipient of al " wl Mrs, Davia Graham, | protection tn warts nt the investment hin " Je visiting the prison, and both ends meet nowaras 3" i | gre of ue in thelr driving license, Miss Grace Rose, of Toronto, was| Mys. Smith, of Toronto, is visit- | shower of lovely and useful pres-| Mr and Mvs, Harry Bird, Mount | was given by » Whitman i . found did gl it anh of ig "ab the Hecond 1 iii rt Yes, And just | he hey magistrate aid not con- vith her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A,|ing her daughter, Mi H., Toms, ents, when a large namber of 'milton, "visited Mr, and Mrs, | deciding factor Hi persiiading. ine A y KS . oy Jha dy th e si jen i y are ida Jo meet some Wider ! proper that men should A, Nose over the wee end, and other relatives in this locality riends and neighbonys gathered at aron Mountjoy company to orate ranch visitor, sewing ,, 0," replied th ool comes along and moves the rive cars while earning thirty Mr, and Mrs, M, R, Hull have Mr, and Mrs, Roy Butler and Mrs | the home of her father, My, Thomas | M7. and Mrs, Elgin Mountjoy and | counts prisoner, "reaping ends cents an hour, goved to Hornby, Ont, where they |Siella Anderson, Toronto visited | #lemon After the company had vill reside with their daughter their mother, Mrs, R P. Butler | been called to order, tha bride open- Mrs, Stone and Miss Mabel Ryan |this week ed each present reading the enclos vere guests of Toronto friends for Mr, Murray FEilbeck, Port Col i verses and good wishes, and in 1 few days last week, horne, spent last week-end with hig) her gwn pleasant manner, thanked Mrs, DD, Archer and Miss Leila ' parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Eilbeck, leveryone for their gifts, Refresh. ---- | MORE people are buying DEFOREST CROSLEY q CHAIN ={ than any other radio a= THE radio public buys carefully these days. It knots radio, It acclaims only new developments of real For Hallowe'en or Any Other Time -. | importance. I'ne Baperior Chain Stores will supply your needs better. These stores are Canada's : v : ' . . Nei utter. Tiast Sores ro Uatade's This year Canadian radio buyers have paid the supreme needs of specialties for any occasion, are imported and stocked in abundence, Th ; { * y if best quality purchased in tremendous quantity makes prices lower -- those po tribute to Del orest Crosley. More people are buying just ordinary goods, sn if you want your Hallowe'en (0 be a real success let the DeForest Crosley than any other radio Superior Stores supply your needs, ' WE SELL THE HESNT FOR LESS Items for Week Ending November 5, 1930 Sy | Sales The Acid Test of Success Ta ahd PI---- EE po AYLMER | : GRANULATED i §. i JRoverort And there is the surest test of the success of any product. Soun 5 No radio development in years has contributed so much Sugar All Flavors rp to radio entertainment and radio values as the new De Baa Chick Butter Forest Crosley models, That is why they have shattered G lbs. 33¢ 3 for * 25¢C poe 35¢ | every former radio sales record. : o | The Seasational | No Radio Is Modern Without ST. CHARLES SUPERIOR ROYAL YORK New "BROCK" H ic A lificati armonic Amplncation ar . | rans Sto: MILK Baking Powder TEA | AEE For here DC engineers have achieved the industry's Tau 14c 8 oz. | 16 ox. 121b. 1 1b, $148 greatest advance in musical quality--Harmonic Ampli- Complete with tubes 3 sman 20¢ | i5¢c 25¢ 28¢ 55¢ | -- inn fication. For the first time all the colour of the essential [ ---- "r -- Harmonic overtones are added to radio and phonograph : reproduction, It will change all your ideas of radio music. RINSO |" w . Demand Is Exceeding Production Washes Clothes Whiter Aver Pure Unichup Spag hetti . 1 ers 18 03. Dulity 20 iam JIL LE MHL yy This Canadian Company anticipated record sales during Large Cc Fresh Made Quality Mince No.1 i | J a 1930, But record demands swamped all expectations. In Phe. 2 meg tmwe f Size. kde iB i spite of greatly increased production facilities in the vast he ------ ae ep Hallowi Dates ..3 Thy, 3: ' ; ll i emg, ; : : :Forest Crosley factory it has already been impossible AUNT DINAH Marshall's Herring NEW PACK RRA - le Bers pace with i y » ' large tin 8c R berry : ¢ . '4 Molasses ges 1awid Move Polis KY y J Jl Fh Avoid delay. See your DeForest Crosley dealer now. per bottle 14c¢ Ys AM I oo - , | DeForest Crosley, Limited 11a 1 Chloride of Lime, 40- TN yo oz, 3 : k , B, Hahn, Presid D. H, Pollitt, Vice-Pres, \ size ic tia snr oR DE B4e 39¢ \ W md of R. ! n, Presidewt tt, Vice-Pres, & Maw, Div deily Beans, por Bb. .. 170 | earn ER RC | SENN The HARMONIC Series The DOMINION Series \ NY FLOWERS Roasted Peanuts per Ib, 10c CHATEAU 4 foouitul model in wv. SIAN NN pi . pte BEN ON $126 to $395 CLARK'S 1s new Screen Grid Tollet Rolled Oats, in bulk, Vastourized ; hasris inioducing NAR: . : GHC Amplieaion for N Br AN \ SOAP |... : | Cheese Sith gen di Asesor, new, ; © Colour" Control, | 4 Z3¢) ntl 19c $189.50 ovest Crosley "Tome ol ower Molnsges Snaps, 2 dbs. 28¢ Complete with tubes Sa Salmon, Pink No, 1 tins 15¢ HILLCREST Peels, Lemon and Orange S. 0. S. | J Short ol ser Lote riaate| eerie | DE FOREST CROSL TE wa oo wa, wer, we | LGC | RPE R_RADIO FOR YEARS TO COME PEARL Vi-Tone White Naptha RB aisins : =o i soz. 33¢C SOAP PUFFED SEEDED luke Furniture Co. Moti Motor Sales | The Johns Piano 'tore | Adams Furniture Co. Roy W. Nicholls A6-0%. LE] bars H | Tbs. 7 63 King St, East Simcoe Street N. | 80 Simcoe St. North Simcoe St. South Cour ld i : 53 i1c 2 2 " Phone 79 Phone 9158 Phone 251 Phone 701 Phone 180r22