Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Oct 1930, p. 5

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\ PAGE FIVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the £ Community ° SOCIAL ANL PERSONAL Mrs. Arthur Mowbry, of Ro- tand, Manitoba, who has been visit. ing her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, J. D, Btorie, and other re- Iatives in the city for the past few weeks, left on Tuesday for her home, The many friends of Mrs. Roy Bond will be glad to learn she is slowly improving after a serious op- eration at the Oshawa General Hos pital. The delegates to the Catholic Women's League convention which is being held in Oshawa today and Thursday are guests of the mem pers of the local branch of the Lea- gue at dinner at the Genosha Hotel this evening. Messrs, W. J. Wilson, ex-mayor of Gananoque, and J, H, Sampson, town clerk of Gananoque, were vis itors in town yesterday, The members of the Oshawa Music Study Club were guests of the Bowmanville Music Club for dinner and the concert given by Miss Gwen Williams and assistants in Bowmanville last evening. Mrs. W. A. Young who is leaving 'bis week for Hamilton, was enter- 1sfned at the home of Mrs, J. C. Livingstone, 541 Simeoe Streer North yesterday Mrs, Young was presented with the gift of a silk sed spread and boudoir pillow and with the gift was a charming ad- Aress read by one of the guests, Miss Lillian Jones, Bimcoe Street North, entertained the girls of the 0.61T. group of which she Is a member, at Simcoe Street United Chureh, at a Hallowe'en masquer- ade party, last evening. Mr. and Mrs, H, G. Edmondson, Bigin Street, entertained at a small masquerade party in their home last svening, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Murray of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Luther Goodman, of Tyrone, were guests fast week-end of Mr, and Mrs, Mil- ton Werry, Elgin Street, Mrs. J. McGibbon's group of the Women's Welfare Soclety met at 'he home of Mrs, John Burns yester- flay afternoon, ------- -------- Fall Coat or Suit with H. ATKINS LADIES TAILOR 14 Simcoe St. N. Phone 102 + VEIN EET ETT ARE 00 ve wr vvman vw vw vo Visit Qur Store AND SEE OUR LINE The Fashion Shoppe 84 SIMCOE 8T. 8. Quick, Sure Relief BILIOUSNESS SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION Take one tonight Make tomorrow BRIGHT. ~ ---- "THEY WORK WHILE YOU siege" HALLOWE'EN PARTY HELD FOR KIDDIES Ninety-five Children Were Entertained by Teachers ; Ninety-five children of the Prim- ary department of Simcoe Street United Church Sunday School were entertained by their teachers at a Hallowe'en party in the Sunday School yesterday afternoon and early ev , The teachers Misses Marion Burne, Mildred Johnston, Gladys Frise, Quinn, Sybil Lang- maid and Lorriane Mason and Mrs, D, Whittington were sssisted in the games that the children played be- fore the supper hour by a group of Canadian Girls in Training under the leadership of Mrs, Olive Petley, he stories told by Miss Quinn and iss Sybil Langmaid were of utter delight to the young children, When dies ushered into the room where ninety-five places were set at long low tables all decorated with pump- kin faces lighted with candles and black witches and cats there were shrieks of childish enjoyment, There was a most delicious supper, served and prepared by the mothers of the children under the convenorship of Mrs, (Dr.) Miller, and for each boy and gir] there was some little Hal- lowe'en favor for him to take home and remember the party by. The teachers of this Sunday School de partment always go to a great deal of trouble and pains in thelr prep aration of parties for the children but they are well rewarded for ft for the boys and girls are always most appreciative and enjoy to the fullest extent everything that fs {done for them, Resources Would Total Over Billion Dollars, Report Says New York, Oct 20, ~Prelimjnary discussions, looking toward a' mer. ger of four banking and trust com- panies with combined deposits in ex. {cess of $700,000,000, and resources {of approximately $1,000,000,000, | have been golng on, it was learned |{last night from an executive of one {of the four companies involved, The {companies are the Bank of United | States |Company, the Public National Bank the Manufacturers . Trust and Trust Company, and the Inter notional Trust Compnny, Commenting on a report of the proposed merger which was current in Wall Street, F, BE, Hasler, Pre- sident of the International Trust Company, admitted that there had been "Informal discussions," but {sald that reports of the merger were |"premature." TELLING HER Entering a street car, a lady spled a friend with a little boy. A greeting was exchanged hetween the women, and then the newcomer said: "Why, Bobby, how grown up you are! But still, you are not too old to kiss, are you?" "No," sald Bobby, tion, "but you are." with convie- Mrs, John Burns, Connaught Street, entertained the members of Mrs, J. MecGibbon's group of the Women's Welfare Soclety, at her home yesterday afternoon, This group which consists of twelve lad- fes meets every two weeks for an afternoon of bridge and for the pri- vilege of playing they pay a sum decided upon by the group before hand, In this way the group makes their share of the money for Wel- fare work, supper was announced and the kid- | RONORED IN 13, & WOMEN'S AUXILIARY HOLD QUILTING MEET The Women's Auxiliary of Christ Church held one of their quilting meetings Tuesday afternoon, In ad- fition to making quilts the mem- bers have been busily working dur- mg the past month for the sale of work to be held on Nevember 21st, which promises to be most success- ful, judging by the attractive artie- les already completed, In addition to booths and plain and fancy work, nome furnishings, candy and home to0king a Christmas tree where toys ind novelties will be an attraction to the children. The Men's Club has planned to have a booth filled with articles of their special manufac- ture. The tea committee have made extensive plans for the refreshments that are to be served, NO DEPORTATIONS UNLFSS FAMITIES ARE. INFORMED Ontario Must Take Action Before Dominion Issues Necessary Order Toronto, Oct, 29,--Denial that leplleptics were deported from On- tario mental hospitals without thelr families being notified was made yesterday by J, C, Mitchell, Domin- fon Government Immigration Bup- erintendent for Toronto district, Eplleptics and other cases who come under the compulsory deporta- tion clauses of the immigration law, according to Mr, Mitehell, are being deported from the Mimico, Queen Btreet and Whithy hospitals for the insane practically very week, Ap- proximately 800 deportation orders were made out for this district al. though all of thesa were not press. In no ease is it possible, Mr, Mit. chell insisted, that relatives of these people have not heen notified, and in no case likewise In ft possible that they are "dumped" into othe countries without anv place to go. In all cases he sald the authorities of other countries are notified that the denortation is henge mode and the natients ara eared for In Eng land, usually, they are kent in some temporary institutions until it is as- certained what municipality of the British Isles Is respousible for the patient, In every case, Mr. Mitchell point. od out, the municinality or the On tarlo government through the Pro- vinelal secretary, who has control (of. the publie institutions where {these patients usually are housed, is {responsible for the preliminary ac- tion, Mr, Mitchell explained that as far ax he knew there had not been any deportations this week but that there had been four last week, He agreed with the Ontario authorities that the hospitals were over. crowded, RUSSIAN SALMON HITS B.C. PACKERS Dumping of Soviet Goods in Britain Hurts Can. DINER TOGETHER ON POISONED LOAF Host Had Made Mis- te - take in Baking Sault Bte, Marie, Ont, Oct, 29 ~From the twisted bodies of two elderly bachelors found in a Man- itoulin Island shack, and from a baking-powder tin full of what Is thought to be arsenic, the police are reconstructing the details of one of the most pathetic tragedies in the island's history. Friends throughout long and often lonely lives, James C. Craw- ford an" John MeGibbon died to gether in agony, One gave up his life on the altar or hospitality, and the other for comradeship, Crawford, it is thought, his mind dulled by illness, mistook the ursenic for baking powder in his feeble efforts to prepare a meal for his old friend MeGibbon, who had come to stay with him In his sickness, They were found lifeless together in Crawford's bunk, Only now has the double trag- edy come to light, although ft Is thought to have reached its climax on Thursday night of last week, Crawford came to Manitoulin from Hamilton many years ago, where, it 1s sald, he was a man of considerable means, and where he Is thought to have some rela tives," Although he lived in only a small shack, ho was the only man In Robinson Township who had to pay income tax, B.C, PREMIER IS Asks Resignations of All Ministers as Preliminary Step Vietoria, Oct, 29,.--Premier 8. *, Tolmie of British Columbia start- od yesterday to reconstruct his cab inet by asking for resignations of all his ministers. He made no an- nouncement of the moves to 'made but it is authoritatively stated that they will involve four changes as follows Hon. W. C. Shelly, Finance, will become the Counell, Minister 'he legislature, ster of Finance. Hou, RB. W, Bruhn, former presi- dent of the council, will take portfolio of public works ister of Public Works, will take the lands portfolio where he will wuc- ceed Hon, F, H. Burden, who, it Is rumored, will go to London as agent-genoral for British Columbia, Succeeding ¥', A. Pauline, thelr present portfolios oxpected to succeed speaker. He Is now deputy speaker are regarded as possible, Without the forecast changes British Columbia is facing five by-elections, ARRESTED, FINED, FREED; ALL IN JUST adian Trade Vantouver, Oct, 29.--Reported ! {action of the Soviet Government In placing 1,000,000 cases of Russian salmon on the British market at prices below those for which the British Columbia canner can pack his product is giving grave con- cern to British Columbia canner men, Packers of British Columbia, who export 80 per cent of their produc tion, have always depended on the British market to absorb a great portion of this explorable surplus but under present circumstances the possibilities are doubtful, The greater portion of this year's 2,000,000,000-case British Colum- bia salmon pack Is still lying in warehouses, with exports to the Old Country practically negligible, According to Richard Bell-Irving of the Anglo-British Columbia Packing Company, canners this year must look to the domestic market cused man pleaded guilty, TWENTY MINUTES Simcoe, Oct, 20.--A new record for police court activity was set here when a midnight session held hy Acting Magistrate T. E, Langford resulted" in the Imposing of a fine of $100 and cost on a Nlagara Falls man for having lquor 1MTegally, The man ran foul of two provincial pol- ice constables while he was making considerable "whoopee" outside a local restaurant, On his being tak- en to the police oMce which adjoins that of the magistrate, it was found that the magistrate was in. The ac The fin was pald and the merrymaker de parted, The entire eplsode fron ASK LICENSING OF TOURIST CAMPS - | Toronto, Oct, 29.--Licensing of Old Pals Die in Agony After | | WANT GOVERNMENT 10 GUARANTEE THE PRICE OF WHEAT Ask Minimum of $1.15 For No. 1 Northern--Other Requests Calgary, Oct, 29i--Federal Gov- ernment guarantee of a minimum price for wheat of $1.15 per bushel, basis No, 1 Northern, Fort William, as a temporary measure to aid the agriculturists of West- ern Canada, was urged yesterday when a delegation, under the lead- ership of H, E. C, M, Scholefield, Vice-President of the United Farmers of Alberta, waited upon Hon, Edmond B. Ryckman, Min- ister of National Revenue, Under the proposal, grades under No. 1 Northern would be guaranteed al spreads to be deter mined, und the minimum would be Increased or decreased in relw tion to the cost of products, Mr, Ryckman pointed out the ditficully in assuring the delega tion that action of this kind coulo be taken, apd that a definite price could be met, The remedios suggested by the {(".¥.A. included: That the cost of direct relief he horne By the Do minfon Government in causes whore this cannot he met by taxes of a municipality; that free transporta- tion of coal) to sitous dis tricts be provided under proper regulations; that manufacturers who benefit- hy the tariff be com pelled to sell their products to in dependent distributors, such a nece REMAKING CABINET be | of | President of | J, W. Jones, presecrit speaker of | will become Min the | | Hon. N. 8. Lougheed, tormer Min. | Other members of the cabinet, ft in believed, will be re-appointed to | H, D Twigg, M.P.P.,, Victoria 1s | Mr, Jones an! cabinet arrest to departure consumed littlo over 20 minutes, farmers' co-operatives at priens not greater than those charged to iny other retaller that a ral reduction b made ind commodity freight rates neet the present conditions emergency; that 0 fay as these are under control of the Dominion Government, he substantially reduced; that a gen- eral Investigation he instituted to determine the relative costs of ag ricultiral produ-tion and tho other goods and prices to tabilize therenfter at a level en- iring fair exchange of these classes of products and services on the basis of the relative costs of production; the setting 'up. of a bureay of standards for manufac- tured products, gen- to nf grvices, Neilson's Ice Cream | Hallowe'en Special ecial Pumpkin Moulds 35¢ Let us know your party Further changes at a later date | | needs to ensure sufficient supply. We Deliver Karn's Next P.O. Phone 378 In grain | interest rates, In | What New York Is Wearing It's up to the minute, The peplum enters the junior mode fin school frock of patterned wool crepe in Bordeaux red tones. It gives emphasis to the demure basque bodice with eggshell accent ed by black bow tie, The circular skirt displays a com- fortably full hemline, It offers such a smart change to wardrobe of little miss of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years In which Style No. 2704 may be had, It's fetching in navy blue wool crepe with the peplum collar and cuffs showing vivid red faille-crepe bindings, which shade is repeated in bow tle, Bottle green wool jersey with yel- flow beige pique collar and cuffs is unusually attractive, Size 8 requires 2% yards 39-inch muterbal with '. yard 29-inch con. trasting and 3% yards binding, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Be sure to fill in size of pattern. Address Pattern Department, Spend 10¢ to save $10, How? By ordering a copy of our new Fall and Winter Fashions, It gives the answer to the often uneked question, "How does she.do it?" For it shows how to dress up to the minute at little ex- pense, You can save on every dress and save on the children's clothes too, That means more and better frocks for you and yours, Order your copy now. Just enclose 10 cents in stamps or coin and mail with your name and address to Fashion Department, reeves tres t mentee, Name reet Address Province "st ' oN y QUEBEC MAN PLANS FLIGHT TO PARIS Montreal, Oct, 20,--A flight from Montreal to Paris in the spring of 1931 is the hope of Rudolph Page French-Canadian private and com- mercial pilot of Montreal, He is now negotiating with a Canadian firm of aeroplane manufacturers for a machine, A non-stop flight from Montreal to Paris is his ambition, but is it possible, he stated, that conditions might necessitate a stop at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, for refueling. PAWNSHOP URGED FOR UNEMPLOYED Montreal, Que.~A municipal pawn- wp for "white collar" unemployed as proposed at a recent meeting of oe Legislative Committee of the City ouncil. It will be considered by hat body, Mayor Houde stated that though e was dpposed to such institutions ie thought that there might be a way ut of the difficulty for unemployed who were too proud to ask for civic It probably was Don't tell your neighbors all know; Or what you do, or where you go, Jimmy Skunk. It was dusk. Jimmy Skunk was ambling along in that easy-going fa- shion of his, Bobby Coon was fol- lowing him Sobby was glad that Jimmy was fat and that naturally he never hurries, for Bobby himself was quite fat and he had no desire to hurry, Jimmy paid no attention 1o his back trail. He didn't once look behind to sce if he were being fol lowed, Yau ste, Jimmy been independent tl concern him much do, So Jimmy didnt' know by Coon was following Jimmy shuffled you has so lon it doe not r peop! that Bob- ' along down house, Bobb ward Farmer Brown' Coon followed, When Jimmy ed Farmer Brown's door didn't stop, He anibled straight across that yard toward the back of Farmer Brown's house, Bobby Coun however, did stop, "Where can that fellow be go nowt" muttered Bobby Coon, "Bow ser the Hound or Flip the Terrier is likely to show up any minute, Jimmy Skunk crazy! Yes, sir crazy!" Then Bobby happened to remem her that Jimmy was afraid of no or He remembered that everybody spected Jimmy's little bag of safe enough for him to cross that dooryard. It wouldn't however, be safe for Bobby to cross at least, not if Bowser the Hound ir Flip the Terrier happened to be und reach- ard lie is ; he's what I can see from there," mutter ed Bobby, and immediately acted upon his' own suggestion, He found when he got up in the tree, | ever, that Jim nk had d peared, He had disappeared over there close to Farmer Brown's house, and though Bobby looked and look- ed, and his eyes are pretty good in the dark, he could see nnthing of Jimmy. Bobby waited for some time, "I'll just climb a tree here and sce | heloy him, a thing white he saw was by | Skus "Wi | that treet | I hea over My must x cit) obby pre through the Old Orchard straight to- |W! res | Him," Deserts A pleture shows acres port the the the farms.- Chronicle, He looked dow "Hello, : yous [7 here, Jinn The next ste By I'bornton W. Burgess rust He "Hello, Jimmy Skunk)" el," tf "re (XT tended ¢ ii » with me and fv, he am el fl ny Sk replicd ( 1d "i { apples? § Ap) g At last he Leard a little noise down ig in the leaves, n and could see some- knew right away that Jimmy Skunk was there, the white part of Jims my's black-and-white coat, What said Bol» Jimmy up in he didn't. A doing away unk" v ial y nt vite me * inquired Bobby, Jimi sce, if I invited aid he, to go replied "supposing Farmer y, "perhaps." bled along rd and home (Copyright, 1930, T, W, Burgess) ry: "Bobby's Courage in ory ol Port boy Arthur a Stratford of autos parked paper At A plowing match, which does not sup- $0. i News~ T ENDER baby skins cried out for a mild soap that would cleanse without irritating -- but would assist in the healing of incipient chafe, Soap experts reasoned that if only the purest ingredients were combined in a soap It would be harmless. Because it was for baby's use they added boracic to Infant's Delight--se disappeared, chale and ir-itation. Thissoap has been used by mothers for generations, It has a mild, healing, antis septic effect and soothes chaed little bodies. Isn't it reasonable that such a soap is the proper one 'or tender tems peramental, adult skins? WHY NOT SHARE BABY'S GOOD FORTUNE ? \ssistance, JOHN TAYLOR a CO,, LIMITED Eastern Ave, Toronto [} INFANTS delight By Russ Westover | THINK (ZL JUST) KEEP ONE SO HE SAON'T THIN all tourist camps and tourist stops under a nominal fee as a means o' Improving general health and san' tary conditiong therein is bein urged upon the Ontario Governmer at the present time, and it is lke) that legislation providing for th licensing will be brought down a the next session of the Legislature, for increased consumption. He hopes that the proposed advertis Ing campaign may improve sales in this direction, » ------ MATTER OF LOCATION Pessimo~~"It's all right to ¢lalm » still got prosperity but the drug ore busness looks awful, I tell'ka, the face of thngs," Knut--'"Yeah, that's where oks the worst," Asst RN LI WS gest AT f aL "YAND BL ADD A Boston paper, after running a i, chess column for 16 years, abandon. ed it In favor of articles on hack. gammon, Well, it's all in the game, TILLIE THE TOILER it T = ROS E LOVE Ly, MAC , BUT | CAN'T ACCERT THEM. THEY/RE FROM BURBLEN FIANCE'~ CALL HERE, Boy, PLEASE] ACE & (e] BACK To WHERE YEP, \ QURE MI83 TILLIE Tones? : day." They will always case a Hafobbing ead, uiet a grum. a . Reach ng tooth, eve naggin ~ t for immediate pain of neuralgia or i. s hid haven't any check a sudden cold. Even with you, get some at rheumatism has lost its terrors come for those who have to depend on these tablets. rgle with Aspirin tablet at the first suspicion of sor throat, and reduce theinfectior Look for Aspirin on the box- and the word Genuine in red Genuine Aspirin tablets do not depress the heart. ' '© 1990, King Features Syodionss, fae. Great Britain rights reserved, TRADE-MARK REG. Le ™ OVU'RE R)| "TILLIE, IY a, \AIQULDN'T BE [3 Soe r-- S Ee EEE ----

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