PACE EICHT i HEE 4 * A an THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 DECISION RESERVED (VER CROWN NDS Srovincial Contentions Put Before Supreme Court of Canada Ottawa, ~Judgment was reserved yy the Supreme Court of Canada in he case involving the natural re- iources of Saskatchewan, The case nvolved two questions referred to the :ourt by the Dominion government as 0 the Dominion's responsibility to the province for. its administration of he Crown lands in the territory com- prising the province in the period from 1870 to 1905, Counsel for the province contended that the Dominion should account for any of the lands, mines ,minerals or royalties disposed of during that per- iod. Counsel for the Dominion re- jected this contention but the court, did not call on them for argument and the case ended at the conclusion of the province's presentation, In their argument, counsel for the province presented an extensive re- view of the political and constitution- al history of Western Canada, The territory which is now Saskatchewan was once part of the Northwest Ter- ritory and Rupert's Land and was ta- ken over by the Dominion of Canada in 1870, From that time until 1905 when the province of Saskatchewan was established, the territory was administered by the Dominion Gov- ernment. At this year's session Par- liament passed an act approving the transfer of the Crown lands from the Dominion to the provinces, Question to be Decided An accounting is to be made of the Dominion's administration from 1905 to the present year, but the question before the court is whether the lands prior to 1905 were vested in the Crown, in the right of the Dominion or in the right of any province or provinces to be later established in the area, Should the contention of the province be accepted, the pro- vince would be entitled to an account- ing of the disposition of any resoure~ es by the Dominion and compensation for the alienation of any resources not used directly for the benefit of the province, The Province of Alberta supported Saskatchewan's contention and is in the same position as Saskatchewan with respect to its rights, Manitoba is in a different position and is not re- presented at the hearing for a stat- ute of the Imperial Parliament con- ferring on the Dominion the benefi- cial ownership in the Crown lands of the province disposes of the question, Questions Before Court The questions before the court are: (1) Upon Rupert's Land and the Northwest Territory being admitted into and becoming part of the Dom- Architect." Homes and buildings of any sort built with lumbe rfrom our yard have built with lumber from our yard have For you can say, "Il know that every foot of lumber used in this building is of standard size and | can guarantee that it is exactly as specified by the The public has learned that our stock is better and if you are selling your building, when you tell prospects that it is built of stock supplied by us sales resistance is overcome, (Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd. North Telephone 2821.2820 inion of Canada under order in coun cil on June 23, 1870, werk gll lands shen vested in the Crown and now lying within the boundaries of the Province of Saskatchewan vested in the Crown: (a) In the right of the Dominion of Canada, or (b) In the right of any province or provinces to be established within such an area, or . (¢) To be adminstered for any province or provinces to be estab lished within such area, or (d) To be' administered for the benefit of the inhabitants from time to time of such area? (2) Is the Dominion of Canada un- der obligation to account to the Pro- vince of Saskatchewan for any lands within its boundaries alienated by the Dominion of Canada prior to Sep- tember 1, 19057 NOT ENOUGH YOUNG MEN FOR POSITIONS London, Eng.~The supply of well- trained young Englishmen for the "middle" positions is not equal to the demand, according to A, H, L. Fisher, a former Minister of Education, and now Warden of New College, Ox- ford, "We are often told there is plenty of room at the top," said Mr, Fisher at the prizegiving at Bradfield College. "That is true, but there is also plenty of room in the middle ~room for well-educated, well-man- nered, young Englishmen. They are in great demand, and the supply does not equal that demand," MANY MATTERS 70 BE. CONSIDERED BY QUEBEC HOUSE Session Starting December 2 Will be Last of Present Legislature Quebee, Que. ~The last sess y the present Quebec legislatare will start on December 2, and advance information is to the effect that it will be one of the longest and the least contentious on record, A mass of minor legislation is expected to be dealt with by the legislature, thus clearing the decks for a provincial by-election which is expected to take place either in the spring or the fol lowing autumn, Radical changes in the Succession Duties Act may be before the mem- bers, Last session this act was re- vised so as to lighten the burden dn estates up to $50,000, property vihued up to $25,000.00 being entirely exempt The rates on estates over $50,000,000 were: increased, in some instances running as high as 35%, It is thought that there may be a scaling down on on the higher rates on the ground that too heavy taxation has a ten- Op 4 [F Zain large fortunes and no matter precautions have been taken, me ciples of the law have not alwa be observed, The kn last question the passing ol an Jewish sch adjustment, tty problem which are the Jewish in Montreal and was met act ol commis session over cess of it 1s Conference Board of School Commissioners a representative Jew retention of the Jewish pupils testant schools are are expected to be successful the Act will be If agreement is reached, School Commission pealed, Legislation is expected to give fect to the results of study question of helping farmers ters of bovine tuberculosis present time, the Federal ment, when condemning a cow protected area, grants the farmer small compensation for each «¢ which destroved when found answer the tuberculin test mam At 15 The Oshawa Daily Times Delivered to Your Door Daily in Oshawa and Suburbs at PER WEEK i Payable Weekly to Times Carrier By Mail Anywhere in: Canada, outside Oshawa Carrier Delivery Limits per year The Oshawa Daily Times Serving Oshawa and District for Over Sixty Years - 3-00 setting up on is in pr helieve between the Montreal a Ferme x, Kore TA ; Ca " bove or below decks there is lots | passengers said at Vancouver, of fun on the Canadian Pacific's new record-breaking Empress of |the white and green marble swim- Japan, largest, fastest and finest ship on the Pacific, recently arrived dency to discourage accumulation of : what ns have been found whereby the prin el choot by looking to the Pro now going on and an Jewish re on the it the Govern In i Com plaints have been frequent that the CAPTAIN'S PET Marble Pool on Palatial Liner piano solo by N, Horn, report of the county convention held in Oshawa, vogal duet by Mrs, Geo, Barron and a One favourite meeting place fis ming pool, shown shove with a happy group enjoying its spacious tank. The cautious miss in the corne (left) who evident! 4 the aspurances of th the tank that the water is warm need not test it for one of the feat that the golden dolphin seen in the background spouts warm or eool Water as devired. One hundred and sixty tons of water are neede fill the tank, 11 Surrounded by dressing rooms, showers, and swimming rubber.evs tendants serve warming drinks with Oriental impassivity, a report of the provincial convention Mrs, Will Wilbur, and a splendid report of the provincial convention by Mrs. Bunner, The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction after which a social time was spent and refreshments were served, Mr. and" Mrs, Bird and family of Hamilton, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 5, T, Mountjoy on Mon- day, We are sorry to report Mr, Pettit's death at Bowmanville hospital, on Thursday, Mr. Pettit went to town on Tuesday afternoon, where he was seized with a stroke, never gaining consciousness, Mrs, Holmes, Toronto, is guest of Mrs, R, Katerson and Mary, Mr, and Mrs, W, Cunningham, and daughter Grace, visited the former's mother, Mrs, Grace Clatworthy, on |" Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Barron, were in Toronto on business on Thursday, Rev. J. R, Bick visited Toronto on business on Thursday, Rev. Mr, Smart, of will occupy the pulpit on when the service will be in the morn f Greenwood, ing, Mrs, W. W, Horn was in Toronto |} on Thuresday, Mary Peters, fourth had charge of the Young People's league meeting on Friday evening which opened Ly signing a hymn, af- |! ter which the Lord's Prayer was re-|¢ peated, The president conducted the |! husiness part of the meeting, The| Bible lesson was read by Norman | § Wood and was found in Matthew || 12:22-30, Hilton Peters hod oh e| of the devotional, his words dealing |' with "Facing Lite Squarely" Mr, | Bick spoke for a few minutes on |! "Trainiug Our Minds or Acquiring Knowledge," outlining several books to be studied by the society this |¢ winter, Elinor Sykes very pleasingly played a piano solo, The Mizpah ¢ vice president | ¢ does not believe e two already in ures of the 26,000 ton liner is electric baths, the pool has its own cafe with joned chairs where at- and the is inadequate Le 51 make ul vernment may grant Ih legal WIFDOSC vill b ro 1 pry | ONE ¢ vexed problem of the exact tatu ( J el f ta efore t Xil leg ue here conflict «¢ $e hotel-keeper an votel-keeper : 4 manic Premier Ta } ment force neer jor soe go He | now heer 11 year In in pape that gover wh Quebec pre Fhere | ween im the roy Camillien {oude, opposit m this ofhice I time to his dutie 15 Montreal Mr. Houde, hi denied this and has vhen the legislature oper p ting | retire all Mavor of self, n lead in order to devote r, ma has | mised that | he will of the ) ind a et eritic government HAS TRAGIC END Dog Swept "Overboard in| Tropical Waters Is Sadly Mourned Montreal, Que touch of of treal under the com W. C, Manning marked the return mers' to Mor mand of Capta recently, Miu hive visited the tropics, eit Lady Hawk H ret I rey 1 iB ied OI Canada travellers her ab wl ' diminu Dutch do ascot of both ships tant pal to Captam Is dedd Ww Hy voturn and con Manning, Pe This gay little seldom missed a meal, lived the life of a true seaman, interspersed with what thrills he may have got from the of passenger One dark cepted theories, Perk ventured near the rail which protects seygers but offered no protection for his tiny body It wet night Perk's favorite deck was slippery, A slight heave the ship and the little chap skidded off into space and into tropic water Unless a hundred or so |i CArresses night, according 1 was a ot miles not too long a swim for a little dog, Perk is lost and gone forever, The inquest leaves a finding of "death by misadventure the Spanish Main," RUSSIAN PULPWOOD IMPORTS PROBED Quebec Producers Harmed | By Government's Legarthy Montreal, Que~Returning from a trip to Ottawa and New York where he probed the importing conditions of Russian pulp wood, and the compe- tition offered by the latter to Cana- dian wood, C, G, Piche, manager of the Quebec Forestry department, has related the great harm done to the Quebec forest industry. By letting Russian material pass through the province into the United States un- der the cover of favored railway rates, he said, local products were placed in most disadvantageous market con. ditions, Wood from Archangel, Mr, Piche points out, passing through I'hree Rivers and Sorel on these fav. ored rates, is not quoted higher in New York ahan that coming from Abitibi or Gaspesia, The main cause, however, for the low cost of Russian wood, says Mr, Piche, is the éxistence of conscripted labor which lowers cutting and ships ping costs to practically nothing, It is reported that 'ships at Archangel are loaded with their wood cargoes by school boys and girls virtually working under the whip of soldiers. In one of these cargoes unloaded at New York was found a small wood en ball en which were cirved the present state," following ris wood could float have | HAMPTON W.C.T., N. Horn Gives Report Of H met church Reey Mrs 1 Vi I'ole, (Rey the benediction was repeated, after which | a short contest was engaged in A Hallowe'en social evening will be I the order of next week's meeting, when the usual evening of fun, will he conducted, a nominal fee being charged those who do not come in Piche concluded "This piece of in the tears that been shed in bringing it to its Mr, ord and picking apples, very good crop here, vices on Sunday ville, while son of Uxbridge, M ville, were recent vy were minded fare contained jewels valued t approximately $6,000. In the secs ond instance, a driver found that 2 passenger notes in his cab, nearest police station," (00D TURNIP CROP, PROSPECT DISTRICT had left $5000 in bank. He drove to the Apples Are Scarce But of Fine Quality Prospect, Oct, .24.--~Most of the armers are busy tuking wp turnips Turnips are » while in other almost a failure laces they are Apples are rather scarce, but of good quality, Mrs, Jack Barber is seriously ill and has been taken to her daughter's Mrs, Harry Aukwood, where she is under the doctor's care, Sunday, | All hope for a speedy recovery, of Oshawa, Prospect Ladies' Aid are having a ce to clean the church, which has een newly decorated for the sere when the thanks offering will be held, Rev, Mr. Ne» of Blackstock, is to preach, the Raglan choir will furnish for the afternoon, . The boys f Scugog Young Men's choir will wave charge of the evening service, Mrs, Clarence Cook, who is at present in Toronto hospital, has ime roved slightly Mrs, George McClintock is n Toronto for a few days, Mr, Robert Walker is visiting at he home of Mrs. Arthur Gilroy, Rev, Mr, and M Casement and Edna Kerr, of x of Bowman at the home NnusIC visiting Jshawa, and Mr of Mr, and Mr New York hootleggers who ran peer pipelines under the streets forced of course, to depend ipon ther underworld connections, costume, A good program is being prepared, A few local showers came on | Thursday night, and on Friday, the | sky clearing at mid-day, However, | the temperature became much lower at sundown, when we had sleet ac- | companied with high winds, HOLDS MEETING County Convention HONEST TAXI MEN ERE | hone 230.231 for and E, ANTHRACITE COAL 2,00 Ibs, to a ton W. J. TRICK CO. LTD, 23 Albert St, At Oshawa amptey, Oct, 24~The W.CT.U, inty unday School room of the on Friday, Oct, 14th, Miss | ident, was in the chair, | J, Clatworthy had charge of the tional exer Mrs. IL. A. W Mr Frank Brown and Mrs, ) Bunn Bow nt, Mrs, Tole took charge of program presented, including a CITED BY MAGAZINE London, Eng ~Citing two instances in which taxi-drivers had been hon- est The Taxi World, a monthly pub- lication, in its October number said: "After a passenger had heen taken were | a package in the cab, He promntly handed it over to the police, Phe package left behind by the absent- tnyilie DDD for the An active fluld that washes into the skin, to his destination, the driver found | liant record. severer forms of eczema A doctor's formula with a bril Itching stops instantly hin clear sininless treatment pene tes the sick tissues, F. W. THOMPSON DRUG STORE SHE THOUGHT: "I'd like to call your atten. tion to that ad behind you." Yes, to be polite, SHE SAID: "These cars are so stuffy, I'm going to move to that open Girls politely snubbed him ++ until he discovered why .. *B.0." © COULDN'T understand it. All day long the incident bothered him, What had he done? Why had she left him so abruptly on the trolley that morning? Why did girls always seem to avoid him? Suddenly an idea flashed into his mind, "B.0."--body odor, Could he be guilty? Impossible--yet supposé he was +++ That very day he switched to Life- buoy. Now he's a favorite with every- body=---invited everywhere, "® ®"" longer robs him of popularity. * & 0 It is hard to realize that we may be guilty of "B,0." But just stop and think, We all perspire, Even on coldest days our pores give off a quart of odor- causing waste, True, we don't notice it. deeply, purifies Lifebuoy Our sense of smell quickly becomes' deadened to an ever-present odor, But it's only too apparent to others, Why, then, risk offending when it's' 80 easy to be safe? Just washand bathe with Lifebuoy. Its creamy, refreshing, antiseptic lather do etrates pores so 80 thoroughly that "B.0." completely vanishes, And how good you feel after a Lifehuoy bath how gloriously fresh and clean! Keeps complexions radians, Lifebuoy is a marvelous complexion' 'soap. Watch dull skins freshen--poor - complexions glow with radiant health, Its pleasant extra-clean scent, that vans ishes as you rinse, tells you Lifebuoy, purifies. _Get some today. HEALTH SOAP stops body odor See TRL