THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1930 PAGE THREE £ John Osborne is Sentenced to Reformatory Term at Whitby Duties of Citizens to "New |LOCALCHAMBEROF | __awaroep sueway comma IFIRE DESTROYS [Oshawa Man Convicted by Canadians" Stressed by School Ny Lage YS yi ol Judge Ruddy on Charge of Principal Before Kiwanis Club.,....., 5. -... [ESE 3 = "MW ..... som sous Receiving Stolen Goods Knight, prises Limited to Si vw 9 | / | . 1 Ong ed Pub Schcl Gove| 1143 OLD PARISH or Buildings | | CM N= WE ci PARENTS OF LOCAL Sor Yeo wa | minate in Guelph Institu~ Interesting ¢ Address at 5 The Oshawa Chamber of Com-| | : 7 , go { Club 1 } Yesterd y / merce does not and will -not sponsor | | p ./ + (By Staff Correspondent) | . ; nor endorse the sale of any securi- i Hampton, October 29=The barn of | J / tion--Court Takes Into MN , Herbert Stainton on the 6th conces- | ------ ] ; ties or stock for the financing of y ' 7 / PHCED- | . . NEW CANADIANS ARE ' j new enterprises on condition ay £ 7 4 % 4 sion of Darington township lies in | | Consideration Previous # such enterprises locate their plants 4 Fuing, thus wiorning as the result of al | Good Character SETTLERS' CHILDREN fi in Oshawa or on any other condition, . / 7 fire which broke out last night and | ! ¥ Cad , This has been made emphatic and y 4 A) ized the fins hutdivg io the grouns as -------- . %4 7 1 1 . Z Ihe barn which was a large C- | Ernest Deeley Cables Con.| GOODS WERE FOUND lain by a resolution which has been i i p y 7 wre of modern design with a steel Make Fine Citizens If Giv: a adopted by th Cl ber of Com " ) . en | ' " 4 y . anther y . 5 Ee ------ _. : oof contained the season's crop from gratulations to Father and IN HIS POSSESSION merce, ¢ oil Such financial assistance as mas Mr, Stainton's farm and as the crop be rendered to new industries locat- | FRANK BATHE VV, M, Melellan yas not insured, the loss will be a Mo : -- ing in Oshawa, is lu xa Membery of the local Eonteneting frm of bintho wy Melellan who | heavy one ther in Old Land Osborne Alleged to Have to chase of a site and the construction | have been awarded the contract for the excavation and concrete work | "Ihe fire which was discovered) | : --_. " ents Give Musical Pro- of suitable lis, and Els sonst istion in connection with the bullding of the new subway beneath the C51, | shortly after nine o'clock had gained | "The celebration of ther zold vel | Become Implicated With gram » | | to companies or persons satisfactorily [seks on Simcoe street south... They plan to employ as many local | considerable headway and although | ding on September 27. last, by Mr Man Named Colter, Now ; financed to occupy and operate the [Men As possible, | friends and neighbours tried to save | and Mrs, Senjamin Lec ley, of , ' . The special speaker at the regu- Tres / same, The Times has been informed the building they were only able to hounds Green, Smethwick, England, Serving Time in Manitobs far weekly luncheon of Oshawa's % : Assistance can only be rendered | rescue the stock which was quarter- 4, he oO Jaterest to the frends of Jail Kiwanis Club, held at Welsh's Par- I through the Oshawa Industrial Foun % ' ' ed in the barn. Due to the efforis | Mr, and Mrs | rest Deeley, of 524 | dation Ltd, which by charter is for- S awda ar or IS quippe [ an the stock with the exception of a | Cubert Street, who are the son and | . | colt » chickens were saved | daughter-in-law of the aged but hap- | (I3y Whithy Staff Reporter) lours yesterday noon-was Mr, H, bidden to finance or deal in stock colt and some we It was learned that Mr. Stainton car- | py couple, Another son, Harold Dec-| Whithy, Oct, 29,~John Osborne, W, Knight principal of the Ritson iota . ' ) , =» Road Public School of this city, With Fog Horn for Guidance { ried insurance on his barn but not on | ley, is. residing in Toronto, {of Oshawa, who was convicted in ! § werd» | county judge's criminal court, here who gave one of the most interest The resolution reads as follows: . | e contents Commenting upon the golder Smethwick | 1ast Friday on a charge of receiving ing and informative addresses that | REV, T, 8, BOYLE, D.D, DCL. c "It is the policy of the Oshawa 4 . P | : ; dnl ai J the Kiwanians have had the plea- | Of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Co- | Chamber of Commerce, established O M y S I t P t The origin of the fie 1s StL dng anniversary, the sure of hearing. bourg, which celebrated its 112th | by the Charter under which it oper~ arimers a € n 0 or | hrouded 1m mystery, it was learned Weekly News states: Loren goods, kpowig tie 2g to H A ates, that suc ancial assistance as | the threshing for the year having On Sep her 27th. 188 Mr | eB ), Appeare re On~ "The New Canadian, our duties| Root. ior. ff Sunday, Rev, My | ates, tha such financial ssIStance as b ATER I En Gunn. ga0. Wn addition In. Septeml, Liu Mr | gp Judge Ruddy In county eourt Boyle is the fifth rector of the par- | may be rendered to new industries | been e son ime ago, ! Benjamin Deeley, son of Mr. Samuel ; : ; toward him and the problems which ish and assumed office in 1925, establishing in Oshawa shall be limit- Oshawa harbor is equipped with [of a fire siren and has some of the |, which Mr, Stainton could bring no | Deeley, the well-known Jock-keeper chambers this morning and was sen- face us' was the subjeet of Mr, . euahaca (of o bi . y & > aviney 1eharas . f . | origin of the fre 1a8t 1 ae Tor Rank did é 4 tenced to one year definite and one A ed the purchase of a site and the [# fog horn to guide the mariner [characteristics of a grind organ as | light on the origin © the 8 at Tat Bank, Oldbury, was married | «aw a Knight's address, The speaker cOnstraetic Fa table. build ' [ nicht AEP 'el : I. | ear indeterminate fn the Ontario onstruction of a suitable building {into port on foggy days, when the {the harbormaster must wind a { i", a at St, James hurch ' Hil Dud | Reformatory at Guelph, ley, to Miss Betsy Nicholls, davih-| = His Honor pointed out to the ac- { | Ky Niel Yi was introduced by Mr, P, Beattle, | . ' A -------- who pointed out that Mr, Knight for remal or sale to the company |wheelsman can't see the brow of |crank in order to produce its weird | ' olls, yO well unio ts dol with sneha or persons satisfactorily financed to [his own ship and the captain or- liars which are such sweet waste | ter of Mr, and Mrs, John Nich | cused the seriousness of the offense ocenupy and operate the same ders the ehief engineer to slow |i, fog-hound sailors, | A of Great Bridge and stated that in passing sentence | | 1 "Mr. and Mrs, Decley first resided | he had taken into consideration the subject intelligently as he had pried v J Ihe Oshawa Chamber of Com- [down the engines to a mere craw) ( | ( Be | You app: ( J ut the 1 i appen to | in Arden Grove, Langley and later 4 Levidence which had heen offered to much experience along that subject, ; in his position of Princpal of the RF merce cannot, and will riot, endorse The fog horn, which arrived here Ritson Rd, School, ' j or recommend any stock issuc or fin- |last week, is to he operated by Har [lakefront some foggy day and her \ Vicarage Road, Lang Their pre. | #how that he. was of previous good ancial arrangement of any industry |bormaster Gifford, who is duty a series of walling, shrieking und nl sent address is 47 Florence R ad, | eharacter, | | Osborne, who resided In a rooms» Rounds Green, Mr, and Mrs, Dee 5 y | : : : "The New Canadian" | locating in the city, Any assistance |bound to earry it out to the end of [together uncanny sounds do not be The New Canadians, Mr, | of a financial nature can only be ren- [the pier and with its ald answer the |, . ley, who are 73 and 71 years respec. | INE house at Celina street, Oshawa, Knight pointed out, was not the 4B | dered through the Oshawa Industrial (querrulous blasts of any vessel seek. |°™® alarmed and mistake them for tively. have always been very hap [ Wa arrested after certain alleged adult members of the families who Foundation Limited, a duly incorpor- [ing entrance to the harbor on foggy tho cries of some unknown pen (Continued from Page 1) together. They had ten children. six | $tolen goods had been found in his adopt Canada as their new home > ated company and the Charter of [days or night ? |monster, It will simply be the ha) hoth? There 1s absolutely no ii Cod four daughters. eich of | possession, At the trial fn. Whitby, but rather the children of these| About Thirty Men Engaged which also prohibits the financing or : {hormaster with his fog horn direct lgood reason why YOU cannot win whont are still alive. and 1 ov have | J8#t Friday the defence sought to families, Mr, Knight referred to dealing in stock issues or other cor- The horn works on the principle Ing a ship into port and safety, lone of the hundred or more eheques | C0 0 © andehildren. T'wo sons | Prove that the goods had been pur- already and waiting for Re Wo 01S | oy ased by the prisoner, or presented or {which are are at present in Canada,' the many opportunities he had of in Grading Oper- porations, a studying the problem, in pursuing "This resolution to be published in {heir owners to come And elaim A eablegram of eongratulati | to him, but the court gave little ere. | Fill in the fnformation MIAN | uae conv to his parents by Mr, Dee dence to the evidence, the duties of his vocation, ations ' '. the local papers so that there will be M k R l I h k hem T a e it a ed an Sg wing ip to the contest office, or Just | je, | he N Scoused paid io have hes come cate A man by ths | { | In beginning his address, Mr. TE no misunderstanding on the part of the. citizens of Oshawa who may he x s Campaign ---- 1e. ci $0 shawa who may as good, telephone the Amp name of Colter, who after a check Knight, sated wth 2 bret Test ius Grading operations have been dh a . l [4 - ---- of the character of the people and fg, Simcoe street south in | #Pproached by outside interests to in 0 h M § b Manager at The Dally Times office, ed pp : BEY their customs and activities in their | is 4 on the laying of | vest in securities under a misappre we an S awd an a Vv 0 [or The Gazette and Chron. ered career, is now serving a twelve order to prepare for the laying o , & Oshawa, or year term in an Manitoba jail hension that the Oshawa Chamber of iele. Whitby, and correct partieul- i A au -- Jungs, before jhe faside a muye coricrete pavement from Thomas Commerce sponsors or endorses tl A i msl f taining to win . * ot t p p I FH d hed Endorses he tm . lars of everything pertainin ) ' home land, Mr, Knight stated, these sirea ta He oY ay BO A financing of new industries on con. hondas noted ARE IT A REAL THANKSGI NG Ais » a and prizes and how SAULT RELIEF WORK [| ny, rember 0, will pe set aside hy prociamnation from the Ith Ren started right, will be thor» LOSE $10 000 000 TOTALS $200, y ' - | people were nearly all farmers but . dition that they locate their plants De arom in the sense as we about 30 men, the majority of here," y : seal of government as a day for general rejoicing and Thanksgiving Ati whom have been recruited from the 'o make It possible for every man who calls Oshawa "Home to give explained to you. : 8. and determination Are J know the word, They were "till- Bs ranks of the unemployed, are work- thanks on that day, whether employed or unemployed, and to perpety. Onerey sit for SUCeRss [necessary requisites fo J] : I'he city council last evening al» ers of the soil" but when they came to Canada, expecting for the most [Ing on this job mow, ale the Ushawa spirit of teamwork and goodwill | . 'ash-=Utilize Your With the completion of the sub. I'LL GIVE AN UNEMPLOYED OSHAWA MAN A JOB, | Save the Casha tis Guarantees to Wheat Pool | |... ins for construction work " amounting to $200,000 which wi'l | oughly Rault Ste, Marie, Ont,, Oct, 20, part to take up farming, they find that farming in this country {sway beneath the C.N.R, tracks and (FH out the coupon below and mall at once to Major George Hamil | spare Moments . $ave ton, Imployment Bervice of Canada, § Bond Strdet West, Oshawa.) Perhaps you are findustriously | May Prove Cost y, w0Ys be undertaken os an unemployment more of an Industrial proposition [the paving of Simcoe street south, l and so unable to cope With this Oshawa will have a splendid ap- T BOO I IAM BO sass ersnnnes srassnssssssrsssnannnnsnsssss |nying by a tidy sum each week or t H relief measure and which will be type of agriculture they move 10 [proach to its harbor and to beaut!- (woman) month with a view to buying some- Manitoba Premier submitted to the Ontario govern» thing in the line of an automobile, . S---- Un 0 pient to secure the fifty percent erhaps it is a radio, that you have Winnipeg, Oct, 20.--Unless the | wiuoy the dominion and provipelnl included in the program, . the industrial centres to find a 1v-|ful Lakeview Park, There is every | ing, and because of the fact that,|indication that the lakefront Is go- CETTE tai, I ~for the most part they are unskilled ino to hecome at once a centie of OURT (Describe MAUI re of work) Man hi en planning on to All that vacant (price of wheat improves, the losses | governments have offered to pay. corner or to entertain your fami1y loo ¢ne Western Governments in the [| Two large storm sewer projec.s are Ssahour they fing It dimcvli Jo Haks commercial and industrial activity often of necessity they revert to she of vesseitionas hcliition. y The J d ddy Al 4 * 1X The Job will require about ,,...., CR hours | and friends R fer Hie duyy Work 1s Wheat Pool guarantees may exceed -- their old Customs of ving yathes unemployment relief measure, 1s | UOBe Ruddy Allows Edison : YO ios advan} oven a $10,000,000, according to Premier | pRODUCER COMPLIMENTED "than try to adopt Canadian m therefore needed and will undoubt- Pike Bail of EF will pay s.ovvsnranennnsnenes 0s, per hour, inane vaiooh John Bracken of Manitoba, who re- At Monday night's meeting of the turned from Edmonton, where he | Little Thentre Club, the one-act "ods and standards, One of the - dly he called upon to hear a heavy ' "great faults of people today is that 0 : Whatever your station in Ife, b hte yh 8 burden of tafe. $5,000 NAIC ovvrvnannannnnnnnnnrnnn anise any polo re or small your income [had attended plays which were presented were L | b produced under the direction and "when they see a foreign name bis | a =the police court news they immedi. \ -- | may be, there is surely something [Conference ta | ' ) : ge management of A, M, Robin~ Thiel Jump Jo the Slclision that Obituary | Why Whithy Sul Reporter) : Address ovo vrarrnnnsnsrersrs sornnanenr Phone Noo o.ouuy fin the hig 1st of prizes which is ot The Governments of Manitoba, ie who was also responsible for Am nally Incliud while in reality, ---- M ibis l DEL, 9 Ridivan Pin > . fed for subuchiptions to Teh Daily Saskatchewan and Alberta guaran- the stage sEtings S34 ycelie orisets. po. Mi am, @ § i nes a hz . a , | Mention o he splendid wor one is bound to interest you. (teed payments by the bunks to the | by Mr. Robinson in this connection =only bh yory, small Jercantige Se oh 2s R, FISHER peared before Judge Ruddy in Coun- : jele that «offenders and most of them are try- irimsby, Oct, 27.~~Amos R. Fish. {ty Judge's Criminal Court in Whitby | much so that you shold not [pool in financing the 1929 crop, | was inadvertently omitted from th oo 3 . r ) Bl \ J ) LJ "ing hard to make good. Naturally, er, a lifelong resident of Grimsby, | today to answer charges of theft of delay a single minute in making up | Premier Bracken made his de- ly published in last night's is our mind that you are going to en- [claration when questioned concerns |yue of The Times, Mr, Robinson J an Interprovincinl _ =4hey keep and practice certain old (died at the home of his son In Ham- | chickens and shooting with intent to | Saofiomy *uich, however, are really |ilton today, after a long illness, The | cause bodily harm, He was remanded | ter In the hig contest for at least #ag a despatch emapating from Win- | was warmly complimented on his »- ' late Mr, Fisher was horn here sixty- [ until November 15 when he will ap- | ne nf the many cash honus ehaques [nipeg last Saturday, which sald the | work by all who were present and «<The parents of nearly all these four years ago and lived here till | pear for trial and was allowed out on | LECTURE ON THACKERY [INEBRIATE FINED which are ready and waiting for [Wheat Pool guarantee losses for | enjoyéd the program presented uns Taewcomers are anxious to educate three months ago, when he moved | bail of $5000. The University Extension lecture | Harry Cook, of Toronto, pleaded you the thre, Provincial Governments 'der his sponsorship. "their children. Mr. Knight said [to Hamilton. For many years he | [¢ will be recalled that some weeks | to-morrow evening at seven o'clock uilty to a charge of being intoxicate Get The Farly Start ,, ,. [might run to §10,000,000, He was | Zthat only the other day he had beer [0Wned and operated a barrel factory | ago Sinclair Robertson, of Port Per. [in the Genosha Hotel will be give od in a pliblie place, in Police Court | " Ey 1iw [a8ked it the figure quoted was ap- TRIO FURTHER REMANDED "visited by a man who wanted te In Grimsby. About four years ago | ry, surprised a man, believed to have | by Professor G, O, Smith, with this morning, The accused wag fin- | Rea). over avery word, of this {proximately correct, His reply was | Peter Mann, Vincent Kennedy as the sub- [od #10 and costs. in leu of i Wo h [heral cash prize offer Pl Aare "One cannot say positively until jund George Miller who were arraig- [that von 'get tomorrow's Dally me line crop 18 sold, Unless, however, ned in court on October 21st, on =send his children to school but was he as he big] of hit-and-run | heen Pike, in his chicken house and, | Thakery and his works Saunable to because of financial rea. (motorist an a een In poor | after being shot at by the intruder | ject (he will ape p bi y spend thirty days in jail ha Oauatia . . 8 In jo les or The Gazette and Chronicle In the prices improve, the losses pro- [charges of breaking into a freight Ssons, Mr, Knight had been assur. [health since then, He was a mem- | had the presence of mind to get the wm-- : | Spd by this man that he would do all (her of . 8t, John's Presbyterian [ number of the car in which the man [NEW TRUCKS "ROADED" NO FIRES, FIREMEN BUSY {which you will find complete de- {yhoo ho greater than the figure (caf in the Canadian National Rail- Zhe could for them, Church here, Surviving are six | was driving, The Oshawa and Prov-| A fine sight was presented yester THe: H id Gibdad » Htnils, wy hiank ae, hi In the quoted," way yards, were further remanded "Ritson Rd. school has a per- sons, Wiimer oF Ditawg, Amos of | incial Police were informed and an [day afternoon as eighteen Cheyrolet | [he Hife dupartiv J 48d Yio firey [ntl Jiank end al) ot RR Confidence above everything else, [Lis morning, The case against seentage of about sixty per cent, who mo « NY; Arthur of Cincin- | all-nigh hunt proved sruitless, How: [trucks, with box bodies, drove away (CE 0 HE 'ng, - Although tt : W ; | lately start [1 needed in handling the wheat: them will be heard tomorrow morn- 3 ¢ British descent," stated Mr nati, Norman of Regina, Wallace of | ever in the morning the car was trac: [from the General Motors factory ) have heen no fives during the La possible and immediately Start op cating situation, sald the Pre- [INE TKnteht "and the remainder of the | tratford and*Wray of Hamilton, | the home of Edison Pike at The cars proceeded west on tho lust twenty fhur hours, the force on phoning your closest friends und |niae who asserted that harmful | The accused gave Alberta as their "pupils are "New Canadians." Markham and officers proceeded [highway in a line almost half a mile uty during the day huve been busy [neighbors for - thelr support and | vopaganda is being eirculated, place of abode when they appeared *"' The pupils themselves are Ver JOHN ALLIN there to Make a arrest only 2 find [long, toward their destination, (JTBE Fepiity to tie qugive of the thelr Wbreript lols a ... in court on October 21st. They pot pu : that 'Pike had left to see a brother at 4 "ek, 8 truck is the pen Evenings | . : : were not asked to elect or plead to fanxious to. learn and In a grea It was wioibuted lear 1 | Orono. Police stationed at Bowman: [NOT ANTHRACITE {oldest in use by the department "ar the henefit of those who ean THUNDER IN OCTOBER the charge, p gmany cases these children whose of the passing of John nny 3 hed ville were despatched to Orono to The fact has been drawn to the [0d has seen much useful service not eall at the contest office during A thunder storm in summer is ne ---- r------ sharents had just Juseinly come (0 Oshawa's oldest and it. ra of get the man only to find again that [attention of The Times that in the | hrough the years, x business hours, the offices of the a thing to be looked for after a | A ROARING BUSINESS Canada excel all other Students in ed citizens. For many -- his | he had left and was on a trip to Tor [account of the activities of the Osh- | -- [Contest Manager at The Daily period of warm weather, but a Stores in Oshawa carrying Hal mont of Jie subjects, with o o3 shop was located on Simcoe Street | onto. Traffic Officer Hinchcliffe, of [awa harbour, It was stated thal HOW ABOUT 17? Times, Oshawa and Bowmanville as thunder storm during the colder lowe'en novelties are doing a roar. "Careful AOR good a north where Cawker's store now is, | Bowmanville. gave chase and met [the Valley Camp arrived with a Now that the season for flowers |well as The Gazette and Chronfele [1CA80N® of the Year is rather un. ng buniness this week and the week i oi Trigg The Bd Bg and thers he made all kinds of | Pike and his brother on their ve. cargo of anthracite. This statement {has passed away the logical thug [Whithy is onen every evening this usual to say the least, During fo, thene Mnerchants might well be 'children ideal Canadian citizens. brooms and hrushes, For the last | turn from Toronto and arrested him [18 in error, as it was learned that [todo is to prepare the garden for (week until 8 o'clock. Make your the heavy rain storm last night Sle Josperity Weok, Grotesque Given this, they will be able to cope | fourteen years however, his shop [in Oshawa, He was lodged in the [the steamer did not carry anthracite [next spring, = Hortleulturists gon: [start this week, DO IT NOW. several loud claps of thunder were 08 jay 8, Jepteavhting various with the numerous trials of life with | Wa8 oh Richmond street west, Two Bowmanville Jail and later removed |but soft coal, [erally agree that to get the best heard and for some time the elof- 1 Ly on #poo §, demons, hags, wit years ago he had the misfortune of | to Port Perry where he appeared and trical interference was quite notices | "NOH and tramps are being carefully : u -- os . able in the reception of radio pro- | PtOWed away fu some hidden recess by the ohildren for the great night much better success, Mr. Knight Toe) n J ! ie . " erp ---------- z3ited several bagi Where Wb Just ang ors) iiig 10 (ae fre which | was committed for trial, | i from any garden, all old flowers [grams - e care an y 0 ' . and plants should he remove » i : whe y br if] Bad, been Dut on the Eight Thedate ME AMR was 2 Fenian | Stock Market Prices the fil and the garden dug ed Ja The i Is more than un. ri lt caoine, to Jus track and given a better outlook on | Raid veteran and a learned scholar, | the frost sets In. There ave hun. [Usual since Ontario has been ox- | wy) and: distorted beings Who wil Jife, Mr. Knight displayed several | being able to converse on every sub Coming Events 2 dreds of gardens In the city which [POriORcing a cold wave. However, | arade the streets tn ghostly revels 'samples of work done by some of | ject, He was much beloved by old -- would he made ready for the spring | number of yoars ago, there Was {Prom behind some dark Ab : his "Yew Canadians." . and young alike for his belief in 8 Cents por word each in» | | } Market Summary by Canadian Press vight now so why not phone the em. heuvy thunder during a snow storm | or from some hidden alley ptr After Mr. Knight had concluded | 0Ing what wag right and there are sertion, Minimum charge Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by nloyment bureau and have an un. |! March when there was still sev | will he jumped upon by some in: 'his excellent address, the Kiwani- Hahy 38 Canvas todu? who ate ying for each insertion, 88¢ Higgar and Crawford, Alger Building, Oshawa employed oltlzen down to your eral feet of snow on the ground, human form which will issue = ans were entertained by four mem- PpYy, gra f In " : home and do this work for you? It is RAM bloodeurdling yell and then disap- bers of the Ritson Rd, School, Joe, |§entleman whe was always busy. TORONTO ; ------ = | will he helping someone who needs [FOUR KILLED WHEN pear an fast aw it appeared NEW YORK / : { Misorini wave a solo, enitied |, hegutiinl torrie vin, M00 in| MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, | Stock High Low Close | Stock High Low Clow [narion who owns the mrden to nave| TRAIN IS WRECKED : t po ° ad enjoyed a great deal hy | Canon De Pencler officiated, on Oc-( Ross Corners, Phone 2894, Homo Br. A, Oll 16% 15% 3 Am, Can, 120% 120 2 hotter results next year the Stottish members of the club. tober 16th. * tuny beautiful floral | untileThureday, ue Sue LB Hh HRA FLA HY 4 : -- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Little Miss Mary Yourkevich gave a | tributes speak of how much the de=| vu nase EDDA. PALMIST, 224 Sha BE Am, Tel. 3 DOW 10 ernie wae Perigeux, France, Oot, 29,~T1 2 \ \ , 32 Dig. Sgm, 97% 7 Am. or. 351 951 ME FLIES \ v Oot, 29, \e Gola dahe, whieh van much cused vis swoemed ad ov Ho] MAPAMRIERRN, PATTI | bl Jem 4nd Ama" S00 Bo 34 | on TONY the month at tober, | Gator, Boru Groin, vas de " y 5 " no jy N30 w h oe year A) our persons he program was a mandolin duet,| Union cemetery, RUMMAGE SALE, 20 SIMCOE dg H Heth, Bteel 73% Rh 7 3 8 Will Mid the our Kogdby he wore killed and their bodlen taken THUR, . FRI, "Dy Mary Yourkevich and Mary An-| A son fn Oshawa and several| North, October 31, 2. o'clock, Hs Wal a oy Byers AM, 80% - hol ered In rominding us that there are| from the wreckage, Several were 'tonyehyn, Michael Kapniki gave a [grandchildren as well as great| Mary St. Home & School Club, | pod. oi 31 Y 3 | Om FL Co, 18. 18 but #1 more days in the old year | Injured, It was not known if any Tittany Presents "¥iolin solo and an encore which |grandchildren are left to mourn the (101D) Int. Ul "a7 Chrysler .. 174 16% " | 1t seems a very short time ago since | forelgners were included in th {1 tl "Pleased the gathering very much, [passing of a beloved father Int, NkI, 181 Fox Mim. 28%. 1% OI Ye hOK a ) \ in ns eT . HALLOWE'EN BE PA Int. Pet. 16 Gon. lec. 8% 50, : we were talking about the new year | casualty list, Cause of tho accel oroug - I Dr. B. J. Hazlewood replied on (Rochester Papers please copy) NEFIT PARTY ( rmp. OF 16% Gon, Mot, 30% Baie * land its hopes and resolutions and | dent was not determined, . Fie 4 4 as they say in Latin "Tempus Fu. ------ A vivid drama of Sporting "behalf of the club, in & few words. in Engel's Hall, Thursday, h B, h p b October 80, Auspices of 1,01", Ma. ws 13% ' Y 3 Jot Tel, vn B00 300 % | git," time flies. A Boston paper, after running a Life Me, h { Mt, Ward 209% 20% p ------------ oheas column for 16 years, abandon+ "n which he summed up the great rors which wa Sites to Admission 10c, (101a) Shaw 69 61 Net, Cash 48 a aa « ; ai MURA Gout 13 13 od. it in favor of articles on back. Comedy e Kiwanians, to help these "New Too La H a i , . 28 14 an 1 ajiL |p y ali 2 Baty pete Toe Too Late To Cluy an, Jane smaser, cunt) © Si lg int 6 RC BB | Cod of Thanke [hin BEL AT] : ' 0 INT -- 'FOUR ROOMS,| ¢ ' y , 4 4 kth, 9 sag' al ------ dittle performers, for the splendid] graye house, toilet, water and eee Biroct Hadlos Fy "i 15 15 --_-- ou. fin. 3h Bond Born AUDIO REVIEW 'talk and entertainment, Which re-| jignt north, Phone 1691W NE Graos ae %) Hy, Gola 18% 814 i | noma. v 10% 100 Mra. Roy Hond wishes: to ox. "oeived a very hearty response, ig * (1010) reup. (oly) Uy. Goa 18y 134 184 | 86 NI .. 5 54% press her sincere thanks to Dn PRE FOX NEWS "= President "Bob" Smith extended RUMMAGE SALE, 20 SIMCOE | Nrnda. 138s 1675 Jias U8, Rubber 14 ] 14 Brown, Nurses Buchanan and [ BOOTH--On Saturday, October 28, "his thanks to Mr. Knight and the) THREE ROOMS TO RENT, ALL north, October 81, 9 o'clock sh, Grd 100 100 167 U.S, Steel 15014 148% 140% | Duckwich and the nursing staff of 1080, to Mr, and Mrs, Leslie V. Today "meeting Was brought to a close with | conveniences, - with garage, 262| Mary St. Home and School Club. ['Sd. Rs. 70 70 00 Yemdiom 52% ot b | Oshawa Hospital for thelr kind-| Booth, (neo Mae Stephens), 337 "MONTANA " the singing of "0, Canada." Bruce Street, (101b) (1010) x 7 70 Yel. Truck 114 10% ness shown her in her recent wer Kingsdale Avenue, the gift of a A SKIES ) . Hg. 610 610 610 Money 2 per cent, fous illness, A101a) son, (10a) N